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Jimmie Luong N0522804

Wai Lon Ip N0438218

Will Dobson N0458864
Corrie Graham N0503286
Carolina Batista N0557631
Ju-Hyun Kim T0011626





Research: Primary Structure

Skeletal framing
Primary structure takes the main grunt of the load.
It transfers all the load imposed to the ground evenly via foundations.
It is imperative to design the skeletal frame as evenly as possible to
disperse the force equally otherwise the frame will buckle/ defect and
ultimately catastrophic failure.
Engineers are normally tasked to calculate and design the skeletal frame
with minute tolerances in order to comply with building regulations and for
liability reasons.
Loads/force could be from the following:
Dead load (weight of the structure)
Live load (inhabitants, furniture, activities etc.)
Environmental load (wind, water/rain, snow etc.)
Other load (construction equipment, Impact from vehicles etc.)
Research: Secondary Structure

The secondary structure binds the building and makes it rigid.
It stops the building from fexing. This is achieved with a number of ways:
A core:
This is a solid (either concrete or blockwork) element in the centre of edge
of the building which helps the structure become more anchored rigid.
An example of this is a lift shaft; this is normally blockwork with steel rails.
Note: they normally do not take load but can do if reinforced.
Solid foors provide lateral bracing and stops the building from fexing and
Metal bracing:
Steel bracing would normally be placed on the corner (or otherwise
specifed by the engineer) of the building. This stops sheering.
Axo of core and skeletal structure
Research: Retaining wall
Types of Retaining walls

Gravity walls depend on their mass (stone, concrete or other heavy material) to resist pressure
from behind and may have a batter setback to improve stability by leaning back toward the
retained soil. For short landscaping walls, they are often made from mortarless stone or seg-
mental concrete units (masonry units). Dry-stacked gravity walls are somewhat fexible and do
not require a rigid footing in most areas.
The wall face is often of precast concrete units that can tolerate some differential movement.
The reinforced soils mass, along with the facing, then acts as an improved gravity wall. The re-
inforced mass must be built large enough to retain the pressures from the soil behind it. Gravity
walls usually must be a minimum of 50 to 60 percent as deep or thick as the height of the wall,
and may have to be larger if there is a slope or surcharge on the wall.
Cantilevered retaining walls are made from an internal stem of steel-reinforced, cast-in-place
concrete or mortared masonry (usually in the shape of an inverted L or T). These walls transfer
the lateral overturning movements to a large, structural footing, converting horizontal pressures
from behind the wall to vertical pressures on the ground below. Sometimes cantilevered walls
are buttressed on the front, or include a counterfort on the back, to improve their strength in
resisting high loads. Buttresses are short wing walls at right angles to the main length of the
wall. These walls require rigid concrete footings taken to below the depth affected by seasonal
changes. This type of wall uses much less material than a traditional gravity wall.
Sheet pile retaining walls are usually used in soft soils and tight spaces. Sheet pile walls are
made out of steel, vinyl or wood planks which are driven into the ground. The penetration of the
pile is usually twice the supported height, but this may be altered depending on the environ-
ment. Taller sheet pile walls will need a tie-back anchor, or dead-man placed in the soil and
tied to the wall, usually by a cable or a rod.
An anchored retaining wall can be constructed in any of the aforementioned styles but also
includes additional strength using cables or other stays anchored in the rock or soil behind it.
Technically complex, this method is very useful where high loads are expected, or where the
wall itself has to be slender and would otherwise be too weak.
Possible choice: Cantilevered wall with key.
The basement will be over 3m deep and so therefore the force of the earth will hold the
cantilevered wall in place and to make sure it does not move or slide, it will have Keys sent into
the bottom of the wall.
Sheet Piling
Key to stop sliding
Ground Level
Some sort of drainage
Research: Foundations
Pile Foundation

