Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn & David Levithan

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1 . Ni ck
The day begins in the middle of the night. I am not paying
attention to anything but the bass in my hand, the noise in my
ears. Dev is screaming, Thom is ailing, and I am the clock-
work, I am the one who takes this thing called music and lines
it up with this thing called time. I am the ticking, I am the
pulsing, I am underneath every part of this moment. We
dont have a drummer. Dev has thrown off his shirt and
Thom is careening into feedback and I am behind them, I am
the generator. I am listening and I am not listening because
what Im playing isnt something Im thinking about, its
something Im feeling all over. All eyes are on us. Or at least
thats what I can imagine in my stageblindness. Its a small
room and were a big noise and I am the nonqueer bassist in
a queercore band who is lling the room with undertone as
Dev sing-screams, Fuck the Man / Fuck the Man / I really want
to / Fuck the Man. I am punctuating and I am puncturing and
I am punching the air with my body as my ngers press hard
into the chords. Sweat, malice, and hunger pour from me.
This is release, or maybe its just a plea for release. Dev is
wailing now and Thom is crashing and even though my feet
dont move I am traveling hard. I look past the light and see
people shaking, people jumping around, people watching as
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Dev takes the microphone into his mouth and keeps yelling
the words. I throw the chords at them, I drench them in the
soundwaves, I am making time so loud that they have to hear
it. I am stronger than words and I am bigger than the box Im
in, and then I see her in the crowd and I fall apart.
I fucking told her not to come. While she was busy rip-
ping me into pieces, that was the one fragment I begged to
keep. Please dont come to the shows. I dont want to see you
there. And she had said yes, and it hadnt been a lie then. But
it turned into a lie at some point, because here she is, and my
ngers are losing their place, and my buzz is losing its edge,
and everything about me goes from crying out to just plain
cryingall in the time it takes for me to see the shape of her
lips. And then I seeoh fuck nothat shes not alone, that
shes with some guy, and while shell say shes come to watch
me, theres no doubt in my mind that shes come so I can
watch her. Its over, shed said, and wasnt that the biggest lie
of all? I am stumbling through the notes and Dev is onto the
next verse and Thom is playing a little faster than he should,
so I have to catch up as she leans into this guy and rocks her
head like Im making this music for her, when if I could, I
would take it all away and give her as much silence as shes
given me pain.
I try to keep up with Dev and Thom. Were called
The Fuck Offs tonight, but thats a new name and itll
probably only last three gigs before Dev comes up with an-
other. Weve already been Porn Yesterday, The Black Hand -
kerchiefs, The Vengeful Hairdressers, and None Of Your
Business. I dont really use my vote, except to veto Devs
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Dev takes the microphone into his mouth and keeps yelling
the words. I throw the chords at them, I drench them in the
soundwaves, I am making time so loud that they have to hear
it. I am stronger than words and I am bigger than the box Im
in, and then I see her in the crowd and I fall apart.
I fucking told her not to come. While she was busy rip-
ping me into pieces, that was the one fragment I begged to
keep. Please dont come to the shows. I dont want to see you
there. And she had said yes, and it hadnt been a lie then. But
it turned into a lie at some point, because here she is, and my
ngers are losing their place, and my buzz is losing its edge,
and everything about me goes from crying out to just plain
cryingall in the time it takes for me to see the shape of her
lips. And then I seeoh fuck nothat shes not alone, that
shes with some guy, and while shell say shes come to watch
me, theres no doubt in my mind that shes come so I can
watch her. Its over, shed said, and wasnt that the biggest lie
of all? I am stumbling through the notes and Dev is onto the
next verse and Thom is playing a little faster than he should,
so I have to catch up as she leans into this guy and rocks her
head like Im making this music for her, when if I could, I
would take it all away and give her as much silence as shes
given me pain.
I try to keep up with Dev and Thom. Were called
The Fuck Offs tonight, but thats a new name and itll
probably only last three gigs before Dev comes up with an-
other. Weve already been Porn Yesterday, The Black Hand -
kerchiefs, The Vengeful Hairdressers, and None Of Your
Business. I dont really use my vote, except to veto Devs
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stupider ideas. (Dude, I had to tell him, nobody wants to
see a band called Dickache.) Devs out to pierce the pierced,
tattoo the tattooed, and have his way with the messy punk
boys who come to our shows not knowing theyll end up
wanting to mess around with the guy challenging How big is
your cocker spaniel? into the mic. Devs from a town in Jersey
called Lodi, and that makes perfect sense to me, since hes
nothing if not an idol in reverse. Thoms from South Or-
ange, and has only had an h in his rst name for the past two
months. Im from Hoboken, as close to the city as you can get
without actually being in the city. On nights like this, with a
chance to play in front of more than just our friends, Id
swim across the Hudson if I had to, in order to get to this
cave of a club. At least until Tris shows up and I nd myself
bleeding invisibly across the stage.
