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April 2012

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Table of Contents
1.0 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Changes .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................... 3
2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Construction and Location ............................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Occupancy ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Protection ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Human Element ............................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................... 4
3.1 General Information ......................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.1 Fire Loading .......................................................................................................................... 4
3.1.2 Dangerous Amounts of Combustibles ................................................................................... 6
3.1.3 Measuring the Combustibility of Building Materials .............................................................. 6
4.0 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 FM Global ...................................................................................................................................... 11
4.2 NFPA Standards ............................................................................................................................ 12
4.3 Others ............................................................................................................................................ 12
APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS ..................................................................................................... 12
APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ..................................................................................... 13
APPENDIX C CLASSIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................... 13
C.1 Major Types of Construction ......................................................................................................... 13
C.2 Fire-Resistive Construction ........................................................................................................... 15
C.3 Protected Steel-Frame Construction ............................................................................................. 17
C.4 Noncombustible or Limited-Combustible Construction ................................................................. 18
C.5 Combustible Materials in Noncombustible Construction .............................................................. 19
C.6 Plank-On-Timber Construction ...................................................................................................... 20
C.7 Wood Joist Construction ............................................................................................................... 20
C.8 Wood Frame Construction ............................................................................................................ 21
C.9 Plywood Diaphragm Roof ............................................................................................................. 22
C.10 Other Construction Types ........................................................................................................... 22
List of Figures
Fig. 1. Weights per square foot and square meters of ordinary (Class A) combustibles required to
produce fire severities approximately the ASTM curve for various periods of duration.
(Data from Bureau of Standards tests as reported in BM S92.) ....................................................... 5
Fig. 2. The area, in degree-hours, under the test curve for 60 minutes is the same as the area under
the ASTM curve for 45 minutes. Therefore, the severity of the fire exposure under both curves,
up to these respective
time limits, is approximately the same. .............................................................................................. 6
Fig. 3. Ceiling temperatures, double stacks of wood pallets. ........................................................................ 7
Fig. 4. Ceiling temperatures, single stacks of wood pallets. ......................................................................... 8
Fig. 5. Ceiling temperatures, ignitable liquid pool fires. ................................................................................. 9
Fig. 6. Concrete frame construction. ............................................................................................................ 15
Fig. 7. Concrete on protected steel construction. ........................................................................................ 15
Fig. 8a. Double Tee. ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Fig. 8b. Single Tee. ...................................................................................................................................... 16
FM Global
Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 1-1
1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of Factory Mutual Insurance Company.
Fig. 8c. Hollow Core Flat Slab. .................................................................................................................... 16
Fig. 8d. L-Shaped Beam. ............................................................................................................................. 16
Fig. 8e. Inverted Tee Beam. ......................................................................................................................... 17
Fig. 9. Post-tensioned concrete beam. ........................................................................................................ 17
Fig. 10. Exposure required to distort structural steel to the point where breakage of sprinkler pipe
fittings will occur. ............................................................................................................................ 18
Fig. 11. Insulated steel deck on steel framing. (Note: above deck assembly should be of
limited combustibilitysee Section C.4) ......................................................................................... 19
Fig. 12. Plank-on-timber construction. ......................................................................................................... 20
Fig. 13. Open boards on joists. ................................................................................................................... 21
Fig. 14. Wood frame construction. ............................................................................................................... 21
Fig. 15. Typical plywood diaphragm roof deck (not to scale). ..................................................................... 22
Fig. 16. Typical Class 2 insulated metal roof deck construction with vapor barrier. ................................... 23
Fig. 17. Old Style Class 1 insulated steel deck roof using limited quantities (ribbons) of
adhesive to secure insulation and vapor barrier. ........................................................................... 24
List of Tables
Table 1. Calorific Value for Plastics (for estmating purposes) ....................................................................... 5
Table 2. Typical ASTM E 84 Test Results on Combustibility of Selected Materials. ................................... 9
Table 3. Heat-release Rates and Burning Duration of Selected Products
Based on the FM Global Research Construction Material Calorimeter Test ............................... 10
Table 4. Maximum Acceptable Heat Release Rates .................................................................................. 10
Table 5. Fire Resistance Requirements for Type I through Type VI Construction (In Hours) ................... 14
1-1 Firesafe Building Construction and Materials
Page 2 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets
1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
This data sheet provides basic recommendations for firesafe building construction. It discusses the general
areas of construction that can affect overall fire safety. Recommendations for specific items can be found
in the data sheets referenced throughout this document and listed in Section 4.0. For added information on
fire tests, see Data Sheet 1-4, Fire Tests. For additional structural details, see Data Sheet 1-14, Construc-
tion Systems.
1.1 Changes
April 2012. Terminology related to ignitable liquids has been revised to provide increased clarity and consis-
tency with regard to FM Globals loss prevention recommendations for ignitable liquid hazards.
2.1 Introduction
In designing a new facility or building, give full consideration to all features that affect fire safety. The essen-
tials of firesafe construction are described in this section.
2.2 Construction and Location
2.2.1 Use noncombustible and fire-resistant structural framework, such as reinforced concrete or protected
steel frames, in high-rise buildings (see Data Sheet 1-3, High-Rise Buildings) and, whenever practical, in
other multistory buildings, based on value or importance.
Where sprayed fire-resistive materials applied to structural members (protected steel-frame construction)
are recommended, ensure they meet all applicable American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) test
standards as outlined in Appendix C. Comparable standards available in countries outside the United States
also may be used.
Ensure steel surfaces are free of dirt, oil, and loose scale. Provide guards and/or sheathing to protect exposed
fireproofing that is subject to mechanical damage, and repair damaged areas of coating promptly.