There are many types of piles that can be driven into the ground to create a stable base for a
structure to sit on.
Here are few examples:
Driven precast concrete piles
Driven steel tubular piles
Driven combination piles (precast concrete/steel tubes)
Cast insitu CFA piles (Continuous Flight Auger)
Cast insitu CHD piles (Continuous Helical Displacement)
Drilled piles (Drillbar, Rock-socketed piles)
Jacked piles
Each one of these have their own advantages and disadvantages thus the use of them are de-
pendent on what the soil conditions are etc.
Possible choice: Precast Concrete Piles
Reasons why we chose this:
-It is cheaper to buy it pre made as there will be no cost of time waiting for the concrete to cure.
-No formwork needed
-Less material required therefore less transportation cost
-Quicker to construct
-Can come with reinforcement
-Less labour intensive than other methods
How piles are driven into
the ground
How the load is dispersed
into the ground
Research: Column
Reinforced concrete columns
Common beam sizes: Made in-situ
Very strong and cheap compared to other method
High fre resistant
Possible reasons for this choice:
The amount of reinforcement is primarily to provide extra load
carrying capacity which is greater or equal to the that attributed
from the shell to compensate for the strength which is lost
when their shell splits off into smaller pieces.
Two comomon types of reinforcement:
Spiral columns are cylinder shaped columns with a helical bar
continuously wrapping around the column. The purpose of the
spiral is the support the transverse direction and prevents the
column from barreling. If the spiral rebar is further thickened,
the axially loaded concrete becomes the weakest of all the
links in the system and the strength contribution from the extra
rebar doesnt take effect until the column has failed axially. At
this point the extra strength from the spiral comes into action
and prevents disastrous failure, instead it slows down the
failure massively giving plenty of time to react to the issue.
Rectangular tied column is the cheapest method of reinforcing
the column as it will use little time to prep as well as using little
material (rebar).
Research: Column
Steel columns
Beam sizes: Universally made; check companies for list
Very strong and no formwork required.
High fre resistant
Possible reasons for this choice:
Early columns were mainly made of stone, some out of
single pieces of stone. One of the heaviest stones used in
architecture is a Monolithic column. Other types of stone
columns are created out of lots of sections of stone, which
are either mortared or dry-ft together. In a lot of classic sites,
sectioned columns are carved with a central hole, so they can
be joined together, using either stone or metal pins.
The design of classic columns incorporates entasis; this is
when there is an inclusion of a slight outward curve in the
sides. Also a reduction in the diameter along the height of the
column was required, so the top is then as little as 83% of the
diameter of the bottom of the column. This deduction mirrors
the parallax effect which the eye would normally expect to see,
making the column look a lot taller and straighter than they are
while entasis adds to the effect.
Research: Beam
Castellated beam

Max span: 10-12000mm
Common beam sizes: 150x100 to 1200x300
High fre resistant
Possible reasons for this choice:
There are many specifc possibilities and advantages in
terms of using Castellated beams; light, strong, and easy
to assemble at the construction site. Plus, constructional
elements such as ceiling systems, can also be installed easily.
Example of how castellated beams are made.
Example of how castellated beams used in carpark
Cost of the material: 10/10
Cost of Labour and time: 5/10
Strength vs span: 10/10
Hidden cost: 6/10
Depth of beam 5/10
1=Bad 10=Good
Castellated beams are overall excellent
beams offering long span without
compromising the strength. It can also be
made in situ however this is not advised
due to engineering specifcation and liability
The cost of these beams are also
substantially cheaper than truss as it
is basically a universal beam cut in a
staggered pattern then joined together
The cut out holes are designed to reduce
the weight of the beam.
Research: Beam
Truss beam

Max span: 18-30000mm (commonly)
Common beam sizes: Depends on the order
High fre resistant
Possible reasons for this choice:
The Warren Truss has diagonal members, which are
alternatively in tension and compression. It has fewer
members than the Pratt Truss and has equal length
compression. This can also be applied to larger structures
ranging from 20-100m in length. For these, the modifed
Warren Truss can be adopted where additional restraint
towards the internal members is required.
Spread of load on truss beam
Center spread of load on truss beam
Cost of the material: 5/10
Cost of Labour and time: 5/10
Strength vs span: 10/10
Hidden cost: 8/10
Depth of beam 7/10
1=Bad 10=Good
Truss beams are extremely strong without
becoming too big (depth) meaning the foor
depth will be smaller than the castellated
beam; this will result in overall cheaper
material cost and construction time.
The only hidden cost is if the alignment
holes for the bolts are not correct the beam
will not ft thus sending it back to the factory
and wasting time.
Research: Floor
Composite foor

