Minitab Release16 Tutorial

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Revision date 2010.SEP.

This tutorial covers Minitab Release 16 for Microsoft Windows.

Note that Student Minitab is based on Release 14.
Student Minitab is limited in total spreadsheet size and in the number of worksheets
that may be kept within a project file.

Minitab is designed for Windows operating systems, but it will run through
emulators on Apple computers.

When running Minitab, do Help About Minitab; this will show you the release
number (currently

Preliminary Remarks page 2
Dealing with different Minitab releases page 2
Data Files page 3
Worksheets and Projects page 4
Project and Worksheet Descriptions page 5
Minitabs Windows page 5
Wiping Minitab Clean page 6
Reading Projects into Minitab page 6
Reading Worksheet Data into Minitab page 7
Managing the Minitab Screen page 9
Saving Minitabs Output page 9
Preparing a Minitab Graph page 10
Using Minitab to Do a Regression page 11
Creating New Variables through Transformations page 12
Using Minitab to Find Probabilities page 14
Formulas page 16
Graph Updating page 17
Minitabs Assistant page 18
Special Problems page 18
Quick Index to Tips page 20

This document was prepared by the Statistics Group of the IOMS Department. It is intended primarily as a
quick introduction, including discussions of some common situations encountered in course work.
Page 2
Preliminary Remarks

In this document, Windows refers to the Microsoft operating system. For most
people this will either be Windows XP or later. We will use windows (lowercase) to
refer to the rectangular working areas that are set up on your computer screen.

Words and phrases which appear on Minitab screens will be written here in boldface.
Sequences of clicks will be separated by the double-line arrow. Thus, the notation
File Open Worksheet indicates that you should click on File and then click on Open
Worksheet. The underlined characters are Minitabs keyboard shortcuts. For example,
you can perform File Open Worksheet as Alt-F, W.

Minitab uses several screen windows, but only one window can be active at any time.
The color of the title bar indicates which window is active. Clicking the mouse cursor
within any window makes that window active. In Minitab, you can use Window to
select what you want to be active.

Dealing with Different Minitab Releases

If you are acquiring Minitab for the first time, you want release 16, the latest.

[1] Releases 13 and earlier are somewhat primitive.
[2] Student Minitab is based on release 14. If you have acquired Student Minitab in a
bundle with your textbook, you can be sure that it will be powerful enough to
handle your coursework. Compared to release 16, Student Minitab has these
* Only five worksheets can be kept within a project.
* Only 10,000 cells can be used in a worksheet.
* Student Minitab will not do the general linear model (GLM) or logistic
* Student Minitab will not do all the features of design of experiments,
multivariate analysis, survival analysis, and reliability analysis.
* Student Minitab cannot assign Formulas to columns.
These limitations (as well as others not listed here) should not be a problem for
core courses. The limitations may be important for higher-level courses,
[3] Release 15 is very close in features to release 16, and it is certainly powerful
enough for course work.
Page 3
[4] Project files (*.mpj) from releases 16 and 15 are not downward compatible to
Minitab 14 or to Student Minitab.
All file types are downward compatible except project files. (The file
types are described in the section Worksheets and Projects below.) In
Minitab 16, the command File Save Project will cause the project to
be saved in a form that can only be read by Minitab 16. You can work
around this very easily. Use File Save Project As and select the file
type Minitab 14 Project. A few non-critical features new to
Minitab 16 will be lost.
[5] The Microsoft Vista operating system may or may not be compatible with all
releases prior to 16. If you have difficulties, please see
Under Support is a phone number at which you can get help.

Data Files

Minitab uses the word worksheet in exactly the way that other programs would use

The most important file formats are these:

