The Impact of Trade On Intra Industry Re

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Marc J. Melitz

Working Paper 8881


1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
April 2002

The author thanks, without implicating, Alan Deardor, Jim Levinsohn, and Elhanan Helpman for helpful
comments and discussions. Funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is gratefully acknowledged. The
views expressed herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the National Bureau of Economic

© 2002 by Marc J. Melitz. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may
be quoted without explicit permission provided that full credit, including © notice, is given to the source.
The Impact of Trade on Intra-Industry Reallocations and Aggregate Industry Productivity
Marc J. Melitz
NBER Working Paper No. 8881
April 2002
JEL No. F1


This paper builds a dynamic industry model with heterogeneous firms that explains why
international trade induces reallocations of resources among firms in an industry. The paper shows how
the exposure to trade will induce only the more productive firms to enter the export market (while some
less productive firms continue to produce only for the domestic market) and will simultaneously force
the least productive firms to exit. It then shows how further increases in the industry's exposure to trade
lead to additional inter-firm reallocations towards more productive firms. These phenomena have been
empirically documented but can not be explained by current general equilibrium trade models, because
they rely on a representative firm framework. The paper also shows how the aggregate industry
productivity growth generated by the reallocations contributes to a welfare gain, thus highlighting a
benefit from trade that has not been examined theoretically before. The paper adapts Hopenhayn's (1992a)
dynamic industry model to monopolistic competition in a general equilibrium setting. In so doing, the
paper provides an extension of Krugman's (1980) trade model that incorporates firm level productivity
differences. Firms with different productivity levels coexist in an industry because each firm faces initial
uncertainty concerning its productivity before making an irreversible investment to enter the industry.
Entry into the export market is also costly, but the firm's decision to export occurs after it gains
knowledge of its productivity.

Mark J. Melitz
Department of Economics
Littauer Center
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
and NBER
[email protected]
1 Introduction

Recent empirical research using longitudinal plant or Þrm-level data in several countries has over-
whelmingly substantiated the existence of large and persistent productivity differences among es-
tablishments in the same narrowly deÞned industries. Foster, Haltiwanger and Krizan (1998)
summarize this research by concluding that “... within sector differences dwarf between sector
differences in behavior.” In related work, Haltiwanger (1997, Table 1) reports that 4-digit industry
effects explain less than 10 percent of the overall variation in the growth rates of output, em-
ployment, capital stocks, and productivity across establishments in the U.S. from 1977 to 1987.
Complementing this evidence on the extent of within sector heterogeneity, other studies have shown
that the bulk of resource reallocations across Þrms remains internal to the speciÞc sector. Davis
and Haltiwanger (1999) summarize this evidence for the U.S. and report that less than 1 in 10 job
reallocations reßect employment shifts across sectors. Levinsohn (1999) reports similar numbers for
most industries in Chile following wide-reaching trade liberalization. Evidence reported in Roberts
and Tybout (1996) and Davis and Haltiwanger (1999) conÞrms that these patterns are not speciÞc
to the U.S. and that substantial within sector reallocations between heterogeneous Þrms are also
prevalent in developing countries.
If these large intra-industry reallocations were unrelated to the heterogeneous characteristics of
Þrms, then their separate existence would not necessarily make them important determining factors
of industry performance. On the other hand, if the reallocations are related to Þrm characteristics,
then the nature of the link between the two signiÞcantly affects several important aspects of industry
performance. Although the analysis of this link between Þrm characteristics and industry evolution
is an ongoing research program, enough evidence has been collected to demonstrate its existence and
relevance for industry performance. The main Þrm characteristic found to be empirically linked to
intra-industry reallocations is Þrm productivity.1 The strongest evidence of this link pertains to Þrm
entry and exit decisions. Productivity differences between entering and exiting Þrms signiÞcantly
contribute to aggregate industry productivity changes over time. Additionally, a large number of
studies have documented a strong correlation between Þrm exit and low productivity (Þrm age
is also correlated with exit: younger Þrms have disproportionately high failure rates). Finally,
some studies have also found evidence that reallocations unrelated to entry and exit contribute to
Firm age and capital vintage are other important explanatory characteristics that have been highlighted in some
studies, although their impact may be limited to their effect on productivity.