Take the Power / Fuck the Man / Take the Power / and Fuck
the Man. Dev is taking the song somewhere its never been
before: a fourth minute. Im rutting now, waiting for the wind-
down. Thom looks like hes on the verge of a solo, which is
never a good place for Thom to be. I move my feet, turn away
from her, try to pretend shes not there, which is the biggest
fucking joke Ive ever not laughed at. I try to get Devs atten-
tion from the periphery, but hes too busy wiping the sweat
on his chest to notice. Finally, though, he gets a burst of en-
ergy strong enough to end the thing on. So he throws out his
arm and howls and I run us into the ground with a nal
lurch. The crowd sends us a burst of their own noise. I try to
hear her voice, try to separate that single pitch from the
shouts and applause. But shes as lost to me as she was the
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night I cried and she didnt turn back to see if I was okay.
Three weeks, two days, and twenty-three hours ago. And
shes already with someone else.
The next band is at the side of the stage. The owner of
the club is motioning that our time is up. I am not so gone
that Im not gratied by the calls for more, by that little sound
of letdown when the lights go up to show the crowd a clearer
path back to the bar. I am the equipment bitch for this gig, so
while Dev jumps into the crowd to nd his most willing ad-
mirer and Thom blushingly retreats to his understanding-
but-emo boyfriend, I have to immediately detox so I can
pack up our gear. I go from chords to cords, amped to amps.
One of the guys from the next band is cool and helps me re-
cover the cases from the back corner of the stage. But Im the
only one who can touch the instruments, putting them care-
fully to bed for the night. Then I offer to help the new band
set up, and am glad when they say yes so I can be connecting
them to the soundboard instead of spending all my energy
resisting her.
My eye is still used to searching for her in a crowd. My
breath is still used to catching when I see her and the light is
angled just right. My body is still used to hers moving next to
mine. So the distanceanything short of contactis a con-
stant rejection. We were together for six months, and in each
of those months my desire found new ways to be fueled by
her. Its over cant kill that. All of the songs I wrote in my
head were for her, and now I cant stop them from playing.
This null soundtrack. Im tired, shed said, and I told her that
I was tired, too, and that I wanted to take some time for us,
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night I cried and she didnt turn back to see if I was okay.
Three weeks, two days, and twenty-three hours ago. And
shes already with someone else.
The next band is at the side of the stage. The owner of
the club is motioning that our time is up. I am not so gone
that Im not gratied by the calls for more, by that little sound
of letdown when the lights go up to show the crowd a clearer
path back to the bar. I am the equipment bitch for this gig, so
while Dev jumps into the crowd to nd his most willing ad-
mirer and Thom blushingly retreats to his understanding-
but-emo boyfriend, I have to immediately detox so I can
pack up our gear. I go from chords to cords, amped to amps.
One of the guys from the next band is cool and helps me re-
cover the cases from the back corner of the stage. But Im the
only one who can touch the instruments, putting them care-
fully to bed for the night. Then I offer to help the new band
set up, and am glad when they say yes so I can be connecting
them to the soundboard instead of spending all my energy
resisting her.
My eye is still used to searching for her in a crowd. My
breath is still used to catching when I see her and the light is
angled just right. My body is still used to hers moving next to
mine. So the distanceanything short of contactis a con-
stant rejection. We were together for six months, and in each
of those months my desire found new ways to be fueled by
her. Its over cant kill that. All of the songs I wrote in my
head were for her, and now I cant stop them from playing.
This null soundtrack. Im tired, shed said, and I told her that
I was tired, too, and that I wanted to take some time for us,
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too. And then shed said, No, Im tired of you, and I slipped
into the surreal-but-true universe where we were over and I
wasnt over it. She was no longer any kind of here that I could
get to.
I keep my back to the crowd as I store the equipment and
instruments somewhere safe. Then comes the moment when
I cant keep my back to it anymore, since theres only so long
that you can stare at a wall before you feel like an idiot. I am
saved by the next band, which cranks the volume even higher
and soon engulfs us all in beautiful chaos. Theyre called Are
You Randy? and the lead singer is actually singing instead of
moaning and Ramoning. I dare a glance into the crowd and I
dont see her anymore. I dont see very many hers at allits
a sea of hims pressing and crashing against one another as the
lead singer tells them the state of things, breaking into bits
and pieces of I Want You to Want Me and Blue Moon
and All Apologies as he dances through his own seven
I think Tris will like this band, and the fact that I know
this stabs me again, because all the knowledge of what she
likes is perfectly useless now. I wonder who the guy is. I won-
der if the two of them knew each other three weeks and three
days ago. Im glad I didnt really see him because then Id
think of them naked. Now I just think of her naked, and its
such a vivid touch memory that my ngers actually move to
take it in. I turn my head, as if Ive been actually seeing her,
and see Thom and his boyfriend Scot making out to the mu-
sic in a corner-of-the-universe way. Dev, I gure, is still at
the bar, still performing. Were underage, but that doesnt
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matter here. The crowd is mostly older than uscollege or
should-be-in-collegeand Im aware of not really tting in.
