Year 5 Religion Planning Term 3

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Year 5 Unit Plan Term 3

Religious Education Planning Template

Religious Education
St Josephs Kangaroo Point
Term 3
Annemarie Vuorinen

Identified Unit Concept
How are the words of The Bible and Mary MacKillop lived today?

VISION for Religious Education
The Vision for Religious Education gives voice to what each school hopes for their students in terms of their
religious literacy and faith formation. The schools and colleges of the Archdiocese of Brisbane aspire to educate
students who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the Catholic and broader
Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society.

Extra Curriculum Documents
Religious Life of the School General Capabilities Cross-Curricular Priorities
Religious Identity and Culture
Ethos and charism (ICE)
Authentic Christian
community (ICC)
Sense of the Sacred (ICS)
Social Action and Justice
Justice in the school
community (SJS)
Action for justice (SJA)
Reflection on action for
Justice (SJR)
Evangelisation and Faith Formation
Living the Gospel (EFG)
Spiritual Formation (EFF)
Witness to the wider
community (EFW)
Prayer and Worship
Christian prayer (PWP)
Celebration of liturgy and
sacraments (PWL)
Ritualising everyday life
Information and
technology (ICT) capability
Critical and creative
Personal and social
Ethical understanding

Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander histories
and cultures
Asia and Australias
engagement with Asia

Year 5 Unit Plan Term 3
Year 5 Curriculum Expectations
Year 5 Level Description
The Religion Curriculum P-12 involves four strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life. These strands are
interrelated and are taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts.

In Year 5, students begin to appreciate the significance of community for sharing and strengthening the faith of believers, past
and present, including the Church in the Australian colonies (c.1850 CE - c.1900 CE). Using a range of Biblical tools, they begin to
see how the Gospel writers shaped their Gospels for particular communities. They learn about the action of the Holy Spirit in the
lives of believers as they engage with a variety of texts, including Scriptural references to the Holy Spirit and the Catholic Rite of
Confirmation. They develop their understanding of Christian charity and informed moral choice through an exploration of the
experiences of individuals and communities, past and present. They broaden their appreciation of the significance of personal
and communal prayer and worship (including the Eucharist, the Psalms, Sabbath rituals and prayers); and the wisdom of the
Saints (including St Mary of the Cross MacKillop) for communities of believers. They learn about the significance of Marian
prayers (including the Hail Mary, the Rosary and the Litany of Mary of Nazareth) in which believers praise God and entrust cares
and petitions to Mary as mother of Jesus and mother of the Church.

Year 5 Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 5, students identify many ways in which faith is shared and strengthened in communities of believers, past
and present. They analyse information from a variety of texts, including Scriptural references to the Holy Spirit and the words,
symbols and actions of the Catholic Rite of Confirmation, to explain the action of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. They
use features of Gospel texts to show how the Gospel writers shaped their Gospels for particular communities. They describe the
significance of personal and communal prayer and worship (including the Eucharist, the Psalms, Sabbath rituals and prayers) and
the wisdom of the saints, including St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, for communities of believers. They describe ways in which
believers live according to Jesus new commandment of charity (love); and make and act upon informed moral choices. They
locate and record information about the contribution of pioneering Catholics in Australia (c.1850 CE c.1900 CE) to the
preservation of faith and the shaping of particular communities, including Indigenous communities. They examine Marys role as
mother of Jesus and mother of the Church. They analyse the elements and features of some Marian prayers (including the Hail
Mary, the Rosary and the Litany of the Mary of Nazareth) to describe the role of Marian prayer in the lives of believers past and
present. They participate respectfully in a variety of personal and communal prayer experiences, including Marian prayers and
meditative prayer.

Context for Learning
Class Needs
Individualised Learning Needs
There are 23 children in Year 5.
Chloe Shih is verified Intellectually Impaired, Amish Das is verified Hearing Impaired, Josiah Mununggurr is learning
delayed and need assistance to access the curriculum.
Joshua McFarlane, Jack Turton, Joseph Donovan, Bella Lasrado and Carson Phillips serve on the altar. 18 children are
Catholic,, 2 religion not stated, 2 other Christian and 1 Hindu.

Year 5 Unit Plan Term 3

Visible Learning Intentions
We Are Learning To (WALT) Success Criteria Resources
Evaluate Gospel readings and look beyond the
literal meaning to evaluate what they mean.
Be able to complete the 3 worlds of
the texts.
Gospel, 3 world
Examine the words of Mary MacKillop and
compare these to the words of the Beatitudes.
Find comparisons between the texts. Mary MacKillop cards
and sayings.
Research people in society who follow the words
of Mary MacKillop and the Beatitudes.
Identify charities and people who
follow the words of Mary MacKillop
and the Beatitudes.
Internet, newspaper
Present our findings to link the words of Mary
MacKillop and the Beatitudes with a community
group or person and demonstrate how they fulfil
the criteria.
Make a PowerPoint incorporating this
Computers, internet.

