Unit 1 - Document Analysis

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Treaty of Versailles Document Analysis

1. Is Document Six a primary or secondary source? Explain your answer.

Although Keynes presented his sentiments regarding the Treaty of Versailles years after the war had
concluded, he was once a high ranking official in the British delegation of the Paris Peace
Conferences. This makes Document Six a primary source, as Keynes was a participant of the event,
and has a firsthand account of the Conferences and Treaty.

2. Assess the reliability of Document One as a source of historical evidence for the principals which
eventually guided the delegates in creating the final version of the Treaty of Versailles.

Woodrow Wilson, author of Wilsons 14 Points, stated in an address to the United States House of
Congress that the ultimate goal of the reparation process was for Germany to simply accept a place
of equality among the peoples of the world. While Wilson himself is a reliable source, his position
at the time of this address discredits the content of his speech. As exemplified by his fourteen points,
Wilson is optimistic and reasonable in regards to resolving the issues in Europe. His main objectives
include peace, self-determination, and the formation of the League of Nations, rather than guilt and
reprimands. The problem remains in the fact that Wilson gives The Fourteen Point Address before
the Paris Peace Conferences have begun. At the time of his speech, he is still referencing the solution
which he created. Countries like France and Britain, who are known to blame Germany for much of
World War One, have not been given the opportunity to give input regarding his points. Furthermore,
Americans did not experience the same consequences of war as many other majorly contributing
countries in Europe did, and therefore cannot understand the resentment many nations feel towards
Germany. Ultimately, these two factors result in Wilson painting an inaccurate picture of what the
final version of the Treaty of Versailles will include.

3. How is Keynes opinion of the Treaty of Versailles in Document Six corroborated by Clemenceaus
plans for the Treaty in Document Two?

Keynes opinion of the Treaty of Versailles in Document Six is not corroborated by Clemenceaus
plans for the Treaty in Document Two. Clemenceau, a French leader, stated at the Paris Peace
Conference that he believes reparation for wrongs inflicted isthe essence of justice, and that
Germany must make reparation to the very utmost of her power (doc. 2). While his speech seems
to surround the topic of justice, Clemenceau has a strong bias against the Germans, and would be
happy to see Germany pay monumentally for Frances losses. Keynes on the other hand views such
reparations to be abhorrent and detestable, and believes that the required payments would leave
generations to come in economic disparity due to monumental debt (doc. 6). Keynes openly
disagrees with Clemenceau, stating that the French simply want to crush the economic life of [their]

4. Explain how Wilsons approach to the treatment of Germany differs in Document One from that in
Document Five.

In Document One, Woodrow Wilson, expresses that the Treaty should not hinder Germany, or
block in any way herpower, but instead simply wishes that Germany will accept a place of
equality among the peoples of the world (doc. 1). In Document Five, however, Wilsons position on
the issue shifts to one of blame. He addresses punishments for Germany and suggests that there is
not nothing that she did not earn (Wilson, doc. 5).

5. Explain how Lloyd Georges aims for the Treaty in Document Four are contradicted by the
subsequent opinion of most Britons as presented in Document Seven.

During a speech to parliament, as quoted by Document Four, British Prime Minister David Lloyd
George states that Germany deserves the terrible terms which are being imposed upon them, as
they performed equitably terribly deeds (doc.4). In Lloyd Georges opinion, the Treaty is being
reasonable to Germany, as it is Germanys responsibility to restore, to repair and to redress the
post-war damge (doc. 4). Document Seven, however, expresses that the majority of British civilians
have a much different opinion. Although the information is presented by a secondary source, and
therefore may not be as reliable, Document Seven expresses that most Britons deplored the
Treatyfor being unfair to Germany and for being so harsh economically (Wileman, doc. 7). This
displays the gaping difference in opinion between leaders and their citizens, though no citizens
would be given a voice in such a matter.

6. How does Document Eight corroborate Clemenceaus demand for reparation to the very uttermost
of [German] power in Document Two?

As proved by the statistics in Document Eight, a chart outlining the casualties of World War One,
France had the most significant loss of life among the Big Three. This fact can be used as
corroboration to explain why Clemenceau believes so strongly that Germany deserves justice and
reparation for wrongs inflicted (doc. 2). Clemenceau believes that Germany is completely
responsible for the destruction of Frances natural, economic, and military resources. For this reason,
Clemenceau specifically requests justice for all, implying that he wants France to be fully
reimbursed for their contributions to the war.

7. Briefly discuss how the data provided in Document Eight would have impacted the different
countries attitudes about a peace settlement.

Document Eight outlines the number of casualties of the First World War by country. Looking at this
chart, it is clear to see that France saw some of the greatest loss of life among the allied nations,
second only to Russia, losing over 75% of their mobilized troops (doc. 8). As previously expressed,
this clarifies the bias the French have towards the Germans, as well as their deep-seeded desire for
revenge. However, Germany suffered greatly from the war as well, with the highest number of total
casualties when compared to its allied nations. This provides further insight to the resentment
Germany felt after the war, as their significant losses proved to be futile. Conversely, the United
States saw very little loss of life, as only a little over 8% of mobilized troops became casualties. As
they were seemingly not as damaged by the war effort, it may explain why the Americans wanted
nothing more than peace at the conclusion of WWI.

8. Using the documents provided and any other historical evidence, explain how Clemenceaus and
Wilsons differing views of justice for Germany are reflected in the Treaty of Versailles.

Woodrow Wilson of America and Georges Clemenceau of France had completely opposing
experiences of World War One, and therefore had vast differences in opinion with regards to justice
for Germany. The Americans suffered very little in comparison to the French during the Great War,
as the majority of fighting took place on French soil. While Wilson was able to remain idealistic,
Clemenceau had developed a vengeful stance upon seeing the majority of his countrys resources
depleted. For this reason, Clemenceau and the French attempted to make the Treaty of Versailles
harsher than Americans believed was just. The final result, with influence from both sides, remained
a mixture of Wilsons Fourteen Points and steep reprimands for Germany on behalf of the French.
Germany was demilitarized, and certain European nations were granted self-determination, as per
Wilsons recommendations. However, Germany was also given hefty reparations of thirty three
billion dollars, and forced to sign a War Guilt Clause. The combination of these opposing ideals
created a result with which very few were satisfied with, displeasing more nations than fulfilling

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