Stability Formula For Tetrapod Incorporating Slope Effect: Coastal Engineering Proceedings December 2012

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Stability formula for tetrapod incorporating slope effect

Article  in  Coastal Engineering Proceedings · December 2012

DOI: 10.9753/icce.v33.structures.39


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2 authors, including:

Kyung-Duck Suh
Seoul National University


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Kyung-Duck Suh2 and Jin-Sung Kang3

To develop a stability formula for Tetrapods armoring rubble mound breakwaters, sixty hydraulic model tests have
been conducted for various wave conditions and slope angles of breakwaters. The test results are used, along with the
data of previous researchers, to develop a new stability formula. The developed formula is proven to be applicable to
breakwaters with various slope angles with reasonable accuracy. It is also shown to be applicable to low-crested
breakwaters and different packing densities, if the corresponding terms are incorporated in the formula. The
uncertainty of the proposed formula is also given.

Keywords: armor units; breakwaters; hydraulic models; model tests; stability; Tetrapods

A rubble mound breakwater is the most primitive but still-widely-used breakwater, and Tetrapod is
one of the armor units that are widely used all over the world. Hudson (1959) proposed a stability
formula for Tetrapods based on the results of small-scale model tests using regular waves. Van der
Meer (1988) proposed a formula using irregular wave test results for surging waves. A similar type of
formula was proposed by De Jong (1996) for plunging waves, which contains additional terms that take
into account the influence of crest elevation and packing density. Later Van der Meer (2000)
recommended using these formulas as a set of formulas that intersect at the point of minimum stability.
The formulas of Van der Meer (1988) and De Jong (1996) include the effects of wave period, storm
duration, and damage level, which were not included in the Hudson’s (1959) formula. On the other
hand, Hanzawa et al. (1996) proposed a formula similar to Van der Meer (1988) for a horizontally
composite breakwater, i.e. a caisson breakwater covered with Tetrapods on its seaside.
The formulas of Van der Meer (1988) and De Jong (1996) have restrictions that they can only be
used for the structure slope of 1:1.5. In this study, we develop a formula which can be used for various
structure slopes based on hydraulic model test results of the present and previous studies. In the
following section, the hydraulic model tests are described, the results of which are used for the
derivation of the stability formula in the next section. The developed formula is then compared with the
present and other researchers’ test results, and its accuracy and uncertainty are examined. Finally major
conclusions are given.


Tests were carried out in the wave flume at the Hydraulic and Coastal Engineering Laboratory of
Seoul National University. Fig. 1 shows the arrangement of the model breakwater and wave gauges.
The flume was 36-m long, 1.0-m wide, and 1.2-m deep. It was equipped with a piston-type wave
generator at one end, and a quarter-ellipse-shape wave absorber at the other. A horizontal bed with a
1/25 foreshore slope was installed at the elevation of 20 cm from the bottom of the flume. The
breakwater model was placed at a distance of 25 m from the wave maker and a few centimeters from
the beginning of the horizontal bed. The test section was divided into two channels by a vertical wall
along the wave flume, each having a width of 0.6 m and 0.4 m, respectively. The breakwater was
installed in the wider channel and the other channel was left empty. To measure the incident waves,
three wave gauges were installed in the empty channel. The free surface displacements measured by
these wave gauges were used to separate the incident and reflected waves using the method of Suh et al.
(2001). Even though the channel is empty, wave reflection occurs from the sloping bed and wave
absorber. Waves were generated at a water depth of 0.6 m and the water depth at the structure was 0.4
Tetrapods were used for the armor layer, the main characteristics of which were: height H T = 6.2
cm; nominal size Dn = 4.03 cm; mass density ρ a = 2.3 gr/cm3; weight W = 150.5 gr; and layer
thickness 8.0 cm. The underlayer consisted of stones of nominal size Dn50 = 2.0 − 2.5 cm and
thickness of 6.0 cm, while the core consisted of stones of nominal size Dn 50 = 1.3 cm. Three different

