Bismarck's Foreign Policy Notes

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Bismarcks Foreign Policy

Jack Usher L6M2

Prussias position in 1871

New powerful united Germany had profound effect on balance of power in Europe.

Bismarck had defeated his enemies (Denmark, Austria, France) in isolation.

He now realised that a powerful united Germany could not fight a continental war.

For the next 19 years, his foreign policy was governed by a desire to avoid war at all

After 1871, Bismarck was committed to European peace.

Five key European powers: Germany, Britain, France, Austria, Russia.

Britain did not wish to get involved in affairs on the continent.

She further feared Germany would renew hostilities against Austria and France to
gain more power.

France was bitter at her loss in the Franco-Prussian War.

A resurgent France allied to another European power was a threat to Bismarck.

Aims of his foreign policy centred on keeping France isolated.

Need to keep France isolated led to Bismarck keeping on good terms with Austria
and Russia.

Would prevent a potential war on two fronts.

A difficult task since Austria and Russia clashed over the Balkans; Bismarck
hoped the communal friendship would ease this tension.
Developing animosity with France

The War in Sight Crisis

France had recovered quickly after the Franco-Prussian War.

Rapid military reorganisation and repayment of war indemnity.

Led to end of German occupation by 1873.

In 1875, War-in-sight crisis resulted from an attempt to bully France into abandoning
her rearmament programme - Bismarck caused a diplomatic crisis.

Export of horses to France was forbidden (a frequent sign of war).

Bismarck expected other powers to pressure France, forcing her to abandon military

An article which appeared in influential paper Berliner Post, entitled Is war in sight?
was inspired by Bismarck.

Impact in Bismarck/Germanys relationship with other great powers

Bismarck miscalculated about the role of European powers.

Britain and Russia supported France - Russia backed a British protest to Berlin.

Bismarck was forced to offer assurances that Germany was not planning another war.

Crisis ended in a diplomatic victory for France.

Brought home dangers of a two front war to Bismarck and he proceeded with caution
from then on.

Weakened the Dreikaiserbund.

Developing relationship with Austria-Hungary and Russia

The Dreikaiserbund

The League of the Three Emperors was formed in 1873 between Germany, Austria
and Russia.

A clear example of Bismarcks policy of isolating France.

An alliance of three conservative single rulers designed to stop spread of revolution

and preserve status quo in Europe.

Ensured co-operation between eastern powers rather than rivalry - Bismarcks main

However, the alliance had little substance.

No military features due to Austrias disagreement.

Was renewed in 1881, since Russia was worried by her diplomatic isolation and
sought an understanding with Germany and Austria.

Bismarck hoped this would reduce tensions in the Balkans.

Western Balkans would be dominated by the Austrians, and the Eastern half by
the Russians.

Crisis in the Balkans

Dreikaiserbund destroyed by events in the Balkans.

Bismarck had no interest in the Balkans, however Austrian-Russian rivalry in the

region worried him.

In the Balkans there was a series of revolts against the Ottoman Empire (among the
Sultans Christian subjects) between 1875 and 1876.

The Russo-Turkish war thus broke out in 1877 after attempts to impose reforms on
the Turkish Empire failed.

Russia was acting in a protector role.

Before the war, Russia had promised Austria she would not create a big Bulgaria if

When the Turks surrendered, they signed the Treaty of San Stefano in March
which proposed a big Bulgaria to be dominated by Russia.

Outraged Britain (threat to Suez canal) and Austria (Russia had broken her

War seemed imminent.

The Berlin Congress

The fact the congress took place in Berlin was a sign of Germanys new power and
Bismarcks prestige.

Crucially big Bulgaria was divided into three, Bulgaria was granted independence
under Russian supervision and Austria gained Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Bismarcks main desire to keep peace had been achieved.

However, Russia felt the victim of a diplomatic defeat - she had done most of the
fighting yet Britain and France had taken the major spoils.

Russo-German relations quickly deteriorated, and Germanys protectionist economic

policy in 1879 worsened matters (Russia was dependent on wheat exports to

Dreikaiserbund truly in tatters.

Bismarck worried since the possibility of a Franco-Russian alliance was real.

The Dual Alliance

Secret defensive German alliance with Austria in 1879.

Bismarck offered his role as an honest broker.

He saw two crucial benefits:

It would secure Germanys southern border if war broke out with Russia.

It would frighten Russia into seeking a closer relationship with Germany.

Initial Austrian opposition, but ultimately signed.

It committed both countries to resist Russian aggression AND each power would
remain neutral in anothers war (as long as Russia was not involved).

Made Triple Alliance with Italys membership in 1882.

The Reinsurance Treaty

1885-87, Bulgarian crisis saw relations between Austria and Russia deteriorate.

Growing pro-French feeling in Russia.

1887 marked final end of Dreikaiserbund - Russia made it clear she would not sign
another agreement with Austria.

Reinsurance Treaty signed between Russia and Germany as a result.

A defensive alliance; Germany would stay neutral if Austria attacked Russia AND
Russia would stay neutral if France attacked Germany.

A diplomatic masterpiece.

Treaty reduced possibility of a Franco-Russian alliance.

1888 terms were published: Germany would support Austria in the case of a Russian
invasion, but Austria would fight on her own if she chose to invade Russia.

Decline in relationship between Germany and Russia in 1880s

Bismarck found it increasingly difficult to keep on good terms with Russia.

New Emperor William II was more anti-Russian.

French loans began to fund Russian industrialisation.

1980, after Bismarck resigned, William II refused to ratify Reinsurance Treaty.

Only four months later, French naval garrisons called at Kronstadt (Russian naval

German war of two fronts two a true possibility.

Colonial Policy

Bismarck was initially wary of the scramble for Africa.

He had nod desire to disturb the balance of power in Europe.

Colonial expansion could mean disputes with Britain, with whom he wanted to remain
on good terms.

1882, German Colonial League established.

Pressure for colonies from press and public mounted, fuelled by visions of a channel
for German emigration and vast wealth.

1884-5, Germany acquired Togo, the Cameroons, German East Africa and South West

Most were of little value since rich picking had gone.

Berlin Conference in 1884 settled many colonial disputes, as well as prohibiting the slave

During the same period Bismarck also encourage French colonial expansion.

He hoped this would involve the French in disputes with other countries, and reduce
the ill-feeling over Alsace and Lorraine.

By 1886, Bismarck (the reluctant imperialist) turned his attention back to Europe.

Crucially, not a totally successful policy. The colonies did not hold wealth and were not
well developed, and the idea to push French colonialism could not appease her
European gripes.

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