industry productivity growth by redistributing market shares among incumbent Þrms.2 A similar
reallocation process has also been studied at a higher level of aggregation: Basu and Fernald
(1997) Þnd that U.S. aggregate productivity changes across the business cycle are partly driven
by expenditure reallocations across sectors with different average productivity levels. The inherent
inability of representative Þrm industry models to explain the contribution of reallocations to
industry performance has prompted the development of a theoretical literature of industry dynamics
that emphasizes the role of Þrm level heterogeneity. This literature, along with the previously
mentioned empirical evidence, is reviewed in Foster, Haltiwanger and Krizan (1998) and Tybout
This paper adapts one of these recent industry models with heterogeneous Þrms in order to an-
alyze the role of international trade as a catalyst for inter-Þrm reallocations within an industry. It
then describes how these reallocations affect both industry performance and welfare. The business
press often assumes the existence of this catalyst role of trade when describing how exposure to
trade has both enhanced the growth opportunities of some Þrms while simultaneously contribut-
ing to the downfall or “downsizing” of other Þrms in the same industry. Similarly, protection from
trade is reported to shelter inefficient Þrms. Rigorous empirical work has recently corroborated this
anecdotal evidence. Bernard and Jensen (1999a) (for the U.S.), Aw, Chung and Roberts (2000) (for
Taiwan), and Clerides, Lach and Tybout (1998) (for Colombia, Mexico, and Morocco) all Þnd evi-
dence that the causation of the correlation between Þrm productivity and export status runs from
the former to the latter: more productive Þrms self-select into the export market. Aw, Chung and
Roberts (2000) also Þnd evidence suggesting that exposure to trade forces the least productive Þrms
to exit the industry (Þrms with higher productivity levels relative to the incumbent average exit
after the exposure to trade). Both of these selection effects (into the export market and out of the
industry) obviously reallocate market shares from less productive Þrms (who exit) to more produc-
tive ones (who export) and therefore contribute to industry productivity growth.3 Pavcnik (2002)
directly looks at the contribution of market share reallocations to sectoral productivity growth
following trade liberalization in Chile. She Þnds that these reallocations signiÞcantly contribute to
productivity growth in the tradable sectors. In a related study, Bernard and Jensen (1999b) Þnd
that within-sector market share reallocations towards more productive exporting plants accounts
The importance of this phenomenon varies across studies and is cyclically sensitive (see Foster, Haltiwanger and
Krizan (1998))
Forces other than trade also affect the reallocation of resources within an industry. Olley and Pakes (1996) Þnd
that deregulation in the U.S. telecommunications industry increased productivity predominantly through this channel
rather than through intra-Þrm productivity gains.

for 20% of U.S. manufacturing productivity growth.
By relying on a representative Þrm framework (at least at the level of the industry), general
equilibrium trade models have largely ignored these intra-industry reallocations and focused instead
on other consequences of trade, such as inter-industry reallocations or phenomena affecting all Þrms
in similar ways.4 This paper attempts to Þll this gap by providing a general equilibrium model
with heterogeneous Þrms that explains how trade induces these selection effects and intra-industry
reallocations. This model shows how exposure to trade will induce only the more productive Þrms
to enter the export markets (while some less productive Þrms continue to produce only for the
domestic market) and will simultaneously force the least productive Þrms to exit. The paper then
shows how further increases in the industry’s exposure to trade (driven either by trade liberalization
or the addition of new trading partners) lead to additional inter-Þrm reallocations towards more
productive Þrms. The model thus explains how trade can generate industry productivity growth
without necessarily affecting intra-Þrm efficiency. It also provides a theoretical foundation for
the recent empirical Þndings described above and rigorously shows how trade can contribute to
the Darwinian evolution of industries — forcing the least efficient Þrms to contract or exit while
promoting the growth and success of the more efficient ones.
Another recent paper by Bernard, Eaton, Jenson and Kortum (2000) also introduces Þrm-level
heterogeneity into a model of trade by adapting a Ricardian model to Þrm-speciÞc comparative
advantage. Both papers predict the same basic kinds of trade-induced reallocations, although the
channels and motivations behind these reallocations vary. In addition, Bernard et al. (2000) show
how their model can be calibrated to provide a good Þt to a combination of micro and macro US
data patterns. However, subsequent work by Brooks (2001) has shown that this feature is not
robust across countries. The current paper relies on the previously documented empirical micro
patterns and focuses on the theoretical explanations and motivations behind these patterns.
This last category includes models that assume a direct link between trade and Þrm level efficiency. In these
models, exposure to trade typically increases the efficiency level of all Þrms through a variety of channels: learning
effects, increased scale of production, increased innovation, higher quality or diversity of intermediate inputs, reduction
of agency problems between owners and managers. Clerides, Lach and Tybout (1998) and Bernard and Jensen (1999a)
speciÞcally test whether new exporting Þrms become more efficient. Neither of these studies Þnds evidence supporting
this hypothesis. Tybout and Westbrook (1995) test and reject the hypothesis that increased productivity in Mexico’s
growing export industries was driven by increases in the scale of plant production.