Max span: 3.5m for 10kN/m
Max width: 600mm
Max depth: 140mm
1 hour fre resistant
Met Floor 80
Possible reasons for this choice:
Long-span capability
The curved profle designs of MetFloor 80 delivers
exceptional spanning capability, helping to reduce structural
steel requirements and costs. This will be benefcial for our
basement level where we have very little beams to hold the
ceiling up.
How we can use this
It could be more cost effcient to go with this method as you will require
less time to manufacture the slabs as the concrete is poured in-situ.
Furthermore it will require less materials as the composite uses
less concrete overall compared to other methods, it is also more
sustainable and safer due to the small width of the sheets which is
also lightweight.
Estimation for Composite foor for residential
(W x L)
3 x extra beams
40 x (600 x 3500mm)
Full foor
12 x extra beams
160 x (600 x 3500mm)
Total = 160 panels plus 12 extra beams.
Cost of the material: 5/10
Cost of Labour and time: 2/10
Strength vs span: 5/10
Hidden cost: 1/10
Insulation & eco properties: 7/10
1=Bad 10=Good
Composite foor is an excelent fooring
system in general however not suitable for
our building as the hidden cost of instaling
this system would include instaling extra
beams and columns due to the span length
being too long.
Further more the concrete would be cast in
situe meaning there will be a downtime of a
month or two for the concrete to cure and be
able to take load.
For this reason we will not use this foor type.
Research: Floor

Precast concrete slab
Max Span: 7400mm for 10kN/m
Max Width: 1200mm
Max depth: 250mm
(10kN live loading + self weight + 1.5kN/2m for fnishes)
1 hour fre resistant
Possible reasons for this choice:
This does offer a bigger span at the cost of the depth of the
foor which will increase the height of the overall building as
we want to retain the original foor height as specifed by the
How we can use this
Having the concrete slabs pre made could be faster to erect and thus
lowering labour cost. This may lead to a cheaper and quicker construction
however, the depth of the concrete for the span we have would be very
big in comparison to the composite foor. In addition to this, the thick
foor will also impact on the loads imposed on the beams and columns
therefore there will more columns which then increases the material cost
The goal with this system is to try to achieve an equilibrium.
Estimation for concrete slab for residential
(W x L)
10 x (1200x6000mm)
1 x (1000 x 6000mm)
Full foor
20 x (12000 x 6000m)
2 x (1000 x 6000mm)
20 x (12000 x 7000mm)
2 x (1000 x 7000mm)
Total = 44 panels
Cost of the material: 8/10
Cost of Labour and time: 7/10
Strength vs span: 10/10
Hidden cost: 5/10
Insulation & eco properties: 7/10
1=Bad 10=Good
Precast slabs are strong with excellent span
length thus eliminating the need for extra
beams and columns.
The only hidden cost for this foor type would
be the cost of hiring a crane as each unit
weighs close to a metric tonne.
Furthermore, it has survice holes pre made
which means running piping and cables will
be easy and hidden from sight.
Research: Cladding

Glass Cladding
Possible reasons for this choice:
1. Adds beauty to the building.
2. Its use fulflls the architectural view for external decoration.
3. By using glass in interior, it saves the space inside the building.
4. Fulfll functional requirement of lighting, heat retention and energy saving.
5. Its use appear a sense of openness and harmonious.
6. As toughened glass is available, one can have good interior design with the use of
glass in transparent staircase, colored shelves, ceiling etc.
7. Excellent material for thermal insulation, water proofng and energy conservation.
8. Bad conductor of heat; it saves energy in air conditioning of building.
9. For making glass partition on upper foors, no extra design is required for slab as
glass is light in weight.
1. Costly material, may increase the budgeted cost of construction work.
2. Use of glass also enhances the cost of security.
3. Uses in hilly area and desert may cause more maintenance cost.
4. Glass is also unsafe for earthquake proven area.
Glsss with wood cladding
Glsss with thin aluminum frame
Cost of material: 6/10
Cost of Labour and time: 8/10
Overall aesthetics: 9/10
Maintenance: 7/10
Insulation & eco properties: 8/10
1=Bad 10=Good
Glass will allow for natural desirable light
therefore in public spaces is perfect.
It also has great insualtion properties
which means it will save money on the
long run.
Glass is also a quick to clad as the
building would have a predesigned
frame to which the glass planes are
bolted to via special fttings; the only
additonal cost would be a crane.
Research: Cladding

Zinc Cladding
Possible reasons for this choice:
1. Environmentally friendly, 100% recyclable.
2. Zinc is a very soft and malleable metal that can be formed into desirable
shapes with ease. This characteristic allows zinc to be used for a wide
range of unique architectural applications
3. Waterproof
4. Zinc has low toxicity levels.
5. The production of zinc consumes less energy, as compared to other
types of metals.
6. Longitivity
1. The underbody is susceptible for moisture.
2. It corrodes when it is not suitable condition.
Example of installation
Detail DWG
Cost of material: 5/10
Cost of Labour and time: 7/10
Overall aesthetics: 8/10
Maintenance: 10/10
Insulation & eco properties: 5/10
1=Bad 10=Good
Though zinc will not rust, it will darken
in colour (patina) which could be a very
unique and beautiful feature of this
cladding. However, it does gather lots of
condensation on the underbody which
if not installed correctly could lead to
damp then mould.
Research: Cladding

