f1 - WRT Oic 102510

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F1 WRT (OIC ) 102510

=== ==============================

Find the Amplitude of a rising body with a Declination of 21 07.8' N
at Latitude 47 18.6' N.


Sin AMP = Sin DEC / Cos LAT

= /




2 2

Declination is
Find True Azimuth (Zn) at sunset.


1.) First find Amplitude:

Sin AMP = Sin DEC / Cos LAT

= /




2.) Then convert Amplitude to True Azimuth:


1. E x N > > > 90 AMP = Zn

2. E x S > > > 90 + AMP = Zn

3. W x S > > > 270 AMP = Zn

4. W x N > > > 270 + AMP = Zn

In the above example: AMP = W 23 S >> 270 23 > > Zn = 247 ( T )

3 3

An observer at took a gyro bearing of the Sun
on the horizon and found to be 078(pgc). The declination of the Sun
obtained from the . Calculate the gyro error.


Sin AMP = Sin DEC / Cos LAT

= Sin 14 / Cos 45


NOTE: E Bearing is 078 (pgc) which is Easterly direction
and it means that the Body is Rising.

N Declination is North

To convert Amp E 20 N to True Azimuth: 90 20 = 070 T

True Bearing = 070 (T) > > Obtained by calculation
Gyro Bearing = 078 pgc ( ) > > Taken by observation
Gyro Error = 8 or 8 W > > If result is ( ), G/E is W ; If (+) G/E is E .

Or you can apply the OLD RULE:

Compass BEST, Error W Compass LEAST, Error EAST

The bearing of a rising sun at Latitude 38 08' S was 078 28'. Find
the declination at time of sight.


Sin AMP = Sin DEC / Cos LAT

Sin DEC = Sin AMP x Cos LAT [ Formula 1 ]

Sin DEC = Cos Azimuth x Cos LAT [ Formula 2 ]

Sin DEC = Cos x Cos

> > > s North or
it has a Northerly component)

4 4

You are on a voyage from New York, USA to San Francisco, USA.
The distance from pilot to pilot is 5,132 miles. The speed of advance
is 13.5 knots. You estimate 32 hours for bunkering at Colon and 14
hours for the Panama Canal transit. If you take departure at 0600
hours (ZD +4) on May 16, what is your ETA (ZD +7) at San Francisco?



LZT departure = 0600 16th May

ZD departure = (+)4 (W) + >>> [ LEG : E / W + ]
GMT departure = 1000 16th May

+ Steaming Time = 2009 15days >>> [ Steaming Time: always +]
GMT arrival = 3009 31st May

ZD arrival = (+)7 (W) >>> [ GEL +: E + / W ]
LZT arrival = 2309 31st May

Bunkering = 32 + >>> [ Any Delays: always +]

Panama Canal Transit = 14 + >>> [ Any Delays: always +]
LZT arrival = 2109 02nd June


ZD departure = (+) 4

ZD arrival = (+) 7 ( ) >>> Note: always subtract ( )
Time Difference = 3

Steaming Time(D / S) = 2009 15 days >>> 5,132 miles / 13.5 knots

LZT departure = 0600 16th May

Bunkering = 32 + >>> [ Any Delays: always +]

Panama Canal Transit = 14 + >>> [ Any Delays: always +]
----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
LZT arrival = 2109 02nd June

5 5


Pt. A >_________________+_________________+____________________<Pt. B
NYK Colon Panama Canal Transit SFO
(ZD+4) (32h) (14h) (ZD+7)

S.T. = Distance / Speed = 5132 miles / 13.5 knots = 380.148 hrs

0600 May 16 >>>>>> S.T. 15d 20h 09m >>>>>> ?? 2109 June 2 ??


Steaming Time = Distance / Speed

= 5,132nm/13.5k >>> 380.148 hrs

Departure Time >>> + 6 hrs

ZD departure >>>> + (+)4

ZD arrival >>>>>>> (+)7 Note: always (- )

DELAYS: Bunkering >>>>>>> + 32 hrs

P. Canal Transit >>> + 14 hrs
TOTAL No. of HOURS >>> 429.148 hrs / 24

17.881 days

Departure Date >>> + 16th MAY

How many days in MAY??? >>> 31 days

2.881 days

0.881day x 24

ARRIVAL TIME!!! >>> 2109 hrs

NOTE: If ZD is not given, just divide the Longitude by 15. Take the whole
number of hour. A fraction of 0.5 and above will be considered to the next
hour. ( Ex. 4.4 =ZD 4 but 4.5 =ZD 5)

6 6

At , the LMT is 16h 02m 03s Dec 3.
Find the LMT and date at place W.


( 9h 32m 10s
( + )
Dec.3, 16h 02m 03s

25h 34m 13s

Dec.4, 01h 34m 13s

The ZT at place A is 0800. If the , what is the ZT
of place


/ 15 = 3.3 >>> ZD Place A = +3
( )
/ 15 = 5.6 >>> ZD Place B = +6

Time Difference = 3 Hrs

ZT Place A = 0800

Time Difference = 3 Hrs

ZT Place B = 0500

7 7

What is the length of the shadow of a man, 6 feet tall, when standing
in an open field at local apparent noon of a certain day when the
Declination is about 20 S and his Latitude is 20 S?

LAT = 20 S
DEC = 20 (S) N >> > (always reverse sign; if same name
------------------ with Lat + but if diff.name then affix
ZD = 0 sign of quantity with greater value)

NOTE: It means that the sun is exactly at the Zenith (directly above your
head), therefore Zenith Distance (ZD) is zero and no shadow will be seen.

Find the height of the observer in Lat 45 N when he is casting a
shadow 10 feet long at local apparent noon on a day when the sun
declination is 20 N.


Lat = 45 N

Dec = 20 (N) S >>> (always reverse sign; if same name
------------------------ with Lat + but if diff. name then affix
ZD = 25 N sign of quantity with greater value)

Ho = 65

Height of Observer (Ho) = Tan 65 x 10 feet (shadow)

= 21.25 feet

8 8


How far and where will the Sun be from the Zenith of the observer at
noon of June 21 or 23 if the observer is navigating along the Tropic
of Cancer?

June 21 or 23 >>> Dec = 2327 )
ZD = 0

RULE: If LATITUDE of Observer and DECLINATION of the Sun
are of same name, subtract ( ) and affix the sign of quantity
with greater value; if different name, add ( + ).

What is the angular distance of the sun from the zenith of the
observer at noon of June 21 or 23 if the observer is navigating along
the Tropic of Cancer?

Angular Distance = 0

9 9

How far and where will the sun be from the zenith of the observer at
noon of December 21 or 23 if the observer is navigating along the
Tropic of Cancer?
Observer is navigating along the Tropic

How far is the

How far and where will the sun be from the zenith of observer at
noon of March 21 or 23 when the observer is navigating along the
Arctic Circle?

Declination of the Sun on March 21/23 = 0 N/S (+/ )

What is the angular distance of the sun from the zenith of the
observer at noon of March 21 or 23 when the observer is navigating
along the Arctic Circle?

Declination of the Sun on March 21/23 = 0 N/S (+/ )


1 10 0

What is the difference of latitude between the Antarctic Circle and
the Tropic of Capricorn?
Antarctic Circle



What is the difference of latitude between the Arctic Circle and the
Tropic of Cancer?


How far (in angular distance) is the Arctic Circle from the North


How far in angular distance is the Antarctic Circle from the South


1 11 1

A ship sailing eastward crosses the 180th meridian at 1130 ZT of
June 6. What is the new zone time and date of crossing?

TO FIND ZT and DATE when crossing Equator:

a.) By Formula:

ZD before crossing = 12 (E) > > > LZT = 1130 June 6
TD = 24h or 1d ( )
ZD after crossing = + 12 (W) > > > LZT = 1130 June 5

Time Difference (TD) = 24 hrs < < < ZD dep ZD arr = ( 12) (+12)
Or 1 day


b.) By Simple Illustration Method:

E Long._______________________(180)_______________________W Long.

>>> 1 >> Day >>Less >>> (Easterly Course)

1130 ZT, June6 1130ZT, June5

( Westerly Course) <<< 1 << Day << More <<<

NOTE: Remember the 180th meridian is the I.D.L. (International Date Line) or

I.D.L. means 1 Day Less. In short, crossing the IDL from E to W (eastward),

you subtract 1 day. And crossing from W to E (westward), you add 1 day.

1 12 2

A ship is in Longitude 137 45' E, clocks keeping ZT. Find the LMT at
1123 ship's time.

TO FIND LMT if LZT or ZT is given:

= 09h 11m (E) > > > Long. in Time ( t) (hh mm ss)

= -9 (E) > > > > > > ZD (whole number of hour)

LZT = 1123 Note: [ L E G / G E L + ]
ZD = 9 (E) LZT to GMT: E / W +
-------------------- GMT to LMT: E + / W
GMT = 0223
( t) = 0911 (E) +
LMT = 1134

NOTE 1: In converting LZT to LMT or vice versa, you apply Longitude in
Time ( t) and ZD but DO NOT interchange them, otherwise you will get a
wrong answer. From LZT to GMT or vice versa , you apply ZD. Both LZT and
Z Z GMT to LMT or vice versa, you
apply, of course Long in Time ( t) at wala ng iba pa.

NOTE 2: Local Zone Time or Zone Time or Local Time is the Standard Time
maintained within a certain zone as designated by Zone Description. This
standard time is the time being maintained on board ship and this is what
we call the

1 13 3

The LMT of sunrise on the standard meridian is 0552H. Your
. What is your ZT of sunrise?
TO FIND LZT or ZT if LMT is given:

/ 15 = 6h 37m

= 6h 37m (E) > Long. in Time ( t)

= 7 (E) > > > > ZD

LMT sunrise = 0552
t = 0637 (E)
------------------------------------ NOTE: LEG / GEL +
GMT sunrise = 2315 LMT to GMT: E / W +
ZD = 7 (E) + GMT to LZT: E + / W
LZT sunrise = 0615

The local mean time of sunset at Long. 73 30' E is 18h 40m 00s.
What is the corresponding local zone time of sunset?

TO FIND LZT or ZT if LMT is given:

/ 15 = 4h 54m

= 4h 54m (E) > Long. in Time(t)

= 5 (E) > > > > ZD

LMT sunset = 18h 40m 00s
t = 04h 54m 00s (E) [LEG ]
GMT sunset = 13h 46m 00s
ZD = 5 (E) + [GEL +]
LZT sunset = 18h 46m 00s

1 14 4

The LMT of LAN is 1200H. What will be the zone time of LAN if you
are located in Longitude 120
TO FIND LZT or ZT if LMT is given:

= 08h 02m (W) > Long in Time ( t)
= +8 (W) > > > > ZD

LMT LAN = 1200
t = 0802 (W) +
GMT LAN = 2002
ZD = 8 (W) -
LZT LAN = 1202

The zone time of LAN is 1152. Your longitude is 73 15' E. What time
would you use to enter the Nautical Almanac to determine the
declination of the Sun at LAN?
5 (E)
LZT LAN = 1152 Note: [ L E G ]
ZD = 5 (E) LZT to GMT: E - / W +
GMT LAN = 0652

The ZT at is 6h 18m 24s. What is the GMT?

LZT LAN = 06h 18m 24s Note: [ L E G ]
ZD = 9 (W) + LZT to GMT: E / W +
GMT = 15h 18m 24s

1 15 5

If the Greenwich Hour Angle of the sun at noon of Feb.26 is 356
. What is the Equation of Time?

NOTE: If GHA > 180, then E.T. = (360 - GHA) / 15
If GHA > 180, then Mean Sun is Ahead, Apparent Sun is Behind, E.T. +

E.T. = (360 - ) = 3 36. 00h 14m 26s

The GHA of the sun at 1200 GMT was found in the nautical almanac
to be . What will be the GMT of the meridian passage?

a.) Find first E.T. as above formula:

b.) Then find GMT of MP as below:

GAT = 12h 00m 00s >>> Greenwich Apparent Time

E.T. = 00h 14m 06s + > > > (see above problem)

GMT = 12h 14m 06s >>> Greenwich Mean Time

Note: If GHA > 180, then Mean Sun is Ahead, E.T. +

In this problem which is more than 180, therefore,

Mean Sun is Ahead and E.T. is +.

1 16 6

The GHA of the Sun at 1200h GMT was found in the Almanac to be
. What is the equation of time?

NOTE: If GHA < 180, then E.T. = GHA / 15

If GHA < 180, then Mean Sun is Behind, Apparent Sun is Ahead, E.T.

E.T. = / 15 = 10m 06s

The GHA of the Sun at 1200h GMT was found to be 002 . What
will be the GMT of Meridian Passage if your longitude is at


a.) Find first E.T. as above formula:

b.) Then find GMT of MP as below:

GAT = 12h 00m 00s > > > Greenwich Apparent Time

E.T. = 00h 10m 06s > > > ( see above problem )

GMT = 11h 49m 54s

Note: If GHA < 180, then Mean Sun is Behind, E.T.

In this problem which is less than180, therefore,

Mean Sun is Behind and E.T. is .

1 17 7

The GHA Aries is determined as , an observer is located at
. The LHA Aries he will use in solving latitude by
Polaris is:
LHA Aries = GHA Aries +/- Long

NOTE: G E L + > > > GHA to LHA: E + / W

LHA of Aries = + E

= 526 55.5 - 360

LHA of Aries =

course 090. What is the LONG of arrival?

DLO = DEP / Cos LAT LONG departure = 153

You depart LAT 25 54' N, LONG 9 38' E and steam 592 miles on
course 270. What is the LONG of arrival?


1 18 8


RULE: If GHA > 180, then Long = 360 GHA and named East.

If GHA < 180, then Long = GHA and named West.

What is the geographic longitude of a body whose GHA is 232 27'?

Long = 360 - =

What is the geographic longitude of a body whose GHA is 215 15'?
Long = 360
What is the longitude of the geographical position of a body whose
GHA is 210 30'?
Long = 360 =


RULE: If then GHA = 360 Longitude

If then GHA = Longitude

A position of the Earth has a longitude of 74 10' E. Its celestial
counterpart would have a ________.

GHA = 360 - =

1 19 9


(N) S >>> ( always reverse sign; if diff.name )

90 >>> (always 90 since Ho + ZD = 90)

The distance to the nearest vertex from any point on a great circle
track cannot exceed___________.
The maximum distance from the VERTEX to any point on a GREAT CIRCLE
TRACK = 5,400 nautical miles > > > 90 x 60

Your vessel is at the equator at midnight on 1 January, and a star is
observed rising. At what time will this same star rise on 1 February,
1 solar day = 24h 00m 00s
1 sidereal day = 23h 56m 04s
Difference = 0h 3m 56s < < <Stars rises late daily
x 31 days < < < < < Jan.1 to Feb.1
Total Diff. = 2h 01m 56s
Midnight Jan.1 = 24h 00m 00s ( )
The star will rise = 21h 58m 04s on Feb.1

2 20 0


What is the latitude of a place where the sun is at the zenith of the
observer at local apparent noon of June 21 or 23?
If the Sun is at the Zenith it means that Altitude( Ho) = 90
- 90
ZD = 0


What is the latitude of a place where the observer is stepping on his
shadow at local apparent noon at March 21 or 23?

NOTE: When the Observer is stepping at his shadow at local apparent noon,

this means that the Sun is exactly at the Zenith, therefore, the

Ho = 90 and ZD = 0.

ZD = 0
DEC = 0 > > > March 21 or 23
LAT = 0 or at the Equator

The sun crosses the upper branch of the celestial meridian of the
observer at a position 15 South of his zenith. If the
is 15 S. What is the latitude of the observer?
ZD = 15 S
DEC = 15 S (N) >>> (reverse sign; if diff.name )
LAT = 0 or at the Equator

2 21 1

NOTE: Lower Transit means Passage at the Lower Branch of the Meridian.
Lower Transit can only be observed when a body is a circumpolar body.
A circumpolar body is a celestial body which does not set but remains above
the horizon for 24 hours.

LAT = PX + Ho
PX (Polar Distance) = 90 Declination
RULE: Latitude is named according to the name of Declination.

What is the latitude of a place where the sun is at the horizon at
midnight of June 21?

>>> (90 - Dec)
Ho at Horizon = 0 ( - )

What is the latitude of a place where the sun is at the horizon at
midnight of December 21 or 23?

>>> (90 - Dec)
Ho at Horizon = 0 ( - )

2 22 2

A ship on course of 253 T at 14 knots. At 2329 a lighthouse was
observed bearing 282 T. At 2345 the same lighthouse bears 300 T.



a.)Co = 253 T b.) Co = 253 T c.) Angle B = 47 R
Brg1 = 282 T Brg2 = 300 T Angle A = 29 R
-------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
A = 29 R B = 47 R Angle C = 18 R

2. Then solve for AB (Distance Run Between 1st & 2nd

AB = ( Time 2 Time 1 ) x Speed

= ( 2345 2329 ) x 14 knots

= 16 minutes x 14 knots

AB = 3.73 nautical miles

3. Solve for Distance off at second bearing (BC): (By SINE Law)

BC = Sin A x AB / Sin C
Busy SinA AB at SinCha

BC = Sin 29 x 3.73 / Sin 18

BC = 5.9 nautical miles (Distance off at 2nd bearing)

4. Solve for Distance at Abeam (CD) : (By SOH CAH TOA)

CD = BC x Sin B
Si Dee Busy Rin Ba

CD = 5.9 x Sin 47

CD = 4.3 nautical miles ( Distance at Abeam)

2 23 3

The propeller of the vessel has a diameter of 20.6 feet and a pitch of 23.4 feet.
What would be the apparent slip if the vessel cruised of 538 miles in a 24 hour
day (observed distance) at an average RPM of 87?


E.S. = RPM

Engine Speed (E.S.) = RPM x Pitch x 60Min
6080 > > > Divide by 6080
If Pitch is in Feet
= 87 x 23.4 x 60

E.S. = 20.09 knots x 24 hours

Engine Distance (E.D.) = 482.16 miles

Observed Speed (O.S.) = 538 miles (O.D.) / 24 hours

O.S. = 22.42 knots

Slip = E.S. O.S. OR; Slip = E.D. O.D.
----------------- -------------------
E.S. E.D.

= 20.09 22.42 = 482.16 538
--------------------- --------------------
20.09 482.16

Slip = 11.% (Ans.) Slip = 11.6% (Ans.)

4226 mm. The engine
RPM is 122. What is the engine speed of this vessel?

Engine Speed (E.S.) = RPM x Pitch x 60
1852 > > > Divide by 1852
If Pitch is in mm.
= 122 x 4.226 x 60 Convert Pitch
--------------------------- from mm to meter.

E.S. = 16.70 knots (Ans.)

2 24 4

What is the natural cosine of the middle latitude between Lat. 20 14 N and
Lat. 11 35 S?
A. 0.99714
B. 0.99715
C. 0.07527
D. 0.99716

* Mid-Lat = ( Lat 1 Lat 2 ) 2 >>> If diff. name

*Mid-Lat = ( Lat 1 + Lat 2 ) 2 >>> If same name

Mid-Lat = ( 20 14N 11 35N ) 2
= 8 39 2 = 4 19.5
= natural cosine of 4 19.5
= 0.99715 (Ans.)

A ship sailed from Latitude 49 10 N to Lat. 25 10 N. What is the log secant
of the middle latitude?
A. 10.21887
B. 10.09296
C. 10.09861
D. 10.10248

*Mid-Lat = ( Lat 1 + Lat 2 ) 2 >>> If same name

Mid-Lat = 2

= 1 >>> sec = 1 cos

= log 1.2548917

= 0.09861 + 10

= 10.09861 (Ans.)

Note: secant = 1 cosine angle

2 25 5

A ship sailed from Lat. 12 35 N to Lat. 18 53 N. What is the log cosine
of the complementary angle of the middle latitude?

*Mid-Lat = ( Lat 1 + Lat 2 ) 2 >>> If same name


= 90 - (Complementary)

= log c

= - 0.56677 + 10

= 9.43323 (Ans.)

A ship sailed from Lat. 49 10 N to Lat. 25 10 N. What is the log cosine of
the middle latitude?
A. 9.96073
B. 9.90139
C. 9.90704
D. 9.99054

*Mid-Lat = ( Lat 1 + Lat 2 ) 2 >>> If same name

= 2

= - 0.09861 + 10

= 9.90139 (Ans.)

2 26 6

If the Greenwich Hour Angle of the sun at noon of February 26 is
356 23.6. What is the Equation of Time?
A. -12m 36 s
B. -14m 26s
C. + 12m 36s
D. + 14m 26s

+ 14m 26s
What is the length of the shadow of a man, 6 feet tall, when
standing in an open field at local apparent noon of a certain day
when the sun declination is about 20 S and his latitude is 20 S?
A. 10 feet
B. 9 feet
C. 6 feet
D. 0

How far and where will the sun be from the zenith of the observer
at noon of June 21 or 23 if the observer is navigating along the
Tropic of Cancer?
A. 23 27 South of the observer
B. 66 33 South of the observer
C. 0
D. 23 27 North of the observer

What is the angular distance of the sun from the zenith of the
observer at noon of June 21 or 23 if the observer is navigating
along the Tropic of Cancer?
A. 66 33
B. 43 06
C. 0
D. 23 27

At a place A, Longitude 175 10.5W, the LMT is 16h02m03s,
December 3. Find the LMT and date at place B, Longitude
A. 01h40m43 s, Dec3
B. 01 h 34 m13 s, Dec3
C. 01h40m43 s ,Dec 4
D. 01h34m13s, Dec 4

01h 34 m 13s,
Dec. 4
Your vessel is on a course of 079T at 11 knots. At 0152 a light
bears 105.5T, and at 0209 the light bears 124T. At what time and
at what distance off will your vessel be when abeam of the light?
A. 0219, 2.3 miles
B. 0226, 3.1 miles
C. 0233, 3.9 miles
D. 0242, 4.7 miles

0226, 3.1 miles
2 27 7

You are on a voyage from Corpus Christi, TX, to Fort de France,
Martinique. The distance from pilot to pilot is 2,190 nautical miles
(2,521 statute miles). The speed of advance is 15.0 knots. You
estimate a layover in Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands, of 16.0
hours. If you take departure at 0654 (ZD+6), 27 November, what is
your ETA (ZD+4) at Forte de France?
A. 2054, 3 Dec.
B. 2054, 4 Dec.
C. 0254, 4 Dec.
D. 2254, 3 Dec.

0254, 4 Dec.
The ZT at place A is 0800. If the longitude of A is 4930W, find the
ZT of place B in longitude 8315W.
A. 0700
B. 1100
C. 0600
D. 0500

The LMT of sunrise on the standard meridian is 0552H. Your
longitude is 99 E. What is your ZT of sunrise?
A. 0615
B. 5120
C. 0529
D. 0512

The zone time of LAN is 1152. Your longitude is 73 15' E. What
time would you use to enter the Nautical Almanac to determine
the declination of the Sun at LAN?
A. 0652
B. 0659
C. 1852
D. 1859

At 0915 ZT, on 7 November 2008, you depart Seattle, LAT 47 36.0'
N, LONG 122 22.0' W (ZD +8). You are bound for Kobe, LAT 34
40.0' N, LONG 135 12.0' E, and you estimate your speed of
advance at 18.5 knots. The distance is 4,527 miles. What is your
estimated ZT of arrival at Kobe?
A. 1257, 17 Nov.
B. 0657, 18 Nov.
C. 0657, 19 Nov.
D. 1857, 18 Nov.

0657, 18 Nov.
2 28 8

The LMT of LAN is 1152. Your longitude is 73 15' E. What time
would you used to enter the Nautical Almanac to determine the
declination of the sun at LAN?
A. 0659
B. none of the above
C. 0652
D. 0702

The LMT of LAN is 1210. Your longitude is 70 30' E. Which time
would you use to enter the Nautical Almanac to determine the
declination of the Sun at LAN?
A. 1842
B. 1652
C. 0728
D. 0652

At 0915 ZT, on 26 July 2008, you depart Yokohama, LAT 35 27.0'
N, LONG 139 39.0' E (ZD-9). You are bound for Seattle, LAT 47
36.0' N, LONG 122 22.0' W, and you estimate your speed of
advance at 14 knots. The distance is 4, 254 miles. What is your
estimated ZT of arrival at Seattle?
A. 0028, 8 Aug.
B. 1528, 8 Aug.
C. 0728, 7 Aug.
D. 1528, 7 Aug.

0728, 7 Aug.
You are on a voyage form San Diego, CA, to New York, NY. The
distance from pilot to pilot is 4860 miles. The speed of advance is
15.0 knots. You estimate 18 hours for bunkering at Colon, and 14
hours for the Panama Canal transit. If you take departure at 0836
hours (ZD+7), 4 July, what is your ETA (ZD+4) at New York?
A. 0336, 20 July
B. 0336, 19 July
C. 0036, 19 July
D. 0736, 19 July

0736, 19 July
At 1820 ZT, on 21 March 2008, you depart San Francisco LAT
3748.5' N, LONG 122 24.0' W (ZD +8). You are bound for
Melbourne LAT 37 49.2' S, LONG 144 56.0' E, and you estimate
your speed of advance at 21 knots. The distance is 6,970 miles.
What is your estimated ZT of arrival at Melbourne?
A. 0814, 5 April
B. 2214, 4 April
C. 1214, 4 April
D. 1314, 5 April

0814, 5 April
2 29 9

The bearing of a rising sun at latitude 38 08' S was 078 28'. Find
the declination at time of sight.

09 03' N
You are on a course of 000T and put the rudder right 30. In which
direction will the transfer be measured?

You depart LAT 52 01' N, LONG 176 09' E, for LAT 52 01' N,
LONG 178 46' W. What are the course and distance by parallel
A. 090T, 95 miles
B. 270T, 188 miles
C. 090T, 188 miles
D. 270T, 95 miles

090T, 188 miles
On Dec 10, the LMT of LAN is 1151H. What will be the zone time of
LAN if you are located in Longitude 150 00' W?
A. 1200 ZT
B. 1151 ZT
C. none of these
D. 1251 ZT

1151 ZT
The equation of time is 8m 40s. The apparent Sun is ahead of the
mean Sun. If you are on the central meridian of your time zone,
the apparent Sun will cross your meridian at ____________.
A. 12-08-40 ZT
B. 12-04-20 ZT
C. 12-00-00 ZT
D. 11-51-20 ZT

11-51-20 ZT
A ship is in longitude 137 45' E, clocks keeping ZT. Find the LMT at
1123 ship's time.

11h 34 m
The LMT of LAN is 1200H. What will be the zone of LAN if you are
located in Longitude 120 30W?
A. 1202 ZT
B. 1158 ZT
C. 1208 ZT
D. none of the above

1202 ZT
3 30 0

The equation of time is 12m 00s and the mean sun is ahead of the
apparent sun. If you are on the central meridian of your time zone,
at what ZT will the apparent sun cross the meridian?
A. cannot be determined
B. 1200
C. 1148
D. 1212

The equation of time is 8m 00s. The mean Sun is ahead of the
apparent Sun. If you are 2 W of the central meridian of your time
zone, when will the apparent Sun cross your meridian?
A. 1216
B. 1208
C. 1200
D. 1152

On Dec 10, the LMT of LAN is 1151H. What will be the zone time of
LAN if you are located in Longitude 150 00' W?
E. 1200 ZT
F. 1151 ZT
G. none of these
H. 1251 ZT

1151 ZT
The equation of time is 8m 40s. The apparent Sun is ahead of the
mean Sun. If you are on the central meridian of your time zone,
the apparent Sun will cross your meridian at ____________.
E. 12-08-40 ZT
F. 12-04-20 ZT
G. 12-00-00 ZT
H. 11-51-20 ZT

11-51-20 ZT
A ship is in longitude 137 45' E, clocks keeping ZT. Find the LMT at
1123 ship's time.

11h 34 m
The LMT of LAN is 1200H. What will be the zone of LAN if you are
located in Longitude 120 30W?
E. 1202 ZT
F. 1158 ZT
G. 1208 ZT
H. none of the above

1202 ZT
3 31 1

The equation of time is 12m 00s and the mean sun is ahead of the
apparent sun. If you are on the central meridian of your time zone,
at what ZT will the apparent sun cross the meridian?
E. cannot be determined
F. 1200
G. 1148
H. 1212

You are running coastwise at 14 knots. You sight a lighthouse
abeam at 0912. At 0939 the lighthouse is 4 points abaft the beam.
What is your distance off at the second bearing?
A. 7.8 miles
B. 5.5 miles
C. 8.9 miles
D. 6.3 miles

8.9 miles
The observer in Lat 27 23' N. The declination of the sun is 20 N.
What is the altitude of the sun at upper transit?
A. 82 37'
B. 27 23'
C. 47 23'
D. 7 23'

82 37'
If a sound signal is emitted from the oscillator of a fathometer, and
two seconds elapse before the returning signal is picked up, what
depth of water is indicated?
A. 1048 fathoms
B. 1648 fathoms
C. 824 fathoms
D. 1248 fathoms

824 fathoms
The equation of time is 8m 00s. The mean Sun is ahead of the
apparent Sun. If you are 2 W of the central meridian of your time
zone, when will the apparent Sun cross your meridian?
E. 1216
F. 1208
G. 1200
H. 1152

3 32 2

At 1210 ZT, on 1 December 2008, you depart Seattle LAT 47 36.0'
N, LONG 122 22.0' W (ZD +8). You are bound for Guam LAT 13
27.0' N, LONG 144 37.0' E, and you estimate your speed of
advance at 20 knots. The distance is 4,948 miles. What is your
estimated ZT of arrival at Guam?
A. 0334, 12 Dec.
B. 1734, 11 Dec.
C. 1334, 12 Dec.
D. 1934, 11 Dec.

