The Impact of Entrepreneurship On Economic Growth: M.A. Carree, and A.R. Thurik

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The Impact of Entrepreneurship on Economic Growth

M.A. Carree
, and A.R. Thurik

Centre for Advanced Small Business Economics (CASBEC) at Erasmus University Rotterdam
EIM Business and Policy Research, Zoetermeer
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Maastricht

Chapter prepared for the International Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research, edited by Zoltan
Acs and David Audretsch

Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]

Version: J uly 2002.

Abstract: The present chapter deals with the consequences of entrepreneurship for macro-
economic growth. It consists of seven sections: 1. Introduction; 2. The influence of economic de-
velopment on entrepreneurship; 3. Types of entrepreneurship and their relation to economic
growth; 4. The effects of the choice between entrepreneurship and employment; 5. Entrepreneur-
ship in endogenous growth models; 6. Empirical evidence and 7. Future analysis and policy is-

Acknowledgement: The authors are grateful to Zoltan Acs, David Audretsch, Bruce Kirchhoff,
Boris Lokshin and Andr van Stel for comments. The present chapter draws on a range of earlier
research, viz. Carree and Thurik (1999b), Carree, van Stel, Thurik and Wennekers (2002),
Wennekers and Thurik (1999), Audretsch, Verheul, Thurik and Wennekers (2002) and Audretsch
and Thurik (2000, 2001a and 2001b). Martin Carree is grateful to the Royal Netherlands Academy
of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) for financial support. Finally, the present paper is part of the SNS
project on Entrepreneurship and Growth financed by the Marcus and Marianne Wallenberg's
1. Introduction

The last two decades have witnessed a wealth of studies analyzing the determinants of entre-
preneurship. While some of these studies are theoretical (e.g. Holmes and Schmitz, 1990), others
are empirical (e.g. Evans and Leighton, 1990). The consequences of entrepreneurship, in terms
of economic performance, have also generated a extensive literature. However, this literature has
generally been restricted to two units of observations that of the establishment or firm, and that
of the region. Noticeably absent are studies linking the impact of entrepreneurship on perform-
ance for the unit of observation of the country. A large literature has emerged analyzing the im-
pact of entrepreneurship on economic performance at the level of the firm or establishment.
These studies typically measure economic performance in terms of firm growth and survival (Au-
dretsch, 1995; Caves, 1998; Sutton, 1997). The compelling stylized facts that have emerged from
this literature are that entrepreneurial activity, measured in terms of firm size and age, is positively
related to growth.
New firms and (very) small firms grow systematically larger than large and
established incumbents. These findings hold across modern Western economies and across time
periods. The link between entrepreneurship and performance has also been extended beyond the
unit of observation of the firm to include geographic regions. A small literature exists linking
measures of entrepreneurial activity for regions to the economic performance of those regions
(e.g. Audretsch and Fritsch, 2002; Acs and Armington, 2002).
However, when it comes to linking entrepreneurship to growth at the national level, there is a
relative void despite recent efforts of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research pro-
gram (Reynolds et al., 2001). The purpose of this chapter is to provide a survey of what is known
about the links between entrepreneurial activity and macro-economic growth. Despite the numer-
ous studies linking entrepreneurship to economic growth the relative void may be attributable to a
paucity of theoretical frameworks linking entrepreneurship to growth as well as severe constraints
in measuring entrepreneurship in a cross-national context. Furthermore, there is the reversed
causality of economic development influencing entrepreneurial activities. In this chapter we pro-
vide five short overviews of the relevant literature and complement them with some new material.
Explanations for economic growth have generally been restricted to the realm of macro-
economics (Romer, 1990; Krugman, 1991). However, a different scholarly tradition linking growth
to industrial organization dates back at least to Schumpeter (1934). According to this tradition,
performance, measured in terms of economic growth, is shaped by the degree to which the indus-
try structure utilizes scarce resources most efficiently. This (most efficient) industrial structure
does not alter in case its underlying determinants are stable. However, as Chandler (1990),
Scherer and Ross (1990) and Dosi (1988) emphasize, a change in the underlying determinants
would be expected to result in a change in the industry structure most conducive to growth. Cer-
tainly, Chandler (1990) and Scherer and Ross (1990) identified a shift in industry structure to-
wards increased centralization and concentration throughout the first two-thirds of the previous
century as a result of changes in the underlying technology along with other factors.
More recently, a series of studies has identified a change in the determinants underlying the
industry structure that has reversed this trend. The most salient point of this change is that tech-
nological change, globalization, deregulation, shifts in the labor supply, variety in demand, and
the resulting higher levels of uncertainty have rendered a shift in the industry structure away from
greater concentration and centralization towards less concentration and decentralization. A series
of empirical studies have uncovered two systematic findings regarding the response of industry
structure to changes in the underlying determinants. The first is that the industry structure is gen-
erally shifting towards an increased role for small firms. The second is that the extent and timing
of this shift is anything but identical across countries. Apparently, institutions and policies in cer-
tain countries have facilitated a greater and more rapid response to technological change and
globalization, along with the other underlying factors, by shifting to a less centralized and more
dispersed industry structure than has been the case in other countries. The question of whether

See Audretsch, Klomp and Thurik (2002) for a recent survey of studies dealing with Gibrats Law.
countries that have shifted towards a greater role for entrepreneurship enjoy stronger growth is of
large importance to policy makers.
Entrepreneurship is at the heart of national advantage (Porter, 1990, p. 125). Concerning the
role of entrepreneurship in stimulating economic growth, many links have been discussed. It is of
eminent importance for carrying out innovations and for enhancing rivalry. This directs our atten-
tion to two related phenomena of the 1980s and 1990s: the resurgence of small business and the
revival of entrepreneurship. There is ample evidence that economic activity moved away from
large firms to small firms in the 1970s and 1980s. The most impressive and also the most cited is
the share of the 500 largest American firms, the so-called Fortune 500. Their employment share
dropped from 20 percent in 1970 to 8.5 percent in 1996 (Carlsson, 1992 and 1999).
Acs and Audretsch (1993) and Carlsson (1992) provide evidence concerning manufacturing
industries in countries in varying stages of economic development. Carlsson advances two expla-
nations for the shift toward smallness. The first deals with fundamental changes in the world
economy from the 1970s onwards. These changes relate to the intensification of global competi-
tion, the increase in the degree of uncertainty and the growth in market fragmentation. The sec-
ond deals with changes in the character of technological progress. He shows that flexible automa-
tion has various effects resulting in a shift from large to smaller firms. Also Piore and Sable (1984)
argue that the instability of markets in the 1970s resulted in the demise of mass production and
promoted flexible specialization. This fundamental change in the path of technological develop-
ment led to the occurrence of vast diseconomies of scale.
Brock and Evans (1989) argue that the shift away from large firms is not confined to manufac-
turing industries and provide four more reasons why this shift has occurred: the increase of labor
supply leading to lower real wages and coinciding with an increasing level of education; changes
in consumer tastes; relaxation of (entry) regulations and the fact that we are in a period of crea-
tive destruction. Loveman and Sengenberger (1991) stress the influence of two trends of indus-
trial restructuring: that of decentralization and vertical disintegration and that of the formation of
new business communities. These intermediate forms of market coordination flourish owing to
declining costs of transaction. Furthermore, they emphasize the role of public and private policies
promoting the small business sector. Audretsch and Thurik (2000) point at the necessary shift
towards the knowledge based economy being the driving force behind the move from large to
smaller businesses. In their view globalization and technological advancements are the major
determinants of this challenge of the Western countries.
The causes of this shift are one aspect. Its consequences cover a different area of research.
Acs (1992) was among the first to discuss them. He distinguishes four consequences of the in-
creased importance of small firms: entrepreneurship, routes of innovation, industry dynamics and
job generation. His claims are that small firms play an important role in the economy serving as
agents of change by their entrepreneurial activity, being the source of considerable innovative
activity, stimulating industry evolution and creating an important share of the newly generated
jobs. Acs and Audretsch (1990) and Audretsch (1995) are key references on the role of smallness
in the process of innovative activities. See also Cohen and Klepper (1992) discussing the role of
firm size and diversity for obtaining technological progress. The role of small firms in the job crea-
tion process remains controversial.

