Unit Plan For Ap 10 Day Teaching Clinical

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UNIT PLAN: How do we respond to change in the environment?

Feedback Mechanisms and

the bodies desire for stability

I. Communication:

Parents of young scientists,

We are beginning a unit covering homeostasis, or an organisms desire to respond and adjust
to changing conditions and stimuli. Homeostasis of body temperature is a convenient example that
we are familiar, thus we will begin our discussion of the importance of a stable body temperature
and ways we respond when our temperature increases or decreases. I am hoping your students will
gain a appreciation of this innate and vital response to seek stability in the midst of change. This
unit will challenge them to think as scientists while learning more about how their very own bodies
work. I hope you come along on this exciting journey with us!

For extra reading and resources to help students the following websites offer more
information on our topics of study:



As always, please check Moodle with your students to stay abreast of important dates as well
as current class assignments. Please contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or particular
expertise you are willing to share. Thank you for the opportunity to teach your child everyday!

Dana Page
Anatomy and Physiology Teacher
Mountain Brook High School
[email protected]

II. Unit Design

Teacher/Class: Dana Page, Anatomy and Physiology 11-12
Unit Title: How do we respond to change in the environment? Feedback Mechanisms and the
bodies desire for stability
Unit Length: 10 days
Lesson Length: 50 min.
Essential Questions:-
-What is homeostasis?
-What mechanisms do our cells, tissues, organs, systems, and bodies use to maintain
-In what situations is it beneficial for our bodies to temporally abandon homeostatic
set points?
-What are some consequences to a homeostatic crisis?
-How can you develop an experiment to test the bodies response to homeostasis?

AL State Standards:
1. HS-LS1-3: Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that feedback
mechanism maintain homeostasis. [Clarification Statement: Examples of investigations
could include heart rate response to exercise, stomate response to moisture and
temperature, and root development in response to water levels.
2. WHST.9-12.7: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a
question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the
inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating
understanding of the subject under investigation.

Day 1:
Topic: Andys Story- Engage Lesson
Lesson Objective(s): I will be able to recognize some common bodily responses to
exercise. I will be able to explain why these common responses occur. I will demonstrate this by my
responses on an exit slip.
Introduction: Bell Ringer: Have you ever participated in a physical activity until you
"hit a wall" and had to stop? What signs told you to stop the exercise?
Activity: Share story of my friend Andy who was a UF football player that ran a half
marathon without training and continued exercise past his wall. Talk about some of the problems
he experienced after.
Assessment: Exit Slip: Answer as many of the following as you can. 1. Why do you
breathe fast after running? 2. Name another change that you experience after exercise? 3. What in
the body regulates these responses?
Homework: Read the textbook "Introduction to Homeostasis". Write a three
sentence summary of the section and find two different ways it explains Andy's story
Differentiation: Based on students exit slip I will be able to get primarily information
on students who might need more help in this unit. I will also be able to see students who can
already answer number three. This provides the necessary information to help evaluate my planned
pacing for the unit.
Technology: N/A

Day 2:
Topic: Blood Pressure Regulation Lab- Explore

Lesson Objective(s): I will be able to draw a picture explaining how blood pressure
is measured. I will be able to predict and evaluate how different factors effect blood pressure. I will
demonstrate this by discussions with my teacher and group as well as my individual lab questions.

Introduction: Bell Ringer: Have you ever had your blood pressure checked? Does
anyone in your family have high blood pressure? What are some things people with high blood
pressure should do or not do?

Activity: I will begin the lesson introducing blood pressure. Students often have a lot
of questions about how factors affect blood pressure based on their familiarity with family
members who have high blood pressure. We will talk about how factors such as sodium, stress (i.e.
increased Cortisol levels in the blood) occlusion of vessels by cholesterol, anorexia, etc. influence
blood pressure. I will then demonstrate how the sphygmometer. Students will then work in groups
of two completing the lab where they will take their blood pressure and heart rate at rest, after
exercise, while laying prone, and immediately upon standing up. They will also work on skills of
averaging data and graphing the trend in their data. One student will be the test subject and the
other student will operate the sphygmometer and record the data.
Assessment: I will walk around while students are completing lab and have conversations
with students about what they are hypothesizing will occur. One question I will ask is "what do you
think will happen to blood pressure when you stand up quickly after lying down?" Even
though most students have experienced orthostatic hypotension most of them think laying down
will have lower blood pressure because they associate it with relaxation. After the students have
completed that section of their lab I will return to ask them to "try and explain why they think
blood pressure decreased greatly while standing?" I will give them some prompts but remind
them of when they have felt lightheaded if they stand quickly. Further assessment will be done in
the lab questions they will complete individually and turn in the next day.
Homework: Complete the lab questions from their lab individually
Differentiation: As students are working in groups I will be able to help groups that need a
little more direction. I will also try and speak with the students who didn't meet yesterdays
objectives per their exit slips.
Technology: Sphygmometers; Excel to graph data