1334, 12 Dec.
You are on a voyage from Limon, Costa Rica, to Los Angeles. The
distance from pilot to pilot is 3150 miles. The speed of advance is
14.0 knots. You estimate 24 hours bunkering at Colon, and 12
hours for the Panama Canal transit. If you depart at 1836 hours
(ZD+6), on 28 January. What is your ETA (ZD+8) at Los Angeles?
A. 1336, 8 Feb
B. 0536, 8 Feb
C. 1736, 9 Feb
D. 1736, 8 Feb

1336, 8 Feb
What is the longitude of the geographical position of a body
whose GHA is 10 30'?
A. 59 30' W
B. 149 30' E
C. 30 30' E
D. 120 30' W

149 30' E
What is the geographic longitude of a body whose GHA is 215
A. 35 15' E
B. 144 45' E
C. 144 45' W
D. 127 33' E

144 45' E
What is the geographic longitude of a body whose GHA is 232

127 33' E
The ZT at longitude 14118 W is 6h18m24s. What is the GMT?
A. 15 h 24 m 18s
B. 15 h18 m 24s
C. 16 h 24 m 24s
D. 16 h20 m 24s

15 h18 m 24s
3 33 3

You are underway at 5 knots and see on your radar contact 10
miles directly astern of you. 12 minutes later, the contact is 8 miles
directly astern of you. What is the estimated speed of the contact?
A. 15 knots
B. 10 knots
C. 1 knot
D. Dead in the water

15 knots
What is the latitude of a place where the sun is at the zenith of the
observer at local apparent noon of June 21 or 23?

23 27' N
You depart LAT 38 14' N, LONG 12 42' W, for LAT 38 14' N,
LONG 46 09' W. What are the course and distance and parallel

270T, 1576.5 miles
You depart LAT 26 03' S, LONG 10 28' E, for LAT 26 03' S, LONG
01 16' W. What are the course and distance by parallel sailing?

270T, 632.5 miles
Determine the distance from LAT 23 24.0' S, LONG 13 54.0' E to
LAT 23 24.0' S, LONG 42 48' W by parallel sailing.

3122.2 miles
You depart LAT 38 12' S, LONG 12 06' W and steam 1543 miles
on course 270. What is the longitude of arrival?
A. 45 42' W
B. 45 37' W
C. 45 12' W
D. 44 49' W

44 49' W
You depart LAT 15 48' N, LONG 174 06' E and steam 905 miles on
course 090. What is the LONG of arrival?

170 13' W
You depart LAT 50 06 N, LONG 153 06 E and steam 879 miles
on course 090. What is the LONG of arrival?
A. 175 56 E
B. 177 24 E
C. 178 36 W
D. 175 04 W

175 56 E
3 34 4

At 0600 ZT, on 22 October 2008, you depart Manila, LAT 14 35.0'
N, LONG 120 58.0' E (ZD-8). You are bound for Los Angeles, LAT
33 46.0' N, LONG 118 11.0 W, and you estimate your speed of
advance at 20.2 knots. The distance is 6,385.9 miles. What is your
ZT of arrival at Los Angeles?
A. 0208, 5 Nov.
B. 1008, 4 Nov.
C. 0208, 4 Nov.
D. 1808, 3 Nov.

1808, 3 Nov.
The local mean time of sunset at Long. 73 30' E is 18h 40m 00s.
What is the corresponding local zone time of sunset?

18h 46m 00s
You depart LAT 49 38' N, LONG 152 49' E, for LAT 49 38' N,
LONG 176 12' E. What are the course and distance by parallel
A. 090 T, 909 miles
B. 090 T, 1204 miles
C. 270 T, 909 miles
D. 270 T, 1204 miles

090T, 909 miles
You are underway at 5 knots and see on your radar contact 10
miles directly astern of you. 12 minutes later, the contact is 8 miles
directly astern of you. What is the estimated speed of the contact?
E. 15 knots
F. 10 knots
G. 1 knot
H. Dead in the water

15 knots
You depart LAT 15 48' N, LONG 174 06' E and steam 905 miles on
course 090. What is the LONG of arrival?

170 13' W
You depart LAT 50 06 N, LONG 153 06 E and steam 879 miles on
course 090. What is the LONG of arrival?
E. 175 56 E
F. 177 24 E
G. 178 36 W
H. 175 04 W

175 56 E
3 35 5

At 0600 ZT, on 22 October 2008, you depart Manila, LAT 14 35.0'
N, LONG 120 58.0' E (ZD-8). You are bound for Los Angeles, LAT
33 46.0' N, LONG 118 11.0 W, and you estimate your speed of
advance at 20.2 knots. The distance is 6,385.9 miles. What is your
ZT of arrival at Los Angeles?
E. 0208, 5 Nov.
F. 1008, 4 Nov.
G. 0208, 4 Nov.
H. 1808, 3 Nov.

1808, 3 Nov.
Determine the distance from LAT 19 54.0' N, LONG 166 36.0' E to
LAT 19 54.0' N, LONG 157 54.0' W by parallel sailing.
A. 1990.6 miles
B. 2204.6 miles
C. 2006.9 miles
D. 2002.8 miles

2002.8 miles
Find the height of the observer in Lat 45 N when he is casting a
shadow 10 feet long at local apparent noon on a day when the sun
declination is 20 N?
A. 24.45 feet
B. 23.45 feet
C. 22.35 feet
D. 21.45 feet

21.45 feet
You are on a voyage from New York, NY, to San Francisco, CA. The
distance from pilot to pilot is 5132 miles. The speed of advance is
13.5 knots. You estimate 32 hours for bunkering at Colon, and 14
hours for the Panama Canal transit. If you take departure at 0600
hours (ZD+4), 16 May, what is your ETA (ZD+7) at San Francisco?
A. 2109, 2 June
B. 0609, 1 June
C. 0009, 3 June
D. 0409, 3 June

2109, 2 June
You are on a voyage from Baltimore, MD, to Seattle, WA. The
distance from pilot to pilot is 5960 miles. The speed of advance is
16.0 knots. You estimate 16 hours for bunkering at Colon, and 12.0
hours for the Panama Canal transit. If you take departure at 0836
hours ( ZD+7), 4 July, what is your ETA(ZD+4) at New York?
A. 1354, 4 Dec.
B. 1654, 5 Dec.
C. 1354, 5 Dec.
D. 2154, 4 Dec.

2154, 4 Dec.
3 36 6

Your vessel is at the equator at midnight on 1 January, and a star is
observed rising. At what time will this same star rise on 1
February, assuming your vessel location is still at the equator?
A. 2208
B. 2317
C. 2158
D. 2110

You are underway at 5 knots and see on your radar contact 10
miles directly astern of you. 12 minutes later, the contact is 8 miles
directly astern of you. What is the estimated speed of the contact?
I. 15 knots
J. 10 knots
K. 1 knot
L. Dead in the water

15 knots
You depart LAT 15 48' N, LONG 174 06' E and steam 905 miles on
course 090. What is the LONG of arrival?

170 13' W
A ship sailing eastward crosses the 180th meridian at 1130 ZT of
June 6. What is the new zone time and date of crossing?
A. 11 h 30 m, June 6
B. 11 h 50 m, June 6
C. 11 h 30 m, June 5
D. 11 h 30 m, June 3

11 h 30 m, June 5
You depart LAT 50 06 N, LONG 153 06 E and steam 879 miles
on course 090. What is the LONG of arrival?
I. 175 56 E
J. 177 24 E
K. 178 36 W
L. 175 04 W

175 56 E
At 0600 ZT, on 22 October 2008, you depart Manila, LAT 14 35.0'
N, LONG 120 58.0' E (ZD-8). You are bound for Los Angeles, LAT
33 46.0' N, LONG 118 11.0 W, and you estimate your speed of
advance at 20.2 knots. The distance is 6,385.9 miles. What is your
ZT of arrival at Los Angeles?
I. 0208, 5 Nov.
J. 1008, 4 Nov.
K. 0208, 4 Nov.
L. 1808, 3 Nov.

1808, 3 Nov.
The bearing of a lighthouse taken is 086, what other bearing of
another prominent object would give the best fix?

3 37 7

What is the latitude of a place where the sun is at the horizon at
midnight of June 21?
A. 66 33' N
B. 23 27' N
C. 67 N
D. 69 N

66 33' N
Determine the distance from LAT 63 54.0' N, LONG 04 52.0' E to
LAT 63 54.0' N, LONG 18 24.0' W by parallel sailing.

614.2 miles
Your vessel is on a course of 223T at 17 knots. At 1323 a
lighthouse bears 318 relative. At 1341 the same lighthouse bears
287 relative. What is your distance off the lighthouse at 1341?

6.6 miles
Your vessel is steaming on a course of 140T at 15 knots. At 1530 a
lighthouse bears 200T. At 1550 it bears 249T. What is your
distance from the lighthouse at 1550?

5.75 miles
From your 0100 position, you change course to 258 per standard
magnetic compass. Your engine speed is 10.0 knots. A short time
later, your fathometer reads 51 feet (15.5 meters) under the keel.
What is the water depth?
A. 51.0 feet
B. 38.5 feet
C. 59.5 feet
D. 43.5 feet

59.5 feet
What is the latitude of a place where the sun is at the horizon at
midnight of December 21 or 23?
A. 66 33' S
B. 23 27' S
C. 67 S
D. 69 S

66 33' S
You are running coastwise in hazy weather; the visibility improves
just before you pass a lighthouse abeam. Your speed is 15 knots,
and the lighthouse was abeam at 1015. At 1037 the lighthouse is 4
points abaft the beam. What is your distance off at the second
A. 3.9 miles
B. 6.6 miles
C. 5.5 miles
D. 7.8 miles

7.8 miles
The local mean time of sunset at Long. 73 30' E is 18h 40m 00s.
What is the corresponding local zone time of sunset?

18h 46m 00s
3 38 8

( See F1 Book page NA 23 )

DATE >>> Sign of Constellation >>> Position of Sun > Declination
March21 >>> First Point of Aries > Vernal Equinox > 0 inc. to max North

June21 >>> First Point of Cancer > Summer Solstice > 2327 North

Sept.23 >>> First Point of Libra > Autumnal Equinox > 0 inc. to max South

Dec.22 >>> First Point of Capricorn > Winter Solstice > 2327 South
Solstices and Equinoxes
Because Earth orbits the Sun, we see different constellations throughout the year. And
the Sun (if it were visible at night) appears to move through a stationary starry
background. The Sun's apparent (True Sun) path through the stars, over the course
of one year, forms a circle called the ecliptic. Twice each year, the Sun's path crosses the
celestial equator (or the Equinoctial = path of the Fictitious Sun) (Earth's
equator projected onto the sky). At these times, night and day are of equal length. These
dates are called equinoxes -- the Latin word for "equal night." Solstices -- Latin for
"standing Sun" -- occur when the Sun is at its highest point above the celestial equator
(summer solstice, the longest day of the year) and the lowest point below it (winter
solstice, the shortest day of the year)

There are 2 Equinoxes (Vernal and Autumnal). During these dates,
the Declination of SUN is 0 degrees. Every place on earth has equal length of
daytime and night time.

There are 2 Solstices (Summer and Winter). During these dates, the SUN has
reached its maximum declination 23 27 North and South. The length of day time
and night time is not equal. Longer nights are experienced in one place while shorter
days in another or vice versa.

3 39 9

The vernal equinox in the celestial sphere is where the sun
declination is:

0 increasing to
maximum north
The autumnal equinox is the point in the celestial sphere where
the sun declination is ___________.

0 increasing to
maximum south
When the sun is at the winter solstice its declination is ________.
A. north and increasing to maximum
B. north and decreasing to 0
C. south and increasing to maximum
D. south and decreasing to 0

south and
decreasing to 0
The summer solstice is the position of the sun on or about :

June 21
The winter solstice is the position of the sun on or about :
A. March 21
B. Sept 21
C. Dec. 21
D. June 21

Dec. 21
Capricorn is the point of:
A. vernal equinox
B. winter solstice
C. autumnal equinox
D. summer solstice

winter solstice
During the month of October the Sun declination is ____________.
A. south and decreasing
B. north and increasing
C. north and decreasing
D. south and increasing

south and
Vernal Equinox is also known as ______.
A. First Point of Libra
B. First Point of Cancer
C. First Point of Capricorn
D. First Point of Aries

First Point of Aries
The hour circle that passes through the First Point of Aries is
known as the _______________.
A. Circle of Equal SHA
B. Solsticial Colure
C. Vernal Equinoctial Circle
D. Equinoctial Colure

Equinoctial Colure
Libra is the point of:
A. winter solstice
B. autumnal equinox
C. vernal equinox
D. summer solstice

autumnal equinox
4 40 0

The points of intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator
are called _______.
A. Equinoxes
B. Solstices
C. Equinoctial colure
D. Solsticial colure

When the sun is at the summer solstice its declination is:
A. south and increasing to maximum
B. north and increasing to maximum
C. south and decreasing to 0
D. north and decreasing to 0

north and
decreasing to 0
Cancer is the point of:

summer solstice
The maximum difference between mean time and apparent time
is :

about 16 minutes
When the time is based on the movement of the visible Sun along
the ecliptic the time is known as __________.
A. apparent time
B. visible time
C. real time
D. mean time

apparent time
The sidereal day begins when the___________.

first point of Aries is
over the upper
branch of the
reference meridian
What is the maximum safe docking speed of a 120,000 DWT
loaded bulk carrier when coming alongside?

0.12 knots
The accuracy of Loran position is within :
A. 0.35 nautical miles
B. 0.40 nautical miles
C. 0.25 nautical miles
D. 0.30 nautical miles

0.25 nautical miles

If the orbit of the moon coincide with the plane of ecliptic how
many solar eclipse would occur in one month?

4 41 1

You are the Master of a single-screw vessel. You are docking at a
port which has no tugs available. You decide to drop the offshore
anchor to help in docking. The amount of chain you should pay out
is __________.

1- 1/2 to 2 times
the depth of the
The scale on the chart is given as 1:5,000,000. This means that:
A. 1 inch is equal to 5,000,000 inches on the earth surface
B. 1 inch is equal to 5,000 inches on the earth surface
C. 1 nautical mile on the chart is equal to 5,000 inches on the
earth surface
D. 1 nautical mile on the chart is equal to 5,000,000 inches on
the earth surface

1 inch is equal to
5,000,000 inches on
the earth surface
You depart LAT 25 54' N, LONG 9 38' E and steam 592 miles on
course 270. What is the longitude of arrival?
A. 1 20' W
B. 0 40' E
C. 0 40' W
D. 1 20' E

1 20' W

What is the average speed of movement of a hurricane prior to
A. 10 to 12 knots
B. 6 to 8 knots
C. 4 to 6 knots
D. 15 to 20 knots

NOTE: hurricane prior (before) to recurvature

10 to 12 knots

What is the average speed of the movement of a hurricane
following the recurvature of its track?

NOTE : hurricane following (after) the recurvature

20 to 30 knots

Recurvature of hurricanes track usually results in the
forward speed ________.

The GPS provides 99.99% accuracy within a range of ______.
A. 100 meters
B. 300 meters
C. 150 meters
D. 10 meters

300 meters
4 42 2

The GPS provides 95% accuracy within a range of ______.
A. 10 meters
B. 100 meters
C. 150 meters
D. 300 meters

100 meters
When using GPS you may expect your position to be accurate
95% of the time to within ________.
A. 1 to 3 meters
B. 10 to 20 meters
C. 100 to 200 meters
D. 50 to 100 meters

10 to 20 meters
The DGPS provides accuracy within a range of _______.
A. 100 meters
B. 10 meters
C. 300 meters
D. 150 meters

10 meters
The highest level of commercial navigational accuracy is provided
by ____.
A. NAVSAT, using the Doppler-shift
B. PPS, without selective availability
C. SPS, without selective availability
D. DGPS, within a coverage area

DGPS, within a
coverage area
As rough guide, in the absence of an accurate meteorological data,
if the corrected barometer reading is 5 hPa ( 0.15 in. ) lower than
the local normal and the wind force is about 8, the tropical
cyclones center will be about how far away?

100 n.miles
When the air is saturated, the relative humidity is said to be :

At the surface, the standard atmospheric pressure is ______

NOTE: 1 mb = 1 hPa

The standard sea level pressure of the atmosphere is _____
A. 1013.25 millibars of mercury
B. 1013.52 millibars of mercury
C. 1012.35 millibars of mercury
D. 1012.35 millibars of mercury

1013.25 millibars of
4 43 3

You will anchor a VLCC at a depth of 80 meters in open water with
swell. How much chain will you use?

11 shackles
A steady wind would need to blow how long in order to create
wind driven currents?

12 hours
The sun is the central body of the solar system. It moves in the
direction of Vega at:

12 miles per second
According to the Rules, the arc of visibility of the horizon for a
sidelight is:

112.5 degrees

A GPS satellite transmits a signal thru the first carrier on ______.
A. 1755.42 MHz
B. 1575.42 MHz
C. 1574.75 MHz
D. 1572.75 MHz

1575.42 MHz
A GPS satellite transmits a signal thru the second carrier on ___.
A. 1722.60 MHz
B. 1727.60 MHz
C. 1227.60 MHz
D. 1272.60 MHz

1227.60 MHz
4 44 4

A GPS satellite transmits a signal thru the first carrier on ______.
E. 1755.42 MHz
F. 1575.42 MHz
G. 1574.75 MHz
H. 1572.75 MHz

1575.42 MHz
A GPS satellite transmits a signal thru the second carrier on ___.
E. 1722.60 MHz
F. 1727.60 MHz
G. 1227.60 MHz
H. 1272.60 MHz

1227.60 MHz

You are on course 138 T. To check the latitude of your vessel
you should observe a celestial body on which bearing?
A. 270
B. 000
C. 318
D. 138

To check Latitude: either 000(North) or 180(South) no
matter the course is.

You are on course 061 T. To check the longitude of your vessel
you should observe a celestial body on which bearing?
A. 000
B. 090
C. 180
D. 061

To check Longitude: either 090(East) or 270(West) no
matter the course is.


You are on course 146 T. To check the speed of your vessel you
should observe a celestial body on which bearing?
A. 146
B. 056
C. 000
D. 090

To check Speed: same or reciprocal to course +/-180
= 146 same as course>>> 146

4 45 5

You are on course 042T. To check the course of your vessel you
should observe a celestial body on which bearing?
A. 090
B. 132
C. 180
D. 222

To check Course: course +/- 90 (Port or Stbd beam)
= 42 + 90 = 132


The tabulation data in the Nautical Almanac is for:
A. 4 days
B. 3 days
C. 1 day
D. 2 days

3 days
Of the 57 navigational stars tabulated in the Nautical Almanac,
how many are of the first magnitude?
A. 21
B. 19
C. 6
D. 23

Of the 57 navigational stars tabulated in the Nautical Almanac,
how many are of the second magnitude?
A. 49
B. 51
C. 36
D. 38

In the Nautical Almanac, are tabulated GHA of both the sun and
Aries, and also the declination of ______ stars
A. 59
B. 57
C. 59
D. 67

An important lunar cycle affecting the tidal cycle is called the nodal
period. How long is this cycle?
A. 16 days
B. 6 years
C. 18 days
D. 19 years

19 years
4 46 6

As radiant energy from the sun arrives at the earth, how many
percent is absorbed by the atmosphere?
A. 29%
B. 19%
C. 24%
D. 52%

NOTE: absorbed by the atmosphere = 19%
absorbed by the surface of the earth = 52%
reflected back into space = 29%

Memory Aid: In 1952, you are 29 years old.

As radiant energy from the sun arrives at the earth, how many
percent is absorbed by the earth?
A. 29%
B. 19%
C. 24%
D. 52%

As radiant energy from the sun arrives at the earth, how many
percent is reflected back by the earth and the atmosphere?
A. 24%
B. 19%
C. 52%
D. 29%

What is the range of visibility of a stern for a vessel less than 20
meters in length?

2 miles
When the rules prescribed 2 or 3 lights to be carried in a vessel of
20 meters in length or more, such lights to be spaced not less than
______ apart.

2.0 meters
In narrow channels, vessels of less than what length shall not
impede the safe passage of vessels which can navigate only inside
that channel?

20 meters

4 47 7


1. High Clouds ---------------- Above 20,000 Feet
(All Clouds with CIRRUS Ex. Cirrus, Cirrocumulus and Cirrostratus)

2. Middle Clouds ---- Between 6,500 and 20,000 Feet
(All Clouds with ALTO Ex. Altocumulus and Altostratus)

3. Low Clouds ------------------ Below 6,500 Feet
(Any other Cloud without Cirrus or Alto Ex. Cumulus, Stratus, Stratocumulus,
Nimbostratus, Cumulonimbus)

( See F1 Book page METEO 3 and METEO 4 )

___________ may form when air moves across the surface of the
earth that is forced to ascend over a hill or mountain and
thus cools adiabatically.


Collections of water droplets or ice crystals, or combination
of these two states of water suspended in the atmosphere are


Consist of innumerable tiny droplets of water, or ice
crystals formed by condensation of water vapor around
microscopic particles in the air.
A. Fog
B. Precipitation
C. Drizzle
D. Clouds

Cirrus and cirrostratus belong to the ______
A. high clouds
B. middle clouds
C. low clouds
D. stratosphere

NOTE: Clouds with CIRRUS = high clouds
Clouds with ALTO = middle clouds
Clouds without CIRRUS and ALTO = low clouds

high clouds
Which clouds are arranged from the highest to the lowest in the
altostratus and

Altocumulus and altostratus belong to the _____.

middle clouds
4 48 8

Cumulus and cumulonimbus belong to the _____.
A. middle clouds
B. ionosphere
C. low clouds
D. high clouds

low clouds
High clouds have a mean lower level above ______.
A. 20,000 ft
B. 25,000 ft
C. 30,000 ft
D. 40,000 ft

20,000 ft
Middle clouds have a mean level ______.

between 6,500 ft
and 20,000 ft
Low clouds have a mean level of less than ______.
A. 3,500 ft
B. 4,500 ft
C. 5,000 ft
D. 6,500 ft

6,500 ft
Which cloud type is normally associated with thunderstorms?

What type of cloud formation would you expect to see to the west
of an approaching tropical wave?
A. high altostratus clouds in the morning hours
B. cumulus cloud lined up in rows extending in a northeast to
southwest direction
C. cirrostratus clouds lined up in rows extending in a north to
south direction
D. cirrostratus clouds lined up in rows extending in northwest
to southwest direction

cumulus cloud lined
up in rows
extending in a
northeast to
southwest direction
In the atmosphere is oxygen that composes _____ percentage by

Nitrogen about 78%

As rough guide, in the absence of an accurate meteorological data,
if the corrected barometer reading is 5 hPa ( 0.15 in. ) lower than
the local normal and the wind force is about 6, the tropical
cyclones center will be about how far away?

200 n.miles
A vessel shall be deemed overtaking when coming up with another
vessel from a direction more than:

22.5 degrees abaft
her beam
4 49 9

If a sound signal is emitted from the oscillator of a fathometer, and
two seconds elapse before the returning signal is picked up what
depth of water is indicated?

24 fathoms
The Master issues a night order in the Night Order Book. It is valid
A. no expiry until the Master issues another night order
B. from the time it is issued until sunrise
C. from sundown to sunrise
D. 24-hour period

24-hour period
Freezing salt water spray should be anticipated when the air
temperature drops below what maximum value?

28 deg F
The standard sea level pressure of the atmosphere is _____.
A. 29.29 inches
B. 29.92 inches
C. 27.27 inches
D. 27.92 inches

29.92 inches
When using GPS, how many position lines are required for a 2-D
(dimensional) fix?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 1

What is the approximate wave length of an X Band Radar
operating on a frequency of approximately 9500 MHz?

3 cm
You are approaching a sea buoy which emits a RACON signal. This
signal is triggered by which type of radar?

3 cm
A sidereal day is shorter than a solar day by about _____.
A. 3 mins and 26 secs
B. 3 mins and 56 secs
C. 3 mins and 36 secs
D. 3 mins and 06 ses

3 mins and 56 secs
5 50 0

The common frequencies used in merchant radar are
A. 3,000 and 9,000 micro-cycles
B. 30,000 kilocycles
C. 3,000 and 9,000 megacycles
D. 30,000 cycles

3,000 and 9,000
What is the IMO minimum range requirement for ARPA?
A. 1.5, 3 and 12 NM
B. 3,6 and 12 NM
C. 3,6 and 18 NM
D. 6, 12 and 24 NM

3,6 and 12 NM
Your vessel fathometer transmits a signal which is returned 1.5
seconds later. Your vessel is in how much water?
A. 7,200 feet
B. 5,400 feet
C. 1,800 feet
D. 3,600 feet

3,600 feet
In low latitudes, the range of the diurnal variation of pressure is up
to :

3.0 millibars
If you are ordering chain for use as Chain Stoppers on mooring
wires, the length of chain usually recommended for use in each
stopper is:

3.5 to 4.5 meters
When navigating in pilot waters, the maximum time between
bearings used in a running fix should be about:
A. 5 minutes
B. 30 minutes
C. 4 hours
D. 1 hour

30 minutes
VHF is:
A. 30-300 KHZ
B. 30-300 MHZ
C. 300-3000 KHZ
D. 300-3000 MHZ

30-300 MHZ
5 51 1

Your vessels fathometer transmits a signal which is returned 1.5
seconds later. Your vessel is in how much water?
A. 5400 feet
B. 7200 feet
C. 3600 feet
D. 1800 feet

3600 feet
When using GPS, how many position lines are required for a 3-D
(dimensional) fix that takes into account altitude?
A. 2
B. 1
C. 4
D. 3

When the Rules prescribe 2 or 3 lights to be carried in a vertical
line in a power driven vessel of 20 meters in length or more, the
lowest of these lights except where a towing light is required shall
not less than be _____________above the hull.

4.0 meters
The speed of sound in water is approximately ____.
A. 4.5 times its speed in air
B. 1.5 times its speed in air
C. 2.5 times its speed in air
D. 3.5 times its speed in air

4.5 times its speed
in air
The elapsed time of a fathometer signal (from sound generation to
the return of the echo) is 1 second. What is the depth of the water
at the point sounded?

400 fathoms
Following a ship routing system, an initial route recommendation
is issued to a ship:
A. 12 to 24 hours prior to sailing
B. upon ships departure
C. 48 to 72 hours prior to sailing
D. 24 to 48 hours prior to sailing

48 to 72 hours prior
to sailing
The inclination of the plane of the moon orbit with the plane of
the ecliptic is about ______.

The minimum length of a vessel required to show two anchor
lights is __________.

50 meters
5 52 2

Which of the following parallels of latitude has the longest

50 S
NAVTEX operates in a medium frequency of _____.
A. 500 kHz
B. 2182 kHz
C. 815 kHz
D. 518 kHz

518 kHz
With regards to ARPA, how many target parameters must be
displayed in alpha numeric format?

Range of visibility of a masthead light of a power driven vessel of
50 m or more in length is _________.

6 miles
You are executing a Williamson turn. How many degrees from the
original course will you counteract your rudder?

60 degrees
Since the density of gases decreases with increasing height
because they are compressible, how many percent of the total
mass of air is within the troposphere?

Below the mesopause, lies a mixture of gas in the atmosphere.
One of these is Nitrogen which composes percentage by volume of

What is the bearing in points that is used to determine the vortex
of a low pressure area when the atmospheric pressure is 20 hPa
below the mean pressure?

8 points
The suns diameter is about:
A. 866,000 miles
B. 668,000 miles
C. 686,000 miles
D. 868,000 miles

866,000 miles
Which of the following would give the best radar echo?

A 600-foot
freighter, beam on
5 53 3

A fishing vessel less than 20 meters in length engaged in trawling
exhibits _________.

A basket
(Actually no longer
in use)
You are approaching a light fitted with a RACON. The light may be
identified on the radar by_____________.
A. a dashed line running from the center of the scope to the
B. a circle appearing on the scope surrounding the light
C. an audible signal when the sweep crosses the light
D. a coded signal appearing on the same bearing at a greater
range than the light

a coded signal
appearing on the
same bearing at a
greater range than
the light
Bridge team management is _________.
A. The method of training and coaching a poorly motivated
bridge team
B. An act by one person to fulfill the individual task to be
performed by each member of the bridge team
C. A system reinforced by an effective bridge organization to
make the best possible use of human resources for the
successful completion of the voyage
D. A concept that makes command and control of the ship on
the master in order to effect a safe well-planned navigation

a concept that
makes command
and control of the
ship on the master
in order to effect a
safe well-planned
The radar echo from an over head power line will usually appear
on the PPI scope as:

A contact on a
collision course
If a nylon mooring rope gets wet by immersion in water it
undergoes _________.

