Sma Prek Basics 2013

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SMA PreK Basics

Arrival & Departures For the safety of the children, parents are expected to bring children to school on ti e and chec! the "ith the teacher# $he children enter thro%gh the &ortheast doors 'by (ectory par!ing lot)# (oo 13 and 1* "ill also dis iss at this door b%t (oo 3 and (oo * "ill dis iss thro%gh their classroo doors on the east side of the b%ilding# $eachers "ill only release yo%r child to another ad%lt "ith a g%ardian "ritten and signed letter# Session ti es+ ,A-F .A/ 8+10111+32 F3-- .A/ 8+1013+22 4444F%ll .ay St%dents "ho are enrolled in o%r Aftercare Progra M3S$ be pic!ed %p by *+22p #4444 Attendance (eg%lar attendance and p%nct%ality is i portant# $ry to de5elop a reg%lar school ro%tine "hile yo%r child is yo%ng# 6f it is necessary for yo%r child to be absent, please notify the office before 7+22a at 883193118882# /o%r child sho%ld bring a parent signed and "ritten letter "hen they ret%rn to school# Communication 6n order to !eep parents infor ed abo%t classroo and school acti5ities, a School :o %nication Folder "ill be sent ho e "ith yo%r child# /o%r child "ill recei5e a folder fro the office ;<;(/ =;.&;S.A/ "hich contains t%ition state ents, notes fro the principal, holiday party infor ation, snac! calendars, boo! orders, etc# =e "ill also send ho e a classroo ne"sletter "ith the children abo%t e5ery other "ee! to !eep yo% infor ed and %pdated on class e5ents# Family Involvement $here are plenty of social opport%nities for yo% and yo%r preschooler to be in5ol5ed in o%r school co %nity# Ma!e s%re yo% p%t so e ti e aside to >oin %s in parish e5ents s%ch as+ Fa ily Mo5ie &ights, Brea!fast "ith Santa, S%nday Fa ily Mass '12+32a =ee!ly), and ore? Also there "ill be a fe" prod%ct f%ndraising e5ents that yo% ay "ant to participate in+ :andy Sales, Monthly Mar!et .ay, etc# All of these acti5ities and f%ndraising opport%nities really helps s%pport o%r school and "e "o%ld -@<; to see ne" happy preschool fa ily faces there??? Clothing :hildren sho%ld dress in co fortable d%rable clothes so that they can play freely and not "orry abo%t getting A essyB# Please label a co plete change of clothing in a large Ciploc bag A>%st in case?B (e e berDsoc!s, %nder"ear, pants, and a shirt#

Healthy Morning Snack & Special Day A calendar "ill be created each onth so that each day is so eoneEs ASpecial .ayB# @n this day, yo%r child ay bring a fe" ite s for sho" and tell# /o%r child sho%ld bring a s all n%tritio%s Asharing snac!B for his/her class ates to be eaten in the orning# Si ple, healthy, s art snac!s are best '"e do ha5e a refrigerator in the classroo #) (e e berD# Snac! is not eant to be a f%ll eal# A s all portion of one type of food is all that is needed# So e great snac! exa ples for preschool are+ pretFels, crac!ers, $eddy Graha s, cheese, yog%rt, grapes, etc# ABS@-3$;-/ &@ S=;;$ $(;A$S li!e fr%it snac!s, coo!ies, ca!es, candy, or chips "ill be allo"ed at this orning ,ealthy Snac! $i e# &o ho e ade ite s are allo"ed d%e to 5ario%s food allergies# Afternoon Snack F%ll .ay st%dents sho%ld bring a s all snac! for hi self/herself for the afternoon# =e enco%rage re%sable "ater bottles and snac! containers# /o% ay "ant to p%rchase a l%nch box for yo%r child to carry to and fro school# Birthdays Many children choose to bring a special treat to share "ith the class on their birthday# $he teachers "ill sched%le yo%r childEs special day on or near their birthday# =eEll a!e special arrange ents "ith the s% erti e birthday !ids# P-;AS; (;M;MB;( S$3.;&$S =6$, P;A&3$, $(;;&3$ A&./or .A6(/ A--;(G6;S? Again, "e %nderstand that is a <;(/ special day for yo%r little one b%t a s all si ple y% y treat is all that is needed# Holiday arties @n o%r St%dent @rientation .ay, "e "ill as! yo% to sign %p to help plan one of o%r holiday parties for yo%r childEs class# /o% are as!ed to "or! "ith a co ittee of H or 3 other parents to organiFe 1 f%n ga e or art acti5ity and pro5ide snac! for the children# Most parties are fro 12+32111+32# Discipline @%r I1 PreK (%le is A&e5er h%rt anyone on the inside or the o%tsideB# At this age, the children are in a stage of egocentricity# As a res%lt, the children "or! thro%gh sit%ations by learning "ays to cope "ith disagree ents# $he teachers %s%ally try to gi5e the the "ords to %se and disc%ss alternati5e "ays to handle conflicts in the classroo # 6t is also i portant for the children to learn to sho" respect for others feelings and belongings as "ell as their o"n self respect# Student!"ed Conferences & #eport Cards St%dent1-ed :onferences are ne", inno5ati5e "ay for parents, teachers, and st%dents to assess a childEs de5elop ent# @%r PreK Progra "elco es this hands1on approach learning and "e "ill pro5ide ti e in &o5e ber to eet "ith each preschool fa ily# At this conference, yo%r child "ill teach yo% all abo%t the "onderf%l things they can do, as "ell as, pro5ide ti e for %s to disc%ss de5elop ental ilestones in the life of yo%r child and to express goals and expectations for the school year# @%r early childhood progra %ses a state and archdiocese standard1based grading syste # (eport cards are iss%ed in &o5e ber, Jan%ary and May# 'A copy of the report card is a5ailable online)

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