Day 3:
Topic: Introduction to Homeostasis- Explore
Lesson Objective(s): I will be able to describe homeostasis in my own words and be able to
include several key terms in my description. I will be able to analyze how homeostasis balances
stability in the midst of change. I will be able to describe how a home thermometer models the
control mechanisms in my the body. I will demonstrate my understanding by creating word bingo
with words related to these concepts.
Introduction: I will begin class by talking about some of the phenomena the students
experienced in yesterdays lab. I will use equity cards and to ask students to share experiences.
Activity: Students will use laptops with headphones to watch Bozeman's Homeostasis
introduction video. Before they begin I will share their objective for watching the video is to identify
5 key ideas in the video related to homeostasis. This should provide them with context as they are
watching he video and can jot down key phrases or words as they are listening. I will be circulating
to make sure that all students are completing the task and using the technology appropriately.
When the students are done watching the video I will ask them to fill out a pyramid with the three
most important ideas about homeostasis presented in the video. The students will do this
individually. The students will then work in groups of two to compare their pyramids and come up
with a consensus pyramid. I will tell the students I may call one of them out to explain what words
or phrases they chose and how they related to homeostasis.
Assessment: I will give students a 3x3 chart with some of the common words we just
discussed as group that are involved in homeostasis. As an exit slip I will ask students to make tic-
tac-toe by using three of the words in a across, down, or diagonal line to in a sentence that links the
words together. They students will turn these in.
Homework: Watch the Bozeman YouTube video on positive and negative feedback. Fill out
the focus questions as you watch and be prepared to ask or answer questions from it tomorrow.
Differentiation: I will be provided more formative information from todays exit slip as well
as from circulating while the students are filling out their individual pyramids. I am especially eager
to hear the group discussions that occur when they work to determine a consensus. I will begin
tomorrow by going over some misconceptions from todays exit slips.
Technology: Laptops or other devices to watch the YouTube video

Day 4:
Topic: Homeostasis/Negative and Positive Feedback- Explain
Lesson Objective(s): I will be able to define positive and negative feedback. I will be able to
determine what the sensor, control center, and effector are in a feedback pathway. I will
demonstrate my understanding by completing the ACT style questions about temperature control.
If I am unable to answer the questions, I will write out what facts I know and what information I
don't know in order to answer the question.
Introduction: I will review the basics of homeostasis as outlined in yesterday's video. I will
be sure to highlight the need for an stability within in an organism even with environmental change
occurring around and to it; Discuss a teenage type 1 diabetic that I saw as a patient who had a blood
pH of 6.8. One group of students look up a normal blood pH and what it is called when it is too high
and what it is called when it is too low. Another group of students look up what diabetic
ketoacidosis is and be able to share with the class in a few moments. A final group will work with
me to work through the few of the ACT questions that will be assigned today to give them a little
more support. (this group is intentionally formed from students who have shown a need for
remediation on prior assessments. We will come back together as a group and I will have the
groups share out the information gathered and we will discuss the case further. I will highlight the
difference between .55 on the pH scale was one of the lowest ever recorded at this hospital in a
living patient. We will discuss how red blood cells have a very narrow window to function and that
outside of that window they are damaged. Students have already learned that blood cells carry
oxygen and so we will talk bout how damaging blood cells limits the oxygen you get. We will
continue to explore the effects of a low blood pH and through a discussion link them back to the
homeostatic imbalance.
Activity: Students will take more formal guided notes from a PowerPoint. I will continue to
stop for both understand checks and any questions of curiosity the students have. I will walk
students through oxytocin's role in childbirth and the bodies blood clotting scheme as examples of
positive feedback.
Assessment: Students will be assessed by their homework which will be to work on a few
ACT style questions about diabetic ketoacidosis. The students will be given a diagram and some
charts and will need to both work on skills of integrating information and applying the concepts
covered in their notes for the day.
Homework: ACT style questions on acidosis and the bodies response mechanisms
Differentiation: The groups will be formed such that I will have some time to clear
misconceptions from the previous lessons and share my thought process for the nights homework
to help them with what might be a more challenging assignment. I will also have students who have
trouble focusing will be seated in the front of the classroom as per the seating chart.
Technology: Their own devices to look up normal lab values and information on DKA.

Day 5:
Topic: The bodies regulatory mechanisms webquest- Elaborate
Lesson Objective(s): I will be able to provide several examples of negative feedback in the
body. I will be able to determine in an unfamiliar scenario if it is a demonstration of positive or
negative feedback. I will demonstrate this by completing a chart of examples of feedback in the
Introduction: I will begin by going over the ACT questions from the previous night. I will
have the questions shown under the projector and then call on a student to share their answer and
why they chose their answer. I will look around at the students work first and intentionally call on
students who have answered the questions incorrectly to see where the misconception lies.
Activity: Students will work in pairs to complete a webquest on negative and positive
feedback. One student will be responsible for the A-D and the other E-H. The students will then
confer to share their information and complete the worksheet. Next the students will assess their
knowledge by they will work together to put a "P " or "N" next to scenarios of feedback based on if
they think it is positive or negative. They must supply two sentence for each scenario of why they
think it is one type of feedback or the other.
Assessment: The assessment will be the groups ability to determine if examples of feedback
are positive or negative feedback.
Homework: Students will complete variables for human homeostasis chart.
Differentiation: Students will be assigned groups based on readiness. I would like students
who are at similar reediness levels to work together to force students who are not working up to
par to have to step up and contribute. This webquest will not be possible unless both partners do
their job. Also this will allow me to spend more time with the groups that are struggling more and
allow those that can self-direct to work at their own pace.
Technology: Laptops for the webquest
Day 6:
Topic: Spirometer Activity- teaching students to use the equipment
Lesson Objective(s): I will be able to describe what a spirometer is and how it is used to
measure breathing volumes. I will demonstrate my understanding by identifying Tidal Volume,
Inspiratory Reserve Volume, Expiratory Reserve Volume, and Vital Capacity on a spirometry
reading. I will be able to explain how our lungs are used as a way to maintain homeostasis.
Introduction: Introduce part of students final assessment will be to demonstrate their
understanding by planning and conducting a laboratory exercise that illicit a feedback mechanism
to maintain homeostasis. I will remind students of the blood pressure investigation they carried out
and introduce another testing method of using a spirometer to measure how much air is passed
into and out of the lungs.
Activity: Define tidal volume, IRV and ERV by having students breath in and out. Next I will
show the students how the spirometer works and have a student demonstrate using them and the
Venier Labquests by performing tidal volume. I will have another student demonstrate IRV with the
spirometer and another student ERV. Then I will ask the students to brainstorm some factors that
would affect breathing rate. I will have them share out and as a class we will try and determine
what homeostatic set point the body is trying to maintain by regulating breathing in each of the
examples. I will have students demonstrate a few of those examples with the spirometer such as
during and after exercise, holding your breath, and hyperventilating. After the demonstrations are
complete I will print out the spirometry reports from the labquest. One the first report I will show
them how to find the TV, IRV, ERV, VC, and breathing rate. On the next recording I will ask the
students to complete it with me by sharing out. The rest of the readings the students will annotate
on their own.
Assessment: Students will be assessed by their labeling of the spirometry readings
Homework: Pre-read on endocrine control of homeostasis; Fill out a K-L-W chart about
blood sugar and diabetes
Differentiation: I will be able to help students individually with spirometry readings while
students are working independently. Students will also have choice in what variables they want to
manipulate in the later demonstrations.
Technology: Spirometry Sensors; Venier Webquest Machines.