2 Model Background

Incorporating heterogeneity in a dynamic industry setting, where forward looking Þrms make entry
and export decisions, necessarily increases the technical complexity of this model vis-a-vis its rep-
resentative Þrm counterparts. In order to reduce this additional complexity, I abstract from some
of the Þrm-level dynamic stochastic processes that are typically modeled in the recent industry
dynamics literature, while preserving the necessary components that explain how certain charac-
teristics of industries shape their endogenous composition with heterogeneous Þrms. The main
forces explaining the impact of trade on an industry are nevertheless quite intuitive. The opening
of new export markets exclusively beneÞts the more efficient Þrms, as entry into these markets is
costly and can only be afforded by the more efficient Þrms (who earn higher proÞts).
This model builds upon Krugman’s (1980) analysis of trade in the presence of product differen-
tiation, increasing returns, and monopolistic competition, by incorporating Þrm level productivity
differences. Given the differentiation of goods, these productivity differences may reßect more than
just cost differences among products yielding the same utility. Higher productivity can also be
interpreted as producing a better product (generating higher utility) at equal cost. The model
draws heavily from Hopenhayn’s (1992a, 1992b) work on Þrm and industry productivity dynamics
to explain the endogenous selection of heterogeneous Þrms in an industry. Instead of assuming
some immutable and innate ordering of Þrms from most to least productive, Hopenhayn derives
the equilibrium distribution of Þrm productivity from the proÞt maximizing decisions of initially
identical Þrms who are uncertain of their initial and future productivity.5 This paper adapts his
model to a monopolistically competitive industry (Hopenhayn only considers competitive Þrms) in
a general equilibrium setting.6 Although the current model preserves the initial Þrm uncertainty
over productivity and also the endogenous, forward looking, Þrm entry decision, it greatly simpliÞes
As was previously mentioned, one of the robust empirical patterns emerging from recent industry studies is that
new entrants are much more likely to have lower productivity and exit than do older incumbents. This evidence
conßicts with the notion that Þrm productivity differences are “innate” and known to Þrms prior to entry. It rather
suggests that uncertainty concerning productivity is an important feature that explains the behavior of prospective
and new entrants.
Montagna (1995) also adapts Hopenhayn’s model to a monopolistic competition environment (in a partial equi-
librium setting), but conÞnes the analysis to a static equilibrium with no entry or exit and further constrains the
distribution of Þrm productivity levels to be uniform. Unfortunately, the relevance of her work is difficult to assess
because a questionable formulation of equilibrium is used. In the derived equilibrium, all Þrms produce for one period
— regardless of their productivity. Although it is assumed that only the more productive Þrms earning positive proÞts
remain in the industry in future periods, the present value of these proÞts ßows does not enter into the Þrms’ entry
decision. This renders the magnitude of the entry cost inconsequential to the derived equilibrium. This equilibrium
therefore does not respond to changes in the entry cost while being overly sensitive to the magnitude of the losses
incurred by Þrms who exit the industry.

the ensuing Þrm productivity dynamics. Hopenhayn shows how these dynamics shape the equi-
librium distribution of Þrm productivity and analyzes the impact of these dynamics on Þrm value
and the performance of cohorts of Þrms over time. My model foregoes this type of analysis and
instead relies on the choice of a suitable distribution of initial Þrm productivity levels in order to
generate a realistic shape for the equilibrium distribution of Þrm productivity. The beneÞt of this
simpliÞcation is a gain in the tractability of the model that permits a detailed analysis of the impact
of trade on both aggregate industry performance and the relative performance of different types
of Þrms (indexed by productivity). As in Hopenhayn (1992b), I restrict the equilibrium analysis
to equilibria that maintain a stable aggregate industry environment over time. Forward looking
Þrms correctly anticipate this aggregate environment when making all decisions (including entry).
As the impact of any Þrm on the industry is assumed to be negligible, the equilibrium preserves
a stable aggregate environment even though the fortunes of individual Þrms change, generating
simultaneous entry and exit.

3 Setup of the Model


The preferences of a representative consumer are given by a C.E.S. utility function over a continuum
of goods indexed by ω:
·Z ¸1/ρ
U= q(ω) dω .

The measure of the set Ω will represent the mass (or alternatively, the number) of available goods.
These goods will be substitutes, implying 0 < ρ < 1 and an elasticity of substitution between
any two goods of σ = 1−ρ > 1. As was originally shown by Dixit and Stiglitz (1977), consumer
behavior can be modeled by considering the set of varieties consumed as an aggregate good Q ≡ U
associated with an aggregate price

·Z ¸ 1
P = p(ω) dω . (1)

These aggregates can then be used to derive the optimal consumption decisions over individual
varieties using µ ¶−σ
q(ω) = Q ,

which, in turn, yields an expenditure over varieties of
µ ¶1−σ
r(ω) = R , (2)
where R = P Q = ω∈Ω r(ω) dω denotes aggregate expenditure.


There is a continuum of Þrms, each choosing to produce a different variety ω. Production requires
only one factor, labor, which is inelastically supplied at its aggregate level L (which also indexes
the size of the economy). Firm technology is represented by a cost function that exhibits constant
marginal cost with a Þxed overhead cost. Labor used is thus a linear function of output q:

l=f+ .

All Þrms share the same Þxed cost f > 0 but have different productivity levels indexed by ϕ > 0.
Regardless of its productivity, each Þrm faces a residual demand curve with constant elasticity σ
and thus chooses the same proÞt maximizing markup equal to σ
σ−1 = 1ρ . This yields a pricing rule

p(ϕ) = , (3)

where w is the common wage rate hereafter normalized to one. Firm proÞt is then

π(ϕ) = r(ϕ) − l(ϕ) = − f,

where r(ϕ) is Þrm revenue and σ is variable proÞt. r(ϕ) (and hence π(ϕ)) also depend on the
aggregate price and revenue as shown in (2):

r(ϕ) = R(P ρϕ)σ−1 (4)

π(ϕ) = (P ρϕ)σ−1 − f. (5)

On the other hand, the ratios of any two Þrms’ outputs and revenues only depend on the ratio of
their productivity levels:
µ ¶σ µ ¶σ−1
q(ϕ1 ) ϕ1 r(ϕ1 ) ϕ1
= and = . (6)
q(ϕ2 ) ϕ2 r(ϕ2 ) ϕ2

In summary, a more productive Þrm (higher ϕ) will be bigger (larger output and revenues), charge
a lower price, and earn higher proÞts than a less productive Þrm.


