Behavior Support Plan

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Steps and Tools to Develop Individualized Positive Behavior Supports (PBS)

Student: Jonah Date initiated: 10/12/17
School: Meadow Brooke Grade: 1st
Members of PBS team
- General Ed Teacher
- Special Ed Teacher
- Mom
- School Psychologist
- Occupational Therapist
- Speech/Language Therapist
- Principal
- Nurse
- Instructional Aide
Steps and Accompanying Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Tools
Check box when completed
Step l: Identify and Prioritize the Problem(s); Make a Safety Plan
Step 1A: Identify the Problem(s) and Decide on Priorities
Step I A Worksheet: Problem Identification and Decisions About Priorities
Team Meeting Agenda and Minutes form (use at each team meeting)
Step 1B (if necessary): Make a Safety Plan
Step 1B Worksheet: Safety Plan
Incident Record
Step 2: Plan and Conduct the Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
Step 2A: Gather Descriptive Information
Step 2A Worksheet: Student-Centered Functional Behavioral Assessment Profile
Student Schedule Analysis
Step 2B: Conduct Direct Observations
Interval Recording or Scatter Plot
Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence Observation
Step 2C: Summarize Functional Behavioral Assessment and Build Hypothesis Statement(s)
Step 2C Worksheet: Summary of Functional Behavioral Assessment and Hypothesis Statement(s)
Step 2D (if necessary): Verify Hypotheses
Team Meeting Agenda and Minutes with plan for verifying hypotheses
Interval Recording or Scatter Plot and/or
Revision of Step 2C Worksheet
Step 3: Design a Positive Behavior Support Plan
Step 3 Worksheet: Positive Behavior Support Plan
Step 4: Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate the PBS Plan
Step 4 Worksheet: Implementing, Monitoring, and Evaluating the PBS Plan (decisions recorded on
Team Meeting Agenda and Minutes form)

Team Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Student/ Team: Jonah Date: 10/12/17
People present Role for Today Absentees
Education Specialist Meeting Leader
Student Teacher Attendee
Para - Educator Attendee
General Ed Teacher Attendee
Mom Attendee
Purpose of meeting:
- Transitioning
- Interactions with peers
- Behavior support
- Information on what interventions work/doesnt work

Agenda Items Decision or action to be taken Who and when?

1. Describe Jonahs Keep a journal to track Education Specialist

behaviors data (plus use data Student Teacher
2. Discuss how to make sheets) Para-Educator
transitions from task to Relay information to
task more smooth anyone that works with
3. Describe interventions him
that work
4. Describe interventions
that dont work
5. Finalize his BSP and
safety plan

Agenda items for next meeting Date: November 15th Time: 8am
1. Discuss progress

2. Discuss how the interventions

are going

3. Discuss any future actions


Student: Jonah Date: 10/12/17
IEP Goals IEP Accommodations

Math: Sit on a chair when at a rug

- Add and subtract within 20. Relate Shortened (modified) assignments
addition and subtraction Movement breaks
- Form geometric shapes (triangle, square, Sensory breaks
rectangle, diamond) Language scaffolds
Moderate prompting
ELA: Positive reinforcement/reward system
- Form capital letters with top down letter Visual cues for expected behaviors
- Read sight words
- Write a letter or letters for consonant and
short-vowel sounds

Communication Skills:
- Discuss important text ideas including
characters, setting, and events
- After participating in conversation, show
understanding of narrative discourse and
communicate a personal experience

- Crab-walk 2-4 feet before tiring
- Hop 1-2 times before losing balance

- In small group activities, follow expectations
(hands to self, take turns, stay focused) for 10

Academic/social management needs Comments/ special needs

Safety plan for personal space and when SLI

having a break down OHI (ADHD)
Communicate more clearly

Step 1A Worksheet: Problem Identification and Decisions About Priorities

Student: Jonah Date: 10/12/17
As specifically as possible, describe each problem behavior - what it looks and sounds like, how intense it
is, and how long each has been a problem. Estimate the frequency and duration of each behavior. Label
the behaviors according to their level of priority.
Description of problem behaviors Level of priority
1. When asked to do non-desired tasks Jonah will start to demonstrate
behaviors. This typically involves yelling, ripping up his work, breaking Destructive
pencils, leaving the room, etc. Disruptive
(Typically 2-4x a day, for 2-30 min) Distracting

