Fba Final

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Functional Behavioural Assessment

General Information
Iron Man is a seven-year-old boy who attends grade 2 at a public school in Calgary. He is a generally
happy child who is eager to please adults but requires further development of his social skills. Iron Man
is newly arrived to Canada and is an English Language Learner. The problem behaviour is that Iron Man
has been observed to purposely make inappropriate loud noises in front of his classmates. Specifically,
Iron Man has been observed to belch and pass gas loudly as well as to make other loud noises with his
mouth (i.e. clicking his tongue or making vocal sounds) which are distracting and offensive to his peers
and teachers. This behaviour has been observed to occur frequently, about once every period during the
school day, except for when Iron Man is receiving 1:1 attention or is engaged in certain activities (i.e.
physical education). It seems that the behaviour happens when the teacher is attending to other
students, at times when his peers are not directly interacting with him, or when he is asked to answer a
question for which he does not have the answer.
The suggestion that this behaviour could be related to a medical/physiological or mental health concern
(i.e. tics/Tourettes) has been ruled out by the respective professionals. Therefore, this FBA is being
conducted to determine the function of the behaviour in hopes that it can be replaced with a more
appropriate behaviour instead. The FBA was conducted in the school environment, with observations
conducted in the classroom, during lunch/recess, and in other environments in the school (i.e. gym,
library, etc.) over the course of one day.

Information Gathering -
Information was gathered in two ways an interview with the teacher and classroom observation (ABC
chart). The teacher was able to provide information related to when the behaviour occurred and under
what circumstances over the course of one day, and described this as typical of Iron Mans every day
behaviour at school. This information was compiled into an ABC chart as seen below:
Setting Event Antecedent Behaviour Consequence
DEAR time (Drop
Everything and Read)
Students are asked to
read somewhat
difficult texts quietly at
their desks
Iron Man makes
clicking noises with his
mouth and belches
Reprimand from
teacher, other students
laugh, reading time is
Language Arts
A student is presenting
a project to the class;
students are reminded
to focus on presenter
Iron Man repeatedly
clears his throat, starts
quietly but gets louder
while looking around at
his peers
Reprimand from
teacher in hallway, Iron
Man is removed from
class for whole period
Iron Man is asked to
provide the answer to
a math problem
Iron Man passes gas
loudly in front of the
Other students laugh;
Teacher asks Iron Man
to go use the
Classroom teacher asks
student groups to work
together on science
projects while she
assists one student
Iron Man belches
loudly and
grunts/makes other
noises in his group
A student in his group
tells the teacher; Iron
Man is moved and
asked to complete his
work beside the
Fine Arts
Students are asked to
create singing groups
Iron Man makes a siren
noise and then laughs
Other students laugh, a
pair of boys asks him to
of 3 join their group

Summary of Behaviour & Information
Iron Man engages in the problem behaviour of making inappropriate loud noises in the classroom (i.e.
belching, passing gas, and making various other noises). These behaviours seem to occur in the
classroom during various periods, after he is asked to respond in class when he does not know the
answer or when he is not receiving direct attention from his teacher or his peers. Consequences of the
behaviour vary depending on the situation, but include reprimand, removal, direct supervision as well as
positive or negative reactions from peers. The function of the behaviour seems to be three-fold:
receiving attention from his teacher, receiving attention from his peers, and avoiding/escaping difficult

Behaviour Intervention Plan
It has been determined that Iron Mans behaviour has three main functions: attention seeking from
peers, attention seeking from adults, and avoidance of difficult academic tasks. The following plan is
suggested to replace the problem behaviours with more desirable behaviours which meet the same

Desired Replacement Behaviour & Consequences
Short-term goal: Iron Man will gradually reduce the number of inappropriate loud noises over the next
4-6 weeks and will gradually increase usage of more appropriate behaviours.
Long-term goal: Iron Man will consistently engage in behaviours which are acceptable by his classroom
teacher and which are not disruptive to his peers; Iron Man will seek attention in appropriate ways and
communicate difficulty with a task in an acceptable manner (by 9 week mark)
Below are a few examples of alternate replacement behaviours for certain setting events. These
behaviours have been selected in order to meet the same/similar functions with more appropriate

