How To Select and Service A Turbine Oil

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How to Select and

Service a Turbine Oil

By James B. Hannon P.E., C.L.S.

Background Recommended Performance

Over 100 tons of steel, rotating at 3600 rpm, are Characteristics of Turbine
supported by plain bearings on a cushion of oil Oil Vary by Application for
that is thinner than a human hair. In power plants
around the world, the same fluid dynamics take Steam, Gas, Hydro, and
place day-in and day-out without much notice. Aero-Derivative Turbines
Lost revenue at seasonal peaks can be counted in
millions of dollars. Consider the following example: Steam Turbines
At an average utility, the combined factors of A well-maintained steam turbine oil with moderate
revenue rate of $50/megawatt(MW)-hr and peaks makeup rates should last 20 to 30 years. When a
above $1,000/MW hr demonstrate how turbine oil steam turbine oil fails early through oxidation, it is
selection could amount to $600,000 per day in lost often due to water contamination. Water reduces
revenue, based on a 500 MW facility. oxidation stability and supports rust formation,
which among other negative effects, acts as an
This article describes the key elements to consider
oxidation catalyst.
when selecting a turbine oil for steam, gas, hydro,
and aero-derivative turbines. Oil supplier services Varying amounts of water will constantly be
and commitment to the customer should also be introduced to the steam turbine lubrication systems
evaluated as part of the selection process. through gland seal leakage. Because the turbine
shaft passes through the turbine casing, low
Have the Right Tool pressure steam seals are needed to minimize
steam leakage or air ingress leakage to the
for the Job vacuum condenser.
It is important to have an understanding of the Condensed steam is generally channeled away
physical and chemical characteristics of turbine oils from the lubrication system, but inevitably some
compared to other lubricating oils before embarking water will penetrate the casing and enter the lube
upon the selection process. oil system. Gland seal condition, gland sealing
Steam, gas, and hydro turbines operate on steam pressure, and the condition of the gland
a family of lubricating oils known as R&O oils seal exhauster will impact the amount of water
(Rust & Oxidation inhibited oil). Turbine equipment introduced to the lubrication system. Typically,
geometry, operating cycles, maintenance practices, vapor extraction systems and high-velocity
operating temperatures, and potential for system downward flowing oil create a vacuum, which can
contamination present unique lubricating oil draw steam past shaft seals into the bearing and
demands versus other lubricating oils like oil system. Water can also be introduced through
gasoline and diesel engine applications. lube oil cooler failures, improper powerhouse
Utility steam and gas turbine sump capacities cleaning practices, water contamination of makeup
can range in size from 1,000 to 20,000 gallons, oil, and condensed ambient moisture.
which drives the economic incentive for a long-life In many cases, the impact of poor oil-water
lubricating oil. Low turbine oil makeup rates separation can be offset with the right combination
(approximately five percent per year) also contribute and quality of additives including antioxidants, rust
to the need for high-quality, long-life lubricants. inhibitors, and demulsibility improvers.
Without significant oil contamination issues, turbine Excess water may also be removed on a
oil life is primarily dictated by oxidation stability. continuous basis through the use of water
Oxidation stability is adversely affected by heat, traps, centrifuges, coalesces, tank headspace
water aeration, and particulate contamination. dehydrators, and/or vacuum dehydrators. If
Antioxidants, rust inhibitors, and demulsibility turbine oil demulsibility has failed, exposure to
additives are blended with premium quality base water-related lube oil oxidation is then tied to the
stock oil to extend oil life. Lube oil coolers, water performance of water separation systems.
removal systems, and filters are installed in turbine
lubrication systems for the same purpose. Heat will also cause reduced turbine oil life through
increased oxidation. In utility steam turbine
Unlike most gasoline and diesel engine oil applications, it is common to experience bearing
applications, turbine oil is formulated to shed water temperatures of 120F to 160F (49C to 71C) and
and allow solid particles to settle where they can lube oil sump temperatures of 120F (49C). The
be removed through sump drains or kidney loop impact of heat is generally understood to double
filtration systems during operation. To aid in the oxidation rate for every 18 degrees above
contaminant separation, most turbine oils are 140F (10 degrees above 60C).
not additized with high levels of detergents
or dispersants that clean and carry away A conventional mineral oil will start to rapidly
contaminants. Turbine oils are not exposed oxidize at temperatures above 180F (82C). Most
to fuel or soot and, therefore, do not need to be tin babbited journal bearings will begin to fail at
drained and replaced on a frequent basis.
