GR 3 November News

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Katzie Elementary

From Division 8
It has been a very exciting and busy October at Katzie School. The students enjoyed learning
about the fall harvest (ales! cranberries and u"#ins$. They %ere busy %ith Than#sgiving
and &allo%een activities! not to "ention regular classroo" %or#' (ove"ber ro"ises to be just
as busy.
**A very special thank you to all our parents who helped us out in so many ways, during the
past month-- Turkey Dinner preparations, our trip to the pumpkin patch. We could not
provide these important activities for the students without your help. **
))* note on boo#+#eeing)) ,henever you are sending "oney to school! please ensure that it is
in searate! sealed enveloe or a -iloc baggie! clearly "ar#ed %ith the teachers na"e! childs
na"e! reason "oney is being sent (ie. &ot .unch! field tri$ and the a"ount enclosed. *lso!
lease send the exact change or a che/ue. ,e areciate your cooeration in this "atter. 0ost
often! the "oney that co"es to school is sent to the office or other classroo"s to be counted.
0ore detail %ill hel ensure that all enveloes and "oney end u %here they need to go.
,ith colds already oing u in our classroo"s! %e have as#ed that each student bring one box
of tissues (ie. Kleenex$. ,e %ill store the" in our roo" and ut the" out for the children as the
need arises. (Than# you to those %ho have already sent tissues to school$
1lease ensure your child is al%ays dressed for the %eather! as all students are sent outside for
recess unless the %eather is extre"e. 2aincoats %ith hoods and rubber boots are aroriate for
our %est coast %eather! but also re"e"ber hats and "ittens as the %eather gets colder. Outside
lay is i"ortant and %e %ant the children to be co"fortable (%ar" and dry$. Also, please send
a full change of clothes in in a plastic bag in case of falls and accidents.
0any of the students still do not have inside3gy" shoes at school. This is esecially i"ortant
%hile %e are in ortables! as %e need clean 4 dry shoes for gy". 1lease send gy" shoes in a
dra%+string bag (to hang on hoo#s$ as soon as ossible. These %ill also be %orn in the classroo"
during 5boot season6.
A note on reading and writing
It is a thrill to teachers when our students show an interest in learning and are eager to
learn more and more. ur ultimate goal is to inspire life-long learning and learning
for learning!s sake. "uch learning is a partnership #etween teachers, parents and
children, and often does not occur to ma$imum potential unless this partnership e$ists.
This is why we encourage parents to work with their children on many academic levels
at home and we love to hear a#out these activities. In %rade Three, reading continues
to #e the most important thing you can do with your child, and the most important
&homework'. This includes reading to your child and listening to them read( it is a
common misconception that this #ecomes less important when our children &can
read'. )owever, children at all ages and reading levels #enefit from listening to stories
and need to discuss the content of stories with an adult. They also need someone to
define the continuous new voca#ulary and concepts that they are e$posed to.
** *eeping in mind that reading at an instructional level occurs at school on a daily
#asis, we do not intend to send #ooks home that are a great challenge for your child to
read. +ather, we wish to promote an en,oya#le and rewarding time #etween you and
your child.**
When writing at the %rade Three level our primary goal is to encourage our students to
e$periment with language #y e$pressing their many imaginative and creative ideas.
They are also #eing encouraged to add interesting ad,ectives and descriptive phrases.
They are asked to think of the reader and help them create a &picture in their mind'
#ased on the words they choose as the writer. Although we focus on spelling and
e$pect certain words to #e spelled correctly, educators find that when perfect spelling is
e$pected of every word at this emergent writing level, the children can #ecome
overwhelmed and frustrated, and tend to only use the words that they know how to
spell. This can drastically cur# their creativity and detail in writing. While we
&pu#lish' some pieces of writing, we generally focus on the process of writing and not
always on the end result. Therefore, you may notice your child #ringing home written
work that has some spelling errors. -lease share it with them and cele#rate their good
ideas, interesting voca#ulary and developing sentence structure.
Were Learning About
1eace3 2e"e"brance 7ay
(u"ber3 *ddition Strategies
1lace 9alue to : ;;;
Mrs. Kerr

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