The reevaluation of the role of small firms is related to a renewed attention to the role of en-
trepreneurship in firms. In case the size class distribution has an influence on growth, it must be
differences in organization that matter. The major difference between the organization of a large
firm and a small one is the role of ownership and management. In a small firm usually there is
one person or a very small group of persons, which is in control and which shapes the firm and its
future. The role of such a person is often described with the term entrepreneurship. Also, atten-
tion has been given to the role of entrepreneurship in economic development, i.e., for the func-
tioning of markets. Many economists and politicians now have an intuition that there is a positive
impact of entrepreneurship on the growth of GDP and employment. Furthermore, many stress the

See Carree and Klomp (1996) and Davis, Haltiwanger and Schuh (1996) for a discussion.
role of the entrepreneur in implementing innovations. This renewed interest of politicians and
economists coincides with a revival of business ownership rates in most Western economies.
In the remainder of this introductory section some remarks will be made about conceptualizing
entrepreneurship. In section 2 we will deal with the influence of economic development on entre-
preneurship. In section 3 types of entrepreneurship and their relation to economic growth are dis-
cussed. The effect of the choice between entrepreneurship and employment is dealt with in sec-
tion 4. Sections 5 and 6 deal with entrepreneurship in endogenous growth models and with em-
pirical evidence, respectively. Section 7 concludes. The general emphasis will be on the role of
entrepreneurship for economic development at the macro-economic level. Sections 3, 4 and 5
contain some new material. The mathematical expositions of these sections can be skipped by
readers not interested in the sometimes rigorous approach of the economic sciences.
Conceptualizing entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is an ill-defined, multidimensional, concept. The difficulties in defining and
measuring the extent of entrepreneurial activities complicate the measurement of their impact on
economic performance. Understanding their role in the process of growth requires a framework
because there are various intermediate variables or linkages to explain how entrepreneurship
influences economic growth. Examples of these intermediate variables are innovation, variety of
supply, entry and exit of firms (competition), specific efforts and energy of entrepreneurs, etc. See
Figure 1 where also some conditions for entrepreneurship are provided. These conditions include
personal traits that lie at the origin of entrepreneurship and cultural and institutional elements.

Figure 1 Introductory framework

Conditions (personal, cultural, institutional)

Entrepreneurship (multidimensional)

Intermediate linkages (innovation, variety, competition, entrepreneurial efforts, etc)

Economic growth

Source: Wennekers and Thurik (1999).

Entrepreneurship has to do with activities of individual persons. The concept of economic
growth is relevant at levels of firms, regions, industries and nations. Hence, linking entrepreneur-
ship to economic growth means linking the individual level to aggregate levels. In order to con-
sider this link we first pay attention to a definition of 'entrepreneurship'. Inspired by Hbert and
Link (1989), Bull and Willard (1993) and Lumpkin and Dess (1996), the following definition of en-
trepreneurship can be proposed: Entrepreneurship is the manifest ability and willingness of indi-
viduals, on their own, in teams, within and outside existing organizations to perceive and create
new economic opportunities (new products, new production methods, new organizational
schemes and new product-market combinations), and to introduce their ideas in the market, in the
face of uncertainty and other obstacles, by making decisions on location, form and the use of re-
sources and institutions (Wennekers and Thurik, 1999). Essentially, entrepreneurship is a behav-
ioral characteristic of persons. It should be noted that entrepreneurship is not an occupation and
that entrepreneurs are not a well-defined occupational class of persons. Even obvious entrepre-

See also Audretsch, Verheul, Thurik and Wennekers (2002) and Wennekers, Thurik and Uhlaner (2002).
neurs may exhibit their entrepreneurship only during a certain phase of their career and/or con-
cerning a certain part of their activities.

Entrepreneurship is not synonymous with small business. Certainly, small firms are an out-
standing vehicle for individuals to channel their entrepreneurial ambitions. The small firm is an
extension of the individual in charge (Lumpkin and Dess, 1996, p. 138). However, entrepreneur-
ship is not restricted to persons starting or operating an (innovative) small firm. Enterprising indi-
viduals in large firms, the so-called intrapreneurs or corporate entrepreneurs, undertake entre-
preneurial actions as well. In these environments there is a tendency of mimicking smallness, for
instance using business units, subsidiaries or joint ventures.
Because in colloquial speech many terms like entrepreneurs, self-employed and businessmen
are used indiscriminately, its operationalization and measurement are far from obvious. However,
one can make some pragmatic distinctions. First, between the concepts entrepreneurial, and
managerial in the sense of organizing and coordinating. Second, between business-owners or
self-employed (including owner-managers of incorporated firms)
and employees. Based on this
double dichotomy of self-employed versus employee and entrepreneurial versus managerial,
three types of entrepreneurs may be distinguished. These three types are the Schumpeterian
entrepreneurs, the intrapreneurs and the managerial business owners who are entrepreneurs in a
formal sense only. This is illustrated in Table 1.

Table 1 Three types of entrepreneurs

Self-employed Employees

Entrepreneurial Schumpeterian entrepreneurs Intrapreneurs

Managerial Managerial business owners Executive managers

Source: Wennekers and Thurik (1999)

Schumpeterian entrepreneurs are found mostly in small firms. They own and direct independ-
ent firms that are innovative and creatively destroy existing market structures. After realizing their
goals Schumpeterians often develop into managerial business owners, but some may again start
new ventures. Intrapreneurs or entrepreneurial managers also belong to the core of entrepre-
neurship. By taking commercial initiatives on behalf of their employer, and by risking their time,
reputation and sometimes their job in doing so, they are the embodiment of leadership resulting in
entrepreneurial ventures in larger firms. Sometimes these entrepreneurial employees, either in
teams or on their own, spin off, start new enterprises and become Schumpeterian entrepreneurs.
Managerial business owners (entrepreneurs in a formal sense) are to be found in the large major-
ity of small firms. They include many franchisees, shopkeepers and people in professional occu-
pations. They belong to what Kirchhoff (1994) calls the economic core and are the seedbed for
some of the entrepreneurial ventures.
2. The influence of economic development on entrepreneurship
The relationship between unemployment and entrepreneurship has been shrouded with ambi-
guity. On the one hand, one strand in the literature has found that unemployment stimulates en-
trepreneurial activity, which has been termed as a refugee effect. On the other hand, a very dif-
ferent strand in the literature has identified that higher levels of entrepreneurship reduce unem-
ployment, or what has been termed as a Schumpeter effect. Taken together, these two relation-

See also Gartner (1989, p. 64) who asserts that The entrepreneur is not a fixed state of existence, rather entrepre-
neurship is a role that individuals undertake to create organizations and Schumpeter (1934, p. 78) who states that
Because being an entrepreneur is not a profession and as a rule not a lasting condition, entrepreneurs do not form a
social class in the technical sense as, for example, landowners or capitalists or workmen do.
The terms self-employed and business owners will be used interchangeably throughout this chapter.
ships result in considerable ambiguities about the relationship between unemployment and entre-
preneurship (Audretsch, Carree and Thurik, 2001). In this section we will discuss how business
ownership rates are influenced by economic development. We will pay attention to the role the
Schumpeterian regime switch has played in this relationship. We discuss the pre-1970s era of
declining business ownership rates and the period thereafter in which the rates have risen in most
Western economies. The emphasis of the succeeding sections will be on how the business own-
ership rate at the economy-wide level influences the extent of structural transformation and sub-
sequent economic growth.
J oseph Schumpeters contribution to our understanding of the mechanisms of technological
progress and economic development is widely recognized. In The Theory of Economic Develop-
ment he emphasizes the role of the entrepreneur as prime cause of economic development. He
describes how the innovating entrepreneur challenges incumbent firms by introducing new inven-
tions that make current technologies and products obsolete. This process of creative destruction
is the main characteristic of what has been called the Schumpeter Mark I regime. In Capitalism,
Socialism and Democracy, Schumpeter focuses on innovative activities by large and established
firms. He describes how large firms outperform their smaller counterparts in the innovation and
appropriation process through a strong positive feedback loop from innovation to increased R&D
activities. This process of creative accumulation is the main characteristic of the Schumpeter
Mark II regime.
The extent to which either of the two Schumpeterian technological regimes prevails in a cer-
tain period and industry varies. It may depend upon the nature of knowledge required to innovate,
the opportunities of appropriability, the degree of scale (dis)economies, the institutional environ-
ment, the importance of absorptive capacity, demand variety, etc. Industries in a Schumpeter
Mark II regime are likely to develop a more concentrated market structure in contrast to industries
in a Schumpeter Mark I regime where small firms will proliferate.
Decline of business ownership
The first three quarters of the 20th century can be described as a period of accumulation.
From the Second Industrial Revolution till the 1970s the large firm share has risen in most indus-
tries and the economy as a whole. It was the period of scale and scope (Chandler 1990). It was
the era of the hierarchical industrial firm growing progressively larger by exploiting economies of
scale and scope in areas like production, distribution, marketing and R&D. The conglomerate
merger wave of the late 1960s seemed to have set the case. The period has the characteristics of
the Schumpeter Mark II regime with a declining small firm presence in most industries. The poli-
cies of (European) governments also contributed to this decline by promoting large business. The
proportion of the labor force that is self-employed has decreased in most Western countries until
the mid-1970s. Several authors (Blau, 1987; Kuznets, 1971; Schultz, 1990; Yamada, 1996) have
reported a negative relationship between economic development and the business ownership
(self-employment) rate.
In many Western countries and industries this decline has ended and
even reversed. Many old and large firms have been losing ground to their small, new and more
entrepreneurial counterparts. We label this as a regime switch (reversal of the trend) from
Schumpeter Mark II to Schumpeter Mark I. Audretsch and Thurik (2001a) label this as a regime
switch from a managed to an entrepreneurial economy.

