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Shape shifting is a technique used in magic to shift one's consciousness into other bodies or objects in order to better understand them. It can be used to empower spells, communicate with spirits, and gain new perspectives.

The author mistakenly defined 'ANYONE' who disagreed with or opposed them in any way as someone to be destroyed by the spirit IVHATHI. They realized their error and changed the word 'destroy' to 'redirect' in IVHATHI's contract to fix the situation.

The author changed one word in IVHATHI's contract from 'destroy' to 'redirect' those who oppose them. This immediately improved the situation.

Magic Class: Shape Shifting in Spells and Magic

Shape shifting is the art of shifting consciousness into other bodies be it astral or physical.
Most people think of Lycanthropy or Werewolves and such when they think of shape shifting.
These things are certainly possible via spells and witchcraft but that is not what this article is
about. In other words we will center ourselves in another object and let our senses become aware
of what that thing feels, speaks, thinks, etc. This skill is a good base for a lot of spells and other
forms of magic. The more you know about a subject the better you can work with it.

Shape Shifting
To begin it is best to start with something simple like a ball or a rose or a small object. This
technique will take work over time and will undoubtedly become part of your magical way of
life. Be happy with any advancements you gain as you go.
Breathe deeply and evenly, charge, and slip into a light trance. Let your thoughts slow. Let your
consciousness sink into your center (solar plexus). Don't just feel centered, be in your center
looking out. Move your center into the subjects center (The object chosen by you for this work).
Expand your awareness and open up to what it sees, thinks, feels. See what the item was like
and what it was subjected to in the past and perhaps what it will yet be. When you are done
bring your center back and expand your awareness again so that you reside totally in your
Next try shape shifting into an animal, a pet would be perfect for this. See through the animals
eyes and hear through its ears. Try out the animal's power of scent. Feel its breathing, heart
rate, and through this find its essence and spirit. In advanced spell working with this technique
you could empower your pet and give it instructions like "protect this space from ill energies".
When shape shifting your center back to yourself it is good to drain off the excess energy
by grounding. If you find yourself driven by unwanted impulses after a connection consciously
put up a wall against the last connection you made. For this simply visualize the energy that
connects you to the subject you used as a tube and then wall that tube shut till you decide to open
it again. This is especially necessary if you ever shape shift into an adversary.
Shape shifting into another human is the next task. Get an idea of who they are and how they
think and feel. Read their future or past by shape shifting their energy time-line. This is a good
way to cast a spell,work magic, on them or to start a thought in them. Quite simply; what you
think while you are there, by the art of magic and transference, they think of. Try to use this if
you have an interview and have met the boss before the process.
Shift into the elements and learn to call them more strongly in your spells and workings of
magic. This is slightly different as the "center" of the element is the meaning of the element to
you. Move your center into the air around you then expand to become the whole sky and the
movements of the breezes in the area (about a city area or so). Call the winds to you by
becoming the air and moving toward where your body is at. Let your mind open to the element
and it may teach you things about magic or yourself.
Light a fire and become it. Feel the heat and focus this heat in someones loins while making
them think sexual thoughts about you (fire is inside us all). Breathe fire into a sick person to aid
healing magic. Become the fire and let it flow through you into your spells.
Try shape shifting into earth and draw up your force to wall off bad energies and attacks or to
bear pressure on an enemy in aggressive spells.
Become water and find the connections between the planes. Walk reflections and connect or
create emotions. Bring the rains by feeling the water rising in the air condensing and falling back
down upon your city (This takes time to process spell wise but has always been effective for me.
Usually results within a few days).
When you are ready try shape shifting into the Gods and let their powers merge with yours.
Learn lost magic or work divine spells with their aid. Understand the difference between mans
understanding of them and their true natures and means.
You can use this technique to help run energy more directly in spells, or make an astral body to
visit other places. Once you become good at this you can travel the astral plane and create a
body(totemic or human) that can be seen by some in the physical plane. This is known as the
Fetch. Shape shifting animal forms in the astral imbues the mage with that animals essence and
can be quite useful in magic. I leave this to the student to discover.
Most witches require link objects to target their spells. When one is able to propperly
shapeshift and can feel a specific energy from afar the need for a link object is greatly
lessened in their magic.

A "Talk to Friendly Spirits" Circle
The other day we were doing a Social that Reno Magick is part of and I decided to mess with
normals with some chalk and sidewalk. I drew a circle and inside of it I drew a triangle. In each
of the spaces I drew a rune. I used Ansuz for Air, Laguz for Water, Fehu for Fire (which doesn't
really fit, I should have used Kennaz or Dagaz). Outside the Circle I drew Uruz, Othalla and Jera
for Earth. Then in the center of the triangle I drew an Elhaz for Spirit.
The purpose was supposed to create a separate space of air, fire and water surrounded by earth
with intent to focus spirit. After a couple minutes I decided to add some safety and added Wunjo
at the top and Gebo at the bottom to declare that the core purpose was joy and success built on a
foundation of Gift/Exchange. This was to support that only friendly spirits should be able to
come through.
Finally I charged the circle and each rune, and with will, projected my intent for what the circle
should accomplish. I had someone else come over and ensure they could feel the edge after
opening their hand chakra to verify my efforts. When they confirmed they could feel the edge I
took heart that my efforts had succeeded (which ironically helps them be successful)
I then wrote instructions:
Stand in the Center and think of loved ones who passed... Listen Closely...

