True RP Project Charter 113458
True RP Project Charter 113458
True RP Project Charter 113458
Project Charter
DRAFT Version No: 1.5.5
Prepared by: Brian Mackay, AVP IT Services and CIO
Version as of: July 21, 2008
P Pr ro oj je ec ct t C Ch ha ar rt te er r
Table of Contents
DRAFT Version 1.5.5 i
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 PROJECT GOAL AND OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Project Goal ......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Project Objectives ................................................................................................................................ 2
1.2.3 Business Drivers .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 PROJECT SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 APPROACH ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.6 CONSTRAINTS AND LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 4
2 PROJECT STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................... 6
2.1 PROJECT ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Project Structure .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.2 Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................ 10
2.2.1 Project Control ................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Project Planning ................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.3 Status Reporting................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2.4 Issue Management ............................................................................................................................. 11 Raising and Submitting an Issue ......................................................................................................... 11 Logging and Assigning Issues ............................................................................................................. 11 Managing Issue Resolution ................................................................................................................. 12 Reporting Status ................................................................................................................................. 12
2.2.5 Change Management ......................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.6 Risk Management .............................................................................................................................. 13 Risk Identification ............................................................................................................................... 13 Risk Action Planning .......................................................................................................................... 14 Risk Monitoring and Control .............................................................................................................. 14
2.2.7 Quality Management ......................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 PROJECT COMMUNICATION MANAGMENT ..................................................................................................... 15
2.3.1 Sponsorship Communications ........................................................................................................... 16
3 STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW) ............................................................................................... 21
3.1 PROJECT START-UP ....................................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.1 Project Initiation ................................................................................................................................ 21
3.1.2 Project Planning ................................................................................................................................. 21
3.1.3 Project Management .......................................................................................................................... 21
3.1.4 Project Transition ............................................................................................................................... 21
3.2 SITE PREPARATION ........................................................................................................................................ 21
3.2.1 Technical Infrastructure ..................................................................................................................... 22 Technical Environment ....................................................................................................................... 22 Application Environment .................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Business Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 22
3.2.3 Data Conversion and Interface........................................................................................................... 22
3.2.4 Documentation ................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3 PROJECT EXECUTION ..................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.1 Issue Resolution ................................................................................................................................. 23
3.3.2 Application Set-Up ............................................................................................................................ 23
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DRAFT Version 1.5.5 ii Prototype Set-Up ................................................................................................................................ 23 Functional Testing .............................................................................................................................. 23 Prototype Confirmation ...................................................................................................................... 23 Production Set-up ............................................................................................................................... 23
3.3.3 System Interfaces ............................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.4 User Training ..................................................................................................................................... 24 ERP System Technical Training ......................................................................................................... 24 Data Capture Training ....................................................................................................................... 24 Basic Training .................................................................................................................................... 24 Advanced Training.............................................................................................................................. 24
3.3.5 Data Conversions ............................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.6 User Acceptance Testing ................................................................................................................... 24 Go Live ............................................................................................................................................... 25
3.3.7 Project Wrap Up ................................................................................................................................ 25 Acceptance/SignOff............................................................................................................................. 25 Post Production Review ...................................................................................................................... 25
4 PROJECT SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................ 26
4.1 HIGH-LEVEL PROJECT PLAN .......................................................................................................................... 26
P Pr ro oj je ec ct t C Ch ha ar rt te er r
DRAFT Version 1.5.5 1
With Thompson Rivers Universitys (TRU) transition to university status in April 2005, TRU has been
provided with a number of new opportunities to grow and develop. While much of the programming
and services remain the same under the new entity, TRU has taken on new roles in graduate studies
and in research and teaching. And, with the assumption of responsibility for BCs Open University as
part of TRU-Open Learning (TRU-OL), TRU now has a provincial mandate for the provision of open
learning. This change in the life of our institution compels us to revisit our institutions Mission
Statement and Values and gives us an opportunity to set new institutional strategic goals and
objectives. Once complete, the revised strategic planning document will provide key waypoints to
guide the development of our university.
As the most comprehensive, primarily undergraduate university in Canada, TRU seeks to build on the
strengths it has established for the quality and impact of its highly flexible, integrated, experiential and
practical university learning experience. Specifically, TRU will seek to clearly establish itself as the
University of Choice in the context of six distinct strategic goals. These include:
The university of choice for student engagement;
The university of choice for the integration of research and scholarship with teaching and
The university of choice for aboriginal students and first nations;
The university of choice for open learning;
The university of choice for international opportunities; and
The university of choice for career success.
TRU has selected SunGard HE as the vendor of choice for its Enterprise Resources Planning System
(ERP). The justifications for this include:
TRU TRU-OL has significant depth of knowledge with Banner and has been running versions
of this application for 10 years. Moreover, there is a good base of knowledge of this product in
the BC Post Secondary Education system to support further development and ease integration
with the BC Campus Portal.
TRU is licensed to use significant portions of Banner. While additional investments will be
required to enable TRUs expansion and growth, it would be poor fiscal stewardship to
purchase and install another vendor solution given this fact.
