Handout 3

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"#$% & S'%te(% B#tc): F *%t Ye#*: +*, Te*(: -t) L#b H#",.ut / 0+

N#(e: BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB R.$$ N.: BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Sc.*e: BBBBBBBBBB S !"#tu*e .4 Tut.*: BBBBBBBBBBBBBB D#te:BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB T. 1$.t !*#1)% " M#t$#b L#b Object 2e: To understand M-files principle. To plot multiple plots on a single graph. To use different parameters on the graph. To plot multiple graphs in a single graph window. Sc* 1t3M-4 $e: One can place all commands you want to execute in a file with extension 5( at the end, and you run the script file. MATLAB will run all of these commands in sequence for you. MATLAB has a M-file editor that you can use where you can create your scripts. B#% c G*#1) c C.((#",%: 6D 1$.tt "!: f x and y are arrays of elements that are the %#(e si!e, you can plot them using this data with the following command" 1$.t78, '9: E8#(1$e;0<: =$.t t)e $ "e ' > 8 =*.!*#(: #$%"%.&"&%' ($x' )lot*x,y+ Mu$t 1$e 1$.t% ." # % "!$e G*#1): f you want to plot multiple plots on a single graph, you do the following" 1$.t78<,'<,86,'6,?,8N,'N9: , is the num-er of plots you want to appear on the single graph. E8#(1$e ; 06: =$.t t)e 4.$$.@ "! - $ "e%: '< > 05<8, '6 > 05-8, '+ > 68, 'A > -8, '- > <08 =*.!*#(: x$%"%.&"&%' y&$%.&..x' y/$%.0..x' y1$/..x' y2$0..x' y0$&%..x' plot*x,y&,x,y/,x,y1,x,y2,x,y0+'

L#be$$ "! A8e%: !* , puts a grid on the graph. The spacing for the grid is automatically figured out -y MATLAB t t$e7C?D9 lets your graph ha3e a title. 8$#be$7C?D9, '$#be$7C?D9 la-els the x and y axes accordingly. )ut the la-els inside the quotations $e!e",7C?D, C?D, ?, C?D9 produces a legend, la-eling what each plot is on the graph E8#(1$e ;0+: x$%"%.&"&%' y&$%.&..x' y/$%.0..x' y1$/..x' y2$0..x' y0$&%..x' plot*x,y&,x,y/,x,y1,x,y2,x,y0+' grid' 4 To grid up the graph title*5Multiple )lots example6+' xla-el*5# points6+' yla-el*5( points6+' legend*5y&$%.&x6,6y/$%.0x6, 5y1$/x6, 5y2$0x6, 5y0$&%x6+' A,, t ."#$ 1#*#(ete*% 4.* G*#1) =$#tt "!: $ "eB%t'$e is a character string of / characters. The & st character specifies the colour of your plot. The /nd character specifies how your plot will -e plotted on the graph, or the plot style 1$.t78, ', C$ "eB%t'$eD9: 7upported colours" blue, !reen, *ed, cyan, (agenta, 'ellow, -lacE

E8#(1$e;0A: x $ %"%.&"&%' y $ x' plot*x,y,6g.6+' 4This will plot a green line with dots at each point

plot*x,y,6-o6+' 4This will plot a -lue line with circles at each point plot*x,y,8rx6+' 4This will plot a red line with crosses at each point Mu$t 1$e 1$.t% " , 44e*e"t G*#1) @ ",.@%: The 4 !u*e command can -e used to display multiple plots in separate figure windows. Mu$t 1$e G*#1)% " O"e F ",.@: Multiple plots can -e displayed within a single figure window using the su-plot function, which can -e called as follows" %ub1$.t7*.@%, c.$%, @) c)A*e#9 E8#(1$e;0-: f wanted to ma9e a window that has 2 plots, / plots in each row / rows, here6s what 6d do" :o su-plot*//&+ 7pecify that we want to wor9 on the top left corner. ,ext, code the syntax to plot normally. The plot will appear on the top left corner :o su-plot*///+ 7pecify that we want to wor9 on the top right corner. ,ext, code the syntax to plot normally. The plot will appear on the top right corner :o su-plot*//1+ 7pecify that we want to wor9 on the -ottom left corner. ,ext, code the syntax to plot normally. The plot will appear on the -ottom left corner :o su-plot*//2+ 7pecify that we want to wor9 on the -ottom right corner. ,ext, code the syntax to plot normally. The plot will appear on the -ottom right corner E8#(1$e;0G: To plot rate in the top half of a figure and growth in the -ottom half, rate$ ;1./ 2.& 0.% 0.<=' growth $ ;/.0 2.% 1.10 2.>=' figure' su-plot*/,&,&+' plot*rate+ su-plot*/,&,/+' plot*growth+ L#b T#%E%: &. )lot the following" A+ y&$/x

B+ y/$x?1


/. )lot following 3ectors in a single graph and em-ellish with custom colors. Also display legend of the graph. # $ ;1 > /A=' 4 dependent 3ectors of interest ( $ ;&% B <=' C $ ;2 2 2=' t $ ;& / 1=' 4 independent 3ector 1. )lot following 2 outputs on a single graph window. Mention x-la-el, y-la-el on each. And display your Doll no" on top of the graph window. y&$/x, y/$2x, y1$<x, y2$Bx' x$ -0"%.&"0'

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