There are a couple of theoretical models proposed to explain the decline of self-employment, and of small business
presence in general. Lucas (1978) shows how rising real wages may raise the opportunity cost of self-employment
relative to the return. Given an underlying managerial talent distribution this induces marginal entrepreneurs (in this
context Lucas refers to managers) to become employees. This pushes up the average size of firms. Iyigun and Owen
(1998) develop a model implying that economic development is associated with a decline in the number of entrepre-
neurs relative to the total number of employees. They argue that fewer individuals are willing to run the risk associated
with becoming an entrepreneur as the safe professional earnings rise with economic development. See also Schaff-
ner (1993).
Reversal of the trend
Since the mid-1970s the self-employment rate has started to rise again in most modern
economies. Blau (1987) observes that, while the proportion of self-employed in the nonagricul-
tural U.S. labor force declined during most of this century, this decline bottomed out in the early
1970s and started to rise until at least 1982.
More recently business ownership increased in sev-
eral other countries as well. Audretsch and Thurik (2001a) show that the business ownership
growth rate was higher in the period of 1998-1986 than in the period 1986-1974 for 16 of 23
OECD countries. Also other authors have provided evidence of a reversal of the trend towards
less self-employment. Acs, Audretsch and Evans (1994) report that of 23 OECD-countries, 15
experienced an increase in the self-employment rate during the 1970s and 1980s. They show that
the weighted average of the self-employment rate in OECD-countries rose slightly from 8.4% in
1978 to 8.9% in 1987. Audretsch and Thurik (2001a) show that this growth accelerates in the
1990s. Large firms have been downsizing and restructuring in order to concentrate on core busi-
ness again. In the meantime the entrepreneur has risen from the dead. High-technology innova-
tive small firms have come at the forefront of technological development in many (new) industries.
There are several well-documented reasons for the revival of small business and self-
employment in Western economies.
First, the last 25 years of the 20th century may be seen as a
period of creative destruction. Piore and Sabel (1984) use the term Industrial Divide, J ensen
(1993) prefers the term Third Industrial Revolution, and Freeman and Perez (1988) interpret it
as the transition from the fourth to the fifth Kondratiev wave. The most obvious evidence is the
emergence of new industries like the software and biotechnology industries. Small firms play an
important role in these new industries. Acs and Audretsch (1987) provide empirical evidence that
small firms have a relative innovative advantage over their larger counterparts in such highly in-
novative industries. Evidence for the comparative advantage of small firms in inventing radically
new products is also given in Prusa and Schmitz (1991) and Rothwell (1983, 1984).
Second, new technologies have reduced the importance of scale economies in many sectors.
Small technology-based firms started to challenge large companies that still had every confidence
in mass production techniques (Meredith, 1987; Carlsson, 1989). J ensen argues that It is far less
valuable for people to be in the same geographical location to work together effectively, and this
is encouraging smaller, more efficient, entrepreneurial organizing units that cooperate through
technology (J ensen 1993, p. 842). This is supported by J ovanovic claiming that: recent ad-
vances in information technology have made market-based coordination cheaper relative to inter-
nal coordination and have partially caused the recent decline in firm size and diversification (J o-
vanovic 1993, p. 221).
Third, deregulation and privatization movements have swept the world. In many Western
countries there have been strong tendencies to deregulate and privatize (OECD 1995, p. 39-49).
Phillips (1985) reports that small firms have been dominant in the creation of new businesses and
new jobs in deregulated industry sectors in the U.S. in the early 1980s.
In addition, governments
acknowledge and promote the role of small (start-up) firms in establishing economic growth and
development (OECD 1998).
Fourth, there has been a tendency of large firms to concentrate on their core competences
(Carlsson 1989). J ovanovic (1993) reports that, as a consequence, the 1980s were characterized
by corporate spin-offs and divestment. Aiginger and Tichy (1991) blame the opportunistic con-
glomerate merger wave of the late 1960s for much of the back-to-basics and downsizing (or
rightsizing) tendencies.
Fifth, increasing incomes and wealth have led to an increase in the demand for variety (J ack-
son 1984). Cross-cultural influences have also enlarged the demand for variety. Small firms are
often the most obvious suppliers of new and specialized products. The decrease in diversification

Other sources showing that the growing importance of large business has come to a halt in Western countries are
Carlsson (1989), Loveman and Sengenberger (1991), Acs and Audretsch (1993), Acs (1996) and Thurik (1999).
Brock and Evans (1986) were the first to provide an elaborate overview.
See Berkowitz and Holland (2001) for the effects of privatization on small enterprise formation in Russia.
as reported by J ovanovic (1993) suggests that large firms have not been capable of entering into
such market niches.
Sixth, self-employment is more highly valued as an occupational choice than before. Roughly
one out of four young U.S. workers pursue self-employment according to Schiller and Crewson
(1997). Kirchhoff (1996) argues that self-employment is not characterized anymore as under-
employment or as mom-and-pop establishments, but as a way to achieve a variety of personal
Finally, the employment share of the services sector has been well documented to increase
with per capita income (Inman 1985). Given the relatively small average firm size of most services
(barring airlines, shipping and some business and financial services) this creates additional op-
portunities for business ownership.
Obviously, some of these factors may have a temporary effect only. For example, it is not un-
likely for the outsourcing and deregulation waves to dry up. In addition, many of the start-ups in
the newly emerged industries fail to survive (for instance, Internet-based start-ups from the late
1990s). On the other hand, there are more permanent effects like the impact of new technologies.
We refer again to Freeman and Perez (1988). They claim that in the new techno-economic para-
digm (fifth Kondratiev wave) the organization of firms will be networks of large and small firms.
Moreover, the introduction of these new technologies is also positively related to the stage of
economic development because they cannot be made effective without the necessary skills and
other investments. This structural influence of economic development is reinforced by the increas-
ing variety of demand for specialized goods and services and the enhanced valuation of self-
realization, both dependent on the level of prosperity.
3. Types of entrepreneurship and their relation to economic growth
Throughout intellectual history, the entrepreneur has worn many faces and fulfilled many roles
(Hbert and Link, 1989). In this section we focus on three entrepreneurial roles, emphasized by
Schumpeter, Kirzner and Knight, respectively. A first is the role of innovator. Schumpeter was the
economist who has most prominently drawn attention to the innovating entrepreneur.
He or she
carries out new combinations we call enterprise; the individuals whose function it is to carry them
out we call entrepreneurs (Schumpeter 1934, p. 74). A second is the role of perceiving profit op-
portunities. We label this role as Kirznerian (or neo-Austrian) entrepreneurship (see for instance
Kirzner, 1997). A third is the role of assuming the risk associated with uncertainty. We label this
role as Knightian entrepreneurship.
When an individual introduces a new product or starts a new
firm, this can be interpreted as an entrepreneurial act in terms of each of the three types of entre-
preneurship. The individual is an innovator, he (assumes that he) has perceived a hitherto unno-
ticed profit opportunity and he takes the risk that the product or venture may turn out to be a fail-
Based on their study of the history of economic thought about entrepreneurship, Hbert and
Link (1989, p. 47) propose the following synthetic definition of who an entrepreneur is and what
he does: the entrepreneur is someone who specializes in taking responsibility for and making
judgemental decisions that affect the location, form, and the use of goods, resources, or institu-
tions'. When searching for links between entrepreneurship and growth, this definition does not
suffice. The dynamics of perceiving and creating new economic opportunities and the competitive
dimensions of entrepreneurship need more attention. The key contribution of entrepreneurship to
economic growth might be singled out as being 'newness'. This includes the start-up of new firms
but also the transformation of 'inventions and ideas into economically viable entities, whether or
not, in the course of doing so they create or operate a firm (Baumol 1993, p. 198).
The management literature has a broad view upon entry. In surveying this literature, Lumpkin
and Dess (1996) integrate the renewing aspects of entrepreneurship. `New entry can be accom-

Schumpeters Theory of Economic Development was published in German in 1911, and in English in 1934.
The Knightian entrepreneur has also been interpreted as the neo-classical entrepreneur (see for instance Shane
2000). In the neo-classical (equilibrium) framework, entrepreneurship is explained by fundamental attributes of people
(like taste for uncertainty).
plished by entering new or established markets with new or existing goods or services. New entry
is the act of launching a new venture, either by a start-up firm, through an existing firm or via in-
ternal corporate venturing' (Lumpkin and Dess 1996, p.136). In their view, the essential act of
entrepreneurship is more than new entry as we see it. Entrepreneurial activities, `new entry' in
existing, large firms often takes place by mimicking smallness. Newness through start-ups and
innovations as well as competition are the most relevant factors linking entrepreneurship to eco-
nomic growth. While managerial business owners fulfill many useful functions in the economy
such as the organization and coordination of production and distribution, they cannot be viewed
as the engine of innovation and creative destruction. This is the major function of Schumpeterian
entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.