SunGard HE is a market leader and the one of the highest ranked Higher Education ERP
software providers, according to the Gartner Group.
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The SunGard HE Banner solution will also integrate with TRUs ancillary applications such as the
Library, Retail and Warehousing/Distribution.
1 1. .2 2. .1 1 P PR RO OJ JE EC CT T G GO OA AL L
The project goal is the implementation of an integrated ERP application suite at TRU to support its
strategic goals.
1 1. .2 2. .2 2 P PR RO OJ JE EC CT T O OB BJ JE EC CT TI IV VE ES S
Within the overall goal as stated above the following objectives have been identified:
1. Enhance quality of TRUs online student, faculty and staff experience through secure self-service
2. Develop its national reputation for academic excellence and a quality student experience;
3. Implement business intelligence tools to support better decision making;
4. Continuously improve TRUs business processes; and
5. Lower IT costs and other operating expenses.
1 1. .2 2. .3 3 B BU US SI IN NE ES SS S D DR RI IV VE ER RS S
Business drivers representing user expectations of the ERP system are summarized as follows:
1. Strengthen the position of TRU in the competitive higher education marketplace by providing
our principal clients (students) with systems technology they expect from a University.
2. Offer easy-to-use reporting and interactive query tools to facilitate the management of
information, including decision-support, managerial, costing and commitment information.
3. Optimize the fully integrated ERP system to:
Provide one system-of-record for TRU student records.
Facilitate the sharing of information between the closely intertwined operational areas
(e.g., Human Resources and Payroll, Student System & Finance).
Provide integration capabilities between the core ERP system and edge system solutions.
Improve the efficiency of business processes by providing uniform systems solutions for
both F2F and OL operations. This uniformity will provide the bridge between both F2F
and OL program and course offerings.
Support the capturing of data at point-of-entry to minimize data duplication and
4. Improve operational efficiency through
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Self-Service options for all stakeholders;
More integrated workflow (i.e., End-to-End);
More automated processes, reducing error-prone manual processes with less hand-offs,
wait-states and handling;
Less paperwork or paper flows; and
Use of best practices.
5. Provide the capability to enforce varying acceptable levels of security over data, functions and
processes within the system.
6. Provide flexibility allowing TRU to easily modify or develop functionalities to correspond
with changing conditions, for example, changes in the Collective Agreements.
7. Provide customer relationship management capabilities by implementing a state-of-the-art
CRM solution to enhance student engagement.
8. Facilitate TRUs integration with the BCCampus portal and suite of services.
9. Enable a Services-Oriented Architecture approach that facilitates the extension of TRUs
enterprise architecture, resulting in a more agile TRU organization and better services for all
The following table represents the recommended project scope:
1. Identity Management Foundation (Identity Integrating Database)
2. Luminis Portal
3. Tutor Pay
4. Human Resources
5. Finance
6. Student System (including unique OL functionality)
7. Customer Relationship Management
8. Advancement
9. ODS and Data Warehousing
Detailed components of the Project Scope are contained within the Project Requirements document.
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Phase I
The Project Steering Committee will collectively articulate the strategic direction for the resource
integration initiative and manage project activities through the Project Management Office (PMO),
which is comprised of stakeholder representatives. The Project Management Office (PMO), in turn,
provides guidance for work to be undertaken by various working groups.
The overall project approach is summarised as follows:
1. Project Steering Committee will provide overall project direction and resolve strategic issues.
2. The Project Management Office (PMO) will meet regularly to monitor project progress,
review project deliverables, approve work products, resolve project delays and remove project
3. The Project Management Office (PMO) will assign project tasks to the responsible work
group(s), with established target dates and deliverables. Each Working Committee will be
comprised of respective functional and site representatives.
4. Where applicable, facilitated workshops will be conducted to formulate an operable
framework for project activities to be undertaken or to identify and resolve project issues.
The major deliverables for the ERP System Implementation Project includes:
1. System Implementation. Successfully implement the application modules as prescribed in
the project scope.
2. Business Process Improvement. Develop business processes to optimize the system
functionality without compromising efficiency and control.
3. Knowledge Transfer. Facilitate knowledge transfer to the designated super users so they can
be better equipped to (i) provide application support; (ii) conduct acceptance testing of
upgrades or new releases; and (iii) serve to provide on-going training of new users or refresher
training of existing novice users. Additionally, the knowledge transfer process will encourage
the Institution to become more self-reliant.
The following risk factors may impose significant constraints and limitations on the direction and
activities to be undertaken and may impact the ultimate timing and final delivery of the project:
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Executive and user expectations if not properly managed would create significant barriers to
the successful implementation of the project.
The scope and size of the project represents significant risk exposures.
The tight time schedule may present significant challenges to provide an end-to-end solution
in the initial implementation phases.
The demand on key personnel within each functional area may pose significant risk given that
the project schedule may conflict with peak workload periods.
Training of the broader group in the user community requires significant time and resource
Funding (or the lack of) may cause significant delays in the project schedule.
Demands on skilled resources in the marketplace may pose significant challenges for TRU to
provide backfills for their key resources.