The persons who tried it reported different forms of success. One had a good conversation with
her dead Grandfather. Another one, a strong skeptic stepped into the middle and as he thought
about someone it was like the energy of the circle rolled up and connected him down strongly. I
asked him what he experienced and he said that while he didn't hear anything, all of a sudden he
strongly smelled Salmon Eggs while he was in there. He then explained that Salmon Eggs were
the Bait he and his grandfather would use when they went fishing together. He took it as a
definite sign that SOMETHING had happened in the circle.
I'm tempted to make a few more of these around town over the next few months. Not just
ancestor talking circles, but wish circles, healing circles, Diety Circles and so on. It's fun and
interesting for me, a way for people to experience magick personally and... a good advertising
effort for the Magick Store we're thinking of opening. ;-)
As to the symbolism? I've mentioned that I believe in Conceptual Momentum. This is the idea
that concepts and techniques can become more and more effective the more that they are used
especially if they are aligned with momentums of the natural universe. Out of curiosity I looked
up the triangle/circle symbol that I've used as my summoning circle for a long time and found
that it rarely had that intent. It is commonly ascribed to be a balance of mind, body and heart
inside of a circle of spirit or some variation of that. To me it seems like a declaration of focus
and strength inside of a structure that keeps it free from being affected by the outside world. It is
also a focus.
Could I do more effective high magick by utilizing symbolism that has been exactly used for this
specific purpose many times before? Most likely. However I have the fundamentals in place. My
symbolism worked for me and for my purpose. In the end it doesn't matter if you did it the right
way it matters if it works.
This is why I Teach PBW the way I do. I know very effective high mages who do powerful work
out of a book, but when it comes time to design a ritual they don't have a book for they are
stumped. PBW is designed to help you learn the fundamentals in order to build the magick you
need for your daily life. You can learn High Magick skills to do the good works available there,
but by adding PBW you will be able to look at the Rituals in the books and tweak them to fit
your needs by understanding the whys involved at each step and how you can adjust them.
Summoning, Blooding and Binding Spirits
Summoning, Blooding and Binding Spirits. The idea brings up images of dark energies
surrounding persons presenting blood sacrifices late at night, to beings in chalked circles
ominously lit by black candles. To be honest that aspect does exist; however, Binding Spirits is
not all shadows and pain. The spirit world operates on a different set of rules than we do here.
Living on earth is considered to be kinda a high point of existence. Spirits tend to think of us as
Billionaires going to college, networking and taking a cruise all at the same time. In the spirit
world a purpose to exist and an opportunity to grow are good gifts. In fact, when a spirit says
gratefully that they owe you one, it means that they owe you a learning experience. The
EXACT opposite of what you mean. Most Mages want help with a learning experience whereas
most spirits want challenges and enough power to tackle them. Notice I said spirits... not ghosts.
While I usually speak of ghosts as just another form of spirit (non-corporial living entity), in this
case due to their recent experience (life), ghosts may have a bit more power than your average
spirit, but they also tend to share our less "appreciative" value system.
We all have spirits who stick around us and help us with our challenges. They commonly go by
the name of our "spiritual entourage" or "guardian spirits." Think of them as loving Roadies to
our life performance. Sometimes we appreciatively (or not, unfortunately) let our roadies take
care of a lot of stuff and sometimes we do most of it ourselves. Just as performers will gain and
lose fans over the course of their performance so to will our entourage change out to fit who we
are now. If we had an entourage who were fans of our doom-n-gloom life, but we've replaced
our live with an appreciative and loving one, a lot of our early entourage is going to drop off and
be replaced with new ones. There are infinite possibilities in this universe so don't worry about
nobody liking your performance. Everyone has a few "die hard fans."
This brings us to the most simple conscious binding I've ever seen. "Please, help me." We've
ALL done this. Usually we were looking to the heavens hoping that Big Daddy in the sky would
make it all right. What most of us don't know is that those words are the equivalent of holding
up a no bid, no requirement, college scholarship to the first available taker. Just like in the real
world we tend to get what we're aligned with. I'm a pretty decent person and I tend to interact
with decent people, so when I no bid a job I tend to get someone nice. This isn't always true of
course. Our entourage isn't limited by silly things like time so if we're ready to make a life
choice sometimes our entourage will change shifts beforehand. Kind of like if Metallica
announced a new CD... of Gregorian Chants. Many fans would jump ship right there, but there
would be people who would be intrigued and would line up to buy it before it came out. So if
your life is in a dark place and you are truely ready to change don't be surprised if you suddenly
find yourself with allies more like who you are trying to be rather than who you were.