Setting Event: DEAR
Desired Behaviour:
Iron Man will work
independently on the
Consequence: Teacher
praise, the task is
completed without
Problem Behaviour:
Clicking noise with
mouth and loud
Reprimand from
teacher, other students
laugh, reading time is
Alternate Replacement
Iron Man will request
reading material which
is at his reading level
Consequence: Teacher
attention, experiences
success with task
Iron Man is asked to
read independently

Setting Event:
Language Arts
Desired Behaviour:
Iron Man will focus
attention on the
Consequence: Teacher
praise, learning from
presentation, focused
Problem Behaviour:
Repeatedly and loudly
clearing throat
Reprimand from
teacher, removal from
Alternate Replacement
Iron Man will have the
chance to ask one
question to the
presenter at the end
Consequence: learning from
presentation, teacher
praise, positive attention on
him as he asks a question
Antecedent: Iron Man
is asked to listen
quietly to the
Setting Event: Math
Desired Behaviour:
Iron Man will answer
the question without
Consequence: Teacher
praise, the task is
completed without incident
Problem Behaviour:
Passing gass loudly
reprimand, removal and
escape from difficult
Alternate Replacement
Iron Man will request help
with the task or request an
easier question
teacher attention
and experiences
success with task
Iron Man is asked to
provide the answer to a

The above diagrams are examples of replacement behaviours and their consequences. For
times when the function of Iron Mans problem behaviour is to escape difficult tasks,
replacement behaviours have been suggested which will allow him to more effectively
communicate difficulty and either request help or request work at his academic level which will
remove the need for inappropriate behaviours. On the other hand, when the function of the
behaviour is to gain attention from peers or teachers, replacement behaviours have been
suggested which will give Iron Man the attention he is seeking, however in more positive and
acceptable ways. The above diagrams also outline reinforcing consequences for the
replacement behaviours. For example, the fact that Iron Man will experience success with
academic tasks will reinforce the desired behaviour of asking for help/asking for different tasks,
and the fact that Iron Man will receive positive attention from adults and peers will reinforce
the desired behaviour of focused listening and appropriate classroom interactions.

Select Strategies & Environmental Manipulations
In addition to Iron Man changing his own behaviour, certain changes can be made to the
environment which may make it easier for Iron Mans behaviour to improve. These are
suggested below:
Ensure that academic materials are matched with Iron Mans level so that he is able
to experience success prior to him asking. This will decrease chances that he will
engage in inappropriate behaviour to escape from difficult tasks
Provide other opportunities for Iron Man to gain positive attention from teachers and
peers during the day. Examples include selecting him as a helper, giving him a
specific task in the classroom/school
For presentations, select Iron Man as the MC allowing him to introduce the
speaker so that he will be less likely to seek attention during the presentation

Strategies to Teach Skills, Reinforce Appropriate Behaviour & Consequences to Make Problem
Behaviours Ineffective
The table below will outline actions which will be taken to support Iron Man in changing his
Social Skills Group Iron Man will attend this
student group 1x/week with other boys; will
learn appropriate social skills (i.e.
communication, listening, positive attention
seeking, etc.)
School Counsellor (6 sessions)
Individual Counselling Iron Man will have a
40min session 1x/week to focus more in
depth on one social skill which he is learning
about in the social skills group
School Counsellor (6 sessions)
Further classroom based reading and math
assessment to determine Iron Mans current
academic levels and providing tasks with
which he can experience success
Classroom Teacher
Sticker Chart Reinforcement System Iron
Man will get a sticker on a chart for every
time he engages in the appropriate
replacement behaviours; a sticker will be
removed each time he engages in the
inappropriate behaviours (i.e. merit/demerit
system). Sticker numbers will be tallied and
an incentive determined.
Classroom Teacher
Reduction/change in reprimand, removal and
attention given for problem behaviours.
When possible, Iron Man will not be given
attention for these behaviours nor will he be
able to leave a task incomplete due to
reprimand or removal.
Classroom Teacher

Assessing Fidelity of This Plan
Track skills learned in social skills group via
pre/post-test and observations
School Counsellor, at 3 and 6 week points of
Track Iron Mans learning and understanding
of material covered in 1:1 sessions
School Counsellor, ongoing case notes
Track Iron Mans actual use of replacement
behaviours VS problem behaviours in class
Classroom Teacher, daily tally of sticker chart
School Counsellor, weekly overview of sticker
Determine progress on short and long term
School Counsellor & Classroom Teacher at 3,
6, and 9 week marks from start of BSP

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