250F (121C), which is well above the In addition, their cyclical operation imparts
temperature limit of conventional turbine oils. significant thermal and oxidational stress on the
High-quality antioxidants can delay thermal lubricating oil. These most challenging conditions
oxidation, but excess heat and water must be dictate the use of high purity synthetic lubricating
minimized to gain long turbine oil life. oils. Average lube oil makeup rates of .15 gallons
per hour will help rejuvenate the turbo oil under
Gas Turbines these difficult conditions.
For most large gas turbine frame units, high
operating temperature is the leading cause of Current technology turbine oils for Aero-derivative,
premature turbine oil failure. The drive for higher land-based power generation turbines are
turbine efficiencies and firing temperatures in gas described as 5 cSt turbo oils. Aero-derivative
turbines have been the main incentive for the turbines operate with much smaller lube oil sumps,
trend toward more thermally robust turbine oils. typically 50 gallons or less. The turbine rotor is
Todays large frame units operate with bearing run at higher speeds, 8,000 to 20,000 rpm, and
temperatures in the range of 160F to 250F is supported by roller element bearings.
(71C to 121C). Next-generation frame units are The generator bearing sets in these units will use
reported to operate in even higher temperature an ISO 32 R&O or hydraulic oil. The lower pour
ranges. Gas turbine OEMs have increased their points of a hydraulic vs. an R&O oil may dictate
suggested limits on RPVOT ASTM D2272 the use of a hydraulic oil in cold environments.
(Rotation Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test) and Synthetic turbo oils are formulated to meet the
TOST ASTM D943 (Turbine Oil Oxidation demands of military aircraft gas turbo engines
Stability) performance to meet these higher identified in Military Specification (MIL) format.
operating temperatures. These MIL specifications are written to ensure
As new-generation gas turbines are introduced that similar quality and fully compatible oils are
into the utility market, changes in operating available throughout the world and are referenced
cycles are also introducing new lubrication hurdles. in OEM lubrication specifications.
Lubrication issues specific to gas turbines that Type II turbo oils were commercialized in the
operate in cyclic service started to appear in the early 1960s to meet demands from the
mid-1990s. Higher bearing temperatures and cyclic U.S. Navy for improved performance, which
operation lead to fouling of system hydraulics that created MIL-L (PRF) 23699. The majority of
delayed equipment start-up. Properly formulated aero-derivatives in power generation today deploy
hydrocracked turbine oils were developed to these Type II, MIL-L (PRF) 23699, polyol ester
remedy this problem and to extend gas turbine oil base stock, synthetic turbo oils. These Type II oils
drain intervals. Of note, Exxon Teresstic GTC 32 offer significant performance advantages over the
and Mobil DTE 832 products have demonstrated earlier Type I diester-based synthetic turbo oils.
excellent performance for almost five years of
service life in cyclically operated gas turbines Enhanced Type II turbo oils were commercialized
where conventional mineral oils often failed in in the early 1980s to meet the demands from the
one to two years. U.S. Navy for better high-temperature stability.
This led to the creation of the new specification
Hydro Turbines MIL-L (PRF) 23699 HTS. Since the 1980s,
Hydro turbines typically operated on ISO 46 Mobil Jet Oil 291 was commercialized in 1993 as
or 68 R&O oils. Demulsibility and hydrolytic the first 4th generation turbo oil to satisfy present
stability are the key performance parameters and advanced high temperature and high load
that impact turbine oil life due to the constant conditions of jet oils.
presence of water. Ambient temperature swings
in hydroelectric service also make viscosity Writing a Turbine Oil
stability, as measured by viscosity index, an Procurement Standard
important performance criterion.
