LAMPIRAN Tugasan 4

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Subject : Additional Mathematics Learning Area : 5. Trigonometric Functions

Form : 5 Science1 (5S1) Learning Outcomes : ra! and s"etch gra#hs o$ sine% cosine and tangent.
&or" Sheet :
To s"etch the gra#h o$ sin y c a bx = + (!here a, b and c are constants and b ' ()% !e $irst s"etch the gra#h o$ sin y a bx = . )o! do !e do this* Let us e+#lore this ,uestion
in the $ollo!ing acti-it..
/n-estigating the gra#hs o$ sin 0 y x = , 1sin 0 y x = and 2 1sin 0 y x = + .
ra! the gra#hs o$ sin 0 y x = , 1sin 0 y x = and 2 1sin 0 y x = + $or the domain ( 23( x
o o
. (4ou can use a gra#hing calculator or an. d.namic com#uter so$t!are to
dra! these gra#hs.)
1. 5om#lete the $ollo!ing table.
x (6 2(6 3(6 7(6 10(6 15(6 18(6 01(6 01(6 09(6 2((6 22(6 23(6
sin 0x
1sin 0x
2 1sin 0x +
0. :lot all three gra#hs on the same a+es% using a di$$erent colour $or each gra#h.
2. 5om#are the gra#hs .ou ha-e obtained:
(a) o all the gra#hs ha-e ma+imum and minimum -alues*
(b) &hat is the am#litude o$ each gra#h* &hat is the #eriod o$ each gra#h*
(c) 5om#are the sha#e and #osition o$ the gra#hs.
(d) 5an .ou describe ho! .ou !ould s"etch the gra#h o$ sin y c a bx = + ?
(e) Tr. to s"etch the gra#h o$ tangent and cosine using the same e,uations.

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