Daher, Darum, Deshalb, Deswegen

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I will give you some examples:

daher : ( adverb ) (von dort - from there )

daher haben wir nichts zu befrchten --- we have nothing to fear from that quarter
daher sein ----- to be [oder come] from here/there
daher weht also der Wind! ----so that's the way the wind is blowing!
daher ( aus diesem Grund --- from that rason )
daher hat er das ---- that's where he got it from
daher weit du es also!---- so that's how [oder why] you know that
daher ( konjuntive ) ( deshalb )
daher schlage ich vor, ... therefore I suggest ...
darum ( adverb )
darum : that's why
eben darum---for that very reason
eben darum --- that's exactly why
in connection with a noun:
darum bitten ---- to ask for it/that/them
jemanden darum bitten/sich darum bemhen, etwas zu tun---- to ask sb/to try [hard]
to do sth
es geht uns darum, es richtig zu tun --- we are trying do it right
es geht nicht darum, wer zuerst kommt --- it's not a question of who comes first
darum geht es ja gerade! --- that's just it! [or: the point!]
darum geht es nicht! ----that's not [oder beside] the point!
wir kommen nicht darum herum ---- there's no avoiding it/that
wir kommen nicht darum herum ---- it can't be helped
darum herumreden --- to beat around the bush
sich darum streiten --- to argue over it/that
deshalb ( adverb)
1) deshalb ( daher ) therefore
2. deshalb (aus dem Grunde):
deshalb --- because of it
deshalb frage ich ja ---- that's why I'm asking
also deshalb!, deshalb also! ---- so that's why! [oder the reason!]
ich bin deshalb hergekommen, weil ich dich sprechen wollte ----- what I came her
e for was to speak to you
deswegen : same as deshalb
daher : therefore
darum : that's why
deshalb : because of that
deswegen : for this reason
but in the end all these words mean the same : therefore

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