*.dat or *.txt These are ASCII text files, used at times as input to Minitab
(but not usually as output from Minitab). In many cases,
the analyst will assemble data in text form and then read it
into Minitab. Minitab can handle data fields that are
separated with commas, spaces, tabs, or other characters.
For input, file layout details need to be communicated to
Minitab; see the section Reading Worksheet Data into
*.mtw These are Minitab worksheets. These are native to
Minitab, meaning that Minitab creates them. In the most
common usage, Minitab can be used to save files in this
form and read them later. These are encrypted and cannot
be used by other programs.
*.mtp These are Minitab portable ASCII files. These are used in
the same style as *.mtw files. Since these are ASCII, you
can read them in character form, but there is nothing useful
that you can do with them. When you open a file of this
type with Minitab 16, you will get this message
* NOTE * Openi ng Mi ni t ab Por t abl e f i l es i s obsol et e.
This suggests that future Minitab releases may place
restrictions on this file type.
*.mpj These are Minitab project files. These are native to
Minitab, meaning that Minitab creates them. These can
hold multiple data sheets, along with graphs, text output,
and comments. These are described below. Project files
Page 4
are not downward compatible; this means that project files
created in Minitab 16 or in Minitab 15 cannot be read by
previous releases of Minitab and cannot be read by Student
Minitab. See page 3, point [4], for the work-around

In addition, Minitab can read and write Excel, Quattro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3, dBase, and
Spreadsheet XML.

Some recommendations for managing worksheets and projects appears below in the
section Worksheets and Projects.

Worksheets and Projects

For many uses of Minitab, we work with single worksheets and save any changes as
single worksheets. The forms used to save worksheets are *.mtp (text) and *.mtw

Minitab allows the user to keep data as Minitab project files. These files are encrypted,
meaning that you cant read them outside of Minitab, and they are identified with the
file name extension *.mpj. Project files are very powerful:
A project can keep multiple worksheets together.
Projects can hold user-created descriptions and comments. (See the section on
Project and Worksheet Descriptions.)
Projects retain the contents of the session window. (See the section on
Minitabs Windows.)
Projects can hold graphical output.
Reports can be assembled on the ReportPad and saved with the project.
Every information panel of Minitab will retain the instructions from its most
recent use.

If you use projects, be sure to find the project manager icon on the toolbar. Its the set of
cascading windows, identified with the tag Show Worksheets Folder.

Project files require careful management, as they can easily grow to contain large
quantities of output with less than perfect annotation.

In managing your data files, you should be careful about distinguishing the original forms
of the files from any edited versions. For example, in working through a problem you
may make modifications in the data, and you should be aware that saving the modified
form with the same file name will cause you to lose the original form of the data. Most
users handle this problem by saving modified versions as either separate files with new
names or as separate worksheets within a project. Page 12 tells you how to copy one
worksheet to another worksheet within a project.
Page 5
Project and Worksheet Descriptions

Within Minitab, you can create descriptions for projects or for individual worksheets
within projects.
The command File Project Description will allow you to create a description
for the project. You can also use this to edit a current description.

The separate worksheets within a project can have their own descriptions, through
Editor Worksheet Description. This can only be done for an active
worksheet. As usual in MS-Windows, the taskbar color will indicate whether a
worksheet is active. (Note that this uses Editor and not Edit.)

Worksheet descriptions cannot be used for worksheets saved in *.mtp or *.mtw format.
These descriptions are only available for individual sheets within projects saved in *.mpj

If you wish to rename a worksheet, click on the Show Worksheets Folder icon, or do
Window Project Manager, and then move the cursor to the folder icon for the
worksheet. Click the right mouse button for the worksheet you wish to rename.

Minitabs Windows

Minitab works through two basic windows but has additional windows to deal with other
features of your work. The two basic windows are these:

Session windowAll textual (non-graphical) output will appear in the session
window. As appropriate, headings will reflect the commands that you have
actually created. Sometimes this window will also show the text of the Minitab
commands (preceded by >) equivalent to your mouse clicks. While the session
window is active, click on Editor and then either select or deselect Enable

Data windowThe data window holds the spreadsheet form of the data. This
includes the data that youve read into the program, and it may also include other
variables (columns) or additional data points (rows) that were created or entered
during your work. A project will have one data window for each of its
worksheets, but only one can be active at a time.


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Page 8
You will need to examine the files to see what formatting details need to be
supplied to Minitab. Watch out for
* whether or not the file has a row of variable names
This is related to the Variable names section.
Select None if there are no names and the data
values begin in row 1.
Select Automatic if there is a header row with
the names of the variables.