This paper is an extended version of the technical note ‘Stability formula for Tetrapods’ published in Journal of
Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 138(3), 261-266 (2012).
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul
151-744, Republic of Korea. [email protected]
Civil Division, POSCO E&C, 36 Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon 406-732, Republic of Korea.
[email protected]

slopes of structure were tested, i.e. cot θ = 1.33 , 1.5, and 2.0, where θ = angle of structure slope
measured from horizontal. Fig. 2 shows the cross-section of the breakwater of slope of 1:1.5, which is
similar to that used in the test of Van der Meer (1988). A little wave overtopping occurred when the
significant wave height was greater than 18 cm. Tetrapods were placed in two layers. The upper layer
Tetrapods were placed randomly on the regularly placed lower layer. Since the Tetrapods in contact
with the sidewalls of the flume have less degree of interlocking, they were fixed not to move and were
not included in the calculation of damage. For cot θ = 1.33 , 1.5, and 2.0, the numbers of Tetrapods
were 380, 399, and 456, and the slope areas were 0.585, 0.609, and 0.709 m2, respectively, so that the
packing density was 1.05.
In order to cover both plunging and surging waves, the wave steepness varied between 0.012 and
0.056. Four different mean wave periods were applied: Tz = 1.36, 1.67, 2.10, and 2.45 s. For each
wave period, five different significant wave heights ranging from 9 to 19 cm were used. Therefore, 20
tests were conducted for each different slope angle, which resulted in a total of 60 tests.

Figure 1. Sketch of wave flume and experimental setup.

Figure 2. Cross-section of breakwater (slope=1:1.5).


The wave measurement was made during the test on the flat bottom before the sloping beach as
shown in Fig. 1. However, we have to know the wave height at the toe of the breakwater. In order to
obtain the relationship between the wave heights at the two places, wave measurements were made
there before the breakwater was installed. A linear relationship was obtained between the wave heights
for each wave period. This relationship was used in the conversion of the measured wave height on the
flat bottom to that at the toe of the breakwater.
The modified Bretschneider-Mitsuyasu spectrum (Goda 2000) was used, which is equivalent to the
Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum:

S ( f ) = 0.205 H s2Ts−4 f −5 exp[−0.75(Ts f ) −4 ] (1)

where S ( f ) = wave spectral density function; f = frequency; H s = significant wave height; and
Ts = significant wave period. The mean wave period was calculated by using the relationship
Tz = Ts / 1.2 .
Each complete test consists of a short generation of small waves for stabilizing the Tetrapods, a
test of 1000 waves, an intermediate photographing, a test of 2000 more waves, and a final
photographing. The location and time of the displacing Tetrapods were observed by eyes during the test.
A Tetrapod was regarded to be displaced when it moved more than one diameter, when it came back to
its position after short displacement, or when it rotated more than 180° . After each complete test the
armor layer was removed and rebuilt.


The test results are summarized in Table 1, in which N 0 = relative damage which is the number of
displaced armor units in a width (along the longitudinal axis of the breakwater) of one nominal size;
and N = number of waves. The significant wave height and period were calculated by applying the
zero-crossing method to the incident wave profile obtained from the wave separation.
The derivation of stability formula closely follows the procedure described in Van der Meer
(1987a). First, by using the data in Table 1, damage curves are drawn for each wave period and storm
duration (i.e. number of waves). An example of such damage curves is shown in Fig. 3. From these
damage curves, the values of H s / ΔDn are taken for N 0 of 0, 0.5, and 1.5, and the corresponding surf
similarity parameters are calculated. Here Δ = ρ a / ρ w − 1 is the relative mass density, and ρ w is the
mass density of water. The surf similarity parameter is given by ξ z = tan θ / S z , in which
S z = H s / L0 and L0 = gTz2 / (2π ) . The data set is augmented with the data of Van der Meer (1987b)
and De Jong (1996) of the similar crest elevation and packing density to the present test. Fig. 4 shows
the influence of the surf similarity parameter and slope angle on the stability number, N s = H s / ΔDn .
Results are shown for the damage N 0 = 0.5 after a wave attack of 1,000 waves. The curves are the
stability formula that is derived subsequently in the paper. Note that cot θ = 1.5 for the data of Van der
Meer (1987b) and De Jong (1996). There are six figures similar to Fig. 4 for different combinations of
N 0 (=0.0, 0.5, and 1.5) and N (=1,000 and 3,000), which are used for the derivation of the formula.
To obtain the formula consistent with those proposed by Van der Meer (1987b) and De Jong
(1996), the stability formula is expressed in terms of the following dimensionless variables: H s / ΔDn ,
ξ z , cot θ , and N 0 / N . Two stability formulas are proposed, one for plunging waves and one for
surging waves.
For plunging waves on the left side of Fig. 4, the surf similarity parameter, ξ z , describes the
influence of slope angle and wave steepness on stability. These influences can be described by a power
function: H s / ΔDn = a1ξ zb with a1 = f ( N 0 / N ) . The coefficient b1 is determined by a regression