Ensure fire-resistant material used for framing or spandrels on Maximum Foreseeable Loss (MFL) fire walls
is durable enough so it cannot be easily scraped off.
2.2.2 Provide damage-limiting construction for processes having an explosion hazard due to ignitable liquids
or gases, or combustible dusts, as defined in all applicable 7-series data sheets. Design these buildings
according to Data Sheet 1-44, Damage-Limiting Construction. This will minimize damage to the building fram-
ing and the attached sprinkler system. Blast barricades may be needed for potential detonations (see Data
Sheet 7-16, Barricades).
2.2.3 If construction or contents are combustible, subdivide large areas or valuable contents, or separate
manufacturing and storage areas with fire walls (see Data Sheet 1-22, Maximum Foreseeable Loss) that have
adequately protected openings (see Data Sheet 1-23, Protection of Openings in Fire Subdivisions) to limit
fire damage.
2.2.4 Provide space between important buildings and adjacent property, and between individual important
buildings, to reduce potential fire exposure. See Data Sheet 1-20, Protection Against Exterior Fire Expo-
sure and Data Sheet 1-22.
2.2.5 In multistory buildings, enclose stairs, elevator wells, conveyors, and chutes with walls and doors hav-
ing a fire rating suitable to that of the floors, or provide water spray protection at openings to help prevent
spread of fire and smoke upward from story to story (see Data Sheet 1-23). Construct balconies entirely of
noncombustible or limited-combustible materials (i.g., Class 1). Provide sprinkler protection (as outlined in
Data Sheets 1-12, Ceilings and Concealed Spaces, and 2-0, Installation Guidelines for Automatic Sprin-
klers) for existing combustible balconies.
2.3 Occupancy
2.3.1 For industrial occupancies, choose construction that will not contribute to the spread of fire. Do not con-
struct important buildings (those housing valuable contents or subject to significant business interruption)
with wood walls, wood joisted floors or roofs, combustible hollow spaces, or quick-burning interior finishes
Firesafe Building Construction and Materials 1-1
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 3
1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
(see Appendix C, Data Sheet 1-57, Plastics in Construction, and Data Sheet 1-60, Asphalt-Coated/Protected
Metal Buildings). Basements and crawl spaces are more conducive to fire spread, have poor loss experi-
ence, and present problems of accessibility, ventilation, and drainage. Such spaces are unsafe for combus-
tible storage and the fire spread potential is greatly increased if ignitable liquids or gases enter them.
2.3.2 Do not store or handle ignitable liquids in upper stories of multistory buildings or in basements. When
unavoidable, provide containment (e.g., curbs, ramps), waterproof floors, and suitable drainage (see Data
Sheet 1-24, Protection Against Liquid Damage, and Data Sheet 7-83, Drainage Systems for Ignitable Liq-
Recommendations for the storage and handling of ignitable liquids can be found in 7-series data sheets.
2.4 Protection
2.4.1 Provide complete automatic sprinkler protection in accordance with applicable data sheets where
needed, and practical, for combustible construction or occupancy. Provide security service and/or alarm sys-
tems as outlined in Data Sheet 9-1, Supervision of Property. For more information on protection of combus-
tible construction, see Data Sheet 1-12, Ceilings and Concealed Spaces.
2.4.2 At properties where complete automatic sprinkler protection is impractical, provide a fire detection and
alarm system (heat, smoke, or flame detection as appropriate) as outlined in Data Sheet 9-1.
2.5 Human Element
2.5.1 Ensure the area is kept clean during construction, alterations, and demolition operations, and that pre-
cautions (including the use of FM Globals Hot Work Permit System) are taken against fires from hot work
operations such as cutting, heating of materials, welding, temporary space heaters, and other ignition sources.
Provide reasonable temporary fire protection. Ensure the permanent protective systems are placed in ser-
vice before the building is occupied. (See Data Sheet 1-0, Safeguards During Construction, Alteration and
Demolition; and Data Sheet 1-33, Safeguarding Torch-Applied Roof Installation).
3.1 General Information
3.1.1 Fire Loading
Fire loading, or fuel loading, is sometimes used to express the probable maximum fire severity to which the
structural elements of a building may be subjected in an uncontrolled fire. United States (U.S.) System
Fire loading in the U.S. is sometimes expressed in terms of the weight of combustible building materials
and contents. It is more desirable, however, to express it as possible energy content per unit floor area, with
dimensions of Btu/ft
Figure 1 shows the weights per unit area of ordinary combustibles, such as wood and paper, required to pro-
duce fire severities approximating the ASTM E 119 Standard Time-Temperature (STT) Curve (see also
Data Sheet 1-21, Fire Resistance of Building Assemblies) for various durations. For example, a fire loading
of 10 psf (4.9 kg/m
) of ordinary combustibles will approximate a 1 hour STT exposure. This curve is widely
used as a standard measure of fire severity. It represents the maximum severity of fire likely to occur from the
complete burnout of a brick and wood-joisted building and its contents.
1-1 Firesafe Building Construction and Materials
Page 4 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets
1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
In computing fire load in weight per unit area, plastics and ignitable liquids can be converted to equivalent
weights of ordinary combustibles. One unit weight of plastic equals 1.5 to 2.5 units of ordinary combus-
tibles, and 1 unit weight of ignitable liquid equals 2 units of ordinary combustibles.