A decrease in
strength of 20%
Which of the following will aid the evaporation of water in the

a decrease in
When you are located within a stationary high pressure area, your
aneroid barometer is falling very slowly, this indicate ______.

a decrease in the
intensity of the
Under Rule 2, The Regulations for Preventing Collision At Sea
allows _________.

A departure from
the rules to avoid
immediate danger
The Navigation Rules state that a vessel shall be operated at a safe

a distance
appropriate to the
circumstances and
5 54 4

This is a deviation error caused by the miscalculation of
azimuth or by physical misalignments rather than magnetic
effects of soft iron.
A. A error
B. B error
C. C error
D. E error

A - error

______ results from both the fore-and-aft permanent
magnetic field across the compass.
A. D error
B. A error
C. B error
D. C error

B - error

_____ results from the athwartship permanent magnetic
field across the compass.
A. D error
B. A error
C. B error
D. C error

C - error

This error is due only to induction in the symmetrical
arrangements of horizontal soft iron.
A. D error
B. A error
C. B error
D. C error

D - error

This error is caused by induction in the unsymmetrical
arrangements of horizontal soft iron.
A. B error
B. C error
C. E error
D. D error

E - error
The probability of a sudden wind may be foretold by _________.

A fast approaching
line of dark clouds
When possible, a DR plot should always be started from which of
the following?
A. A known position
B. Any position
C. An assumed position
D. None of the above

A known position
5 55 5

Which statement concerning the handling characteristics of a fully
loaded vessel as compared with those of a light vessel is FALSE?

A light vessel loses
more rudder effect
in shallow water
One prolonged blast followed by three short blasts on the whistle
during foggy weather indicates ________.

A manned vessel
being towed
Forward of your bow you hear one prolonged blast every 2
minutes in restricted visibility. This indicates _________.

A power driven
vessel is underway
If there is any doubt as to the proper operation of radar, which of
the following is TRUE?

A radar range
compared to the
actual range of a
known object can
be used to check
the operation of
the radar.
If you are required to splice an eye on a mooring wire (using the
recommended 5 full tucks and 2 half tucks) the effective breaking
strength of the wire will now be affected by the splice, and you
would expect __________:

A reduction in
strength of 10 % to
15 %
You are watching another vessel approach and her compass
bearing is not changing. This means that:

a risk of collision
Of the vessel listed, which must keep out of the way of all the

a sailing vessel

Which instrument is the most useful in forecasting fog?

a sling

5 56 6

Line p-p = parallel or parallel of latitude
Line E-Q = Equator
Angle Q-p = Latitude
Angle Np-p = Co-latitude
Line Np-X-Sp = Meridian

A line on Earth parallel to the equator is a ______________.
A. small circle
B. gnomonic curve
C. meridian
D. great circle

small circle
This is the angular distance from a primary great circle or plane
measured north or south through 90.

5 57 7

The value of sixty nautical miles per degree of geodetic latitude is
most correct at __________.

latitude 45
In the Celestial Equator system of coordinates, when the bodys
diurnal circle coincides with the celestial equator, the meridional
zenith distance is equal to the _____.
A. Azimuth of the body
B. Declination of the body
C. Altitude of the body
D. latitude of the observer

latitude of the
The intercepted arc along the observers celestial meridian
between the celestial horizon and the elevated pole is equal to
A. Azimuth of the body
B. latitude of the observer
C. polar distance
D. altitude of the body

latitude of the
The Tropic of Cancer is a ____________.

parallel of latitude
The Tropic of Capricorn is a _______________.
A. meridian
B. parallel of latitude
C. longitude
D. latitude

parallel of latitude
If the altitude of the elevated pole is 90 degrees, the ___.
A. Latitude of the observer is at the pole
B. Polar distance is also 90 degrees
C. Declination is indeterminate
D. Polar distance equals the declination

Latitude of the
observer is at the
A parallel of latitude other than the equator is a ____________.
A. great circle
B. gnomonic curve
C. small circle
D. loxodromic curve

small circle
5 58 8

In the Celestial Equator System of coordinates, when the bodys
diurnal circle coincides with the celestial equator, the altitude
during upper transit will be equal to the:
A. Azimuth
B. Latitude
C. Declination
D. co-Latitude

A plane that cuts the Earths surface at any angle and passes
through the center will always form________.
A. a small circle
B. a meridian
C. a great circle
D. the equator

A great circle
A plane that cuts the Earth surface at any angle and passes
through the center will always form ________________.
A. a loxodromic curve
B. a meridian
C. the equator
D. a small circle

a meridian
The value of the intercepted arc of a meridian between the
elevated pole and the observers zenith is known as ____.
A. Co-latitude
B. Meridian angle
C. Polar distance
D. Zenith distance

The distance between any two meridians measured along a
parallel of latitude:
A. decreases as DLO increases
B. decreases with increased latitude
C. increases in north latitude and decreases in south latitude
D. increases with increased latitude

decreases with
increased latitude
The distance between any two meridians measured along a
parallel of latitude and expressed in miles is
A. difference in longitude
B. meridian angle
C. departure
D. mid-longitude

5 59 9

This is the celestial pole below the horizon of opposite name of the
latitude or the elevated pole.
A. Depressed pole
B. Nadir
C. Circumpolar pole
D. Centripetal pole

depressed pole
Plane that cuts the Earth surface and passes through the poles will
always form ____________.

a meridian
A plane that cuts the Earths surface at any angle and passes
through the center will always form ________.

a great circle
The rhumbline distance is the same as the great circle distance in
which of the following?
A. Course 180 T when you cross the equator
B. Course 090 T in high latitudes
C. Course 045 T in low latitudes
D. The rhumbline distance is always longer than the great circle

Course 180 T when
you cross the
A great circle track provides the maximum saving in distance
easterly courses in
high latitudes

Which of the following is a characteristic of a rhumb line?
A. It plots as a straight line on a Lambert conformal chart
B. It cuts each meridian at the same angle
C. The course angle constantly changes to form the loxodromic
D. It is shortest distance between two points on the Earth

It cuts each
meridian at the
same angle
Each great circle on the Earth has a length of ________:

NOTE: 360 x 60 = 21,600 miles

21,600 miles
The distance to the nearest vertex from any point on a great circle
track cannot exceed ___________.

NOTE: 90 x 60 = 5,400 miles

5400 nautical miles

6 60 0


Line d-d' = parallel of declination is a small circle.

Line Q-Q = celestial equator (equinoctial) is a great circle.

Parallel of declination is also known as the diurnal circle which is the
daily path of a celestial body.

Angle Q- d = Declination

Angle Pn d and Angle Ps d = Co-declination or the Polar Distance

Line Pn-X-Ps = Hour Circles or Celestial meridians

6 61 1

All of the following arcs or angles can be measured in the Horizon
system of coordinates EXCEPT ______.
A. Amplitude
B. Declination
C. Altitude
D. Azimuth

What is a parallel of declination?

A small circle on
the celestial sphere
parallel to the
celestial equator

In the celestial equator system of coordinates, latitude is
comparable to _________.

The GP of a body for a high altitude sight is determined from the
Greenwich hour angle and the ________.

The angular distance measured along the hour circle to the diurnal
circle of the celestial point is known as:
A. Diurnal Angle
B. Hour angle of the point
C. Parallel of declination
D. Declination of the point

Declination of the
What is the equivalent of the meridians in the celestial system of

Hour circles
The angle measured from the elevated pole along the hour circle
to the diurnal circle passing by the body is called:

Polar Distance
What is the equivalent of the co-altitude in the celestial equator
system of coordinates?

Polar distance

6 62 2

Line h-h' = Parallel of altitude or altitude circle

Line Hn-Hs = Celestial horizon

Angle Hs- h = Altitude

Angle Z h = Co-altitude or the Zenith Distance

Line Z-X-Na = Vertical Circle

NOTE: A small circle on the celestial sphere parallel to the horizon connecting all points of
equal altitude. Also known as almucantar; altitude circle or parallel of altitude. Two stars
which have the same almucantar have the same altitude.

6 63 3

A body at the observers zenith will have a/an ____.
A. Azimuth of 090
B. Altitude of 90
C. Declination of 90
D. Amplitude of 45

Altitude of 90

In the horizon system of coordinates, latitude is equivalent

In the horizon system of coordinate, longitude is equivalent to

Azimuth angle
The radius of the almucantar is equal to the ______.
A. co-altitude
B. amplitude
C. altitude
D. declination

The radius of a circle of equal altitude of a body is equal to the
A. Co-altitude of the body
B. altitude of the body
C. co-declination of the body
D. polar distance

Co-altitude of the
The intercepted arc of a vertical circle between the celestial
horizon and the almucantar is called the _____.
A. Rational horizon
B. Amplitude of the celestial body
C. Altitude circle of the body
D. Altitude of the celestial body

Altitude of the
celestial body
The horizontal direction of a celestial point from a terrestrial point
expressed as the angular distance from a reference direction is
called ______ :
A. hour angle
B. right ascension
C. azimuth
D. bearing

The intercepted arc of the horizon between the principal vertical
circle and the vertical circle passing through the body when rising
or setting is called _____.
A. amplitude
B. azimuth
C. zenith distance
D. altitude

6 64 4

When the azimuth is measured from north or south and labeled
accordingly, it is called:

azimuth angle
In working out a local apparent noon sight for your latitude, you
subtract the Ho from 90. The 90 represents the angular distance
from _____________________.

your horizon to
your zenith
The DLAT between the geographic position of a celestial body and
your position, at the time of upper transit, is represented by

Zenith distance
The radius of a circle of equal altitude of a body is equal to:
A. geographical position
B. declination
C. polar distance
D. zenith distance

zenith distance
When the azimuth is measured from east or west and labeled
accordingly, it is called:
A. azimuth angle
B. hour angle
C. amplitude
D. bearing


Which of the following may be used as a distress signal?

A smoke signal
giving off orange
colored smoke
What is the lighted safe water mark fitted with to aid in its

a spherical top
In a Mediterranean Moor, the ship should be secured to the pier
by having:

a stern line, 2 bow
lines and 2 quarter
lines leading aft to
the pier
What will become of an ellipse if the distance between the foci is
equal to the length of the major axis?

a straight line
6 65 5

In high latitudes, using a chart on a Lambert Conformal projection,

A straight line
drawn on the chart
approximates a
great circle
Which of the following causes the ARPA to emit either, or both, a
visual or audible alarm?

A tracked target
entering your
preset CPA- TCPA
Which of the following will cause the ARPA to emit either, or both,
a visual or audible alarm?
A. An acquired target entering into a guard zone
B. A target being initially detected within a guard zone
C. A tracked target entering your preset CPA-TCPA limits
D. A tracked target lost for one radar scan

A tracked target
entering your
preset CPA-TCPA
One short blast, one prolonged blast, and a short blast in fog
indicates _________.

A vessel anchored
in fog
Which vessel would NOT sound a fog signal of one prolonged and
two short blasts?

a vessel being
Which statement is TRUE, according to the rules? a vessel engaged in
fishing while
underway shall, so
far as possible-
keep out of the way
of a vessel
restricted in her
ability to maneuver

Which of the following is TRUE based on the Rules?

vessel includes
Two prolonged blasts and two short blasts indicate? A vessel intends to
overtake on your
port side

In which situation do you think a risk of collision exists? a vessel is on your
starboard bow ,
range decreasing ,
bearing is constant

6 66 6

In restricted visibility a rapid ringing of a bell for 5 seconds at
intervals of one minute indicates ________.
A vessel less than
100 meters in
length at anchor

A signal of intent must be sounded in international waters by a vessel overtaking
another in a narrow

With respect to failure warnings and status indications, GPS
receivers should provide, at a minimum, ____________.
A. an indication of a change in satellite configuration
B. an alarm if engine speed is suddenly reduced
C. a warning of loss of position
D. a cross-track error alarm

a warning of loss of
With respect to failure warnings and status indications, GPS
receivers should provide, at a minimum, _____.
A. an alarm if engine speed is suddenly reduced
B. an indication of a change in satellite configuration
C. a cross-track error alarm
D. a warning of loss of position

a warning of loss of

The light which may be used with a vessel's whistle must be: A white light

" Safe Speed" is defined as that speed where : a you can take
proper and
effective action to
avoid collision

The following factors shall be taken into account in determining
safe speed EXCEPT:
ability and
experience of the

The rudder is hard over, full ahead in shallow water. How much
lift force remains when the engine is stopped?

about 10 %
The rudder is hard over, full ahead in deep water. How much lift
force remains when the engine stopped?

About 20%
6 67 7

When a conventional rudder is put hard over it creates a lift force
and a drag force. When the ship has started to turn, how much lift
force do you think remains if the rudder-angle is decreased to 20
degrees from hard over position (35 degrees)?

about 80 %
The Moon and Sun are in line over your meridian, the Moon will

about 12 east of
the meridian
The pivoting point of a vessel going ahead is __________. about one-third of
the vessel's length
from the bow

A ship turns around a "pivot point". What is the position of this
invisible point when the ship is "dead" in the water?
About same
position as the
center of gravity

The term In Extremis means:

NOTE: In Extremis is a French word which literally means
near death. In real scenario, it is a close quarter situation by
which the RULE requires the stand-on or the privileged vessel to
take action in order to avoid collision.

Action required by
privileged vessel

All echo-sounders can measure the _____.
A. actual depth of water below keel
B. average depth from waterline to hard bottom
C. actual depth of water
D. average depth of water to soft bottom

actual depth of
water below keel
How are compass errors applied from compass directions to true
A. Add easterly and subtract westerly
B. Add westerly and subtract easterly
C. Add westerly deviation
D. Add westerly variations

Add easterly and
subtract westerly
What should you apply to a fathometer reading to determine the
depth of water?
Add the draft of the

Compass errors applied from compass directions to true directions
Adding easterly and
subtract westerly

6 68 8

______ is a recommendation for slowing or increasing the ships
speed as much as practicable intended to avoid or limit the effect
of adverse weather conditions.

adjustment of SOA
The distance gained in the direction of the original course when
you are making a turn is known as __________.

In determining the scope of cable to be used when anchoring,
which of the following should NOT be considered?
Advance and
transfer at low

This is a fog resulting primarily from the movement of warm,
humid air over a cold surface, or the movement of very cold air
over a relatively warm water surface.

advection fog
The Light List does NOT contain information on ________. Aeronautical lights
useful for marine

The range of frequency that could be heard by human ear is called:
A. AM frequency
B. FM frequency
C. RF frequency
D. AF frequency

AF frequency
Which is more effective in reducing turning of the vessel when the
rudder is put over to make turn?

Aft deadwood
The evening twilight commences _____.

after sunset
The closest point of approach (CPA) of a contact on a relative
motion radar may be determined_______________.
A. immediately when the contact is noted on radar
B. by an occasional glance at the radar
C. after the contact has been marked at least twice
D. only if the radar scope is watched constantly

after the contact
has been marked at
least twice
6 69 9

This is an extensive body of air with fairly uniform (horizontal)
physical properties, especially temperature and humidity.
A. Pressure gradient
B. Cold front
C. Warm front
D. Air mass

air mass
In construing and complying with the International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea, due regard shall be had to the
following EXCEPT:
A. Aircraft with limited ability to maneuver
B. All dangers of navigation
C. Collision
D. Any special circumstance including the limitations of vessels

aircrafts with
limited ability to
Physical checks of gyro, azimuth circle and pelorus are the
following EXCEPT:
A. synchronize gyro repeaters with master gyro
B. ensure azimuth circle and peloruses are in good condition
C. alignment of the compass north to the fore and aft line of
the ship
D. alignment of peloruses with fore-and-aft line of the ship

alignment of the
compass north to
the fore and aft line
of the ship
A light used to signal passing intentions must be an:
A. all around blue light only
B. all around white light only
C. all around yellow light only
D. alternating red and yellow light

all around white
light only

Which characteristic is common to advection fog?
A. it commonly occurs on coastal waters during cold seasons
B. it caused by warmer air moving to a cooler location
C. it moves in a bank or dense cloud
D. all of the above

all of the above
Air temperature varies with __________.
A. All of the options
B. The season of the year
C. The altitude above sea level
D. The latitude or distance from the equator

all of the options
Your vessel has been loaded in a sagging condition. Enroute you
encounter heavy weather and notice buckling in the midship deck
plating of your vessel. To relieve the strain you could __________.
A. All of the options
B. Reduce speed
C. Pump fuel oil from midships to the ends of the vessel
D. Take a course which most eases the vessel

all of the options
7 70 0

A Planning Guide contains information about countries adjacent to
applicable ocean basic. It covers:
A. Pratique
B. Pilotage
C. Signals
D. All of these

all of these
A vessel using a Traffic Separation Scheme shall:
A. All of these
B. Proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the general
direction of the traffic flow for that lane
C. So far as practicable, keep clear of the traffic separation line
or separation zone
D. Join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of the lane

all of these
Air masses near the earth's surface __________.
A. All of these
B. Move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure
C. Are deflected by the earths rotation in both hemisphere
D. Are deflected by the Coriolis effect

all of these
An effective bridge organization includes procedures, that
A. All of these
B. Eliminate an error on the part of a team member that may
result in disastrous situation
C. Make effective use of passage planning and navigational
D. Ensure that all instrument error are known and correctly

all of these
As defined in the Rules, the term vessel would include a/an

All of these
Celestial bodies can be identified by:
A. all of these
B. observation of the celestial body relative to others
C. star finder
D. calculation by hand

all of these
Each NAVTEX message contains ______.
A. all of these
B. identification of station
C. message content
D. message serial number

all of these
7 71 1

GPS consists the segment/s:
A. Space segment
B. Control segment
C. User segment
D. All of these

all of these
In authority and assertiveness, which of the following thoughts is
correct if a master or pilot is considered to be of too high
A. All of these
B. Performance oriented
C. Total command expected
D. Lack communication skills

all of these
Induced magnetism varies with the _____.
A. mass of the metal
B. alignment of the metal in the field
C. all of these
D. strength of the surrounding field

all of these
Major category/ies of NAVTEX is/are:
A. navigational warnings
B. meteorological forecasts
C. meteorological warnings
D. all of these

all of these
The following vessels shall be regarded as vessels restricted in
their ability to maneuver:
A. All of these
B. A vessel engaged in laying servicing or picking up a
navigational mark
C. A vessel engaged in dredging surveying or underwater
D. A vessel engaged in the launching or recovery of aircraft

all of these
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea :
A. All of these
B. Applies to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters
navigable by seagoing vessels
C. Shall not interfere with the operation of special rules made
by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbors, rivers,
lakes navigable by seagoing vessels
D. Shall not interfere with the operation of special rules made
by government of any State with respect to additional
signals for ships of war or vessels under convoy

all of these
7 72 2

The Nautical Almanac contains:
A. all of these
B. information on sunrise
C. information on sunset
D. information on moonrise and moonset

all of these
The Night Order Book consists which of the following?
A. all of these
B. assigned operating areas
C. maximum speed allowed
D. required positions with respect to PIM and submarines

all of these
The Night Order Book includes:
A. all of these
B. ships navigation policy
C. fix intervals
D. minimum CPA

all of these
There is/are type/s of accuracy in Loran. This/these is/are:
A. all of these
B. absolute accuracy
C. repeatable accuracy
D. relative accuracy

all of these
To make a physical check on the compass and binnacle, one must
check _____.
A. remove any slack in gimbal arrangement
B. test for moment and sensibility of compass needles
C. all of these
D. remove any bubbles in compass bowl

all of these
Tropical warning services have the principal function/s:
A. the collections and analysis of the observational data
B. all of these
C. the rapid and efficient distribution of advisories, warnings
and all other pertinent information
D. the preparation of timely/accurate forecasts and warnings

all of these
Water can exist in the atmosphere in ______ state.

all of these
7 73 3

When making a voyage planning, a Master should:
A. Carefully review the planned track for the voyage
B. Approve the planned track prepared by the navigating
C. Consider ship safety over completing operational
D. All of these

all of these
When planning and conducting a voyage, the navigator uses many
information sources. Such information include:
A. all of these
B. Tide Tables
C. Almanacs
D. Sight Reduction Tables

all of these
Which component/s comprise/s Loran C?
A. receiver and antenna
B. Loran charts
C. all of these
D. transmitting stations

all of these
Which is entered in the Sight Reduction Tables to compute the
altitude and azimuth?
A. declination
B. local hour angle
C. latitude
D. all of these

all of these
Which is the minimum chart preparation required for an ocean or
coastal transit?
A. marking chart shift points
B. examining 50 nm on either side of the track
C. all of these
D. marking allowed operating areas

all of these
Which of the following does a typical binnacle hold?
A. B permanent magnets
B. C permanent magnets
C. all of these
D. heeling magnet

all of these
7 74 4

Which of the following is a vessel underway?
A. All of these
B. A vessel not at anchor, or made fast to the shore or aground
C. A vessel stopped and making engine repairs
D. A vessel with 2 black balls vertically hoisted

all of these
Which of the following is TRUE?
A. all of these
B. the OIC must not follow the night order blindly
C. the OIC must inform the Master of any deviation from the
night order as soon as deviation occurs
D. the Night Orders are in effect only for 24 hours after they
are written

All of these
Which of the following is/are if a vessel exhibits additional light/s
other than the prescribed lights by the Rules?

All of these
Which procedure (s) shall be used to determined risk of collision:
A. Long range radar scanning
B. Watching the compass bearing of an approaching vessel
C. Systematic observation of objects detected by radar
D. All of these

all of these
Which would indicate the presence of a partly submerged object
being towed?

All of these
With respect to failure warnings and status indications, GPS
receivers should provide, at a minimum, __________________.
A. differential GPS status indication of the receipt of DGPS
B. an indication within 5s if either the specified HDOP has been
C. All of these
D. a warning of loss of position

All of these
7 75 5

Air circulation is caused or affected by ______.
A. The rotation of the earth
B. Mountain ranges
C. Convection currents caused by differences in radiant heat
between equatorial and polar regions.
D. all of these causes are correct

all of these causes
are correct

Which characteristic is common to advection fog?
A. it is caused by warmer air moving to cooler location
B. it moves in a bank or dense cloud
C. it commonly occurs on coastal waters during cold seasons
D. all of these characteristics are correct

all of these
characteristics are
Fog is formed when _________.
A. all of these conditions are correct
B. the moisture in the air condenses into small droplets
C. air is cooled to its dew point
D. the base of a cloud is on the ground

all of these
conditions are
A vessel not under command sounds the same signal as a vessel:
A. All of these signals
B. Constrained by her draft
C. Towing
D. Under sail

all of these signals
If your vessel is fitted with wires on self-stowing 'split drum'
winches, the advantage of having these split drum winches is :
A. Less chances of the wire being jammed in the reel
B. No crushing of the wire
C. All the listed alternatives
D. Increased brake holding capacity

all the listed
Once a ship with self-stowing auto tension winches is moored
alongside a loading or discharging berth, it is recommended that

All winches be left
with the manual
brake on and gear

7 76 6

Except for N-S courses, and E-W course on the equator, a great
circle track between two points, when compared to a rhumbline
track between the same two points, will ___________.

always be nearer to
the elevated pole
The holding power of an anchor at a given scope of cable increases
when the:

Amount of chain
lying along the
bottom increases
It is the vertical displacement of high or low tide from same mean

With respect to failure warnings and status indications, GPS
receivers should provide, at a minimum, _____.
A. an alarm if a new position has not been calculated within
the last two seconds
B. an alarm if engine speed is suddenly increased
C. an indication of a change in the number of satellites
D. None of these

an alarm if a new
position has not
been calculated
within the last two
The wind blowing up on an incline as a result of surface heating is

NOTE: Anabatic = Up

Katabatic = Down

anabatic wind
A vessel aground at night is required to show two red lights in
vertical line and:

Anchor lights
The holding capability of an anchor is primarily determined by the

anchor's ability to
dig in
A vessel may enter a traffic separation zone. Which statement is

Anchoring inside
the zone is
When using the radar for navigating________________. and using ranges,
the most rapidly
changing range
should be
measured last

7 77 7

The magnetic flux lines enter the surface of the earth at different
angles to the horizontal, at different magnetic Latitudes. This angle
is called ______.
A. angle of magnetic field
B. angle of magnetic dip
C. angle of dip
D. angle of magnetic flux

angle of magnetic
If you are approaching a bend and hear a prolonged blast from
around the bend, you should:

Answer with 1
prolonged blast
Some observers prefer upper-limb sights to lower-limb sight of the
sun at low altitudes because______.
A. the temperature-barometer correction is not applied to
upper-limb sights
B. there is no horizontal parallax involved
C. any effects of unusual refraction are reduced
D. negative observed altitudes are avoided

any effects of
unusual refraction
are reduced

NOTE: HELION refers to the SUN
GEE refers to the MOON

PERI is Near
PERI = near (PERInear = Sobrang Lapit)
PeriHelion = earth Near the Sun >>> January
PeriGee = earth Near the Moon

AP is Away or Far
AP = far (APfar = Sobrang Layo)
ApHelion = earth Away or Far from the Sun >>> July
ApoGee = earth Away or Far from the Moon

The Earth is closest to the sun in what month?
A. July
B. October
C. April
D. January

7 78 8

The sun is at Perihelion during month of ______________.
A. July
B. October
C. April
D. January

In each planets orbit, the point nearest the sun is called:
A. perigee
B. apogee
C. perihelion
D. aphelion

The sun is closest to the earth in what month?
A. April
B. October
C. January
D. July

The Earth is farthest from the sun in what month?
A. July
B. October
C. April
D. January

The sun is at Aphelion during the month of :
A. July
B. October
C. April
D. January

The visible diameter of the sun as seen from the Earth during
aphelion is _____.
A. 31.5
B. 36.0
C. 32.0
D. 32.6

The visible diameter of the sun as seen from the Earth during
perihelion is _____.
A. 32.6
B. 32.0
C. 31.5
D. 30.0

7 79 9

The Sun at the maximum declination north would be
approximately at ________________.
A. first point of Aries
B. autumnal equinox
C. perihelion
D. aphelion

The period of the Earth revolution from perihelion to perihelion is
the ____________.

anomalistic year
In a moons orbit, the point nearest the sun is called:
A. apogee
B. perigee
C. aphelion
D. perihelion

In a moons orbit, the point farthest from the sun is called:
A. apogee
B. perigee
C. aphelion
D. perihelion

______ is the vector sum of the true wind and the reciprocal of the
vessels course and speed vector.
A. true wind
B. apparent wind
C. true wind direction
D. apparent wind direction

apparent wind
When a body has crossed the observers meridian, this is called:
A. meridian passage
B. any of these
C. meridian transit
D. culmination

any of these
Unlighted, red and green, horizontally-banded buoys with the
topmost band red:
A. may either be cylindrical or conical since the shape has no
B. are triangular in shape to indicate that it may not be
possible to pass on either side of the buoy
C. are conical in shape and called nun buoys
D. are cylindrical in shape and called can buoys

are conical in shape
and called nun
8 80 0

Current perpendicular to a vessel track has the greatest affect on
the vessel course made good______________.
A. at high vessel speeds
B. at low vessel speeds
C. in deep water
D. in shallow water

at low vessel
What is the latitude of a place where the observer is stepping on
his shadow at local apparent noon at March 21 or 23?

at the equator
The Moon appears larger in diameter at the zenith than when near
the horizon. What is this called?
A. Horizontal Parallax
B. Libration
C. Augmentation
D. Parallax in altitude

The purpose of 1381.05 MHz frequency on satellite is for the?
A. automatic flash monitoring role
B. positioning and monitoring role
C. clock frequency monitoring role
D. active relevance to the position fixing role

automatic flash
monitoring role
What does a full screen LORAN-C provides? automatic signal
acquisition and
cycle matching

Under the Rules of the Road, which is considered a power driven

Auxiliary sail vessel
A wedge of water building up between the bow and the near bank
which forces the bow out and away describes ________.

Bank cushion
In avoiding risk of collision, alteration of course or speed if
circumstances admit should:
Be large enough to
be readily apparent
to another vessel
by observing or by

You are heading in a northerly direction when you come across an
easterly current. Your vessel will ______.

be pushed to
8 81 1

The evening twilight commences _____.

before sunset
A signal of one prolonged , one short, one prolonged , and one
short blast, in that order is given by a vessel:

being overtaken in
a narrow channel
You are underway on the high seas in restricted visibility. You hear
a fog signal of one prolonged and two short blasts. It could be any
of the following EXCEPT a vessel ______.

being towed
What is the effect of super refraction? Bend radar rays
downward and
increase radar

This is the current which generally flow northward along the west
coast of Africa.