* the strategy by which the file separates fields (open space for free
format, tabs, commas, or other characters)
This is related to the Field definition section.
Select Free format if data values are separated by
one or more blanks spaces and rows end
with hard carriage returns.
Select Single character separator if a particular
character is used to separate values. The
most commonly used separators are tabs,
commas, and single spaces.
* whether or not alphabetic information contains internal blanks that
might conflict with spaces used as separators
This is related to the Text delimiter section. You might
need to put city name Los Angeles in quotes so that it
will be interpreted as a single item of information. (It is
usually easier to use tab-separated fields to prevent this
* the technique that is used to denote missing data
This is related to the Convert missing section. Minitab
uses the asterisk * as its missing data marker. If, for
example, your input file uses NA for missing data, you
should ask to convert NA to *.

Now click OK and then supply the file name. You can use Preview to see if the file will
be read as anticipated.

If you read a file without variable names, you should supply names based on your
understanding of the data. Save the file in storage space that you control.

At times, the data read this way can end up as the wrong type (text rather than numeric).
This issue is addressed as the final item on page 19.

Page 9
Managing the Minitab Screen

Minitab always has its two basic windows, but it often creates many other windows as
well. Screen management is highly idiosyncratic, in that computer users seem to have
very different opinions about what a screen layout should look like. Most users are
reasonably familiar with windows management.

Minitab, like other Windows programs, can arrange its own screen. Click on
Window at the top of the screen and see what happens when you select any of the
choices Cascade, Tile, or Minimize All.

The two basic Minitab windows can be made full screen, partial screen, or reduced to
icons, but they cannot be closed. These windows are only closed when you quit

Use the Show graphs folder icon on the toolbar to manage your graphs. This symbol
is the pale-colored set of cascading windows. The sequence Window Close All
Graphs will let you eliminate all graph windows at once.

Saving Minitabs Output

You will of course want to save the results of your work. The usual methods are to cut
and paste to another Windows application or to save to file. Minitab also allows
you to save to the Minitab ReportPad.

Text output is moved through the copy or cut-and-paste methods common to
Windowsapplications. If you are working with a project file (*.mpj) then you can
also paste the selected text in the ReportPad. This is accessed through the icon which is
the red letter A on a spiral notepad.

If a graph window is active, you can use Edit Copy graph or Ctrl+C to place the
image on the Windows clipboard. The image can than be pasted in another
document or placed on the Minitab ReportPad.

Pressing Alt+PrtScr copies a bitmap of the active window onto the Windows
clipboard. This can be useful if you wish to describe how you did something in Minitab.
The figures in this document were produced in exactly this way.

If the active window is a dialog box, Alt+PrtScr copies just the dialog box to the
Clipboard. If the active window is Minitab itself, Alt+PrtScr copies the Minitab frame
window and all visible subwindows (such as the Data window and Graph windows) to
the clipboard.

Page 10

Preparing a Minitab Graph

The data in this illustration are from Exercise 3.69 of Hildebrand, Ott, and Gray, file
Ex0369.mtw. The data set notes the numbers of tax forms making various numbers of
deductions, ranging from 0 to 12. Wed like our graph to have deductions on the
horizontal axis and frequencies on the vertical axis. Use Graph Scatterplot, then
select Simple. and then put this into the resulting panel:

If you take the default settings, youll get this:

12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Scatterplot of Frequenc vs Deductio

There are many ways in which Minitab will allow you to change the appearance of this
graph. When the graph window is active, use the mouse to double-click on any feature
that you would like to edit. If you double-click on a symbol (meaning the circles here),
you can change the shape, size, and color of the symbols. You can similarly edit
captions and scales, and you can insert grid lines.

You can get additional editing power through Tools Toolbars Graph Annotation
Tools. Editing features such as text insertion, lines, circles, ellipses, and so on will then
be available on the Minitab toolbar when graph windows are active.


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Project Mana
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s, and then se
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at Regre
elect Residu
then click on
c. Click OK
dependent v
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age 11
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Reading Wor
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N stands for n
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return you t
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ta into Minit
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Set up the ne

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iance inflati
to the main r
hree variable
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u will also ge
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debrand, Ott
itab. Please
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many of
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us order.
ion factors
es used as
et two
Page 12

Regression is a fairly intense operation, and there are many secondary calculations and
displays that are of some interest. Well discuss a few of these.

Suppose that you wanted to list the individual residuals for your data set. The initial
procedure would include an additional step from the panel reached by Stat
Regression Regression. That step consists of clicking on Storage and then selecting

When the regression is completed, a new column RESI1 will appear in the data window.
(Subsequent uses will create RESI2, RESI3, and so on.)

