When A Boy Reaches The Age of Four Years

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When a boy reaches the age of four years, four months and four days

Question: What is the ruling of the learned Ulama in the following case: It is common practice amongst people that when a boy reaches the age of four
years, four months and four days, he is made to recite the Bismillah Shareef and everyone shows happiness at this. hey distribute sweets etc. What
is the ruling regarding this! Is it permissible or not! Is it Sunnat or "ustahab #desirable$! Is it necessary that a child must be made to read this only
when he reaches the said age or can it be done at any other age, younger or older! "ust the child be ta%en to an &alim or can any person with proper
&'ida #belief$ do this! (lease present the proper manners!
he &nswer: he above mentioned method is permissible and the e)act age is not necessary. It can be done before or after. It is better for this to be
done by an &alim. *+,- ./012 3-4

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