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1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and
polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques
in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
Nicole Swenson
Math 383
Lesson Plan Research
Pi goes beyond circles, it is found in many real world situations.
o As Margaret found, this information fascinates students good place to draw
students interests in
o Understanding where concepts come from both gives more in depth knowledge
base to students, as well as a fun way to connect to the information (no longer
learned out of necessity)
Measurement activity-
o Go around school measuring circumference and diameter of circles found in
o One student scribes for class in left hand column of sheet
o Students calculate ratio of circumference to diameter in both fractions and
Students discover for themselves that the ratio is a little over 3
The number is then given the name of pi
o Talk about hat sizes 6 , 7 etc.
Measure head circumference then dive by pi. (practical reasoning for hat
How relevant would this be to the students? How much background
building would we have to do? Bring in example hats instead of relying
on the students having experience with hats at home?
The History of Pi-
o Ancient Babylonians and Egyptians had a number to figure out the circumference
of a circle when they knew the diameter How cool!
Christian school great tie to their bible study they may have
o China
o Persia
o Dutch man Ludolph van Ceulon
Student interest in Pi
o Students always love a challenge, memorizing the number pi is no exception.
Mnemonic device online for memorizing? (obviously
monitor which ones they use/see)
o The obvious questions arises how do they know the exact number for pi?!
Their question leads, first, to an explanation of Archimedes method,
which leads to the limit as one of the foundations of calculus: the
exhaustion of the circle.
Students try to figure out the area of circles using various shapes they
realize the limits of this method.
Students come to realize that these methods dont work well for
getting a precise measure.
The number comes up in theory Far beyond my scope of
Various equations that students get to play around with on the
CCSS.Math.Content.6.G.A.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and
polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques
in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
calculator they eventually draw the conclusion that indeed they
lead to pi. One of which is used to test computer chips Who
Why the name Pi?
Peri in Greek means around, and was first derived from the
distance around a circle.
And that symbol?
William Jones is speculated to be the first to use the symbol.
It only became popularized about 300 years ago.
Proving the Formulas
o Discovery process: circles with radius of 2, 4, 6 and 8cm.
o Find circumference and areas of circle combine into a chart
Chart leads to observation of patterns
o They used the formulas on blind faith How can they ensure they are
Try to fit smaller circles into a bigger one to see connection of area from
one known circle to the next pretty clever
o r
= Area (because area grows fast than circumference)
o d = Circumference
o =circumference/diameter sooo. d must = circumference
Students can think through these equations by understanding the
relationship between area growth and circumference growth. They were
able to see relationships and mess around with circles a lot leading to a
better understanding of these equations. No longer based on rote
memorization, but instead an understanding of how these measures of
circles are found.
Flores and Regis:
Activity 1; The ratio of the area of the circle to the radius square-
o Students are given a circle and a square (sq. with side lengths of radius)
o Estimate how many times sq. fits into circle
o Estimations end up to be somewhere more than 2 but less than 4
Color the four squares and cut the circle out.
Use the first square and fit it entirely in circle
Use the second and without overlapping it, fit it into the circle (students
will have to cut the second one some). Use the whole sq.
Use the third square; cut it as much as needed to fit it in the circle.
Use the fourth sq. save all remainder pieces.
Using a grid figure out how much of the fourth sq. was not sued.
Results in students realizing that 3 and a little more sq. Units fit
into the circle.
o Maybe to have this activity fit better into a short time
frame assign each table group to do a different size circle.
Each member of the group would work on the same size
and help each other to fit the sq. into the circles. They
could compare answers. Then as a class the results are
recorded into a table students could look at the results
and find patterns?
Activity 2; The relation to in the formula for circumference-
CCSS.Math.Content.6.G.A.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and
polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques
in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
o Better for review of the relationship in 7
and 8
grade not as useful for a 6

grade lesson, but still to look at
Fit polygons into the circle; the more sides it has the closer it is to the size
of the circle, making the differences between perimeter smaller and
Calculate the perimeter of the polygon by utilizing the triangles that fit
into the shape.
Students find the equation for the circumference of the circle through the
use of these polygons. (the inner shape can be as close to the size of the
outer shape as you want)
Using parallelograms students can calculate the area of the circle
They divide the circle into 16 parts and rearrange them to create a
parallelogram (with rounded bottoms and tops)
The students will still utilize the same equation for calculating the
area of a parallelogram, ignoring the rounded bottoms for now.
Students see a relationship between area of the parallelogram and
the radius.
o Having students go through these processes in the middle
grades help tremendously with their transition from one
level in van Hiele to the next. They need guidance in order
to make that crucial step from one level to the next. These
types of activities help that progression.
Area Problems Student Worksheet:
Could be adapted to work with our lesson Definitely helpful activities need to plan
out lesson then review these activities.

