Web Bulletin

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OCTOBER 5, 2014

Welcome! We are glad youre here! We invite you to

seek out the folks wearing the Ask Me badge.
Through them you will find information about the
ministries of alem !eights "hurch and how to
become involved. #lease fill out a $isitor "ard and dro%
it in one of the offering bo&es as you leave or scan this code to go
directly to our website and fill out a visitor card. We have an e&cellent
nursery and %rograms for children newborn through high school. Any
of the ushers will be ha%%y to direct you to the %ro%er classroom. 'f
you feel more comfortable having your infant with you during the
service( the last row in the Auditorium will be reserved for %arents with
small children. There is a %rivate room for nursing mothers across the
hall from the Auditorium with a rocking chair( changing table and
%ortable crib. )or your convenience( it also includes a monitor to
enable you to still hear and view the service.
Our Purpose...
To reach %eo%le with the love of *esus "hrist( %rovide a safe and
su%%ortive environment( %roclaim the standards of +ods truth(
du%licate the "hristian life in others( and celebrate the ma,esty
and works of -ur +reat +od.
New to Salem Heights?
Sunday Worship
Part 1

W|tness To The Truth"

Luke 1:14

Presented by
Pastor ]ust|n Greene

...that you may know the exact truth about the th|ns you have been
tauht." Luke 1:4
Womens Retreat 2014 - DEADLINE EXTENDED
Our registration deadline has been
extended! We are extending registration
till rooms are full. We are also still
collecting chocolate. Retreat payments as
well as sign ups for activities will be in the
foyer again this Sunday!! You do not have to have a
roommate yet nor do you have to submit payment, but we do
need your registration to be completed.
This past Spring/Summer SHC had seven teams
participating in church league softball; four coed teams and
three men's teams. That comes out to about 90 people or
more participating. Our teams also had some success as e
had three co!ed teams in their leagues "#$%C&' #(O)* and +,$$O)-'
and one men's team on their league "#$.,-. /n the season ending
tournaments' the #$%C& team got first place in the coed division and the
+,$$O) team got second. The #(O)* team finished in third place in
their division. /n men's' the (,0 team finished in third place.
1an2 than3s to the pla2ers and coaches/managers that made this season a
success b2 glorif2ing 4od.
2014 Church Sof t a! ! Re"# e$
Info & News
o you want to ma!e a difference in
the lives of a critical generation" #e
a $lub Roc!Salt leader on
Tuesda2 evenings. Our goal is to
bring up our children to !now and love %od&s Word while
empowering parents to be the spiritual leaders %od has called
them to be. 'f you love !ids and want to ma!e an eternal
difference, sign up today in the foyer!
5067 Children8s Christmas 9roduction
Our first rehearsal is TODAY at 5:45p.m.
in the chapel. This years production is
open to children in 1st thru 8th grade.
or more information or !uestions"
c o n t a c t # r i n $ o % & e e a t
erinro%&ee'gmail.com. (ee)*ee choir
%ill +e a,aila+le for those children ages -).indergarten. The
first rehearsal for this group is /o,em+er 0.
2015 Missions Opportunities
October 12 at 1:00p.m. there will be an informational meeting for anyone
interested in taking part in the upcoming 2015 missions trips. Join us
after second service to find out details on each upcoming trip. etails to
be covered will include dates of travel! finances! training class dates as
well as application re"uirements.
./00 a.m. Mens 1isci%leshi%
2/34 a.m. #rayer 5 6oom 704
8/00 9 33/00 a.m. Worshi% ervices
8/00 a.m. The "ross 6oad unday chool
4/:4 %.m. "hildrens "hristmas #roduction 6ehearsal
;/00 %.m. mall +rou%s

./00 %.m. The Most <&cellent Way
;/:4 %.m. "lub 6ockalt
./00 %.m. Ministry =ight
8/>0 a.m. Womens 1isci%leshi%
37/00 %.m. Womens and Mens =oon 1isci%leshi%
;/:4 %.m. Ministry =ight
;/00 a.m. Mens 1isci%leshi%
;/:4 %.m. The "ross 6oad "ollege +rou%
./00 %.m. The "areers +rou%
:/00 %.m. )#=-
Calendar of Eents

"hildrens "hristmas 6ehearsal( -ctober 4( 4/:4 %.m.
)#=-( -ctober 33( :/00 %.m.
Missions 'nformational Meeting( -ctober 37( 3/00 %.m.
Womens 6etreat( -ctober 3. 5 38( The !ilton( $ancouver WA
?ords u%%er( -ctober 38( ;/00 %.m.
"hildrens Ministry Trunk or Treat <vent( -ctober >3
Important !p"oming Eents
#iing !pdate
The ministry of alem !eights "hurch is funded entirely by the
generous giving of +ods %eo%le. @ou will notice that we do not
%ass the offering %lateA however( there are offering bo&es in the
back of the auditorium. We have done this so no one gives out
of com%ulsion. We believe from the Word of +od that the %irit
of +od will lead %eo%le towards giving back to +od of their first
fruits. ...+od loves a cheerful giver B7 "or. 8/.C and we know
!e blesses those who take !is Word seriously in every regard.
Thank you for %rayerfully su%%orting alem !eights financially as
we desire to reach the lost and disci%le the aints.