Different types of entrepreneurship: different impacts on economic performance
In the following model we give an example of the economic impact of (the lack) of Kirznerian
(neo-Austrian) and Knightian entrepreneurship (for the latter see also Kihlstrom and Laffont,
1979) using the example of the retail sector. A more Schumpeterian approach will be dealt with in
section 5. The model is a simplified version of the carrying capacity model by Carree and Thurik
(1999b). The model is used to indicate how a lack of entrepreneurship may affect economic per-
formance. The non-mathematically interested reader may want to proceed with the last paragraph
of this section.
Assume that there are two local markets, labeled i and j, in which retailers sell a homogene-
ous good. Retailers can only be in one market or the other. The total demand by consumers in
the two local markets is assumed to have price elasticity equal to unity:
(3.1) }. , { / j i x p a Q
x x x
Each retailer k in market x maximizes profit =
k x k
q p ) ( where are fixed costs and
are variable costs, both of which are identical across firms. Assume that the retailers form a
Cournot oligopoly, hence not taking into account the reactions by competitors when changing the
level of output
q . Because the cost function of each retailer is assumed to be identical, also the
output levels are identical to
x x k
N Q q / = . In case there are
N firms in market x, the equilibrium
market price is easily derived to be
(3.2) }. , {
j i x

Hence, in Cournot equilibrium total output within market x equals
(3.3) .
x x
N a


By inserting equation (3.3) into the profit function we derive that in equilibrium
(3.4) .
) 1 (

x x

There is an equilibrium across regions in case entrepreneurs in one region earn as much as
entrepreneurs in the other region. This implies that
(3.5) .
This equilibrium condition assures maximum total output for the two markets combined given
a certain fixed number of entrepreneurs, N. To derive this, note that
i j
N N N = and that, there-
fore the sum of outputs is
(3.6) . /
1 1

= +
i j i
a Q Q
Maximizing equation (3.6) with respect to
N gives us the exact same outcome as given in
equation (3.5). Now we come to the final issue of how many entrepreneurs there will be. Follow-
ing Carree and Thurik (1999b) we assume there exists a critical profit level
that entrepreneurs
seek to receive as compensation for their efforts. In case profit falls short of the critical level, en-
trepreneurs will exit until the profit level increases to the critical level. In case profits exceed the
critical level (new) entrepreneurs will enter until the profit level decreases to the critical level. An
important determinant of the critical profit level is the extent to which entrepreneurs want to be
compensated for the risk they face.
We give a numerical example to indicate the impact of a lack of either Kirznerian or Knightian
entrepreneurship. Assume that the two markets are identical in size, 50 = =
j i
a a , and that the
fixed costs parameter and critical profit level
both equal one. The variable costs parameter
is assumed to be 0.1. The total number of retailers in each of the two markets is then derived
* 2
/ =
x x
N a and is found to equal five after inserting the numerical values. The total
output of the two markets is derived from (3.3) to equal 800.
Now assume that instead of both markets having five firms that there is one market with six
and one market with four firms. Total output then equals 792 instead of the maximum output of
800. Hence, the consequence of at least one of the six retailers not being alert to the prevailing
disequilibrium entails a output loss of one percent. The lack of Kirznerian entrepreneurship that
would otherwise have alerted one retailer to change location (market) leads to lower output.
assume instead that entrepreneurs want to have a (50%) higher compensation for the uncertainty
they are confronted with and that the critical profit level
equals 1.5 instead of 1. The number of
firms is each market then reduces to 4.47 and total output drops to 776. Hence, the consequence
of entrepreneurs being more averse to risk is a drop in total output. A decrease in the number of
individuals prepared to take risks in the marketplace (Knightian entrepreneurs) leads to an output
The next section will elaborate on this issue: choosing between entrepreneurship and em-
4. The effects of the choice between entrepreneurship and employment
In this section we present a simple model of occupational choice in which the impact of entre-
preneurial activities is analyzed by considering the consequence of not allowing firms to enter (or
exit) or of not allowing firms to expand (or to limit) their activities. We distinguish between three
possible economic systems labeled market economy, semi-planned economy and planned
economy. Before presenting the details of the occupational choice model we will first discuss
important recent papers concerning the intertemporal relation between occupational choice and
economic development.
We will briefly discuss the contributions made in three articles: Banerjee and Newman (1993),
Iyigun and Owen (1999) and Lloyd-Ellis and Bernhardt (2000). The papers deal with the compli-
cated issue of the two-way interaction between occupational choice and economic development.
On the one hand, both the number of individuals choosing to become self-employed and their
entrepreneurial skills affect economic development. On the other hand, the process of develop-

Yu (1998) provides an interesting analysis of the importance of Kirznerian (adaptive) entrepreneurship in explaining
Hong Kongs economic development. He finds that the small Hong Kong firms are usually the first groups to get out of a
declining sector and move into new markets. He claims that the diversification of Hong Kongs economy into the service
sector can be explained consistently by the dynamic operations of adaptive entrepreneurship. (p.902-903).
Ilmakunnas and Kanniainen (2001) find empirical evidence for OECD countries to support the Knightian view that
economic risks shape equilibrium entrepreneurship in an occupational choice model. They find evidence of both na-
tional economic risk (changes in GDP) and social insurance for labor risks (unemployment compensation), assumed
not to be available to self-employed, to negatively impact the rate of self-employment.
ment affects the returns to occupations. It transforms the nature of risks and the possibilities for
Banerjee and Newman (1993) develop a model in which the distribution of wealth plays a cen-
tral role. They assume that occupational decisions are dependent upon the distribution of wealth
because of capital market imperfections, due to which poor agents can only choose working for a
wage and wealthy agents become entrepreneurs. The initial distribution of wealth determines
whether in the long run an economy converges to a case of only self-employment in small-scale
production (stagnation) or to one where an active labor market and both large- and small-scale
production prevail (prosperity). Banerjee and Newman stress that the model implies that the ini-
tial existence of a population of dispossessed whose best choice is to work for a wage, is the con-
dition needed for an economy to achieve the stage of prosperous capitalism.
Whereas Banerjee and Newman focus on financial requirements as the defining characteristic
of entrepreneurship, Iyigun and Owen (1999) focus on the element of risk. Iyigun and Owen dis-
tinguish between two types of human capital: entrepreneurial and professional. Entrepreneurial
activities are assumed to be more risky than professional activities.
Entrepreneurs in the model
accumulate human capital through a work-experience intensive process, whereas professionals
human capital accumulation is education-intensive. The models predicts that, as technology im-
proves, individuals devote less time to the accumulation of human capital through work experi-
ence and more to the accumulation of human capital through professional training. The allocation
of an increasing share of time to formal education continues until a steady state is reached (see
Iyigun and Owen, p. 224). Hence, entrepreneurs would play a relatively more important role in
intermediate-income countries and professionals are relatively more abundant in rich countries.
However, both entrepreneurship and professional activities are important and those countries that
initially have too little of either entrepreneurial or professional human capital may end up in a de-
velopment trap. Iyigun and Owen point at former communist countries as an example of econo-
mies that have a highly educated labor force but that still not achieve the high-income steady
state due to a shortage of entrepreneurs (p.225).
Lloyd-Ellis and Bernhardt (2000) also derive how the scarcity or abundance of entrepreneurial
skills is the defining variable behind the equilibrium development process. In their model, indi-
viduals may choose between working as entrepreneurs, wage laborers in industry or in subsis-
tence agriculture. J ust like in the Banerjee and Newman model entrepreneurs are faced with a
limited capital market and (inherited) wealth is needed to permit entrepreneurial activity to ex-
pand. The economy in the model goes through four separate stages. An interesting outcome of
the model is that the average firm size rises quickly in the first stages of the development proc-
ess, but then falls in the later stages of the development process. The number of entrepreneurs
(outside agriculture) as a fraction of population may rise in each of the stages (Lloyd-Ellis and
Bernhardt, p.157).
We will present a simple new model of occupational choice in which the impact of entrepre-
neurial activities is analyzed by considering the consequence of not allowing firms to enter (or
exit) or of not allowing firms to expand (or to limit) their activities. We distinguish between three
possible economic systems. In the first system, labeled market economy, there is complete
freedom of entry and exit and of firms adjusting their inputs to maximize profits. In this system
there is complete entrepreneurial and managerial freedom. In the second system, labeled semi-
planned economy, there is no freedom of entry or exit. However, firms are free to adjust their
input quantities so as to achieve maximum profits. In such an economic system the large incum-
bent firms are considered as the engines of economic progress. Starting new enterprises is ham-
pered by regulations and by relatively low esteem of business ownership. The third economic
system, labeled planned economy, has also lost its managerial freedom of adjusting inputs to