Realizing now that these articles are more about circles and pi Definitely helpful in terms of
the discovery process for understanding area, but shouldnt have spent so much time here. I was
thinking my standard was about circles based on the content in Janets e-mail upon review it
seems to be more about triangles etc.
Areas of Rectangles, Parallelograms, Triangles, and Trapezoids: (398-391)
o B x H for area of rectangle better language sets students up for more success
with other area formulas
o Huge step for students to go from counting squares in the a shape to find the area
to developing a formula
o Review of arrays (multiplication)
Understanding that this is the same idea as it is for counting squares in a
shape, multiply the base times the height
o Activity 19.16 rectangle comparison unit squares pg. 386
Students are given a pair of rectangles that are the same or close in area.
They are also given a model of a single square unit and a ruler that
measures the appropriate unit.
Students are not allows to cut out the rectangle, but can draw on them.
They need to use the ruler to determine which rectangle is larger, or if
they are the same they may use any method they wish.
They should use words, picture, and numbers to explain.
Suggested pairs of rectangles:
CCSS.Math.Content.6.G.A.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and
polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques
in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
o 4x10 and 5x8
o 5x10 and 7x7
o 4x6 and 5x5
Through this activity we can start to see student
thinking. I.e. Which students have not thought
about a unit as a row (if they draw sq. throughout
whole shape to determine area.)
o Discuss how the method of determining how many sq. could fit in the base and
height is a good efficient method. Discuss the idea of base and height. Discuss
how either side could be the base or the height (b x h = A or h x b =A
commutative property0
Rectangles to other parallelograms-
o Activity 19.19:
Give students 3 parallelograms either on grid paper or on plain paper
Ask them to figure out the area based on what they know already about
determining the area of rectangles
They should come up with a method that they can use even if the shape is
not on grid paper.
If they are stuck have the students examine how the shape is
similar to the rectangle i.e. Have them look at how a parallelogram
could be changed into a rectangle.
Figure 19.4 on pg.390 shows how a parallelogram can always be
changed into a rectangle with the same base and height. Same
formula for a rectangle
Students should come to this conclusion through discovery
From parallelograms to Triangles-
o Activity 19.20:
Give students two triangles on grid paper avoid right triangles
Have students use what they know about parallelograms to develop a
method to find the area of triangles
They should check to see if their method works for the triangles provided
for them, as well as at least on triangle they draw on their own
If extra help is needed fold a piece of paper in half and
demonstrate how a triangle is related to a parallelogram.

This activity leads students to realize that the area of a triangle is
that of the area of a parallelogram.
Have students continue to explore this idea with various types of
triangles. Will this always remain true for all triangles?
A = ( B x H)
From Parallelograms to Trapezoids-
o This should be done after developing formulas for triangles and parallelograms!
o 10 different methods to get to the formula for trapezoids holy smokes!
o 1 method = just like with triangles have students work with two identical
trapezoids, have them look at the similarities to parallelograms.

o Two congruent trapezoids always make a parallelogram with the same height and
CCSS.Math.Content.6.G.A.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and
polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques
in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
base equal to the sum of the bases in the trapezoid.
o A = x H x (B1 + B2)
Other methods to arrive here:
Make parallelogram inside the trapezoid using three of the sides
Make parallelogram using three sides that surround the trapezoid
Draw a diagonal forming two triangles
Draw a line through the midpoints of the nonparallel sides. The
length of that line is the average length of the two parallel sides.
Not sure if this one makes sense to me My visualization of this
one may be wrong
Draw a rectangle inside the trapezoid, leaving two triangles, and
then put those two triangles together. (Difficult to do on the

o Relationships between the area of rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles can be
demonstrated through geometry programs like The Geometers Sketchpad or GeoGebra
(This one can be downloaded online pretty cool)

Van DeWalle was super helpful. Breaks down the progression of learning these formulas. Makes
me we should do a pre-assessment on how the student figure out the area of these different
shapes, then from there we can go through the progression of rectangle to parallelogram to
triangle to trapezoid based on the students needs. Doing a pre-assessment like that would give
us a good idea of the strategies they have to figure out area of different shapes and would give us
a great jumping off point. Seems like the way Van DeWalle breaks it down it is a doable