Day 7:
Topic: Endocrine Regulation of Homeostasis
Lesson Objective(s): I will be able to generate a graphic organizer that demonstrates how
insulin and glucagon are used to regulate blood glucose. I will be able to extrapolate how diabetes
would affect glucose homeostasis. I will be able to identify the key hormones in the regulation of
blood calcium. I will be able to predict the outcome of a deficiency or excess in these hormones and
vitamin D. I will be able to describe the effects of ADH and ANP and how they antagonize each other
to regulate blood pressure.
Introduction: I will remind students of previous lessons about the function of endocrine
system to use feedback to regulate the bodies functions.
Activity: Students will compete a jigsaw activity. I will have the students work in groups of
three. Within the groups I will assign on member "glucose expert"; one "calcium expert" and the last
one "blood pressure" expert. All the Glucose experts will meet with me first as I give a brief
explanation of the uses of insulin and glucagon in the body and how they are regulated by the
pancreas. I will also I will then give them a brief description in the pathology of diabetes. While
these students are receiving a mini-lesson the others are sharing some of the questions they had
from the previous nights K-L-W chart. The groups will then rotate and I will give a mini-lesson to
the calcium group on the roles of calcitonin, parathyroid hormone, vitamin D, the skin and the
kidney. Finally I will give a mini-lesson to the blood pressure group on the endocrine regulation by
ADH and ANP. Students will remain in their expert groups to fill out graphic organizers of the roles
of their hormones. I will come around and check these for correctness. Students will then return to
their original groups to share what they have learned and work to complete case studies of the
three endocrine systems.
Assessment: Students will be assessed by their groups case studies answers. I will also gain
information from their completion of their graphic organizers.
Homework: Review their notes for their upcoming summative assessment.
Differentiation: I will be able to work with students in remediation if they are struggling to
fill out their graphic organizers if necessary. If students are mastering the topics quickly we can
discuss more multiple pathologies such as secondary hyperparathyroidism from kidney damage
from diabetes. Advanced students can further their understanding by predicting treatment for these
hormonal imbalances.
Technology: N/A

Day 8:
Topic: Review
Lesson Objective(s): Students will review their learning objective from the unit and focus
on the essential questions posed in the unit. This will be demonstrated by completion of the review
Introduction: I will familiarize the student with the format for their assessment and review
their learning objectives.
Activity: I will have students work in groups to work through the following activities:
Labeling examples of feedback are negative or positive; Determining the sensor, control center, and
effector organ are for each example; Describing the role of hormones in the regulation of blood
glucose, blood pressure, and blood calcium;
Assessment: There will be no formal assessment of this activity but I will be working with
groups to help them and dispel misconceptions in their understanding. I will go over the answers to
the activities they are working on at the end of class so they can take them home for review.
Homework: Review for their summative assessment
Differentiation: Students in a group will be given numbers and when there number is called
it is their turn to complete the problem.
Technology: N/A

Day 9:
Topic: Summative Assessment- Day 1
Lesson Objective(s): I will be able to plan and conduct an investigation to demonstrate the
feedback mechanisms used to maintain homeostasis. My proficiency will be demonstrate by
completing my assessment.
Activity/Assessment: Students will complete the plan and conduction portion of their
assessment. They will complete this portion in groups, however, individual proficiency will be
assessed through my questioning the students individually. I will specifically ask all students
individually "how does your experiment demonstrate feedback?"
Differentiation: Students will have their choice in the variables they examine and the way
in which they do so.
Technology: Depends on individuals experimental design.

Day 10:
Topic: Summative Assessment -Day 2
Lesson Objective(s): I will be able to identify examples of positive and negative feedback. I
will be able to identify how different systems regulate homeostasis. Proficient completion of my
summative assessment will demonstrate my learning.
Activity/Assessment: Students will complete part two of the assessment individually.
Differentiation: None
Technology: None

III. Activities

A. Homeostasis Tic-Tac-Toe

Negative Feedback Set Point Homeostasis
Stability Decrease Positive Feedback
Temperature Increase Change

B. Homeostasis WebQuest

Homeostasis Webquest Bens Bad Day!
Go to: http://ats.doit.wisc.edu/biology/lessons.htm
Click on the Homeostasis link in the Animal Physiology box
After reading this page, click on topic 1 Bens Bad Day
Go thru Bens day starting at 8:00 am and ending at 12:00 am and answer the questions

1. Why did Ben feel dizzy and faint when he jumped out of his chair?

2. List the steps Bens body must go thru to maintain homeostasis. Be sure to identify the parts of the body involved and
what they did.

3. What stimulus did Bens body have to deal with at 8:30?

4. List the steps Bens body must go thru to maintain homeostasis. Be sure to identify the parts of the body involved and
what they did.