The uncertainty in the return to entrepreneurial ventures is that with probability q an individual achieves an income of
, the endogenously determined technology level, times his entrepreneurial capital and with probability 1-q he re-
ceives no income. There is no uncertainty assumed in the return to education, being
times their professional capital
(see Iyigun and Owen, p.220).
maximize profits. Firms are assigned to produce output using a certain fixed amount of labor even
though it may lead some firms to be unprofitable.
Clearly, the three economic systems are extremes. However, comparing the economic per-
formance of such virtual systems may enhance our understanding of the total contribution of en-
trepreneurial activity on the long and short term on economic performance. In addition, the condi-
tions in the three systems may approximate actual conditions in existing economic systems. For
example, the market economy of the United States grants (potential) entrepreneurs considerable
freedom with little government intervention. In contrast, the economies of Continental Europe, like
France and Germany and the Scandinavian countries, have a much larger role for government. In
these countries government has actively intervened to support large enterprises in the recent
past. The Soviet type of economic systems is the prime example of the planned economy system.
The model described below is used to compare the relative performance of the three systems.

The non-mathematically interested reader may want to proceed with the last paragraph of this
section in which we discuss the main results.
Consider a population of N individuals that can choose between being an employee and being
a manager (business owner). Each person i is assigned a certain managerial ability
e in period t.
This ability can be used in combination with an input of
L employees earning an equal wage
to produce a total output of some (homogeneous) good

it it it
L e Q = with in between zero and
one. Assuming the price of the good to be unity total profit for manager i in period t will be
it t it it it
L w L e =

. From the first order condition ( 0 / =
it it
L ) we find the optimal levels of labor
input and profit:
(4.1) ( ) = 1
/ w e L
it it
(4.2) ( ) . / ) 1 ( 1

= w e e
it it it

From equation (4.2) it is clear that individuals with higher levels of managerial ability will have
higher profits ( 0 /
it it
e ). In case individuals are free to enter and/or exit we would see in-
cumbents exiting the market (and becoming employee) in case their optimal level of profits is less
than the wage level, while employees would start enterprises in case their optimal level of profit
would exceed their wage level. In conformity with Lucas (1978) an equilibrium is reached where
individuals become managers if and only if
(4.3) .
) 1 (

In each of the three economic systems it is assumed that the wage level is determined by the
equilibrium condition of demand and supply of labor to be identical. If we denote the number of
managers/entrepreneurs by
M and their set by
, then this condition reads
(4.4) . ) /(

= =
it t
it t
M N e w L M N
t t

From equations (4.3) and (4.4) the equilibrium structure given free entry and exit can be de-
termined. Given the distribution of the abilities
e the equilibrium occupational choice and (maxi-
mum) total output can be derived. In case of changes in the ability distribution the manner in
which equilibrium on the labor market is restored differs across the economic systems. In case of
the market economy system there will be entry of managers with increased ability and exit of
managers with decreased ability, changes in firm sizes and changes in the wage level. In case of

The model is only concerned with occupational choice, not with the (dis)incentives present in economic systems to
pursue product or process innovation.
the semi-planned economy system there will be changes in firm sizes of incumbents and
changes in the wage level. The one variable that restores equilibrium in the planned economy
system is the wage level because of the absence of managerial discretion to adapt labor demand.
It is obvious that due to larger degrees of freedom the total output after changes in the ability
distribution will be highest for the market economy and smallest for the planned economy. The
differences between the performances will be larger, the more the ability distribution changes
over time. Hence, in periods of important changes in technological regimes and on the longer
term the differences are likely to be largest. This finding is related to that presented by Eliasson
(1995) that lack of new entry of firms will adversely impact economic performance not so much on
the short term but in the long term.
5. Entrepreneurship in endogenous growth models
One of the reasons that entrepreneurship disappeared from economic theory is that it played
no role in the neoclassical growth model as developed by Solow (1970). An important characteris-
tic of this growth model is that technological improvements are exogenous and therefore inde-
pendent of economic incentives. Economic growth in the traditional growth models is achieved by
capital accumulation and exogenous technological progress, both of which leave little room for
any entrepreneurial role whatsoever (see also Baumol 1968). The more recently developed en-
dogenous growth models also support the idea that improvements in technology have been the
key force behind perpetually rising standards of living. However, this long-term growth process is
assumed in many endogenous growth models to be determined by purposive, profit-seeking in-
vestment in knowledge (Grossman and Helpman (1994, p. 24)). The act of seeking profits by
shifting resources to achieve improvements in technology can be seen as an entrepreneurial act
because the outcome of the investments is uncertain. However, it is not common for endogenous
growth models to explicitly address the issue of entrepreneurship as driving force of technological
and economic development. We will discuss three exceptions in this section. The first exception is
the Aghion and Howitts (1992) model of creative destruction (see also Aghion and Howitt, 1997;
Howitt and Aghion, 1998). The second exception is the endogenous market structure model by
Peretto (1998; 1999a; 1999b) and the third exception is the imitation model developed by Schmitz
(1989). Of these three exceptions the model by Aghion and Howitt has been the most influential
and we will discuss it in some detail.
Aghion and Howitt introduce the notion of Schumpeterian creative destruction into a growth
model by having firms investing resources in research to achieve a new product that renders the
previous product obsolete.
Capital is excluded from the basic model and growth results from
technological progress, being a result from competition among firms that generate innovations.
Firms are motivated by the prospect of (temporary) monopoly rents after a successful innovation
is patented. A next innovation will again destroy these rents as the existing good is being made
obsolete by the Schumpeterian entrepreneur. We will discuss a simple version of the basic model
as presented by Aghion and Howitt in their Section 2. The non-mathematically interested reader
may want to proceed below equation (5.8).
Assume that there are four different kinds of units: a final consumption good y, an intermedi-
ate good x, unskilled labor used to produce the final good and skilled labor that can be used to
produce the intermediate good or that can be used in research. The total amount of unskilled la-
bor is fixed at M. The total amount of skilled labor is fixed at N and the amount used to do re-
search is denoted by n, leaving N-n units for production of the intermediate good. The final good
is assumed to be produced using a Cobb-Douglas type of production function (with input factors
unskilled labor and intermediate goods) and, since M is fixed, it can be written as
(5.1) 1 0 < < =

t t t
x A y

It may be argued that Schumpeterian entrepreneurship cannot be modelled using the standard assumptions of the
neo-classical model like profit maximization. It is evident that the Aghion and Howitt models fail to do complete justice
to Schumpeters discussions of the motivations that underlie entrepreneurial behaviour. We are grateful to the referee
of this chapter for pointing this out.
where t is the index of period. The parameter
A denotes the productivity of the intermediate
input in period t. The intermediate good is produced using skilled labor, not used for research,
and linear technology:
(5.2) .
t t
n N x =
Innovations arrive in a random sequence, with the Poisson arrival rate of innovations in the
economy equal to
n (see also Howitt and Aghion, 1998, equation (6)). The arrival rate depends
only upon the current flow of input to research. Hence, there is no memory in the technology of
research. The index t of period increases by one each time a new innovation has arrived, hence it
is not a time index. The length of the time interval from t to t+1 is random and has an exponential
distribution with parameter
n . During this time interval prices and quantities are assumed to be
constant. Each innovation (the invention of a new intermediate good) makes the previous inter-
mediate good obsolete because it allows the production of the final good
y to become more effi-
cient. The increase in efficiency is determined by the factor :
(5.3) . 1
> =
The model is a winner takes it all-model in the sense that a successful innovator is assumed
to obtain a patent used to monopolize the intermediate sector. The patent lifespan is assumed to
be infinite but the monopoly lasts only till the next innovation when the intermediate good is re-
placed by the next vintage. Each market is assumed to be perfectly competitive with the excep-
tion of the monopolized intermediate sector.
The successful innovator has a temporary monopoly and seeks to maximize its profit during
this interval. The final good sector will choose the amount of intermediate goods,
x , so as to
t t t
x p y with the price of the final good as the numrair and
p being the price
charged by the monopolist. The first order condition is
(5.4) .

t t t
x A p
The monopolist takes this condition into account and maximizes its own profit ( )
t t t t
x w x A

w being the wage level of skilled labor. The optimization gives as outcomes for profit, price
and output of the intermediate good:
(5.5) . and / ,
) 1 /( 1

= =

t t t t t t
x w p x w
We now turn to the amount of resources devoted to research,
n . Because of constant returns
to scale in the technology of research, the number of firms performing research is indeterminate.
The firm(s) that employ(s)
n units of skilled labor performing research activities to achieve mo-
nopoly in period t+1 will have an instantaneous probability
n of having a successful innovation
with instantaneous value
1 + t
V (which does not depend upon
n ). The expected flow of profits
t t t t
n w V n
which is maximized for 0
n . Because the research sector is perfectly
1 + t
V equals the wage level
w .