analysis for each of the six cases as in Table 2. The average value is approximately −0.4 . Assuming
a1 = a2 N 00.5 / N 0.25 + a3 , the coefficient a3 is determined by a regression analysis as in Table 3. For the
case of N 0 = 0.0 , the average value is 3.25. Now the stability formula can be written as
H s / ΔDn = (a2 N 00.5 / N 0.25 + 3.25)ξ z−0.4 . To determine the coefficient a2 by a regression analysis, both
the stability numbers read off form the damage curves for constant damage levels and the measured

values (i.e., the data in Table 1) are used. In each case, the value of a2 is 9.40 and 8.92, respectively,
and the average value is 9.2.
For surging waves on the right side of Fig. 4, different curves are shown for different slope angles.
The procedure similar to plunging waves can be followed for surging waves, although the surf
similarity parameter does not cover the influence of the slope angle. The influence of the wave
steepness is described by H s / ΔDn = a1ξ zb with a1 = f ( N 0 / N , cot θ ) . For surging waves, 18 values

of b1 were obtained by regression analyses as in Table 4 because different values of b1 were

determined for different slope angles. The average value of b1 is approximately 0.4. The influence of
the slope angle can be described by H s / ΔDn = a2 (cot θ )b ξ z0.4 with a2 = f ( N 0 / N ) . The coefficient

Table 1. Test results.

Hs N0 Hs N0
Case Slope Tz (s) Case Slope Tz (s)
(cm) N=1000 N=3000 (cm) N=1000 N=3000
1 1:4/3 1.36 9.4 0.074 0.074 31 1:1.5 2.08 12.5 0.004 0.004
2 1.35 12.4 0.221 0.221 32 2.11 13.8 0.074 0.074
3 1.36 14.2 0.442 0.516 33 2.09 14.7 0.074 0.147
4 1.36 15.6 1.032 1.475 34 2.08 15.7 0.221 0.442
5 1.40 17.3 1.770 3.466 35 2.05 17.6 0.369 1.549
6 1.66 8.9 0.004 0.004 36 2.53 12.6 0.004 0.004
7 1.64 12.2 0.004 0.221 37 2.51 14.3 0.074 0.074
8 1.65 13.4 0.004 0.369 38 2.49 15.1 0.074 0.221
9 1.66 14.4 0.295 0.959 39 2.34 18.7 0.737 2.434
10 1.68 16.1 0.737 5.383 40 2.36 19.2 0.959 2.065
11 2.10 12.4 0.074 0.074 41 1:2 1.32 8.7 0.004 0.004
12 2.13 13.6 0.074 0.147 42 1.34 11.6 0.004 0.147
13 2.14 15.9 0.295 0.516 43 1.34 13.3 0.295 0.516
14 2.16 16.9 0.885 1.917 44 1.36 14.9 0.221 0.590
15 2.15 18.7 1.991 5.162 45 1.39 16.6 0.885 2.876
16 2.57 12.3 0.074 0.074 46 1.66 8.9 0.004 0.004
17 2.53 14.0 0.369 0.442 47 1.68 11.6 0.004 0.147
18 2.52 14.8 0.074 0.369 48 1.69 12.9 0.074 0.221
19 2.36 16.9 2.212 3.614 49 1.69 13.9 0.074 0.221
20 2.31 17.7 1.475 5.752 50 1.69 15.4 0.590 1.106
21 1:1.5 1.34 9.2 0.074 0.074 51 2.08 11.9 0.004 0.004
22 1.36 12.3 0.147 0.369 52 2.11 13.2 0.004 0.004
23 1.36 14.0 0.147 0.959 53 2.10 14.0 0.004 0.147
24 1.36 15.6 0.590 1.106 54 2.09 14.9 0.295 0.442
25 1.41 17.5 0.811 1.696 55 2.06 16.8 0.442 0.885
26 1.67 9.0 0.004 0.004 56 2.50 11.7 0.074 0.147
27 1.65 12.2 0.004 0.147 57 2.49 13.4 0.004 0.004
28 1.67 13.5 0.295 0.516 58 2.48 14.2 0.147 0.369
29 1.67 14.5 0.221 0.442 59 2.37 17.0 0.664 1.032
30 1.69 16.1 0.885 1.991 60 2.31 17.2 0.590 1.180