Some of the older guys in the crowd check me out, give me a
nod. Its not like I wear a Badge of Straight or anything. I
nod back sometimes, when I think its a musical acknowledg-
ment and not an invitation. I always keep moving.
I nd Dev at the bar, talking to a guy our age who looks
familiar in that Type kind of way. When I get to where
theyre standing, Im introduced as the bass god, Nick, and
hes introduced as Hunter from Hunter. Dev thanks me for
being equipment bitch, and from the way the conversation
doesnt continue from there I know Im interrupting. If it
was Thom, my agitation would probably be noticed. But Dev
needs you to spell emotions out for him, and right now Im
not in the mood. So I just tell him where I left the stuff and
pretend Im going off to search for a clear spot on the bar to
summon the bartender from. And once Im pretending thats
the truth, I gure it might as well be the truth. I still cant see
Tris, and theres a small part of me thats wondering if it was
even her in the crowd. Maybe it was someone who looked like
Tris, which would explain the guy who didnt look like any-
Are You Randy? stop playing their instruments one by
one, until the lead singer croons a nal, a cappella note. I
wish for their sake I could say the club falls into silence at
this, but in truth the air is one-half conversation. Still, thats
better than average, and the band gets a lunge of applause
and cheers. I clap, too, and notice that the girl next to me
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matter here. The crowd is mostly older than uscollege or
should-be-in-collegeand Im aware of not really tting in.
Some of the older guys in the crowd check me out, give me a
nod. Its not like I wear a Badge of Straight or anything. I
nod back sometimes, when I think its a musical acknowledg-
ment and not an invitation. I always keep moving.
I nd Dev at the bar, talking to a guy our age who looks
familiar in that Type kind of way. When I get to where
theyre standing, Im introduced as the bass god, Nick, and
hes introduced as Hunter from Hunter. Dev thanks me for
being equipment bitch, and from the way the conversation
doesnt continue from there I know Im interrupting. If it
was Thom, my agitation would probably be noticed. But Dev
needs you to spell emotions out for him, and right now Im
not in the mood. So I just tell him where I left the stuff and
pretend Im going off to search for a clear spot on the bar to
summon the bartender from. And once Im pretending thats
the truth, I gure it might as well be the truth. I still cant see
Tris, and theres a small part of me thats wondering if it was
even her in the crowd. Maybe it was someone who looked like
Tris, which would explain the guy who didnt look like any-
Are You Randy? stop playing their instruments one by
one, until the lead singer croons a nal, a cappella note. I
wish for their sake I could say the club falls into silence at
this, but in truth the air is one-half conversation. Still, thats
better than average, and the band gets a lunge of applause
and cheers. I clap, too, and notice that the girl next to me
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puts two ngers in her mouth to whistle old-fashioned style.
The sound is clear and spirited, and makes me think of Little
League. The girl is dressed in a annel shirt, and I cant tell
whether thats because shes trying to bring back the only
fashion style of the past fty years that hasnt been brought
back or whether its because the shirt is as damn comfortable
as it looks. She has very pale skin and a haircut that reads pri-
vate school even though shes messed it up to try to hide it.
The next band opened for Le Tigre on their last tour, and I
gure this girls here to see them. If I was a different kind of
guy, I might try to strike up a friendly conversation, just to
be, I dunno, friends. But I feel that if I talk to someone else
right now, all Ill be able to do is unload.
Thom and Scot would probably be ready to go if I
wanted them to, but Im pretty sure Dev hasnt gured out
yet whether hes coming back with us or not, and Id be an
asshole to put him on the spot and ask. So Im stuck and I
know it, and thats when I look to my right and see Tris and
her new guy approaching the beer-spilled bar to order an-
other round of whatever Im not having. Its denitely her,
and Im denitely fucked, because the between-band rush is
pressing toward me now and if I try to leave, Ill have to push
my way out, and if I have to push my way out, shell see me
making an escape and shell know for sure that I cant take it,
and even if thats the goddamn truth I dont want her to have
actual proof. She is looking so hot and I am feeling so cold
and the guy shes with has his hand on her arm in a way that a
gay friend would never, ever think of, and I guess thats my
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own proof. I am the old model and this is the new model and
I could crash out a years worth of time on my bass and noth-
ing, absolutely nothing, would change.
She sees me. She cant fake surprise at seeing me here,
because of course she fucking knew Id be here. So she does a
little smile thing and whispers something to the new model
and I can tell just from her expression that after they get their
now-being-poured drinks they are going to come over and
say hello and good show andcould she be so stupid and
cruel?how are you doing? And I cant stand the thought of
it. I see it all unfolding and I know I have to do something
anythingto stop it.
So I, this random bassist in an average queercore band,
turn to this girl in annel who I dont even know and say:
I know this is going to sound strange, but would you
mind being my girlfriend for the next ve minutes?
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own proof. I am the old model and this is the new model and
I could crash out a years worth of time on my bass and noth-
ing, absolutely nothing, would change.
