Reading Lesson Plan Allison Schie UNIT BIG IDEA: Making Something Great Out of What We Have Lesson Rationale

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Reading Lesson Plan

Allison Schie
UNIT BIG IDEA: Making Something Great Out of What We Have
Predictions are important in real life because they determine a person’s actions. Students
will need to learn how to form and support predictions in order to prepare for different situations
and know what actions to take based upon what they know and what they believe will happen.
Students will also be able to engage more in their reading with prediction-making skills because
they will be making connections to their own lives and wanting to continue to read to find out
what really does happen.
I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
a. Goal(s)-
o Students will be able to form predictions and support their ideas by
providing key details from the text.
o Students will practice and gain skill in identifying and defining a variety
of homophones.
b. Objective(s)-
 Students will be able to form predictions and support why they made that
prediction using evidence from the text.
 Students will be able to effectively communicate and discuss what they
believe will happen in the story with their peers.
c. Standards-
 2.RL.2.4 Make predictions about the content of text using prior knowledge
of text features, explaining whether they were confirmed or not confirmed
and why.
 2.SL.2.1 Participate in collaborative conversations about grade-appropriate
topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
II. Management Plan-
a. Time- The lesson will take about 50 minutes to complete. Each center rotation
will be 12 minutes long.
b. Materials-
 Sets of books:
o The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
o The Curious Garden by Peter Brown
o Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Soccer Scheme by
Donald Sobol
o The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds
 Ipads
 A variety of Poetry books
 Paper
 Pencils/crayons
c. Space: I will be giving instructions for each center while students are at their
assigned seats at their desks. Then, the guided reading group will be with me at
the table in the corner of the room while the ipad center will be on the carpet to
the left of me, the poetry center on the carpet to the right of me, and the students
who are working on their anchor folders will be at their desks. I will be facing the
students and all centers will be in my view.
d. Students: The students all have work that can be done without teacher support or
guidance. But, if there are questions, I will have the student teacher in the room
monitor the ipad station and frequently walk around the classroom to make sure
that students are staying on task. The students will be split into four groups based
on who works well together, their needs, and their interests.
e. Expectations: Students are expected to work diligently and engage in the activities
provided. I will make sure that students know that I expect them to keep the noise
level down and stay on task.
f. Groups:
 The Giving Tree- RayMar, Ja’mela, Terri’A, and Ryder
 The Curious Garden- Jack, Malachi, Kari, and Kayliana
 Encyclopedia Brown- Lee, Aaiden, Drayton, and Johnathan
 The Dot- Braylynn, Ka’Leigha, Anayja, and Serena
III. Anticipatory set: I will get students excited about doing different centers by
explaining all the fun activities that they will be doing in each center. Then, I will
allow my students to go into the center in which they are starting and for each guided
reading group, I will say “Before I start to read a book, I like to guess what it will be
about based off of the title and the cover of the page. It’s like looking out the window
and guessing what the weather will be like today”. Then, I will have them observe the
cover and the title and guess what the book will be about.
IV. Purpose: “Today you all get to participate in different centers. During these centers,
you will get to practice using what you know to make predictions. We need to
practice making predictions because if we can accurately predict what will happen if
we do something, we will know if we should or should not do it. For example, if I can
predict that helping out a friend or saying kind words to someone will make them
happy, then I will know to do that.”
V. Adaption to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners-
 I have carefully chosen different reading books so that the students in different
groups feel comfortable reading the text but is still challenging in some way.
 I have one student with ADHD and that student will be able to engage in the
different centers because the use of an ipad addresses many modalities and gives
the student a sense of being in control. Also, the student will be able to creatively
express himself through his illustrations of poetry. There are many activities and
tools that will keep him engaged.
 There is another student with a learning disability who often acts out. This student
will be placed in a group with other students who are able to get along with her
and have a better ability to focus even if there is a student misbehaving. This
student will also have the student teacher to provide support or guidance during
centers when necessary.
VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)
 Guided reading groups
o Pre-reading: For each guided reading group, I will begin with having
all the students in the group carefully observe the cover and title of the
book. Then I will allow students to respond with their prediction of
what the book will be about.
o Reading: I will have students read to themselves up to a given page. I
will tell students before they begin to read “as you are reading, pay
attention to the detail and when you are finished reading these pages,
think about what might happen next and why because you will be
coming up with a prediction.”
o Responding: When all the students have finished reading, I will have a
grand conversation and allow natural response while including text-
specific questions that I have pre-planned and then facilitate discussion
about their unique predictions.
o Exploring: I will ask students to go back and find evidence from the
text to support why they made that prediction (more support will be
given to groups that need it. For example, I will provide them with the
certain page number to find their evidence). Then, I will allow students
to finish the book to find out what does happen. Then, I will allow
students to discuss if their prediction was correct or not and what
details from the story acted as clues to what was going to happen.
o Applying: Students will be practicing making predictions in their
poetry center.
 Poetry Center:
o At this center, I will provide a variety of poetry books for students to
explore. Students will be instructed to find one poem that they enjoy
and connects with them in some way. They will then use crayons and
paper to illustrate a picture to represent what this poem is about. They
will then share their illustration with the other students in their group
and those students will work together to predict what the poem is
about by looking only at the illustration. The student can then read the
poem to their peers. If they finish this and still have time left, they can
either read more poems or repeat the assignment.
 Technology Center:
o At the technology center, students will use Ipads to go to the website On
this website, students will play a game called “Building Sentences
with Homophones”. Once they received three stars on this game, they
will go to
games/homophones-games/homophone-definitions.html and play the
game called “Which Word? Definitions”. Ms. S, the student teacher in
the classroom will be monitoring this center so that students can go to
her with any questions or technological problems. She will also make
sure that students are staying on task and using their Ipads
 Independent Reading Center:
o During this center, the students will be working independently. I will
provide different parts of text that contain several homophones and
end on a cliff hanger. Students will make a prediction for each passage
and explain why they made that prediction using evidence or support.
VII. Check for understanding: I will check students understanding during the guided
reading group. I will pay close attention to student responses and if they are using
evidence and key details from the text to make their prediction. I will also evaluate
the responses to the passages of text that I have given to students to determine if they
understand what a prediction is and know how to use details from the text to form
their prediction.
VIII. Review learning outcomes/Closure: I will allow students to go back to their assigned
seats and I will ask them what they enjoyed the most during this lesson. I will then
pose the question, how can we practice making predictions in our own lives? I will
allow students’ response. Then, I will say “We can predict how our actions can make
another person feel. So we need to think and predict before we speak or act”.
o I will assess students by observing them as they read and respond to the text. I will assess
how they communicate with their peers and participate in discussion about text. I will
also look for their ability to form a prediction and their explanation to why they made that
o I will also assess their responses to the engaging passages that I have created for them to
read. I will assess if they are able to find key details and use evidence from the text to
create their prediction.
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
 Yes, all students were able to form predictions and communicate in the group
discussion. A few students were reluctant to speak but eventually gave their input.
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
 My strengths were providing engaging activities that kept students on-task and
facilitating deep conversations about text in small groups by asking differentiating
questions. My weakness was not being aware enough of what was going on
outside of the small reading group.
3. How should I alter this lesson?
 To alter this lesson, I would add another activity to the technology center so that
students who are advanced and can fly through the activities have an enrichment.
4. How would I pace it differently?
 I would allow more time for the guided reading group center because students
were having great conversations that could have gone a lot longer.
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
 Yes, all students were participating although some were more shy and reluctant to
participate in discussion during the reading group.
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
 I provided students support when they needed it by giving them a spot to look
back at in the text. I also chose varied levels of text so that students are able to
read but are still challenged. I also allowed students to explore poetry and respond
through an illustration. Along with using technology so that students had hands-
on activities and responses.
7. Did students engage with the chosen text?
 Yes! Great choices
8. Were students able to answer the pre-planned questions that I had or did they need
 Yes, all groups were able to discuss and find an answer to the questions about the
text. Very few groups needed other guiding questions.
9. Did students use evidence from the text to support their predictions? If not, why not?
 Yes. Some students needed prompting but others naturally used evidence.
What Will Happen Next?