Benguela current
Very Low Frequencies used by Omega is ______.
A. between 14 to 16 kHz
B. between 10 to 12 kHz
C. between 12 to 14 kHz
D. between 10 to 14 kHz

Between 10 to 14
The tabulated times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset are
A. between latitudes 72 degrees North and 72 degrees South
B. between latitudes 72 degrees North and 60 degrees South
C. between latitudes 60 degrees North and 72 degrees South
D. between latitudes 60 degrees North and 60 degrees South

between latitudes
72 degrees North
and 60 degrees
A buoy with composite group-flashing light indicates a (n):

What is the term used to identify the violent intense cold wind
laden with snow mostly or entirely picked up from the ground?
A. cold front
B. foehn
C. fall wind
D. blizzard

The color of a multi-layer ice which is considered the hardest is

8 82 2

When a light is first seen on the horizon it will disappear again if
the eye is immediately lowered several feet. When the eye is
raised is immediately lowered several feet. When the eye is raised
to its former height the light will again be visible. This process is
A. checking a light
B. bobbing a light
C. luminous
D. obscuring a light

bobbing a light
When an observer sees a light and reduces his height, the light
disappears; when the observer goes to his original height, the light
appears. This is called:
A. sighting a light
B. determining a light if of fixed characteristic or not
C. bobbing a light
D. determining a light if of occulting characteristic or not

bobbing a light
The amount of force a tug can exert on stationary pull is called its

Bollard pull
The measurement of the amount of force a towing vessel is
capable of applying to a motionless tow is called:

bollard pull
To a certain observer Meridian Transit can be at:
A. Upper transit only
B. both a and b
C. neither a nor b
D. Lower transit only

both a and b
The effectiveness of a lookout can be increased by _______. Briefing him what
to expect and what
to detect

What color and how far can be seen must a power driven vessels
masthead lights visible?

Bright white light
visible at 6 n. miles
The vessel has anchored. You are to secure the anchor. How do
you do it?
by use of cable
stopper backed up
by brake with chain
slightly slack
between stopper
and winch

8 83 3

When fixing a vessel position by radar, a navigator:

Can use radar
information form
one object to fix the
Variation is a compass error that you ___________.

cannot correct
Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed

capital letters
You tow another vessel. You can tell that the towing speed is too
fast when the;

Catenary comes
clear of the water
The main component of the display unit of the radar is the:
A. cathode ray unit
B. T/R cell
C. waveguide
D. scanner

cathode ray unit
As the propeller turns, voids are formed on the trailing and leading
edges of the propeller blades causing a loss of propulsive
efficiency, pitting of the blades, and vibration. These voids are
known as __________.

The turning circle of a vessel is the path followed by the

center of gravity
The azimuth of the sun is best taken at the:
A. all of these
B. suns upper limb
C. sun's lower limb
D. center of the sun

center of the sun
What publication contains information regarding the dangers to
navigation in the English Channel?
A. Channel Pilot Guide
B. World Port Index
C. Coast Pilot
D. Sailing Directions Enroute

Channel Pilot Guide
8 84 4

Which Chapter of the Planning Guide describes recommended
steamship routes?
A. Chapter 2
B. Chapter 1
C. Chapter 4
D. Chapter 3

Chapter 4
A conventional representation usually on a plane surface of all or
part of the physical features of the earth surface intended
primarily for navigation is called ______.
A. marine map
B. map
C. marine chart
D. chart

A component of the Integrated Bridge System which contains the
heart of the whole system is:

Chart Data Base


(c ) Level of water
(b) to ( c ) = ( e ) Height of Tide
__________________________ (b)Tidal Datum or Chart sounding Datum
( a) to (b) = ( d) Charted Depth
======================== (a) Sea bed or Sea bottom
( See F1 Book page TC 4 )

The height of the tide is the ______________.

difference between
the depth of the
water and area
tidal datum
8 85 5

All depths indicated on charts are reckoned from some selected
levels of the water called______.
A. chart sounding datum
B. chart datum
C. mean high water
D. mean low water

chart sounding
Neap tides occurs only________________.
A. when the Moon is at quadrature
B. when the Sun, Moon and Earth are in line
C. at approximately 28-day intervals
D. at new or full moon

when the Moon is
at quadrature
Spring tides occur_________________.
A. when the Sun and Moon are at approximately 90-deg. to
each other as seen from the Earth
B. at the start of spring, when the Sun is nearly over the
C. when the Sun, Moon and Earth are nearly in line, in any
D. only when the Sun and Moon are on the same side of the
earth and nearly in line

when the Sun,
Moon and Earth are
nearly in line, in any
The velocity of a rotary tidal current will be decreased when the
Moon is ______________.

at apogee
Mean low water is the average height of_________________.
A. high waters and low waters
B. all low waters
C. the lower of the two daily tides
D. the surface of the sea

all low waters
When the moon is new or full, what type of tide occurs?

Current refers to the _____________________.

movement of the
8 86 6

Which of the following describes an ebb current?
A. Horizontal movement of the water toward the land
following high tide
B. Horizontal movement of the water away from the land
following low tide
C. Horizontal movement of the water toward the land
following low tide
D. Horizontal movement of the water away form the land
following high tide

movement of the
water away form
the land following
high tide
What describes an ebb current?
A. Horizontal movement of the water away from the land
following high tide
B. Horizontal movement of the water toward the land
following the low tide
C. Horizontal movement of the water away from the land
following low tide
D. Horizontal movement of the water toward the land
following high tide

movement of the
water away from
the land following
high tide
The movement of water away from shore or downstream is called
a (n) ______________.

ebb current
On tidal stream, the drift and set of river and ocean currents refer
to _______________.

speed and direction
toward which the
current flows
The diurnal inequality of the tides is caused by_______________. the declination of
the moon

Which statement concerning current is TRUE?
A. The drift of the current should be averaged out on a one
hour basis.
B. Current can be determined by measuring the direction and
distance between simultaneous EP and DR positions.
C. After the current is determined, it should not be used for
further plotting because it is an unknown variable.
D. The distance between a simultaneous DR position and fix is
equal to the drift of the current.

The drift of the
current should be
averaged out on a
one hour basis
8 87 7

The tide is said to be flooding, when_____________.
A. the height of water level is more than normal
B. the height of water level is increasing
C. the flow is towards the sea
D. the flow is towards the shore

the flow is towards
the shore
In a river subject to tidal currents, the best time to dock a ship
without the assistance of tugs is____________.
A. at stand
B. at high water
C. when there is a following current
D. when there is a head current

when there is a
head current
In some river mouths and estuaries the incoming high-tide wave
crest overtakes the preceding low-tide trough. This results in a wall
of water proceeding upstream, and is called a___________.
A. bore
B. seiche
C. boundary wave
D. surge

This is the high tide wave that abruptly move up to the river of
peculiar configuration or location and may present hazards to

A convenient way of keeping a record of updated latest correction
of chart is:
A. Notice To Mariners Index System
B. Chart Card Correction system
C. Chart Correction Record system
D. Chart/Publication Correction Record Card System

Correction Record
Card System
A method of representing all or part of the surface of a sphere or
spheroid upon a plane surface is called_____.
A. orthographic projection
B. chart projection
C. geometric projection
D. spherical projection

chart projection
8 88 8

What will become of an ellipse if the distance between the foci is
A. a straight line
B. circle
C. a semi-circle
D. a curve line

This term refers to a heavenly body which has two meridian
passages one above and one below the elevated pole.
A. Bi-polar
B. Circumpolar
C. Elevated Pole
D. Center polar

What usually accompanies high pressure areas?
A. Humid sticky weather
B. Cool fog
C. Clear cool weather
D. Precipitation

NOTE: HIGH PRESSURE AREAS = areas of good weather

Clear cool weather
The average long term meteorological condition of a place or
region is called _____.
A. meteorological condition
B. climatic condition
C. climate
D. weather

In reading a weather map, high winds will be indicated by ______.

NOTE: Closely spaced or steep pressure gradient means
high or strong winds.

Closely spaced
pressure gradient

The dense black cumulonimbus clouds surrounding the eye of a
hurricane are called:

cloud walls
8 89 9

The Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (I.T.C.Z.) is generally
associated with :

Cloudy and
showery weather
These are the unwanted radar echoes reflected from heavy rain,
snow, waves, etc. which may obscure relatively large areas on the
radar scope.

Chart intended for inshore coastwise navigation where the course
may lie inside outlying reefs and shoals, for entering and leaving
harbour is called _______.
A. sailing chart
B. general chart
C. harbour chart
D. coastal chart

coast chart
You are entering a harbor for the first time which of the
publications would:
A. light list
B. Port index
C. Coast pilot
D. Sailing direction

Coast pilot
The Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) contain information on all
A. Ocean basin environment
B. Military operating areas
C. Coastal features
D. Ocean routes

Coastal features
The Sailing Directions Planning Guide contains information on all
of the following EXCEPT:
A. Ocean routes
B. Military operating areas
C. Coastal features
D. Ocean basin environment

Coastal features

9 90 0


-cold air displaces warm air = cold front
-warm air displaces cold air = warm front
-cold front overtaking warm front = occluded front

A boundary between two masses is a _______________.
A. front
B. isobar
C. lapse rate
D. continent

What is TRUE about a front?
A. There are abrupt pressure differences across a front.
B. It is a boundary between two air masses.
C. All of these
D. There are temperature differences on opposite sides of a

All of these
9 91 1

An air mass is termed warm if:
A. it originated in a low pressure area
B. it originated in a high pressure area
C. it is above 70 F
D. the ground over which it moves is cooler than the mass

the ground over
which it moves is
cooler than the
This is an extensive body of air with fairly uniform (horizontal)
physical properties, especially temperature and humidity.
E. Pressure gradient
F. Cold front
G. Warm front
H. Air mass

air mass
This is an extensive body of air with fairly uniform (horizontal)
physical properties, especially temperature and humidity.
I. Pressure gradient
J. Cold front
K. Warm front
L. Air mass

air mass
This is an extensive body of air with fairly uniform (horizontal)
physical properties, especially temperature and humidity.
A. Pressure gradient
B. Cold front
C. Warm front
D. Air mass

air mass
The low pressure enclosed by one or more isobars is called:

Frontal depression
The resultant of the commencement of the air when it forces its
way to the cold air:

frontal depression
On a weather map, warm fronts are drawn as ____________.
A. a solid red line
B. a solid purple line
C. a solid blue line
D. a solid band of red and blue line

a solid red line
On a weather map, a stationary front is represented as
A. blue lines
B. alternating red and blue lines with circles and triangles
C. alternating red and blue lines with half circles and triangles
D. red lines

alternating red and
blue lines with half
circles and triangles
9 92 2

On a weather map, warm fronts are drawn as _________.
A. a solid red line with half circles
B. a solid red line with triangles
C. a solid blue line with half circles
D. a solid blue line with triangles

a solid red line with
half circles
This term is applied to the closing of the isobars at a front which
means that the activity at the front is increasing with a deepening
of the depression or more likely the formation of a secondary
A. Secondary depression
B. Photogenesis
C. Frontolysis
D. Frontogenesis

This term is applied to spreading of the isotherms at a front, which
means that the front is less active and the depression will be

Frontolysis occurs when ___________.

the isobars are
This term is applied to spreading of the isotherms at a front, which
means that the front is less active and the depression will be
A. Secondary depression
B. Photogenesis
C. Frontolysis
D. Frontogenesis

In the Northern hemisphere, gusty winds shifting clockwise, a
rapid drop in temperature, thunderstorms or rain squalls. In
summer ( frequent rain/snow squalls in winter) then a rise in
pressure followed by clearing skies, indicate the passage of a (n) :

NOTE: Descriptions during the passage of a cold front are
somewhat BIGLA!!! Or PANGGULAT!!! Like gusty winds, rapid
drop, thunderstorm, etc Then after passage of cold front,
generally comes good weather, gaganda na ang panahon like
rise in pressure followed by clearing skies

Cold front
After a cold front passes the barometric pressure usually ____.
A. remains the same
B. fluctuates
C. remains the same, with clouds forming rapidly
D. rises, often quite rapidly, with clearing skies

rises, often quite
rapidly, with
clearing skies

9 93 3

Squall lines with an almost unbroken line of threatening black
clouds and sharp changes in wind direction, generally a/an
A. fast-moving cold front
B. slow-moving warm front
C. stationary front
D. occluded front

Note: Description of cold fronts: Brief, short, sudden, sharp

fast-moving cold
When cold air displaces warm air you have a/an:

NOTE: cold air displaces warm air = cold front
warm air displaces cold air = warm front
cold front overtaking warm front = occluded front

cold front
Which weather change accompanies the passage of a cold front in
the Northern Hemisphere?

A line of
In the northern hemisphere, wind is veering sharply to the west or
northwest with increasing velocity are indications that a ______.

cold front has
An occluded front is usually caused by a ______.

NOTE: cold air displaces warm air = cold front
warm air displaces cold air = warm front
cold front overtaking warm front = occluded front

cold front
overtaking a warm

On a weather map, the half circles in a stationary front are
pointing towards _____.
A. low pressure area
B. high pressure area
C. warmer air
D. colder air

colder air
The movement of a cyclone tends to be: Parallel to the
isobars in their
warm sectors

After the passage of a cold front, the barometric pressure: rises, and the
temperature drops

9 94 4

What happens to the pressure and wind as the cold front passes
the place of the observer?
A. Pressure rises and wind become gusty
B. Pressure drops and wind calms
C. Pressure drops and wind calms
D. Pressure drops and wind become steady

Pressure rises and
wind become gusty
As a cold front passes an observer, pressure _______.
A. drops and winds become variable
B. rises and winds become variable
C. rises and winds become gusty
D. drop and winds become gusty

rises and winds
become variable

The first indications a mariner will have of the approach of a
warm front will be:
A. large cumulonimbus (thunderclouds) building up
B. high cirrus clouds gradually changing to cirrostratus and
then to altostratus
C. low dark clouds accompanied by intermittent rain
D. fog caused by the warm air passing over the cooler water

high cirrus clouds
gradually changing
to cirrostratus and
then to altostratus
Clouds appearing in the following order: cirrus, cirrostratus,
altostratus, status, and nimbostratus usually indicate the approach
of a (n) ______________.
A. occluded front
B. warm front
C. cold front
D. medium front

warm front
Which of the following is a characteristic of the weather preceding
an approaching warm front?
A. decreasing relative humidity
B. clearing skies
C. steadily falling barometric pressure
D. gusty winds

NOTE: On the other hand, an approaching warm front means bad
weather is coming

steadily falling
Steady precipitation is a typical of __________. A warm front
weather condition

9 95 5

On a weather map, triangles are pointing toward the _______.
A. warmer air
B. colder air
C. high pressure area
D. low pressure area

warmer air
A warm front marks the region _________________:

where a warm air is
replacing cold air
On the approach of a warm front, barometric pressure usually :
A. falls
B. remains steady
C. is uncertain
D. rises

Which of the following is typical of warm front weather
A. scattered cumulus clouds
B. a wind shift from southwest to northwest
C. steady precipitation
D. a steady barometer

steady precipitation
The slope of a warm front is about:

1 mile vertically to
150 miles
The final stage of the development of a cyclone is called a (n)

Occluded front
This is a kind of front which appears on weather maps as a solid
purple line with at alternating triangles and half circles.

occluded front
In the last stages of the extra-tropical cyclone, the closing of its
warm sector by an overtaking cold front which races about the
systems center is called:

A stationary front is a ______________.
I. cold front
II. Warm front

Either I or II
9 96 6

In the Southern Hemisphere, the westerlies blow throughout the
year steadily approaching that of the trade winds. These are called
the ______.
A. roaring forties
B. prevailing westerlies
C. horse latitudes
D. polar winds

roaring forties
Which of the following is NOT true concerning color sectors of
A. Color sectors may indicate dangerous waters
B. Color sectors are expressed in degrees from the light toward
the vessel
C. Color sectors may indicate a turning point in a channel
D. Color sectors may indicate the best water across a shoal

Color sectors are
expressed in
degrees from the
light toward the
______ refers to any change of permanent magnet or soft iron
correctors to reduce normal compass errors.
A. compass correction
B. compass adjustment and compensation
C. compass adjustment
D. compass compensation

When a vessels degaussing coils are energized, the magnetic field
of the vessel is completely altered. This introduces large deviations
in the magnetic compasses. This is then removed by introducing at
the magnetic compass an equal and opposite force with energized
coils by a process known:
A. Compass adjustment
B. Compass compensation
C. Degaussing compensation
D. Deviation adjustment


The term used to identify the semi-circular deviation which is
proportional to the cosine of the compass heading, where it is
maximum on the North or South and zero on East or West heading

NOTE: Sine of compass heading = Coefficient B
Cosine of compass heading = Coefficient C
Sine Twice of compass heading = Coefficient D
Cosine Twice of compass heading = Coefficient E

Coefficient C
9 97 7

What is the semi-circular deviation which is proportional to the
sine of the compass heading?

Coefficient B
A relatively low pressure neck between two cyclones is called

The method used when finding the compass error when the
compass bearing of a body is observed at the moment of rising or
A. Compass error by azimuth angle
B. Compass error by amplitude
C. Compass error by true bearing
D. Compass error by azimuth

Compass error by
To effect the symmetrical distribution of weight about the vertical
axis of a gyro compass the __________ is added to the vertical

A preferred-channel buoy will show a:
A. group-occulting white light
B. composite group-flashing (2+1) red or green light
C. white light whose characteristic is Morse (A)
D. composite group-flashing (2+1) white light

composite group-
flashing (2+1) red or
green light
Trying to sight a lighthouse, you notice a glare from a town in the
background. The range at which the light may be sighted due to
this glare is __________.

Legends on the chart printed in capital letters show that the
associated landmark is:

Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. consult the chart for the location and light characteristics of
all navigational aids; consult the Light Lists for their detailed
B. consult the Light Lists for the location of light
C. consult the chart for the lights detailed description
D. charts and Light Lists have the same light description

consult the chart
for the location and
light characteristics
of all navigational
aids; consult the
Light Lists for their
detailed description

9 98 8

Which type of GPS receiver has at least four channels to process
information from several satellites simultaneously?
A. None of the above
B. Multiplex
C. Sequential
D. Continuous

Time signals broadcast by WWW and WWVH are transmitted: Continuously
throughout the day

Ascending and descending air masses with different temperature
is part of an important heat transmitting process in our
atmosphere called ________.
A. conduction
B. convection
C. barometric inversion
D. radiation

The purpose of the motor generator on a gyro is:
A. use as emergency generator in case of power failure
B. to convert DC power to AC power
C. Supply the proper voltage for the power
D. Convert AC power to DC power

Convert AC power
to DC power
______ diverts the air from a direct path between high and low
pressure areas.
A. Rotation of the earth on its axis
B. Coriolis force
C. Rotation of the earth around the sun
D. Gradient force

Coriolis force
What causes an air particle to be deflected to the right of its line of
motion in the North Hemisphere and to the left of its line of
motion in the South Hemisphere?

Coriolis Force
What is the apparent force that causes a deflection of ocean
current to the right in the Northern hemisphere and to left in the
Southern hemisphere?

Coriolis force

9 99 9


NLCC >>> N.H. > L.P. > Counter Clockwise Inward

N.H. > H.P. > Clockwise Outward

S.H. > L.P. > Clockwise Inward

S.H. > H.P. > Counter Clockwise Outward

What is the wind circulation around a high pressure (H.P.) center
in the S. Hemisphere(S.H.)?

and moving
outwards from the

Present weather is sunny with a steady barometer. A low swell
approaches your vessel from the south with crests passing at
relatively long periods of about four per minute. This usually
indicates __________.

a tropical cyclone
south of your vessel
What classification of tropical cyclone would have closed isobars,
counter clockwise rotary circulation, and sustained winds between
34 and 63 knots?

A tropical storm
Which condition exists in the eye of a hurricane?
A. Wind rapidly changing in direction
B. Towering cumulonimbus clouds
C. A temperature much lower than that outside the eye
D. An extremely low barometric pressure

An extremely low
This is the angle, which the wind makes with the isobars.

angle of indraught
A relatively thin shell of air, water vapor, and suspended
particulates surrounding the earth is called _____.
A. stratosphere
B. troposphere
C. ionosphere
D. atmosphere

1 10 00 0

In weather analysis, the approach of a storm is through
observation of wind, waves, swell and the ______.
A. storm surge
B. atmospheric pressure
C. storm tide
D. storm wave

The principal guide to the state of the atmosphere at any given
time is the ______.

The inner cloud bands of a hurricane, when viewed from a
distance, form a mass of dense, black cumulonimbus clouds called
the ______________.

bar of the storm
Atmospheric pressure is measured by a _____.
A. hygrometer
B. barometer
C. aneroid barometer
D. mercurial barometer

The daily recurring pattern of pressure changes most noticeable in
low latitudes is the __________.

diurnal variation of
What do the numbers on isobars indicate?

This is the outward force from the center of high or low pressure.
A. foehn wind force
B. gradient force
C. coriolis force
D. cyclostrophic force

cyclostrophic force
The relative motion line, when extended past the represented
position of the observer ship, shows:
A. True course of other ship
C. True speed of other ship
D. Line of true movement of other ship

The difference between the DR position and a fix, both of which
have the same time, is known as ________.

1 10 01 1

The Rules state that certain factors are to be taken into account
when determining safe speed. One of the factors is the ______.

You are underway at 10 knots. At 1800 you note a radar contact
dead ahead at a range of 10 miles. At 1812 the contact is dead
ahead at a range of 8 miles. The estimated speed of the contact is

dead in the water
A star that suddenly becomes brighter and then gradually fades is
a _________.

Which star is at the head of the Northern Cross?
A. Alioth
B. Alkaid
C. Denebola
D. Deneb

One of the two pointers in the Ursa Minor pointing to Polaris is:
A. Alphecca
B. Alioth
C. Kochab
D. Dubhe

NOTE: Ursa MINOR = Kochab
Ursa MAJOR = Dubhe

One of the two stars pointing to Polaris in the Ursa Major is:
a. Dubhe
b. Kochab
c. Alphecca
d. Alioth

One of the stars pointing to the Southern Cross is the:
A. Canopus
B. Procyon
C. Hadar
D. Rigel

Altair is found in what constellation?

1 10 02 2

Deneb is found in what constellation?
A. Ursa Major
B. Andromeda
C. Cygnus
D. Pegasus

Capella is found in what constellation?
A. Libra
B. Crab
C. Auriga
D. Gemini

Bellatrix is found in what constellation?

The immediate surroundings of what constellation contain the
most first magnitude stars?
A. Libra
B. Pegasus
C. Cassiopeia
D. Orion

When the sun or moon is seen through altostratus clouds and
appears surrounded by a glow of light, this glow is called ______.

These are colored rings around the sun or moon covered by a thin

Beams of light from the sun passing through openings in the
clouds, and made visible by illumination of dust in the atmosphere
along their paths are called _____.

crepuscular rays
A luminous phenomena due to electrical charges in the
atmosphere is called _______.

1 10 03 3

Northern lights are also called _______.

NOTE: AURORA means Light

BOREALIS refers to North

AUSTRALIS refers to South

Hence, Aurora Borealis is Northern Light

Aurora Australis is Southern Light

aurora borealis
A complex mirage due to objects generally magnified and
distorted is ______.

fata morgana
This is a complex mirage characterized by marked distortion on
objects, magnified and at times, even multiplied generally in the
vertical and even appeared towering.
A. superior mirage
B. inferior mirage
C. fata morgana
D. spectrum

fata morgana
A circular band of the sky extending 8 degrees on each side of the
ecliptic is called:
A. constellation
B. zodiac
C. solstice
D. zodiacal belt

A faint glow observed extending upward along the ecliptic before
sunrise and after sunset is called ______.
A. gegenschein
B. halo
C. corona
D. zodiacal light

zodiacal light
This is a faint cone of light which extends upward from the horizon
along the ecliptic after sunset or before sunrise
A. gegenschein
B. counterglow
C. zodiacal light
D. twilight

zodiacal light
1 10 04 4

The recording fathometer produces a graphic record of the ____.
A. depth of water against a distance base
B. contour of the bottom against a distance base
C. bottom contour only up to depths of 100 fathoms
D. depth underneath the keel against a time base

depth underneath
the keel against a
time base
You are steaming off a coast when they tell you that the engine
has stopped. They need a couple of hours to fix, what will you do?
Determine how the
ship is drifting to
establish if there is

The primary use of apparent time in marine navigation is to
A. calculate sunrise or sunset
B. enter an almanac
C. determine zone time
D. determine the of time of meridian transit

determine the of
time of meridian
The angle between the magnetic meridian and the axis of a
compass card expressed in degrees east or west to indicate to
indicate which direction is the compass card offset from the
magnetic north is called ______.
A. magnetic dip
B. deviation angle
C. deviation
D. variation

What is the most elusive factor of a magnetic compass which
change with every direction given to the ships heading?
A. compass error
B. course error
C. deviation
D. variation

Pressure Gradient is a _______________.
A. difference in pressure in unit distance measured at right
angles to the isobars
B. Line joining places having equal pressure
C. Kind of gradient wind
D. Daily change in barometric pressure

difference in
pressure in unit
distance measured
at right angles to
the isobars
1 10 05 5

This is the term used to identify the instance when an electronic
wave is partially obstructed from two different places.
A. refraction
B. ionization
C. diffraction
D. interference

It is the angle between the grid and magnetic meridian at any
A. Deviation
B. grivation
C. inclination
D. dip

NOTE: GRID Variation or Grivation

Dip (but correct
answer should be
What procedure do you use when placing lines from two different
vessels on the same bollard?

Dipping the eye
In a _______ mode of Omega, the receiver measures the distance
between it and two or more transmitting stations to determine
lines of position.
B. velocity
C. direct range
D. hyperbolic

direct range
What is the cause of variable error in the gyro compass?
A. Locking latch is engaged
B. A twist in the suspension wire
C. Azimuth motor not properly engaged
D. Dirty mercury and points

Dirty mercury and
The 3-cm radar as compared to a 10-cm radar with similar
specifications will:
A. display a more map-like presentation for inshore navigation
B. display small targets in a mass of dense sea clutter at a
greater range
C. have less sea return in choppy rough seas
D. gives a better range performance in rain, hail, etc.

display a more
presentation for
inshore navigation
1 10 06 6

Radar makes the most accurate determination of the
A. distance to a target
B. direction of a target
C. size of a target
D. shape of a target

distance to a target
______ is an underway adjustment in track and is intended to
avoid or limit the effect of adverse weather conditions.
A. track adjustment
B. recommendatory track
C. diversion
D. evasion

Overshoot is an expression we use when talking about a ship's
steering ability. What is the best way to determine how the
overshoot is on your ship?

Do a 20/20 degrees
zigzag maneuver
Your radar indicates a target; however, there is no visible object at
the point indicated. A large mountain, approximately 50 miles
away on the same bearing as the target, is breaking the horizon.
You should suspect the radar target is caused
A. a submerged submarine
B. ducting
C. ionospheric skip waves
D. sub-refraction

You are about to pass another ship closely. What can happen in
this situation?
Due to suction, the
two ships will be
sucked together

Find the amplitude of a rising body with a declination of 21 07.8
N at latitude 47 18.6 N.
A. E 30 47.6 N
B. E 30 09.8N
C. E 32 07.1 N
D. E 31 18.6 N

E 32 07.1 N
1 10 07 7

In the orthographic projection of the horizon system of
coordinates, when the body rises to the left of the Prime Vertical
(PV), the amplitude is named _____.
A. W: S
B. E: N
C. E: S
D. W: N

E: N
In the orthographic projection of the horizon system of
coordinates, when the body rises to the right of the Prime Vertical
(PV), the amplitude is named:
A. W: S
B. E: S
C. W: N
D. E: N

E: S
What is the compass error when the true direction is greater than
the compass direction?

In evening observations, the first stars to be observed are those
with azimuth in what quadrant?

NOTE: Either evening or morning observations:
the first stars to be observed = Eastern
the last stars to be observed = Western

This is the term used to identify the ratio of the distance between
foci of an ellipse to the length of its major axis.

The Integrated Bridge System that complies with the up-to-date
chart carrying requirements of international law is:

Your radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following
will NOT appear to move across the PPI scope?

Echoes from a buoy
When using a recording depth finder in the open ocean, what
phenomena is most likely to produce a continuous trace that may
not be from the actual ocean bottom?
A. Multiple returns reflected from the bottom to the surface
and to the bottom again
B. Poor placement of the transducer on the hull
C. Echoes from a deep scattering layer
D. Echoes from schools of fish

Echoes from a deep
scattering layer
1 10 08 8

When using recording depth finder in the open ocean, what
phenomena is most likely to produce a continuous trace that may
not be from the actual ocean bottom?

Echoes from a deep
scattering layer
The path of the sun appears to take among the stars due to the
annual revolution of the earth in its orbit is called ______.
A. declination
B. elliptic
C. ecliptic
D. diurnal circle

At meridian passage, the bearing of the body will be:
A. South
B. North
C. neither North nor South
D. either North or South

either North or
The Moon rises earlier on succeeding days when
A. the revolution effect and the declination effect act in the
same direction
B. the Moon is on the equator and the revolution effect is at a
C. effect due to change of declination is larger than that due to
D. retardation effect of the revolution of the Moon is greater
than effect due to change of declination

effect due to
change of
declination is larger
than that due to
If a double banking operation is being conducted with one ship at
anchor (which is yawing due to weather condition) and one tug is
available for assisting in the operation, the tug should:
Endeavour to hold
vessel steady

The difference between local apparent time (LAT) and local mean
time (LMT) is indicated by the_______.
A. zone description
B. longitude in time units
C. difference of longitude between the local and central
meridian in time units
D. equation of time

equation of time
The sun crosses the upper branch of the celestial meridian of the
observer at a position 15 South of his zenith. If the sun
declination is 15 S. What is the latitude of the observer?

1 10 09 9

What is the error of a magnetic compass if deviation is zero? error equals

Why is low altitude sun sights not generally used?