Intangibles, currently unknown and unidentifiable, may pose significant risks to the project.
Risk is defined as any factor that may potentially interfere with successful completion of the project.
Risks are inherent in any project. Therefore, it is important for TRU to develop risk mitigation
strategies that would serve to minimize the organizations exposures to any of the risk factors.
A current list of the full set of identified risks and their mitigation/deflection plans are contained in the
Risk Management Log.
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2 2. .1 1. .1 1 P PR RO OJ JE EC CT T S ST TR RU UC CT TU UR RE E
The following is the project organization designed to support the implementation of the ERP System.
Team Lead
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The following section describes the roles and responsibilities of each key individual or group within
the project organization.
Project Sponsor. The Project Sponsor is the champion of the project, who will serve to:
Provide strategic direction for the project.
Obtain funding approval for the project.
Ensure on-going commitment throughout the project.
Work with the Implementation Steering Committee to facilitate timely decisions.
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Implementation Steering Committee. The Implementation Steering Committee will serve to:
Establish the overall direction of the project.
Review and Approve the Project Charter.
Ensure the availability of appropriate resources.
Provide decision support.
Provide management support to the project team.
Liaise with the Presidents Council and the project team.
Budget Review Committee. The Budget Review Committee will serve to:
Review the project budget.
Review project expenses.
Review Cost to Complete Reports.
Meet on a monthly basis.
Advise the Implementation Steering Committee of issues.
Project Director. The Project Director, in conjunction with the Project Management Office (PMO)
will serve to:
Provide project management for the duration of the project ensuring the overall direction
and management of all aspects of the implementation align with the strategy established
by the Project Sponsor and the Steering Committee.
Provide project co-ordination and administrative support.
Coordinate activities to ensure timely dissemination of project information in accordance
to the Project Communication Plan as defined in the Project Charter.
Develop and implement and maintain/update the master Project Plan.
Provide co-ordination of all internal resources.
Provide project liaison with external consultants.
Monitor project tasks to ensure the timely delivery of work products.
Develop, maintain and update all project related documentation, such as:
Project Issue Log designed to track issues identified throughout the project life cycle.
Training materials developed in conjunction with the Project Consultant and other
Functional, user and technical documentation.
Consultant Team Leads. The Consultant Team Leads will work in conjunction with the Project
Director to ensure the successful implementation of the ERP System suite of applications. The Project
Consultants will serve to:
Participate in the project management process.
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Conduct activities engaged in the specifying of detailed requirements, the review and
analysis of business processes and the identifying/resolving of system and/or process
Provide advice on system set-up
Provide guidance in creation of a project plan
Conduct activities engaged in the (i) the set-up of a prototype for each application module
as per implementation schedule; (ii) the functional testing of each prototype: (iii) the
review, refinement and confirmation of the prototype; and, (iv) the tailoring of application
modules in the Production environment.
Provide functional users with formal training of pertinent functions before performing
user acceptance testing and before the scheduled Go Live of each application module
Provide super users (team leads) with advanced training to facilitate knowledge transfer
process, which is intended to mitigate the risk of TRU becoming over dependent on
external consulting resources
Data Standards Working Group. The Data Standards Working Group will be a cross-section
composed of at least one or two end users from each functional data area (i.e. Student, Human
Resources, Finance). In addition, representatives from the Information Technology data security area
and the Enterprise Portal Implementation Team will be designated. This working group will:
Develop standards for data shared across the various components of the Banner
Administer standards for the collection and maintenance of shared data during the
implementation process.
Determine data ownership, establish user security access levels and develop
procedures for change permissions
Define data maintenance standards/conventions, maintain tables of valid values, and
formulate measures to ensure accuracy, validity, and completeness of shared
institutional data.
Team Leads. Each Team Lead will serve to coordinate project work for their respective project team,
which typically represents individual groups of applications. As prescribed by the approved
duties/responsibilities, the Team Lead will:
Coordinate project work for their respective project team or subject area(s) (e.g. Human
Resources, Purchasing, and Finance etc.). He/she will coordinate the module setup,
testing, data conversion and workflow analysis and, and ensure that training is provided to
end users.
Specific responsibilities include:
Coordination of a team who will assist with the set-up of the Banner System module
specific to his/her area of expertise (e.g. Purchasing, Human Resources, Finance etc.).
Referring to legislation, corporate policy, statutory requirements, collective
agreements etc. related to his/her area of responsibility to incorporate into the set-up
of the module.
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Participation in the development of interface requirements and the subsequent
manual/automated conversion of data, which includes data loading, data verification
and data cleansing.
Coordinate user acceptance testing for the application modules for which he/she is
responsible. User acceptance testing includes developing test cases, testing
application functions, comparing test results and resolving discrepancies.
Coordinate/perform workflow analysis.
Coordinate training for end users of specific application functions upon the
deployment of the application.
Team Lead Group. The Team Lead Group is comprised of the Team Leads and the Consultant Team
Leads. The Group works with the Project Director on identifying common issues and interfaces.