Figure 3. Example of damage curve of cot θ = 1.33 and Tz = 1.37 s.


b2 is determined by a regression analysis, and the average value is 0.45. Expressing

a2 = a3 N 00.5 / N 0.25 + a4 , the coefficient a4 is determined by a regression analysis as in Table 5. For the
case of N 0 = 0.0 , the average value is 0.85. Finally, following the same procedure as plunging waves,
the coefficient a3 is determined as 5.0.
Now, the stability formula is proposed as

Hs ⎡⎛ N 00.5 ⎞ ⎛ N 00.5 ⎞ ⎤
= max ⎢⎜⎜ 9.2 0.25 + 3.25 ⎟⎟ ξ z−0.4 , ⎜⎜ 5.0 0.25 + 0.85 ⎟⎟ (cot θ )0.45 ξ z0.4 ⎥ (2)
ΔDn ⎣⎢⎝ N ⎠ ⎝ N ⎠ ⎦⎥

Figure 4. stability number versus surf similarity parameter in the case of N 0 = 0.5 and N = 1, 000 .

Table 2. Coefficient b1 for plunging waves.

N0 b1(N=1000) b1(N=3000)
0 -0.678 -0.624
0.5 -0.256 -0.316
1.5 -0.373 -0.184

Table 3. Coefficient a3 for plunging waves.

N0 a3(N=1000) a3(N=3000)
0 3.359 3.160
0.5 4.495 4.103
1.5 5.332 4.807

Table 4. Coefficient b1 for surging waves.

N=1000 N=3000
1.33 1.5 2.0 1.33 1.5 2.0
0.0 0.832 0.528 0.993 0.591 0.550 0.933
0.5 0.267 0.324 0.417 0.172 0.255 0.326
1.5 0.087 0.132 0.122 0.160 0.319 0.329

Table 5. Coefficient a4 for surging waves.

N0 a4(N=1000) a4(N=3000)
0 0.868 0.863
0.5 1.422 1.287
1.5 1.685 1.458

The preceding equation is basically the same as those of Van der Meer (1988) and De Jong (1996),
except that a slope angle term is included in the surging wave formula and the first coefficients (i.e., 9.2
and 5.0) are a little larger.
The transition from plunging waves to surging waves can be calculated using
⎡ 9.2 N 00.5 / N w0.25 + 3.25 ⎤
ξ zc = ⎢ ⎥ (3)
⎢⎣ ( 5.0 N 0 / N w + 0.85 ) (cot θ ) ⎥⎦
0.5 0.25 0.45

However, one could compare the formulas and take the one that gives the higher stability number.
De Jong (1996) proposed a formula similar to the plunging wave formula in Eq. (2), but De Jong’s
formula contains additional terms that take into account the influence of crest elevation and packing
density. Borrowing these terms, Eq. (2) can be written as
⎡⎛ N 00.5 ⎞ −0.4 ⎤
⎢ ⎜⎜ 9.2 0.25 + 3.25 f (φ ) ⎟⎟ ξ z f ( Rc / Dn ), ⎥
Hs ⎢⎝ N ⎠ ⎥
= max ⎢ ⎥ (4)
ΔDn ⎢⎛ 5.0 N 0 + 0.85 f (φ ) ⎞ (cot θ )0.45 ξ 0.4 f ( R / D ) ⎥

⎢⎜⎜ ⎟
⎟ n ⎥
N 0.25
z c
⎣⎝ ⎠ ⎦
f (φ ) = 0.40 + 0.61φ / φSPM (5)

f ( Rc / Dn ) = 1 + 0.17 exp(−0.61Rc / Dn ) (6)

φ = packing density, the normal value of which is 1.02; φSPM = packing density given in the Shore
Protection Manual (U.S. Army 1984), which is 1.04 for Tetrapods; and Rc = crest elevation of the