The value
1 + t
V is the expected present value of the flow of monopoly profits
1 + t
, or
(5.6) 0
n r

We do not discuss the possibility of the wage level being less than
1 + t
V .
with r being the constant rate of time preference. Equation (5.6) reveals the important charac-
teristic of the Aghion and Howitt model that current research negatively depends upon future re-
search: creative destruction discourages current research because the prospect of monopoly
rents is diminished.
The intertemporal relation between
n and
1 + t
n is determined by substituting equations (5.2),
(5.5) and (5.6) into the condition
1 +
t t
V w . This results in
(5.7) .
) (


n r
n N
n N
n N

We now concentrate upon the (unique) stationary equilibrium in which n n n
t t

= =
. From
equation (5.7) we then derive the stationary equilibrium value
(5.8) .
) / ) 1 ( 1 ( / ) 1 ( 1
/ ) 1 (


N n
Equation (5.8) shows a direct connection between research in stationary equilibrium n and
the degree of market power. The higher the value of the lower is the degree of market power.
Specifically, 1 is the Lerner index (price minus marginal costs divided by price). Hence, some
extent of market power to achieve rents is needed for Schumpeterian entrepreneurs to engage
into research. Aghion and Howitt (1992, p. 336) derive the average growth rate of real output to
be ) ln( n . The effect of market power attracting entrepreneurial energy shows the importance
of imperfect competition for the growth process.
Competition and growth are inversely related in this Schumpeterian model, something usually
not supported by empirical evidence (for instance, see Nickell, 1996). Aghion and Howitt (1997),
therefore, extend their model to show that a more competitive market structure may contribute to
economic growth. In Howitt and Aghion (1998), the authors add capital to their model of creative
destruction. They show that capital accumulation and innovation are complementary processes
and equal partners in the growth process. Aghion and Howitt have contributed to the endogenous
growth literature by connecting purposive, profit-seeking investment in knowledge to the persons
performing this task: entrepreneurs.
In a series of papers Peretto introduces a different kind of endogenous growth model where
an endogenous market structure is incorporated. His model has a key role for the number of
firms, again in the intermediate sector, determining the returns to investment and R&D. An impor-
tant difference between his model and the model by Aghion and Howitt is the assumption that
monopolistic firms in the intermediate sector set up in-house R&D facilities to produce a continu-
ous flow of cost-reducing innovations. This differs from the independent research firms in Aghion
and Howitt (1992). The relation between the number of firms and returns to investment and R&D
in the Peretto (1999b) model is determined by a trade-off between external and internal econo-
mies of scale. External economies of scale are a result of complementarities across firms be-
cause aggregate output is increasing in the number of intermediate goods.
A large number of
firms in the model therefore leads to high specialization, large investment and R&D programs,
and fast growth. On the other hand, the fragmentation of the market due to a large number of
firms leads to small investment and R&D programs, and slow growth. An increase in the number
of firms increases the market size through the specialization effect whereas each firms market
share is reduced through the fragmentation effect. As a consequence there is a hump-shaped
relation between the number of firms and economic growth.

Peretto uses a Dixit-Stiglitz type of production function, exhibiting economies of specialization, with the homogeneous
final good y determined by the N intermediate goods
x as:
) /(
/ ) (
di x y


In Peretto (1998) entrepreneurs play a more visible role. His model seeks to explain a shift in
the locus of innovation from R&D undertaken by inventor-entrepreneurs (competitive capitalism)
to R&D undertaken within established firms in close proximity to the production line (trustified
capitalism). In the model the economy converges to a stable industrial structure where entrepre-
neurial R&D and the formation of new firms peter out, while growth is driven by corporate R&D
undertaken by established oligopolists.
While it is true that from about 1870 till 1970 the corpo-
rate laboratories affiliated with large manufacturing firms have been increasingly responsible for
commercial R&D, the disappearance of entrepreneurial energy as important determinant of eco-
nomic growth is an unrealistic feature of the model. In Perettos setup entrepreneurs must de-
velop new differentiated products since entering an existing product line in Bertrand competition
with the incumbent is bound to lead to losses because of sunk entry costs. Entrants are net crea-
tors of knowledge, as they create a new product and the knowledge necessary to run manufac-
turing operations. (p. 58). Although in more developed stages the economy in Perettos model
experiences a transition from entrepreneurial to corporate R&D, entrepreneurship plays a vital
role in economic development: only when a critical number of firms have entered the market, es-
tablished firms begin investing in R&D. A key result of Perettos models is that there is an in-
verted-U relationship between the number of firms and steady-state growth. (Peretto, 1999a, p.
Schmitz (1989) was the first to present an endogenous growth model that relates entrepre-
neurial activity and economic growth. However, his entrepreneurs are more passive than in the
other models because their role is restricted to that of imitation. This may have contributed to the
Schmitz model being less influential than the Aghion and Howitt model. His model implies that the
equilibrium fraction of entrepreneurs in an economy is lower than the social optimal level, provid-
ing a rationale for policies stimulating entrepreneurial activity. We end this section stressing that
one may also set up endogenous growth models in which (a specific notion of) entrepreneurship
may not be beneficial to growth. Peng (2000) constructs such a model in which entrepreneurs do
not carry out research but choose between research projects. He finds a negative relationship
because of the rent-seeking element in the exercise of entrepreneurship.

6. Empirical evidence
There are various strands in the empirical literature showing the effect of entrepreneurship on
economic growth. We will concentrate on four strands of empirical research.
The first deals with
the question of the effect of turbulence on economic growth. Turbulence, viz., the sum of entry
and exit in industries or regions, can be interpreted as an indicator of entrepreneurial activity. The
second strand concentrates on the effect of (changes in) the size-distribution in regions on sub-
sequent economic growth. In case a region has a larger share of small firms when compared to
another region this could indicate a higher level of entrepreneurial activity. The third strand inves-
tigates the effect of the number of market participants in an industry on economic growth. An in-
crease in the number of competitors is usually related to more intensive entrepreneurial activity.
The fourth strand of empirical literature concentrates on the effect of the number of self-employed
(business owners) on subsequent growth. In developed economies the rate of self-employment
will be related to the extent of entrepreneurial activity. New firms usually start with a phase of self-
employment sensu stricto, viz., with no paid employees. A fifth and last source of evidence on the
relation between self-employment and progress is the economic history of the formerly central-
ized planned economies. A characteristic of these economies was the almost complete absence
of small firms (and private ownership of the means of production), and this extreme monopoliza-

This is an escalation effect: the fall in the number of firms is due to technological opportunities leading firms to invest
in R&D which is characterized by sunk costs that make entry and incumbency more costly and labor more scarce for
The idea that entrepreneurial energy as such may not suffice for economic progress was also expressed by Baumol
(1990) stressing the importance of entrepreneurship being led into productive channels.
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research program (Reynolds et al., 2001) is yet a different approach. It
seeks to assess the level of national entrepreneurial activity and to relate this to the rate of economic growth. Entrepre-
neurial activity is measured through questionnaires in 29 countries in 2001, 21 countries in 2000 and 10 countries in the
first year of assessment, 1999. The research program shows some preliminary evidence of the level of entrepreneurial
activity to be associated with economic growth.
tion constituted one of the major factors leading to the collapse of state socialism (Acs 1996). The
development of small enterprises is considered a vital part of the current transition process in
Eastern Europe. This last source of evidence will not be discussed in the present chapter.

The empirical evidence of the effect of turbulence on subsequent economic growth is mixed.
Caves (1998, p.1973) concludes that in the short run, turnover from entry and exit appears to
make only a very small contribution to an industrys productivity growth. However, he adds that in
the long run, the entry-exit turnover makes a more important contribution. Bosma and Nieuwen-
huijsen (2000) use data for 40 Dutch regions for the 1988-96 period and find that turbulence posi-
tively affects total factor productivity growth in the service sector but not so in manufacturing.
A different literature has focused on the impact of entrepreneurship on subsequent economic per-
formance. at the regional level. The unit of observation for these studies is at the spatial level,
either a city, region, or state. The most common and and most exclusive measure of performance
is growth, typically measured in terms of employment growth. These studies have tried to link
various measures of entrepreneurial activity, most typically startup rates, to economic growth.
Other measures sometimes used include the relative share of SMEs, and self-employment rates.

