Curriculum Night

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Welcome to 5th grade

Ms. C. Hallm - 304

Ms. T. Reschke - 305
Ms. S. Sharp - 306
Habits of Heart & Mind
Habits of the Heart (RISE)
Respect The ability to hold others and ones
self in high regard and honor. The ability to
recognize the worth and rights of others and
ones self. The ability to demonstrate how
personal values influence behavior and a set of
principles by which to guide one's life to become
Interact The ability to work with others. The
ability to make appropriate provisions for
accepting and giving support from and to the
instructor or other students.
Service to the Common Good The ability
to take ownership of the community we belong
to (social responsibility).
Engagement The ability to take ownership of
ones actions (personal responsibility).
Habits of the Mind (PRIME)
Precision of Expression The ability to explain,
describe and show content standards and
conventions in an exact and careful manner.
Relevance The ability to understand meanings
and connections between subjects in the classroom to
themselves and the world around. The ability to ask
why does this matter?
Innovation The ability to look at and/or create
new ways of expressing or thinking about concepts.
Metacognition The ability to reflect. The ability
to think about thinking. The ability to look at and
consider concepts, themes and subjects from more
than one point of view even considering and
looking at opposing viewpoints.
Evidence The ability to support or provide proof
for an argument, thesis, solution, or point of view.
Purpose of Homework
The purpose of homework is to help reinforce what was taught in class.
Sometimes its purpose is to gather extra information beyond what was taught
in class. Homework will be assigned to each class, based on what they need,
and may not always be the same for all fifth graders.
Students are required to read for at least 30 minutes every night, in addition to
any other assigned reading.
We will try to post homework on our class websites each night, but this is a
backup system. Your student should be recording their homework assignments
in their agenda every day.
Grading Scale and Grade Breakdown
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 & Below F
Grade Breakdown:
Assessment 50%
Classwork 40%
Homework 10%
How to Support Your Student at Home
Learning does not end in the classroom. Children need help and support at
home to succeed in their studies. Please create a quiet place for your child to
study at home. Your child should have a daily routine in their schedule to
concentrate on reading, writing, and math that is uninterrupted by friends,
brothers or sisters and other distractions.
Please remember to sit down with your child at least once a week for 15 to
30 minutes while he or she works on their homework. This keeps you informed
about what your child is working on each week and helps you identify your
childs needs or challenges in certain content areas. Your activity in your childs
education at home will greatly help your child become successful inside and
outside of the classroom.
CCSS (Common Core State Standards)
Academic standards are important because they help
ensure that all students, no matter where they live, are
prepared for success in college and the workforce. They
help set clear and consistent expectations for students,
parents, and teachers; build your childs knowledge and
skills; and help set high goals for all students.
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
creates a personalized assessment experience
by adapting to each students learning level.
The students learning level is given in RIT
levels. RIT levels allow teachers to differentiate
content to the individual child's ability.
The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is a
group of states that have come together to develop high quality student assessments
linked to new and more rigorous English Language Arts (ELA) and math standards.
The assessments will be ready for the 201415 school year for students in
grades 311 and will replace the statewide tests in those subjects that students take now.
The computer based assessments will address longstanding concerns that parents,
educators and employers have about current state assessments. Many current state tests
do not measure the ability of students to think critically and apply their knowledge rather
than just memorize facts. The new assessments will ask students to answer a variety of
types of questions, show their work and explain their reasoning. PARCC will allow us to
track student progress in a more valuable way than the current statewide tests provide.
Attendance/Absence Procedures
Students need to be at school EVERY day,
for the whole day. Please have students
arrive to school on time.
Students will only be allowed to make up