An equilibrium will be characterized by a mass M of Þrms (and hence M goods) and a distribution
µ(ϕ) of productivity levels over a subset of (0, ∞). In such an equilibrium, the aggregate price P
deÞned in (1) is then given by

·Z ∞ ¸ 1
P = p(ϕ) Mµ(ϕ) dϕ .

Using the pricing rule (3), this can be written

·Z ∞ ¸ 1
1 σ−1
P =M 1−σ p(ϕ̃), where ϕ̃ = ϕ µ(ϕ) dϕ . (7)

ϕ̃ is a weighted average of the Þrm productivity levels ϕ and is independent of the number
of Þrms M.7 These weights reßect the relative output shares of Þrms with different productivity
levels.8 ϕ̃ also represents aggregate productivity because it completely summarizes the information
in the distribution of productivity levels µ(ϕ) relevant for all aggregate variables (see appendix):

P = M 1−σ p(ϕ̃), R = P Q = Mr(ϕ̃),

Q = M 1/ρ q(ϕ̃), Π = Mπ(ϕ̃),

R∞ R∞
where R = 0 r(ϕ)Mµ(ϕ) dϕ and Π = 0 π(ϕ)Mµ(ϕ) dϕ represent aggregate revenue (or expen-
diture) and proÞt. Thus, an industry comprised of M Þrms with any distribution of productivity
levels µ(ϕ) that yields the same average productivity level ϕ̃ will also induce the same aggregate
Subsequent conditions on the equilibrium µ(ϕ) must of course ensure that ϕ̃ is Þnite.
³ ´σ hR i−1
Using q(ϕ)
8 ϕ ∞ −1 q(ϕ)
q(ϕ̃) = ϕ̃
(see (6)), ϕ̃ can be written as ϕ̃ = 0
ϕ q(ϕ̃) µ(ϕ) dϕ . ϕ̃ is therefore the weighted
harmonic mean of the ϕ’s where the weights q(ϕ̃)
index the Þrms’ relative output shares.

outcome as an industry with M representative Þrms sharing the same productivity level ϕ = ϕ̃.
This variable will be alternatively referred to as aggregate or average productivity. Further note
that r̄ = M and π̄ = M represent both the average revenue and proÞt per Þrm as well as the
revenue and proÞt level of the Þrm with average productivity level ϕ = ϕ̃.

4 Firm Entry and Exit

There is a large (unbounded) pool of prospective entrants into the industry. Prior to entry, Þrms
are identical. To enter, Þrms must Þrst make an initial investment, modeled as a Þxed entry cost
fe > 0 (measured in units of labor), which is thereafter sunk. Firms then draw their initial pro-
ductivity parameter ϕ from a common distribution g(ϕ).9 g(ϕ) has positive support over (0, ∞)
and has a continuous cumulative distribution G(ϕ). The absence of an upper bound on produc-
tivity is assumed only for simplicity; an upper bound can be incorporated in the analysis without
qualitatively changing any of the main results.
Upon entry with a low productivity draw, a Þrm may decide to immediately exit and not
produce. If the Þrm does produce, it then faces a constant (across productivity levels) probability δ
in every period of a bad shock that would force it to exit. Although there are some realistic examples
of severe shocks that would constrain a Þrm to exit independently of productivity (such as natural
disasters, new regulation, product liability, major changes in consumer tastes), it is also likely that
exit may be caused by a series of bad shocks affecting the Þrm’s productivity. This type of Þrm
level process is explicitly modeled by Hopenhayn (1992a, 1992b). He then shows how these Þrm
level productivity dynamics give the equilibrium distribution of productivity levels µ(ϕ) a different
shape than the ex-ante distribution g(ϕ), and determine the ex-ante survival probabilities for a Þrm,
conditional on successful entry. The current model foregoes this type of analysis and assumes that
the shape of the equilibrium distribution and the ex-ante survival probabilities are exogenously
determined by g(ϕ) and δ. On the other hand, the range of productivity levels, and hence the
average productivity level, are endogenously determined. The increased tractability afforded by
these simpliÞcations permits the detailed analysis of the impact of trade on this endogenous range
of productivity levels and on the distribution of market shares and proÞts across this range. Since
the probability δ and especially the shape of g(ϕ) are left unrestricted, it is extremely unlikely that
This captures the fact that Þrms can not know their own productivity with certainty until they start producing
and selling their good. (Recall that productivity differences may reßect cost differences as well as differences in
consumer valuations of the good.)

these simpliÞcations will bias the predictions of the model. Importantly, this simpliÞed industry
model will nevertheless generate the main empirical patterns described in the introduction: Since a
portion of the Þrms who exit are those who entered with a low productivity draw (and immediately
exit), the overall probability of exit will be negatively correlated with both Þrm productivity and
age.10 Furthermore, the model also generates the empirical pattern that the average productivity
level of all entrants and exiting Þrms (including the Þrms whose entry is unsuccessful) is lower than
the average productivity of incumbents. The assumption of the exogenous probability of exit δ
among incumbents does preclude the analysis of the evolution of Þrm cohorts after the Þrst period
following entry. On the other hand, the model preserves the essential features that separates the
cohort of new entrants from the incumbents and explains the endogenous selection of heterogeneous
Þrms into the industry.
As previously mentioned, this paper will only consider steady state equilibria, in which the
aggregate variables remain constant over time. Since each Þrm’s productivity level does not change
over time, its optimal per period proÞt level (excluding fe ) will also remain constant. An entering
Þrm with productivity ϕ would then immediately exit if this proÞt level were negative (and hence
never produce), or would produce and earn π(ϕ) ≥ 0 in every period until it is hit with the bad
shock and is forced to exit. Assuming that there is no time discounting,11 each Þrm’s value function
will be given by ( )