Suppose that your work with the data set has indicated that you might want to omit
certain data points (rows) from the analysis. Perhaps such data points were destructive
outliers or were simply miscoded. Youd prefer not to delete the rows completely, since
you might want to restore them later. A plausible solution (but not the only solution) is to
create a copy of the worksheet so that you can delete selected rows in the copy. Once
youve created multiple worksheets, the work should be saved in project *.mpj format.

You can make a copy by doing File New Minitab worksheet. At this point a
blank worksheet will appear. Now go to the original worksheet and place the cursor in
the name box for the first column, C1. Hold down the shift key and use the arrow keys to
mark the entire worksheet as a block. Go to the blank new worksheet, place the cursor in
the name box for the first column and press Ctrl+V. A copy will now appear in the new
worksheet, and you can edit it as appropriate. You can give a name to this copy; access
the name by clicking on the Show Worksheets Folder symbol on the toolbar. Then
click with the right mouse button on the icon, and select Rename. It is strongly
recommended that you leave yourself a description as to exactly how this new worksheet
differs from the original. Use Set Description to write notes about this worksheet.

If you wish to delete a row in the copy, you use Data Delete Rows. Be extremely
careful if you are deleting more than one row. Each use of Data Delete Rows will
cause the remaining rows to be renumbered! If you want to delete multiple rows, its
recommended that the operation be done all-at-once, rather than one row at a time.

Creating New Variables through Transformations

There will be many occasions in which you need to create new variables which are
functions of other variables. For example, you might need to create log(SALES), the
base-e logarithm of the variable SALES, which is in C1. Click on Calc Calculator.
In the box next to Store result in variable type in the nameLogsales. (If you type C1 in
this spot, the calculation will overwrite the original values.) In the box for Expression
type in LOGE(Sales) or type in LOGE(C1) and click on OK.
Page 13

As a result of this process, a new column Logsales will appear in the data window. You
can of course overwrite an existing column, but then the original information in that
column will be lost.

This use of the calculator option is simple, but there are some subtleties:

You need not remember function identifications such as LOGE for base-e
logarithms. The Calculator has a Functions panel that lists the available choices.

If you make an entry-by-entry calculation, as in the example above, then the result
is a new column in the worksheet. If you calculate a single-valued function of a
column (such as the median), then your transformation will create just one
number, occupying one position in the data window worksheet.

Logical operations take the values 0 and 1, so that you can use these to make
transformations of the if-then-else form. Suppose, for example, that youd
like variable C3 to be defined as follows:

if C2 5
C2 if C2>5


The expression that makes this work is

5*(C2 5) + C2*(C2 > 5)

The yes-or-no logical statement (C2 5) will either take the value 0 or the
value 1, as will the yes-or-no logical statement (C2 > 5).

Missing values get passed along as missing. If you are creating a new column C6
from columns C2 and C3, and if a value is missing in row 28 for either C2 or C3,
then the row 28 entry for C6 will also be missing, shown as * in the data window.

Invalid calculations end up as missing. Thus LOGE(0) will result in a missing
value, as will LOGE(negative number). These will be shown as * in the data
window. Minitab gives you a warning when you create missing values in this
style, and thus you get an opportunity to reconsider the appropriateness of the
transformation. (Releases 13 and previous did not give the warning.)

Be sure to see also the section on Formulas, page 16.


You c
find t


If you



Its a
to see


ng Minit
can use Min
the probabili
e 15, you cal
ting panel as

indicates tha
u had wanted
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bability butto
result shows



gives your p
lso possible
e the whole s
n you click O



ab to Fin
nitab to find m
ity that a bin
ll up Calc
s follows:
at your desir
d to find the
as the above
s up in the se
umulative Di
i nomi al wi t
x P( X <=
5 0. 265
probability a
to give the c
set of probab
OK, the sess
robability D
i nomi al wi t h
x P( X = x
5 0. 12337
nd Proba
many probab
nomial rando
red probabili
e probability
e, except tha
ession windo
stribution Fu
t h n = 23
x )
s 0.265051.
complete pro
bilities for th
sion window
Density Func
h n = 23 an
age 14
bility calcula
om variable w
ty Distributi
ity is 0.1233
of a value le
at you would
ow as
and p = 0.
obability dis
he binomial
w will then sh
d p = 0. 73
ations. For i
with n =23
ions Bino
ess than or e
d click on the
. 73
stribution. S
random vari
how the follo
instance, if y
and p =0.73
omial. Then