She sees me. She cant fake surprise at seeing me here,
because of course she fucking knew Id be here. So she does a
little smile thing and whispers something to the new model
and I can tell just from her expression that after they get their
now-being-poured drinks they are going to come over and
say hello and good show andcould she be so stupid and
cruel?how are you doing? And I cant stand the thought of
it. I see it all unfolding and I know I have to do something
anythingto stop it.
So I, this random bassist in an average queercore band,
turn to this girl in annel who I dont even know and say:
I know this is going to sound strange, but would you
mind being my girlfriend for the next ve minutes?
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2. Norah
Randy from Are You Randy? insists the bassist from the queer-
core band is a mo, but I told him No, the guy is straight.
Whether or not hes responsible for his bands shit lyrics (Fuck
the Man / Fuck the Manwhats that trite crap?), I have no
idea, but hes no mo. Trust me. There are certain things a
girl just knows, like that a fourth minute on a punk song is a
bad, bad idea, or that no way does a Jersey-boy bassist with
Astor Place hair who wears torn-up, bleach-stained black
jeans and a faded black T-shirt with orange lettering that says
When I say Jesus, you say Christ, swing down boy-boy alley;
hes working the ironic punk boyJohnny Cash angle too hard
to be a mo. Maybe hes a little emo, I told Randy, but just be-
cause he doesnt look like a Whitesnake-relic-reject like all of
your band, does not automatically mean the guys gay.
The incidental fact of his straightness doesnt mean I
want to be NoMos ve-minute girlfriend, like Im some
7-Eleven quick stop on his slut train. Only because I am the
one loser here who hasnt lost all her senses to beer, dope,
or hormones do I have the sense to hold back my original
instinctto yell back FUCK, NO! in response to NoMos
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I have to think about Caroline. I always have to think
about Caroline.
I noticed NoMo loading equipment after his bands set
while his bandmates abandoned him to score some action. I
understand that scene. I am that scene, cleaning up everyone
elses mess.
NoMo dresses so badhe has to be from Jersey. And if
Jersey Boy is equipment bitch, he has a van. The vans proba-
bly a piece of scrap metal with a leaking carburetor that as
likely as not will pop a tire or run out of gas in the middle of
the Lincoln Tunnel, but its a risk I have to take. Somebodys
got to get Caroline home. Shes too drunk to risk taking her on
the bus. Shes also so drunk shell go home with Randy if Im
not there to take her back to my house where she can sleep it
off. Groupie bitch. If I didnt love her so much, Id kill her.
Shes lucky my parents love her just as much; her dad and
stepmonster are away for the weekend, they dont give a fuck
what she does, so long as she doesnt get pregnant or date any
boy from a non-six-gure-plus-income household. Jerk-offs.
My parents, they adore Caroline, beautiful Caroline with the
long caramel hair, the big cherry Tootsie Pop lips, the juve-
nile delinquent arrest record. They wont care if she stum-
bles from my room into the kitchen tomorrow afternoon all
disheveled and hung over. Shes the one, not me, who meets
their expectation of what the daughter of an Engle wood
Cliffslivin, fat-cat record company CEO should be: wild.
Carolines not a Big Disappointment like their Plain
Jane, comfy-annel-shirt-wearing, tousled bowl-head-haircut-
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I have to think about Caroline. I always have to think
about Caroline.
I noticed NoMo loading equipment after his bands set
while his bandmates abandoned him to score some action. I
understand that scene. I am that scene, cleaning up everyone
elses mess.
NoMo dresses so badhe has to be from Jersey. And if
Jersey Boy is equipment bitch, he has a van. The vans proba-
bly a piece of scrap metal with a leaking carburetor that as
likely as not will pop a tire or run out of gas in the middle of
the Lincoln Tunnel, but its a risk I have to take. Somebodys
got to get Caroline home. Shes too drunk to risk taking her on
the bus. Shes also so drunk shell go home with Randy if Im
not there to take her back to my house where she can sleep it
off. Groupie bitch. If I didnt love her so much, Id kill her.
Shes lucky my parents love her just as much; her dad and
stepmonster are away for the weekend, they dont give a fuck
what she does, so long as she doesnt get pregnant or date any
boy from a non-six-gure-plus-income household. Jerk-offs.
My parents, they adore Caroline, beautiful Caroline with the
long caramel hair, the big cherry Tootsie Pop lips, the juve-
nile delinquent arrest record. They wont care if she stum-
bles from my room into the kitchen tomorrow afternoon all
disheveled and hung over. Shes the one, not me, who meets
their expectation of what the daughter of an Engle wood
Cliffslivin, fat-cat record company CEO should be: wild.
Carolines not a Big Disappointment like their Plain
Jane, comfy-annel-shirt-wearing, tousled bowl-head-haircut-
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a-$5-can-of-blue- spray-paint (Rickys), straight-edge, respon-
sible valedictorian bitch daughter. Ive chosen a gap year on a
kibbutz in South Africa over Brown. WHY, Norah, WHY? I
wrote my Brown admissions essay about all the music Dad
appropriated from The Street then goddamned ruined to
make prot for The Man. I am not a fuckin corporate hippie,
Dad said, laughing, after he read the essay. Dad wont deny
that hes responsible for giving Top 40 radio a disproportion-
ate percentage of its suckiest hits, yet hes proud he indoctri-
nated me from childhood in the sounds of every other kind of
music out there so that now, at age eighteen, I can be a badass
DJ when I want, but I am also an insufferable music snob.