5. What did Bens muscles produce when he ran after his paper at 11:50 am?

6. What impact did this have on the pH of his blood?

7. Which organ did Bens nervous system stimulate to help maintain homeostasis? How was pH balanced restored.

8. During his Biology test, Bens brain needs more glucose, what do the adrenal glands release and where do they go to
help increase Bens glucose level

9. At 8:30 Ben eats some pretzels. What does this do to his blood chemistry? What does this mean?

10. What happened next in Bens bodys attempt to restore homeostasis?

11. What organ was stimulated by the above action by Bens body? What was its response?

12. What did Ben do to increase his glucose level?

13. How does Bens body respond to the increased glucose level?

14. Which part of Bens body is stimulated to take up the excess glucose?

15 What other parts of Bens body work to maintain homeostasis in the above situation?
16. What part DOES NOT assist in this process and why?

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the arrow indicating the next page. Read this page and answer the questions

17. Which body messenger service is most like email? Most like snail mail?

18. What are the messenger molecules used by the nervous system? The endocrine system?

Click on the arrow at the bottom of the pages to continue thru this section of the webquest.

19. Describe the path that the neurotransmitter took to increase Bens blood pressure.

20. Describe the path that the hormones took to regulate Bens glucose level.

21. Can both the endocrine and the nervous system work together to maintain Homeostasis? Give an example from
Bens bad day in which both systems played a part.

22. Which system kicked in first?

23. What part of the endocrine system was stimulated, what hormone was released, where did it go, and what was the
target cells response?

24. Read the want adds below and determine if Neurotransmitters or hormones are best suited for the job?

Seeking highly qualified
messenger molecule to work
with a variety of target organs.
Must be willing to travel long
distances to remote parts of the
body. Email [email protected]

Earn up to $75/hr! Homeostatic
Network, Inc. has immediate
openings for messenger
molecules. Must be able to meet
with both target and not target
organs Please call 564-0936

Wanted: Messenger molecule for
established homeostatic
regulatory system. Must have
experience working as pare of a
network of connected cells and be
able to reach target cells rapidly.
Direct inquiries 653-9988

25. Are the homeostatic
processes included in this
webquest positive or negative
feed back? Explain.

C. Variables for Human Control Worksheet

Name: Period: Date:
Homeostatic regulation involves three parts: 1) the receptor, 2) the control center and 3) the effector.
The receptor receives information that something in the environment is changing. The control center or
integration center receives and processes information from the receptor. And lastly, the effector responds to the
commands of the control center by either opposing or enhancing the stimulus. This is an ongoing process that
continually works to restore and maintain homeostasis. For example, in regulating body temperature there are
temperature receptors in the skin, which communicate information to the brain, which is the control center, and
the effector is our blood vessels and sweat glands.
In the space below, think of a variable (or two) for which humans maintain homeostasis. Use your textbook to
determine the receptor, control center, and effector. (Do not get too detailed, just the basics!) Then you will
pair up with another student so that you can compare your (hopefully) different examples. You may need to
pair with several different students during this time. Finally, you will share your variables with the class and
we will compile a list together.
Example Receptor Control Center Effector

constant pH

Regulating blood
sugar (glucose)





D. Circulatory System Control Lab

Factors that affect the Circulatory System Lab
The circulatory system functions to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues for growth and
metabolism, and to remove metabolic wastes. The heart pumps blood through a circuit that includes
arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. One important circuit is the pulmonary circuit,
where there is an exchange of gases within the alveoli of the lung. The right side of the human heart
receives deoxygenated blood from body tissues and pumps it to the lungs. The left side of the heart
receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the tissues. With increased exercise,
several changes occur within the circulatory system, thus increasing the delivery of oxygen to actively
respiring muscles cells. These changes include increased heart rate, increased blood flow to
muscular tissue, decreased blood flow to non-muscular tissue, increased arterial pressure, increased
body temperature and increased breathing rate.

Blood Pressure
An important measurable aspect of the circulatory system is blood pressure. When the ventricles of
the heart contract, pressure is increased throughout all of the arteries. Arterial blood pressure is
directly dependent on the amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute and the resistance to
blood flow through the arterioles. The arterial blood pressure is determined using a device known as
a sphygmomanometer. This device consists of an inflatable cuff connected by rubber hoses to a hand
pump and to a pressure gauge graduated in millimeters of mercury. The cuff is wrapped around the
upper arm and inflated to a pressure that will shut off the brachial artery. The examiner listens for the
sounds of blood flow in the brachial artery by placing the bell of a stethoscope in the inside of the
elbow below the biceps.
At rest, the blood normally goes through the arteries so that the blood in the central part of the artery
moves faster than the blood in the peripheral part. Under these conditions, the artery is silent when
one listens. When the sphygmomanometer cuff is inflated to a pressure above the systolic pressure,
the flow of blood is stopped and the artery is silent again. As the pressure in the cuff gradually drops
to levels between the systolic and diastolic pressures of the artery, the blood is pushed through the
compressed walls of the artery in a turbulent flow. Under these conditions, the blood is mixed, and the
turbulence sets up vibrations in the artery that are heard as sounds in the stethoscope. These sounds
are known as the heart sounds or sounds of Korotkoff. The sounds are divided into five phases based
on the loudness and quality of the sounds.

Phase 1. A loud, clear tapping sound that increases in intensity as the cuff is deflated.
Phase 2. A succession of murmurs can be heard. Sometimes the sounds seem to
disappear during this time which may be a result of inflating or deflating the cuff too slowly.
Phase 3. A loud, thumping sound, similar to that in Phase 1 but less clear, replaces the murmurs.
Phase 4. A muffled sound abruptly replaces the thumping sounds of Phase 3.
Phase 5. All sounds disappear.

The cuff pressure at which the first sound is heard (beginning of Phase 1) is taken as the systolic
pressure. The cuff pressure with the muffled sound (Phase 4) disappears (beginning of Phase 5) is
taken as the measurement of the diastolic pressure. A normal blood pressure measurement for a
given individual depends on a person's age, sex, heredity, and environment. When these factors are
taken into account, blood pressure measurements that are chronically elevated may indicate a state
deleterious to the health of the person. This condition is called hypertension and is a major
contributing factor in heart disease and stroke.