Errors due to
unusual refraction
may exist.
A man sighted as he fell on board. After completing a Williamson
turn, the man is sighted. What type of search should be

Expanding circle
You are proceeding to the area of reported distress. The vessel in
distress is not sighted, when you arrived at the reported position.
You should conduct:

Expanding square

A group of stars close together forming a striking
configuration such as a person or animal is called _________.


A large group of stars revolving around a center is known
as a :
A. Universe
B. Constellation
C. Star Clouds
D. Galaxy


A vast collection cluster of stars and clouds of gas is called:
A. Universe
B. Constellation
C. Star Clouds
D. Galaxy

Milky Way is a term associated with ___________.
A. Universe
B. Constellation
C. Star Clouds
D. Galaxy


A cloudy patch of matter in the heavens within the galaxy of
which the sun is a part is called:
A. Globular cluster
B. Galactic nebula
C. Super nova
D. Extra galactic nebula

Galactic Nebula
1 11 10 0

A cloudy patch of matter in the heavens outside the galaxy is
called _____.
A. Open cluster
B. Gegenschein
C. Extragalactic nebula
D. Nova star

Extragalactic nebula
You are running parallel to the coast and take a running fix using
bearings of the same object. You are making more speed than
used for the running fix. In relation to the position indicated by the
fix. You will be:

Farther from the
The radar control that shortens all echoes on the display and
reduces clutter caused by rain or snow is the ________________.
A. sensitivity time control
B. brilliance control
C. receiver gain control
D. fast time constant (differentiator)

fast time constant
The speed of sound through ocean water is nearly always ____.
A. the same speed as the speed of calibration for the
B. faster than the speed of calibration for the fathometer
C. faster than the speed of calibration for the fathometer,
unless the water is very warm
D. slower than the speed of calibration for the fathometer

faster than the
speed of calibration
for the fathometer
The original date of issue of a new chart is shown on top center
margin written with ______.
A. first edition
B. new edition
C. first point
D. new print

first edition
In the Horizon system of coordinates, the arc of the horizon
measured from the East point of the horizon in a direction
towards the Principal Vertical circle through the North Celestial
Pole will give an amplitude in which quadrant?
A. Third Quadrant
B. Fourth Quadrant
C. First Quadrant
D. Second Quadrant

First Quadrant
1 11 11 1

What describes an accurate position that is NOT based on any
prior position?
A. running fix
B. Estimated position
C. Dead-reckoning position
D. Fix

To reconnect the towline after it has broken, it is better to use a
polypropylene messenger line because it ______.

Which of the sensitive element provides high shock tolerance and
greatly reduces the effect of acceleration?
A. Neutral buoyancy
B. Suspension
C. Fluid suspension
D. Any of these

Fluid suspension
The angle at which the fluke penetrates the soil is called the :

fluke angle
What is best to describe a vessel not under command? For some
exceptional reason,
is unable to
maneuver in
accordance with
the rules

Which theoretical minimum number of measurements from
satellites does a GPS receiver need in order to provide an exact
three-dimensional (3-D) position?
A. Two
B. One
C. Four
D. Three

NOTE: 2-D = three; 3-D = four

What is the IMO performance standard for the ARPA target history
A. No special requirements
B. Display 60 minutes target history
C. Display 10 minutes target history
D. Four quality spaced history positions

Four quality spaced
history positions

1 11 12 2


NORTH POLE ------- 90 00 N

North Frigid Zone

ARCTIC CIRCLE ----------------------------------- 66 33 N

North Temperate Zone

TROPIC OF CANCER-------------------------------------------------23 27 N

North Torrid Zone
EQUATOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 00
South Torrid Zone

TROPIC OF CAPRICORN ------------------------------------------23 27 S

South Temperate Zone

ANTARCTIC CIRCLE ----------------------------66 33 S

South Frigid Zone

SOUTH POLE--------- 90 00 S

NOTE: There are instances that the Latitude of Tropic of Cancer or Tropic of
Capricorn appears to be 2326 N or S.

The areas inside the polar circles are called ______.
A. polar circles
B. torrid zone
C. temperate zone
D. frigid zone

frigid zone
Places situated in Lat 30 N are within the:
A. North Frigid Zone
B. limits of the polar circles
C. North Temperate Zone
D. Torrid Zone

North Temperate
1 11 13 3

Places situated in Lat 30 N are within the _____________. North Temperate

The Arctic Circle marks the___________________.
A. southern limit of the north temperate zone
B. the southern limit of the south temperate zone
C. northern limit of the north temperate zone or southern limit
of the north frigid zone
D. northern limit of the south temperate zone

northern limit of
the north
temperate zone or
southern limit of
the north frigid
The Antarctic circle marks the________________________.
A. southern limit of the south temperate zone
B. northern limit of the south temperate zone
C. southern limit of the north temperate zone
D. northern limit of the north temperate zone

northern limit of
the south
temperate zone
The tropic of Capricorn marks the _____________________.

northern limit of
the south
temperate zone
The Arctic Circle marks the________________. southern limit of
the north frigid

The regions between the frigid zones and the torrid zones are
called ______.
A. polar regions
B. temperate zones
C. Antarctic regions
D. Arctic regions

temperate zones
Everywhere between the parallels of about 23 26 North and 23
26 South, the Sun is directly overhead during the year. This area is
called the:
A. temperate zone
B. torrid zone
C. polar circles
D. frigid zone

torrid zone
The tropic of Capricorn marks the southern limit of the :

Torrid Zone
1 11 14 4

What is the difference of latitude between the Antarctic Circle and
the Tropic of Capricorn?
A. 46 52'
B. 23 26'
C. 66 34'
D. 43 06'

43 06'
How far (in angular distance) is the Arctic Circle from the North
A. 46 42
B. 90
C. 66 34
D. 2326

23 26
How far in angular distance is the Arctic Circle from the North
A. 46 52'
B. 90
C. 23 27'
D. 66 34'

23 27'
How far and where will the sun be from the zenith of the observer
at noon of December 21 or 23 if the observer is navigating along
the Tropic of Cancer?
A. 46 54 South of the observer
B. 46 54 North of the observer
C. 23 27 South of the observer
D. 23 27 North of the observer

46 54 South of the
What is the angular distance of the sun from the zenith of the
observer at noon of December 21 or 23 if the observer is
navigating along the Tropic of Cancer?

46 54'
If you are in the Antarctic Circle, what is your latitude?
A. 66 33 North
B. 66 33 South
C. 90 North
D. 90 South

66 33' South
How far and where will the sun be from the zenith of observer at
noon of March 21 or 23 when the observer is navigating along the
Arctic Circle?
A. 66 33' South of the observer
B. 66 33' North of the observer
C. 23 27' South of the observer
D. 23 27' North of the observer

66 33' South of the
1 11 15 5

What is the angular distance of the sun from the zenith of the
observer at noon of March 21 or 23 when the observer is
navigating along the Arctic Circle?
A. 0
B. 90
C. 66 33
D. 23 27

66 33
If you are at the Arctic Circle what is your latitude?
A. 66 33 North
B. 66 33 South
C. 90 North
D. 90 South

66 33 North
What is the difference of latitude between the Arctic Circle and
the Tropic of Cancer?
A. 46 52'
B. 23 26'
C. 66 34'
D. 43 06'

43 06'
Because of the low temperatures near the geographical poles of
the earth, the surface pressure tends to remain higher than in
surrounding regions since cold air is more dense than warm air.
Consequently, winds blow outward from the poles called:
A. northeasterlies in the Arctic
B. northeastelies in the Antarctic
C. southeasterlies in the Arctic
D. southwesterlies in the Antarctic

northeasterlies in
the Arctic
Because of the low temperatures near the geographical poles of
the earth, the surface pressure tends to remain higher than in
surrounding regions since cold air is more dense than warm air.
Consequently, winds blow outward from the poles called:
A. Southeasterlies in the Antarctic
B. Southwesterlies in the Antarctic
C. Northeasterlies in the Antarctic
D. Northwesterlies in the Arctic

southeasterlies in
the Antarctic
1 11 16 6

It is the atmosphere in the vicinity of a low pressure area = cyclone
NOTE: CYCLONE = Low Pressure (Bad weather)
ANTI-CYCLONE = High Pressure (Good Weather)
(ANTI means opposite)

1 11 17 7

The navigable semi-circle of a storm in the Northern hemisphere is
that area of the storm measured __________.

NOTE: N-D-R >>>>>> N.H. >> Dangerous >> Right
N.H. >> Navigable >> Left
S.H. >> Dangerous >> Left
S.H. >> Navigable >> Right

Storm Path

Navigable Dangerous
Semi-circle Semi-circle

Storm Track

From the direction
of the storm

The typhoon track is the line which a typhoon :

NOTE: Typhoon PATH = forecasted to pass dadaanan pa lang
Typhoon TRACK = already passed nadaanan na!

Has already passed

The typhoon path is the line in which a typhoon :

Is forecasted to

The dangerous semi-circle of a typhoon in the Northern
Hemisphere is the area:

to the right of the
storm track
The navigable semicircle of a typhoon in the Southern
Hemisphere is the area:

to the right of the
storm track
You are attempting to locate your position with reference to a
hurricane center in the Northern Hemisphere. If the wind
direction remains steady, but with diminishing velocity, you are
most likely.

1. wind direction remains steady, but with diminishing
velocity = on the storm track behind the center
2. wind direction remains steady, but with increasing
velocity = on the storm path ahead
3. wind is veering = dangerous semi-circle
4. wind is backing = navigable semi-circle

on the storm track
behind the center
1 11 18 8

It is the atmosphere in the vicinity of a low pressure area.

NOTE: CYCLONE = Low Pressure (Bad weather)

ANTI-CYCLONE = High Pressure (Good Weather)
(ANTI means opposite)

Which of the following conditions does not indicate an
approaching tropical storm?
A. Halos about the sun or moon
B. Long high swells
C. Decrease in wind velocity
D. Cirrus clouds

Decrease in wind
In the Northern Hemisphere, the largest waves or swells created
by a typhoon or hurricane will be located:

Forward and to the
right of its course
What kind of conditions would your observe as the eye of a storm
passes over your vessel position?
A. Flat calm seas, heavy rain, light winds and an extremely low
B. Huge waves approaching from all directions, clearing skies,
light winds and an extremely low barometer.
C. Huge waves approaching from all directions, clearing skies,
light winds and high pressure
D. Flat calm seas, heavy rain, light winds and high pressure

Huge waves
approaching from
all directions,
clearing skies, light
winds and an
extremely low
A wind speed of 63 knots and above in the Beaufort scale

A hurricane moving northeast out of the Gulf passes west of your
position. You could expect all of the following EXCEPT _______?

Light showers
What kind of pressure systems travel in easterly waves?

Low pressure
In the relatively calm area near the hurricane center, the seas
A. calm
B. mountainous and confused
C. mountainous but fairly regular as far as direction is
D. moderate but easily navigated

mountainous and
1 11 19 9

The edge of a hurricane has overtaken your vessel in the Gulf of
Mexico, and the northwest wind of a few hours ago has shifted to
the west. This is an indication that you are located in the

If you are in the Northern Hemisphere and experience backing
winds in a tropical cyclone, you are in the ________.

navigable semi-
The largest waves or swells created by a typhoon or hurricane will
be located:
A. In the southeast quadrant of the storm
B. Directly behind the storm center
C. Behind and to the left of its course
D. forward and to the right of its course

forward and to the
right of its course
What is the usual characteristic of anticyclones?


ANTI-CYCLONE = High Pressure (Good Weather)
(ANTI means opposite)

Dry fair weather
Anticyclones are usually characterized by _____________.

Dry, fair weather
A tropical wave is usually preceded by _________.
A. heavy rain
B. heavy seas
C. good weather
D. tropical storms

good weather
The direction of surface wind is: From high pressure
toward low
pressure deflected
by the earths

If an extremely cold air from shore passes over warmer water,
what would occur?

frost smoke

1 12 20 0

A belt of low pressure at the earths surface near the equator is
called _____.
A. meteorological equator
B. equatorial doldrums
C. doldrums
D. equatorial belt

The diurnal pressure variation is most noticeable in the
A. doldrums
B. horse latitudes
C. roaring forties
D. polar regions

Where is the diurnal pressure variation most noticeable?
A. doldrums
B. horse latitudes
C. roaring forties
D. polar regions

Which of the following will act to dissipate fog?
A. Rain that is warmer than air
B. Upwelling cold water
C. Down slope motion of an air mass along a coast
D. Advection of warm air over a colder surface

Down slope motion
of an air mass along
a coast
Frost smoke will occur when ___________.
A. extremely cold air from shore passes over warmer water
B. warm dry air from shore passes over cooler water
C. cold ocean water evaporates into warm water
D. cool rain passes through a warm air mass

extremely cold air
from shore passes
over warmer water
A tropical wave is located 200 miles due west of your position,
which is north of the equator. Where will the wave be located 24
hours later?
A. farther away to the west
B. farther away to the east
C. closer and to the east
D. farther away to the west

farther away to the
The air temperature is dropping and is approaching the dew point.
Which type of weather should be forecasted?

1 12 21 1

Which is TRUE about Light Lists?
A. furnishes complete information about navigation lights and
other navigational aids
B. replace charts and sailing directions
C. they do not supplement but replaces charts and sailing
D. determine the characteristics of all navigational aids

furnishes complete
information about
navigation lights
and other
navigational aids
Chart intended for coastwise navigation outside of outlying reefs
and shoals is called______.
A. sailing chart
B. general chart
C. harbour chart
D. coastal chart

general chart
Chart with a natural scale of 1:180,000 is classified as a:
A. sailing chart
B. general chart
C. harbour chart
D. coastal chart

General chart
When land is within sight, navigating on coastwise outside outlying
danger such as reefs and shoals, which nautical chart is to be
A. coastal chart
B. sailing chart
C. harbor chart
D. general chart

general chart
What of the following describes the forecast for the next 24 hours
of wind, weather, and visibility for each coastal area and the latest
report from coastal stations?
A. Coastal weather report
B. Coastal
C. General synopsis
D. Coastal warnings

General synopsis
Risk of collision exists when an approaching vessel has _______. generally steady
bearing and
decreasing range

The Moon is subject to four types of libration. Which of the
following is NOT one of these types of librations?

Geocentric libration
1 12 22 2

The difference in apparent position as observed from the surface
of the Earth and the center of the Earth is ______.

Geocentric Parallax
If the surface of the spheroid is altered so as to be everywhere
perpendicular to the direction of gravity, the Earth is considered
a/an _____.
A. sphere
B. geoid
C. globe
D. oblate spheroid

Your vessel is heading NW with the wind on the starboard bow.
Which of the following actions would NOT be appropriate?

Get the port boat
A position of the Earth has a longitude of 74 10' E. Its celestial
counterpart would have a ________.

GHA of 285 50'
What part of the gyro compass is use to support the gyroscope in
such a manner that it remains horizontal even when the support is

The rudder is in hard over position, propeller stopped. The ship is
turning slowly. What can we do to make her turn faster without
increasing forward speed?

Give a kick ahead.
If collision is inevitable, both vessels should use helm and engines
in such a way as to minimize the damage by:

Glancing bow
GPS means ________.
A. Global Positioning Standard
B. Global Position System
C. Global Positioning System
D. Global Position Standard

Global Positioning
Meridian Passage as tabulated in the Nautical almanac is given in

GMT (but correct
answer is LMT)
1 12 23 3

A projection where points on the earth are transferred directly to
a plane and the origin of the projecting rays is the center of the
earth is called _______.
A. Stereographic
B. poluclonic
C. gnomonic
D. orthographic

A projection where the plane is tangent to the earth and points
are projected geometrically from the center of the earth is called

This is a type of perspective azimuthal projection in which points
on the surface of a sphere are conceived as projected by radial
from the center to the tangent plane.
A. azimuthal projection
B. stereographic projection
C. conic projection
D. gnomonic projection


A low HDOP (Horizontal Dilution of Precision) number such as
2 indicates a ____.
A. good signal quality
B. poor signal quality
C. poor fix
D. good fix

good fix
During sunset, the refraction of light from the sun passing thru the
atmosphere is called:

green flash
What type of day mark (IALA-B) is used to mark the port side of
the channel when entering from sea?
A. Green square
B. Black and white diamond
C. red triangle
D. Red and white octagon

Green square
Often expressed in time units, it is the arc between the hour circle
of the apparent sun and the lower branch of the Greenwich
A. Local Apparent Time
B. Right Ascension
C. Greenwich Apparent Time
D. Greenwich Mean Time

Apparent Time
1 12 24 4

What is the equivalent of the longitudes in the celestial system of

Greenwich Hour
The error in a compass which indicates the direction in which the
axis of the compass is offset from true north is the ____.
A. compass error
B. deviation
C. gyro error
D. magnetic compass error

gyro error
A compass which is north-seeking depends upon gyroscopic
inertia, gyroscopic precession, the earths rotation, and gravity is
A. gyropilot
B. gyroscopic compass
C. gyrocompass
D. gyroscope

An automatic device for steering a vessel by means of control
signals received from a gyro compass is called _____.
A. gyropilot
B. automatic pilot
C. gyro repeater
D. gyroscopic steering

A rapidly rotating mass free to move about one or both axes
perpendicular to the axis of rotation and to each other is called
A. gyroscope
B. gyroscopic inertia
C. gyrocompass
D. gyroscopic drift

The horizontal rotation of the spin axis of a gyroscope about the
vertical axis is called:
A. gyroscopic drift
B. gyroscopic inertia
C. gyroscopic velocity
D. gyroscopic rate of spin

gyroscopic drift
1 12 25 5

The property of a gyroscope of resisting any force which tends to
change its axis of rotation is called _____.
A. gyroscopic inertia
B. gyroscopic resistance
C. gyroscopic drift
D. gyroscopic velocity

gyroscopic inertia
You are stopped with no way upon your vessel at the pilot station.
Your vessel is a large twin-screw ship. You must come around 180
to board your Pilot. How should you use the engines and rudder to
turn the ship fastest in the least amount of space?

Half ahead with
hard over rudder,
then full astern on
inboard engine
A lookout on the bridge is required to ___________. Have a good
eyesight and able to
communicate with
the OOW.

The 10-cm radar as compared to a 3-cm radar of similar
specifications will:
A. have a wider horizontal beam width
B. provide a better range performance on low lying targets
during good weather and calm seas.
C. be more suitable for river and harbor navigation
D. have more sea return during rough sea conditions

have a wider
horizontal beam
An ocean towing bridle should __________. have equal legs of
sufficient length

Spring tides are tides that_______________.
A. have lows higher than normal and highs lower than normal
B. have lows lower than normal and highs higher than normal
C. occur in the spring of the year
D. are unpredictable

have lows lower
than normal and
highs higher than
Anchoring in calm water, it is best to: Have slight
sternway on the
vessel while letting
go the anchor

You are sailing in shallow water, with 15% Under Keel Clearance.
Coming full astern from full ahead, how will your course change be
compared to deep water?

the heading will
most likely change
by a large amount
1 12 26 6

You are steering a southerly course, and you note that the chart
predicts an easterly current. Without considering wind, how may
you allow for the set?
A. Head your vessel slightly to the left
B. Head your vessel slightly to the right
C. Increase your speed
D. Decrease your speed

Head your vessel
slightly to the right
Deviation changes with a change in ___________.
A. longitude
B. geographical position
C. speed
D. heading

The compass deviation changes as the vessel
A. longitude
B. geographical position
C. speed
D. heading

The vertical motion of a floating vessel in which the entire hull is
lifted by the force of the sea is known as ______ .

What is the term used to identify the current that occurs
whenever the water surface develops a slope whether under the
action of the wind, change of barometric pressure or through the
juxtaposition of water differing temperature or salinity?
A. tropical current
B. gradient current
C. sub-tropical current
D. variable current

gradient current
If the isobars are curved, the wind blowing is called _____.
A. geostophotic wind
B. pressure gradient wind
C. gradient wind
D. geostropic wind

gradient wind

If the isobars are straight, the wind is called geostrophic and if it
curved it is called:

gradient wind
The greater the pressure difference between a high and a low
pressure center, the _______________.

Greater the force of
the wind will be
1 12 27 7

What kind of weather would you expect to accompany the
passage of a tropical wave?
A. dense fog
B. a tropical storm
C. good weather
D. heavy rain and cloudiness

heavy rain and
Which factor is/are used in the charted information of a

Height and intensity
of the light
Geographical range of a light depends upon the:
A. height of the light
B. height of both the light and the observer
C. the visibility at the time
D. height of the observer

height of both the
light and the
The difference in apparent position as viewed from the Earth and
the sun is known as _____.
A. Heliocentric parallax
B. Horizontal parallax
C. Geocentric parallax
D. Parallax in Altitude

NOTE: HELION also refers to the Sun.

Sinkage is most pronounced on a __________. High block
coefficient vessel

Astronomical refraction causes a celestial body to
A. to the left of its position in the Northern Hemisphere and to
the right in the Southern Hemisphere
B. lower than its actual position
C. higher than its actual position
D. to the right of its position in the Northern Hemisphere and
to the left in the Southern Hemisphere

higher than its
actual position
When navigating using GPS, what is an indicator of the geometry
of the satellites that your receiver is locked onto?
A. Precision Coding
B. Selective Availability
C. Doppler Shifting
D. Horizontal Dilution of Precision

Horizontal Dilution
of Precision
1 12 28 8

When using GPS, what is an indicator of the geometry of the
satellites that your receiver is locked onto?
A. Precision Coding
B. Selective Availability
C. Doppler Shifting
D. Horizontal Dilution of Precision

Horizontal Dilution
of Precision
The Moon is subject to four types of libration. Which of the
following is NOT one of these types of librations?

Horizontal Libration
The diurnal pressure variation is commonly observed on the area
A. roaring forties
B. doldrums
C. polar regions
D. horse latitude

horse latitude
Along the poleward side of each trade wind belt and
approximately with the belt of high pressure in each hemisphere is
a region with weak pressure gradients and correspondingly with
light, variable winds. These winds are called the ______.
A. trade winds
B. polar winds
C. horse latitudes
D. prevailing westerlies

horse latitudes
_______ is a measure of the atmospheres vapor content.
A. humidity
B. hygrometer
C. psychrometer
D. relative humidity

Which condition will occur after a cold front passes?

Humidity decreases
A swift current occurring in a narrow passage connection large
bodies of water, which is produced by the continuously changing
difference in height of tide at the two ends of the passage, is called

hydraulic current
1 12 29 9

In a _______ ____ mode of Omega, the receiver measures the
difference in phase between two transmitters.
A. direct range
B. hyperbolic
C. velocity
D. directional phase

Which of the following is TRUE?
I. Coriolis force tends to divert air toward the right in the Northern
II. Coriolis Force tends to divert air toward the left in the Southern
III. Coriolis Force tends to divert air toward the left in the Northern
Hemisphere, to the right in the Southern Hemisphere
A. Neither I or II
B. Either I or II
C. III only
D. I & II

Either I & II
The scale on the chart is given as 1:5,000,000. This means that: I inch is equal to
5,000,000 inches on
the earth surface

All readings of a barometer should be corrected to sea level.
Increase of height means:
I. a decrease in pressure approximately 1 millibar for every 10
II. a decrease in pressure approximately 10 millibars for every 10
A. Either I or II
B. Both I & II
C. II only
D. I only

I only
Which of the following can be measured from the Horizon System
of Coordinates? I. Zenith Distance II. Amplitude III. Co-altitude
A. II and III only
B. II only
C. I and II only

1 13 30 0

A vessel is said to be at safe speed ______. if she can take
effective action and
be stopped within a
distance to avoid

During daytime you see a large sailing vessel on the beam. How
would you know if she is propelled by machinery?

If she shows a black
When would a vessel not cross a narrow channel or fairway? If such crossing
impedes the
passage of a vessel
which can safely
navigate only
within such channel
or fairway

Rule 8 ( c ) of COLREGS states: If there is sufficient
sea room,
alteration of course
alone may be the
most effective
action to avoid
close quarters
situation provided
it is made in good

The provision to depart from the Rules if necessary to avoid is:

Immediate danger
If practical, when shall a manned vessel being towed sound her fog
immediately after
the towing vessel
sounds hers

When taking an amplitude, the Sun center should be observed on
the visible horizon when __________.
A. the declination is of a different name from the latitude
B. the Sun declination is at or near 0 deg.
C. in high latitudes
D. the Sun is near or at a solstice

in high latitudes
1 13 31 1

Sidereal time is NOT used ____________.

in sight reduction of
planet observation
The diurnal variation of pressure is most noticeable __________.

in the doldrums
Which of the following is TRUE of the history display of a target
past position on an ARPA?
A. It provides a graphic display of a target vessel relative
course, speed, and CPA.
B. The display is one of the primary inputs and must be in use
when using the trial maneuver capability.
C. It provides a graphic display to emphasize which vessel is on
a collision course.
D. In the true presentation, it provides a quick visual check to
determine if a vessel has changed course.

In the true
presentation, it
provides a quick
visual check to
determine if a
vessel has changed
Two red lights are exhibited by a vessel not under command : In vertical position,
one over the other,
not less than 2
meters apart

The GHA of a star__________________.
A. decrease at a rate of approximately 4 per hour
B. decrease at a rate of approximately 15 per hour
C. increase at a rate of approximately 4 per hour
D. increase at a rate of approximately 15 per hour

increases at a rate
of approximately
15 per hour
How will you define squat? Increase in draft to
the point on your
ship which is closest
to the bottom

When radar waves are trapped in a layer of the
atmosphere called a surface radio duct, which of the
following would be created?
A. increase of radar range
B. decrease of radar range
C. loss of energy to the radio waves
D. radar energy remained unchanged

Increase of radar
1 13 32 2

When the radar waves are trapped in the atmosphere, which of
the following occurs?
A. increase of radar range
B. decrease of radar range
C. loss of energy to the radio waves
D. radar energy remained unchanged

increase of radar
The change in the length of the day becomes greater as latitude
increases because of the_________.
A. decreasing distance relative to the equator
B. increased obliquity of the Suns diurnal circle
C. path of the ecliptic relative to the equator
D. changing distance between the Earth and the Sun

increased obliquity
of the Suns diurnal
Chart information details to be used in ECDIS should be the latest
edition of information originated by a government authorized
hydrographic office and conform to the standards of (the) :

The area in low latitudes in which the trade winds of the Northern
and Southern hemispheres converge is called:

Convergence Zone
The normal variation between the actual depth of water and the
indicated depth on an electronic depth sounder due to water
conditions is on the side of safety. This would NOT be true in a
case when the water____________________.
A. is fresh
B. has high salinity
C. is extremely cold
D. is unusually warm

is extremely cold
An amplitude of the Sun in high latitudes___________.
A. is most accurate before sunset
B. should only be observed when the Sun lower limb is above
the horizon
C. is most accurate after sunset
D. is most accurate when the Sun center is observed on the
visible horizon

is most accurate
when the Sun
center is observed
on the visible
You plot a fix using three lines of position and find they intersect in
a triangle. The actual position of the vessel ________.
A. is outside of the triangle
B. is the geometric center of the triangle
C. may be inside or outside of the triangle
D. may be anywhere in the triangle

is the geometric
center of the
1 13 33 3

The prefix ISO means EQUAL or the same.


At some distance above the earths surface, the wind tends to
blow along lines connecting points of equal pressure called:
A. gradient force
B. doldrums
C. isobars
D. pressure gradient

Isallobar is a ________________.
A. line joining places having equal pressure
B. line joining places having an equal change of pressure
C. line joining places having an equal height above sea level.
D. line joining places having equal temperature


line joining places
having an equal
change of pressure

A line connecting points of equal magnetic intensity.
A. isogram line
B. isoclinic line
C. isogonic line
D. isodynamic line

isodynamic line
Isohyet is a ________________.
A. line joining places having equal rainfall
B. line joining places having equal sunshine
C. line joining places having equal barometric pressure
D. line joining places having equal temperature

line joining places
having equal
Isohaline is a _____________________.
A. line joining places having equal salinity
B. line joining places having equal sunshine
C. line joining places having equal rainfall
D. line joining places having equal barometric pressure

line joining places
having equal
1 13 34 4

Isohel is a ________________.
A. line joining places of equal sunshine
B. line joining places of equal rainfall
C. line joining places of equal barometric pressure
D. line joining places of equal temperature

line joining places
of equal sunshine
The line joining all places having the same temperature on
weather maps is called :

On an isomagnetic chart, the agonic line indicates the _________. Points where there
is no variation

One of the advantages of a gyro compass over the magnetic
compass is:
A. it does not seek the magnetic meridian
B. its directive force never change
C. it is run by electricity
D. its accuracy is unaffected by latitude

it does not seek the
magnetic meridian
When action to avoid a close quarters situation is taken, a course
change alone may be the most effective action provided that

it is a large course
What is the major problem with taking high altitude observations?

It is difficult to
establish the point
where the sextant
is vertical to the
What is overshoot in steering? it is how many
degrees a ship
continues to turn
after you apply

1 13 35 5

Reasons for correcting compass are the following EXCEPT:
A. even though the deviations are compensated for, they will
be subject to appreciable change as a function of heel and
magnetic latitude
B. even known and compensated for deviation introduces
error because the compass operates sluggishly and
unsteadily when deviation is present.
C. it is easier to use a magnetic compass if the deviations are
D. it is more comfortable to use a corrected compass in bad

it is more
comfortable to use
a corrected
compass in bad
With regards to ARPA, what is the difference between a tracking
gate and a tracking window?
A. It is the same thing
B. The tracking gate is more accurate
C. The tracking gate is longer
D. The tracking gate is more accurate

It is the same thing
Which statement concerning GPS is TRUE?
A. It may be suspended without warning
B. It cannot be used in all parts of the world
C. There are 12 functioning GPS satellites at present.
D. Two position lines are used to give a 2D fix

It may be
suspended without
What characteristics must a light used to indicate passing
intentions have?

