Momentum (Technical Analysis) : For Other Uses of "Momentum", See

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Momentum (technical analysis)

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For other uses of "Momentum", see Momentum (disambiguation).
Momentum and rate of change (ROC) are simple technical analysis indicators shoing
the difference !eteen today"s closing price and the close # days ago$ %omentum is the
a!solute difference in stock, commodity:
Rate of change scales !y the old close, so as to represent the increase as a fraction,
"Momentum" in general refers to prices continuing to trend$ &he momentum and ROC
indicators sho trend !y remaining positive hile an uptrend is sustained, or negative
hile a dontrend is sustained$
' crossing up through (ero may !e used as a signal to !uy, or a crossing don through
(ero as a signal to sell$ )o high (or ho lo hen negative) the indicators get shos
ho strong the trend is$
&he ay momentum shos an a!solute change means it shos for instance a *+ rise over
,- days, hereas ROC might sho that as -$,. for a ,./ rise over the same period$ One
can choose !eteen looking at a move in dollar terms, relative point terms, or
proportional terms$ &he (ero crossings are the same in each, of course, !ut the highs or
los shoing strength are on the respective different !ases$
&he conventional interpretation is to use momentum as a trend0folloing indicator$ &his
means that hen the indicator peaks and !egins to descend, it can !e considered a sell
signal$ &he opposite conditions can !e interpreted hen the indicator !ottoms out and
!egins to rise$
%omentum is the change in an #0day simple moving average (4%') !eteen yesterday
and today, ith a scale factor #52, i$e$
&his is the slope or steepness of the 4%' line, like a derivative$ &his relationship is not
much discussed generally, !ut it"s of interest in understanding the signals from the
When momentum crosses up through (ero it corresponds to a trough in the 4%', and
hen it crosses don through (ero it"s a peak$ )o high (or lo) momentum gets
represents ho steeply the 4%' is rising (or falling)$
&he &R67 indicator is similarly !ased on changes in a moving average (a triple
e8ponential in that case)$

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