Sword and Pyramid Guide1

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Plgh Cuard: 1he ArL

of Lnergy uefense
1he Sword and yramld 1echnlque

LxcerpLs Laken from Lhe book: !"#$%$#" %'( )$*%' )(#+(

CopyrlghL 2013, Plgher 8alance
All rlghLs reserved.
1hls book may noL be reproduced ln whole or ln parL, or LransmlLLed ln any
form, wlLhouL wrlLLen permlsslon from Lhe publlshlng company.

To do the Pyramid technique, first clear your mind. You
may sit down into the meditative position that you learned
from the book Meditation within Eternity, an earlier course.
Begin by clearing your mind, having as much non-thought as
possible. Next, focus on breathing slowly in through your nose
and then out your mouth. Visualize Prana in the environment,
meaning energy. Give it a texture or color. See it as silver bits
of energy. Its not important what you visualize; its more
important that your intention is to see and feel Prana all
around you. Recognize this as a very good and positive
What is taking place here is that youre reverse engineering
your thinking. So instead of trying to take something
eric pepin

dimensional and bring it in physically, youre trying to take
something physical into the dimensional. This is to make your
brain and mind bridge together to achieve the desired result.
Begin to visualize Prana moving into you; little beads of
light streaking into you very quickly from all over. Its an in-
finite amount. Now, with your mind focused in the center of
your physical body, imagine silver light is being built; as if a
bar of light inside of you is developing and its made of light.
Slowly now, as you breathe in, see it expanding as its filling
See it expanding, expanding, and expanding even more
until it reaches the outside of your body. Its coming out of
every pore of your skin, out of every molecule in your body.
Its all pure energy now. See your entire body as a molecular
structure. All of the organic bodies are made out of molecular
structure, and become pure energy.
This white light begins to fill your whole body. It begins
to look like its a white being of light. Now youre going to
expand it beyond you. It starts expanding outward, above and
below you. Let this energy take the shape of a pyramid. When
most people think of a pyramid, they envision three triangles
and a bottom. A pyramid has a bottom and four sides.
Let this energy drop down as if it was a glass-shaped
structure that youre sitting in, floating in the center. You will
be in the middle of it. See this energy moving down and ex-
panding to the four corners of the base of the Pyramid. Its
filling outward, towards the four edges, and then rising above
your head by several feet. Its going to fill that space until its
a perfect triangle.
Fill it now with this absolutely pure, white energy. Take
that energy and give it one final touch. Switch to your heart
chakra and feel an intense amount of love and happiness per-
meate that energy all around you. Say, So it is. By saying, So
it is, or something similar, this tells you it is done. It is
complete. Its solid. My work is done. Its that simple. Of
course, the process should take about fifteen minutes or so.

Remember what I said to you about meditating and it be-
ing the highest state you could possibly be in to defend your
energy? Nothing can hit or attack you; it just moves right
through you? Now youre taking a quality of that energy to
use. Youre building it up around yourself. You are telling, or
programming, this energy to stay around you as a protective
barrier. Once the Pyramid is complete, get up, walk through
life and deal with your situation. The Pyramid prevents nega-
tive energies from being able to affect you. Literally, you have
all of these energy barriers preventing those energies from
being able to affect you, just as if you were sitting and medi-
tating all day long. That will require some maintenance. The
better job that you do with focusing, setting your intention,
and clearing your mind; the better your pyramid field is going
to be.
The pyramid field is also self-expanding and retractable. If
youre sitting and doing your meditation, when you stand up
it will expand to always be X amount of feet over your head
and X amount of feet into the ground. When you walk, and
move through a room, if there are negative beings standing
by the couch and you walk past it, your pyramid is going to
be like a plow. Its going to push them out of the way. It will
move through objects like an energy static field. Its always
around you and all you have to do is feed it once or twice a
day or week or whatever the circumstances may demand. You
cannot think in terms of physically how we perceive ourselves.
Youve got to think in terms of energy being able to permeate
every environment.
Now, Ill tell you one of the things that I do when I meditate.
I purge my home of negative energy when I move into a new
house or apartment because I dont know what kind of energy
is already there, what the intentions were, and I dont want to
be concerned about it. Meditating and focusing on this energy,
I take the pyramid and instead of just expanding it around my
body, I create one around my entire home that takes up the
entire property. It will go deep into the ground, high above
the house, and deep within the barriers of the home. Then,
I permeate it with positive energy, intention, and vibration.
It prevents negative energy from coming into my house,
especially when there are guests in my home.
But, it needs to be maintained. Sometimes I forget about it
and get some interesting energy coming around me because
of things that go on in my home. Other times I know Ive got
to re-strengthen it, and then Ill check back with it in another
month to see how its doing.