It must be an all
around white light
Which is TRUE of the history display of a targets past position on
an ARPA?
It provides a quick
visual check to
determine if a
vessel has changed

A balanced rudder has some of the rudder area forward of the
rudder axis. About how much area should this be called it a
balanced rudder?

It should be about
You are aboard a right-handed single-screw vessel with headway
on. The engine is put full astern and the rudder hard left. How will
the bow react?
It swings to the left,
straighten out and
then swing to the
right as the vessel
loses headway

1 13 36 6

Your ships initial speed is half ahead and your engines is put full
astern. How will the stopping distance be compared to full speed?

It will be much
On a clear, warm day, you notice the approach of a tall cumulus
cloud. The cloud top has hard well define edges and rain is falling
from dark lower edge. Should this cloud pass directly overhead:
It will be preceded
by a sudden
increase in wind

Your ship is on full ahead as you start to slow down. Where is the
position of the "pivot point" now? No wind, current
It will move aft as
the ship slows

You are aboard a right-handed single-screw vessel with headway
on. The engine is put full astern and the rudder hard left. What will
the bow do?
It will swing to the
left, straighten out
and then swing to
the right as the
vessel loses way

The steepness of a cold front depends on _____.
A. its velocity
B. the direction of wind around the front
C. the temperature of the air behind the front
D. the precipitation generated by the front

its velocity
A vessel proceeding along a narrow channel shall _______. keep as near as
practicable to the
limit of the channel
on her starboard

Tropical storms or hurricanes are most likely to form in the
Southern hemisphere during:

January through
The fast moving current of air with strong lateral and vertical wind
shears which is located immediately below the troposphere is
called _________?

Jet stream
1 13 37 7

A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel of
fairway shall:
Keep as near to the
outer limit of the
channel or fairway
which lies on her
starboard side as is
safe and practicable

A power driven vessel has on her port side a sailing vessel which is
on a collision course. The power driven vessel is required to :

keep clear
A power driven vessel has on her portside a sailing vessel which is
on a collision course. The power driven vessel is to:

keep clear, passing
at a safe distance
When navigating in thick fog with the radar on, you should: keep the radar on
the shortest range
for early detection
of approaching

When underway in a channel, you should if safe and practicable: Keep to the side of
the channel which
lies to your

The orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the sun at one of its foci
is a law that is associated with _____________.
A. Newton
B. Kepler
C. Aristotle
D. Archimedes

You are aboard a single-screw vessel with a right-handed
propeller. The vessel is dead in the water and the rudder is
amidships. If you reverse your engine you would expect your
vessel to __________.

kick its stern to port
What do you call the current which is similar to the Gulf Stream
predominantly flows on north-north-easterly direction?

Kuroshio current
Which conic projection chart features a straight lines that
approximates a great circle?

Lambert Conformal
1 13 38 8

The trade winds is the wind you are likely to encounter in the
North Atlantic between:

Lat 5 and 30
In the Buoyage system, this aids to indicate the sides of a
navigable channel, marks junctions and bifurcations in channels
and also marks the general safe centerline of wide bodies of
A. cardinal system
B. separation scheme
C. lateral system
D. traffic flow system

NOTE: LATERAL refers to side.

lateral system
Which of the following is NOT a specific step in short term strategy
during bridge team management?

leave the problem
and do alternatives
In the Southern hemisphere, the earths rotation is affecting the
direction of the current by deflecting the set, or direction of flow,
towards the __________?

Your ship is operating with a right handed propeller and no
thrusters. What can you do to control your ship in the situation

Let go starboard
anchor 1 1.5
Your vessel is docked port side to when a sudden gale force wind
causes the vessels bow lines to part. The bow begins to fall away
from the dock, and no tugs are immediately available. Which
measures should you take FIRST?

Let go the
starboard anchor
A spherical buoy may be:
A. numbered
B. lettered
C. all of these
D. lighted

NOTE: Any buoy which can be placed at the center or middle of a
channel is LETTERED. Like a spherical buoy which implies a safe
water mark. Also for a preferred channel buoy, it is LETTERED.
For lateral marks, they are NUMBERED.

Local sidereal time is equal to the_________.

LHA of Aries
1 13 39 9

When the approaching a preferred channel buoy, the best channel
is not indicated by the :
A. light characteristic
B. shape of an unlighted buoy
C. color of the uppermost band
D. color of the light

light characteristic
While voyage planning and navigating, a mariner must refer to
both texts and tables. Text includes the following EXCEPT:
A. Coast Pilot
B. Notice To Mariners
C. Light Lists
D. Sailing Directions

Light Lists
A vertically striped buoy may be:

lighted with a white
The line connecting Vernal Equinox to Autumnal Equinox is called:
A. Line of apsides
B. Line of equinoxes
C. Line of minima
D. Line of nodes

Line of equinoxes
The angle at the pole between the bodys hour circle and the
observers lower meridian:

The data for sunrise and sunset in the Nautical Almanac is given in:

You will need 2000m to stop your ship from full ahead in deep
water. What will the stopping distance be in shallow water?

A diffused glow observed from a light below the horizon or
hidden by obstacles due to atmospheric scattering is called

1 14 40 0

Which of these is a glow observed from a light below the horizon
or hidden by obstacles.

_______ is a hyperbolic system of navigation using a long range
medium frequency.
A. Loran B
B. Loran D
C. Loran A
D. Loran C

Loran A
_______ is a hyperbolic system of navigation using a long range
low frequency.
A. Loran A
B. Loran C
C. Loran D
D. Loran B

Loran C
With regards to ARPA, what is the meaning of a flashing diamond?
A. Collision target
B. Lost target
C. New target
D. Target with speed less than 1 knot

Lost target
What kind of pressure system travel in tropical waves?
A. low pressure
B. high pressure
C. subsurface pressure
D. terrastatic pressure

low pressure
Your vessel goes aground in soft mud. You would have the best
chance of refloating it on the next tide if it grounded at:
A. low water spring
B. low water neap
C. high water neap
D. high water spring

low water spring
New edition is marked on the chart ________.
A. upper left hand corner
B. lower right hand corner
C. lower left hand corner
D. lower right hand corner

lower left hand
1 14 41 1

When a first edition of a chart is printed, the original date of issue
of a new chart:

lower left hand
The revision date of a chart is printed on what area of the chart?

lower-left corner
What is the maximum range at which an observer sees a light
under existing visibility conditions?

luminous range
What is the phase of the moon when it rises about midnight and
sets at about noon?
A. Last quarter
B. Full moon
C. First quarter
D. New moon

Last quarter
An irregularity in the motion of the Earth due to the disturbing
effect of other celestial bodies, principally the moon is called :
A. aberration
B. nutation
C. augmentation
D. lunar pertuberance

NOTE: LUNAR refers to the moon.

lunar pertuberance
An instrument for indicating a horizontal difference relative to the
earth depending upon the magnetic attraction of the earth is
called :
A. gyroscopic device
B. magnetic device
C. magnetic compass
D. gyro compass

magnetic compass
Deviation and variation are applied to the :
A. true north
B. magnetic north
C. gyro compass
D. magnetic compass

magnetic compass
What is the angle the magnetic north measured clockwise to the
direction of the object being measured?

magnetic course or
1 14 42 2

Deviation is caused by ___________.

magnetic influence
inherent to that
particular vessel
It is the direction of the horizontal component of the earth
magnetic field running towards the north magnetic pole.

magnetic meridian
In what direction is the magnetic compass pointing if it is
influenced by the earths magnetic field and is free from the
magnetic influence of surrounding structures?

magnetic north
Variation in a compass is caused by____________.
A. magnetism within the vessel
B. lack of oil in the compass bearings
C. magnetism from the earth magnetic field
D. worn gears in the compass housing

magnetism from
the earth magnetic
Compass deviation is caused by__________.
A. misalignment of the compass
B. magnetism within the vessel
C. a dirty compass housing
D. magnetism from the earth magnetic field

magnetism within
the vessel
The Night Order Book includes the following EXCEPT:
A. fix intervals
B. minimum CPA
C. maintain ships speed at all times
D. ships navigation policy

maintain ships
speed at all times
When fastening synthetic fiber ropes such as polypropylene on
bitts, for safety and better rope control it is recommended to :
Make 2 round turns
fast on the leading
bitt and then figure
of eight on both

Your ARPA shows a target on your starboard bow, crossing from
starboard to port, and predicts a collision. To ensure that the ARPA
continues to generate valid data when maneuvering to avoid the
target, you should:

make a large
alteration of course
to starboard
1 14 43 3

Your vessel is to unmoor with two tugs to assist. Which position
and how do you want to use the tugs?
Make fast FWD and
AFT in center lead
to pull the vessel
out from the jetty

Your vessel goes alongside, one tug will assist. Which position and
how do you want to use the tug?
Make fast on the
vessel's shoulder to
push and pull

Your vessel is to turn in narrow canal by use of one tug (turn to
port with the bow). In which position and how would you use the
tug? (vessels engine will be used as well)

Make the tug fast
on port shoulder to
Comparing manual and automatic acquisition in ARPA, which is
most sensitive?

Manual acquisition
A conventional representation usually on a plane surface of all or
part of the physical features of the earth surface is called _______.
A. map
B. chart
C. marine chart
D. marine map

A conventional representation usually on a plane surface of all or
part of the physical features of the earth surface intended
primarily for marine navigation is called ______.
A. marine map
B. map
C. chart
D. marine chart

marine chart
Who is the conning officer when the ship is in pilotage waters?

The Rules require that the inboard screen of the side lights must
be painted with:

Matt black
During meridian passage, the LHA and meridian angle of the body
is zero. What is its altitude?
A. about 90
B. maximum altitude
C. equal to your latitude
D. minimum altitude

maximum altitude
1 14 44 4

When the sun is at summer solstice its declination is__________.
A. maximum south
B. maximum north
C. 0 increasing to maximum north
D. 0 increasing to maximum south

maximum north
A distress signal : may be used
separately or with
other distress

The correction table for GHA of planets is based upon the:
A. rotation of the planet relative to the sun
B. mean rate of the sun
C. distance of the sun from the planets
D. relative position of the planet from Greenwich

mean rate of the
The duration of one rotation of the earth on its axis, traveling at a
constant rate westward along the celestial equator.
A. none of these
B. sidereal day
C. apparent day
D. mean solar day

mean solar day
A conic projection upon a plane, the cylinder conceived as being
tangent along the equator is a _______.

All of the following arcs or angles can be measured in the Horizon
system of coordinates EXCEPT ______.
A. Co-altitude
B. Rising Amplitude
C. True Azimuth
D. Meridian angle

Meridian angle
The difference in degrees between the GHA of the body and the
longitude of the observer is the _________.

Meridian angle
Climate is prevalent ________ condition of a place or region.

1 14 45 5

The term gegenschein is associated with ________________.
A. stars
B. moon
C. planets
D. meteors

Zodiacal light is related to _____________.

A Pulse length is expressed in:

Asteroids lie chiefly between Mars and Jupiter and are considered
A. Minor Planets
B. Inferior Planets
C. Outer Planets
D. Inner Planets

Minor Planets
What do you call the type of tide where the presence of a diurnal
wave is conspicuous by a large inequality in the heights of either
the two high tides or two low tides usually occurring each tidal

mixed tides
Incoming target echoes are detected by the:
A. video amplifier
B. IF amplifier
C. mixer crystal
D. local oscillator

mixer crystal
The process in which an air mass changes in temperature and/or
moisture characteristics is called:

The transmitted frequency is determined by the design of the:
A. modulator
B. magnetron
C. trigger unit
D. delay line

A seasonal wind blowing from a large land mass to the ocean in
winter and in the opposite direction in summer is :

1 14 46 6

The Earth is the primary of the ______________.
A. Moon
B. Venus
C. Sun
D. Jupiter

Note: Sun is the primary of Earth

Tropic tides are caused by the________________.
A. Moon being at perigee
B. Sun and Moon both being near 0-deg. declination
C. Moon crossing the equator
D. Moon being at its maximum declination

Moon being at its
Under the Rules, which is considered a special circumstance? More than two
vessels meeting

The period between the time prior to sunrise is called_____.
A. sunset
B. morning twilight
C. moonrise
D. evening twilight

morning twilight
To warp a vessel means to __________.

NOTE: WARPING means hauling lines by the use of winches.

move the vessel by
hauling on lines

You have another ship overtaking you close aboard to starboard.
You have 3 radar targets bearing 0900 relative at ranges of 0.5
mile, 1 mile and 1.5 miles. In this case, the unwanted echoes are
called _____________.
A. multiple echoes
B. spoking
C. indirect echoes
D. side-lobe echoes

multiple echoes
The apparent wind speed can be zero only when two conditions
are present. One condition is that the true wind_____________.
A. must be from dead ahead
B. must be from dead astern
C. must be on the beam
D. speed must be zero

must be from dead
What represents part of the spherical earth on a plane surface?

nautical chart
1 14 47 7

When using the ARPA in heavy rain, what action should you take?
A. Navigate as though the effective range of the radar has been
B. Increase the STC setting to reduce close-in spurious signals
C. Increase the radar gain to pick up weak echoes through the
D. Increase the range of the inner and outer guard rings.

Navigate as though
the effective range
of the radar has
been reduced
When planning and conducting a voyage, the navigator uses many
information sources that includes the following EXCEPT:
A. Light Lists
B. Sailing Directions
C. Notice To Mariners
D. navigational charts

navigational charts
Prior to getting the ship underway, the navigator should make
A. minimum chart preparation
B. inventory of navigational equipment
C. approved track
D. navigational check list

navigational check
When using an ARPA, which of the following should you consider
in order to evaluate the information displayed?
constraints may
require a target
vessel to change

_____________ is a system that utilizes Doppler shift of radio
signals transmitted from a satellite to measure the relative velocity
between the satellite and the observer.

____________ is a maritime radio warning system consisting of a
series of coast stations transmitting radio teletype safety
A. Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
C. Maritime Safety Information (MSI)

1 14 48 8

A wind speed of between 28 to 33 knots is called __________ in
the Beaufort scale?

Use Formula: v = 1.63 x B.Force^1.5
= 1.63 x 7^1.5
v = 30 knots (between 28 to 33 knots)

Near gale or force 7
Refraction is greatest when the celestial body is ________.

Near the horizon
You are in the Northern Hemisphere and a tropical wave is located
east of your position. Where will the wave be located 12 hours

Nearby to the east
At what temperature reading will the Centigrade and Fahrenheit
scale be the same?
A. negative 60
B. negative 40
C. negative 30
D. negative 80

negative 40
When two vessels are in sight of one another and NOT in or near
an area of the restricted visibility , any of the following signals may
be given EXCEPT:

four short whistle
In the Horizon System of coordinates, the arc of the horizon
measured from the West point of the horizon in a direction
towards the Principal Vertical circle through the North celestial
Pole will give an amplitude in which quadrant?
A. Fourth Quadrant
B. Second Quadrant
C. First Quadrant
D. Third Quadrant

Fourth Quadrant
Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
I. The body rises at the Prime Vertical when the Declination is
greater than the Latitude and same names
II .The body will set at the Prime vertical when the Latitude is
numerically equal to declination and same names
A. neither I and II
B. I and II
C. II only
D. I only

neither I and II
1 14 49 9

Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
I. Meridian Passage of the sun occurs before 1200 LMT if mean sun
is ahead of apparent sun.
II. Meridian Passage of the sun occurs after 1200 LMT if apparent
sun is ahead of the mean sun.
A. I only
B. Neither I nor II
C. Both I and II
D. II only

Neither I nor II
Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
I. Night is longer than day when the suns declination is
numerically equal and same name as your latitude
II. Day is longer than night when the suns declination is North and
you are in south Latitude.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. Neither I nor II

Neither I nor II
A rapid spinning rotor is balanced at its center of gravity and is in
state of ______.
A. Unstable
B. Positive
C. Negative
D. Neutral

At the time of printing, correction are too numerous making
previous printing obsolete, a printing is made called______.
A. reprint
B. new edition
C. 2nd edition
D. revised print

new edition
With regards to ARPA, what is the meaning of a flashing triangle
apex pointing down?

New target or
target entering
guard zone
1 15 50 0

A ship is at DR longitude 6725W at 1815 ZT steaming on a
westerly course when the navigator informs the Captain that the
ship is about to enter a new time zone. The Captain orders that
the ships clocks be set to the new zone time when the next hour
is struck What will be the new zone description, and what will be
the zone time by ships clock immediately on being set to new
zone time.
A. New ZD (-4); New ZT, 1800
B. New ZD (-5); New ZT, 1800
C. New ZD (+4); New ZT, 1800
D. New ZD (+5); New ZT, 1800

New ZD (+5); New
ZT, 1800
What is the most abundant element in the Earths atmosphere? nitrogen

You are towing a vessel with a total length of tow of 190 meters.
What daylight signals are to be used?

no need of any
A power driven vessel leaving a quay or wharf sound what signal?

no signal is required
The observer in Lat 20N. The declination of the sun is 27 23' N.
What is the altitude of the sun at upper transit?
A. 20
B. No solution
C. 47 23'
D. 27 23'

No solution
You are drifting in open sea with a loaded VLCC, and you observe
that the drift is SSE. Will the drift direction be the same for ballast
No, drifting in
ballast condition
may be quite

You have made a turning test on full speed in deep water. You are
now going to make a test in shallow water. Do you think the
turning diameter will be the same?
No, the turning
diameter will be
increased in
shallow water

A tug is connected at your bow. Will the bollard pull be the same
at any speed?
No, when the speed
exceeds 5 knots we
have not much help
in a tug

1 15 51 1

The points at which the plane of the moon orbit intersects the
ecliptic is called the ________.

The maximum distance at which a light can be seen in weather
conditions where the visibility is 10 miles is known as:
A. nominal range
B. geographical range
C. luminous range
D. range of visibility

nominal range
The horizontal intensitys component along a geographic or true
meridian is the:

North component
What is the horizontal intensity component along a geographic or
true meridian?

North component
In magnetism, what is the region in which the lines of force leave
the iron?

North pole
If your weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure area to
be 100 miles due east of your position, what winds can you expect
in the northern hemisphere?
A. north to northwest
B. east to southeast
C. east to northeast
D. south to southeast

north to northwest
According to Buys Ballot Law, when an observer in the Northern
Hemisphere (N.H.)experiences a northwest wind, the center of the
low pressure(L.P.) is located to the ____ .

N-L- R acing the Wind: N.H >> L.P. to the Right
N.H. >> H.P. to the Left
S.H. >> L.P. to the Left
S.H. >> H.P. to the Right

Low Pressure is somewhat or slightly behind.
High Pressure is somewhat or slightly ahead.

How would the pressure gradient between the horse latitudes and
doldrums run?

1 15 52 2

The pressure gradient between the horse latitudes and doldrums
runs _________ :
A. northwest-southwest
B. northeast-southeast
C. east-west
D. north-south

Where is the rotor shaft of the gyro compass aligned when
operating properly?
A. Vertically
C. North-West
D. North-South

This Rule shall exonerate any vessel, or the owner, master or crew
thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to comply with the
Rules of the Road.

nothing in these
Sailing Directions contain:
A. numbered sections along a coast or through a strait
B. safer passage
C. wind direction and force information
D. current set and direction

numbered sections
along a coast or
through a strait
30 miles to the inch means that 1 inch on the chart represents 30
miles on the earth surface and is called:
A. natural scale
B. graphic scale
C. fractional scale
D. numerical scale

numerical scale
This is a rocky crag or small mountain projecting from and
surrounded by glacier or ice sheet.
A. Nunatak
B. Rime
C. Nilas
D. Sastrugi

What type projection is formed if a plane is tangent to the earth,
and the points:

Oblique gnomonic
1 15 53 3

The celestial sphere as seen by an observer at Lat 30N is called
the :
A. quadrantal sphere
B. oblique sphere
C. right sphere
D. parallel sphere

oblique sphere
The suns changing declination is caused by the :
A. earth rotation
B. obliquity of the ecliptic
C. precession of the equinoxes
D. earth annual revolution around the sun

obliquity of the
Tropical cyclones do not form within 5 of the Equator because:

of negligible
Coriolis force
_______ is a radio navigation system which operates in the very
low frequency.
B. All of these
C. Omega
D. Loran C

The altitude of LAN may be observed by starting several minutes in
advance and continuing until a maximum altitude occurs. This
procedure should not be used____________.
A. if the vessel is stopped or making bare steerageway
B. when the declination and latitude are of different names
C. on a fast vessel on northerly or southerly headings
D. when the declination is greater than and the same name as
the latitude

on a fast vessel on
northerly or
southerly headings
The navigational triangle is NOT formed when the body is:
A. circumpolar
B. on the observers meridian
C. on the prime vertical
D. on the horizon and setting

on the observers
A tug is towing three manned barges in line in fog. The third
vessel of the tow should sound:

one prolonged and
three short blasts
A tug is towing three manned barges in the line in fog. The second
vessel of the tow should sound:

one prolonged and
three short blasts
1 15 54 4

A vessel engaged in fishing while at anchor shall sound a fog signal
one prolonged and
two short blast at
two minute

While sounding fog signals underway, what changes would you
make in the fog signal immediately upon losing propulsion?
One prolonged
blast followed by
two short blasts at
two minutes

Your vessel is backing out of a ship in a harbor. Visibility is
restricted. You should sound:

one prolonged blast
The type of current which will have the greatest effect on the
course made good for your vessel is ____________.
A. a rotary current in which the direction of current flow
constantly changes
B. one flowing in the same direction as your course steered
C. one flowing in the opposite direction as your course steered
D. one that flows at nearly right angles to your course steered

one that flows at
nearly right angles
to your course
Under Rule 34, if whistles fitted in a vessel at a distance apart of
more than signals 100 meters ________ only shall be used for
giving maneuvering and warning signals.

One whistle
What would a trawler engaged in trawling, hauling their nets
One white light
over the red light in
a vertical line

When shifting from telemotor steering to gyro steering you should
A. put on automatic and open by-pass valve
B. turn rudder left or right
C. open the by-pass valve and change to automatic
D. put on hand and open by-pass valve

open the by-pass
valve and change to
Clouds may form when air moves across the surface of the earth
that is forced to ascend over a hill or mountain and thus cools
adiabatically are called ______.

1 15 55 5

This is the type of rain that falls on the weather side of a mountain
ranges and give some of the heaviest rain known:

orographic rain
A projections where points on the earth are transferred directly to
a plane and the projecting lines are parallel to each other is called :

This is an azimuthal type of projection, in which the projection
lines emanating from a point at infinity are perpendicular to a
tangent plane.
A. gnomonic chart
B. stereographic projection
C. orthographic projection
D. polyconic projection

In making compass adjustments at sea, which international flag
signal is hoisted?
A. Bravo
B. Quebec Oscar
C. Alpha
D. Oscar Quebec

Oscar Quebec
The ship is in a sharp turn and the log show sideways motion to
port both forward and aft. Where is the pivot point located?

Outside the ship
In a narrow channel ,a signal of intent which must be answered by
the other vessel, is sounded by a vessel:

overtaking another
Two prolonged blasts followed by one short blast on the whistle is
a signal which would be sounded by a vessel _______.

overtaking another
in a narrow channel
Your radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following
will appear to move across the PPI scope?
A. all of these
B. Echo from a ship at anchor
C. Echoes from land masses
D. own ship marker

own ship marker
Your radar is set on a true motion display. Which of the following
will appear to move across the PPI scope?

Own ship marker
What are slightly curved lines between the low and adjacent high?

parallel isobars
1 15 56 6

The celestial sphere as seen by an observer at the geographical
poles is called the:
A. quadrantal sphere
B. oblique sphere
C. right sphere
D. parallel sphere

parallel sphere
Which statement about a gnomonic chart is TRUE? Parallels, except the
equator appear as
curved lines

Which type of chart is with 1:50,000 to 1:150,000 scale being used
for inshore navigation, for entering large bays and harbors of
considerable width:
A. particular chart
B. pilot chart
C. harbor chart
D. general chart

particular chart
The ARPA may swap targets when automatically tracking if two
targets ____________.
A. are tracked on reciprocal bearings
B. are tracked on the same bearing
C. are tracked at the same range
D. pass close together

pass close together
A ship has a _____________ magnetism.
A. sub-permanent magnetism
B. sub-induced magnetism
C. permanent magnetism
D. induced magnetism

Which part of the gyro compass is the one that carries the
compass card?
A. phantom
B. gimbal
C. vertical ring
D. compass bowl

Where is the mercury ballistic mounted?

phantom element
1 15 57 7

A pulse feature designed to eliminate sky wave is ______.
A. blink coding
B. phase coding
C. frequency architecture
D. pulse architecture

phase coding
The suns surface is called ______.
A. sunspots
B. photosphere
C. troposphere
D. ionosphere

These are files or multiple file structures driven into the bottom,
on which are placed one or more signboards that convey
information thru their colors, shape and lettering or numbers.

pillar buoys
Which of the following should be consulted to obtain information
about :
A. Climatologists Atlas
B. Current tables
C. Coast pilot
D. Pilot chart

Pilot chart
Charts of larger scale covering smaller areas are used in the
approaches to:

pilot waters
The SOA chosen for each track leg in voyage planning is the:
A. PIM speed
B. speed of advance
C. speed on arrival
D. speed on advice

PIM speed
A ship is not turning around the center of gravity, but another
point. What is the point called?

pivot point
A ship settles down on her turning circle about the center of which
she rotates. The point on the vessel which only has motion along
the centerline is called:

1 15 58 8

Your vessel is on the right semi-circle of the tropical cyclone in the
Northern Hemisphere. What action should you take to avoid the
Place the wind on
the starboard bow
and hold that

How does a vessel indicate she is at anchor between sunrise and
Placed at forepart
of vessel where it
can be best seen,
one black ball not
less than 0.6

At meridian transit, the diagram used by a navigator to illustrate
the angles involved is based on the________.
A. celestial equator as observed from above the south celestial
B. plane of the Greenwich meridian
C. plane of the observers meridian
D. celestial equator as observed from above the south celestial

plane of the
observers meridian
The Sailing Directions are published in the Enroute format and the

Planning Guide
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Sailing Directions are regularly updated
B. Planning Guides are relatively permanent
C. Sailing Directions are relatively permanent
D. Planning Guides are frequently updated

Planning Guides are
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the rhumbline track
over a great circle track?
A. Plots as a straight line on Lambert conformal charts
B. Negligible increase in distance on east-west courses near
the equator
C. Does not require constant course changes
D. Easily plotted on a Mercator chart

Plots as a straight
line on Lambert
conformal charts
Right ascension is primarily used by the navigator for :

plotting on star
1 15 59 9

In voyage planning, PIM means:
A. points of intended maneuver
B. points of immediate maneuver
C. points of intermediate maneuver
D. points of intended movement

points of intended
Any piece of metal on becoming magnetized will develop regions
of concentrated magnetism called ______.

The chart projection most suitable for marine surveying is the

A right handed single-screw vessel prefers to dock ________.

Portside to wharf
This is two- axis gyroscope wherein the gyro wheel is mounted in
two gimbals at right angle?

Position gyroscope
In order for the gyro to have its North-South axis maintain its
position in line with the Meridian, it must be capable of:
A. None of these
B. Gyroscopic inertia
C. Rigidity
D. Precession

This is the property of a gyroscope of resisting any force which
tends to change its axis of rotation.
A. rigidity
B. gravity
C. magnetism
D. precession

What causes the gyro to turn when pressure is applied?
A. rigidity
B. gravity
C. magnetism
D. precession

The result of gravitational forces exerted principally by the sun and
moon on the earth equatorial bulge is called ________.

precession of the
earth axis
1 16 60 0

The deposit on the earths surface of water in liquid or solid state
or a combination of both is called ______.

NOTE: The following are kind of precipitation:
1. rain
2. hail (with ice pellets)
3. drizzle
4. snow
5. sleet (combination of rain and snow)

Any or all forms of water particles whether liquid or solid that fall
from the atmosphere and reach the ground is _____.
A. rain
B. precipitation
C. sleet
D. snow

Military users use the ______ which provides extremely accurate
A. Standard Positioning Service
B. Precise Positioning Service
C. Standard Positioning System
D. Precise Positioning System

Precise Positioning
Which buoy is lettered?
A. red lighted buoy
B. preferred channel buoy
C. green gong buoy
D. green can buoy

preferred channel
Pressure gradient is a measure of ______________.

pressure difference
over horizontal
A change in pressure with horizontal distance is called ____.
A. isobaric pressure
B. isobaric gradient
C. pressure gradient
D. pressure gradient force

pressure gradient
A resultant force of high and low pressure is: Pressure gradient

1 16 61 1

Your vessel goes alongside a pier. Two tugs will assist at the
mooring. Which position and how do you want to use the tugs?
Pushing on ship's
flat side and make
fast in the vessel for
pulling if needed

You will turn your vessel in a narrow canal by use of two tugs with
same power. The wind varies in the range moderate/strong.
Where/how to use the tugs?