X ½ ¾
v(ϕ) = max 0, (1 − δ)t π(ϕ) = max 0, π(ϕ) ,

where the dependence of π(ϕ) on R and P from (5) is understood. Thus, ϕ∗ = inf{ϕ : v(ϕ) > 0}
identiÞes the lowest productivity level (hereafter referred to as the cutoff level) of producing Þrms
(recall that π(ϕ) is strictly increasing in ϕ). Since π(0) = −f is negative, π(ϕ∗ ) must be equal to
zero. This will be referred to as the zero cutoff proÞt condition.
Any entering Þrm drawing a productivity level ϕ < ϕ∗ will immediately exit and never produce.
Since subsequent Þrm exit is assumed to be un-correlated with productivity, the exit process will not
affect the equilibrium productivity distribution µ(ϕ). This distribution must then be determined
by the initial productivity draw, conditional on successful entry. Hence, µ(ϕ) will be given by the
In this stylized model, Þrms who enter with low productivity draws exit immediately and do not produce. A
period in this model would then correspond, in the real world, to a time span of a couple years during which a new
Þrm makes the decision to stay or exit. The output produced by these new Þrms who subsequently exit during this
period is ignored in this model. Passive learning effects, as in Jovanovic (1982), whereby new Þrms learn about their
unknown productivity levels through noisy cost signals, are probably quite important during this early stage.
Again, this is assumed for simplicity. The probability of exit δ introduces an effect similar to time discounting.
Modeling an additional time discount factor would not qualitatively change any of the results.

conditional of g(ϕ) on [ϕ∗ , ∞), that is

 g(ϕ)
1−G(ϕ∗ ) if ϕ ≥ ϕ∗
µ(ϕ) = (8)

0 otherwise,

where pin = 1 − G(ϕ∗ ) is the ex-ante probability of successful entry.12 This deÞnes the aggregate
productivity level ϕ̃ as a function of the cutoff level ϕ∗ :13

· Z ∞ ¸ 1
∗ 1 σ−1
ϕ̃(ϕ ) = ϕ g(ϕ) dϕ . (9)
1 − G(ϕ∗ ) ϕ∗

The assumption of a Þnite ϕ̃ imposes certain restrictions on the size of the upper tail of the
distribution g(ϕ): the (σ − 1)th un-centered moment of g(ϕ) must be Þnite. (8) clearly shows
how the shape of the equilibrium distribution of productivity levels is tied to the exogenous ex-
ante distribution g(ϕ) while allowing the range of productivity levels (indexed by the cutoff ϕ∗ )
to be endogenously determined.14 (9) then shows how this endogenous range affects the aggregate
productivity level.

Zero Cutoff ProÞt Condition

Since the average productivity level ϕ̃ is completely determined by the cutoff productivity level ϕ∗ ,
the average proÞt and revenue levels are also tied to the cutoff level ϕ∗ (see (6)):

µ ¶σ−1 µ ¶σ−1
ϕ̃(ϕ∗ ) ∗ ϕ̃(ϕ∗ ) r(ϕ∗ )
r̄ = r(ϕ̃) = r(ϕ ) and π̄ = π(ϕ̃) = −f
ϕ∗ ϕ∗ σ
The equilibrium distribution µ(ϕ) can be determined from the distribution of initial productivity with certainty
by applying a law of large numbers to g(ϕ): recall that individual Þrms have zero mass, so a positive mass of entering
Þrms requires an inÞnite number of draws from the distribution g(ϕ). Although some technical problems may arise
when applying a law of large numbers to a continuum of random variables, this will not be the case in the current
situation. See Hopenhayn (1992a, Note 5) and the reference to Feldman and Gilles (1985) for further details.
This dependence of ϕ̃ on ϕ∗ is understood when it is subsequently written without its argument.
(8) also illustrates the earlier discussion concerning Þrm cohorts. All cohorts of incumbent Þrms will have the
same distribution of productivity levels µ(ϕ). The model thus does not differentiate between cohorts of incumbent
Þrms. These incumbents essentially form one cohort. This cohort is then critically differentiated from that formed
by new entrants, whose distribution of productivity levels is given by g(ϕ).

The zero cutoff proÞt condition, by pinning down the revenue of the cutoff Þrm, then implies a
relationship between the average proÞt per Þrm and the cutoff productivity level:

π(ϕ∗ ) = 0 ⇐⇒ r(ϕ∗ ) = σf
µ ¶
ϕ̃(ϕ∗ ) σ−1
⇐⇒ π̄ = f −f
⇐⇒ π̄ = f k(ϕ∗ ), (10)

³ ´σ−1
ϕ̃(ϕ∗ ) r̄
where k(ϕ∗ ) = ϕ∗ −1 = r(ϕ∗ ) − 1 is the percentage difference between the average and
cutoff Þrm revenues, as a function of the cutoff productivity level ϕ∗ .