Table 10.1: Normal Blood Pressure for Men and Women at Different Ages
Systolic Pressure Diastolic Pressure Systolic Pressure Diastolic Pressure
Age in Years Men Women Men Women Age in Years Men Women Men Women
10 103 103 69 70
11 104 104 70 71
12 106 106 71 72
13 108 108 72 73
14 110 110 73 74
15 112 112 75 76
16 118 116 73 72
17 121 116 74 72
18 120 116 74 72
19 122 115 75 71
20-24 123 116 76 72
25-29 125 117 78 74
30-34 126 120 79 75
35-39 127 124 80 78
40-44 129 127 81 80
45-49 130 131 82 82
50-54 135 137 83 84
55-59 138 139 84 84
60-64 142 144 85 85
65-69 143 154 83 85
70-74 145 159 82 85
Measuring Blood Pressure
Note: This lab is ONLY for experimental, and not diagnostic, purposes.
A sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) is used to measure blood pressure. The cuff,
designed to fit around the upper arm, can be expanded by pumping a rubber bulb connected to
the cuff. The pressure gauge, scaled in millimeters, indicates the pressure inside the cuff. A
stethoscope is used to listen to the individual's pulse.
1. Work in pairs.
2. Attach the cuff of the sphygmomanometer snugly around the upper arm.
3. Place the stethoscope directly below the cuff in the bend of the elbow joint.
4. Close the valve of the bulb by turning it clockwise. Pump air into the cuff until the pressure
gauge goes past 200 mm Hg.
5. Turn the valve of the bulb counterclockwise and slowly release the air from the cuff. Listen
for pulse.
6. When you first hear the heart sounds, note the pressure on the gauge. This is the systolic
7. Continue to slowly release air and listen until the clear thumping sound of the pulse
becomes strong and then fades. When you last hear the full heart beat, note the pressure. This
is the diastolic pressure.
8. Repeat the measurement two more times. You may use the manual cuffs again, or use the
automated blood pressure monitors. If using the automated monitors, attach the cuff with the
red dot over your artery. Press the power button. Wait until the arrow stops flashing and the
cuff reads 0. Inflate the cuff (do not pass 180!) and release. Wait until the cuff stops deflating
and gives a digital reading. (It also provides the pulse.)
9. Determine the average systolic and diastolic pressure, then record these values on the data
10. Trade places with your partner. Record the average systolic and diastolic pressure on the
blood pressure data sheet.

A Test of Fitness
The point scores on the following tests provide an evaluation of fitness based not only on
cardiac muscular development but also on the ability of the cardiovascular system to respond
to sudden changes in demand. Caution: Make sure that you do not attempt this exercise if
strenuous activity will aggravate a health problem. Work in pairs. Determine the fitness level
for one member of the pair (Tests 1 to 5).
Test 1: A Change in Systolic Pressure from Reclining to Standing
1. The subject should recline on a laboratory bench for at least 5 minutes. At the end of this
time, measure the systolic and diastolic pressure and record these values on the data sheet.
2. Remain reclining for two minutes, then stand and IMMEDIATELY repeat measurements on
the same subject (arms down). Record these values on the data sheet.
3. Determine the change in systolic pressure from reclining to standing by subtracting the
standard measurement from the reclining measurement. Assign fitness points based on Table
10.2 and record the fitness data sheet.

Table 10.2: Changes in Systolic Pressure from Reclining to Standing
Change (mm Hg) Fitness Points
rise of 8 or more 3
rise of 27 2
no rise 1
fall of 25 0
fall of 6 or more -1

Cardiac Rate and Physical Fitness
During physical exertion, the cardiac rate (beats per minute) increases. This increase can be
measured as an increase in pulse rate. Although the maximum cardiac rate is usually the
same in people of the same age group, those who are physically fit have a higher stroke
volume (millimeters per beat) then more sedentary individuals. A person who is in poor
physical condition, therefore, reaches their maximum cardiac rate at a lower work level than a
person with of comparable age who is in better shape. Maximum cardiac rates are listed in
Table 10.3. Individuals who are in good physical condition can deliver more oxygen to their
muscles before reaching maximum cardiac rate than can those in poor condition.

Table 10.3: Maximum Pulse Rate
Age (years) Maximum Pulse Rate (beats/min)
20-29 190
30-39 160
40-49 150
50-59 140
60 and above 130

Test 2: Standing Pulse Rate
1. The subject should stand at ease for 2 minutes after Test 1.
2. After the two minutes, determine your partner's pulse.
3. Count the number of beats for 30 seconds and multiply by 2. The pulse rate is the number of
beats per minute. Record this on the fitness data sheet. Assign fitness points based on Table
10.4 and record them on the data sheet.

Table 10.4: Pulse Rate and Fitness Points
Pulse Rate (beats/min) Fitness Points
60-70 3
71-80 3
81-90 2
91-100 1
101-110 1
111-and above 0

Test 3: Reclining Pulse Rate
1. The subject should recline for 5 minutes on the laboratory bench.
2. The other partner will determine the subject's resting pulse.
3. Count the number of beats for 30 seconds and multiply by 2. (Note: the subject should
remain reclining for the next test!) Record it on the Data Sheet. Assign fitness points based on
Table 10.5 and record them on the fitness data sheet.

Table 10.5: Reclining Pulse Rate
Pulse Rate (beats/min) Fitness Points
50-60 3
61-70 3
71-80 2
81-90 1
91-100 0
101-110 -1

Test 4: Baroreceptor Reflex (Pulse Rate Increase from Reclining to Standing)
1. The reclining subject should now stand up.
2. Immediately take the subject's pulse. Record this value below. The observed increase in
pulse rate is initiated by baroreceptors (pressure receptors) in the carotid artery and in the
aortic arch. When the baroreceptors detect a drop in blood pressure they signal the medulla of
the brain to increase the heart beat, and consequently the pulse rate.