Pushing, made fast
in the vessel
You want to stop your ship as quickly as possible without too much
change in the heading. What can you do to achieve this?

Put the rudder hard
over while reducing
engine power

The change of pressure with distance, the change of atmospheric
pressure per unit horizontal distance, measured along a normal to
the isobars is ______.

pressure gradient
The atmospheric pressure change is termed ______.

pressure tendency
On the poleward side of the high pressure belt in both
hemispheres, the atmospheric pressure again diminishes. The
wind in motion moves towards the poles and diverted by the
earths rotation toward the east. This wind system is called

What is the airflow along the poleward side of the high pressure
belt in each hemisphere diverted by the earth rotation towards
the east?

The charts _______ reflects the latest Notice to Mariners used to
update the chart.
A. edition date
B. print date
C. summary of correction date
D. corrected date

print date
1 16 62 2


One complete turn of the drum of the sextant moves the index
arm ________ along the arc.
A. 1/10th of a degree
B. 1 second of arc
C. 1 minute of arc
D. 1 degree

1 degree
When the faces of the sextant shade glasses and mirrors are not
parallel, the error is called:
A. graduation error
B. centering error
C. index error
D. prismatic error

prismatic error

The principle of a sextant is that, when a plane surface reflects a
light ray, the angle of reflection equals the angle of:
A. plane surface
B. light ray
C. the body
D. incidence

1 16 63 3

The movable arm of the sextant is the:
A. release vernier
B. micrometer drum
C. tangent screw
D. index arm

index arm
The error remaining in the sextant after the navigator has
removed side error, perpendicularity error and collimation error is:

index error
Which of the following is a non-adjustable sextant error?
A. prismatic error
B. all of these
C. centering error
D. graduation error

all of these
Which of the following is adjustable sextant error?
A. perpendicularity error
B. all of these
C. index error
D. side error

all of these
The use of a marine sextant is/are:
A. measure vertical angles to find the range of an object of
known height
B. measure the altitudes of celestial bodies above the visible
C. measures the angle between two points by bringing them
into coincidence
D. all of these

all of these
What happens because of augmentation?
A. The horizon appears elevated when observing a bright Sun
or Moon at low altitudes
B. The Moon appears larger at the full Moon
C. The Moon appears larger as the elevation increases
D. The Sun appears larger when viewed against the darker
background of the horizon

The Moon appears
larger as the
elevation increases
A phase correction is applied to ________.

The bulletin issued by NMC for the period stated that includes the
anticipated wind, visibility, weather and wave condition.

1 16 64 4

This is a chart, which shows the distribution of meteorological or
oceanographic conditions over an area at a given moment.

prognostic chart
In bridge team organization which of the following is NOT an
indication of error chain development?

proper conning or
What is the main content of COLREG Rule No. 5?

Proper lookout
The function of the local oscillator is to:
A. provide a frequency for mixing with target signals
B. convert target echoes from AC to DC signal
C. limit strength of target echoes
D. carry out final amplification of echoes

provide a frequency
for mixing with
target signals
With regards to ARPA, what is the purpose of the steady course
A. Stabilize tracking gate
B. Stabilize the PAD
C. Provide stable target information
D. Stabilize the PPC

Provide stable
target information
_______ in GPS is the true distance between the satellite and the
plus an offset due to frequency error of the users clock.
A. Pseudo-range
B. ephemeris range
C. dimensional range
D. velocity range

In a GPS, this is the rate of the true slant range plus an offset due
to the frequency of the users clock?
A. pseudo-range rate
B. time-transfer rate
C. ephemeris-range rate
D. frequency rate

pseudo-range rate
The term bollard pull refers to a towing vessels ________. Pulling ability under
static conditions

The characteristics on which range resolution depends is:

Pulse length
1 16 65 5

The minimum range at which a target can be detected is basically
determined by which of the following?
A. Pulse length
B. Rotation rate
C. Pulse rate
D. persistence

Pulse length
The transmission time duration of a single pulse of radio-
frequency energy is a function of the :

Pulse length
This is an error caused in a barometer due to a constant change in
height above sea level of barometer on a vessel in a sea way.
A. capillarity
B. pumping
C. capacity
D. height

Your vessel is equipped with a right-handed propeller. As you go
full astern from full ahead, the ship is sheering to starboard. Is
there anything you can do to reduce the change in heading?
Put the rudder hard
to port to reduce
the water flow to
the right side of the

The 8-mm radar uses the:

Which deviation change signs approximately each 90 degrees
change of headings caused by induced magnetism in horizontal
soft iron?

NOTE: Quadrantal deviation = 90 degrees change of headings
Semi-circular deviation = 180 degrees change of headings
Residual deviation = what remains (residue)
QUADrant = 90 ( of 360)
SEMI-circular = 180 (1/2 of 360)

The description RACON beside an illustration on a chart would
mean a ______.

radar transponder
1 16 66 6

The signal from the RAMARK will show on the PPI as a
A. coded signal on the same bearing and at a greater range
than the transponder
B. dashed circle at the same range as the transponder
C. radial line from the transponder to the center of the PPI
D. circle surrounding the transponder

radial line from the
transponder to the
center of the PPI

The component of space motion in the line of sight is called _____.
A. Apparent motion
B. Radial motion
C. nutation
D. Proper motion

Radial motion
What is the nautical publication that provides information on data
on radio aids to navigation service providers to mariner?
A. list of radio signals
B. radio reduction table
C. radio navigation aids
D. Loran-C table

radio navigation
A type of deformed ice formed by one piece of ice overriding

rafted ice
In order to insure that the RACON signal is visible on your 3 cm
radar, the _______.
A. rain clutter control should be off but, if necessary, may be
on low
B. gain control should be turned to maximum
C. radar should be stabilized, head up
D. 10 cm radar should be placed on standby or turned off

rain clutter control
should be off but, if
necessary, may be
on low
Spoking would be indicated on the radar receiver by:

Random, pie-
shaped wedges on
the PPI
The ability of radar to distinguish separate targets on the same
bearing but having small differences in range is called which of the
A. Range resolution
B. Bearing resolution
C. Range elongation
D. Propagation

Range resolution
1 16 67 7

If the rotor on a gyro is turning in the wrong direction it will cause
the gyro to:
A. Read 10 to the right
B. Read reciprocal directions
C. Read 10 to the left
D. Precess constantly

Read reciprocal
When using an echo sounder in deep water, it is NOT unusual to
A. receive a strong return at about 200 fathoms (366 meters)
during the day, and one nearer the surface at night
B. receive a first return near the surface during the day, and a
strong return at about 200 fathoms (366 meters) at night
C. receive false echoes at a constant depth day and night
D. have to recalibrate every couple of days due to inaccurate

receive a strong
return at about 200
fathoms (366
meters) during the
day, and one nearer
the surface at night
Day marks (IALA-A) marking the starboard side of the channel
when going towards the sea are _____________.

red squares
When you turn on the fast time constant (differentiator) control of
a radar it will _______.
A. reduce clutter over the entire PPI by shortening the echoes
B. enhance weak target echoes and brighten them on the PPI
C. only suppress weak targets to a limited distance from the
D. reduce the beam width to provide a map-like presentation
for navigation

reduce clutter over
the entire PPI by
shortening the
A wide vertical scanner beam is important in heavy weather to:

Reduce loss of
beam targets
If you are required to splice an eye on a mooring wire (using the
recommended 5 full tacks and 2 half tucks) the effective breaking
strength of the wire will now be affected by the splice, and you
would expect _________.

Reduction in
strength of 10% to
The ratio of the pressure of water vapor present in the
atmosphere to the saturation vapor pressure at the same
temperature is called ______.

relative humidity
1 16 68 8

You are using a radar in which your own ship is shown at the
center, and the heading flash always points to 0. If bearings are
measured in relation to the flash, what type of bearings are
A. Magnetic
B. Compass
C. True
D. Relative

Which of the following ARPA data should you use in order to
determine if a close quarter situation will develop with a target

Relative track
It is the deviation of a magnetic compass after adjustment or
A. coefficient deviation
B. residual deviation
C. magnetic deviation
D. dip

residual deviation
If a small crafts anchor fouls in a rocky bottom, the first attempt
to clear it is:
Reversing the angle
and direction of pull
with moderate

A print which does not supersede a current edition is called :
A. reprint
B. revised print
C. 1st edition
D. 2nd edition

revised print
The elongated area of high pressure extending outwards from an
anticyclone area is called _________.

NOTE: ridge = high (take note both have i )
trough = low ( take note both have o )

In the Northern hemisphere, the earths rotation is affecting the
direction of the current by deflecting the set, or direction of flow
towards the :

The date of a revised print is on the charts ______.

right of the edition
1 16 69 9

The celestial sphere as seen by an observer at the equator is called
the :
A. quadrantal sphere
B. oblique sphere
C. right sphere
D. parallel sphere

right sphere
The force that causes the axis of a spinning gyro to turn in a
direction 90 away from the applied force is:
A. Spin
B. Rigidity
C. Friction
D. Torque

Which of the following is a basic property of the gyro compass
which is similar to the gyroscopic inertia?
A. Torque
B. Rigidity in space
C. Precession
D. Ballistic

Rigidity in space

The chart indicates an isolated rock named using vertical letters.
This means the:,

Rock is dry at high
This is a swell wave emanating from distant storms which
continue their progress across the oceans till they reach shallow
water when they abruptly steepen, increase in height and sweep
to the shore.

Diurnal aberration is due to _______________.

rotation of the
Earth on its axis
If you want to precess the gyro compass to the ships heading, you
press on:

Rotor housing
You are going to leave a crowded anchorage and make a 180
degrees turn. Your ship has a right handed propeller and you can
turn either way. How can you make the turn using as little space as
Rudder hard to
port, full astern.
After you gain some
sternway, rudder
hard to starboard
and full ahead

1 17 70 0

On a left-handed propeller single screw vessel making way in the
water. How would your vessel react when applying in right hand

Rudder has no
effect on rudder
Which Rule governs the conduct of a vessel under restricted

Rule 19
In making a synoptic observation, the following should be
considered EXCEPT:
A. ETA of the ship
B. operational work of the ship
C. ship and cargo consideration
D. safety of life

safety of life
This is the smallest scale chart used for planning, fixing position at
sea and for plotting the dead reckoning while proceeding on a long

Sailing chart
Charts used for planning , fixing position at sea on a long voyage
are called _______.
A. sailing charts
B. general charts
C. pilot waters
D. gnomonic charts

sailing charts
While voyage planning and navigating, a mariner must refer to
both texts and tables. Tables include the following EXCEPT:
A. Sight Reduction
B. Almanac
C. Sailing Directions
D. Light Lists

Sailing Directions
A 10-cm radar uses the:
A. X-Band
B. S-Band
C. Y-Band
D. Q-Band

Any assumption if risk of collision exists shall not be made on the
basis of;
Scanty information,
especially scanty
radar information

1 17 71 1

The ratio of a given distance on the chart to the actual distance
which it represents on the earth is called:
A. fraction
B. scale
C. fractional scale
D. natural scale

The magnetron passes the RF pulses to the:

scanner unit
You are on watch and see a man fall overboard. Which of the
following turns should NOT be used in this situation?

A person is reported missing. Which action is to be considered as
the correct maneuver in this situation?

Scharnow Turn
What do you call the condition at which the gyroscopic devices
should be insensitive to applied acceleration?
A. Archimedes Tuned
B. none of these
C. Schuller tuned
D. Law of Inertia

Schuller tuned
This is the result when the sea is warm compared with the air
which flows over the surface of the sea.

sea smoke
Vessels fishing with purse seine gear shall have _______.

Search lights
A vessel towing with a total length of 1350 meters, expecting
strong wind from starboard side. The towing wire is connected 20
meters from towing vessels stern rail. What is to be done?
secure the wire all
way aft, to prevent
wire moving out of

Which feature, when set to zero, might allow a GPS unit to have an
accuracy equivalent to Precise Positioning Service receiver
A. Transit
B. Selective Availability or selective availability is set to zero
C. Anti-spoofing
D. Auto-correlation

1 17 72 2

With regard to GPS, a civilian receiver may be capable of achieving
the same accuracy as a military receiver when________.
A. selective availability is set to zero
B. the satellites are all below 15 in elevation
C. your vessel is equipped with a Doppler receiver
D. horizontal dilution of precision is high

availability is set to
The class of tide that prevails in the greatest number of important
harbors on the Atlantic Coast is_________.

The radar control that reduces weak echoes out to a limited
distance from the ship is the _______.

sensitivity time
The radar control used to reduce sea return at close ranges is the :

sensitivity time
Which condition indicates that your radar needs maintenance?

Serrated range rings
Which celestial coordinate of a star is relatively constant in value?

Daylight shapes for a vessel aground are ___________. Shapes not less
than 0.6 meters in
diameter and not
less than 1.5 meters

Under Rule 3 ( i ) a vessel is considered underway when : She is dragging her

Your engine is going astern and you pick up sternway. The rudder
is midships, and you are operating on a single, right-handed fixed
screw. How will your ship react?

She will most likely
change heading to
Your ship has a single, right-handed fixed screw. Steaming full
ahead you reverse the engine to stop the ship. How will the ship
react? No wind or current.
She will most likely
sheer to starboard
and gradually loose

1 17 73 3

Which of the following will not contribute to the commercial GPS
receiver position error?
A. Satellite's orbits
B. Atmospheric propagation
C. Ship's speed
D. Satellite clock

Ship's speed
Which of the following will not contribute to the commercial GPS
receiver position error?

Ship's speed
The day signal for vessel at anchor engaged in underwater
operation is _________.
Show ball, diamond
and ball shapes as
required by Rule 27
and anchor ball

While moving ahead, a twin-screw ship has an advantage over a
single-screw ship because __________.

side forces will be
A barge being towed astern at night must display: Sidelights and a

The force exerted by a propeller which tends to throw the stern
right or left is termed:

Sidewise current
The radar echo from an overhead power line will usually appear on
the PPI scope as a ____________.

single echo where
the line is at a right
angle to the bearing
to it
In bridge teamwork, the state of knowing what is going on around
the ship is:

A weather bulletin contains how many parts?

Discounting slip, if your vessel is turning RPM for 10 knots and
making good a speed of 10 knots, the current could be _________.
A. with you at 10 knots
B. with you at 2 knots
C. slack
D. against you at 10 knots

1 17 74 4

The sun continuously emits charge particles called _____.
A. solar wind
B. solar energy
C. solar gas
D. geothermal gas

solar wind
In order to back a right-handed, single-screw vessel in a straight
line, you will probably need to use __________.

Some right rudder
A vessel nearing a bend of the channel where other vessels may be
hidden by obstructions should __________.

Sound a prolonged
When vessel is approaching a bend in a narrow channel, what
action should be taken?
Sound on her
whistle one
prolonged blast and
navigate with

COLREG Rule No. 35 specifies:

sound signals
during reduce
An electronic depth finder operates on the principle that ____. sound waves travel
at a constant speed
through water

Which instrument is the most useful in forecasting fog?
A. barometer
B. sling psychrometer
C. pyrometer
D. anemometer

sling psychrometer
While underway in fog, you hear the fog signal of another vessel
ahead. If a risk of collision exist, you must _________________:
slow down to bare
steerageway and
navigate with

You are sailing in shallow water, with 15% Under Keel Clearance.
With full RPM, what will your speed be compared to deep water?


1 17 75 5

Which of the following statements concerning the operation of
radar in fog is TRUE?
A. A sandy beach will show up clearer on radar than a rocky
B. Radar ranges are less accurate in fog.
C. Small wooden boats may not show up on radar.
D. Navigation buoys will always show up on radar.

Small wooden
boats may not
show up on radar
A VLCC is slow to responds to engine movements and has less
stopping power than normal ships because it has a _______.

Smaller power ratio
The earth receives 1,360 watts per square meter of the solar
energy. This is called:

solar constant
A Tropical revolving storm occurs in all oceans except the :

South Atlantic
In magnetism, it is the region in which the lines of force enter the

south pole
According to Buys Ballot law, when an observer in the northern
hemisphere experiences a northeast wind the center of low
pressure is located to the __________.

A. west-southwest
B. east-northeast
C. east-southeast
D. south-southeast

According to Buys Ballot Law, when an observer in the southern
hemisphere experiences a northwest wind, the center of the low
pressure is located to the______.
A. west-southwest
B. east-northeast
C. east-southeast
D. south-southwest

If a weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure system to
be 100 miles due east of you, what winds can you expect in the
southern hemisphere?

The usual sequence of directions in which a tropical cyclone moves
in the Southern Hemisphere is ________________.

southwest, south
and southeast
1 17 76 6

Most GPS receiver use the Doppler shift of the carrier phase to
A. Longitude
B. Speed
C. Time
D. Latitude

What is a gyro compass error that is introduced by the vessel
forward motion along its tract?
A. ballistic deflection error
B. latitude error
C. gimballing error
D. speed error

speed error
In voyage planning SOA means:

speed of advance
A radar display in which North is always at the top of the screen is

stabilized display
A radar display in which the orientation of the display is fixed, so
that the north is always at the top of the screen, is called a(n) :

stabilized display
A radar display which is oriented, so that north is always at the top
of the screen, is called a(n) :

stabilized display
Temperature decreases with height called :

standard lapse rate
These are stars in the galaxy that tend to congregate in groups
arranged in long spiral arms.
A. constellation
B. Star clouds
C. radio stars
D. galaxy

Star clouds
Parallax correction is NOT applied to the _________.

1 17 77 7

What is the data which you could not find on the left hand page of
the Nautical Almanac?
A. GHA and declination of planets
B. start and end of twilight
C. SHA and declination of stars
D. GHA of Aries

start and end of
You are scanning the radar screen for a buoy fitted with RACON.
How should this signal appear on the PPI display?

Starting with a dash
and extending
radially outward
from the target
The Rules state that certain factors are to be taken into account
when determining safe speed. Those factors include:
state of wind , sea
and current , and
the proximity of

The process when solid particles is changed to water vapor is:

If a layer of cold, moist air over rides a shallow layer of warm, dry
air, which of the following may occur?

During one synodic rotation, a celestial body makes a complete
turn relative to the:
A. Vernal Equinox
B. Stars
C. Earth
D. Sun

In the doldrums, you will NOT have _________________. Steep pressure

A projection where points on the earth are transferred directly to
a plane and the origin of the projecting rays is the point opposite
the plane point of tangency is called______.

A right handed propeller turns clockwise as seen from the :

1 17 78 8

If two vessels are in overtaking situation, which light does the
overtaking vessel see?

Stern light only
In a Mediterranean moor, the vessel is moored with her:

Stern to pier
The path of intended travel between three or more points is the:

On a small boat, someone fell overboard and you did not know
over which side the person fell, you should FIRST _______.
Stop the propellers
from turning and
throw a ring buoy
over the side

A wind speed of between 48 to 55 knots is called _________in the
Beaufort scale?

Use the Formula: v(wind velocity or speed) = 1.63 x B.Force^1.5
v = 1.63 x 10^1.5
v = 52 knots
52 knots is under Beaufort Force 10

Storm or force 10

( Takot-Sa-Mrs-Tayo-Eh! )










===================Earth Surface====================

1 17 79 9

On top of the tropopause is the layer ______.
A. stratosphere
B. troposphere
C. ionosphere
D. strata

The top of the troposphere is marked by a transition layer called:
A. tropopause
B. ionosphere
C. stratosphere
D. troposphere limit

As altitude increases, air pressure decreases due to decreased
weight of air above. More than of the air is concentrated within a
layer called _____.

Fetch is the _____________.
A. measurement of a wave steepness
B. time in seconds required for two crests to pass a given point
C. distance a wave travels between formation and decay
D. stretch of water over which wave-forming wind blows

stretch of water
over which wave-
forming wind blows
The primary of the Earth is the _______________.

The path followed by the sun towards Vega is called _____.
A. Space Motion
B. Sunspots
C. Ecliptic
D. Suns way

Suns way
Azimuth of the sun for compass error is best taken at:
A. sun's low altitude
B. sun's high altitude
C. sun at the zenith
D. all of these

sun's low altitude
An upper layer of warm, dry air over a surface layer of a cold,
moist air causes which of the following?

1 18 80 0

When checking a mooring line, you should ________. Surge the line so
that it maintains a
strain without

Sidewise force of the propeller tends to throw a vessels stern to
the right or left. This force is caused by ______________.

Surrounding water
In the chart title, you can find the _________.

Survey information
This is wave motion caused by meteorological disturbance which
persists after the disturbance has move away.
A. swell
B. surge
C. seiches
D. sea current

Accurate target bearings are obtained by:

synchronizing the
radar beam and the
You hear the fog signal of another vessel forward to your beam.
Risk of collision may exist. You MUST:

take all way off, if
You are steaming in a heavy gale and find it necessary to heave to.
Under most circumstances, this is best done by __________.
taking the sea fine
on the bow and
reducing the speed
to the minimum to
hold that position

Fog forms when the air:
A. Temperature is greater than the dew point temperature
B. is 50% water saturated
C. Temperature equals or is below the dew point temperature
D. is 90% water saturated

Temperature equals
or is below the dew
point temperature
The line separating the illuminated and darkened portions of the
moon is called:

1 18 81 1

If it is impossible to avoid a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere,
the most favorable place to be when storm passes is in

that half of the
storm lying to the
left of the storm
Little or no change in the barometric reading over a twelve hour
period indicates________.
A. that present weather conditions will continue
B. stormy weather is imminent
C. a defect in the barometer
D. increasing wind strength

that present
weather conditions
will continue
Which general statement concerning radar is NOT true?

The ability of radar
to detect objects is
unaffected by
weather conditions
Which best describe the proper procedure in stowing the anchor
after aweigh and heading to sea?
The anchor to be all
way in the hawse
pipe and secured by
brake on winch and
wire/chain stopper

With regards to ARPA, what is the purpose of digitizing the radar

The ARPA tracking
system only works
with digital signals.
Your ARPA has been tracking a target and has generated the
targets course and speed. The radar did not receive a target echo
on its last two scans due to the weather. What should you expect
under these circumstances?

The ARPA will
generate data as if
the target was still
being tracked by
1 18 82 2

The same side of the Moon is always toward the Earth, but more
than half of its surface has been seen due to libration. Libration in
latitude occurs because___________.
A. of augmentation
B. of the rotational oscillation of the Moon with respect to its
radius vector
C. the speed of revolution varies, while the rotational speed is
D. the axis of rotation is tilted about 6.5 to the axis of

the axis of rotation
is tilted about 6.5
to the axis of
Planetary aberration is due in part, to______________.
A. rotation of the Earth on its axis
B. a false horizon
C. the bodys orbital motion during the time required for its
light to reach the earth
D. refraction of light as it enters the Earth atmosphere

the body s orbital
motion during the
time required for its
light to reach the
A body can only be observed at lower transit
A. the observer is in high latitudes above either polar circle
B. the declination is the opposite name to the latitude
C. the body is circumpolar
D. the algebraic sum of the co-latitude and declination exceeds

the body is
Your vessel is port side to a pier with a spring line led aft from the
bow. In calm weather, putting the engines ahead with the rudder
hard left should bring;

The bow in and the
stern out
You are performing an overtaking maneuver in confined waters.
What should you watch out for?
The bow may be
sucked against, and
the stern may be
pushed away from
the other ship as
you pass

You are transiting a narrow channel. What can happen in this
The bow will be
pushed away fro
the bank

1 18 83 3

If a large merchant vessel enters shallow water at high speed the
The bow will be
sucked down
farther than the

The rudders are amidships and both screws are going ahead. What
will happen if the starboard screw is stopped?
The bow will go to

You are meeting with another ship in confined waters. What can
happen as the ships approach each other?
The bows of the
ships will be pushed
away from each

The value of the nautical chart depends upon the ___________.
A. the character and the accuracy of the survey on which it is
B. the controlling depths
C. the date to which it has been corrected
D. the scale it represents graphically

the character and
the accuracy of the
survey on which it
is based.

Which of the following is applicable under Rule 7? The compass
bearing of an
approaching vessel
does not
appreciably change

You are plotting a running fix in an area where is a determine
current. How should this current be treated in determining the

The course and
speed made good
should be
determined and
used to advance the
Fog forms when the air temperature is at or below:
A. The wet bulb temperature
B. The dry bulb temperature
C. The dew point
D. 32F

The dew point
1 18 84 4

You have made a turning circle at full speed in deep water. You are
now going to make one with initial speed, slow ahead. Do you
think the diameter will differ from that of initial full ahead?
The diameter will
be the same
whatever initial
speed when
starting the turn

Which statement is TRUE concerning equatorial tides? The difference in
height between
consecutive high or
low tides is at a

Which of the following do indicate that a tropical storm is
approaching and can hit the place within the next 24 or 48 hours?
The diurnal
is more than 6

The sun changing declination is caused by_____________.

the Earth revolution
The rising and setting of celestial bodies is caused by__________.
A. the Earth revolution
B. nutation
C. the Earth rotation
D. precession

the Earth rotation
Coral atolls, or a chain of islands at right angles to the radar beam,
may show as a long line rather than as individual targets due
A. the multiple-target resolution factor
B. the pulse length of the radar
C. limitations on range resolution
D. the effects of beam width

the effects of beam
The date of the chart-Nautical charts bear three dates which are
A. printed as old edition is running out of stock
B. Is printed as a matter of policy to do so every five years
C. Reduce the cost of preparing the preceding edition which
has become costly to produce with the cost of manual
corrections to update it.
D. The first edition date (month year) printed centrally in the
upper margin. This issue contains all up to date which are
hand corrected in the old issues.

The first edition
date (month year)
printed centrally in
the upper margin.
This issue contains
all up to date which
are hand corrected
in the old issues.
1 18 85 5

In open water, a vessel fishing is in a crossing situation with
vessel sailing located on the fishing vessel's starboard side. Which
is the stand-on vessel?

the fishing vessel
because it is to
starboard of the
fishing vessel

When the helm demands twenty degrees right rudder from an
electro-hydraulic steering gear, what is the first thing that happens
when this rudder position is reached?

The follow up gear
takes the pump off
The longitude of the GP of a celestial body will be East if _____.

The Greenwich
Hour Angle is more
than 180
A tropical cyclone has recurved and entered temperate latitudes.
In the Northern Hemisphere when a large high pressure system
lies north of the storm, what situation may occur?

The left semicircle
may become the

What condition will exist if the axis of rotation of the earth is
perpendicular to the plane of its orbit?
A. The length of days and nights are equal throughout the year
in both hemisphere
B. The North Polar regions will be in continual darkness
C. The South Polar regions will be in continual daylight
D. The Southern Hemisphere is having winter all year through

The length of days
and nights are
equal throughout
the year in both
A towing vessel carries where the tow prevents her from changing

The lights for a
towing vessel and
the lights for a
vessel restricted in
her ability to

During a mooring operation whilst underway it is recommended
that, with one ship maintaining a constant course and speed, the
other maneuvers so that ___________.

The maneuvering
vessel presents her
port side to the
other vessel

1 18 86 6

The following are the major factor factors that affect the amount
of solar radiation received at the surface of the earth EXCEPT:

the mass of

The full moon nearest the autumnal equinox is called the_______.
A. harvest moon
B. hunter moon
C. equinoctial moon
D. autumnal moon

NOTE: HARVEST MOON is the brightest full moon in the N.H. and
this occurs during autumn which is a harvest time and used by
farmers to harvest their farms.

harvest moon
In determining safe speed the rules list all of the following as
factors which Must be taken into account EXCEPT:

the maximum horse
power of your

Using a Lambert conformal chart in high latitudes, angles such as
bearings are measured in reference to:

The meridian
through the ships

1 18 87 7


1 18 88 8

1. What is the phase of the moon when it rises and sets with the
A. Full moon
B. New moon
C. Last quarter
D. First quarter

New moon
2. What is the phase of the moon when it rises during sunrise?
A. Full moon
B. New moon
C. Third Quarter
D. First Quarter

New moon
3. The same side of the moon is always turned towards the Earth
because _______.