My parents have also done me the misfortune of being hap-
pily married for a quarter century, which no doubt dooms my
own prospects of ever experiencing true love. Gold is not
struck twice.
My parents would disown me if they knew I was in this
club tonight. Hell, I could be scoring weed in Tompkins
Square Park right now, on my way to a bondage bar on Ave -
nue D, and my parents would only applaud. But this club,
this is the one joint in all of Manhattan Im supposedly for-
bidden from going to, owing to a long-simmering feud over a
bad music deal between Dad and the club owner, Crazy Lou
(who used to be my godfather, Uncle Lou, until all that busi-
ness leading Lou to be rechristened Crazy). Lous such an
old punk he was around when The Ramones were junkie
hustlers rst and musicians second, when punk meant some-
thing other than a mass-marketing concept designed to help
the bridge-and-tunnel crowd feel cool.
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But Mom and Dad would move past disowning me and
outright kill me if they thought I wasnt looking after their
beloved Caroline. She inspires that kind of devotion in peo-
ple. Its nauseating, except I am totally under Carolines spell,
too, her lead minion, have been since nursery school.
I look around the club as the between-set mass of people
swarm past/through/into me like Im a ghost with the incon-
venience of malleable esh getting in their way on the way to
the beer. Damn, Ive lost Caroline again. She is big on Randy
tonight, which is coolAre You Randy? dont completely
suckbut Randy himself is big on E tonight, and I gotta
make sure he doesnt get her alone in a corner. But Im only
5-foot-4 on tippy toes, and 6-foot NoMo is standing in front
of me, blocking my view, waiting to nd out if I want to be
his ve-minute girlfriend and looking like that lost animal
who goes around asking Are you my mother? in that kid
From behind him I dont see Caroline but I do see that
stupid bitch, Tris, rhymes with bris, cuz thats what shell do
to a guy, rip apart his piece. Shes doing her Tris strut with
her big boobs sticking out in front of her, wiggling her ass in
that way that gets the instant attention of every dumb schmo
in her wake, even the gay boys, who seem to be highly repre-
sented here tonight, NoMo notwithstanding. Shes coming
right toward me. No No NOOOOOOOOOOO. How did she
nd out Caroline and I would be here tonight? Does she have
lookouts with text pagers set up every place Caroline and I go
on a Saturday night, or what?
Boyfriend to the rescue! I answer NoMos question by
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But Mom and Dad would move past disowning me and
outright kill me if they thought I wasnt looking after their
beloved Caroline. She inspires that kind of devotion in peo-
ple. Its nauseating, except I am totally under Carolines spell,
too, her lead minion, have been since nursery school.
I look around the club as the between-set mass of people
swarm past/through/into me like Im a ghost with the incon-
venience of malleable esh getting in their way on the way to
the beer. Damn, Ive lost Caroline again. She is big on Randy
tonight, which is coolAre You Randy? dont completely
suckbut Randy himself is big on E tonight, and I gotta
make sure he doesnt get her alone in a corner. But Im only
5-foot-4 on tippy toes, and 6-foot NoMo is standing in front
of me, blocking my view, waiting to nd out if I want to be
his ve-minute girlfriend and looking like that lost animal
who goes around asking Are you my mother? in that kid
From behind him I dont see Caroline but I do see that
stupid bitch, Tris, rhymes with bris, cuz thats what shell do
to a guy, rip apart his piece. Shes doing her Tris strut with
her big boobs sticking out in front of her, wiggling her ass in
that way that gets the instant attention of every dumb schmo
in her wake, even the gay boys, who seem to be highly repre-
sented here tonight, NoMo notwithstanding. Shes coming
right toward me. No No NOOOOOOOOOOO. How did she
nd out Caroline and I would be here tonight? Does she have
lookouts with text pagers set up every place Caroline and I go
on a Saturday night, or what?
Boyfriend to the rescue! I answer NoMos question by
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putting my hand around his neck and pulling his face down
to mine. God, I would do anything to avoid Tris recognizing
me and trying to talk to me.
FUCK! I didnt expect NoMo to be such a good kisser.
Asshole. See this, Randy? NO. MO. Conrmed. But I am not
looking for chemistry here, just a ride home for my girl. I am
also not looking for tongue, but NoMos wastes no time slid-
ing its way into my mouth. My mouth revolts against my
mind: Umm, feels good down here, steady girl, steaaaady!
No matter how good he tastes, this ve-minute girlfriend
still needs a few seconds to come up for air. I separate my
mouth from his, hoping to catch my breath and hoping to catch
Tris walking away from us without having noticed me after all.