Table 10.6: Pulse Increase from Reclining to Standing
Pulse Rate Increase Reclining Pulse (beats/min) on Standing (# beats)
0-10 11-18 19-26 27-34 35-43
Reclining Pulse
(beats/min) Fitness Points
50-60 3 3 2 1 0
61-70 3 2 1 0 1
71-80 3 2 0 -1 -2
81-90 2 1 -1 -2 -3
91-100 1 0 -2 -3 -3
101-110 0 1 -3 -3 -3

Test 5: Step Test Endurance
1. Place your right foot on an 18inch high step. Raise your body so that your left foot comes to
rest by your right foot. Return your left foot to the original position. Repeat these exercises five
times, allowing three seconds for each step up. (An alternative procedure could be too quickly
climb our stairs.)
2. Immediately after the completion of the exercise, measure the pulse for 15 seconds and
record below measure again for 15 seconds and record continue taking the pulse and record
at 60, 90, and 120 seconds.
3. Observe the time that it takes for the pulse rate to return to approximately the level as
recorded in
Test 2. Assign fitness pints based on Table 10.7 and record them on the fitness data sheet

Table 10.7: Time Required for Return of Pulse Rate to Standing Level after Exercise
Time (seconds) Fitness Points
0- 30 4
31-60 3
61-90 2
91-120 1
121+ 1
1-10 beats above standing pulse rate 0
11-30 beats above standing pulse rate -1

4. Subtract your normal standing pulse rate (recorded in Test 2) from your pulse rate
immediately after exercise (the 0 to 15 second interval) to obtain pulse rate increase. Record
this on the Blood Pressure Data Sheet (below). Assign fitness points based on Table 10.8 and
record them on the fitness data sheet.

Pulse Rate Increase Immediately Standing Pulse (beats/min) after Exercise (#beats)
0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41+
Standing Pulse
(beats/min) Fitness Points
60-70 3 3 2 1 0
71-80 3 2 1 0 -1
81-90 3 2 1 -1 -2
91-100 2 1 0 -2 -3
101-110 1 0 -1 -3 -3
111120 1 -1 -2 -3 -3
121-130 0 -2 -3 -3 -3
131-140 0 -3 -3 -3 -3

5. Add the columns on the measurement points section of the data sheet. See below for the
fitness rating.

Fitness Score
Total Score Relative Cardiac Fitness
18 -17 Excellent
16-14 Good
13-8 Fair
7 or less Poor

Calculating Pulse Pressure and Cardiac Output
1. Pulse pressure is the difference between the systolic and diastolic readings and is a crude
estimate of the stroke volume of the heart.
Pulse pressure (estimated stroke volume) = systolic pressure - diastolic pressure.
2. Calculate the pulse pressure using the average blood pressure reading obtained in Part II.
Record this value in the table on the student data sheet.
3. The cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute.
Cardiac output = heart rate (in beats/minute) x stroke volume.
4. The average cardiac output when at rest is about 4.5 liters per minute. Calculate your
cardiac output by assuming that 1 mm Hg is equal to 1 cm
of blood. Record this value in
the table on the student data sheet.

Physiology of the Circulatory System: Data Sheet

Blood Pressure/Pulse Rate Data
1 2 3 Average of
first 3
reclining for
5 minutes
After 2
minutes of
(mm Hg)

(mm Hg)

Pulse rate

Step Test Endurance
Number of beats in the 0-15 second interval ____ X 4 = ____ beats per minute
Number of beats in the 16-30 second interval ____ X 4 = ____ beats per minute
Number of beats in the 31-60 second interval ____ X 2 = ____ beats per minute
Number of beats in the 61-90 second interval ____ X 2 = ____ beats per minute
Number of beats in the 91-120 second interval ____ X 2 = ____ beats per minute

Measurement Points Measurement Fitness
Test 1. Standing Pulse Rate beats/min ________
Test 2. Reclining Pulse Rate beats/min ________
Test 3. Change in systolic pressure from reclining to standing mm Hg ________
Test 4. Baroreceptor reflex Pulse Rate increase on Standing beats/min ________
Test 5. Return of Pulse Rate to Standing after Exercise seconds ________
Pulse Rate increase immediately after exercise beats/min ________
Total score ________

Cardiac Output Data
Pulse pressure (estimated stroke volume) ________________________
Heart rate (average pulse reading) ________________________
Cardiac output (heart rate x stroke volume) ________________________mL

1. What is blood pressure?

2. Explain why blood pressure and heart rate differ when measured in a reclining position
and in a standing position.

3. Explain why high blood pressure is a health concern.

4. Explain why an athlete must exercise harder or longer to achieve a maximum heart rate
than a person who is not as physically fit.

5. Why does pulse rate increase with exercise?

6. Why is a slower pulse rate considered better than a fast one?

7. Why would a rapid recovery rate be a sign of fitness?

8. List at least 3 factors that may affect blood pressure on a short-term basis.
a. Increases blood pressure

b. Decreases blood pressure

9. List at least 3 factors that may influence blood pressure on a long-term basis.
a. Increases blood pressure

b. Decreases blood pressure

10. List at least 3 factors that may affect heart rate on a short-term basis.
a. Increases heart rate

b. Decreases heart rate

11. List at least 3 factors that may affect heart rate on a long-term basis.
a. Increases heart rate

b. Decreases heart rate

12. Suppose a persons pressure is 165/110.
A. What is his systolic pressure? __________
B. What is his diastolic pressure? ___________
C. What is his pulse pressure? ___________
D. What condition does this person have? __________________________

13. Why is it important to change your heart rate during exercise? After exercise why is
it equally important to return to a more stable heart rate?