They develop recommended strategies for implementation details and the coordination of tasks
and activities that affect all teams.
Work Teams. Each Work Team will be composed of subject area experts and technical staff.
Work team member responsibilities include:
Work Guidance this position will assume the role as a super user and SME in
his/her area of responsibility. He/she will provide advice and guidance to project
team members related to the implementation of the module for which he/she is
Functional Advice this position will provide technical project guidance as to how to
implement policies, procedures, contract language etc. into the ERP system.
Project Advice this position provides project advice to a Team Leader for the ERP
System module in implementation of which she/he is involved.
Project management involves activities necessary to ensure the successful completion of the project.
Project management activities include: (1) Project Control, (2) Project Planning, (3) Status Reporting,
(4) Issue Management, (5) Change Management, (6) Risk Management, and (7) Quality Management.
2 2. .2 2. .1 1 P PR RO OJ JE EC CT T C CO ON NT TR RO OL L
The Project will establish a project organization (see Section 2.1 above) with the mandate to meet
project, technical, scheduling and cost requirements. The Project Director will be given full
responsibility and authority to execute all aspects of the ERP System Implementation Project within
the scope as defined by this Project Charter.
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2 2. .2 2. .2 2 P PR RO OJ JE EC CT T P PL LA AN NN NI IN NG G
The Project Management Office (PMO) will prepare and maintain a detailed project plan that serves to
govern tasks and activities necessary to complete the project. The Project Plan entails target dates for
key milestones and deliverables.
2 2. .2 2. .3 3 S ST TA AT TU US S R RE EP PO OR RT TI IN NG G
The Project Management Office (PMO) will conduct biweekly progress reviews and prepare monthly
status reports for presentation at the Project Steering Committee monthly meetings. The progress
reviews will cover technical, schedule related and resource aspects of the project. Status reports will
focus on the accomplishments for the concluded reporting period, the planned activity for the next
reporting period, and the identification and resolution of project issues.
2 2. .2 2. .4 4 I IS SS SU UE E M MA AN NA AG GE EM ME EN NT T
Issue management is a process designed to address issues that may arise during the course of a project.
Issues are always associated with some degree of risk to the project and therefore need to be assessed
and resolved in a timely manner either within or outside of the project boundaries. Issues need to be
resolved in a consistent and disciplined manner in order to maintain the quality of the deliverable, as
well as to control schedules and cost.
The Issue Management Process provides the mechanism to ensure that issues are properly identified
and documented, escalated for management review, and resolved quickly and efficiently. It includes
(1) procedures for the identification, assignment and escalation of issues; (2) level of management that
needs to be involved for escalation; (3) target timeline for issue resolution; and (4) the tracking of
issues. The process is designed to handle technical problems or issues as well as to address process,
organisational and operational issues. Raising and Submitting an Issue
1. Any project team member may raise project issues with a pre-designed Project Issue form.
2. The originator must assign a tentative priority to the issue together with a designated
Issue Owner.
Critical presents an immediate and critical obstacle to project work and deadlines.
High may impact critical deadlines or the quality of major deliverables.
Medium may impact future, less critical deadlines or sub-components of a
Low has no direct impact on any deadlines or quality of deliverables. Logging and Assigning Issues
1. The Project Management Office (PMO) will review submitted issues and assign issues to
the appropriate issue owner(s).
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2. Once assigned by the Project Management Office (PMO), the designated Project Director
will record the issues onto the Project Issue Log.
3. The designated Project Director will update the Project Issue Log with the appropriate
Received any issue that has been submitted but not yet accepted as an Open issue.
Open any issue that has been accepted as a valid issue and is still in progress.
In Progress any issue that has had work started on either its resolution or analysis.
Deferred any issue that has been deferred to be resolved at a later bring forward
date for stated reasons or any issue that has a temporary solution with the proviso
that the issue be brought forward at a later date.
Waiting Approval - any issue that has been resolved but is awaiting approval by the
Team Lead Group.
Resolved any issue that has been resolved to the project team satisfaction. Managing Issue Resolution
1. The designated Project Director will ensure that all stakeholders agree with the target
resolution dates.
2. The designated Project Director will monitor the progress of outstanding issues within the
following general guidelines:
High within 3 working days
Medium within 10 working days
Low best effort basis
3. The issue priority may be changed for valid business, technical, logistical or timing
reasons. The designated Project Director will assess the validity of the change request in
conjunction with all affected parties.
4. A designated Team Lead will escalate high priority issues as they become overdue:
3 working days overdue Issue Owner
5 working days overdue Project Management Office (PMO)
10 working days overdue Implementation Steering Committee
5. Once the issue is resolved, the issue owner(s) will notify the designated Project Director
who will obtain agreement from the individual who raised the issue. Reporting Status
1. The designated Project Director will track and update the progress status of all
outstanding issues.
2. The designated Project Director will produce biweekly status reports for open, overdue
and deferred issues as well as additional analysis reports that may be required by the
project team. Note: Project team implies the Project Management Office (PMO) and
respective Work teams.
