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Pumpi ng Fuel & Fuel Oi l

Fuel s & Rot ar y Pumps

Though the handling of fuel oil is not necessarily "challenging," the reliable
handling of fuel oils is critical for heating and transportation systems. Rotary pumps are
an excellent means of loading/unloading, transfer, and circulating fuels. Some
examples include:

Diesel Fuel (#2 Fuel Oil)
Heavy Oils (#5 & #6 Fuel Oils)
Crude Oil
Kerosene (#1 Fuel Oil)
J et Fuel (J P4 & J P5)
LP Gas

As the following table shows, application details also vary widely.

Capacities 0.1 GPM (0,02 m
/hr) to 1,000+GPM (230+m
Pressures 25 PSI (1.75 BAR) to 250 PSI (17.5 BAR)
Viscosities 30 SSU (1 cSt) to 7,500 SSU (1,650 cSt)
Temperatures Ambient Outdoor to 250F (120C)

These variances from application to application result in a wide range of pump
constructions and drives. Despite this variance, there are some common guidelines to
follow to insure smooth operation and long pump life.

Dos & Dont s
Slower speeds, lower pressures, and materials designed for the anticipated
temperature will pay off in longer trouble-free service, even if oil properties vary from
those originally anticipated. Additionally, be sure to

Install the pump as close as possible to the supply tank.
Leave working space around the pumping unit.
Use large, short, and straight suction piping. "Short and fat" pipes are excellent.
Install a strainer in the suction line.
Double-check alignment after the unit is mounted and the piping is hooked up.
Provide overpressure protection for the discharge side of the pump, either in-line or
on the pump.
Extend service life with preventive maintenance procedures such as periodic
lubrication, adjustment of end clearance, and examination of internal parts.
Obtain, read, and keep the maintenance instructions furnished with your pump,
drive, and other system equipment.

2007 www.pumpschool.com
Conversely, DO NOT

Run a pump at faster than approved speeds.
Run a pump at higher than approved pressures.
Run a pump at higher than approved temperatures.
Use extra large, extra long suction line with a suction lift.

Installing a vacuum gauge and a pressure gauge on or near the pump will also help
lengthen service life. Gauges provide a window into what is happening inside the
pumping system. Properly interpreted readings can give clues to the nature of many
problems. Long-term readings will show gradual changes taking place within the

Given the availability of certain fuels at any particular time, many fuel oil systems
now accommodate various fuels (#2 through #6 fuel oil for example). Each fuel oil
differs slightly in properties and these differences place unique demands on the system.
Be sure to discuss these differences with your pump/system supplier.

Handl i ng Cr ude Oi l
Crude oil is a naturally occurring liquid found in formations of the earth. Its
typically extracted by large reciprocating pumps called pump jacks. The crude oil is
then refined into fuels such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and other fuel oils.
Characteristics such as color and viscosity vary from site to site, but typically fall into the
following ranges:

Location Viscosity
40-780 SSU (4-170 cSt) at 60F (15C)
Texas, Oklahoma
34-210 SSU (2.5-45 cSt) at 100F (38C)
75-1,200 SSU (15-250 cSt) at 60F (15C)
Wyoming, Montana
45-300 SSU (5.5-65 cSt) at 100F (38C)
40-4,800 SSU (4-1,050 cSt) at 60F (15C)
34-700 SSU (2.5-150 cSt) at 100F (38C)
45-200 SSU (5.5-40 cSt) at 60F (15C)
38-90 SSU (3.5-18 cSt) at 100F (38C)

Due to crude oils high viscosity and wide range of
application conditions, rotary pumps are well suited to h
crude oil. Rotary pumps are used for transport, refining, a
for high working pressure pipeline sampling applications.
While compatible with cast iron, pumps for refinery and
pipeline sampling applications are typically steel. Pump
construction will depend on the particular oil and applica
crude oils contain dirt, sand, and other particulate

prior to refining. Often pumps for dirty crude oil are supplied
with hardened parts to prevent the particulate from damaging
the pump.

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Handl i ng Gasol i ne and Li ght Fuel Oi l s
ls have low boiling points and as
such, a
andl i ng #2 & #6 Fuel Oi l
ve six classifications based on their boiling
points, is

oil ranges from 2.5 to 7 cSt (35 to 50 SSU), but may get even thicker
the normal
e of
led in the range of -20 to 100F (-30 to 38C).
s with two or more feet of ground cover will normally

fuel oil the vacuum reading at the pump
#6 fuel oil under the worst conditions (i.e., highest viscosity and lowest liquid
Light oils such as gasoline, kerosene, and jet fue
re the first to be distilled off from crude oil. They are used primarily as fuels. All
are fairly easy to handle, but are thin (29-35 SSU / 0.9-2.5 cSt), non-lubricating, and
have high vapor pressures. Lifts (when the pump port is above the liquid level in the
supply tank) should be kept to 6 feet or less to prevent vaporizing the liquid at the pum
inlet. Be sure to check the system NPSH to make sure its adequate.