To convert from fuel weight per unit area to energy content per unit area, the calorific value of ordinary
combustibles can be taken as 8000 Btu/lb (18.6 MJ/kg). For estimating purposes, the calorific value (heat
of combustion) for plastics can be taken from Table 1, and for ignitable liquids it can be taken as 16,000 Btu/lb
(37.1 MJ/kg). A more exact estimate of ceiling temperatures in an actual fire can be made if the unit heat
release rate (Btu/ft
/sec, W/m
) for the commodity in question were known. Limited data is available at this
Table 1. Calorific Value for Plastics (for estmating purposes)
Heat of Combustion
Btu/lb (MJ/kg)
Polystyrene 18,750 (43.6)
Polyethylene 20,100 (46.7)
Polypropylene 20,000 (46.5)
Polyvinyl-chloride 17,900 (41.6)
Polyurethane 14,700 (34.2) British System
Under the British system, there are three fire load classes: low, moderate, and high. The following is an
interpretation of British practice, to be used where applicable.
a) Low fire load. Combustible content, on the average, does not exceed 100,000 Btu/ft
(1140 MJ/m
of net floor area, or 200,000 Btu/ft
(2270 MJ/m
) in limited, isolated areas. Necessary loadings in excess
of these may be stored in limited areas enclosed by fire-resistive construction. Typical occupancies are
lobbies and some places of public assembly. Such loading would produce the equivalent of a 1 hour ASTM
b) Moderate fire load. Combustible content, on the average, is between 100,000 Btu/ft
(1140 MJ/m
and 200,000 Btu/ft
(2270 MJ/m
) of net floor area, but does not exceed 400,000 Btu/ft
(4550 MJ/m
) in
limited isolated areas. The provision for storage is similar to that for low fire loads. Typical occupancies
are mercantile and industrial. Such loading would produce the equivalent of a 2 hour ASTM exposure.
Fig. 1. Weights per square foot and square meters of ordinary (Class A) combustibles required to
produce fire severities approximately the ASTM curve for various periods of duration.
(Data from Bureau of Standards tests as reported in BM S92.)
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1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
c) High fire load. Combustible content, on the average, is between 200,000 Btu/ft
(2270 MJ/m
) and
400,000 Btu/ft
(4550 MJ/m
) of net floor area, but does not exceed 800,000 Btu/ft
(9090 MJ/m
) in lim-
ited isolated areas. A typical occupancy is bulk storage. Such loading would produce the equivalent of
a 4 hour ASTM exposure.
Burning rate or fire severity will vary depending on the arrangement and type of the fuel. For a given fire
loading, an increased burning rate will result in a reduced burning time.
The area under any fire test time-temperature curve, expressed in degree-hours, is a reasonable measure
of the fire exposure severity. In the example shown (see Fig. 2), the severity of the test fire for 60 minutes is
roughly equivalent to that of the Standard ASTM Fire for 45 minutes.
3.1.2 Dangerous Amounts of Combustibles
Figures 3, 4, and 5 give ceiling temperatures that would result from the burning of wood pallets and ignit-
able liquids in unprotected rooms of various heights. These temperatures occur when the combustibles are
located in a corner. Lower temperatures would result if the combustibles were moved to an open area. Asus-
tained ceiling temperature of 800F (427C) or higher can produce a self-propagating fire in a wood or Class 2
insulated metal deck roof.
3.1.3 Measuring the Combustibility of Building Materials
The potential flame spread from construction materials, particularly the interior finishes, greatly influences
the fire hazard and need for automatic sprinkler protection when contents are wholly noncombustible.
Several tests are used to evaluate the relative combustibility of building materials, however, few relate to
performance under actual fire conditions. Tunnel Test
A widely used method for evaluating combustibility of building materials is the Tunnel Test prescribed in
ASTM Standard E 84. FM Approvals is equipped to run this test as it is described in Data Sheet 1-4, Fire Tests.
Flame spread and smoke developed are measured. These factors determine the product rating numeri-
cally on a scale where the flame spread for a cementitious board is 0 and red oak is 100. The testing labo-
ratory makes no judgement of the products suitability. Recommendations on flame spread index for a
particular application (for example, ceiling tiles in a corridor) are established in building codes. See Table 2
for typical test results.
Fig. 2. The area, in degree-hours, under the test curve for 60 minutes is the same as the area under the ASTM curve
for 45 minutes. Therefore, the severity of the fire exposure under both curves, up to these respective
time limits, is approximately the same.
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1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
Fig. 3. Ceiling temperatures, double stacks of wood pallets.
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1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
Fig. 4. Ceiling temperatures, single stacks of wood pallets.
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1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
Table 2. Typical ASTM E 84 Test Results on Combustibility of Selected Materials.
Product Flame spread Smoke developed
Cementitious board
Gypsum board
Protected metal
Acoustical tile
Wood fiber
Treated wood fiber
Painted glass fiber
Fir plywood:
Red oak
Fig. 5. Ceiling temperatures, ignitable liquid pool fires.
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1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
Table 3. Heat-release Rates and Burning Duration of Selected Products
Based on the FM Global Research Construction Material Calorimeter Test
Heat-release rate
Duration of
burning, min
Metric-Heat-release rate
One min,
One min,
Cementitious board 0 0 0 0 0
Gypsum board 73 73 2 829 829
Protected metal (typical) 183 188 9 2,078 2,135
Acoustical tile:
Treated wood fiber
Plywood, elm face, treated core 270 340 9 3,066 3,861
Plywood, oak face, treated core 302 379 9 3,430 4,304
Red oak 508 531 9 5,769 6,030
Where a non-plastic material has an ASTM E 84 flame spread rating of 25 or less, the hazard of the mate-
rial is low enough that automatic sprinkler protection is not needed for the material when used in a horizon-
tal plane.