Kentic Cladding
Possible reasons for this choice:
1. Can be used to regulate the temp of building (ie. sunlight)
2. Aesthetically pleasing/different
3. Can control light level
4. Effcent to run and heat building
5. Can incorporate other technology
6. Can come in different material (ie wood, metal, terracotta)
1. Kinetic cladding may cost a lot since its costume made
2. May take months to manufacture in a factory
3. May not be resdentally friendly
Louvers cladding which is a type of kentic cladding
Cost of material: 1/10
Cost of Labour and time: 3/10
Overall aesthetics: 7/10
Maintenance: 5/10
Insulation & eco properties: 7/10
1=Bad 10=Good
It may be high-tech and offer inbuilt
solar panels however the cost is
too high to be used in this project.
Furthermore, you will need specialist
(ie engineer) to install the cladding
which will result in more cost.
Also it would not be suitable for
residential builds as it looks too
Research: Cladding

Alternative/Cheap Cladding Solution (UPVC)
Possible reasons for this choice:
1. It is very lightweight
2. Low cost of production and instalation
3. Resists rot, fading, corrosion, discoloration, and rust.
4. Resists pollution, UV rays, and salt water.
5. Easy to clean
6. Can be recycled however expensive to do so
1. May have high carbon foot print
2. Not environment friendly as it may not break down if not disposed of
Cost of material: 10/10
Cost of Labour and time: 8/10
Overall aesthetics: 3/10
Maintenance: 10/10
Insulation & eco properties: 7/10
1=Bad 10=Good
It may be the cheapest solution for the
client however it is the most unattractive
and for a multi-dwelling unit will look
However with that said, it is extremely
cheap to buy as it is made mass
production and installation is very quick
meaning less labour thus decreasing
cost. UPVC cladding in different size and colour
Research: Elevator

Glass Elevator
Glass elevators work with either pneumatic vacuum or with a simple
cable system. It is the air pressure which lifts the elevator for the former
mechanism, this features turbines at the very top of the tube which draw
out the air. This is the process which makes the elevator go up, and to
go back down the turbines simply turn off. When the cab has reached its
destination it then gets held in place by steel brakes which secure the cab
to the landing.
Cable elevators however feature a motor and a drum which are located at
the very top of the shaft. The cab is connected to the drums by two cables.
To go up, the drum winds up the cable and to go back down the cables
are slowly spooled out. At the same time a variable frequency drives
power through the motor to control the elevators speed ascending and
descending very carefully.
We drew the elevator up on AutoCAD to demonstrate how
the mechanism works then transferred that to our fnal
CAD model.
We chose the glass elevator because it dislocates the
wooden cladding up on the render.
The glass will be mounted to a specially designed frame
and held in place with spider mounts/brackets with
silicone sealant to prevent cold bridges and weather
entering. AutoCAD drawing
Research: Glass

Tempered Glass
Toughened (tempered glass) is a type of safety glass processed by
controlled thermal or chemical treatments to increase its strength compared
with normal glass.
Safer to use in public building; if damaged, glass will not shatter in big
planes therefore reducing the harm to public.
Laminated Glass
Laminated glass is a specifc type of safety glass that will hold together
when shattered. In the event of a break it will stay held in place by an
interlayer, this will typically be polyvinyl butyral (PVB), between the two or
more layers of glass. It is clear to see if its laminated glass because of the
noticeable spider web cracking pattern when it is broken. This type of
glass is used where there is normally a possibility of human impact or the
glass could fall if shattered. Laminated glass is typically used in skylight
glazing and automobile windshields. Another great beneft of the PVB
layer is that is has a much higher sound insulation rating, this is due to the
damping effect, and also it blocks out 99% of all incoming UV radiation.
A standard laminated makeup is 2.5mm glass / 0.38 mm inner layer /
2.5mm glass. This will give the fnal product, which will be referred to
as 5.38 laminated glass. Having thicker glass or multiple laminates will
increase the strength of the window.
What we will use:
We have decide to use laminated glass for the whole building as it is
stronger but more importantly, due to the nature of the building being tall,
having laminated glass is safer for the occupants.
Beam and calculations
Detail Drawings
PROJECT TITLE October 27, 2014 Project Location

01 A
UB 356 x 171 x 67
Precast concrete slab
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