Fig. 5 compares the measured stability number with the prediction by Eq. (2) for the test results of
the present study and other researchers: Van der Meer (1987b), De Jong (1996), and KORDI (Korea
Ocean Research & Development Institute, 2001). Only the data of high-crested breakwaters and normal
packing density of De Jong (1996) were used. The data of KORDI was for a breakwater of the slope
angle of 1:1.33. The index of agreement is 0.843. The index of agreement is a statistical parameter
proposed by Willmott (1981) as a measure of the degree to which a model’s predictions are error-free.
It varies between 0 and 1.0, where 1.0 indicates perfect agreement between observation and prediction,
and 0 connotes complete disagreement. Fig. 6 compares the measured stability number with the
prediction by Eq. (4). The data of low-crested breakwaters and lower packing density of De Jong
(1996) were additionally included. The index of agreement is 0.857, indicating that Eq. (4) including
additional terms for crest elevation and packing density is slightly more accurate than Eq. (2). All the
over-predicted data points located around the predicted stability number of 5.0 in Figs. 5 and 6 are the
cases of cot θ = 1.33 , H s / ΔDn > 3.0 , and N = 3, 000 except one case in which N = 1, 000 . This
implies that the developed formula over-predicts the stability number in the case where a steep
breakwater is designed for a storm of large wave height and long duration.
The formula (2) is also shown in Fig. 7 together with all the data excluding the data of low-crested
breakwaters and lower packing density of De Jong (1996). The plunging wave formula and surging
wave formula are shown separately. The transition from plunging to surging waves was calculated with
Eq. (3). The plunging wave formula agrees well with the test data. The surging wave formula also
agrees well with the test data except for several data of the present test, which correspond to the over-
predicted data in Fig. 5.

Figure 5. Comparison of stability number between measurement and prediction by Eq. (2) for all available
data excluding low-crested breakwaters and lower packing density of De Jong (1996).

Figure 6. Comparison of stability number between measurement and prediction by Eq. (4) for all available
data including low-crested breakwaters and lower packing density of De Jong (1996).



Figure 7. Comparison of present stability formula against all available data excluding low-crested
breakwaters and lower packing density of De Jong (1996): (a) plunging wave formula; (b) surging wave


Since the 1980s, reliability-based design methods have been developed for breakwater designs,
which will be the mainstream of future breakwater designs. Most of the design formulas have been
developed based on hydraulic model test results, and the uncertainty of the formula is important in the
reliability-based design. The stability formula proposed in this study can be written in the form of a
reliability function:

G = aΔDn ⎡⎣9.2 N 00.5 / N 0.25 + 3.25 f (φ ) ⎤⎦ f ( Rc / Dn ) − H sξ z0.4
or aΔDn ⎡⎣5.0 N 00.5 / N 0.25 + 0.85 f (φ ) ⎤⎦ (cot θ )0.45 f ( Rc / Dn ) − H sξ z−0.4 = 0

where a = variable signifying the uncertainty inherent in the formula. The uncertainty of a random
variable is best given by a probability distribution. However, because the true distribution is rarely
known, it is common to assume a normal distribution and a related coefficient of variation defined as
σ '= (8)
as the measure of the uncertainty, where μ and σ are the mean and standard deviation, respectively.
In order to calculate these statistical characteristics of the variable a , it was expressed as

H sξ z0.4
⎡ N 00.5 ⎤
ΔDn ⎢9.2 0.25 + 3.25 f (φ ) ⎥ f ( Rc / Dn )
⎣ N ⎦
H sξ z−0.4
⎡ N 00.5 ⎤
ΔDn ⎢5.0 0.25 + 0.85 f (φ ) ⎥ (cot θ )0.45 f ( Rc / Dn )
⎣ N ⎦
The mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation obtained using the data of the present tests
are 0.972, 0.134, and 0.138, respectively. These values are 0.957, 0.133, and 0.139, respectively, if we
include the data of low-crested breakwaters and low packing densities of De Jong (1996). Therefore,
the bias and coefficient of variation of the proposed formula are −0.04 and 0.14, respectively.

We proposed a stability formula for Tetrapods armoring a rubble mound breakwater based on
hydraulic model test results of the present and previous studies. The proposed formula was proven to
be applicable to breakwaters with various slope angles. It was also shown to be applicable to low-
crested breakwaters and different packing densities if the corresponding terms are incorporated in the
formula. The proposed formula over-predicts the stability number in the case where a steep breakwater
is designed for a storm of large wave height and long storm duration. The bias and coefficient of
variation of the proposed formula are −0.04 and 0.14, respectively. A study for the influence of the
permeability of the filter layer may be necessary in the future.

This research was supported by the Project for Development of Reliability-Based Design Methods
for Port and Harbor Structures sponsored by Korea Ministry of Land, Transport and Marine Affairs.
This work was conducted at the Engineering Research Institute of Seoul National University.

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