Coastal Engineering ZZ1268

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PURPOSE: To introduce the Goda method as an alternative to the Minikin
method for the determination of breaking wave forces on semirigid wall
INTRODUCTION: Prediction of breaking wave forces on vertical walls is
required for the design of wall structures in coastal waters.
The Standard
procedure followed by most harbor and coastal engineers in the US is the
Minikin method documented in detail in the Shore Protection Manual (SPM,
1984). As the Minikin method is based on the shock pressure caused by
breaking waves, the resulting forces and structure designs analyzed by using
this procedure are generally considered to be conservative. The SPM cautions
its users about the extremely high wave forces associated with the Minikin
.A less conservative method recommended by Goda (1974) is an alternative
procedure for breaking wave force determination. The Technical Standards
for Port and Harbour Facilities & J apan (1980) has adopted the Goda method
but cautions that this method may underestimate the wave force. A factor of
safety of 1.2 is recommended for structure design against sliding and
overturning. The rationale of using the Goda method for design analysis is
that the duration of the impulsive breaking force is relatively brief, on the
order of tenth or hundredth of a second, and the effect of this force on the
stability of massive concrete wall structures, particularly those with rubble
mound bases, may be rather insignificant.
In design practice, conditions that
cause the occurrence of impulsive wave loading on structures should be
avoided (Goda, 1985). For sensitive coastal structures, physical modeling may
be required to ascertain the avoidance of impulsive breaking wave conditions.
U. S. Ar my En& eer Wat er w ay-s Ex per i ment St at i on, Coast al En@w er i ng Resear c h Cent er
P. 0. Box 631, Vi c k sbur g, Mi ssi ssi ppi 39160
The integration of pressure distribution on the
wall yields the force per unit length of the structure, F,
where hc is the centroid of the pressure prism defined by PI and P4 above
the mean water level. The overturning moment, M due to waves is
.\ I =F . hc
where hc is the centroid of pressure prism above the wall base.
APPLI CATI ON PROCEDURE: The Goda method is developed for the design of
caisson type breakwaters with rubble foundations. The following procedures
are recommended for the design analysis.
a. Select a design sea state and identify the significant wave height, Hs,
and significant wave period, Ts.
b. Determine h by h=D+S.m.H,, where m is the bottom slope.
c. Calculate the breaking wave height, Hb, at h. Note that if I % is greater
than the maximum wave height of the design sea state, there will be no
breaking wave force exerted on the wall. I n that case, use the maximum wave
height for the wave force analysis or use methods described in the SPM
(1984). The maximum wave height may be estimated as 1.8 times HI according
to Godal 1985).
d. Calculate wavelength L for depth D using the significant wave period of
the design sea state and the linear wave theory or Tables C-l and G-2 of
Appendix C of the SPM.
e. Calculate the wave force and moment using Goda equations provided in
this note.
EXAMPLE: Given a vertical wall, 4.3 m (14 ft.) high sited in sea water with ds
= 2.5 m (8.2 ft.). The wall is built on a bottom slope of 1:20 (m = 0.05).
Reasonable wave periods range from 6 to 10 seconds. Find the maximum
pressure, horizontal force, and overturning moment about the toe of the wall.
Since there is no rubble mound base, the water depth D = ds = 2.5 m. For T
= 10 seconds, find by using Figure 7-4 of the SPM, the design breaking wave
height, Hb = 3.2 m. Without knowledge of significant wave height, Ha, the
breaking depth, h, is determined directly by using Figure 7-2, which yields h
= 3.07 m. The wave breaks at a distance of 11.4 m ( ~(3.07 - 2.5)/.05) from
the w-all. Using Table C-l of Appendix C, SPM or computer program
SI XW.A\ -ES, w-ave length, L at D = 2.5 m is determined to be 48.7 m. Then,
a, , a:, and a, are calculated to be 1.036, 0.101, and 0.950, respectively.
R = 1.5 Hb = 4.8 m > 1.8 m (overtopping)
The pressure components are calculated as
P. = u -u2;'w.H,
=36.-4kN/ m2
Pj =Clj.Pi
=P, - 3.0/4.8
=22 .8kN/mi
The total horizontal force due to breaking wave is
F = .5+, +P,j. 1 .8+ .5+,+ P&2.5
= 142 kN/ m
The overturning moment about the toe excluding moments due to uplift and
hydrostatic forces is
M= 289 kN-m/ m
Similar procedures are used to calculate the peak pressure, force and moment
on the wall due to the 6 second wave. This example is the same as .EXAMPLE
PROBLEM 34 of Page 7-182 of SPM. The comparison with results based on the
Minikin method are summarized in the following table.
Goda Method Minikin Method
Wave Period (set) 6 10 6 10
Pl (kN/ m 1 26.6 36.4 336 176
F (kN/ m) 99.6 142 309 194
M (kN-m/ m) 204 289 772 485
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information contact the CERC Coastal
Design Branch, (601) 634-2067.
Goda, I-. 1974. New Wave Pressure Formulae for Composite Breakwater,
Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Copenhagen,
Goda, Y. 1385, Random Seas and Design of Maritime Structures, University of
-- -
Tokyo Press, Toyko, J apan.
Shore Protection Manual, 4th ed., 1984. Coastal Engineering Research Center,
US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, US Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC.
Technical Standards for Port and Harbor Facilities a J apan.
1980. The
Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of J apan, Tokyo, J apan.

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