Omitting sprinklers based on ASTM E 84 test results alone does not apply to plastic materials, as the tunnel
test does not give realistic results for such materials. In this test, plastics can release so much smoke that
flame is choked. Some foam and high-density plastics melt before a flame front is established. Plastic mate-
rials listed by FM Approvals for use on walls and ceilings/roofs are Approved (see Appendix A for defini-
tion) on the basis of the FM Approvals Corner Test. This test is described in Data Sheet 1-4. FM Global Research Construction Material Calorimeter
The FM Global Research Construction Material Calorimeter is used to determine a materials rate of heat
release and duration of burning. These characteristics are significant for evaluating combustibility. Some mate-
rials are tested for 10 minutes and the maximum acceptable one-minute heat-release rate for this test is
200 Btu/ft
/min (2270 MJ/m
Some typical test results are shown in Table 3. The test is not meant for unfaced foamed plastics, but is appro-
priate for foamed plastics having thermal barriers. It also is used by FM Approvals to Approve protected metal
This apparatus also is used for a 30 minute test of roof deck assemblies including insulated steel deck and fire-
retardant treated wood. Maximum acceptable heat release rates are as follows:
Table 4. Maximum Acceptable Heat Release Rates
Time Interval
Max Fuel Contribution
/min (kJ/m
3 410 (4656)
5 390 (4429)
10 360 (4088)
30 min 285 (3237)
Comparisons with large-scale tests show that a combustibility index based upon heat release rate is a
reasonable method to approve construction materials as Class 1 or limited combustibility.
1-1 Firesafe Building Construction and Materials
Page 10 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets
1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved. FM Global Research Susceptibility To Heat Damage Test
Heat alone can damage some materials. The FM Global Research Susceptibility to Heat Damage Test
subjects a sample of material to the following temperatures (no direct flame).
0 minambient
5 min425F (218C)
10 min475F (246C)
15 min500F (260C)
20 min500F (260C)
The sample is removed at the end of 20 min and examined. Curling, bowing, melting, dimensional change,
decomposition, or discoloration must be negligible. Damage to the bottom side of the material should not
8 in. (3 mm) in depth.
This test is generally conducted for insulations used in metal deck assemblies. ASTM E 108 Test
The potential for firespread across the top surface of a roof may not be proportioned to the potential fire-
spread across the bottom of the roof deck within the building. Roof surface fire spread is affected by gravel
or concrete paver block surfacing or other coatings, and the type of roof cover and insulation below it. A
roof deck could be fire resistive or of limited combustiblity, however, depending on the make-up of the above
deck components, there could be a potential for severe firespread across the top surface. Roof systems
are fire rated A, B or C according to ASTM E 108.
4.1 FM Global
Data Sheet 1-0, Safeguards During Construction, Alteration and Demolition
Data Sheet 1-3, High-Rise Buildings
Data Sheet 1-4, Fire Tests
Data Sheet 1-5, Removal and Shipping of Roof Deck Samples for Calorimeter Testing
Data Sheet 1-12, Ceilings
Data Sheet 1-14, Construction Systems
Data Sheet 1-17, Reflective Ceiling Insulation
Data Sheet 1-20, Protection Against Exterior Fire Exposure.
Data Sheet 1-21, Fire Resistance of Building Assemblies
Data Sheet 1-22, Maximum Foreseeable Loss
Data Sheet 1-23, Protection of Openings in Fire Subdivisions
Data Sheet 1-24, Protection Against Liquid Damage
Data Sheet 1-28, Wind Design
Data Sheet 1-29, Above Deck Roof Components
Data Sheet 1-30, Repair of Wind Damaged Roof Systems
Data Sheet 1-31, Metal Roof Systems
Data Sheet 1-32, Existing PVC Roof Covers
Data Sheet 1-33, Safeguarding Torch-Applied Roof Insulation
Data Sheet 1-44, Damage-Limiting Construction
Data Sheet 1-57, Plastics in Construction
Data Sheet 1-60, Asphalt-Coated/Protected Metal Buildings
Data Sheet 1-61, Fire-Retardant Treated Wood
Data Sheet 7-16, Barricades
Data Sheet 7-29, Ignitable Liquid Storage in Portable Containers
Data Sheet 7-32, Ignitable Liquid Operations
Data Sheet 7-83, Drainage Systems for Ignitable Liquids
Data Sheet 9-1, Supervision of Property
Approval Guide, a publication of FM Approvals.
FM Global Hot Work Permit, Form 2630
Firesafe Building Construction and Materials 1-1
FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 11
1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
4.2 NFPA Standards
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
NFPA 220, Types of Building Construction, 1999.
NFPA 259, Test Method for Potential Heat of Building Materials, 1998.
4.3 Others
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
ASTM E 8491, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
ASTM E 10891, Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings.
ASTM E 11995, Method for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials.
ASTM E 13692, Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750C.
ASTM E 60577 (1982), Standard Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive
Material Applied to Structural Members.
ASTM E 73686 (1991), Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied
to Structural Members.
ASTM E 75986 (1991), Test Method for Effect of Deflection of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to
Structural Members.
ASTM E 76086 (1991), Test Method for Effect of Impact on Bonding of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material
Applied to Structural Members.
ASTM E 76186 (1991), Test Method for Compressive Strength of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied
to Structural Members.
ASTM E 85982, Test Method for Air Erosion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied to Structural
Building Officials & Code Administrators (BOCA)
National Building Code.
International Conference of Building Officials
Uniform Building Code.
National Research Council of Canada
National Building Code.
Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI)
Standard Building Code.
Similar standards available in countries outside the United States also may be utilized.
A brief description of some terms are described below. For a more detailed description, examples and
illustrations, see Appendix C.
Approved: references to Approved in this data sheet means the product and services have satisfied the
criteria for FM Approval. Refer to the Approval Guide for a complete listing of products and services that are
FM Approved.
Boards-on-joist construction: consists of wood floor deck supported by closely spaced wood joists.
Fire-resistive construction: consists of materials that will withstand fire for the rated period without structural
Limited-combustible construction: consists of materials that will not release sufficient fuel so as to allow a
self-propagating fire.