If you're a legal minded person you've already seen why "Please, help me" can be a bad binding.
You left everything up to the spirit completely. Maybe the spirit decides that the best way to
help you is to get in your way to help make the lesson more effective. Maybe the spirit decides
that the best way to help you is to kill that bastard who broke your heart, never mind that you
might get together again... THIS is why we bind. Think of bindings literally like contracts. I
would like you to fix this problem, in this way, for this cost.
Cost? What's that? Most spirits don't have much ability to effect change in this world. We can
change it with our stray thoughts. Our energy body allows us some impressive options they they
don't have. If you think of our body like an army focused towards whatever purpose we choose,
then think of spirits doing work for us as contractors with security clearance to fly the F-14s.
The contractors aren't always easy with the equipment. Hey we're rich, what will we care if they
crash a few of the planes or sink a small boat right?
This is why when you are binding a spirit it is a good idea to not only write a contract, but also to
give them a body and "blood" it. By giving it a separate body, giving it power and in the
contract defining how it might (or might not) receive more power, you disconnect it from you.
Instead of giving it a blank check, you define what resources it has and what budget it needs to
stay within.
I recently pissed off a few dark hearted people when I decided I wanted them out of my life.
After opening my 3rd eye and seeing my aura coated in "sludge" a couple days ago, I decided to
go ahead and create a spirit to help defend me from any curses they might send. Being the light
and love person I am... I decided I wanted the spirit to attack those who attacked me better and
faster. I designed a bindrune (I'll cover bindrune design later), wrote up a contract into my book
of shadows (Yes I do have one) and then empowered it in a circle with with alchemy, blood and
will. After the ritual, I felt accomplished and like it was drawing out all kinds of negativity that I
hadn't cleared away. It was only this morning that I realized my mistake. Let me read you the
original contract and see if you figure out my error.
"IVHATHI, spirit of curses redirected: Absorb those energies sent to harm or hinder me and use
them to destroy those, other than myself (as defined by me), who choose through will and action
to set their energies against me, my purposes and mine. Do so effectively and without malice.
Maintain your purpose and your allegiance and be empowered to change and grow for your
I woke up with a serious feeling of doom. Luckily, I knew my mistake. I had made a simple
error. My definitions and consequences were flawed. I had mistakenly defined ANYONE who
disagreed with me and opposed me in any way as someone to be destroyed! 0_0 :-0
This brings us to the second reason you want to write a contract and give a body to a spirit. If
you have access to the contract and the body, you can change or destroy the whole situation. I
changed one word this morning and the whole situation improved immediately. I changed the
word "destroy", to "redirect":
"IVHATHI, spirit of curses redirected: Absorb those energies sent to harm or hinder me and use
them to REDIRECT those other than myself (as defined by me), who choose through will and
action to set their energies against me, my purposes and mine. Do so effectively and without
malice. Maintain your purpose and your allegiance and be empowered to change and grow for
your purpose."
This brings us to another reason to bind spirits. I ignored the law of silence, I didn't keep this
spell a secret from you. Why? Because IVHATHI is a smart, living and growing entity. Your
disbelief doesn't matter to it. It can still do its job no matter what you believe. Now silence is
still a good idea in most cases; Sharing what you're doing can have people decide to oppose you
because they disagree with what you're doing and/or how you're doing it. Keeping your mouth
shut prevents you from gathering anti-momentum. Unfortunately it also prevents you from
gathering allied momentum.
I am choosing to share IVHATHI because (especially in his new contract) he's a pretty cool and
positive ally and THE MORE HE IS USED THE STRONGER HE GETS. If all he does is learn
and grow dealing with my stuff he will grow enough to do that. If I get a lot of readers who
learn how to access his aid, then he gets all of the learning experience they bring him as well.
Since I'm the person who fundamentally holds the contract and body then I'm the person who
gets to redirect him if need be. Now to be honest someone else can decide to form another body
for him and change his purpose. However, in doing so they will most likely disconnect from the
energies we are building here. The further from my IVHATHI they take theirs, the less they get
to tap into what we're doing here.
I will soon post details of IVHATHI, the runes I used and the Bindrune involved. I intentionally
designed him to be able to be accessed through his Name and his Bindrune separately. Doing
this is what we call creating a focus. I take a complex spell and create a simple way to access its
energy in entirety. While IVHATHI is more that just a spell, calling upon him and knowing
what I'm calling IS a spell. The focus allows me to do so quickly and without having to recreate
the 2 hour long ritual I used in his original summoning, contract and binding. Plus... now I don't
have to prick my finger again... that shit hurts! ;-)

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