Free Entry and the Value of Firms

Since all incumbent Þrms — other than the cutoff Þrm — earn positive proÞts, the average proÞt
level π̄ must be positive. In fact, the expectation of future positive proÞts is the only reason that
Þrms consider sinking the investment cost fe required for entry. Let v̄ represent the present value
of the average proÞt ßows:

X 1
v̄ = (1 − δ)t π̄ = π̄.
v̄ is also the average value of Þrms, conditional on successful entry: v̄ = ϕ∗ v(ϕ)µ(ϕ) dϕ. Further
deÞne ve to be the net value of entry:

1 − G(ϕ∗ )
ve = pin v̄ − fe = π̄ − fe . (11)

If this value were negative, no Þrm would want to enter. In any equilibrium where entry is unre-
stricted, this value could further not be positive since the mass of prospective entrants is unbounded.

5 Equilibrium in a Closed Economy

A stationary equilibrium is deÞned by constant aggregate variables over time and the free entry
of Þrms into the industry. Such an equilibrium is completely referenced by a triplet (ϕ∗ , P, R)
satisfying the following conditions (see (10) and (11)):
 

π(ϕ∗ ) = 0 (Zero Cutoff ProÞt) 
π̄ = f k(ϕ∗ ) (ZCP)
⇐⇒ (12)

v = 0 
π̄ = δfe
e (Free Entry) 1−G(ϕ∗ ) (FE).

Since the aggregate price index (P ), revenue (R), and productivity level (ϕ̃) remain constant,
all other aggregate variables must also remain constant.15 The equilibrium mass of Þrms M is
determined from the aggregate price index and aggregate productivity level using the aggregation
1 1
condition P = M 1−σ p(ϕ̃) = M 1−σ ρϕ̃ . This stationary equilibrium also requires a mass Me of
new entrants in every period, such that the mass of successful entrants, pin Me , exactly replaces
the mass δM of incumbents who are hit with the bad shock and exit: pin Me = δM (This will
be subsequently referred to as the aggregate stability condition.) The equilibrium distribution of
productivity µ(ϕ) is not affected by this simultaneous entry and exit since the successful entrants
and failing incumbents have the same distribution of productivity levels.
The labor used by these new entrants for investment purposes must, of course, be reßected
in the accounting for aggregate labor L, and affects the aggregate labor available for production:
L = Lp +Le where Lp and Le represent the aggregate labor used for production and investment (by
new entrants). Aggregate payments to production workers Lp must match the difference between
aggregate revenue and proÞt: Lp = R − Π (this is also the labor market clearing condition for
production workers). The market clearing condition for investment workers requires Le = Me fe .
³ ´
Using the aggregate stability condition (pin Me = δM) and the free entry condition π̄ = 1−G(ϕ ∗) ,

Le can be written:
Le = Me fe = fe = M π̄ = Π.

Thus, aggregate revenue R = Lp + Π = Lp + Le must also equal the total payments to labor L
and is therefore exogenously Þxed by this index of country size.16 The aggregate price index P can
then be calculated using

µ ¶ 1 µ ¶ 1
1 R 1−σ R 1−σ 1
P =M 1−σ p(ϕ̃) = p(ϕ̃) = . (13)
r̄ σ (π̄ + f) ρ ϕ̃(ϕ∗ )

This condition, along with (12) and R = L, completely determines the equilibrium triplet (P, R, ϕ∗ ).
Recall that aggregate productivity ϕ̃ will be a function of the cutoff level ϕ∗ as shown in (9).
It is important to emphasize that this result is not a direct consequence of aggregation and market clearing
conditions: it is a property of the model’s stationary equilibrium. Aggregate income need not necessarily equal the
payments to all workers, since there may be some investment income derived from the Þnancing of new entrants.
Each new entrant raises the capital fe , which provides a random return of π(ϕ) (ϕ ≥ ϕ∗ ) or zero (ϕ < ϕ∗ ) in every
period. In equilibrium, the aggregate return Π equals the aggregate investment cost Le in every period — so there is
no net investment income (this would not be the case with a positive time discount factor).