D. Spirometry Activity Questions

Lung Volumes and Capacities
Volume measurement
Individual (L)
Class average (Male)
Class average (Female)
Tidal Volume (TV)
Inspiratory Reserve (IRV)
Expiratory Reserve (ERV)
Vital Capacity (VC)
Residual Volume (RV) 1.5 1.5 1.5
Total Lung Capacity (TLC)
Respiratory rate (breaths/minute)

After Holding Breath After Rapid Breathing During
After Exercise
Tidal volume (L)
Respiratory rate

Minute ventilation

1. What muscle contracts during a normal inhalation?

2. What is tidal volume?

a. What is an average tidal volume?
b. What was your Tidal Volume (TV)?
c. What would you expect your TV to be if you inhaled a foreign object which completely obstructed your
right primary bronchus? Explain.

d. Calculate your Minute Volume (ventilation) at rest. Show your work below. Be sure to label units.
(TV breaths/minute) = Minute Volume at rest

e. If you are taking shallow breaths (TV = 0.20 L) to avoid severe pain from rib fractures, what respiratory
rate will be required to achieve the same minute volume?
3. What is inspiratory reserve volume?
a. What is an average inspiratory reserve volume?
b. What muscles are used in forced inspiration?
4. What is expiratory reserve volume?
a. What is an average expiratory reserve volume?
b. What muscles are used in forced expiration?
5. What is vital capacity?
a. What is an average vital capacity?
6. What is residual volume?
a. Why do we not calculate residual volume?
7. What is total lung capacity?
8. Describe the difference between lung volumes for males and females.
a. What might account for this?

9. Describe the changes in respiratory rates, tidal volumes, and minute ventilations that occurred after each of
the following physiologic challenges in terms of CO2 levels and their effect on respiratory drive:
a. breath holding

b. rapid breathing

c. exercise

d. Which of the above challenges caused the greatest change in respiratory rate (pre-challenge vs.
post challenge)? Explain why you think this is so.

10. How might breathing into a paper bag help someone who is extremely anxious and hyperventilating?

11. Explain how the changes seen in respirations serves as a form of feedback in the maintenance of
homeostasis. (What is the body trying to keep stable and what is changing during the challenges?)

IV. Assessments:



Today you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the feedback
mechanisms and homeostasis by planning and conducting an experiment. Your task is to provide
evidence, or demonstrate, how the body employs feedback mechanisms to maintain homeostasis.
While feedback can be monitored in several different body systems, today you will specifically
assess the bodys response to exercise as the means of your testing. Some factors you may want to
consider are perspiration, breathing rate, color of skin, and heart rate. I have provided you with
stopwatches if you should need them in your experimental design.

Experimental Design
You and your partner will need to be as explicit and detailed as necessary so that another
person could conduct your experiment identically.

Things to consider:
What is your independent variable?

What is your dependent variable?

What are some of the controls you are using in the experiment?

What materials will you need?

How will this experimental design demonstrate how feedback mechanisms are used
to maintain homeostasis?

Once you have completed your procedure and design you and your partner will need to have it
checked by me. Make sure you can both intelligently communicate your procedure and the reason
for your choices. Once I have given you approval you will have the rest of class to complete your
experiment, gather your data, and conclude if the experiment effectively demonstrated feedback
mechanisms used to maintain homeostasis. You will need to include a data table with all data

Use the following Ruberic in designing your experiement:

4 3 2 1
Purpose NA Purpose is stated clearly and
relates directly to the activity.
Purpose is stated, but is vague
or does not relate directly to the
Purpose is stated, but is
vague and does not relate
directly to the activity.
Hypothesis NA A clear and logical hypothesis is
Hypothesis is either not clear or
not logical.
Hypothesis is both not clear
and not logical.
Materials NA Well organized, complete listing
of items needed for the
List is either not well organized
or a complete listing of items
needed for the experiment is
not given.
List is incomplete and not
well organized.
Procedure Numbered steps to describe
the experiment that are written
clearly enough that another
scientist could perform the
same experiment.
Either steps are not numbered
or a minor detail is omitted from
the description.
Steps are not numbered and
minor details are omitted from
the description.
Steps are not numbered
and the procedure is very
Experimental Design-
Control, Independent,
Dependent Variables
Experiment includes a well-
defined control and variables.
Experiment includes a control,
and variables but they are not
well defined
Experiment attempts to use a
control, but there are flaws in
the control group. Experiment
misrepresents variables.
Experiment misrepresents
Experimental Design-
Number of Trials
Experiment uses four or more
trials of each condition.
Experiment uses three trials of
each condition.
Experiment uses two trials of
each condition.
Experiment only uses one
trial of each condition.
Experimental Design-

NA Experiment tests two or more
conditions, one qualitative and
one quantitative.
Experiment tests one condition. Experiment tests one
condition incompletely.
Collection of Data-
Data are collected in a neat,
well-organized and in logical
fashion including charts.
Data are either not neat and
well-organized or not presented
in a logical fashion.
Data are not neat, well-
organized and not presented in
a logical fashion.
Data are not complete.
Collection of Data-
Graphs are neat, have a title,
axes are labeled with units, and
appropriate intervals are used.
Graphs contain three of the
following characteristics: are
neat, have a title, axes are
labeled with units, and
appropriate intervals are used.
Graphs contain two of the
following characteristics: are
neat, have a title, axes are
labeled with units, and
appropriate intervals are used.
Graphs are not neat, have
no title, axes are not
labeled with units, and
appropriate intervals are
not used.
Sources of error
Analysis includes possible
sources of error that are logical
and justified.
Analysis includes possible
sources of error that are either
not logical or not justified.
Analysis includes possible
sources of error that are both
not logical and not justified.
Analysis does not include
possible sources of error.
Principles of
Superior knowledge and
explanation of homeostasis is
Adequate knowledge of
homeostasis is shown.
Poor knowledge of
homeostasis is shown.
No mention of homeostasis
is made.
Conclusion NA Conclusion is based on a sound
and logical analysis of the data
and states whether the
hypothesis is verified or
Conclusion does not follow a
logical analysis of the data or it
does not state whether the
hypothesis is verified or
Conclusion does not follow
a logical analysis of the
data and it does not state
whether the hypothesis is
verified or negated.