Curriculum Aligned Learning Intentions
Unit Concept: How are the words of The Bible and Mary MacKillop lived today?
Unistructural and multistructural learning
Relational learning intentions Extended Abstract
learning intentions
Define the Rosary.

Identify how we pray the Rosary.

Identify and List patterns in the Rosary.

Recite the Rosary.

Identify what they know about St. Mary of the

Examine the words of St. Mary of the Cross.
Sequence the life of Mary MacKillop.

Classify the words of Mary MacKillop
into like and unlike groups.

Compare and contrast the words of
the Beatitudes from Luke and

Explain how some of the needs of our
community are met by people living
the words of St. Mary of the Cross.

Relate the words from the Gospels to
the Beautitudes.

Analyse the language used in these
Reflect on what is
happening in society
today to support the
Beatitudes and the
word of Mary

Evaluate and make a
generalisation about a
charity/person who is
living the words.

Compose a
presentation to
demonstrate and
illustrate their findings.

Identified Assessment Tasks
Assessment Task One Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract
Examine the Beatitudes text from both Gospels of Matthew and Luke.
Assessment Task Two Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract
Students can construct a list of the different ways prayer is used in their classroom and school. They describe different types of prayer used in
the classroom; identifying what both personal and communal prayer looks and feels like.

Assessment Task Three Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract
Students can sequence the texts around the Three Worlds of the Text. They can also classify what life was like when the text was written, the
people who it was written for and what it means for us today.

Year 5 Unit Plan Term 3

Assessment Task Four Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract
Students compare and contrast the Beatitudes with the sayings of Mary MacKillop. They can identify identify similarities between the texts.
Assessment Task Five Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract
Students relate what is happening in society today to support the Beatitudes and words of Mary MacKillop.
Assessment Task Six Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract
Students reflect on what they have learnt and make a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate how this relates to our everyday life today.

Feedback Opportunities/ Differentiation of identified Learning Intentions/ Assessment Tasks
Josiah needs assistance to access the readings, with placement in a group where he can cooperate and stay on task.
Chloe needs assistance to understand the implied meaning of the text, will need to be supported in the group task
and positioned with a peer to support her through the tasks.
Amish needs to be positioned in all activities so he can hear.

Relevant Content Descriptors 5
STRAND: Sacred Texts
SUB STRANDS: Old Testament, New Testament, Christian Spiritual Writings and Wisdom
Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Skills
STCW6, The wisdom of the saints, in particular St Mary of the
Cross MacKillop, helps people understand about caring for the
wellbeing of others and the faith of the community of believers.
This wisdom guides and gives strength to believers past and
STCW6, Explain how the wisdom of the saints, in
particular the letters written by St Mary of the
Cross MacKillop, helps people past and present to
understand about caring for the wellbeing of
others and the faith of the community of believers.
STNT12, The contexts of the Gospel writers (e.g. purpose of the
writer, time of writing, intended audience, point of view) shaped
their Gospels. The context of the Gospel writer is important in
determining the nature of the truth revealed in the text (e.g.
STNT12, Compare and contrast parallel passages
from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, including
the infancy narratives (Luke 1:26-38, Matthew
1:18-25; Luke 2:1-14, Luke 2:15-20, Matthew 2:1-
12, Matthew 2:13-15).
STRAND: Church
SUB STRANDS: Liturgy and Sacraments, People of God, Church History
Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Skills
CHCH4, Pioneering Catholics overcame challenges to preserve
the faith of their fathers and mothers. Catholics took their place
in colonial Australian society (c.1850 CE - c.1900 CE). Being
Catholic in a new, free society raised challenges.
CHCH4, Develop historical narratives and
descriptions about some key events and peoples
experiences in the Church in the Australian
colonies (c.1850 CE - c.1900 CE) using source
materials and appropriate historical terms and
STRAND: Beliefs
SUB STRANDS: Trinity, Human Existence, World Religions
Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Skills
BEHE5, Faith is shared and strengthened in the community of
believers. The central and primary sharing of faith within the
community of believers is the celebration of Eucharist.
BEHE5, Communicate an understanding of how the
faith of people strengthens the faith of the
community of believers.
BEHE5, Faith is shared and strengthened in the community of
believers. The central and primary sharing of faith within the
BEHE5, Identify ways in which people share faith
within a community of believers (e.g. family,

Year 5 Unit Plan Term 3
community of believers is the celebration of Eucharist. parish, school).
STRAND: Christian Life
SUB STRANDS: Moral Formation, Mission and Justice, Prayer and Spirituality
Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Skills
CLMJ6, Jesus makes charity (love) the new commandment: As
the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in my
love....This is my commandment, that you love one another as I
have loved you (John 15: 9 - 17).
CLMJ6, Distinguish between choices or actions that
fulfil existing laws or obligations and those that
respond to Jesus new commandment.