The rotation of the moon, or the time it takes to rotate on
its axis exactly once, is 27.321662 days.
The orbital period, or the time the moon takes to
complete one full orbit (revolution) around the Earth is
27.321662 days.
Because these two times are so close, the Moon appears
to us on Earth to always show its one face. We see the
same side of the moon and never get to view the far side
from Earth.
the period of
rotation is equal to
the period of
4. The moon is rising while sun is setting. What is the approximate
phase of the moon?
A. first quarterrise about n/n and sets about m/n
B. new moon.rise and set with the sun or in conjunction
C. last quarterrises about m/n and set about n/n
D. full moonrise w/ sunset and set w/ sunrise or in opposition

Full moon
5. What is the phase of the moon when it rises about sunset?
A. first quarter
B. new moon
C. last quarter
D. full moon

full moon
6. When the moon is in conjunction, the moon phase is :

New moon
7. When the moon is in inferior conjunction the moon phase

new moon
1 18 89 9

8. The moon will wax from________________.
A. last quarter to new moon
B. new moon to first quarter
C. first quarter to last quarter
D. full moon to last quarter

new moon to first
9. The moon will wane from____________.
A. New Moon to Full Moon
B. First Quarter to Full Moon
C. New Moon to First Quarter .moon will wax
D. Full Moon to Last Quarter

Full Moon to Last
The moon is at first quarter. What kind of eclipse is possible to
A. annular eclipse
B. solar eclipse
C. lunar eclipse
D. no eclipse

NOTE: ECLIPSE may only occur during NEW MOON (Solar eclipse)
or FULL MOON (lunar eclipse). No Eclipse will occur when moon is
at first quarter or last quarter.

no eclipse
The moon is at the last quarter. What kind of eclipse is possible to
A. annular eclipse
B. solar eclipse
C. lunar eclipse
D. no eclipse

no eclipse

When the moon is at New Moon its elongation is __________.
A. zero
B. 30
C. 90
D. 180

What is the phase of the moon when it rises about noon and sets
about midnight?
A. first quarterrise about n/n and sets about m/n
B. new moon.rise and set with the sun or in conjunction
C. last quarterrises about m/n and set about n/n
D. full moon..rise w/ sunset and set w/ sunrise or in

First quarter

10. When the moon is at opposition, the phase of the moon is :
A. New moon
B. Full moon
C. Last quarter
D. First quarter

Full moon

1 19 90 0



The prefix CON means together. Therefore, the word CONJUNCTION
means the MOON is together or same side with the SUN. Just like the words
people gathered together or in simple dialect AMPALAYA CON CARNE
(bitter lemon with meat) or MAIS CON YELO (corn with ice) pag natunaw
MAIS CON TUBIG na lang hehehe!

When two celestial bodies are in CONJUNCTION, they have no angular
difference or no time difference, in short, they are equal.

The new Moon cannot be seen because the Moon is :

between the Earth
and the Sun
There are two conditions that must be fulfilled at the same time in
order for a solar eclipse to occur. One condition is that the moon
must be at one of the nodes and the other is________.
A. the moon must be at new moon
B. the moon must be at first quarter
C. the moon must be at full moon
D. the moon must be at last quarter

the moon must be
at new moon

1 19 91 1



OPPOSITION literally means on the opposite side or they are not in
CONJUNCTION. In this case, the MOON is on the opposite side of the SUN.

When two celestial bodies are on OPPOSITION, they have an angular
difference of 180 degrees or time difference of 12 hours.

A. There are two conditions that must be fulfilled at the same time in
order for a lunar eclipse to occur. One condition is that the moon
must be at one of the nodes and the other is_____.
A. the moon must be at new moon
B. the moon must be at first quarter
C. the moon must be at full moon
D. the moon must be at last quarter

the moon must be
at full moon

When the moons R.A. is 12 hours different with that of the sun,
the moon is said to be at:
A. apogee
B. opposition
C. conjunction
D. perihelion

1 19 92 2

When the moon sets during sunrise, it is at _____.
A. conjunction
B. New moon
C. First Quarter
D. Opposition

The sun rises exactly at the time when the moon is setting. The
moon is at :
A. conjunction
B. twilight
C. Opposition
D. New moon

If the moon reaches a point wherein it is completely illuminated, it
is at:
A. conjunction
B. First Quarter
C. Opposition
D. New moon

If the age of the moon is approximately 14 &1/2 days, it is said to
be at:


1 19 93 3

the EARTH and the SUN or at CONJ UNCTION. An annular eclipse occurs
when the Sun and Moon are exactly in line, but the apparent size of
the Moon is smaller than that of the Sun. Hence the Sun appears as a
very bright ring, or annulus, surrounding the outline of the Moon.

Annular eclipse occurs when the ________________.
A. the moon is between the earth and the sun
B. the earth is between the moon and the sun
C. the sun is west of the moon
D. the moon is 6 hours ahead of the sun

the moon is
between the earth
and the sun
Annular eclipse usually occur when the moon is at or
A. perigee
B. apogee
C. new moon
D. first quarter

Annular eclipse occurs because_____________.
A. the moon is at perigee
B. the moon is at first quarter
C. the moon shadow is turned away from the earth
D. the moon shadow cannot reach the earth

the moon shadow
cannot reach the

1 19 94 4

What happens because of augmentation?
A. The horizon appears elevated when observing a bright
Sun or Moon at low altitudes
B. The Moon appears larger at the full Moon
C. The Moon appears larger as the elevation increases
D. The Sun appears larger when viewed against the darker
background of the horizon

The Moon appears
larger as the
elevation increases
When plotting a running fix and the LOP to be run forward is an
arc from a radar range. What technique should be used:
A. The arch should be converted into a straight line using
offsets and then run forward
B. The distance between LOP should be added to the radar
range and a new are swung
C. The object of the range should be run forward and a new
are swung using the radius of the old arc
D. An arc should never be run forward

The object of the
range should be run
forward and a new
are swung using the
radius of the old arc
Who has the con while navigating when the Master is on the
A. the OIC with the Masters permission
B. the Master
C. both, but the Master is responsible
D. the OIC

the OIC
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. the OIC may leave his post only during emergency
B. the OIC must never leave his post in the bridge if not
properly relieved
C. the Master has the con when he is on the bridge
D. the OIC is automatically relieved of con when Master is on
the bridge

the OIC must never
leave his post in the
bridge if not
properly relieved

1 19 95 5

What are the relative positions of the sun, the earth, and a planet when the planet is at
inferior conjunction? = The planet is between the earth and the sun.


Inferior conjunction is possible for___________.
A. Mercury
B. Mars
C. Jupiter
D. Saturn

NOTE: The terms Superior Conjunction and Inferior Conjunction
are only possible for Mercury and Venus (Inferior planets).

The terms Conjunction and Opposition are only possible
for Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Jupiter (Superior Planets)

After Venus passes the point of greatest elongation east in its
orbit, the first position in which the elongation will be zero
A. opposition
B. inferior conjunction
C. conjunction
D. superior conjunction

inferior conjunction
1 19 96 6

When the sun is between the Earth and Planet Venus, Venus is
said to be at ______.
A. east quadrature
B. west quadrature
C. superior conjunction
D. inferior conjunction

Retrograde motion is possible only for _______________.
A. Superior planets
B. Inferior planets
C. Moon
D. Stars

Superior planets
Elongation becomes zero at________________.
A. east quadrature
B. Opposition
C. west quadrature
D. inferior conjunction

inferior conjunction
When the planet Mars is at opposition it will rise ____________.
A. at about moon
B. when the sun rises
C. at about midnight
D. when the sun sets

when the sun sets
Venus attains maximum brilliance about five weeks before and
after _________.
A. greatest eastern elongation
B. inferior conjunction
C. superior conjunction
D. greatest western elongation

inferior conjunction
When planet Venus is between the Earth and Sun, Venus is said to
be at __________.
A. east quadrature
B. Opposition
C. west quadrature
D. inferior conjunction

inferior conjunction
As the inferior planet moves along its orbit from superior
conjunction to inferior conjunction its elongation________.
A. decreases
B. increases
C. is maximum
D. does not change

1 19 97 7

This is a planetary configuration where two heavenly bodies have
their longitudes and right ascension are the same.
A. Conjunction
B. quadrature
C. opposition
D. eclipse

The planet Mars will be at its brightest at :
A. conjunction
B. west quadrature
C. opposition
D. east quadrature

The superior planets are brightest and closest to the earth at :
E. inferior conjunction
F. west quadrature
G. opposition
H. east quadrature

In what planetary configuration should Venus be situated if it is an
evening star?
A. at superior conjunction
B. at opposition
C. between inferior conjunction and greatest elongation east
D. between inferior conjunction and greatest elongation west

between inferior
conjunction and
greatest elongation
Superior conjunction is possible for___________.
A. Mercury
B. Mars
C. Jupiter
D. Saturn

Conjunction is NOT possible for ___________.
A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Venus
D. Mars

Why planet Venus not visible at midnight in any latitude? Because:
A. it is a superior planet
B. its greatest elongation is only 46
C. it is a morning star
D. its radius vector is longer than that of the Earth

its greatest
elongation is only
1 19 98 8

Inferior conjunction is possible for ____________.
A. Venus
B. Mars
C. Jupiter
D. Saturn

Which of the planet in the solar system has almost the same size
as the earth?
A. Mars
B. Pluto
C. Neptune
D. Venus

Which two planets are inside the orbit of the earth?

NOTE: Inside the orbit of the earth = Inferior Planets
Outside the orbit of the earth = Superior Planets

Mercury and Venus
As observed from the Earth, the angle between lines from the
Earth to the Sun.
A. opposition
B. quadrature
C. elongation
D. conjunction

The angle between the lines connecting the Sun and the Earth
and between the inferior planet and the Earth is called the planet

The largest of the known planets is :
A. Venus
B. Jupiter
C. Pluto
D. Neptune

Retrograde motion is possible only for__________.
A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Earth
D. Mars

NOTE: RETRO means backward. The apparent motion of
celestial bodies is easterly. Therefore, retrograde motion, is
westerly. This is only possible for superior planets, meaning those
planets outside the orbit of the earth like Mars.

1 19 99 9

Retrograde motion is the __________.
A. movement of the celestial north pole in an elliptical pattern
in space
B. movement of the points of intersection of the planes of the
ecliptic and the equator
C. movement of a superior planet in its orbit about the sun
D. apparent westerly motion of a planet with respect to the

apparent westerly
motion of a planet
with respect to the
The planet Mars will not be visible ___________.

at or near
The longest elongation of Planet Venus (expressed in time units) is
about _______.

3 hours
When Venus disappears in the sky, it can be presumed to be at or
near ________.
E. greatest eastern elongation
F. west quadrature
G. inferior or superior conjunction
H. greatest western elongation

inferior or superior
The first cloud formations you can use to indicate the bearing of
the center of a hurricane or tropical storm are __________.
The point of
convergence of the
cirrus clouds

How do we define the pivot point? The point where
the sideways
motion of the ships
centerline is zero

Which statement is TRUE concerning the vessel's slipstream? The propeller gives
it a helical motion

During thick fog which statement is TRUE? The radar should be
kept on a short
range scale for
maximum detection

2 20 00 0

The color of the station buoy is:
A. irrelevant
B. white with green stripes
C. yellow with green stripes
D. the same as the aid which it represents

the same as the aid
which it represents
What is the major advantage of high altitude observations?

The same body can
be used for a fix
from observations
separated by
several minutes
Which statement about a simple conic chart projection is TRUE? The scale is correct
along any meridian

Under which of the following circumstances should you conduct a
sector search?
The search target is
sighted and then

What will the stopping distance of your ship be when proceeding
with 5 knots and reversing to full astern?
The sea-trial tests
may tell me, or else
I can do a test
myself to find out

The gyro compass has the least directional power at the _______.
A. the course recorder
B. the spider element
C. the sensitive element
D. the rotor housing

the sensitive
Which condition exists at the summer solstice in the Northern
A. The Southern Hemisphere is having winter
B. The Northern Hemisphere is having short days and long
C. The north polar regions are in continual darkness
D. The Sun shines equally on both hemisphere

The Southern
Hemisphere is
having winter
2 20 01 1

The term velocity of escape means____________.
A. the speed at which the molecules of the gas making up the
atmosphere should attain in order to overcome the force of
B. the speed of the planet along its orbit
C. the speed in space of the sun together with all the planets
revolving around in
D. the take-off speed of Rockets

the speed at which
the molecules of
the gas making up
the atmosphere
should attain in
order to overcome
the force of gravity
When connecting a tugboat, what speed do you think is best for
your vessel to maintain during this operation?
The speed should
be less than 5
knots, normally 3 -
5 knots

A red triangular day mark (IALA-B) is used to mark____________.
A. the starboard side (when entering from sea) of a waterway
B. the centerline of a navigable channel
C. prominent object of navigational interest that has no lateral
D. area of a channel where passing another vessel is permitted

the starboard side
(when entering
from sea) of a
Entering from sea, triangular shaped day marks (IALA-A and IALA-
B) are used to mark ___________.
A. an obstruction where the preferred channel is to starboard
B. special purpose areas
C. the starboard side of the channel
D. the centerline of the channel

the starboard side
of the channel
Entering from sea, triangular shaped day marks are used to
the starboard side
of the channel

What effect does shallow water have on a vessel's stopping
The stopping
distance is longer

If the Earths rotation were stopped, which of the following
conditions will happen?
A. No moonrise nor moonset will occur whole year round
B. All of these
C. The sun will rise from the West and sets to the East due to
D. No sunrise nor sunset will occur the whole year round

The sun will rise
from the West and
sets to the East due
to revolution
2 20 02 2

Your ARPA has automatic speed inputs from the log. Due to
currents, the log is indicating a faster speed than the speed over
the ground. What should you expect under these circumstances?
A. The generated TCPA will be later than the actual TCPA.
B. The targets true course vector will be in error.
C. The generated CPA will be later than the actual CPA.
D. The range of initial target acquisition will be less than

The targets true
course vector will
be in error
A 15 meter tug is underway and crossing a deep and narrow
channel. A large container vessel is off the port bow on a steady
bearing. Which statement is TRUE concerning this situation?
The tug is not to
impede the safe
passage of the
container vessel in
the channel

In which of the following voyages, between two points, is the
rhumbline distance NOT approximately the same as the great
circle distance?
The two points are
in high latitudes in
the same
Identify the color and the order of the lights a fishing vessel
The upper light
white and the
lower green

A sidereal day is shorter than a solar day. This difference is due
A. the space motion of the solar system
B. the use of the different reference points
C. irregularities in the daily rotational rate of the Sun
D. the precession of the equinoxes

the use of the
different reference
What error has the compass with the same true course and
compass course?
A. The variation is greater than the deviation
B. The variation is lesser than the deviation
C. The variation and deviation are equal but different names
D. The variation and deviation are equal and the same name

The variation and
deviation are equal
but different names
What is the major advantage of a rhumbline track?

The vessel can
steam on a
constant heading
(disregarding wind,
current, etc.)
2 20 03 3

Apparent time is based on______________.

the visible sun
moving along the
When double banking whilst underway, it is preferable for one
vessel to maintain steerage way in a constant direction while the
other maneuvers alongside it. During this period is recommended
that ______________.

The wind and sea
should be ahead or
nearly ahead
Risk of collision is considered to exist if: there is any doubt
that a risk of
collision exist

You are approaching another vessel and are not sure whether
danger of collisions exists. You must assume:
there is risk of

An indirect radar echo is caused by a reflection of the main lobe of
the radar beam off the observer vessel. Which of the following is
NOT a characteristic of indirect echoes?
A. The indirect echoes usually appear in shadow sectors.
B. When plotted, their movements are usually abnormal.
C. They always appear on a bearing of 90 from the true
bearing of the contact.
D. Their bearing is almost constant, even when the true
bearing of the contact changes appreciably.

They always appear
on a bearing of 90
from the true
bearing of the
Fishing vessel less than 20 meter engaged in fishing should exhibit
a day signal of:
They may
substitute a basket
for the block shape

In order to prevent side lights from being seen across the other
bow __________.
They must be fitted
with inboard
screens which
painted with matt

Which statement is true concerning a vessel equipped with
operational radar?
this equipment
must be used to
obtained early
warning of risk of

2 20 04 4

The area of lowest pressure along a line with minimum cyclonic
curvature in the isobars on surface charts is called :

A cold front moving in from the northwest can produce________.
A. thunderstorms, hail, and then rapid clearing
B. increasing cloud cover lasting for several days
C. lengthy wet weather
D. low ceilings with thick cirrus clouds

hail, and then rapid
An azimuth determined by solution of the navigational triangle
with meridian angle, declination and altitude, it is called :

time and altitude
An azimuth determined by solution of the navigational triangle
with meridian angle, declination and latitude, it is called :
A. computed azimuth
B. compass azimuth
C. time azimuth
D. true azimuth

time azimuth
The equation of time measures the___________.
A. difference between sidereal time and local time at the
Greenwich meridian
B. difference between local apparent time and Greenwich
apparent time
C. time between the passage of the mean sun and the
apparent sun over a meridian
D. longitude in time units

time between the
passage of the
mean sun and the
apparent sun over a
When the equation of time is taken from the Nautical Almanac for
use in celestial navigation, it is used to determine ___________.
A. sunrise
B. time of local apparent noon
C. local mean time
D. zone time

time of local
apparent noon
When the equation of time is taken from the Nautical Almanac, it
is used to determine:
A. Time of Local Apparent Noon
B. Local time of Sunrise and sunset
C. Local zone time of moonrise
D. Time of the stars meridian passage

Time of Local
Apparent Noon
2 20 05 5

Why is it important to determine how your ship is drifting in
various conditions?
To determine if
there is any danger
of grounding/
colliding with
objects during

Mean high water is used_____________.
A. as the sounding datum for rivers, lakes, etc. regulated by
B. as the reference plane for bottom contour lines
C. as the reference for soundings on the Gulf coast of the U.S.
D. to indicate the shoreline where there is a large tidal

to indicate the
shoreline where
there is a large tidal
Why is it necessary to veer a sufficient amount of chain when
anchoring a vessel?
To insure that the
anchor flukes bite
into the ocean

You are maneuvering a right-handed propeller vessel, rudder is
amidships. The vessel will back _________.

To port
You are steaming west in the North Atlantic in an extra-tropical
cyclonic storm, and the wind, and the wind is dead ahead.
According to Buy Ballots Law, the center of the law pressure lies:
A. astern of you
B. to the south of you
C. ahead of you
D. to the north of you

to the north of you
Original date of issue of a new chart is shown at the ______.
A. lower right of the chart
B. lower left of the chart
C. middle of a chart
D. top center margin

top center margin
This is the belt of light and variable winds and fine clear weather
marking the central regions of the sub-tropical high pressure belt.

trade wind belt
2 20 06 6

Winds that blow from the belts of high pressure towards the
equatorial belts of low pressure are the ______.
A. polar winds
B. horse latitudes
C. trade winds
D. prevailing westerlies

trade winds
A device which converts electrical energy into sound energy and
vice versa is called:

In modern fathometers, the sonic or ultrasonic sound waves are
produced electrically by means of a(n) _________.
A. amplifier
B. transceiver
C. transmitter
D. transducer

In modern fathometers, the sonic sound waves are produced
electrically by means of a/an____.
A. transceiver
B. amplifier
C. transducer
D. transmitter

What day mark shape is used in the lateral system?
A. Pentagon
B. Diamond
C. Triangle
D. Semicircle

You are drifting with a loaded VLCC in open sea. You have
observed the direction and rate of drift. Can you do anything to
change the direction and rate of drift?

Trim the ship by the
When the Moon declination is maximum north, which of the
following will occur?
A. Equatorial tides
B. Mixed-type tides
C. Higher high tides & lower low tides
D. Tropic tides

Tropic tides
Which of the following weather disturbances is classified by from
and intensity and which does not have closed isobars?

2 20 07 7

Low pressure disturbances, which travel along the inter-tropical
convergence zone, are called__________.
A. tidal waves
B. tropical storms
C. tropical waves
D. permanent waves

tropical waves
Your radar displays your ship off center. As you proceed on your
course, your ship marker moves on the PPI scope while echoes
from land masses remain stationary. What is this display called?

True motion
The velocity of the apparent wind can be less than the true wind
and from the same direction, if certain conditions are present. One
condition is that the ___________.
A. ship speed is less than the true wind velocity
B. true wind from dead astern
C. true wind is from dead ahead
D. true wind is on the beam

true wind from
dead astern
The velocity of the apparent wind can be more than the true wind,
and come from the same direction, if certain conditions are
present. One condition is that the ______.

true wind must be
from dead ahead
In order to insure that a RACON signal is displayed on the radar,
you should:

turn off the
controls on the
Between the parallels of about 23 26 N and about 23 26 S the
sun is directly overheard at some time during the year. If you are
situated between these two parallels how many times in a year
will the sun pass your zenith?
A. twice
B. once
C. never
D. four times

A vessel engaged in fishing shall exhibit ________. Two all round lights
in vertical line

A vessel engaged in trawling using a pelagic gear when hauling
nets shall exhibit:
Two all-round red
lights in a vertical

2 20 08 8

What is the day shape to be displayed by a power driven vessel
not under command?

Two balls or similar
A 25 meter vessel trawling shows the day shape(s) consisting of: Two cones, apexes

When operated over a muddy bottom, a fathometer may indicate:
A. two depth reading
B. a shallow depth reading
C. a zero depth reading
D. no depth reading

two depth reading
In a narrow channel, a vessel trying to overtake another on the
other vessel's port side, would sound a whistle signal of:
Two prolonged
blast followed by
two short blasts

A vessel shooting her nets displays___________. Two white lights in
a vertical line

What would a vessel engaged in fishing with purse seine gear

Two yellow lights in
vertical line
Which factor has the greatest effect on the amount of gain
required to obtain a fathometer reading?
A. Salinity of water
B. Type of bottom
C. Temperature of water
D. Atmospheric Pressure

Type of bottom
What are leaning types of letters in nautical charts used for?

underwater and
floating features
What indicates the arrival of a typhoon within 24 to 36 hours? Unusually good
weather with above
average pressures
followed by slow

As a ship moves through the water, cause a wake which is also
moving forward relative to the sea. In addition to a fore and aft
motion, this wake also has a(n) __________.

Upward and inward
2 20 09 9

If a navigational computer is not available for constructing a track
in voyage planning, the easiest method is the:

use of gnomonic
chart to plot a great
circle route
You want to stop your ship as quickly as possible without too much
change in the heading. What can you do to achieve this?
use the rudder hard
over while reducing
engine power, so-
called "high
frequency rudder

The angle between the magnetic and geographic meridians at any
place east or west to indicate the direction of magnetic north from
the true north is called ______.
A. deviation
B. variation
C. magnetic dip
D. magnetic error

One of the factors which affect the circulation of ocean current is:

varying densities of
What is the point on the track of a tropical cyclone where the
curvature is greatest?
A. eye
B. vortex
C. trough
D. vertex

The Moon is subject to four librations. Which of the following is
NOT one of these types of libration?

Vertical libration
At the magnetic equator, what is the direction of magnetic line of

Vertically upward
All ships must possess the power to maneuver, but exactly to what
extent depends on the type of:

While underway in fog you hear a rapid ringing of a bell ahead.
This bell indicates a:

vessel at anchor
2 21 10 0

If your vessel is underway in fog and you hear one prolonged and
three short blasts, this is a :

vessel being towed
( manned )
According to the rules, which is an example of a vessel restricted in
her ability to maneuver?

Vessel engaged in
diving operations
If you see flames aboard a vessel but the vessel is not on fire , you
would know that the __________.

vessel required
COLREG Rule No. 10 applies to:

Vessel sailing in
separation schemes
The general rule for a vessel using traffic separation area is: Vessel should
proceed in the
appropriate lane in
the general
direction of the
traffic flow for that
lane, so far as
practicable, keep
clear of the traffic
separation line

A vessel is seen showing two white lights over red in vertical
position. This means:
Vessel towing

You hear a prolonged blast from another vessel in fog. This signal
indicates a:
Vessel underway,
making way

For which type of vessel is squatting most pronounced? Vessel with a high
block coefficient

The extreme horizontal distance at which prominent objects can
be seen and identified by the unaided eye.
A. extreme distance
B. recorded distance
C. visibility
D. range of eyesight

2 21 11 1

It is the small circle on the earth surface where the sea and sky
appears to meet.

visible horizon
The maximum distance at which an object can be seen, limited by
the atmospheric transmission is called :

visual range
As a ship moves through the water, it drags with it a body of water
called the wake. The ratio of the wake speed to the ships speed is
called :

Wake fraction
Fog is most commonly associated with a (an):

Warm front at night
Your ARPA has two guard zones. What is the purpose of the inner
guard zone?
A. Warn of small targets that are initially detected closer than
the outer guard zone.
B. Alert the watch officer that a vessel is approaching the
preset CPA limit
C. Guard against target loss during critical maneuvering
D. Sound an alarm for targets first detected within the zone.

Warn of small
targets that are
initially detected
closer than the
outer guard zone
On mid-ocean waters, the height of a wind-generated wave is not
affected by the:

water depth
exceeding 100 feet
Fog is most commonly associated with a an:

water front at night
The shoreline on charts of confined coastal waters, where there is
little tidal influence, may be the line of mean________________.
A. lower-low water
B. low-water springs
C. water level
D. low water

water level
This is the vertical distance between the trough and the crest.
A. wave height
B. altitude
C. wave range
D. wave length

wave height
2 21 12 2

A Loran receivers major advantage is its ability to store ____.
A. distance to go
B. course and speed
C. bearings
D. waypoints

The state of the atmosphere with respect to temperature,
humidity, precipitation, visibility, cloudiness, and other factors is
called ______.

Which gyro pilot adjustment is set to zero except when it is
desirable to allow the ship to respond to the temporary action of
heavy seas?
A. latitude correction
B. rudder adjustment
C. speed correction
D. weather adjustment

______ is a transmission sent to the ship advising the master of
expected adverse conditions, duration and geographic extent.
A. weather advisory
B. weather bulletin
C. weather transmission
D. synoptic analysis

weather advisory
Charts through Notice To Mariners are updated.
A. monthly
B. Weekly
C. quarterly
D. bi-monthly

Light Lists through Notice To Mariners are updated.
A. bi-monthly
B. quarterly
C. weekly
D. monthly

Notice To Mariners is published:
A. quarterly
B. bi-monthly
C. monthly
D. weekly

2 21 13 3

The Local Notice to Mariners is usually published _____.
A. daily
B. weekly
C. semiannually
D. monthly

What is the key to rescuing a man overboard? Well conducted

Because of the earth rotation, the moving air is deflected toward
the ______.
A. polar regions
B. poles
C. west
D. east

Prevailing winds between 30N and 60 N latitude are from the :

In evening observations, the last stars to be observed are those
with an azimuth in what quadrant?

Tropical revolving storms occur in all months of the year only in
the __________.
Western North
Pacific Ocean and
China Sea

The vertex of a tropical cyclones path called the point of
recurvature is the:

Westernmost point
Sound signals for course alteration are sounded _________. When a power
driven vessel
underway is
maneuvering and in
sight of another

2 21 14 4

A revised print of a chart is made_______________.
A. after every major hydrographic survey of area covered by
the chart
B. every two years to update the magnetic variation
C. when low-stock situation occurs and minor corrections are
D. when there are numerous corrections to be made or the
corrections are extensive

when low-stock
situation occurs and
minor corrections
are made
In which case would an overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of
two prolonged followed by one short blast?
when overtaking in
a narrow channel

All sailing vessels have the right of way over power-driven vessels
When they are
overtaking power-
driven vessels

What is most pronounced about a ship with good course stability? When you put
rudder amidships,
she will continue a
straight course

When a buoy marks a channel bifurcation, the preferred channel
in NOT indicated by:
A. whether the number is odd or even
B. the shape of an unlighted buoy
C. the color of a lighted buoy
D. the color of the top most band

whether the
number is odd or
It is difficult to determine which limb of the Moon is fully
when the
terminator is nearly

Stern light means ________ light placed nearly as practicable at
the stern.

An eye-witness is reporting man-overboard. Which action is to be
considered as the correct maneuver in this situation?
Williamson Turn

The two most effective generating forces of surface ocean
currents are ___________?
Wind and density
differences in the

2 21 15 5

The wind velocity is higher in the dangerous semicircle of a
tropical cyclone because of the _________.

wind circulation
and forward motion
of the storm
Appendices of the Planning Guide contains the following
information EXCEPT :

wind force and
current sets
The apparent wind speed can be zero only when two conditions
are present. One condition is that the true ___________.
A. wind must be on the beam
B. wind must be from dead ahead
C. wind speed equals the ship speed
D. wind must be on the beam

wind speed equals
the ship speed
Cross Atlantic towing. Which of these systems would you use? Wire connected to
chain through
center lead or
anchor chain

When can you expect a tropical cyclone in your position if a diurnal
inequality of 6 millibars is noted in the barometric reading?
Within 24 to 48

What publication contains information about the port facilities in
Cadiz, Spain?

World Port Index
Does the COLREGS give any preference to ships equipped with
A. Only during reduced visibility
B. Yes
C. No
D. Only in good visibility

Is it an IMO requirement for an ARPA to provide warning on
connected external equipment?
A. Yes
B. Only for gyro
C. Only for log
D. No

2 21 16 6

Is it in IMO requirement for an ARPA to be sea and ground
A. Yes
B. Only sea stabilized
C. Only ground stabilized
D. No

Regarding IMO performance standards for ARPA, is it requirement
for simulation of own ship maneuver?
A. No
B. Only if a target is causing collision warning
C. Only updating of targets closer than 6 NM
D. Yes

With regards to ARPA, can a target reduction of speed activate the
fast filter?
A. Only if the speed reduction is moderate
B. No
C. Yes
D. Not relevant

In a separation zone, can a fishing vessel be allowed to fish? Yes, but keep clear
of any passing

Are vessels using the TSS allowed to cross? Yes, if obliged to do
so, shall cross as
nearly as
practicable at right
angles to

Is there any reduction in the rudder lift force if the propeller is
Yes, the lift force
will be dramatically

Do you think a ship's trim has any influence on steering abilities? Yes, the ship usually
steer better if
trimmed by the

2 21 17 7

You are in a 360 degrees turn with engine full ahead. If you reduce
speed during the turn, do you think there will be a change in
turning diameter?
Yes, the turning
diameter will
increase if I reduce

What is TRUE when operating in fog and other vessels are
detected by radar?
you should
maneuver in ample
time if a close
quarters situation is

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