Analysis Questions

1. In an experiment, what is a dependent variable? (define)

a. What was your dependent variable?

2. In an experiment, what is an independent variable?

a. What was your independent variable?

3. What is a control?

a. What would a control for this experiment be?

4. Explain in terms of physiology why your body does the following during exercise.
a. Changes color.

b. Increases perspiration.

c. Increases body temperature.

d. Increases heart rate.

e. Increases respiration rate.

5. Define the following.
a. Homeostasis.

b. Set point.

c. Negative feedback.

Give an example not from this lab and explain.

d. Positive feedback.

Give an example and explain.

6. Trace the pathway for feedback, from sensation to response, defining each part listed.
(afferent pathway, control center, effector, efferent pathway, sensory receptor)






Label the feedback loop below with the terms you defined above.


When the body has less than an appropriate amount of water, the hypothalamus in the brain
senses this, using a set of specialized neurons called osmoreceptors, which are stimulated by
changes in sodium and water concentration in the blood. The hypothalamus signals the pituitary
gland to release the hormone ADH (anti-diuretic hormone, also known as vasopressin). This
hormone acts on the kidneys to reduce the amount of water in urine, thus keeping water in the
body. The result is water conservation for the body; what we visually observe is darker colored,
more concentrated urine. The thirst response is also regulated by the hypothalamus, and is the
reason we feel thirsty when our fluid balance is low.
As part of homeostatic response, the body is designed to not overdo a response, such as the
response to thirst. When the osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus sense that the water balance in
the blood is more appropriate, the hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland to release less ADH,
and the process is stopped. Failure to regulate water balance is fatal. Dehydration can result in
cramps, dizziness, rapid heartbeat and ultimately death. Likewise, too much water (or too much
water too quickly) can result in low blood sodium and heart and organ failure, potentially fatal

7. What structure holds the set points for water levels?
a. The mouth
b. The hypothalamus
c. The pituitary gland
d. The kidneys

8. If a person is well hydrated, their urine would be:
a. Lighter and dilute
b. Darker and dilute
c. Darker and concentrated
d. Lighter and concentrated

9. When vasopressin is released, a person is likely to feel:
a. More thirsty
b. Less thirsty
c. Tired
d. Excited
e. Sad

10. What is the receptor in this feedback loop?
a. The mouth
b. The osmoreceptors of the hypothalamus
c. The ADH secreting cells of the pituitary gland
d. The kidneys

Diseases, infections and pathogens are not always as obvious in their disruption of homeostasis,
but still require a response to prevent disruption. The bodys immune response is multi-layered
to prevent and contain infection in the most efficient way. Skin is the first line of defense against
many pathogens. The digestive system is also a highly-guarded entry point. Once a breach does
occur, various proteins and blood cells work in concert to stall and stop the infection.
In general, immune cells are named for their jobs or the location in the body where they mature. B
cells mature in the bone marrow, and are generally associated with antibody production. T cells
mature in the thymus gland. These are most associated with helping B cells and killing infected
cells. There are additional (not B, not T) immune system cells such as phagocytes (cell eaters).
Some cells are generalists and will attack any foreign invader. Other cells specifically target
certain cells or pathogens based on antigens they present. Many of the cells required interaction
with one another in order to begin functioning.

11. There are additional cells which stop the immune response when it is no longer needed.
What type of feedback do they ensure?
a. Negative feedback
b. Positive feedback

12. In the case where antibodies are needed, what would be the effector in the feedback loop?
a. The skin
b. The digestive tract
c. The bone marrow
d. T cells
e. Phagocytes

13. What kind of feedback is shown above?
a. Negative feedback
b. Positive feedback
c. Both negative and positive feedback
d. Neither type of feedback
e. You cannot tell based on the information shown

14. If calcium levels in the blood are low, which of the following will happen?
a. Calcium is secreted by the kidney
b. Calcium is released from bone
c. Vitamin D is released by the digestive tract
d. Parathyroid hormone is absorbed by the thyroid gland
e. Calcium is excreted in the feces

15. In order for calcium to be absorbed by the intestines,
a. Blood calcium must be high
b. The kidneys must release active vitamin D
c. Calcitonin is released by the thyroid gland

V. Unit Reflection

In the development of the unit plan I think students will generate an understanding of the core
biological principle of homeostasis. I think that there are many ways to modify the plan if students
demonstrate a need for more support or more enrichment based on their prior knowledge. As I
reflect on the crosscutting concept of stability and change I think homeostasis wonderfully reflects
the balance and need for all to display the basic characteristics of all living organism to respond to
stimuli. Feedback seen through homeostasis is simply the outpouring of that innate necessary
function of life. While I am happy with the unit I think I would consider implementing it as an on-
going series that shows up in each body system unit. As we study the endocrine system, I would
use the endocrine lesson to demonstrate hormones ability to control homeostasis, as we study the
cardiovascular system I would use the lessons involving blood pressure and exercise. Instead of a
concise unit I think these lessons would work well as more of a cross-cutting principle
implemented in each system.

After implementation of the unit I have seem more areas for growth in the lessons. Students
responded very well to the hands on application of concepts of body stabilization and were
especially engaged during the blood pressure and breathing rate lab. I think in the future I need to
spend more time setting up these activities and supporting them with more instructional time
devoted to the devices, their proper use, and their implications.

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