Fuel oils in the United States ha
composition, and purpose. #2 and #6 are most commonly used. #2 fuel oil
used for truck fuel, heating, and power generation. #6 fuel oil is used for ship fuel
(commonly referred to as Bunker C oil), heating (though usually reserved for larger
buildings), and power generation. Typical application conditions for handling fuel oil
are as follows:

ty Viscosi
#2 fuel
at temperatures below freezing because of congealing wax.
#6 fuel oil ranges from 20 to 1,650 cSt (100 to 7,500 SSU) in
handling temperature range, but may vary widely depending on the sourc
the oil, sulfur content, and blend.

ormal Handling Temperatures N
#2 fuel oil is typically hand
#6 fuel oil is typically handled above 100F (38C) to reduce the viscosity
for ease of handling.
Unheated, buried tank
stay within a range of 40 to 70F (4.5 to 21C), depending on locale and
time of year.
Lift should be kept to a minimum. For #2
not exceed 15" Hg under the worst conditions. Lifts should be kept to under 10
feet and may be even less depending on suction piping length, fittings, and priming
conditions. The vapor pressure of #2 fuel oil is less than 0.1 PSI (0.0069 BAR) at
ambient temperatures. If the vacuum at the pump exceeds 15" Hg, entrained air in
oil may cause capacity and noise problems. Under vacuum conditions the air will
expand and the pump will not deliver its full capacity of oil. While the rotary pumps
self priming, a foot valve is typically recommended to minimize the chance for losing
position the pump and select pipe and fitting size to give vacuum readings of 15"
Hg or less. The viscosity of #6 Fuel Oil varies from one tank car load to the next. Some
tank cars contain "light ends" which affect viscosity and may cause lift problems.
For systems to handle #2 or #6 fuel oil, designing a system to handle either
ts problems in sizing the suction lift, fittings, and strainer.

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Large rotary pumps are often used in the refining process of fuel oil as well as for
rs used for backup power

-Fired Furnaces
ort and delivery. Upon delivery, smaller rotary pumps take over (usually 30 GPM
& smaller), often assembled as a duplex pump system complete with drive equipment,
strainers, valves, and controls (figure 1). These duplex systems insure continuous oil
delivery to critical applications such as:

Fuel supply to diesel generato
Transferring fuel from storage tanks to smaller day tanks
Boosting Low Pressure Fuel Oil to Burner Pressure on Oil
Recirculation Oil Filtration System to Ensure Clean and/or Water-Free Oil

Depending on the service and system location, these pumps may require spec
ction and testing (i.e. pumps which are UL-343 listed for fuel oil service).

Figure 1
Duplex fuel oil skid for delivering
#2 fuel oil built by Viking Pump
Control Panel
Pressure Relief Valves

UL-343 listed
um Internal Gear P ps
Basket Strainer
Discharge Header
Suction Header
Check Valves
2007 www.pumpschool.com
Handl i ng LP Gas (Pr opane)
Propane is normally a gas, but is compressible to keep in its liquid state for
storage and transport. LP gas is used for heating, as a cooking fuel for barbeques and
portable stoves, and as fuel in some vehicles such as buses, locomotives, and fork lifts.
Rotary pumps are used for bulk plant transfer service, truck unloading, and bottle
filling. Due to the high working pressure, high vapor pressure, and extremely low
viscosity, LP gas pumps require special construction (figure 2).
Due to the high vapor pressure, NPSH must not be overlooked. Placing the
pump too far from the supply tank, allowing the LP gas to get too hot, or running the
pump too fast may lead to cavitation, which in turn will lead
to noise, reduced capacity, and reduced pump life. The LP
gas pump in figure 1 features a return-to-tank pressure
relief valve. This valve allows the LP gas to flow back to
the supply tank when the discharge valve is closed, rather
than cycling the gas through the pump. By doing so,
less heat is imparted to the LP gas and the gas is not
allowed to boil in the pump.
Figure 2
Cutaway view of a UL-51 listed Rotary
Internal Gear Pump for handling LP gas

For Fur t her I nf or mat i on
This document is just for general information purposes. The internet is a great
source for further information including www.pumpschool.com, but before selecting a
pump for fuel its important to speak with the pump / system representatives to address
all aspects of the application. Topics including seal selection, drive sizing, and NPSH,
must all be addressed to insure years of reliable fuel handling.

2007 www.pumpschool.com

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