1-1 Firesafe Building Construction and Materials
Page 12 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets
1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
Noncombustible construction: consists of materials that will not allow for a self-propagating fire, contribute
a negligible amount of fuel, but are not necessarily fire resistive.
Plank-on-timber construction: also known as heavy timber, mill or slow-burning construction. It consists
of large wood members.
April 2012. Terminology related to ignitable liquids has been revised to provide increased clarity and consis-
tency with regard to FM Globals loss prevention recommendations for ignitable liquid hazards.
January 2011. Minor editorial changes were made. Deleted references to Data Sheet 1-19, Fire Walls, Sub-
divisions and Draft Curtains, that was made obsolete.
September 2007. Minor editorial changes were made.
January 2005. Deleted references to obsolete Data Sheet 8-0, General Storage Safeguards.
May 2003. Minor editorial changes were made for this revision.
May 2002. Minor changes were made to emphasize the use of noncombustible or limited combustible
September 2000. This document has been reorganized to provide a consistent format. Only editorial and
no major changes from May 1998 edition were made.
C.1 Major Types of Construction
Building framework often is categorized by relative fire hazard and resistance. These categories include:
fire resistive, noncombustible or limited-combustible, plank-on timber, board-on-joists and wood frame. Build-
ing components of these types also can be combined in ways that result in construction types that do not
fit neatly into any of the categories.
In the U.S., model building codes have a more specific definition of types of construction. Prior to the year
2000, there were three model building codes in the U.S. They are the BOCA National Building Code (NBC),
the Standard Building Code (SBC) and the Uniform Building Code (UBC). Individual states generally use
one of these as a model for their state codes, however, the most current model building code is not always
adopted immediately. Building codes have requirements for fire resistance ratings of all structural mem-
bers, including walls, partitions, columns, floors and roofs. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Standard 220, Types of Building Construction, contains similar criteria. Construction is broken down into
five general categories.
Type I construction is noncombustible, and structural framework is protected (fire resistive).
Type II construction is noncombustible and is either protected to a lesser degree than Type I, or unprotected.
Type III construction may have protected or unprotected wood structural elements.
Type IV construction allows unprotected wood framing, such as heavy timber (heavy timber is Type III
construction per SBC).
Type V construction allows any material acceptable to the code.
The SBC also specifies Type VI construction.
Factors that influence the type of construction required by the applicable building code include the number
of stories or building height, floor area and the occupancy.
Table 5 lists major structural components and the range of fire resistance requirements required by the four
U.S. codes or standards mentioned above. In some cases, there may be considerable differences between
various codes. There also are many exceptions to the normal requirements, such as reductions in fire
resistance ratings if sprinklers are provided, that are not noted in this table.
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1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
Table 5. Fire Resistance Requirements for Type I through Type VI Construction (In Hours)
Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V Type VI
Exterior Bearing Walls
Supporting more than one floor, columns or
other bearing walls
Supporting one floor only
Supporting a roof only
Interior Bearing Walls
Supporting more than one floor, columns, or
other bearing walls
Supporting one floor only
Supporting a roof only
Supporting more than one floor, bearing walls,
or other columns
Supporting one floor only
Supporting a roof only
1,NC or
1,NC or
1, NC or
Beams, Girders, Trusses & Arches
Supporting more than one floor, bearing walls,
or columns
Supporting one floor only
Supporting a roof only
1, NC or
1, NC or
1, NC or
Floor Construction 2-3 NC-2 0-1
HT 0-1 1/0
Roof Construction NC-2 NC-1 0-1
HT 0-1 1/0
Exterior Nonbearing Walls
NC-4 NC-4 0-4 0-4 0-3 1/0
HTHeavy Timber
There are many exceptions to this table. For example, fire resistance ratings may be reduced in some cases if sprinklers are provided.
Only SBC has Type VI requirements, rating on left is for 1 hour protected construction, rating on right is for unprotected construction.
Separation distances between exterior fire exposures may govern.
SBC allows Heavy Timber in these cases.
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1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
C.2 Fire-Resistive Construction
Fire-resistive construction consists of materials that will withstand fire within the building, insulating as
necessary, for the rated period without structural failure.
Concrete (see Fig. 6) and protected steel-frame (see Fig. 7) construction are two types of fire-resistive
Concrete may be cast in place or precast. Concrete also may be prestressed by either pre-tensioning or
Pretensioned concrete is reinforced with high strength steel tendons, which are stretched between external
anchorages in the form prior to pouring the concrete. When the concrete reaches sufficient strength and
has bonded to the steel, the tensioning force is released.
Pretensioned concrete can be used for various structural purposes including wall, floor and roof construc-
tion. It is found in various shapes including double or single tees (usually 8 ft [2.4 m] wide), solid or hollow
core flat slabs and rectangular, L-shaped and inverted tee beams (see Figs. 8a. through e.). Columns and
piles also can be prestressed. Because it must be transported, pre-tensioned concrete often is limited to 8
or 10 ft (2.4 to 3.0 m) widths and 60 ft (18.3 m) lengths. With post-tensioned concrete, hollow conduits placed
in the framework prevent the concrete from bonding to the tendons (see Fig. 9). After the concrete has hard-
ened and reached sufficient strength, the tendons are then stretched by jacking against the concrete. Post-
tensioning is most commonly used for beams, and floor slabs of multi-story buildings, however, pretensioning
is used more often than post-tensioning.
Tilt-up concrete is often used when wider wall panels are utilized. The concrete is poured into formwork at
the job site and lifted into place after the concrete has reached sufficient strength. Panels are usually one bay
wide (20 ft [6.1 m] or more).
Fig. 6. Concrete frame construction.
Fig. 7. Concrete on protected steel construction.
