ST Andrews-Lhanbryd & Urquhart Parish Church Rev. Andrew Robertson, Tel 01343 843765 Morning Worship 10 August 2014

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R!#. A$dr!w Ro%!r&so$' &!l ()*+* ,+*-./
0or$1$2 Wors31 )(
Au2us& 4()+
Call to worship
The world is filled with the glory of God, and we say,
Thank you!
The hills and valleys are filled with colour, and we say,
Thank you!
The vines and trees are filled with fruit, and we say,
Thank you!
Our tables are overflowing with food, and we say,
Thank you!
Our life is filled with love of family and friends, and we say,
Thank you!
We fill this house of God with our voices, saying,
Thank you!
May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts
be acceptable to you, O God,
as enter into this service of thanksgiving and praise

H5"$ --( I Lo#! 5ou' Lord 6 4
I love you, !ord, and I lift my voice
to worship you " O my soul re#oice $
Take #oy, my %ing, in what you hear "
may it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear
!aurie %lein &%.

.ymn Welcome /verybody it0s Good to 1ee you here &from C2+
Welcome Everybody
.ere we are together, now we can begin
The youngest and the oldest, the only child, the twin 1ome who0re feeling left out and some who0re
feeling in Gathering in this place
W!lco"! !#!r5%od5' 1&7s 2ood &o s!! 5ou 3!r! W!lco"! !#!r5%od5' 1&7s 2ood &o s!! 5ou 3!r!
W!lco"! !#!r5%od5' 1&7s 2ood &o s!! 5ou 3!r! 8a&3!r1$2 1$ &31s lac!
.ere we are together, #oining in this song
/ven those who feel that their singing0s not that strong 3nd as we sing may every person know
that they belong Gathering in this place
W!lco"! !#!r5%od5' 1&7s 2ood &o s!! 5ou 3!r!...
.ere we are together, with our hopes and fears 4ringing many feelings, our laughter and our tears
3nd now it0s time for everyone to tell the world, 5W/0-/ ./-/$6
Gathering in this place
W!lco"! !#!r5%od5' 1&7s 2ood &o s!! 5ou 3!r!...
7amily Talk What are little boys made of 8 What are little girls made of 9 seriously what are
we made of
H5"$ 0P )((, T3! Lord7s 05 s3!3!rd 9I w1ll &rus& 1$ 5ou alo$!:
' The !ord0s my shepherd, I0ll not want
.e makes me lie in pastures green
.e leads me by the still, still waters,
.is goodness restores my soul
A$d I w1ll &rus& 1$ You alo$!'
a$d I w1ll &rus& 1$ You alo$!'
for Your !$dl!ss "!rc5 follows "!'
Your 2ood$!ss w1ll l!ad "! 3o"!.

I w1ll &rus&' I w1ll &rus& 1$ You.
I w1ll &rus&' I w1ll &rus& 1$ You.
E$dl!ss "!rc5 follows "!'
2ood$!ss w1ll l!ad "! 3o"!.

; .e guides my ways in righteousness, < 3nd though I walk the darkest path,
and .e anoints my head with oil, I will not fear the evil one,
and my cup, it overflows with #oy, for =ou are with me, and =our rod and staff
I feast on .is pure delights are the comfort I need to know
A$d I w1ll &rus& . . . A$d I w1ll &rus& . . .
,salm ;< adapted 1tuart Townend > '((? Thankyou Music
1ermon Two @uestions Who am I 9 Who are youA
H5"$ ),( 81#! T3a$;s - <ff!r1$2
Give thanks with a grateful heart,
give thanks to the .oly One,
give thanks because he0s given
Besus Christ, his 1on
Give thanks with a grateful heart,
give thanks to the .oly One,
give thanks because he0s given
Besus Christ, his 1on
3nd now let the weak say, CI am strong $ 0
!et the poor say, CI am rich
because of what the !ord has done for us $ 0
3nd now let the weak say, CI am strong $ 0
!et the poor say, CI am rich
because of what the !ord has done for us $ 0
Give thanks with a grateful heart,
give thanks to the .oly One,
give thanks because he0s given
Besus Christ, his 1on
Give thanks with a grateful heart,
give thanks to the .oly One,
give thanks because he0s given
Besus Christ, his 1on
Coda =
Give thanks
.enry 1mith &%.

,rayers of dedication, ourselves and others
H5"$ **. C3r1s& 1s our l123&
' Christ is our light $ the bright and morning star
covering with radiance all from near and far
Christ be our light, shine on, shine on we pray
into our hearts, into our world today
; Christ is our love $ baptiDed that we may know
the love of God among us, swooping low
Christ be our love, bring us to turn our face
and see in you the light of heaven0s embrace
< Christ is our #oy $ transforming wedding guest $
Through water turned to wine the feast was blessed
Christ be our #oy " your glory let us see,
as your disciples did in Galilee
!eith 7isher &%.

B!$!d1c&1o$ CCL L1c!$c! No .4/,
1cottish Charity :o 1C**FF)*

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