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3. The most current list and status of open issues may be found in the Issues Management
2 2. .2 2. .5 5 C CH HA AN NG GE E M MA AN NA AG GE EM ME EN NT T
The Change Management Process provides a mechanism to manage request for changes to any project
deliverables, including project scope and schedule. This process allows for change during the
projects life cycle but always puts in the context of the latest project plan between the project team
and management and, in the case of the contractors, as contractually agreed to. The following change
control procedures consists of a series of steps that allows change to be identified, evaluated, priced
and tracked through closure.
1. Change requests must be submitted, with a pre-designed change request form, to the Project
Management Office (PMO) for review and assessment.
2. Once accepted as valid, the Project Management Office (PMO) must submit change requests
to the Project Steering Committee for approval.
3. The Project Director must refine the project plan to incorporate tasks and activities resulting
from any approved changes.
4. The designated Project Director must record all change requests and update the Change
Request Log to reflect the status of each change request.
5. The designated Project Director must log any minor changes (i.e., low impact on costs or time
schedule) and circulate them for information.
2 2. .2 2. .6 6 R RI IS SK K M MA AN NA AG GE EM ME EN NT T
Risks are inherent in any project. A risk is defined as any factor that may potentially interfere with
successful completion of the project. The challenge is to manage risks with a process that is unique to
the project and reflects its operational environment (i.e., resources, complexity, size, etc.). It is
important to recognise that risks are not events that have occurred, but rather events that might occur
that would adversely impact the project. Events that have occurred and are impacting the project are
addressed in either the Issue Management Process (see Section 2.3.4) and/or the Change Management
Process (See Section 2.3.5).
Risk identification, risk action planning and risk monitoring are key tools to successfully completing a
project. Part of controlling a project during its execution life cycle is to have an established risk
management process. The iterative risk management process commences as part of project planning
and continues to evolve until the project close out. Risk Identification
Risk identification provides the project team the opportunity to alert management of potential
risk factors before they become real threats to the project. Risks are listed, analysed for
probability of occurrence and potential impact on the project, and prioritised. Risk
identification occurs at the beginning of the project and continues throughout the projects life
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1. The project team will assemble an initial list of risk factors with impact analysed and
priority assigned.
2. Any project team member may identify new or additional risks at any time using the pre-
designed Risk Management Control form.
3. In identifying project risks, the originator must complete the Risk Management Control
form and provide information as follows:
Risk Identifier the unique identifier for the risk statement
Risk Sources the focus area, risk factor category and risk factors
Risk Condition the existing conditions that may negatively impact the project
Risk Impact the potential impact if the identified risk materialises
Risk Probability the likelihood that the risk will actually occur
Risk Exposure the overall threat of the risk to the project (Note: This is typically
used to establish ranking.)
Risk Context background information that serves to clarify the risk situation
Related Risks inter-dependent risks
4. The originator must submit the Risk Management Control form to the Project
Management Office (PMO) for review and action. Risk Action Planning
Risk action planning produces plans for addressing each major risk item and co-ordinates
individual risk plans with the overall project plan. Risk planning ensures that project
schedules and/or cost estimates are adjusted to ensure that adequate time is appropriated to
properly develop and execute risk mitigation measures when required.
1. The Project Management Office (PMO) will meet regularly to review existing and newly
identified risks and to develop action plans to mitigate such risks.
2. The Project Management Office (PMO) will designate a project team member responsible
for the agreed-to risk mitigation measures.
3. The Project Director will adjust the master project plan to reflect time estimates
required for the execution of risk mitigation measures. Risk Monitoring and Control
Risk monitoring and control involves the tracking of progress towards resolving identified
risks and taking corrective action as planned. Risk tracking is essential to ensure that
corrective actions have been executed as planned and are effective in mitigating the identified
risks. Risk status-reporting serves to communicate the four possible risk situations: work-in-
progress, resolved, change or re-work required, or newly identified.
1. The designated Project Director will provide regular updates of all identified risks.
2. The Project Management Office (PMO) will meet regularly to review the statuses of all
identified risks.
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3. The designated Project Director will produce regular risk status reports for review by the
Project Steering Committee.
2 2. .2 2. .7 7 Q QU UA AL LI IT TY Y M MA AN NA AG GE EM ME EN NT T
Quality and completeness of deliverables are managed on a regular basis at the working level through
out the project organisation. The Project Director and the Project Management Office (PMO) are,
jointly as well as individually, responsible for quality and completeness at all levels. In practice,
project team members are charged with similar responsibilities for completing tasks that they are
responsible for. In addition, the Project Director will conduct a post implementation review to
examine the project outcome and to identify pitfalls, barriers and improvement opportunities.
Project Communication Management includes processes required to ensure timely and appropriate
generation, collection, dissemination, storage, and ultimate disposition of project information. These
communication processes provide essential links among people, ideas and information that are critical
to the successful completion of the project. Each process may involve effort from one or more
individuals or groups of individuals based on the needs of the project and each of which generally
occurs at least once in the project life cycle. Although the following processes are presented as distinct
and independent mechanisms, in practice they may overlap or interact in ways not detailed here.