Steam, gas, and hydro turbine oils are a blend
Aero-Derivative Gas Turbines of highly refined or hydroprocessed petroleum
Aero-derivative gas turbines present unique base oils, usually ISO VG 32 and 46 or 68.
turbine oil requirements that call for much Lubricant suppliers have developed turbine
higher oxidatively stable lubricating oils. Of oils to meet the varying demands of turbines in
primary concern is the fact that the lube oil in propulsion and power generation applications.
aero-derivative turbines is in direct contact with These formulations were developed to meet
metal in temperatures of 400F to 600F (204C turbine OEM specifications.
to 316C). Sump lube oil temperatures can range Many turbine OEMs have moved away from
from 160F to 250F (71C to 121C). These specific turbine oil brand name approvals due
compact gas turbines utilize the oil to lubricate to enhanced technologies in their turbines and
and to transfer heat back to the lube oil sump. corresponding improvements in turbine oils.
OEMs have identified suggested or recommended complete drain and flush. Clashing additive
lube oil performance test criteria and typically chemistries or poor in-service oil quality may
stipulate that an oil known to perform successfully prohibit the mixing of different and incompatible
in the field may still be used even if all turbine oils. Your oil supplier should provide
recommended values have not been satisfied. compatibility testing to confirm suitability for
Industry standard lube oil bench tests can provide continued service. This testing should address the
great insight into the performance and life condition of the in-service oil compared to various
expectancy of turbine oils. However, turbine possible blends with the proposed new oil. The
OEMs and oil suppliers generally agree that past in-service oil should be tested for suitability for
successful performance of a particular oil under continued service in testing described later in this
similar conditions is the best overall representation article. Then a 50/50 blend should be tested for
of quality and performance. oxidation stability (RPVOT ASTM D2272),
Regardless of the type or service of a turbine oil, demulsibility (ASTM D1401), foam (ASTM D892,
the quality of the base stocks and additive Sequence 2), and the absence of additive package
chemistry will be a major factor in its longevity. dropout as witnessed in a seven-day storage
High-quality base stocks are characterized by compatibility test.
higher percentage saturates, lower percentage
aromatics, and lower sulfur and nitrogen levels. Turbine Lube Oil System Flushing
The performance of additives must be extensively Turbine lube oil system flushing and initial filtration
tested. They must also be blended into the oil in a should be addressed in conjunction with the
tightly controlled process. selection of the turbine oil. Lubrication system
The key to a superior turbine oil is property flushing may either be a displacement flush after
retention. Some turbine oil formulations have a drain and fill, or a high velocity flush for initial
been found to present good lab test data, but turbine oil fills. A displacement flush is performed
can experience premature oxidation because of at the time of a turbine oil replacement and a high
additive dropout and base stock oxidation. Again, velocity flush is designed to remove contaminants
lube oil laboratory analysis can support your efforts entering from transport and commissioning a
to determine turbine oil longevity, but direct field new turbine.
experience should take precedence. Note, turbine Displacement flushes, using a separate flush oil,
oil suppliers will offer typical lube oil analysis are done to remove residual oil oxidation product
data to help assess predicted performance. that is not removed by draining or vacuum. A
Typical data is used because lubricating oils displacement flush is conducted by utilizing
vary slightly from batch to batch because of lubrication system circulation pumps without any
minor base stock variations. modification to normal oil circulation flow paths,
Utility steam and gas turbine oils can be except for potential kidney loop filtration. This flush
either conventional mineral-based (Group 1) is typically done based on a time interval to
or hydroprocessed (Group 2). High-quality facilitate the removal of soluble and insoluble
conventional mineral-based oils have performed contaminants that would not typically be removed
well in both steam and gas turbine service for more by system filters.
than 30 years. The trend toward higher efficiency, Most turbine OEMs offer high velocity flushing
cyclically operated gas turbines has spurred the and filtering guidelines. Some contractors and
development of hydroprocessed, Group 2, oil suppliers also offer flushing and filtering
turbine oils. guidelines. Often during turbine commissioning,
Most hydroprocessed turbine oils will have these guidelines are scaled back to reduce cost
better initial RPVOT and TOST performance and time. There are common elements of a
than conventional turbine oils. This oxidation high-velocity flush that are generally supported by
stability performance advantage is suited for interested parties. There are also some elements
heavy duty gas turbine applications. The oxidation of a procedural nature that may differ and should
performance advantages of a hydroprocessed be addressed on a risk vs. reward basis.
turbine oil may not be necessary in many less Common elements of mutual agreement in
demanding steam and gas turbine applications. high-velocity flushing are as follows:
Conventional mineral-based oils are known to Supply and storage tanks should be clean, dry,
have better solvency than hydroprocessed oils, and odor-free. Diesel flushing is not acceptable.
which can provide better additive package retention
and increased ability to dissolve oxidation products Two to three times normal fluid velocity should be
that could otherwise potentially lead to varnish achieved with external high-volume pumps or by
and sludge. sequential segmentation flushing through bearing
Compatibility testing between turbine oil brands
should also be addressed when writing a turbine oil Removal of oil after flush should be completed to
specification for systems not available for a inspect and manually clean (lint-free rags) turbine
lube oil system internal surfaces.