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With proper thickness and detailing, concrete cover over cables, and reinforcing bars etc., prestressed (pre-
tensioned or post-tensioned) concrete can have the same fire resistance as monolithic concrete. In any case,
deterioration such as spalling of the concrete surface can expose reinforcing steel to a fire causing it to
weaken and fail prematurely.
Fig. 8a. Double Tee.
Fig. 8b. Single Tee.
Fig. 8c. Hollow Core Flat Slab.
Fig. 8d. L-Shaped Beam.
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1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.
A two-way concrete slab is sometimes used in floor construction and has steel reinforcement placed in two
directions. The slab acts as the deck and secondary and primary framing. It may be either flat or ribbed in
two directions on its underside.
C.3 Protected Steel-Frame Construction
In protected steel-frame construction, the structural steel is provided with a fire resistant covering. Floors
and roofs are usually concrete or concrete fill on steel deck, with fireproofed supporting steel framework. If
the steel deck and concrete are integrated to form a composite roof system, or if additional insulation against
fire is needed, fireproofing of the deck may be applied as well. Sprayed fire-resistive materials applied to struc-
tural members are particularly sensitive to application procedures and environment. A number of ASTM test
standards are applicable to such products and are listed in Section 4.0, of this data sheet. ASTM E 119 fire
testing is conducted in order to establish the needed fire resistance rating of the assembly. Other tests noted
in Section 4.0, are intended to test physical properties. ASTM E 759 (deflection), E 760 (impact resis-
tance), E 761 (compressive strength) and E 859 (air erosion) are conducted in the laboratory and the manu-
facturer should certify that the materials meet these standards. ASTM E 605 (thickness and density), and
E 736 (cohesion/adhesion) may be conducted in the laboratory or the field and are recommended as a check
of all new field installations. ASTM E 859 is particularly critical if the sprayed material is located in a return
air plenum (on the underside of a roof/floor deck in the space above a suspended ceiling). Areas adjacent to
air inlets may be most vulnerable due to higher air velocities. If a sealer is applied over the fire-resistive mate-
rial to prevent erosion, it should be a type that has been tested and listed with the fire-resistive material to
ensure that it does not detract from the noncombustibility or fire-resistance rating. An independent labora-
tory should certify that these tests have been conducted and recommend repairs as needed. Similar stan-
dards available in countries outside the U.S. may also be utilized.
Field testing of these sprayed applied products is necessary to ensure, among other things, that the amount
of air-entraining material used in the formulation is not excessive. This could result in inadequate density
and impact resistance. Improper surface preparation can lead to inadequate adhesion and insufficient thick-
ness also will result in protection that is less than recommended. After mechanical work has been com-
pleted, but before suspended ceilings are installed, visual examinations of fireproofing should be made and
bare spots/spalled areas should be repaired.
Fig. 8e. Inverted Tee Beam.
Fig. 9. Post-tensioned concrete beam.
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Buildings constructed prior to 1940 may have the steel frame encased in concrete that is poured in forms,
with decks of reinforced concrete (see Fig. 7). For added details on fire resistance, see Data Sheet 1-21, Fire
Resistance of Building Assemblies. Listings for Wall and Floor Penetration Fire Stops can be found in the
Approval Guide.
The basic function of automatic sprinkler piping is to reliably carry water under pressure to all sprinkler heads.
When piping is supported by exposed steel, the structural system is a major factor affecting reliability.
With exposure to excessive atmospheric temperatures for even short periods of time, steel softens and weak-
ens. At the same time, the steel is attempting to expand under the effect of the heat. If a degree of restraint
to expansion is present, permanent distortion will result.
When a structural member is exposed to a fire, the interplay between softening, expansion, and restraint pro-
duces a very complex behavior. To further complicate the behavior where there is direct exposure to high tem-
peratures, the top of horizontal members will be hotter that the bottom.
Tests have been run with loaded structural beams exposed to short term high temperatures of a nature that
will result in borderline conditions for sprinkler lines. Typically, the structural beam will deflect upward ini-
tially. This is because the top of the member is expanding more than the bottom. At temperatures of a few hun-
dred degrees, the strength of the steel is reduced and deformations that offset the expansion occur. The
steel member settles to the starting position or slightly below.
With the approximate temperature-time relationship shown in Figure 10, deflections of structural members suf-
ficient to break fittings of sprinkler piping are probable. Exposures releasing great amounts of heat can pro-
duce such ceiling temperatures if the proper sprinklers with water supplies sufficient to control the fire are
not provided as outlined in the appropriate data sheet. Typical of such exposures are high-piled combus-
tible pallets, high-piled roll paper and many plastics. The appropriate data sheet also will indicate when
exposed steel needs fireproofing in addition to adequate sprinklers and water supplies to provide protection
from specific exposures.
C.4 Noncombustible or Limited-Combustible Construction
The primary elements of noncombustible construction are noncombustible materials that fail to meet the
full requirements of fire-resistive construction. Generally, noncombustible construction has exposed steel
supporting members.
The principal fire-safety advantage of noncombustible or limited-combustible (Class 1) construction, as com-
pared with combustible construction, is their limited fire spread. It does not contribute significant fuel to a
fire originating in the contents of the building or allow fire spread via the construction where there is only a
localized fire exposure. A serious disadvantage in several varieties is the inability to withstand fire
temperatures for more than a few minutes without damage or structural failure.
Fig. 10. Exposure required to distort structural steel to the point where breakage of sprinkler pipe fittings will occur.
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Awide variety of roof materials is used in noncombustible construction. Examples are corrugated sheet metal,
corrugated cementitious panels, precast concrete plank, concrete tile and poured gypsum. Class l insulated
steel deck (see Fig. 11, and Data Sheet 1-28, Wind Design, and Section C.10 of this data sheet) and fire-
retardant lumber (Data Sheet 1-61, Fire-Retardant Treated Wood) have limited combustibility, as defined by
the FM Global Research Roof Deck Calorimeter Test.