Significant Days and Celebrations

Feast Day of Mary MacKillop

Other Relevant Data/ Teacher notes

Year 5 Unit Plan Term 3
System Level Content
Unit Concept BCE Documents BCE Teacher Background
How are the words of
The Bible and Mary
MacKillop lived today?
Mandated Scriptural Texts
RE Resource Weebly
Online RE Curriculum
Theological Background Search

Stage One
Bringing in ideas: (Identify/Label/List/Define/Describe/Retell/Recall/Recite)
Identified Learning
Learning Opportunity Notes Identified Resources

Define the Rosary

Students share what they know about the
Rosary. Students pray the Rosary without
focusing on scripture but simply as a series of
traditional prayers such as the Hail Mary, Glory
Be and Our Father as a mantra and using beads.
Students identify the two different purposes of
using the Rosary to assist in a meditation of
scripture and as a repetitive mantra.
Rosary Beads
Copies of Traditional prayers
Identified Learning
Learning Opportunity Notes Identified Resources

Identify how we pray the Rosary.

Identify and List patterns in the

Recite the Rosary.

Students use a set of Rosary beads and a visual
and written guide to reciting the Rosary
appropriate for their age and understanding.
They explore the text and the beads and identify
and list patterns in the prayer. Students
brainstorm ideas for saying the Rosary using
materials other than Rosary beads.
The following website has a very straightforward
explanation of how to pray the Rosary:
Rosary beads
Identified Learning
Learning Opportunity Notes Identified Resources

Identify what they know about St.
Mary of the Cross.

Examine the words of St. Mary of the

Students share what they know about St Mary of
the Cross MacKillop. Students view diverse
resources about St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
including films, posters, poems, songs, sayings,
digital resources and stories to gain new
understandings about her life and the way she
nurtured and sustained communities of
Sayings and quote cards from
Mary MacKillop.
Books and websites about
Mary MacKillop.

Stage Two
Linking ideas: (Sequence/Classify/Compare Contrast/Cause Effect/Anaysis Part whole/Explain/Analogy/Question)
Identified Learning
Learning Opportunity Notes Identified Resources

Sequence the life of Mary MacKillop.

Classify the words of Mary MacKillop
into like and unlike groups.

Students view and analyse this short film and/or
the Timetoast timeline about the contribution of
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and the sisters of
St Joseph to the shaping of Australia from
1842CE-1909CE. Students listen to the Gary
Pinto song Saint Mary MacKillop.
Timetoast- Mary MacKillop
Sayings and quote cards from
Mary MacKillop.

Year 5 Unit Plan Term 3

Students use some of the words of St Mary of
the Cross MacKillop to complete the worksheets
and identify the qualities of individuals who care
for others.
Identified Learning
Learning Opportunity Notes Identified Resources

Compare and contrast the words of
the Beatitudes from Luke and

Explain how some of the needs of our
community are met by people living
the words of St. Mary of the Cross.

Read the words of St Mary of the Cross
MacKillop to understand how her words help
people past and present to understand about
caring for the wellbeing of others and the faith
of the community of believers. Students reflect
on the saying of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
Never see a need without doing something
about it. They identify some of the "needs" in
their community and complete a Y chart for how
a community would look like, sound like and feel
like if the members of the community applied
the wisdom within these words to dealing with
these needs.
Read and compare the words from The
Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12 Luke 6:20-36
Complete the Three Worlds of the text activity
from the reading
Record findings and discuss.
Sayings and quote cards from
Mary MacKillop.
60 minutes presentation about
Mary MacKillop.
Y charts.

Identified Learning
Learning Opportunity Notes Identified Resources

Relate the words from the Gospels to
the Beautitudes.

Analyse the language used in these
Students use the information from Week 4 7 to
complete the CTJ task.
Read the Beatitudes text from both Gospels t of
Matthew and Luke.
Participate in class discussion around the Three
Worlds of the Text.
Compare the Beatitudes with the sayings of
Mary MacKillop to identify similarities.

Stage Three
Putting linked ideas in another context: (Predict/Hypothesise/Generalise/Imagine/ Reflect/Evaluate/Create)
Identified Learning Opportunity Learning Opportunity Notes Identified Resources
Reflect on what is happening in society
today to support the Beatitudes and the
word of Mary MacKillop.

Evaluate and make a generalisation
about a charity/person who is living the
Using the supplied websites or newspaper articles
to compare what is happening in society today to
support the Beatitudes and words of Mary

Identified Learning Opportunity Learning Opportunity Notes Identified Resources
Compose a PowerPoint presentation to
demonstrate and illustrate their findings.

Make a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate how
this relates to our everyday life today.

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