Existence and Uniqueness of the Equilibrium

The free entry (FE) and zero cutoff proÞt (ZCP) conditions represent two different relationships
between the average proÞt level π̄ and the cutoff productivity level ϕ∗ (see (12)). These two
conditions are discussed in further detail below. I Þrst summarize their important properties for
the determination of the equilibrium values of ϕ∗ and π̄: In (ϕ, π) space the FE curve is increasing
and is cut by the ZCP curve only once from above (see appendix for proof). This ensures the
existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium ϕ∗ and π̄. Furthermore, upward (downward) shifts of
the ZCP curve or downward (upward) shifts of the FE curve must lead to an increase (decrease) in
the equilibrium ϕ∗ . The determination of the equilibrium ϕ∗ and π̄ is graphically shown in Figure
³ ´
Inspection of the FE condition π̄ = 1−G(ϕ∗ ) reveals that it represents an increasing rela-
tionship between these two variables. Along the FE curve, π̄ increases from δfe to inÞnity for
ϕ∗ ∈ (0, ∞): As ϕ∗ increases, the probability of successful entry (pin = 1 − G(ϕ∗ )) decreases
— average proÞts must therefore increase for Þrms to remain indifferent about entry. The rela-
tionship between π̄ and ϕ∗ implied by the zero cutoff proÞt condition (π̄ = fk(ϕ∗ )) will depend
on k(ϕ), which is in turn determined by the distribution g(ϕ) and the elasticity σ. Recall that
³ ∗ ´σ−1
k(ϕ∗ ) = ϕ̃(ϕ
ϕ∗ − 1 = r(ϕr̄ ∗ ) − 1 represents the percentage difference between the average and
cutoff Þrm revenues. As the cutoff level ϕ∗ goes to zero, the revenue of the cutoff Þrm also goes to
zero. Since the average revenue level is always positive (even when ϕ∗ → 0), the ratio of the average
to cutoff Þrm revenue becomes inÞnite as ϕ∗ goes to zero: Along the ZCP curve, π̄ → ∞ as ϕ∗ → 0.
Further properties of k(ϕ) require some extra regularity assumptions on the distribution g(ϕ). If
g(ϕ) belongs to most of the common families of distributions (including the lognormal, exponential,
Gamma, or Weibull distributions or truncations on (0, ∞) of the normal, logistic, extreme value, or
Laplace distributions), then k(ϕ) will monotonically decrease to zero on (0, ∞).18 In these cases,
π̄ decreases from inÞnity to zero for ϕ∗ ∈ (0, ∞) along the ZCP curve, as shown in Figure 1.
Although the ZCP curve must cut the FE curve from above, it is not necessarily downward sloping as represented
in the graph. The following discussion provides some mild additional assumptions on the shape of g(ϕ) that ensure
that the ZCP curve monotonically decreases to zero as shown in the graph.
18 g(ϕ) ϕ
Sufficient conditions for this property are that 1−G(ϕ) be increasing and unbounded from above on (0, ∞). These
regularity conditions ensure that an increase in the cutoff level ϕ∗ redistributes the mass of incumbent Þrms towards
the cutoff level. This pushes the average productivity level ϕ̃ closer to the cutoff ϕ∗ , and hence reduces the percentage
difference between the revenues of the average and cutoff Þrms.

Analysis of the Equilibrium

As was just shown, the equilibrium productivity cutoff level, ϕ∗ , and average Þrm proÞt, π̄, do
not depend on the country size L. Hence, the equilibrium distribution of productivity levels µ(ϕ)
and average productivity level ϕ̃ will also be independent of country size. Average Þrm revenue
r̄ = σ (π̄ + f) will also be independent of L and can be used to determine the number of Þrms:

M= = . (14)
r̄ σ(π̄ + f)

Hence, a large and small country will share the same Þrm level variables (same ϕ∗ , ϕ̃, r̄, π̄). The
large country will just have more Þrms in an amount proportional to its country size. This larger
number of Þrms will nevertheless be identically distributed over the same productivity range [ϕ∗ , ∞)
as will be the Þrms from the small country. Welfare per worker, which is given by

W = P −1 = M σ−1 ρϕ̃, (15)

will be higher in the large country due only to increased product variety. This inßuence of country
size on the determination of aggregate variables is identical to that derived by Krugman (1980)
with representative Þrms. Once ϕ̃ and π̄ are determined, the aggregate outcome predicted by this
model is identical to one generated by an economy with representative Þrms who share the same
productivity level ϕ̃ and proÞt level π̄. On the other hand, this model with heterogeneous Þrms
explains how the aggregate productivity level ϕ̃ and the average Þrm proÞt level π̄ are endogenously
determined and how both can change in response to various shocks. In particular, a country’s
production technology (referenced by the distribution g(ϕ)) need not change in order to induce
changes in aggregate productivity. In the following sections, I argue that the exposure of a country
to trade creates precisely the type of shock that induces reallocations between Þrms and generates
increases in aggregate productivity. These results can not be explained by representative Þrm
models where the aggregate productivity level is exogenously given as the productivity level common
to all Þrms. Changes in aggregate productivity can then only result from changes in Þrm level
technology and not from reallocations.

Comparative Statics

Before using this model to analyze the industry and Þrm level responses to changes in trade regime,
two of the comparative statics of the closed economy model are brießy described. An increase
in the sunk entry cost fe will shift up the FE curve and lower the equilibrium cutoff level ϕ∗ .
Aggregate productivity must then decrease with the cutoff level (ϕ̃ is an increasing function of
ϕ∗ ). Although the direction of the change in product variety is ambiguous (product variety will
decrease so long as the ZCP curve is downward sloping), the decrease in aggregate productivity
is enough to unambiguously entail a welfare loss (see appendix for proof). If an upper bound on
Þrm productivity were incorporated into this model, then the possibility of representative Þrms is
obtained as a limiting case when the entry cost goes to zero. In this case, the cutoff level ϕ∗ and
average level ϕ̃ are both pushed towards the productivity upper bound and the average proÞt level
is driven to zero, as shown in Figure 2.
An increase in the Þxed production cost f will shift up the ZCP curve and therefore raise the
equilibrium cutoff level ϕ∗ , along with aggregate productivity: Þrms previously producing with low
productivity levels can no longer earn positive proÞts and exit. The average proÞt level π̄ must
increase, as the FE curve is upward sloping . The higher proÞt level will, in turn, imply a decrease
in product variety (see (14)). The product variety decrease and the aggregate productivity increase
have opposite effects on welfare. In the appendix, it is shown that the sign of the welfare change
is negative and hence that the lower product variety effect dominates that of the higher aggregate
productivity. This yields the reasonable property that higher production costs have an overall
negative impact on welfare.