High-efficiency by-pass system hydraulics should applications. It should be understood that lube oil
eliminate the risk of fine equipment damage. analysis offers a snapshot of certain measurable
Possible supplemental or alternative elements of a parameters. In-service oil analysis intervals are
high-velocity flush are as follows: recommended monthly, quarterly, and yearly on a
test-by-test basis. With most lube oil analysis
Use of a separate flush oil to remove oil soluble testing, the data trends offer the most insight on
contaminants that can impact foam, demulsibility, equipment and lubricant performance.
and oxidation stability.
Combination test packages described below
Need to filter the initial oil charge at a level should be conducted depending on whether the
consistent with the filtration specification. application is for new turbine oil evaluations,
Thermal cycling of oil during the flush. in-service condition assessments, or compatibility
Pipe line vibrators and the use of rubber mallets testing. ASTM D4378-97 Standard Practice for
at pipe elbows. In-Service Monitoring of Mineral Turbine Oils for
Steam and Gas Turbines is a power generation
Installing special cleanliness test strainers and industry standard for turbine oil analysis and
sampling ports. includes the listing of suggested alarms and limits.
Desired cleanliness criteria for flush buy-off: Many ASTM D4378-97 warning limits and test
- Lab ISO 17/16/14 to 16/14/11 acceptable frequencies are outlined in the following discussion
particulate range; of in-service turbine oil tests.
- Use of on-site optical particle counters; Viscosity ASTM D445 and
- 100-mesh strainer, no particles detectable by
naked eye;
Viscosity Index D2270
Viscosity is the most important characteristic of a
- Millipore patch test.
turbine oil because of the tight clearances in
Up-front planning and meetings with construction, journal and thrust bearings. Turbine blade
start-up, oil supplier, and the end user should be clearances are critical to power plant efficiency and
scheduled in advance to build consensus on these reliability. Blade clearances are directly impacted
flushing procedures. by lubricant viscosity. Changes in oil viscosity can
A good practice for turbine oil performance result in unwanted rotor positioning, both axially
documentation is to take a 1-gallon sample from and radially. Axial movements will directly impact
the supply tank and then a second gallon sample turbine blade efficiency and can lead to blade
from the turbine reservoir after 24 hours of damage. Radial movements caused by changes in
operation. The recommended testing is described viscosity can result in oil whip, where the rotor
later in this article. does not settle into one radial position. Oil whip is
often identified in vibration testing.
Lube Oil Analysis for Performance Unless the oil has been contaminated or severely
Evaluations of New Turbine Oils oxidized, viscosity should remain consistent over
years of service. ASTM D4378-97 proposes a five
and In-Service Monitoring percent change from the initial viscosity as a
Consistent and correct sampling procedures are warning limit. Testing for viscosity should be
essential and should be performed while the conducted on a quarterly basis, at a minimum.
system is in operation. Important considerations The Viscosity Index (VI) is an indication of an oils
include sample location, sampling hardware, bottle resistance to viscosity change with change in
cleanliness, and flushing. The following sampling temperature. Most gas and steam turbine OEMs
locations are listed in order of preference, but require a turbine oil VI of at least 90, which is met
equipment configuration can limit location choices: by most turbine oil suppliers. VI for turbine oils
1. Bearing header return lines to the sump. should not vary in-service and, therefore, need not
2. Sump dip sample. be tested for condition assessments.
3. Lube oil pump discharge upstream of Rotation Pressure Vessel
system filters.