1. In art class this week, the teacher taught about how two colors can be mixed
together to create one different color. Students were going to be able to mix
different colors and paint pictures the next day. Terri’A was so excited to go
to school today because she got to go to art class first thing in the morning.
When her mom dropped her off, she blew her a kiss and ran to her friends.
She was telling them about how she was going to paint a beautiful picture of
a summer day. She planned to paint some green grass, a bright yellow sun,
pretty pink tulips, a maple tree, a few fluffy white clouds, and a big blue sky.
But, when she was gathering all of her materials to begin painting, she could
not find blue paint anywhere.








2. In the cafeteria, RayMar and Austin were talking about what they
packed for their lunch today. Austin pulled out two peanut butter
and jelly sandwiches from his lunch box. “Yum! I packed a peanut
butter and jelly sandwich too!” Said RayMar. But, when he opened
his lunch box, his sandwich was not there. “I must have forgot to
put my sandwich in my lunch box. I am so hungry! What will I
do?” Said Raymar.







3. Mrs. Johnson’s 2nd grade class went on a field trip to a bakery to
see how donuts are made. When the class got to the bakery, the
scent of fresh donuts and cinnamon filled the air. The baker was
kind enough to give each student a donut to eat. The students ate
their donuts and they were delicious! The next day, the students
could not stop talking about the tasty donuts from their field trip.
All of the students were so thankful for the donut that they got and
the time that they spent at the bakery. Ja’Mela had a great idea to
send a thank you card to the baker. All of the students in the class
signed the card and sent it to the bakery. Two days later, the baker
checked the mail and opened the card.








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