WOW. I feel like in this riot of people, I have been kicked
in the stomach, but by the giddy police. Forget about the
need for oxygen. My mouth wants to go back to the place it
just left.
Unfortunately, Tris is standing right in front of us, hang-
ing on to her latest slobber victim, who is near enough now
that I can posi tively ID him as one of Carolines recent re-
jects; hes buddies with Hunter from Hunter, whose band,
Hunter Does Hunter, is scheduled to play next (youre wel-
come, Hunter, for the introduction to Lou). Tris clutches her
arm tight around the guys waist, probably squeezing out
whatever remaining life that soul-sucking skank hasnt yet
gotten out of him in the three weeks or so since Caroline gave
him the heave-ho.
Tris says, Nick? Norah? How do you two, like, know
each other?
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That bitch should not be in a club like this. As if her
language is not enough indication, there is also the matter
of her Hot Topic mallrat outt: short black leather skirt
with buckles up the side, mass-produced vintage Ramones
T-shirt, and piss-yellow leggings with some horrible pair of
pink patent-leather shoes. She looks like a neon sign bumble-
bee by way of early Debbie Harry rip-off.
Im going to need another talk with Uncle Lou about
standards vis--vis owning and operating a club. The guy can
snag great new talentthe raw, hungry kind who are ready to
bleed their intestines or other useful body parts onto Crazy
Lous stage for the opportunity to perform on itbut he
doesnt know shit about how to run this business. Look at the
underage Jersey riffraff he lets in! He probably even comps
the beers for the band members! LOU! Why do you think so
many of these assholes are alcoholics and junkies? Theyve
got the music right. They can play the core punk songs with
convictionhard, fast, angrybut they havent wised up yet
to the fact that the real punk goes down now with a straight
edge: no alcohol, no drugs, no cigarettes, no skanks. The real
punk now is the only punk left after all the madness: the mu-
sic, the message.
Well, dudes, drink up, because when I get back from
South Africa next year and take over managing this club as
Uncle Lou has promised instead of reapplying to Brown as
I promised my parents, theres gonna be a new sheriff here
on the Lower East Side, my friends. Have your lecherous,
skanky fun now, because the clock is running out on you.
I may reconsider the future make-out ban, however. The
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That bitch should not be in a club like this. As if her
language is not enough indication, there is also the matter
of her Hot Topic mallrat outt: short black leather skirt
with buckles up the side, mass-produced vintage Ramones
T-shirt, and piss-yellow leggings with some horrible pair of
pink patent-leather shoes. She looks like a neon sign bumble-
bee by way of early Debbie Harry rip-off.
Im going to need another talk with Uncle Lou about
standards vis--vis owning and operating a club. The guy can
snag great new talentthe raw, hungry kind who are ready to
bleed their intestines or other useful body parts onto Crazy
Lous stage for the opportunity to perform on itbut he
doesnt know shit about how to run this business. Look at the
underage Jersey riffraff he lets in! He probably even comps
the beers for the band members! LOU! Why do you think so
many of these assholes are alcoholics and junkies? Theyve
got the music right. They can play the core punk songs with
convictionhard, fast, angrybut they havent wised up yet
to the fact that the real punk goes down now with a straight
edge: no alcohol, no drugs, no cigarettes, no skanks. The real
punk now is the only punk left after all the madness: the mu-
sic, the message.
Well, dudes, drink up, because when I get back from
South Africa next year and take over managing this club as
Uncle Lou has promised instead of reapplying to Brown as
I promised my parents, theres gonna be a new sheriff here
on the Lower East Side, my friends. Have your lecherous,
skanky fun now, because the clock is running out on you.
I may reconsider the future make-out ban, however. The
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making-out part is nice, it has possibilities, with the right pair
of lips.
I dont know why, but I do that thing Caroline does to her
male victims, where instead of taking the hand of NoMo, I
place my hand at the back of his neck and scratch the nape
softly, possessively, while Tris watches. My ngers scan the
buzz cut of his hair back there, and I feel goose bumps rising
on his neck. I likee. There is some satisfaction in seeing
Triss bottom lip nearly fall to her chin in shock. Thats the
thing about Tris: Shes never subtle.
Whatever Im doing, it works. She storms away, speech-
less. Phew. That was easier than I expected.
I look at my watch. I believe my new boyfriend and I
have about two minutes forty-ve before we break up. I close
my eyes and do the slight head turn, angling for another visi-
tation from his lips.
Caroline says I am frigid. Sometimes I think shes teasing
me to repeat the party line of my Evil Ex, so I clarify: You mean
Im not easy? She claries: No, bitch, I mean you intimidate guys
with a look or a comment before they can even decide if they want a
chance with you. Youre so judgmental. Along with frigid.
NoMo must know this about me, because he doesnt
come back in for more mouth-to-mouth contact. He says,
How the hell do you know Tris?
Then I remember. Tris called him NICK. Noooooooooo.