T-TA? +'$'=+ D28(.7;
e%tember Weekly =eed Actual +iving 6eceived
Week 3 D7;(.40 D74(>>2
Week 7 D7;(.40 D7:(80;
Week > D7;(.40 D70(.0:
Week : D7;(.40 D32(..2
)iscal @ear to 1ate FG5 5D4>(80;
"urrent Halance D0
(uesday evening $lub Roc!Salt groups are in
great need of volunteers! 'f this is an area in
which you would li!e to serve, please contact
Russ )ibby at *+,-*..-+/+,.
Our 0ideo (eam is loo!ing for volunteers. 'f
this is an interest you have, please contact 12 1c!er at *+,-*..-
+/+, for more information.
(here is a great need for faithful, available and teachable
servants to minister to our $13S4 students. Our desire is for
students to be discipled in their love of %od, love for others and
heart to reach the world for $hrist. 'f this is a passion of yours,
contact (im Saffeels at *+,-*..-+/+, for more information on
being involved.
can the coded icon below to view o%%ortunities to serve the
body of alem !eights "hurch.
How Can I Sere?
S!"em He#$%t& C%'r(%
)*+ M!,r-.! A/e0 S0
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?'&t#. Gree.e
Senior Pastor/Elder
C!r" C%#(!
Pastor of Family Life/Elder
M!tt M!(C-""#.
Pastor of Mens/College/Elder

Lay Elders
C%'(< M--re
Te, Ferr8

&dministration and Staff
#lease see our Mission Hoards in the foyer for
current active missionaries.
R-. Gr-/e&

R'&& L#bb8
1irector of Ministries

S(-tt H'.ter
)acilities Manager

A? A(<er
Music Ministry

T#m S!55ee"&
1irector of tudent
?!&-. Br-=.e""
!igh chool Ministries

E, Re#&ter
"ommunity "onnection

R#(< Sm#t%
"ommunity "are

?!8 D'55'&
Mens Hiblical

L!'r! C%#(!
Womens Hiblical
?'"#e Ber.!r,
Womens Ministry

G#.! We#$!.,
-ffice taff

C%r#&t! K!%#"#
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C-..#e L#bb8
-ffice taff

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Part 1
Luke 1:1-4
Witness to the Truth

Presented by
Pastor Justin Greene
October 5 !"14

If ever a man wrote a book filled with good news for
everybody, Dr. Luke is that man. His key message is,
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that
which was lost !Luke "#$"%&. He 'resents (esus )hrist as
the com'assionate Son of man, who came to live
among sinners, love them, hel' them, and die for them.

In this *os'el you meet individuals as well as crowds,
women and children as well as men, 'oor 'eo'le as
well as rich 'eo'le, and sinners along with saints. It+s a
book with a message for everybody, because Luke+s
em'hasis is on the universality of (esus )hrist and His
salvation$ good tidings of great ,oy, which shall be to
all 'eo'le !Luke -$"%&.

#O$E %O&JE%TU'E(((

Luke$ .ossibly a )e**enistic, (ewish )hristian !(ewish
with heavy *reek influence&.

His work is saturate+ with Hebrew i+io,s !)lark&
yet, he often defers to the *reek names and
'laces in im'ortant moments.

/he synagogue is his st-*istic home !(ewell& yet,
his gos'el is focused on the witness to the *entiles.

His kno.*e+/e and use of the O*+ Testa,ent is
magnificent yet, he mostly 0uotes from Se'tuagint
!*reek version&.

His authorit- to write of the (ews to the (ews would
only be acce'ted !without debate& if he was a

1hy do many say he was a Genti*e2 Inference
drawn from )olossians 3$"%4"3, as well as the
conflicting style noted above.

/heo'hilus$ .ossibly the hi/h 0riest who served from
5D 6743".

Son of 1nnas !(ose'hus&

De'osed by )ero+ 1/ri00a 2 in 5D 3" !(ose'hus&

Former #a++ucee...

1ould have had a )e**enistic mindset

1ould not have believed in$

". 'esurrection

-. 1n/e*ic activity

6. *od+s so3erei/n /ui+in/ of His 'eo'le

3. /he )o*- #0irit4s work in Go+4s 0*an of

5ll e,0hasi5e+ in Luke+s writing8 !5llen&

1hat is the 6ocus2

5n orderly account...

given by .itnesses...

to a *ost .or*+.


/he truth will sett*e your heart.