To explain the Sword, I think its more important for
me to first explain its purpose. Psychically, we are meeting
with people, developing relationships, and interacting with
them on an everyday basis. Were creating psychic webbing.
Psychic webbing is really an interpretation for something:
For everybody you meet, you store a vibration for them. You
get a feel of their energy, their vibration. With some people,
its very quick and you dont build much of a connection. With
other people, you build a very strong connection.
When you learn Multi-Dimensional Meditation and you
meditate, youre jingling these webbings of other people in
your life. Sometimes, theyre people you havent seen for five
years, ten years, twenty years, or longer. You may not even be
interested in seeing these people again. Perhaps you had a bad
relationship with them or they were very draining on you and
youre glad to be free of them, but theres still this connection
to other people. When you meditate, and you build up all of
this energy from the meditation, you send pulses of energy
through these pathways. Then, the people on the receiving
end start thinking about you.
Suddenly, for no reason, you might get a phone call from
an old friend or a relative that you havent heard from in a
while. Youre going to have mixed feelings of whether or not
you really want to meet these people again and have them
back in your life. Thats one aspect of psychic webbing.
Now, the other part of psychic webbing is that some people
build a connection to you, which is very effective. It may be
damaging, draining, or attacking your energy field constantly.
Rather than just using the Pyramid, you might want to
also utilize the Sword. This is really an energy that you
develop inside of your body and then bring forward out of
your body to create a sword.
The reason why I chose a sword versus a stick or a broom,
for that matter, is because a sword represents sharpness,
nobility, and strength. It has deep-routed psychological
concepts connected to it. The brain works very well with it
so that the mind can actually utilize it. Theres a very positive
kind of connection between the two states of being.
To begin this process, we clear our mind, sitting in a chair
or on the floor in half lotus, hands and back in the meditative
position. With your mind clear, start to see energy in the
room, pure, white light. Then see it moving into you and filling
you. Take a nice deep breath in. Now position your hands as
if youre handling a real sword. Take this energy and extend
it out as if an energy sword is being made in your hands. You
are holding the handle. It doesnt matter what kind of sword it
is. It could be a machete; it could be a katana; it could be Luke
Skywalkers Jedi light saber. Its whatever you want to make
it; it doesnt matter. Take that sword now, as youre making it
come from your internal energy, your chi chakra, extending it
outward and growing to four feet in length, give or take.
Move it outward, and visualize the webbing that is attached
to you. Take your Sword and swing it up over your head. See
it cutting these webs that are like rubber; see them slingshot
away from you as youre cutting them. Then cut them from
the front; cut from the side, and behind your back. Go through
the process of cutting webs with this energy. You constantly
want to see this sword effect.
Focus on the detail of your imagination and try to visualize
this as a very real effect happening to you. After youve finished
cutting all of these webbings that are connected to you, you
will feel a sense of release. Its a detachment, as if other
peoples neediness or energy, which may not be agreeable to
you, is released. Youre cutting away their connection to you.

That is the purpose of the sword and how it is utilized. Make
sure to use your hands, as if you are really holding something.

Visualize a sword extending out of your Chi chakra. Move the sword all
around you and cut all the connecting energy webbing. Bring the sword
back to center and see it disappear; its energy returning to you.

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lndeed and much more. 1hls ls noL [usL anoLher fuzzy new Age book
abouL a maglcal, vague 'slxLh sense'.
lgnlLlng Lhe SlxLh Sense deals wlLh Lhe magneLlc sense LhaL allows blrds,
whales, bees and many oLher anlmals Lo deLecL and use magneLlc flelds
ln ways LhaL seem lmposslble for humans. ?eL, we possess Lhls same
naLural ablllLy. WhaL happens lf you comblne a modern human wlLh an
acLlve, magneLlc sensory? 1hey dlsplay skllls and ablllLles LhaL seem, aL
Llmes, super-human.

Lrlc epln, Lhe #1 splrlLual Amazon besLselllng auLhor of ,(-$%.%$/#
0$%'$# 1%(2#$%3 and 4'( 5.#-6//7 /8 %'( 9.:$".%/2, Lakes you on a
[ourney where you wlll dlscover:
* Pow Lo access a larger memory beyond your own, Lhe Akashlc
* ulscover Lhe meLhod of magneLlc prana aLLracLlon LhaL makes Lhe
enLlre unlverse reacL Lo who you are and whaL you wanL
* Pow Lo enhance every mlnd, body and splrlLual Lechnlque you
pracLlce. lncludlng medlLaLlon, marLlal arLs and more
* 1he 13 mlnuLe mlracle LhaL glves you nearly unllmlLed amounLs of
* Pow Lo creaLe a 'psychlc buffer' so you aren'L overwhelmed, harmed
or lnfluenced by Lhe energy and LhoughLs of oLhers
* Learn Lhe secreL Lo programmlng your own energy fleld

And LhaL's [usL Lhe beglnnlng. 1here are more Lhan 260 pages worLh,
packed wlLh ln-depLh knowledge and effecLlve Lechnlques you can
easlly apply. lL's all here, and lL works.

vlslL www.lgnlLlngLheslxLhsense.com Lo begln readlng Loday.

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