missed work for excused absences, as
defined in the student handbook.
Please send a note explaining any absences.
Daily Morning Routine 8:15-8:30
Students get picked up by their homeroom
teacher outside, or in the lunchroom (during
inclimate weather).
Breakfast is available for all students.
ALL students should have a library book to
read during this time!
Co-teaching consists of two or more teachers
working together in the classroom to teach a
single class together. Co-teaching lowers the
student to teacher ratio, increases student
participation, allows for more individualized
instruction, and makes for better teaching. Both
teachers are responsible for the teaching and
learning happening in the classroom.
Your child will have to.
Read 30 min. every night!
Write 1 page in their Readers Response Journal every
Study their weekly vocabulary & spelling words (8-12
words a week, Test on Fridays)
Complete Learning Odyssey weekly
Monthly Book Reports due on the 25th of each month.
Reading Units This Quarter
Unit 1: Theme = Identity
Skill = Character
Text = Frindle, Rules and Wonder
Unit 2: Theme = Overcoming Obstacles
Skill = Plot
Text = Jerry Spinelli Author Study
Book Reports
Every 1st of the month your child will come home with a
letter describing that months book report. Please sign the
bottom half of that letter acknowledging that your child will
gather the materials they need by the end of the month.
Keep the top half with the guidelines at home in a safe spot.
The refrigerator is a great place!
Every book report is due on the 25th of that month.
Your child has 25 days to read their book. Book reports are
entered as an Assessment grade! There will be 8-10 book
reports assigned this year.
Examples of materials they must use from
home to complete a book report:
Cereal box (Due October 25th)
2 liter soda bottle
Clothing Hanger, String/Ribbon
Shoe box
Paper Towel Roll
Paper Plate
Index cards
Internet or Magazine Photos
Crayons, Markers, Colored Pencils
Scissors, Glue, Glitter/Stickers are optional
QuickCERCA Readings and Assessments
help students read informational texts
with a critical thinking lens. Questions
are designed to help students develop the
skills they need to succeed in the 21st
century, where information grows
exponentially every second. Students
must think critically: analyzing claims,
evaluating evidence, and analyzing
reasoning, and counterarguments.
Bridges in Mathematics - Red &
White Books
Aligned to Common Core
Rigorous, coherent, engaging,
Focus on developing deep
understanding of mathematical
Gain proficiency with key skills and
the ability to solve complex problems
Use visual models
Active classroom
Three Books:
Number Corner Student
Bridges in Mathematics
Student Book
Home Connections
Student Book
Multiple components:
Number Corner
Math Talk
Math Games
Solving Problems
Problem Strings
Math Forums
Math Units
Unit 1: Expressions, Equations, & Volume
Unit 2: Adding & Subtracting Fractions
Unit 3: Place Value & Decimals
Unit 4: Multiplying & Dividing Whole Numbers &
Unit 5: Multiplying & Dividing Fractions
Unit 6: Graphing, Geometry, & Volume
Unit 7: Division & Decimals
Unit 8: Solar Design
Families returning to Budlong should be familiar with the Compass
Learning program the school has been using for the past few years.
Compass Learning is an online program that provides students with
differentiated learning paths and activities based on their individual MAP
We understand that not all students have access to a computer.
However, we do sincerely hope that families will take advantage of this
program throughout the year if possible. There are alternative locations to
use the internet including the Chicago Public Libraries. Learning paths
will be updated based on your childs most recent fall assessment scores.
The web address for the site is:
Students will be working on STEM projects (Science Technology Engineering
and Mathematics). We will be focusing on inquiry-based science curricula
which follow Best Practice in the teaching of science, as recommended by the
National Science Foundation and Science for All Americans.
Inquiry refers to the activities of students in which they develop knowledge and
understanding of scientific ideas, as well as an understanding of how scientists
study the natural world.
Social Studies
Focus on United States History Pre-
colonization to today.
Students will be working in collaborative teams building
their Social Studies knowledge. This year we will be
focusing on project based assessments and researching
Contact Information
You may contact us through email or the school voicemail
Ms. Hallm: [email protected]
Ms. Reschke: [email protected]
Ms. Sharp: [email protected]
Phone: 773-534-2591
Check out our class websites for more information. Go to www. for the links!

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