Floors in buildings of noncombustible construction are either reinforced concrete or concrete on cellular or
corrugated metal panels.
Typical materials used for noncombustible walls are brick, concrete masonry units, corrugated metal, gypsum
board, corrugated cement. Approved insulated metal wall and ceiling/roof panels are of limited-combustibility
as defined by the FM Approvals Corner Test.
Cladding and framework for metal buildings are generally of noncombustible construction. These buildings
are usually constructed of exposed steel frame with steel or aluminum siding and roofing.
C.5 Combustible Materials in Noncombustible Construction
Some combustible materials are frequently used for siding, suspended ceilings, and interior finish in build-
ings classified as fire resistive or noncombustible. When these materials are of limited combustibility, such as
Class 1 steel deck they do not challenge the integrity of the building. Even when combustible elements cre-
ate a fire hazard requiring sprinkler protection, the classification of the construction is unchanged. For
example, a reinforced concrete building with combustible, suspended, wood-fiber ceilings would still be called
fire resistive, but automatic sprinkler protection would be needed to protect the ceiling, as it would be simi-
larly needed to protect a combustible occupancy. Combustible ceilings are not recommended for high-rise
buildings, regardless of the presence of automatic sprinklers.
Adding combustible components to otherwise noncombustible materials can result in a combustible, com-
posite assembly. For example, mopping above deck roofing materials to the top surface of a corrugated,
cementitious roof panel with hot asphalt may result in a Class 2 (combustible) roof assembly due to potential
burning of flammable vapors forced down through joints in the deck sections.
Fig. 11. Insulated steel deck on steel framing.
(Note: above deck assembly should be of limited combustibilitysee Section C.4)
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C.6 Plank-On-Timber Construction
Plank-on-timber construction is also known as heavy timber, mill or slow-burning construction. It con-
sists of masonry walls with plank floors and roof on heavy timber supports (see Fig. 12). Floors of mini-
mum 3 in. (76 mm) plank with a hardwood overlay have an estimated fire endurance of 45 minutes available
for fire fighting before a fire breakthrough into the area above can be expected. The wide dimensions and
spacing of beams, and the floor thickness are key factors that make this construction slow burning. Beams
are generally 6 to 12 in. (150 to 300 mm) wide and spaced 6 to 12 ft (1.8 to 3.6 m) on center. Wood floor
or roof framing with lesser dimensions are generally considered to be board-on-joist.
Heavy timber construction was used extensively prior to the invention of the concrete flat slab in 1906. It
was implemented in multistory textile mills, one-story warehouses containing baled fibers and general
manufacturing and storage occupancies. Little new construction is of this type.
C.7 Wood Joist Construction
Board-on-joist construction is a type of floor or roof construction in which boards are supported by closely
spaced wood joists. Floors are generally constructed of two-plies, (each
2 in. [13 mm] to 1 in. [25 mm] thick)
of sheathing boards and have an estimated fire-resistance rating of about 10 to 15 minutes. Joists are usu-
ally 1-
2 in. (38 mm) in width, are usually 8 to 10 in. (200 to 250 mm) deep and spaced 12 or 16 in. (300
or 400 mm) on center and usually span 12 to 14 ft (3.7 to 4.3 m). Plywood-on-joist construction is very simi-
lar except that plywood is used in lieu of boards as decking. In heavy joist construction the joists are usu-
ally deeper and/or wider to accommodate heavier floor loads or longer spans.
Open-joist construction (see Fig. 13), with no interior sheathing or wood structural members, is frequently
used where appearance is not important. The main disadvantages of open-joist construction, as compared
with heavy timber, are the smaller size of the structural members, the greater combustible surface exposed
Fig. 12. Plank-on-timber construction.
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and the close spacing of supports which re-radiates additional heat. All contribute to the rapid spread of fire.
However, with complete automatic sprinkler protection and no other unfavorable factors, this type of
construction has reasonable loss experience.
In hollow-joist construction, the underside of the joist is sheathed. It is less desirable than open-joist con-
struction because of the concealed spaces through which fire can spread, shielded from sprinklers. Adequate
firestopping is essential. For further details, refer to Data Sheet 1-12, Ceilings.
C.8 Wood Frame Construction
If floors and walls are of board-on-joist or wood truss construction and the structural members of the walls
are wood, the construction is called wood frame (see Fig. 14). Sheathing may be noncombustible such as
gypsum board, brick, or metal. The combination of rapid burning floors and combustible wall framing makes
this construction framework type more susceptible to fire spread. Wood framing is not desirable in multi-story
Fig. 13. Open boards on joists.
Fig. 14. Wood frame construction.
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C.9 Plywood Diaphragm Roof
Another type of wood roof construction that is popular in some areas is the plywood diaphragm roof (see
Fig. 15). The roof system acts as a thin, deep beam that resists lateral loads, such as wind or earthquake,
in the place of the member.
In this type of construction, a plywood deck is supported on 24 in. (51102 mm) sub-purlins spaced approxi-
mately 2 ft (0.6 m) on center (o.c.). The sub-purlins butt into and are supported by 4 in.1224 in. (102 mm
305610 mm) purlins spaced approximately 8 ft (2.4 m) o.c. These, in turn, butt into and are supported
by 7 in.2440 in. (178 mm61010200 mm) glue-laminated beams. The glu-lam beams are usually spaced
20 to 24 ft (6 to 7 m) apart. Member sizes and spacing may vary somewhat in individual installations. In
some installations, the glu-lam beams run in both directions. In some plywood deck constructions, the sub-
purlins and/or purlins do not butt into their respective supporting members but are continuous over them.