4. Sump bottom drain as last resort, but flush well;
Oxidation Test (RPVOT)
it could take more than 55 gallons to get a ASTM D2272
representative sample. RPVOT was developed for the monitoring of
Lube oil analysis is a tool used to predict the in-service oils to warn of a loss in oxidation stability.
performance of new or in-service oils. Lube oil Oxidation is driven by heat and exposure to
analysis should also be used to determine contaminants like water. As a turbine oil degrades,
compatibility with other lubricating oils in top add it forms weak organic acids and insoluble oxidation
products that adhere to governor parts, bearing
surfaces, and lube oil coolers. A severely oxidized Current gas turbine OEM specifications for TOST
turbine oil may form varnishes on hot bearing range from 2,000 to 4,000 hours with new gas
surfaces that retard heat transfer and can overheat turbine technology specifications at 7,000 hours.
heat journal bearings. In addition, severely All TOST reporting above 10,000 is done through
oxidized oils can foul turbine control elements non-ASTM test modifications that may not correctly
and heat exchangers. represent a turbine oils performance. Reporting of
This accelerated oxidation test is an industry TOST values greater than 10,000 hours is not
standard for identifying oxidation stability problems possible within ASTM D943 procedures due to the
with in-service turbine oils. ASTM D4378-97 limited initial 300 ml test oil sample volume that is
Standard Practice for In-Service Monitoring of depleted during AN testing.
Mineral Turbine Oils for Steam and Gas Turbines TOST testing can take longer than a year, so it is
identifies an RPVOT decline to 25 percent of the impractical as an in-service oil test.
initial new oil RPVOT value with an increase in
Acid Number (AN) as a warning limit. Many turbine Water by Karl Fischer Titration
OEMs simplify this by using the 25 percent of initial ASTM D1744
RPVOT without reference to AN. Some OEMs also
list a 100 minute minimum RPVOT. Waiting for an Testing for water is important to minimize the risk
increase in AN could present the risk of turbine of the possible undetected turbine oil oxidation
bearing seizure if the turbine oil cannot be replaced and rust formation. Excessive water will also
in a timely manner. alter an oils viscosity (up or down depending on
conditions). Studies also warn that water levels
The so-called bleed and feed method of turbine above 250 ppm in hydrogen-cooled generator
oil rejuvenation is suitable to extend the life of windings may lead to stress corrosion cracking of
the turbine oil for a limited time. It should be generator rotor retainer rings. Water in turbine oil
recognized that a severely oxidized lubricant in warm storage tanks can promote the spread
would reduce the PRVOT beyond that of the new of microbial growth that will foul system filters
to in-service oil mix ratio. The severely oxidized and small-diameter gauge and transducer
oil will act like a catalyst to rapidly consume the line extensions.
antioxidant package in the new turbine oil.
ASTM D4378-97 identifies 1000 ppm or
Efforts to readditize a severely oxidized turbine oil 0.1 percent of water as a warning level, while
with oxidation inhibitor can put equipment at risk. some gas and steam turbine OEMs have identified
An oil that has a RPVOT value below 100 minutes 500 ppm. In hydrogen-cooled generators, an upper
has more than likely diminished its inherent base limit of 250 ppm should be maintained.
stock oxidation stability, making readditizing a
nonpractical solution. In such cases, readditization Testing for water should be conducted on a
will temporarily boost RPVOT, but the diminished quarterly basis, at a minimum.
nature of the base stock may sharply reduce the
time frame before heavy varnishes and sludges Acid Number (AN) ASTM D664
are formed. Sharp increases in AN may indicate contamination
In steam and gas turbines, RPVOT testing should or a severely oxidized oil. Organic acids formed by
be conducted on an annual basis. Some utilities oxidation can corrode bearing surfaces and should
time the test just before scheduled outages. An be addressed in a timely manner.
increased frequency is recommended as the ASTM-4378-97 offers guidelines of 0.3 to 0.4 mg
turbine oil approaches 25 percent of its initial value. KOH/g above the initial value as an upper warning
level. Many oil analysts view an upward movement
Turbine Oil Stability Test (TOST) in AN as small as 0.1 as worthy of concern.
ASTM D943 Testing for AN should be conducted at least on a
TOST indicates expected turbine oil life by quarterly basis.
subjecting the test oil to oxidation catalysts that
increase sludge and acid formation. This test was ISO Cleanliness Code 4406
developed to evaluate anticipated new turbine oil Turbine journal bearing clearances and hydraulic
anticipated performance. Because it is impossible servovalve clearance dictate the need for clean oil.
to simulate actual in-service conditions in a lab, Excessive bearing wear and servovalve sticking
correlation between test results and actual field can result if tight cleanliness standards are
performance is difficult. Most turbine OEMs utilize not maintained.