2. When having to transition from task to task, and/or to another

classroom for one of his support services (OT or Speech) he typically
struggles with this procedure as demonstrated by hitting, or throwing
items, and/or just sits down. This is an area that needs improved.
(Typically 2-4x a week, for 5-15 min)

3. Interacting with peers is an area of concern. Jonah has difficulty

staying on task while around and/or working with his classmates. He
tends to be distracted by tapping kids, throwing items at them, or
wanting to talk. His social/peer interaction is an area of concern.
(Typically once a day, for less than 2 min)

4. When coming off of reward time, Jonah has difficulty wanting to go

back to work. He often will refuse to stop his desired task by not wanting Destructive
to put away and go back to his seat. This will lead to major behaviors and Disruptive
power struggle. Distracting
(Typically 2x a day, for 5-20 min)
Decision and rationale: Which behaviors should be priorities for intervention and why?
Behaviors one and four should be prioritized for intervention because these behaviors demonstrate the
most concern and need.

Is a Safety Plan needed immediately? Yes No


Step 1B Worksheet Safety Plan

Student: Jonah Date: 10/12/17
Behavior(s) that call for use of the Safety Plan
Aggressive behavior (throwing things, yelling, hitting, pushing, kicking)

Who will intervene in a serious behavioral episode?

Teacher or other adult present

How to intervene and support the student during phases of the crisis cycle
1. Trigger Phase: Describe sign(s) the student sends that indicate feeling threat/discomfort. Describe
antecedents known to trigger problems and how to eliminate them.
Breathing heavy
Looking around the room

**Antecedents known to trigger problems: Having to do non-desired tasks, getting hot, not knowing
or understanding the work, transitioning.

** How to eliminate them: By being proactive not reactive, consistency, creating a schedule & reviewing
the schedule, enforcing classroom rules, reviewing activities, having students help intervene as well.
2. Escalation Phase: Tell how to interrupt, redirect, and facilitate relaxation
Use verbal redirection
Positive reinforcement
Establish a safe place
Having visual representation of tasks and expectations
Keeping calm/composure, positive
3. Crisis Phase: Describe how to interrupt and protect the student and others
Evacuate the room
Guide Jonah to the office
Staying calm, keeping composure
4. Begin Recovery Phase: Describe how to ovoid re-escalating the behavior and continue to reach full
Sit in reflection chair (gather themselves)
Discuss schedule and tasks that not completed
Remind Jonah of what he is working for
5. Recovery Phase: Describe any processing/reflecting that should be done with the student and how to
reinstate the PBS Plan.
Remind Jonah of the expectations
Ask student what they are ready to do
Explain and have students restore any damages, expressing their emotions better, and having a
good day

Documentation: All parties complete incident report, record events on ABC form, and notify
parents/case manager by the end of day.

Incident Record
Student: Jonah Completed by: Samantha Holland
Day: Tuesday Date: 10/10/17 Time: 12:15-1:15pm
Setting: Right after lunch in his regular classroom.
Class or activity: Math
Staff present: General Ed Teacher, Student Teacher, Para-Educator
Students present: Entire classroom
1. Describe what happened earlier in the day and/or just before the incident that may have led to
the incident
Jonah had just transitioned back from his lunch/recess. Transitions in general are typically hard for him
in general but especially after a recess and/or lunch. Jonah while sitting at his table was asked by the
student teacher to put his name on his math worksheet. This is where the behavior started. Jonah
expressed he did not want to do math and that he did not like math. He started crinkling and ripping up
his paper, breathing heaving, and growling.

2. Describe the students behavior and others responses during the Trigger and Escalation phases

After Jonahs behavior had been triggered, the student teacher started by just simple trying to redirect
him. Reminding him what he was working for, that he is good at math, and that he can keep having a
good day if he does his work. The General Ed Teacher even attempted to step-in and try to intervene to
help redirect him but the behavior only escalated more.

3. Describe what the student and others did during the Crisis phase

Well, when Jonah reached the Crisis phase he at this point stood up and walked out of the classroom.
This now becomes a HUGE safety issue. Students are not to leave the classroom. The student teacher
followed him and called the Ed Specialist for back up. While outside Jonah aggressively grabbed his
backpack and started walking to the office saying that he was going home. He continued to yell how
much he hates school and hates his teachers. When approaching the office, Jonah started to run, ran
through the office and out the main door trying to leave the schools campus. Knowing that Jonah
responds best to male figures, the custodian was called for assistance. While the student teacher and Ed
Specialist tried to block him from leaving campus any further, he was pushing, yelling, hitting, etc.