Thats him! NICK! The Hoboken boy! The guy who wrote
all the songs and poems about her, the best goddamn boy -
friend the rest of us at Sacred Heart never had, the band-boy
stud Tris hooked up with after meeting him on the PATH
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train at the beginning of the school year and has lied to and
cheated on ever since. Does NICK not think its weird that
he dated her that long and never once met any girls from her
school? IDIOT!
But of course Tris wouldnt introduce him to us. She
wouldnt be worried wed rat out her indiscretions to her
boyfriendshed be afraid hed fall for Caroline. Tris can
have Carolines rejects, but shed never offer up one of her
own to Caroline. Tris is so Single White Female, we like to
joke that Caroline should get a restraining order against her,
except Tris provides us too much amusement to completely
let her out of our reach. Its like a love-hate thing we have go-
ing with her. We dont feel guilty about it because theres
only a month of school left and I cant imagine well ever see
her again after our have a great summer, good luck in col-
lege phony sentiment yearbook nales. And karmically, I
have repaid my mean-girl debt to Tris many times over. If
she passed Chemistry and Calculus this year, its because of
me. Fuck, if she graduates at all, its because of me.
I dont bother answering Nicks question about how the
hell I know Tris. Ive got to nd Caroline.
I stand up on the barstool. Thats the only way Ill nd
her with all these people and this loud music and this stink
sweat and this beer energy and this never-ending day that
feels like its only beginning in the middle of this night. I
place my hand on Nicks head to steady my balance as I scan
the crowd, and my hand cant help but rummage through his
mess of hair, just a little.
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train at the beginning of the school year and has lied to and
cheated on ever since. Does NICK not think its weird that
he dated her that long and never once met any girls from her
school? IDIOT!
But of course Tris wouldnt introduce him to us. She
wouldnt be worried wed rat out her indiscretions to her
boyfriendshed be afraid hed fall for Caroline. Tris can
have Carolines rejects, but shed never offer up one of her
own to Caroline. Tris is so Single White Female, we like to
joke that Caroline should get a restraining order against her,
except Tris provides us too much amusement to completely
let her out of our reach. Its like a love-hate thing we have go-
ing with her. We dont feel guilty about it because theres
only a month of school left and I cant imagine well ever see
her again after our have a great summer, good luck in col-
lege phony sentiment yearbook nales. And karmically, I
have repaid my mean-girl debt to Tris many times over. If
she passed Chemistry and Calculus this year, its because of
me. Fuck, if she graduates at all, its because of me.
I dont bother answering Nicks question about how the
hell I know Tris. Ive got to nd Caroline.
I stand up on the barstool. Thats the only way Ill nd
her with all these people and this loud music and this stink
sweat and this beer energy and this never-ending day that
feels like its only beginning in the middle of this night. I
place my hand on Nicks head to steady my balance as I scan
the crowd, and my hand cant help but rummage through his
mess of hair, just a little.
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There she is! I see Caroline huddling with Randy at a
corner table by the brick wall just off the stage, to the right of
Hunter from Hunter Does Hunter, who is now taking the
mic. I dont know what song his band had prepared but the
lyrics Hunter sings are clearly being made up on the spot and
have nothing to do with the fast and furious guitar chords:
Dev, go home with me, Dev Dev Dev, I want you to fuck this man.
I jump down from the barstool and take off toward Caro-
line, but Nicks hand clenches my wrist from behind me,
pulling me back to him.
Seriously, Nick says, how the hell do you know Tris?
His grip pinches the watch on my wrist, and the ow of the
pinch turns my eyes from looking for Caroline to looking
straight at him. I notice how lost he looks, yet eager for me to
stay with him, his eyes kind and angry at the same time, and
the noticing makes me remember a lyric from some song he
wrote for Tris that she passed around in Latin class because
she thought it was so lame.
The way youre singing in your sleep
The way you look before you leap
The strange illusions that you keep
You dont know
But Im noticing
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Fuck Tris. I would give body parts to have a guy write
something like that for me. My kidney? Oh, both of them?
Here, Nick, theyre yoursjust write more for me. Ill give
you a start: boy in punk club asks strange girl to be his girl-
friend for ve minutes, girl kisses boy, boy kisses back, boy
then meets girlwhat did you notice about this girl? Nick,
lets hear some lyrics. Please? Ready. Set. Go.
I want to stomp my foot in frustrationfor him, and for
me. Because I know that whatever Tris did or said to him, its
whats given him that haunted puppy-dog look of pathetic
despair. Shes the reason he will probably become an embit-
tered old fuck before hes even of legal drinking age, distrust-
ing women and writing rude songs about them, and basically
from here into eternity thinking all chicks are lying cheating
sluts because one of them broke his heart. Hes the type of
guy that makes girls like me frigid. Im the girl who knows
hes capable of poetry, because like I said, there are things I
just know. Im the one who could give him that old-fashioned
song title of a thing called Devotion and True Love (How-
ever Complicated), if he ever gave a girl like me a second
glance. Im the less-than-ve-minute girlfriend who for one
too-brief kiss fantasized about ditching this joint with him,
going all the way punk with him at a fucking jazz club in the
Village or something. Maybe I would have treated him to
borscht at Veselka at ve in the morning, maybe I would have
walked along Battery Park with him at sunrise, holding his
hand, knowing I would become the one who would believe in
him. I would tell him, I heard you play, Ive read your poetry,
not that crap your band just performed, but those love letters
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Fuck Tris. I would give body parts to have a guy write
something like that for me. My kidney? Oh, both of them?