TOST in their specifications to screen out high-risk An OEM average turbine oil cleanliness level is
turbine oils. This is an accelerated oxidation test so ISO 18/16/13 or an NAS 1638 cleanliness level
actual operating service should be much longer of 7 is desirable. The three-range number ISO
than test report hours. cleanliness code correlates to concentrations of
particles larger than 4, 6, and 14 microns. Turbine Foam ASTM D892 Sequence 2
OEMs offer specific guidelines on recommended
A turbine oil sample will often test for foam higher
cleanliness levels.
than turbine OEM initial suggested levels, but
Testing for ISO cleanliness should be conducted on typically present no field foaming issues because of
a quarterly basis at the very least. the low position of the lube oil pump suction. If the
foam level in the turbine sump is six inches or less
Rust ASTM D665 A and does not overflow the sump or cause level
Rust particles act as oxidation catalysts and can monitoring errors, the turbine oil foam should not
cause abrasive wear in journal bearings. Rust be a concern. Lube oil at the turbine sump surface
inhibitors are normally kept at proper levels through should show at least one clear area (no bubbles)
makeup and can plate-out on metal surfaces for and larger breaking bubbles should be seen at
added rust protection. Rust inhibitors can impact this interface.
water separation so field readditization is generally ASTM D4378-97 offers warning limits of tendency
not recommended. 450 ml with a stability of 10 ml. Foam tendency is
In-service oil testing should be conducted with the foam volume measured in a graduated cylinder
distilled water as identified in D665 A, not synthetic after five minutes of pushing air through the lube
sea water D665 B. The synthetic sea water test oil sample. Stability represents the volume amount
is appropriate for new oil condition assessments after 10 minutes of settling time has elapsed.
and for service in marine environments. ASTM A foam stability of less than 5 ml is a good
D4378-97 considers a light fail as a warning limit. indication that foam bubbles are breaking and
the turbine should not experience foam
Testing for rust should be conducted on an annual
operational problems.
basis if the lube oil system is exposed to water.
When addressing foam problems, cleanliness,
Demulsibility ASTM D1401 contamination or mechanical causes should be
investigated before field de-foamant readditization
Water shedding characteristics are important to
can be considered. Excessive readditization can
lube oil systems that have had direct contact
result in an even greater problem with increased
with water. The ability to separate water by natural
air entrainment. Dirt is a leading cause of foam, so
density difference and remove it through bottom
ISO cleanliness should be tested for a likely cause.
drains will improve a turbine oils oxidation stability.
Demulsibility can be compromised by excessive Testing for foam should be conducted only when
water contamination and minor engine crankcase foaming presents an operational problem and for
oil contamination. Crankcase engine oil product compatibility testing.
concentrations as low as 300 ppm or 0.03 percent
have been proven to degrade demulsibility. This Air Release ASTM D3427
means that heavy-duty engine oil additives Some steam and gas turbine OEMs specify air
containing Calcium, Zinc, and Magnesium may release limits in their initial oil specifications. These
appear at single-digit ppm levels when mixed with limits can be as low as four minutes, which is not a
a turbine oil and cause problems with demulsibility. problem for most ISO 32 turbine oils, but can be an
Again, turbine oil transport tankers should be clean, obstacle for ISO 46 turbine oils. In turbines with
dry, and odor-free before accepting the turbine small sumps and minimal residence time, entrained
oil load. air mixtures could be sent to bearings and critical
ASTM does not offer warning limits for hydraulic control elements.
demulsibility. Some turbine OEMs identify levels Air release on turbine oils should not vary with
of 3 ml emulsion after 30 minutes on new oils. in-service time and, therefore, may not need to
In-service oil warning limits of 15 ml or greater be tested for condition assessments.
of emulsion in 30 minutes should serve as a fair
warning limit. The impact of demulsibility depends FZG Gear Test DIN 51354
on the system residence time and anticipated
Turbines with geared shaft connections to the
levels of water contamination. Lube oil analysis
generator often require antiwear or extreme
demulsibility can show failure in the lab, but with
pressure additives to support gear tooth loading.
sufficient residence time, the system oil may shed
Industry standard testing for gear load performance
water at an acceptable rate that does not impact
is the FZG Gear Test, with results reported as
turbine oil performance. Small sumps with lower
Failure Load Stage (FLS). Typical R&O ISO 32
residence times will require better demulsibility
turbine oils carry an FZG failure load stage of
performance than larger sumps.