Purpose Process Description
Project Charter Define the scope, objectives,
project organisation, and
overall approach of the
The Project Charter is the single point of
reference on the project that should be read
by all project team members, executives
and anyone new to the project.
Legitimise project
management, scope and goals
to stakeholders and
participants of the project.
A series of communications announcing
and reinforcing executive sponsorship of
the project. Sample mechanisms include:
Announcement letter
Orientation sessions
Kick-off meetings
Project Status
The purpose of these
meetings is to track the
progress of the project.
The Project Steering Committee will meet
monthly to review project status and to
formulate direction and decisions when
required. The Project Management Office
(PMO) will meet weekly to review:
Primary accomplishments of each working
committee during the week and tasks to be
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Purpose Process Description
Discuss open issues and provide quick and
viable resolutions.
Update other general information.
Issue Log /
Document issues that arise
throughout the project which
are considered significant and
may impact the project or
The designated Project Director will be the
custodian of the Issue Log and will
endeavour to maintain and update the
status of each issue.
Project Workbook
Document important project
information for each Working
The Project Workbook is a single point of
reference for each Working Committee.
This information is shareable and
accessible by all project participants and
Project Steering Committee. A wiki will be
used to manage this process.
Change Requests Identify changes to project
scope and submit requests to
Project Steering Committee
for review and approval.
Track changes that affect scope, budget,
resources, deliverables and timelines.
Decision Requests Identify and analyse project
issues and submit requests to
Project Steering Committee
for review and decisions.
Track issues and corresponding decisions
that impact the successful completion of
the project.
The implementation of an ERP System at TRU is no small task. The project will touch everyone's
work to some degree, and there will be challenges and frustrations, but the payoff is substantial. With
the new ERP System solution, TRU will be better prepared to compete in the eMarketplace, and in the
implementation process, will improve internal job activities and business processes.
The complicated nature of an ERP System implementation suggests a high need for change
management and constant, effective communication of project details and milestones.
Communication channels must be established early and supported throughout the life of the project.
The main challenges faced in creating an effective communications strategy are:
1. Maintaining communication with TRU satellite campuses
2. Nurturing consistent Executive support
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3. Getting and maintaining employee buy-in throughout all TRU departments
4. Incorporating lessons learned from previous system implementations
5. Delivering and communicating early wins
Thompson Rivers University Executive, Board Members, President's Council, ERP System User
Groups, General Staff
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Communication Type
Purpose Process Description
GroupWise Conferences GroupWise is currently the most
reliable, accessible
communication channel at the
Institution, with the built-in
ability for immediate audience
Regular updates will be posted
(by members of the Project
Team) and staff/user
discussion encouraged in 2
new separate conferences:
ERP User Group
TRU staff ECom
Enterprise Portal Updates Implementation information,
progress updates, reports, and
general project details need to be
communicated in a forum more
permanent than GroupWise.
The Intranet serves this secure
purpose and is accessible by all
staff once Phase I of the project
is complete.
All updates will be managed
by the Project Director.
Open Forums To provide TRU staff and ERP
System user groups with an
informal venue to discuss
implementation issues and
questions with Subject Matter
Experts (SMEs).
Moderated Open Forums will
be held monthly, paneled by
the appropriate SMEs
Executive Presentations The Presidents Council needs to
hear brief, regular updates from
the Implementation Steering
Committee Chair on the
implementation progress.
The Implementation Steering
Committee Chair will provide
brief presentations to the
members of the Presidents
Council at the bi-weekly
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Communication Type
Purpose Process Description
President's Council
The TRU President's Council
needs to hear brief, regular
updates from the Chief
Information Officer (CIO), on
the ERP implementation
The CIO will provide brief
presentations to the members
of the President's Council at
the bi-weekly meetings.
Memos to the Executive and
Senior Management will
reinforce presentation
communication and provide
regular, informal documentation
of project details.
As a written follow-up to
verbal presentations, the
Executive and Senior
Management will be provided
memos with important project
details and implementation
ERP System Newsletters A regularly released ERP
System newsletter will provide a
written communication piece for
general TRU staff to be
informed of project details and
On a monthly basis, a 1 to 2
page newsletter will be
produced and distributed as a
PDF file to the E-Com
conferences and Intranet.
Lunch & Learns In the beginning of the
Implementation project, general
TRU staff will not be aware of
most project details. Lunch &
Learns provide an informal
venue for distribution of
information. Accessible by all
Monthly Lunch & Learns will
be held, as the implementation
project begins. Presenters will
be members from the ERP
System Project Team.
User Group Orientation
The various ERP System user
groups will need to be
communicated with in a specific
fashion as the implementation
project progresses.
As each Phase of the
Implementation schedule
begins, the affected users will
be informed of the details,
scope, process, and
communication procedures for
the Phase.
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Communication Type
Purpose Process Description
ERP System University As TRU users learn the ERP
System software, a supportive
learning environment will
become conducive to a healthy
implementation process.
Learning the applications will
be the most important
objective, but students will
also examine and potentially
reengineer existing TRU
business processes. A learning
plan, objectives and outcomes
will be established.