Reynolds (1999) finds some evidence for turbulence to be related to economic growth using
American regional data for the 1980-92 period. research in several ways. Acs and Armington
(2002) link a measure of entrepreneurship to growth at the regional level. Their paper makes
three important contributions. First, their approach is more comprehensive, including data for the
whole private sector economy, rather than selected industries. Second, their unit of analysis is
not just cities, but entire local economic areas (394 Labor Market Areas, covering the entire
United States), which generally include a metropolitan area and the surrounding rural area from
which it draws both employees and consumers. Third, they use a direct measure of entrepreneu-
rial activity, the new firm birth rate in each of these local economies. They test the hypothesis that
increased entrepreneurial activity leads to higher growth rates of local economies. They find that
the higher levels of entrepreneurial activity are strongly positively associated with higher growth
rates, even after controlling for establishment size, and agglomeration effects.

Audretsch and Fritsch (1996) analyzed a database identifying new business startups and exits
from the social insurance statistics in Germany to examine whether a greater degree of turbulen-
ce leads to greater economic growth, as suggested by Schumpeter in his 1911 treatisie. These
social insurance statistics are collected for individuals. Each record in the database identifies the
establishment at which an individual is employed. The startup of a new firm is recorded when a
new establishment identification appears in the database, which generally indicates the birth of a
new enterprise. While there is some evidence for the United States linking a greater degree of
turbulence at the regional level to higher rates of growth for regions (Reynolds, 1999), Audretsch
and Fritsch (1996) find that the opposite was true for Germany during the 1980s. In both the ma-
nufacturing and the service sectors, a high rate of turbulence in a region tends to lead to a lower
and not a higher rate of growth. They attribute this negative relationship to the fact that the under-
lying components the startup and death rates are both negatively related to subsequent eco-
nomic growth. Those areas with higher startup rates tend to experience lower growth rates in
subsequent years. Most strikingly, the same is also true for the death rates. The German regions
experiencing higher death rates also tend to experience lower growth rates in subsequent years.
Similar evidence for Germany is found by Fritsch (1997).
Audretsch and Fritsch (1996) conjectured that one possible explanation for the disparity in results
between the United States and Germany may lie in the role that innovative activity, and therefore
the ability of new firms to ultimately displace the incumbent enterprises, plays in new-firm star-
tups. It may be that innovative activity did not play the same role for the German Mittelstand as it
does for SMEs in the United States. To the degree that this was true, it may be hold that regional
growth emanates from SMEs only when they serve as agents of change through innovative activi-

Others examples of the role of entrepreneurship in economic history are given in Wennekers, Thurik and Uhlaner
The empirical evidence suggested that the German model for growth provided a sharp contrast to
that for the United States. While Reynolds (1999) had found that the degree of entrepreneurship
was positively related to growth in the United States, a series of studies by Audretsch and Fritsch
(1996) and Fritsch (1997) could not identify such a relationship for Germany. However, the results
by Audretsch and Fritsch were based on data from the 1980s.

Divergent findings from the 1980s about the relationship between the degree of entrepreneurial
activity and economic growth in the United States and Germany posed something of a puzzle. On
the one hand, these different results suggested that the relationship between entrepreneurship
and growth was fraught with ambiguities. No confirmation could be found for a general pattern
across developed countries. On the other hand, it provided evidence for the existence of distinct
and different national systems. The empirical evidence clearly suggested that there was more
than one way to achieve growth, at least across different countries. Convergence in growth rates
seemed to be attainable by maintaining differences in underlying institutions and structures.
However, in a more recent study, Audretsch and Fritsch (2002) find that different results emerge
for the 1990s. Those regions with a higher startup rate exhibit higher growth rates. This would
suggest that, in fact, Germany is changing over time, where the engine of growth is shifting to-
wards entrerpeneurship as a source of growth.The results of their 2002 paper suggest a some-
what different interpretation. Based on the compelling empirical evidence that the source of
growth in Germany has shifted away from the established incumbent firms during the 1980s to
entrepreneurial firms in the 1990s, it would appear that a process of convergence is taking place
between Germany and the United States, where entrepreneurship provides the engine of growth
in both countries. Despite remaining institutional differences, the relationship between entrepre-
neurship and growth is apparently converging in both countries.

The positive relationship between entrepeneurship and growth at the regional level is not limited
to Germany in the 1990. For example, Foelster (2000) examines not just the employment impact
within new and small firms but on the overall link between increases in self-employment and total
employment in Sweden between 1976-1995. By using a Layard-Nickell framework, he provides a
link between micro behavior and macroeconomic performance, and shows that increases in self-
employment rates have had a positive impact on regional employment rates in Sweden.
Hart and Hanvey (1995) link measures of new and small firms to employment generation in the
late 1980s for three regions in the the United Kingdom. While they find that employment creation
came largely from SMEs, they also identify that most of the job losses also came from SMEs.
Callejon and Segarra (1999) use a data set of Spanish manufacturing industries between 1980-
1992 to link new-firm birth rates and death rates, which taken together constitute a measure of
turbulence, to total factor productivity growth in industries and regions. They adopt a model based
on a vintage capital framework in which new entrants embody the edge technologies available
and exiting businesses represent marginal obsolete plants. Using a Hall type of production functi-
on, which controls for imperfect competition and the extent of scale economies, they find that both
new-firm startup rates and exit rates contribute positively to the growth of total factor productivity
in regions as well as industries.

The empirical evidence of the effect of (changes in) the size distribution of firms on subse-
quent growth performance appears more clear-cut, at least for data of the late 1980s and early
1990s. Carree and Thurik (1998, 1999a) show that the share of small firms in manufacturing in-
dustries in European countries in 1990 has had a positive effect on the industry output growth in
the subsequent four years. Thurik (1996) reports that the excess growth of small firms
has had a
positive influence on percentage change in gross national product for a sample of 16 European
countries in the period 1988 through 1993. Robbins, Pantuosco, Parker and Fuller (2000) perform
an analysis of 48 U.S. states for the 1986-95 period and find that states with a higher proportion
of (very) small business employment experience higher level of productivity growth and Gross
State Product growth. Audretsch, Carree, van Stel and Thurik (2002) find evidence for 17 Euro-
pean countries that the consequences for economic growth of not shifting the industry structure

The excess growth of small firms in that study is defined as the percentage change in the value-of-shipments ac-
counted for by small firms minus that accounted for by large firms.
away from large business towards small business have been rather large. Likewise, Carree
(2002) shows evidence for the five largest economies (France, Germany, J apan, U.K. and U.S.)
that manufacturing industries that underwent only little downsizing in the 1977-90 period experi-
enced less subsequent growth when compared internationally.
Nickell (1996), Nickell, Nicolitsas and Dryden (1997) and Lever and Nieuwenhuijsen (1999)
present evidence that competition, as measured by increased number of competitors, has a posi-
tive effect on the rate of total factor productivity growth. This positive effect is in line with Geroskis
(1989) finding of overall productivity growth in 79 U.K. manufacturing industries to increase with
the lagged rate of gross entry of new firms. One reason for these findings is that an increased
number of market participants and increased entrepreneurial activity often go hand in hand. There
have been some studies on the impact of the number of market participants on regional economic
growth as well. Glaeser, Kallal, Scheinkman and Shleifer (1992) examine three determinants of
regional sectoral growth: specialization, diversity and competition. They find that local competi-
tion, measured as the relative number of businesses per worker, encourages employment growth
in industries. Fritsch (1997) and Audretsch and Fritsch (2002) relate start-up activity in German
regions to subsequent growth. They find that for Germany the impact of start-up activity on eco-
nomic growth was absent in the 1980s but became positive in the 1990s.
A fourth strand of literature has started to focus upon the effect of self-employment on growth.
Blanchflower (2000, p.497) finds no evidence for a panel of OECD countries of increases in the
self-employment rate to increase economic growth. However, he uses uncorrected OECD Labor
Force Statistics data suffering from lack in comparability across countries and, in a list of addi-
tional cases, lack in comparability over time due to changes in counting procedures. In a recent
paper Carree, van Stel, Thurik and Wennekers (2002) investigate whether countries that deviate
from the equilibrium business ownership rate for comparable levels of economic development
suffer in terms of economic growth.
In their view deviations between the actual and the equilib-
rium rate of business ownership will diminish the growth potential of an economy in the medium
term. A shortage of business owners is likely to diminish competition with detrimental effects for
static efficiency and competitiveness of the national economy. It will also diminish variety, learning
and selection and thereby harm dynamic efficiency (innovation). On the other hand, a glut of self-
employment will cause the average scale of operations to remain below optimum. It will result in
large numbers of marginal businesses, absorbing capital and human energy that could have been
allocated more productively elsewhere. They develop an error-correction model to determine the
equilibrium rate of business ownership as a function of GDP per capita.
Their estimated equi-
librium relationship, using corrected OECD Labor Force Statistics data, is presented in Figure 2
together with the actual (corrected) data of the G7-countries. The estimation results show that a
deviation of the actual number of business owners from the equilibrium rate has a significantly
negative impact on economic growth.
Figure 2 shows that most countries had too few self-employed relative to the equilibrium
value. An obvious exception is Italy. It indicates that the high level of self-employment in Italy is
not efficient: it has a relatively large negative impact on economic growth.
Countries with a low
business ownership rates compared to the equilibrium include the Scandinavian countries. These
economies are characterized by a large public sector, relatively low entry and exit rates and high
taxes. Eliasson (1995) and Braunerhjelm and Carlsson (1999) blame part of Swedens relatively
bad economic performance in the 1980s on limited private initiative and a lack of structural ad-
justment. Another country with a relatively low business ownership rate is Germany. Figure 2 also
shows that, at least until recently, Germany has failed to restructure where for example the United
Kingdom has. Klodt (1990) blames (West) German industrial policy for repressing structural
change in supporting large-scale industries with subsidies. An important reason for the lack of a