The Bible Exposition Commentary, 1arren 1. 1iersbe, )o'yright "#9# by S. .roductions, Inc. :ictor

All Missions
Information Meeting

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact Pastor Carl at
503-588-0403 or info@salemheightschurchorg
Sunday, October 12 at 1:00PM
In the Chapel
Learn more about upcoming opportunities
that YOU can be part of.
2015 Mission Locations:
-Eastern Oregon

All Missions
Information Meeting

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact Pastor Carl at
503-588-0403 or info@salemheightschurchorg
Sunday, October 12 at 1:00PM
In the Chapel
Learn more about upcoming opportunities
that YOU can be part of.
2015 Mission Locations:
-Eastern Oregon
I (we) do allow my (one) child _________________________, to participate in this years Christmas production at
Salem Heights Church. This will include any and all rehearsals and production days necessary for this production.

arent Signature ___________________________________________________ !ate _____________


I"we the parent(s)"guardian of the a#o$e named, here#y gi$e my"our appro$al to his"her participation in any and
all acti$ities. I"we assume the ris%s of ha&ards incidental to such participation, including transportation to and
from such acti$ities' and I"we do here#y wai$e, release, a#sol$e indemnify, and agree to hold harmless Childrens
(inistry of Salem Heights Church, and any other organi&ation that Childrens (inistry is affiliated with' the
organi&ers, sponsors, any person transporting my"our child. In e)ecuting the foregoing release, I"we understand
that any in*ury that may arise out of participation in this production must #e reported to Salem Heights Church as
I"we ha$e %nowledge that an in*ury did in fact occur, within +, hours. I"we ac%nowledge and represent that my"
our child is in sound physical condition to #e a#le to participate in this acti$ity. In the e$ent of an in*ury to my"our
child, I"we here#y grant the authority to any -ualified physicians or .(T (.mergency (edical Technician) to
render such emergency medical treatment, as they deem necessary under the circumstances. I"we also grant
permission to any responsi#le person to see% medical assistance in the e$ent of any in*ury.

!oes your child ha$e any allergies/ _________________________________________________________________

This authori&ation will remain effecti$e until !ecem#er 0, +12, unless sooner re$o%ed in writing deli$ered to said

arent Signature _______________________________________________ hone _______________
I (we) do allow my (one) child _________________________, to participate in this years Christmas production at
Salem Heights Church. This will include any and all rehearsals and production days necessary for this production.

arent Signature ___________________________________________________ !ate _____________


I"we the parent(s)"guardian of the a#o$e named, here#y gi$e my"our appro$al to his"her participation in any and
all acti$ities. I"we assume the ris%s of ha&ards incidental to such participation, including transportation to and
from such acti$ities' and I"we do here#y wai$e, release, a#sol$e indemnify, and agree to hold harmless Childrens
(inistry of Salem Heights Church, and any other organi&ation that Childrens (inistry is affiliated with' the
organi&ers, sponsors, any person transporting my"our child. In e)ecuting the foregoing release, I"we understand
that any in*ury that may arise out of participation in this production must #e reported to Salem Heights Church as
I"we ha$e %nowledge that an in*ury did in fact occur, within +, hours. I"we ac%nowledge and represent that my"
our child is in sound physical condition to #e a#le to participate in this acti$ity. In the e$ent of an in*ury to my"our
child, I"we here#y grant the authority to any -ualified physicians or .(T (.mergency (edical Technician) to
render such emergency medical treatment, as they deem necessary under the circumstances. I"we also grant
permission to any responsi#le person to see% medical assistance in the e$ent of any in*ury.

!oes your child ha$e any allergies/ _________________________________________________________________

This authori&ation will remain effecti$e until !ecem#er 0, +12, unless sooner re$o%ed in writing deli$ered to said

arent Signature _______________________________________________ hone _______________
If you would like to participate in this years production or volunteer to help, please complete the information
below and the Liability Release Form on the back of this registration form. Thanks

!roduction rehearsals for "st#$th grade will begin T%&'( at )*+),-*..pm in the /hapel.

Rehearsals for 0!ee 1ee2 /hoir 3'ges 4,5indergarten6 will begin 7ovember 8, ".*4.am in Room 8.).

9tudents 7ame 3as you would like it to appear in the program6 ::::::::::::::::: 'ge ::

!arents 7ame ::::::::::: ;mail :::::::::::::::: !hone ::::::::::

3!lease check6 I will :: provide food< :: help with food on the 9unday of the production 3&ecember -6

I would like to help with* ::::: =akeup ::::: =eals /oordination
::::: /ostuming ::::: 9tage 1ork
::::: !romotion ::::: 'ttendance

Questions? Please contact Erin Rowzee at [email protected]

If you would like to participate in this years production or volunteer to help, please complete the information
below and the Liability Release Form on the back of this registration form. Thanks

!roduction rehearsals for "st#$th grade will begin T%&'( at )*+),-*..pm in the /hapel.

Rehearsals for 0!ee 1ee2 /hoir 3'ges 4,5indergarten6 will begin 7ovember 8, ".*4.am in Room 8.).

9tudents 7ame 3as you would like it to appear in the program6 ::::::::::::::::: 'ge ::

!arents 7ame ::::::::::: ;mail :::::::::::::::: !hone ::::::::::

3!lease check6 I will :: provide food< :: help with food on the 9unday of the production 3&ecember -6

I would like to help with* ::::: =akeup ::::: =eals /oordination
::::: /ostuming ::::: 9tage 1ork
::::: !romotion ::::: 'ttendance

Questions? Please contact Erin Rowzee at [email protected]

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