equal to 15, y
e Cumulativ
Suppose that
iable with n
you want to
3 takes the
n set up the
youd do
you wanted
=23 and

p =0
on Ca


.73. This is
alc Make
l as follows:
n with Calc

done by set
e Patterned
(C1, ro
and the
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of Num
such a
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Data Sim
is another w
ow 1) and 1
en place the
ol so that the
n will fill up
n Excel. Th
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s 1 1 2 2 3 3
ity Distribu
age 15
ta column fo
mple Set of
way to do this
in position (
mouse curso
+symbols a
p with consec
he Calc M
ence is neede
3 4 4 .
utions Bin
or the integer
s. In column
(C1, row 2).
or at the low
appears. Dr
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Make Patter
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Set up the re

n C1, type 0
Mark these
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ers. This is
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exotic numb
up the panel

, 23. Click
in position
e two boxes
ition until th
ard and the
the style
Simple Se
ber patterns
as indicated
Page 16
This illustration assumes that columns C1 and C2 are not being used for other purposes.
At the completion of this command, the worksheet in the data window would have
columns C1 and C2 showing the following information (slightly rearranged here):

0 0. 000000 12 0. 017214
1 0. 000000 13 0. 039381
2 0. 000000 14 0. 076053
3 0. 000000 15 0. 123375
4 0. 000000 16 0. 166785
5 0. 000000 17 0. 185680
6 0. 000003 18 0. 167341
7 0. 000022 19 0. 119063
8 0. 000117 20 0. 064382
9 0. 000526 21 0. 024867
10 0. 001993 22 0. 006112
11 0. 006367 23 0. 000718

Here we can see, for example, that the probability of exactly 15 successes is 0.123375.

The feature Calc Probability Distributions will allow you to deal with many
different probability distributions.


Embedded formulas were introduced with release 15. These are not available in Student
Minitab or in Minitab 14 or any earlier releases.

An embedded formula is an Excel-type task, and Minitab and Excel are used in different
styles. So be careful. Please be aware that, as noted in Minitab help, In addition,
formulas cannot be imported or exported to or from Excel or other programs.

You can assign formulas only to columns or to constants. (Constants are not discussed in
this document.) The formulas are precisely those of Calc Calculator. Thus, you
could assign column C9 as SQRT(C8).
You cannot assign C9 as the residuals from a regression.
Column assignments must be based on all rows.

Lets say that you want C3 to be the sum C1+C2. With the cursor in any cell of column
C3, use Editor Formulas Assign Formula to Column. A small +will appear in
the header cell for column C3.

Missing data positions in C1 or in C2 become missing positions in C3. If columns C1
and C2 have different lengths, the length of C3 will be the smaller value.

You generally want formulas to be updated automatically. In this example, you would
like a change in either C1 or C2 to be reflected instantly in C3. (Here instantly means
Page 17
as soon as the cursor leaves the cell that was changed.) The instant change is
Minitabs default strategy, as noted in Editor Formulas Calculate All Formulas

If you turn this feature off, then
* A small will appear in the header cell for a column which needs an
* Updating can be done through Editor Formulas Calculate All
Formulas Now. This does all updating; you cannot do updating for just
one formula column.

You can convert a formula column to an ordinary column. Use Editor Formulas
Remove Formulas from Selected Columns.

Formulas are very effective if you might have to correct errors in the input data, as any
corrected values will be transformed automatically. Suppose that you have a new data
set, with 5 columns and 244 rows. You want to develop a multiple regression of C1 on
(C2, log
(C3), C4, C5). Assign formula LOGE(C3) to column C6. If you repair input
errors in C3, the corresponding corrections will be made automatically to the logarithm
in C6.

If you copy all or part of a worksheet to a second worksheet, then the columns with
formulas become ordinary columns in the second worksheet.