4. Describe the Begin Recovery and Recovery phases. Describe how the PBS plan was re-introduced.

When the custodian showed up, Jonah took awhile to comply and listen. After sitting on the bench
outside of the schools gates, he slowly calmed down a bit. After repeated redirection we finally got him
to walk back into the office and have a seat. Meanwhile during that incident, the secretary had called his
mom and she was on the way. He was excited to go home and het out of schoolwork.

5. To what extent was the Safety Plan followed? Fully Somewhat Very little
6. What is your hunch about the setting events and/or triggers of the behavior?
This behavior is typical of Jonah and happens often. This is not acceptable behavior, but over time it is
happening less often. Slowly but surely he is starting to respond better to his behavior chart, his star
reward program, and to redirection/positive reinforcement.

7. What is your hunch about the purpose of the behavior and how it is working for the student?

The purpose of the behavior was to get out of the non-desired work. This behavior is starting to not
work with the student. Now that mom is on board with having consequences for him at home, and
there are consequences in the classroom when this behavior happens. With consistency Jonah is
learning that having these behaviors does him no good.

8. What might prevent or interrupt the behavior more effectively in the future? What suggestions do
you have to improve the Safety Plan?

In the future, just still enforcing the positive reinforcement and redirection will hopefully continue to
typically work. Jonah is starting to react to that consistency more often, and it is getting it easier to
distract him from any serious behavior that is about to occur.

To improve the safety plan, it is important that the staff does not allow Jonah to get that far and to leave
the school site. We need to block him more and not allow him to get that far during a behavior.

Step 2A Worksheet: Student-Centered Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) Profile

Student: Jonah Date: 10/12/17
People providing initial information Other people who should be interviewed
Ed Specialist Mom (w/ translator)
Student Teacher
General Ed Teacher
Directions: At a team meeting, summarize existing information about the student's problem behavior
and begin to analyze the possible relationships among the behavior, the student's wants and needs, and
the environment
Good: Indicator is in place satisfactorily.
Fair: Indicator is partially in place but improvement is needed.
Poor: Indicator is in place to on unacceptable degree or not at all.
Indicator How is indicator in place? Rating G F P
Supportive people
a. Family Parents are starting to not allow F
these aggressive behaviors and
place consequences on him.
b. Adults at school Responds best to people he knows F
and recognizes and to male
c. Peers at school Peers often help Jonah stay on G
d. Peers outside of school Peers remind Jonah to do his G
homework so he can play.
Successful places and activities at school Reflection chair, playground. G

Successful places and activities at home and in the Outside on scooter, inside playing G
community games and reading books.

Interests and preferences Clifford/Train/CARS books, slinky, G

highlighters, swing, coloring.

Opportunities to make choices appropriate for age He colors, cuts, and reads. G

Based on the quality-of-life indicators, list shortcomings that might be addressed in a PBS plan.
Non-desired tasks
Outside of school situations


Academic strengths Academic liabilities
Memorization Sharing/taking turns
Simple math (counting) Reading (using index finger)
Staying on-task/focused

Summarize the current fit between the student's educational programming and his or her academic
strengths and liabilities

All of Jonahs work is mostly modified curriculum; additionally he works at his own pace and does not
stay up to speed with the rest of his class. This does create some concern because typically in
mild/moderate students do not receive modified curriculum. In terms of his academic strengths and
liabilities, this is an appropriate fit for Jonah. This is because he is still making progress towards his goals,
continuing to learn and grow everyday, and lastly his behavior is improving.
What is the student's primary mode of communication and how successful is the student in using it?

Jonah has difficulty remembering to raise his hand and to wait his turn. This is something that is being
worked on. He tends to shout out and get angry when not called on right away. His primary mode of
communication is shouting out, this is not successful because it is not acceptable.
How does the student accomplish these communicative purposes?
Gets attention/help/interaction
Wandering around classroom
Laying on floor
Gets preferred activities or tangible items
Completed tasks/doing work
Being nice and respectful
Avoids/escapes attention/interaction
Get out of seat walk away
Rip up/destroy work
Avoids/escapes activity or item
Leave classroom
Calms self when agitated, upset, angry
Take a deep breaths
Express why upset/angry
Gets sensory stimulation
Chewing in his chewy
Using his fidgets
Describe any health concerns or medication that may be affecting the student's mood or behavior.
Morbidly obese
Describe any of the student's sensory difficulties or needs.
Sensory processing disorder has difficulty processing sensory stimulation
Other important information about the student's medical and health history
Needs glasses glasses have been ordered


From the Step I Worksheet, which behavior or behaviors will be targeted for intervention? Define the
behaviors as clearly and specifically as possible. These are the definitions that will be used to collect
any additional information and to develop the PBS plan.