6 or 7. ISO VG 32 R&Os with antiwear or extreme
Testing for demulsibility should be conducted pressure additives can give an FZG failure load
on an annual basis if the lube oil system is stage of 10, which meets all major turbine
exposed to water. OEM specifications.
FZG Gear Tests on turbine oils should not vary with Foam
in-service time and, therefore, need not be tested After a vigorous shake, foam from the surface
for condition assessments. should clear in 10 minutes.

Flash Point ASTM 92 Water

Turbine oil sample should be transparent. If you
Flash point testing is done primarily to confirm
cannot read printing through a clear sample
product integrity from contamination.
container, then water levels above 300 ppm
ASTM D4378-97 identifies a drop in 30F may be present.
(17 on a Celsius scale) from the original oil
viscosity as a warning limit. Solids
Look for solids settling out as signs of external and
Flash point testing should be conducted
internal contamination.
only if product contamination from a different
oil is suspected.
Lube Oil Analysis Test Packages With proper testing, trending of lube oil analysis
reports over time will demonstrate a turbine oils
Turbine oil lube oil analysis test packages should
ability to perform. In the evaluation of prospective
be assembled in a manner that provides pertinent,
turbine oils, the most significant performance
cost effective information. Specific turbine oil test
measurement is lubricant property retention. For
packages for regular trend analysis and suitability
turbine reliability assurance, the initial performance
for continued use are described below:
properties must be supported by field experience.
Regular Trend Analysis Property retention should be confirmed through
(Monthly / Quarterly) case studies, customer testimonials, and
Viscosity ASTM D-445 in-house experience.
Water by Karl Fischer Titration ASTM D-1744 Knowledge of your turbine oil and its limitations
will set the stage for years of reliable service. Keys
Acid Number ASTM D-664
to this knowledge include: the right tool for the job,
ISO Cleanliness Code 4406 the proper flushing procedures, an appreciation
ICP Metals for high-quality base stocks and additives, and a
solid understanding of lube oil analysis for
Suitability for Continued Use (Annual) new turbine oil evaluation and in-service oil
Viscosity ASTM D-445 condition monitoring.
RPVOT ASTM D-2272 Daily emergencies and pursuit of key power plant
Water by Karl Fischer Titration ASTM D-1744 performance operating metrics are often obstacles
in gaining knowledge on turbine and plant
Acid Number ASTM D-664
lubricating oils. Fortunately, some oil suppliers
ISO Cleanliness Code 4406 recognize this fact and will support their clients
Rust ASTM D-665 A with training, trouble-shooting, equipment
inspections, and most aspects of plant-wide
Demulsibility ASTM D 1401
lubrication engineering. So, dont just buy a
Foam ASTM D-892 Sequence 2 turbine oil buy the turbine oil supplier.
ICP Metals
1. AISE Association of Iron and Steel Engineers.
On-site Checks The Lubrication Engineers Manual Second
Often the most valuable and timely information is Edition. (1996). Pittsburgh, PA
right in your hand at the time of sampling. Dont
2. Bloch, H. P. (2000). Practical Lubrication for
pass up this great opportunity to assess key
Industrial Facilities. Lithburn, GA:
performance parameters on your turbine oil. The
The Fairmont Press.
use of clear, clean sample containers will allow for
quick and easy quality checks as identified below: 3. Exxon Mobil Corporation. Turbine Inspection
Manual. Fairfax, VA.
Color 4. Swift, S.T., Butler D.K., and Dewald W.
Unusual and rapid darkening can indicate
(2001). Turbine Oil Quality and Field
contamination or excessive degradation.
Applications Requirements. Turbine
Odor Lubrication in the 21st Century ASTM STP
Sour smelling oil can indicate contamination or 1407. West Conshohocken, PA.
excessive degradation. 5. ASTM (1997). Standard Practice for In-Service
Monitoring of Mineral Turbine Oils for Steam and
Air Gas Turbines ASTM D4378-97. Annual Book of
Air bubbles in the body of the lube oil sample
ASTM Standards Vol. 05.01.
should clear in fifteen minutes.

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