See also Audretsch, Carree and Thurik (2002).
Carree, van Stel, Thurik and Wennekers hypothesize an equilibrium relationship between the rate of business own-
ership and per capita income that is U-shaped, but in fact find it to be impossible to statistically discriminate U-shaped
equilibrium functions from L-shaped functions.
In Italy, research and development expenditures are by far the lowest among the largest OECD countries as a per-
centage of gross national product. This is in line with the idea that when there are too many business owners, the scale
advantages in research and development are not utilized. See Cohen and Klepper (1996).
vibrant sector of new firms and industries in Germany up till the mid 1990s has been the high bar-
riers to innovative activity (Audretsch 2000).
Figure 2 The actual and equilibrium rate of business ownership for G7-countries,
9,000 14,000 19,000 24,000

Note: E stand for the ratio of self-employed over labor force. YCAP stands for GDP per capita in US dollars (of 1990).
Source: Carree, van Stel, Thurik and Wennekers (2002).

It should be stressed that the number of self-employed is a possible yardstick of entrepreneurship
as statistical information is often available along the ownership dimension. However, this yard-
stick can be misleading. For instance, it is unknown whether the relatively high number of self-
employed in Italy as compared to Germany expresses a high level of Schumpeterian entrepre-
neurship or merely a time lag in economic development influencing the number of marginal estab-
lishments or merely differences in sectoral composition. In recent empirical studies other ap-
proximations are brought forward. Audretsch (1995) uses the employment share of surviving
young firms as a proxy for entrepreneurial activity in manufacturing industries. This variable may
well express the comparative entrepreneurial positions of these industries. Outside the manufac-
turing sector this variable may be biased due to the occurrence of franchising firms and marginal
or part-time start-ups. Moreover, the rate of intrapreneurship, both in new and incumbent firms, is

7. Future analysis and policy issues
We expect a framework relating entrepreneurial activity to economic growth to hinge on at
least four elements. First, on the literature identifying the micro-economic foundations of growth
emphasizing the role of knowledge externalities in the growth process (Romer, 1986 and 1994).
Second, it should identify intermediate linkages like the ones mentioned in Figure 1. Third, it
should deal with dual causality in the relation between entrepreneurial activity and growth. And
finally, it should take into account the multidisciplinary character while linking together different
levels of analysis.
Before discussing some policy issues we will first present such a framework
derived from Wennekers and Thurik (1999).
A framework for future analysis
Figure 3 presents a framework inspired by the many insights reaped from the various strands
of the literature. Three levels of analysis be distinguished since linking entrepreneurship to eco-
nomic growth also means linking the individual level to the firm and the macro level.
Entrepreneurial action happens at the firm level. Entrepreneurs need a vehicle transforming
their personal qualities and ambitions into actions. Small firms where the entrepreneur has a con-
trolling stake provide such a vehicle. Larger firms often mimic smallness (using organizational
forms like business units, subsidiaries and joint ventures) to introduce corporate entrepreneurship
or intrapreneurship. The outcomes of these entrepreneurial manifestations at the firm level gen-
erally have to do with 'newness'. This can be newness through product, process and organiza-
tional innovation, entry of new markets and innovative business start-ups.
At the aggregate level of industries, regions and national economies the many individual en-
trepreneurial actions compose a mosaic of new experiments. In evolutionary terms this can be
termed variety. A process of competition between these various new ideas and initiatives takes
place continuously leading to the selection of the most viable firms and industries. Variety, com-
petition, selection and also imitation expand and transform the productive potential of a regional
or national economy (by replacement or displacement of obsolete firms, by higher productivity
and by expansion of new niches and industries).
In this process Schumpeterian entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and managerial business owners
all play their part (see Table 1). Next to the linkages from the individual level to the aggregate
level, there are important feedback mechanisms. Competition and selection amidst variety un-
doubtedly enable individuals (and firms) to learn from both their own and others successes and
failures. These learning processes enable individuals to increase their skills and adapt their atti-
tudes. The outcome of these so-called spillovers will be new entrepreneurial actions, creating a
recurrent chain of linkages.
Figure 3 Framework for linking entrepreneurship to economic growth
level of
conditions for
business culture
entry into new markets
entry into new markets
firm performance
personal wealth
impact of
crucial elements of
economic growth
economic growth

Source: Wennekers and Thurik (1999)

Clearly, the outcome of these dynamic processes depends on a set of conditions like the ones
referred to in Figure 3. First, this refers to the national (or regional) cultural environment, and to

See Audretsch, Thurik, Verheul and Wennekers (2002) for such a framework concerning the determinants of entre-
the internal culture of corporations. The linkages between culture and entrepreneurship are by no
means simple and straightforward, and much is still unknown about these processes. The history
of the rise and fall of nations has shown that cultural vitality, thriving sciences and high tide in en-
trepreneurship often coincide (Wennekers and Thurik, 1999). Second, the institutional framework,
both on the national level and within firms, defines the incentives for individuals to turn their ambi-
tions into actions, and determines to what extent unnecessary barriers will hamper them. The
importance of institutions for the development of entrepreneurship is paramount and deserves
further study.
Some policy issues
One of the central goals of public policy common among all modern economies is the genera-
tion of growth and the creation of employment. Much of the policy debate to generate growth and
jobs has relied on a macro-economic framework and focused on the traditional macro-economic
policy instruments. The survey of the present chapter suggests that a different, less traditional
instrument for generating growth and employment plays an important role policies that generate
and promote entrepreneurship (OECD, 1998). Empirical evidence surveyed in this chapter sug-
gests that those countries that have experienced an increase in entrepreneurial activity have also
enjoyed higher rates of growth. However, the actual mechanisms, i.e., the intermediate linkages,
why entrepreneurship generates growth are less obvious. The present chapter relies on a rich
body of literature, both theoretical and empirical, analyzing the micro foundations of entrepre-
neurship. Entrepreneurship generates growth because it serves as a vehicle for innovation and
change, and therefore as a conduit for knowledge spillovers. Thus, in a regime of increased glob-
alization, where the comparative advantage of modern economies is shifting towards knowledge-
based economic activity, not only does entrepreneurship play a more important role, but also the
impact of that entrepreneurship is to generate growth. This has led You to argue that any policy
recommendation on economic development should be based on an analysis that incorporates
entrepreneurship, the engine of economic growth (You, 1998, p.906). Similarly, Holcombe claims
that the incorporation of entrepreneurship into the framework of economic growth not only fills in
the institutional details to help make the growth process more understandable, but also points
toward more promising economic policy recommendations for fostering economic growth (Hol-
combe, 1998, p.60).
As the comparative advantage in Western Europe and North America has become increas-
ingly based on new knowledge, public policy towards business has responded in two fundamental
ways. The first has been to shift the policy focus away from the traditional triad of policy instru-
ments essentially constraining the freedom of firms to contract regulation, competition policy or
antitrust, and public ownership of business. The policy approach of constraint was sensible as
long as the major issue was how to restrain footloose multinational corporations in possession of
considerable market power. Instead, a new policy approach is emerging which focuses on ena-
bling the creation and commercialization of knowledge (Audretsch and Thurik, 2001a). Examples
of such policies include encouraging R&D, venture capital and new-firm startups. The shift from
constraining to enabling policies goes together with the shift from the Schumpeter Mark II regime
to the Schumpeter Mark I regime. The second fundamental shift involves the locus of such ena-
bling policies, which are increasingly at the regional or even local level. The last decade has seen
the emergence of a broad spectrum of enabling policy initiatives that fall outside of the jurisdiction
of the traditional regulatory agencies. See for instance the issues of the European Observatory for
SMEs (EIM/ENSR, 1993 through 1997 and European Commission, 2000).
The current decade
will witness many more such enabling policies.
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