Behavior: When asked to do non-desired tasks Jonah will start to demonstrate non-desired behaviors.
This typically involves yelling, ripping up his work, breaking pencils, leaving the room, etc.
Describe any current interventions for the behavior(s) and summarize their effects.
Positive reinforcement helps keep him on track of doing work and staying focused
ABA procedures task analysis, target responses, prompting, clear expectations with visuals,
use of timer, uses token board
Redirection guides him and reminds him what needs to be done
What works to prevent or interrupt the What does not work to prevent or interrupt the
behavior(s)? behavior(s)?
Redirection Getting mad at him
Relaxation techniques Staff staying calm
Debrief and express feelings Politely redirecting


When these Antecedents The student is These Therefore the Function of
(Setting Events and/or likely to (Target Consequences the behavior may be
Triggers) occur Behaviors) tend to occur
1. Asked to sit and participate Stand up and walk Will not earn stars Avoidance did not want
around on his chart to participate with peers
2. Transitioning Will shout and not Will not earn stars Avoidance has difficulty
go into the next on his chart wanting to do the next
activity task
3. When asked to do non- Will throw a Will not earn stars Avoidance does not
desired tasks tantrum and yell on his chart want to do work

4. Coming back from having his Will get destructive Will not earn stars Avoidance/Attention
reward and disruptive on his chart does not want to go back
to work after fun time


1. Should any other people be interviewed to ensure that the information on this Profile is complete
and accurate? Yes No
Mom and Dad should be interviewed with translator
2. Does quantifiable baseline data on the targeted behaviors need to be collected? Yes No
lf "yes" when, where, and how will data be collected?
There is already enough sufficient date on Jonahs behaviors.
3. Is additional information needed to determine if the current "hunches" about the antecedents,
consequences, and purposes of the behaviors are accurate? Yes No
lf "yes," when, where, and how will data be collected?

Student Schedule Analysis

Student: Jonah
Date: 10/12/17
Target behavior(s):
- Attention/Avoidance
- Not doing work: not interested and does not understand work
Time Class/ Activity Rating & behavior Grouping Task type Staff
+ = mild/rare 1 = independent Paper/pencil
- = excessive/ often 1:1 = one-to-one Oral/listening
v = variable sg = small group Hands-on activity/
lg = large group routine
9:15 9:45am ELA + 1 Paper/pencil Student teacher/ Para
9:50 10:50am Pull-Out: ELA + SG Mix of things Ed Specialist/ Student
10:55 11:15am Snack/Recess v LG Outside/Play Paras
11:15 12:05pm YMCA/P.E. v LG Hands-on Activity Teachers
12:10 1pm Pull-Out: Math - 1:1 Mix of things Ed Specialist/ Student
1:05 1:40pm Lunch v LG Outside/Play Paras
1:45 3pm Social Studies and/or - Mix Mix of things Gen Ed Teacher/ Para
3 3:35pm Centers v SG Hands-on Activity Ed Specialist/ Para

Interval Recording or Scatter Plot

Student: Jonah Dates: Week of 10/9 10/13
Target behavior(s):
- Attention/Avoidance
- Not wanting to do work: not interested and does not want understand
- Transitioning

Used for:
_____ Frequency count (tally each time behavior occurs within each interval)
_____ Scatterplot (Key: : 1 occurrence; : more than 1 occurrence)
_____ Critical incident and use of Safety Plan (indicated by "X")
Time Activity Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Total
10/9 10/10 10/11 10/12 10/13
9:55am Reading IIIII IIII 9
10:15am Pull-Out - II II 4
10:35am Sight III IIIIII 9
10:45am Flash II IIII 6

Total target

Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence (A-B-C) Observation

Student Date
Setting Observer
Class/subject or activity
Target behavior:

Antecedents Consequences
What was going What happened
Behavior Hypothesis
on before the after the
Time What did the About the function
behavior? What behavior?
student do? of the behavior
was being said and How did people
done? react?