TERC Unit 5 Measuring Polygons (5
grade curriculum):
Introducing Fencing a Garden-
o Students make rectangles of different shapes with different areas (utilizing only
12 ft. of fencing)
Starts to get students thinking about how the area can change based on the
dimensions of the rectangle
I am wondering if there is another place where the students learn how to
find the area of the rectangles
o Activity 2A
Students begin to investigate more the idea of area based on perimeter 0
they are tasked to find the rectangles with the smallest area and the largest
area (using perimeter of 30 ft. of fencing)
TERC encourages the students to find more systematic approaches than
just trial and error
Ongoing assessment how do they find the dimensions of
o Randomly draw and make rectangles till they find
perimeters of 30?
o Do they use the sum of perimeter?
o Use of patterns?
CCSS.Math.Content.6.G.A.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and
polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques
in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
How do students notice about the area of the rectangles?
o Closer the dimensions are to each other the greater the
area? 1 X 14 = area of 14 vs. 7X8 = area of 56
o Activity 2B
Taking a 12 X 16 rectangle and creating new rectangles when that
rectangle is cut in half horizontally then the two sides put back together
Are the students able to determine the perimeter and area
successfully? Do they use units of measure?
Do they notice that they area remains the same?
o How do they explain the area remaining constant?
Do they recognize that perimeter stays the same?
o How do they explain that change?
o Assessments for this unit are on page 100
Looking at the TERC curriculum I am thinking this may be used more for activities after the
activities suggested in Van DeWalle. Those exercises seem to help develop student
understanding of the how while the TERC curriculum (at least this section of the TERC) seems
to focus more on giving students experience with this type of math. Looking closer at the
overview of program components I am going to look deeper at the implementing investigations
section to understand the TERC suggestions for this unit.

TERC Implementing Investigations:
When looking at the TERC implementing investigations book I realized that this book is not the
most helpful for me. It outlines the learning progression for the unit potentially helpful given
another context; however, for me this is not the best use of my time. Talking with the Ms. Janet
Mock has confirmed my ideas about the TERC curriculum Van DeWalle guides the instruction
while TERC provides more supplemental activities. Thinking about my teaching in the future I
realize now, how big of an investment that $.95 Van DeWalle book truly was/is. I will continue
to look at TERC for activities as I continue to plan my lesson.

1hr Illuminations Resources for Teaching Math:
Discovering the area formula for triangles-
o Students need to first have experience finding the area of rectangles (in
accordance with the Van DeWalle)
o Assign group roles recorder, measurement verifier, reporter
o Students receive the worksheet (has rectangles with grids on them)
o Divide each of the rectangles into triangles (using rulers and diagonal lines), cut
out and estimate area (students should ensure they use the whole base of the
rectangle and make the top vertex at the top side of the rectangle
Students can use any method they wish, but they should begin to see the
relationship of the area of the whole rectangle to the triangle made from
that rectangle
Students should realize that though the shape of the triangle may change,
the base, height, and area do not.
o Discuss the results of the activity. Ask students how the area of each triangle
relates to the area of the original shape. Students should realize that, in each case,
the area of the triangle is equal to one-half the area of the rectangle.
At this point the lesson nods to the fact that as a teacher we may be
tempted to give the students the formula for a triangle, but encourages us
CCSS.Math.Content.6.G.A.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and
polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques
in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.

to take pause and tempts us with another valuable lesson to help guide the
students thinking.
Unknown Triangles-
o Unknown triangle sheet is handed out (on the site)
o The students receive the dimensions of the triangles
o Ask the students to find the area of the triangles using any method they wish
encourage them to utilize information from their previous investigation
Right triangle may be a little bit easier for students to connect previous
activitys findings to the next activity
Second triangle will give them more of a challenge
Circulate and ask questions to help further student understanding What
things do you notice that are similar about these triangles? How did you
find the area of the first triangle? How is the area of a triangle related to a
rectangle? Could you use any drawings? Any help with these questions
would be greatly appreciated hinty hint hint!
o Have students create their own formula for finding the area of a triangle.
Discuss these formulas and have students prove their formulas open up
a class discussion. Can anyone think of a way to disprove any of the
proposed formulas? Etc.
What I am excited about is at this site they have more lessons that follow the progression of
learning Van DeWalle suggests! It follows the path of figuring out the area of polygons by using
the understanding the students have from previous experiences. They go through a discovery
process to understand why the formulas are what they. These leads to an understanding of
finding the area of these polygons that goes beyond the memorization of the formulas. I am
excited about this site, it has multiple lessons that we could adapt to the needs of our students.
They are hands on and are developmentally appropriate.

At this point I think that I have completed enough research to begin formulating a lesson plan
(though that wont be created till the pre-assessments are in). I think through my research I have
formed a better understanding of how to teach students how to find the area of polygons. What
excites me is the amount of information I was able to find that supported an approach that is
hands on and based on the students producing the formulas based on their experiences. I am
excited to see where our lesson goes now that I have a solid foundation of research under my

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