Because of the spacing of the sub-purlins, this is considered equivalent to boards-on-joist construction from
a fire standpoint.
Reflective ceiling insulation is most commonly encountered with this type of construction and can in some
cases be a fire hazard. A detailed description and recommendations for reflective ceiling insulation can be
found in Data Sheet 1-17, Reflective Ceiling Insulation.
C.10 Other Construction Types
Some construction types do not fit neatly into the above categories, but still represent a sizeable portion of
modern construction types. These include plank-on-steel, asphalt-coated metal, protected metal and Class 2
insulated metal deck.
Plank-on-steel construction consists of 4 to 8 in. (102 to 203 mm) thick wood plank on steel or wood beams
attached to steel girders. Plank-on-steel construction is combustible and is subject to early collapse in an
uncontrolled fire.
Asphalt-Coated Metal (ACM). ACM buildings are steel-frame buildings having metal siding and/or roofing
that has been coated on both sides with asphalt. The coating increases the fire hazard substantially. Buildings
of this type are discussed in detail in Data Sheet 1-60, Asphalt-Coated/Protected Metal Buildings.
Protected Metal (PM). PM buildings are similar to ACM buildings except that roofing and siding panels have
considerably less asphaltic coating or they are coated with paint at 5 mils (0.13 mm) or less, or are coated
with zinc or zinc-aluminum alloys (galvanized). This also is discussed in Data Sheet 1-60.
Fig. 15. Typical plywood diaphragm roof deck (not to scale).
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Class 2 Insulated Metal Roof Decks. In the types of construction described above, combustibility of the roof
is generally determined by the physical characteristics of the roof deck and supporting structure. Fire tests
and experience show that critical quantities of some combustible above-deck components (e.g., the insula-
tion, adhesive, vapor retarder and roof covering) will result in a Class 2 steel deck. If exposed to fire even
locally and not protected, this could allow a spreading interior fire due to the above-deck construction alone.
Prior to the 1980s, hot asphalt was often mopped to the deck to secure above deck components. This
generally resulted in a Class 2 assembly.
Insulated metal deck usually consists of a water-resistant covering on insulation, with or without a vapor
retarder (barrier), which is secured to a metal roof deck. The water-resistant covering generally consists of
several plies of felt, or a single-ply membrane, either smooth or with a gravel surface (see Fig. 16). For addi-
tional information on above deck roof components, refer to Data Sheet 1-28, Wind Design ; Data Sheet 1-29,
Above-Deck Roof Components; Data Sheet 1-30, Repair of Wind Damaged Roof Systems; Data Sheet 1-31,
Metal Roof Systems; Data Sheet 1-32, Existing PVC Roof Covers, and the Approval Guide.
An assembly should be considered Class 2 if the above deck components are not Approved in specific com-
bination, unless a calorimeter test is conducted to prove otherwise (see Data Sheet 1-5, Removal and Ship-
ping of Roof Deck Samples for Calorimeter Testing).
In some cases, variations from the Approval Guide or Data Sheet 1-28 can affect wind resistance, and may
or may not affect the fire hazard. A first layer of insulation that is thinner than Approved may adversely affect
wind resistance, or may increase the fire hazard and result in a Class 2 roof. (Note: manufacturers also
specify minimum insulation board thickness for structural strength to span rib openings in the steel deck. See
the Approval Guide and Data Sheet 1-28.) The use of aluminum deck instead of steel generally results in
a Class 2 metal deck because of the relatively low melting temperature of aluminum.
Fig. 16. Typical Class 2 insulated metal roof deck construction with vapor barrier.
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Steel deck has a melting temperature of about 2650F (1450C), and consequently does not melt in either
a typical fire or in a calorimeter test. The contribution to fire spread due to fire exposure on the underside of
the deck is limited to flammable vapors forced through joints in the deck. Aluminum deck has a melting tem-
perature of about 1050F (565C) and, consequently would melt in a typical fire or in the calorimeter test.
This would directly expose most of the underside of the combustible above deck components in the flame
impingement area. That would greatly increase the fuel contribution rate of the above deck components and
result in a Class 2 roof.
Sprinkler protection is generally recommended below Class 2 roofs, however, for exceptions refer to Data
Sheet 1-12. An Approved undercoating applied to the underside of the deck is an acceptable alternative to
sprinklers if the occupancy is noncombustible.
Class 1 Insulated Metal Roof Decks. A roof deck calorimeter test is conducted to determine the heat release
rates of the above deck components. Assemblies that have rates that do not exceed the acceptable criteria
will have a limited fire spread and are categorized as Class l (limited combustible) insulated steel deck.
Assemblies that qualify for Class 1 are listed in the Approval Guide and described in Data Sheet 1-29 and
do not, by themselves, necessitate sprinkler protection.
Since the early 1980s, insulated steel deck has generally been constructed using mechanical fasteners to
secure insulation to the deck. In this case the limited combustibility of the insulation, and its ability to act as
a thermal barrier to limit fuel contribution from other components above, is necessary to maintain a Class
1 fire rating. Prior to the 1980s, adhesives were often used to secure the insulation to the deck (see Fig. 17)
and it was necessary to limit the quantities of adhesives as well in order to maintain a Class 1 fire rating.
Such construction is no longer recommended due to adverse wind loss experience (see Data Sheet 1-29).
Insulated metal decks are not used for floor construction. Consequently, when metal deck is noted below
an upper floor it is generally being used as a form deck (for concrete) which will remain in place.
Stucco on wood or metal lath is sometimes used for wall construction. This should not be confused with
EIFS noted in Section C.5.
Fig. 17. Old Style Class 1 insulated steel deck roof using limited quantities (ribbons) of
adhesive to secure insulation and vapor barrier.
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1993 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

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