Graph Updating

In certain cases you might want Minitabs graphical output to be revised if data values in
the worksheet are changed. The symbol at the left end of a graphs title bar will reveal
its status with regard to updating.
A green cross in a white circle indicates that the graph is up to date.
A yellow circle indicates that the worksheet values were changed and that the
graph is not up to date.
A red X in a white circle indicates that the worksheet has been altered in a way
that prevents the graph from being updated. The problem must be
resolved in the worksheet.
A green cross on a solid square background indicates that the graph is up to date,
but that it cannot be updated if it becomes out of date.
A white X on a solid square background indicates that the graph is out of date and
cannot be updated.
If you have a graph that needs updating, then right-click on the graph and
select Update Graph Now to bring it up to date
select Update Graph Automatically to bring it up to date and continue to bring it
up to date automatically for all future steps

Minitabs Assistant
Page 18

Release 16 has introduced the Assistant as a guide to statistical analysis. This will
provide some general advice in the form of flow charts. This is not fully developed, and
it seems to be a tease regarding future releases.

A little bit of new capability is in Assistant Regression. For a regression with a
single predictor, one can use Choose for me to automatically choose among linear,
quadratic, and cubic models.

Special Problems

There are a number of problems commonly encountered by users of Minitab. This list
may provide some help.

I wanted to delete rows 3, 11, 19, and 21 from my worksheet, so I sequentially
asked to delete these row numbers. However, Minitab did not remove the rows I
After each deletion, Minitab will renumber the remaining rows. If you
remove row 3, the original row 11 will be moved up to row 10. Minitab
will successfully remove the target rows if all are provided in a single
operation. See page 12.

The data window was active. The cursor, unknown to me, was in row 14,
column C3. As I started to type, I realized that the number originally in row 14,
column C3 had disappeared. How do I get it back?
Use the standard Windows undo, which is Ctrl-Z.

I just read a text file, and then I discovered that the source used unusual phrases
for missing data. The entire column was treated as Text and now I cant use it in
numerical calculations. How do I recover this?
Click on Data Change Data Type Text to Numeric The unusual
phrases will be converted to *, the missing data code. You will also
receive a message in the session window indicating explicitly how Minitab
did the conversion. The common missing data representations (*, missing,
N/A, unknown, ?) will be converted to * automatically. Since the reading
of missing data is vulnerable to confusion, the Minitab image of your file
should be checked carefully.

Page 19
I get the message
Save changes to the project Untitled before closing?
but there is nothing to save.
You can this message through File New Minitab project or File
Exit. This is a last question to make sure that you realize that your
action will discard material that you might have wanted to save. You
can even get this message when the session window and all worksheets
are completely empty!

I get the message
. is not a valid numerical value
but the entered value is clearly a number.
As you make the first entry into a worksheet column, Minitab infers the
type (numeric, text, date). If you enter 13.6 in position (C8, row 1), and if
this is your first entry into C8, then numeric type will be inferred. If you
then enter more than 20 in position (C8, row 2), this message will
appear. The solution is to change the data type. Use Data Change
Data Type; use Text to Numeric or Numeric to Text, according to your

Page 20
Quick Index to Tips

This index locates facts that you might not easily find from the CONTENTS on page 1.

defined, 2 Make Patterned Data, 15
>with Minitab commands, 5 Minimize All, 9
Alt+PrtScr, 9 Minitab 13, 2
ASCII, 3 Minitab 14, 1-3, 16
Bitmap, 9 Minitab 15, 2-4, 16
Calculator, 12-13, 17 Minitab portable (*.mtp), 3-4, 7
Cascade, 9 Missing data, 8, 11, 13, 16, 18
Change data type, 18 Omitting points (rows), 12, 18
Close all graphs, 9 Options panel for file read, 7-8
Copy worksheet, 12, 17 Options panel for regression, 11
Data type, 18 Preview (for file read), 8
Data window, 5, 9, 12-13, 16, 19 Project manager, 4-6, 11
Descriptions, 4-5, 12 Projects, 2-5, 7, 9, 11
Edit, 9-10 ReportPad, 4, 6, 9
Editor, 5, 17-18 Session window, 4, 6, 11, 14, 18, 19
Enable commands, 5 Show graphs folder icon, 9
Erase all work, 6 Show history, 6
Formulas, 2, 13, 16-17 Show info, 6, 11
Field Definition, 8 Show worksheets folder icon, 4, 5, 6, 12
Free format, 8 Student Minitab, 1, 3-4, 16
Functions, 12-13, 16-17 Symbol (on graph), 10
Graph Annotation, 10 Text to numeric, 18
History window, 6 Tile, 9
Info window, 6, 11 Wiping Minitab clean, 6
Logical statements, 13 Worksheet defined, 3

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