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DRAFT Version 1.5.5 21
Project Start-Up includes any activities engaged in project initiation, planning and the transition from
start-up to execution. Project Initiation is getting a project off to a formal start, with everyone knowing
their role, agreeing what job is to be done, confirming there are good business reasons for doing it, and
ensuring that any risks involved have been assessed.
3 3. .1 1. .1 1 P PR RO OJ JE EC CT T I IN NI IT TI IA AT TI IO ON N
Project Initiation is aimed to confirm the scope, establish a work plan and assign resources to specific
tasks. Project initiation serves to ensure stakeholders and participants have a thorough understanding
about the scope of the project, standards and procedures as well as their roles and responsibilities.
3 3. .1 1. .2 2 P PR RO OJ JE EC CT T P PL LA AN NN NI IN NG G
Project Planning defines the project activities and work products that will be performed/produced and
describes how the activities will be accomplished.
3 3. .1 1. .3 3 P PR RO OJ JE EC CT T M MA AN NA AG GE EM ME EN NT T
Project management activities include: (1) Project Control, (2) Project Planning, (3) Status Reporting,
(4) Issue Management, (5) Change Management, (6) Risk Management, (7) Quality Management and
(8) Project Communication Management.
3 3. .1 1. .4 4 P PR RO OJ JE EC CT T T TR RA AN NS SI IT TI IO ON N
Project Transition involves activities that transform a project from the planning to the execution stage.
In the project transition stage, kick-off meetings are held to orient all stakeholders and participants.
Site Preparation includes any activities engaged in the review and analyses of the current operational
environment of the various business areas; the set-up of the technical environment; the identifying of
data conversion and interface requirements; and, the documentation of forms, training materials, etc.
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DRAFT Version 1.5.5 22
Technical Environment includes the set-up of hardware, infrastructure, application software as well as
application and system security. Technical Environment
Technical Infrastructure involves the planning and set-up of hardware and infrastructure, the
resolving of any technical and support issues; as well as the installing/testing of the technical
infrastructure including hardware, system and network security, etc. Application Environment
Application Environment includes the installing of software and the set-up of different
application environments, which may include Test, Development, Training, Production as well
as system constants and application security, etc.
3 3. .2 2. .2 2 B BU US SI IN NE ES SS S A AN NA AL LY YS SI IS S
Business Analysis includes any activities engaged in the specifying of detailed requirements, the
review and analyses of business processes and the identifying/resolving of system and/or process
Data Conversion and Interface activities aim to identify and confirm data conversion and interface
requirements; define program specifications for data conversion and interfaces; and, develop and test
data conversion and interface programs.
3 3. .2 2. .4 4 D DO OC CU UM ME EN NT TA AT TI IO ON N
Documentation implies the designing of forms, the preparation of user guides as well as the preparing
of policy and procedure manuals. This process aims to design forms and produce easy-to-use
materials for subsequent system training of users and to provide guidelines for standardized business
Project Execution includes any activities engaged in (i) the identification and resolution of issues; (ii)
the set-up, review/refinement and confirmation of the prototype for each application module as per
implementation schedule; (iii) the development and testing of system interfaces; (iv) the conversion
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and/or loading of data; (v) the training of end users; (vi) the execution of user acceptance testing; and,
(vii) the cutover to production.
3 3. .3 3. .1 1 I IS SS SU UE E R RE ES SO OL LU UT TI IO ON N
Issue Resolution in Project Execution focuses on identifying and resolving application-specific issues.
Since Issue Management is an iterative process, issues identified in preceding phases, but that remain
outstanding, must be reviewed and resolved before the execution of other implementation activities.
3 3. .3 3. .2 2 A AP PP PL LI IC CA AT TI IO ON N S SE ET T- -U UP P
Application Set-Up involves activities engaged in (i) the set-up of a prototype for each application
module as per implementation schedule; (ii) the functional testing of each prototype: (iii) the review,
refinement and confirmation of the prototype; and, (iv) the tailoring of application modules in the
Production environment. Prototype Set-Up
Prototype Set-Up involves the tailoring of each application module to reflect the specified user
requirements and the agreed-to business processes. This process may involve several
iterations of discussions with users until the system is set-up to function according to agreed
upon functional requirements. Functional Testing
Functional Testing includes (i) unit testing to confirm the functioning of the applications in a
stand-alone mode; and, (ii) integration testing to confirm the functioning of the system in an
integrated mode (i.e., end-to-end). Prototype Confirmation
Prototype Confirmation includes activities engaged in reviewing the initial set-up of the
prototype, refining of the prototype based upon user feedback, and confirming the final
prototype with the same group of target users. Note that this is an iterative process, which
involves refining the prototype until receiving final confirmation from the designated users. Production Set-up
Production Set-Up involves the tailoring of individual application modules in the Production
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3 3. .3 3. .3 3 S SY YS ST TE EM M I IN NT TE ER RF FA AC CE ES S
System Interfaces includes the development and testing of system interfaces to automate the
conversion of data and to facilitate integration between the Banner System and edge ERP systems.