Here, Nick, theyre yoursjust write more for me. Ill give
you a start: boy in punk club asks strange girl to be his girl-
friend for ve minutes, girl kisses boy, boy kisses back, boy
then meets girlwhat did you notice about this girl? Nick,
lets hear some lyrics. Please? Ready. Set. Go.
I want to stomp my foot in frustrationfor him, and for
me. Because I know that whatever Tris did or said to him, its
whats given him that haunted puppy-dog look of pathetic
despair. Shes the reason he will probably become an embit-
tered old fuck before hes even of legal drinking age, distrust-
ing women and writing rude songs about them, and basically
from here into eternity thinking all chicks are lying cheating
sluts because one of them broke his heart. Hes the type of
guy that makes girls like me frigid. Im the girl who knows
hes capable of poetry, because like I said, there are things I
just know. Im the one who could give him that old-fashioned
song title of a thing called Devotion and True Love (How-
ever Complicated), if he ever gave a girl like me a second
glance. Im the less-than-ve-minute girlfriend who for one
too-brief kiss fantasized about ditching this joint with him,
going all the way punk with him at a fucking jazz club in the
Village or something. Maybe I would have treated him to
borscht at Veselka at ve in the morning, maybe I would have
walked along Battery Park with him at sunrise, holding his
hand, knowing I would become the one who would believe in
him. I would tell him, I heard you play, Ive read your poetry,
not that crap your band just performed, but those love letters
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and songs you wrote to Tris. I know what youre capable of
and its certainly more than being a bassist in an average
queercore bandyoure better than that; and dude, having a
drummer, its like key, you fucking need one. I would be
equipment bitch for him every night, no complaints. But no,
hes the type with a complex for the Tris type: the big tits,
the dumb giggle, the blowhard. Literally.
You wanted easywell, you got it, pal.
I extract my wrist from his grip. But for some reason, in-
stead of walking away, I pause for a moment and return my
hand to his face, caressing his cheek, drawing light circles on
his jaw with my index nger.
I tell him, You poor schmuck.
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This is a work of ction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
authors imagination or are used ctitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Text copyright 2006 by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
Cover photograph copyright 2014 by Shutterstock
All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Ember, an imprint of Random House
Childrens Books, a division of Random House LLC, a Penguin Random House Company,
New York. Originally published in hardcover in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf,
an imprint of Random House Childrens Books, New York, in 2006.
Ember and the E colophon are registered trademarks of Random House LLC.
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Educators and librarians, for a variety of teaching tools, visit us at
The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition of this work as follows:
Cohn, Rachel.
Nick and Norahs innite playlist / by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan.
p. cm.
Summary: High school student Nick OLeary, member of a rock band, meets college-bound
Norah Silverberg and asks her to be his girlfriend for ve minutes in order to avoid his ex-sweetheart.
ISBN 978-0-375-83531-5 (trade) ISBN 978-0-375-93531-2 (lib. bdg.)
ISBN 978-0-375-89076-5 (ebook)
[1. Rock groupsFiction. 2. LoveFiction. 3. New York (N.Y.)Fiction.] I. Levithan, David.
II. Title.
PZ7.C6665Ni 2006
ISBN 978-0-375-83533-9 (tr. pbk.)
Printed in the United States of America
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18
Random House Childrens Books supports the First Amendment and celebrates the right to read.
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This is a work of ction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
authors imagination or are used ctitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Text copyright 2006 by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
Cover photograph copyright 2014 by Shutterstock
All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Ember, an imprint of Random House
Childrens Books, a division of Random House LLC, a Penguin Random House Company,
New York. Originally published in hardcover in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf,
an imprint of Random House Childrens Books, New York, in 2006.
Ember and the E colophon are registered trademarks of Random House LLC.
Visit us on the Web!
Educators and librarians, for a variety of teaching tools, visit us at
The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition of this work as follows:
Cohn, Rachel.
Nick and Norahs innite playlist / by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan.
p. cm.
Summary: High school student Nick OLeary, member of a rock band, meets college-bound
Norah Silverberg and asks her to be his girlfriend for ve minutes in order to avoid his ex-sweetheart.
ISBN 978-0-375-83531-5 (trade) ISBN 978-0-375-93531-2 (lib. bdg.)
ISBN 978-0-375-89076-5 (ebook)
[1. Rock groupsFiction. 2. LoveFiction. 3. New York (N.Y.)Fiction.] I. Levithan, David.
II. Title.
PZ7.C6665Ni 2006
ISBN 978-0-375-83533-9 (tr. pbk.)
Printed in the United States of America
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18
Random House Childrens Books supports the First Amendment and celebrates the right to read.
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