Step 2C Worksheet: Summary of Functional Behavioral Assessment and Hypothesis Statement(s)

Directions: Summarize the FBA information that has been gathered from all sources to build hypothesis
statement(s) about targeted problem behaviors. lf the student has appropriate alternative behaviors
that serve the same purpose as the problem behavior (alternative behaviors may be nonexistent or very
weak), describe those behaviors. Then determine if any data are missing and/or team members disagree
or are uncertain about their hypotheses. Make a plan for further data collection and verification of
hypotheses if necessary.
Student: Jonah Date of Initial Summary: Revision Date (if necessary)
Persons completing this form:
Ed Specialist, Student Teacher, General Ed Teacher
FREQUENCY: On average, HOW OFTEN does the behavior occur?
Behavior 1: Per hour? Per day? Per week?
Off-Task Every few minutes 15 20x per day 75 100x per week
Behavior 2: Per hour? Per day? Per week?
Difficulty Transitioning Once 5 or less 25 or less
DURATION: On average, HOW LONG does the behavior occur?
Behavior 1:
On average, 5 15 minutes
Behavior 2:
On average, 10 30 minutes
Describe chains of antecedents (both setting events and triggers) that predict that the target behavior
will occur, observable definitions of the target behaviors, and consequences that seem to be
maintaining the behavior. Then hypothesize about the function or purpose of the target behavior(s).
When these the student is and these Therefore the Function
Antecedents likely to (Target Consequences maintain of the behavior may be
(Setting Events and/or Behavior/s) the behavior
Triggers) occur
Setting event Classroom

Trigger Having to do work: not Prompting, redirection, Attention/Avoidance:

interested and does not does not earn stars Acts out to get out of
understand work doing work
uninterested/does not
Setting event Classroom

Trigger Having to work Prompting, redirection, Attention: would rather

independently does not earn stars play and/or chat with
2. Describe alternative behaviors the student has demonstrated that serve the same purpose as the
problem behavior (alternative behaviors may be nonexistent or very weak).
3. Are additional data needed to build hypothesis statement(s)? Yes No

Step 2D: Verify Hypotheses, needed to confirm or refute hypotheses? Yes No


Step 3 Worksheet: Positive Behavior Support Plan

Student: Jonah
Date: 10/19/17
Team members designing this plan:
- General Ed Teacher - Occupational Therapist
- Speech/Language Therapist - Special Ed Teacher
- Principal - Mom
- Nurse - School Psychologist
- Instructional Aide
Target behavior(s) and functions:
- Attention/Avoidance
- Not doing work
Interventions and Support Strategies to be Implemented
Preventing Teaching replacement behaviors Responding
Setting events Triggers and other alternative skills
1. Classroom 1. Avoidance - Having to do work: 1. Teach positive attitude, and to 1. Reduce number of
2. Classroom not interested and does not try and do the best that he can. pages/problems that needs to
understand work And/or assign partner to help completed. Make instructional
2. Attention/Avoidance him. task more meaningful (align
2. Teach Jonah to try and stay with interests).
focused. Avoid power struggles. 2. Redirection. Use choice
Redirection. statements to direct. Phrase
negative directions into positive
** Remind him what he working for, to
help motivate him to complete his work
in order to receive stars on his behavior

Is Safety Plan still needed? Yes No


Step 4 Worksheet: Implementing, Monitoring, and Evaluating the PBS Plan

Student: Jonah Date: 10/19/17
Directions: Use the Team Meeting Agenda and Minutes form to list issues and decisions made and
actions to be taken in order to put the PBS plan into place, monitor its use, evaluate its effects and make
needed revisions. The first set of issues listed below relates to putting the plan into place and requires
immediate consideration. The second set of issues relates to monitoring and evaluating the plan and will
require ongoing consideration of future team meetings
Issues for immediate consideration (check boxes as issues are addressed)
Materials to be made, purchased, or adopted

Communicating with others who need to know about the plan

Developing and sharing teaching plans for replacement skills and other alternative academic or social-
communication skills

Developing a schedule for putting various intervention strategies of the plan into place

Developing the in-service training, coaching, and/or modeling needed for team members and other

Developing a system for monitoring whether the plan is being used as designed. Are prevention,
teaching, responding, and safety management strategies being used consistently?

Developing a team meeting schedule

Issues for ongoing consideration as the plan is implemented

How often the use and effects of the PBS plan will be evaluated and the plan revised as necessary

The rote of improvement in targeted behaviors and the use of alternative skills that are acceptable

Parents, teachers, and other relevant peoples' judgments about the plan's effectiveness, efficiency,
and appropriateness for the student and the context, as well as their comfort level in implementing the

The student's feedback about the acceptability of the interventions and progress toward his or her

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