3 3. .3 3. .4 4 U US SE ER R T TR RA AI IN NI IN NG G
User Training provides end users with formal training of pertinent functions before performing user
acceptance testing and before the scheduled Go Live of each application module. ERP System Technical Training
On-site ERP System training aims to provide the designated personnel with technical and
foundation training. Data Capture Training
This serves to provide the data capturing personnel with training on applicable data entry
screens to facilitate the manual loading of data. Basic Training
Basic training will provide end users (including super users) with training on the basic system
functionality of each application module as per implementation schedule. The intention is to
train end users on functions pertinent to their respective jobs or tasks. Advanced Training
This serves to provide the designated super users with training on the set-up and tailoring of
each application module as per implementation schedule.
3 3. .3 3. .5 5 D DA AT TA A C CO ON NV VE ER RS SI IO ON NS S
Data Conversions is the automated conversion or the manual loading of data onto the ERP System.
Data may represent master records, current transactions, open balances and historical data. Included in
this engaged activity is the cleansing or scrubbing of data converted with automated programs.
User Acceptance Testing is the volume testing of system functions in an integrated mode. Acceptance
tests will be conducted to match the expected outcome pre-defined in test cases or scenarios.
P Pr ro oj je ec ct t C Ch ha ar rt te er r
DRAFT Version 1.5.5 25 Go Live
Go Live includes the cutover to production after User Acceptance Testing confirms the
validity of each application module as per implementation schedule. Included is application
support activities intended to help identify/resolve system and process issues that may emerge
only after work has commenced with the production system.
3 3. .3 3. .7 7 P PR RO OJ JE EC CT T W WR RA AP P U UP P
The Project Close Out process is performed once the project objectives have been met. The first step
is acceptance based upon predefined success criteria. The second step is the undertaking of a post-
mortem review to specify lessons learned and to identify/resolve any outstanding issues. Acceptance/SignOff
Project Acceptance is the signing off of the project based upon pre-defined acceptance criteria
and the agreed upon acceptance process. Post Production Review
Post Production Review facilitates the documentation of lessons learned that may serve to
provide key reference points for future system initiatives. In addition, the post production
review aims to identify any issues that remain outstanding and recommend strategies for
resolving those issues.
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The following table represents the recommended project schedule for the ERP system components:
Application Functionality Start Date
End Date
Creation of IIDAS (Integrated Identity
Authoritative Source -> Identity
Integrating Database)
Apr 1, 2007 Dec 20, 2007
Enterprise Portal Student Email & Calendaring
General Announcements
Apr 1, 2007 Sep 1, 2007
Enterprise Portal Student Email & Calendaring for OL
All Employee and Alumni accounts
Single Sign-On to OL Student and
Tutor Web Apps
Single Sign-On to WebCT 6
Single Sign-On to F2F Student and
Faculty Web App
Single Sign-on to Webadvisor
Sep 1, 2007 Mar 17, 2008
Prospect Services
Sep 1, 2007 TBD
Human Resources Employee Information
Employee Benefits
Organization Structure
Integration with Luminis Portal (Self-
Service for Employees)
Jan 1, 2008 Jan 1, 2009
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Application Functionality Start Date
End Date
Finance Chart of Accounts
General Ledger
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Non-Inventory Procurement
Integration with Luminis Portal
May 1, 2008 Jul 1, 2009
Student System
F2F functionality
Admission & Registration
Course Setup and Delivery
Data transfer from old system
Integration with Inventory & Sales
Orders System
Integration with Luminis Portal
General Person/General Student
Course Catalog
Degree Evaluation
Jan 1, 2008
Student System
OL functionality
OL Exam scheduling
Transfer and adjustments of existing
Tutor Student association and
TAP formula
Triggering assignment pay
Triggering student registration pay
Tutor substitution functionality
Course package association with
a course offering and Material
Integration with
module in JDE
Tutor Portal like and OL
Student Portal like functionality
(New Banner + Luminis will offer
Jan 1, 2008
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DRAFT Version 1.5.5 28
Application Functionality Start Date
End Date
most of the required functionality).
Web Registration (including
course search engine and shopping
cart). (New Banner + Luminis will
offer most of the required
Tutor Pay System Specifications.
Selection of Technology
Dec 1, 2006 June 30, 2007
Tutor Pay Server Setup
Development and Implementation
Jun 1, 2009 Dec 20, 2010
Advancement System Setup Modifications
Data Transfer
Integration with Luminis Portal
Aug 1, 2009 Nov 1, 2009
ODS and Data
Install Software
Develop understanding of relations
between transactional and warehoused
Map selected Colleague data and
Add tables required to report for on a
custom functionality
Integration with Luminis Portal
Feb 1, 2009 Jan 1, 2010
Out of Scope
Rationalization of TRU edge system solutions
The Implementation Schedule is subject to changes, depending on:
Project Start Date no later than Jan 1, 2008 Banner Core implementation
Reality check with the detailed Project Plan
Availability of key individuals assigned to the project
Availability of Vendors technical and training resources