Infinitiv Mit Zu Theorie

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Infinitiv mit zu


learning target

Aim of this topic is to speak about "infinitive + to" -structures.



Es ist schn, dich zu kennen.

It's nice to know you.

Ich bin hier, um sie zu sehen.

I'm here to see her.

Sie ist gegangen, ohne ein Wort zu sagen.

She is gone without saying a word.


The "infinitive + to" -structure is a kind of "attachment" of the main sentence to provide
additional information or to complete the idea of the main sentence.
The use of the "infinitive + to" -structure is in German and English almost the same.
There are some little differences, however.
"Infinitive + to" -structures of "normal" verbs
The "infinitive + to" -structure of "normal" verbs is just added to the main sentence:
main sentence + (object) + "zu" + verb


Sie hat keine Zeit zu lernen. (She has no time to learn.)

Ich bitte dich zu gehen. (I ask you to go.)
Tom versucht zu singen. (Tom tries to sing.)

"Infinitive + to" -structures of separable verbs

In "Infinitive + to" -structures of separable verbs the "zu" goes between the prefix and the stem:
main sentence + (object) + prefix+zu+stem


Sie hat kein Geld einzukaufen. (She has no money to shop.)

Ich bitte dich wegzugehen. (I ask you to go away.)
Tom versucht fernzusehen. (Tom tries to watch tv.)

Thomas Hfler 2005 2009

Infinitiv mit zu

The introducing preposition: "um", "ohne" and "anstatt"

By now we just spoke about the simple infinitives.
More often, however, the infinitive structures start with one of the three propositions:

um (=in order)
ohne (=without)
anstatt (=instead)

When do you have to start an "infinitive + to" -structure with "um"?

You have to start the "infinitive + to" -structure with "um" whenever it expresses a purpose that means whenever you could add in English "in order".


Ich bin hier, um dich zu sehen. (I'm here [in order] to see you.)
Cathy lernt sehr viel, um das Examen zu bestehen. (Cathy studies a lot [in order] to pass the

Er kommt zu dir, um dir zu helfen. (He comes to you [in order] to help you.)

As you can see in the examples above you would leave out "in order" in English. It sounds a bit odd.
In German, however, you must use "um".
"ohne" and "anstatt"
The use of "ohne" and "anstatt" is easy and becomes clear if you read the examples.

Ich gehe nicht nach Hause, ohne dich zu kssen. (I won't go home without kissing you.)
Sie ist gegangen, ohne ein Wort zu sagen. (She is gone without saying a word.)
Sie haben den Kuchen gegessen, ohne uns zu fragen. (They ate the cake without asking us.)


Sie macht oft Quatsch, anstatt zu lernen. (She makes often nonsense instead of learning.)
Ich schicke eine E-mail, anstatt dich anzurufen. (I send an e-mail instead of calling you.)
Er benutzt ein Deo, anstatt sich zu duschen. (He uses a deodorant instead of taking a shower.)

The comma placement

If there is more than just the "infinitive + to" -structure after the main sentence,
then put a comma after the main sentence.


Es ist schn zu lesen. (only "infinitive + to" -structure => no comma)

Es ist schn, ein Buch zu lesen. (more than just the "infinitive + to" -structure => comma)

Thomas Hfler 2005 2009

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