6 Overview and Assumptions of the Open Economy Model

I now examine the impact of trade in a world (or trade bloc) that is composed of countries whose
economies are of the type that was previously described. When there are no additional costs
associated with trade, then trade allows the individual countries to replicate the outcome of the
integrated world economy.19 Trade then provides the same opportunities to an open economy as
would an increase in country size to a closed economy. As was previously discussed, an increase
in country size has no effect on Þrm level outcomes. The transition to trade will thus not affect
Consumers in every country have access to the same bundle of goods at the same aggregate price index. Firms
behave as if they were selling their product in the integrated world market. The FE and ZCP conditions will be
identical across countries and will not be affected by the transition to trade.

any of the Þrm level variables (ϕ∗ , ϕ̃, r̄, π̄): The same number of Þrms in each country produce at
the same output levels and earn the same proÞts as they did in the closed economy. All Þrms in a
given country divide their sales between domestic and foreign consumers, based on the size of their
country relative to the integrated world economy. Thus, in the absence of any costs to trade, the
existence of Þrm heterogeneity does not affect the impact of trade. This impact is identical to the
one described by Krugman (1980) with representative Þrms: Although Þrms are not affected by
the transition to trade, consumers enjoy welfare gains driven by the increase in product variety.20
On the other hand, there is mounting evidence that Þrms wishing to export not only face per-
unit costs (such as transport costs and tariffs), but also — critically — face some Þxed costs that do
not vary with export volume. In a world with Þrm level heterogeneity, the existence of such costs
provides the most consistent explanation for the widely observed pattern that, across countries
and industries, certain Þrms do not export while others in the same narrowly deÞned industry
do. Interviews with managers making export decisions conÞrm that Þrms in differentiated product
industries face signiÞcant Þxed costs associated with the entry into export markets (see Roberts and
Tybout (1997b)): A Þrm must Þnd and inform foreign buyers about its product and learn about the
foreign market. It must then research the foreign regulatory environment and adapt its product
to ensure that it conforms to foreign standards (which include testing, packaging, and labeling
requirements). An exporting Þrm must also set up new distribution channels in the foreign country
and conform to all the shipping rules speciÞed by the foreign customs agency. Although some of
these costs can not be avoided, others are often manipulated by governments in order to erect
non-tariff barriers (NTBs) to trade. Regardless of their origin, these costs are most appropriately
modeled as independent of the Þrm’s export volume decision.21
When there is uncertainty concerning the export market, the timing and sunk nature of the
The irrelevance of Þrm heterogeneity for the impact of trade is not just a consequence of negligible trade costs.
The assumption of an exogenously Þxed elasticity of substitution between varieties also plays a signiÞcant role in this
result. The presence of heterogeneity (even in the absence of trade costs) plays a signiÞcant role in determining the
impact of trade once this assumption is dropped. In a separate appendix (available upon request to the author), the
current model is modiÞed by allowing the elasticity of substitution to endogenously increase with product variety.
This link between trade and the elasticity of substitution was studied by Krugman (1979) with representative Þrms.
In the context of the current model, the appendix shows how the size of the economy then affects the aggregate
productivity level and the skewness of market shares and proÞts across Þrms with different productivity levels. Larger
economies have higher aggregate productivity levels — even though they have the same Þrm level technology index
by g(ϕ). Therefore, even in the absence of trade costs, trade increases the size of the “world” economy and induces
reallocations of market shares and proÞts towards more productive Þrms and generates an aggregate productivity
The modeling of a Þxed export cost is not new. Bernard and Jensen (1999a), Clerides, Lach and Tybout (1998),
Roberts and Tybout (1997a), and Roberts, Sullivan and Tybout (1995) all introduce a Þxed export cost into the
theoretical sections of their work in order to explain the self-selection of Þrms into the export market. However, these
analyses are restricted to a partial equilibrium setting in which the distribution of Þrm productivity levels is Þxed.

costs become quite relevant for the export decision (most of the previously mentioned costs must
be sunk prior to entry into the export market).22 The strong and robust empirical correlations at
the Þrm level between export status and productivity suggest that the export market entry decision
occurs after the Þrm gains knowledge of its productivity, and hence that uncertainty concerning
the export markets is not predominantly about productivity (as is the uncertainty prior to entry
into the industry). I therefore assume that a Þrm who wishes to export must make an initial Þxed
investment, but that this investment decision occurs after the Þrm’s productivity is revealed. For
simplicity, I do not model any additional uncertainty concerning the export markets. The per-unit
trade costs are modeled in the standard iceberg formulation, whereby τ > 1 units of a good must
be shipped in order for 1 unit to arrive at destination.
Although the size of a country relative to the rest of the world (which constitutes its trading
partners) is left unrestricted, I do assume that the world (or trading group) is comprised of some
number of identical countries. In other words, a representative country framework is assumed.
This assumption is made in order to ensure factor price equalization across countries and hence
focus the analysis on Þrm selection effects that are independent of wage differences. In this model
with Þxed export costs, countries who differ only in country size can exhibit different wage rates in
the equilibrium with trade. These wage differences then induce further Þrm selection effects and
aggregate productivity differences across countries.23 I thus assume that the economy under study
can trade with n ≥ 1 other countries (the world is then comprised of n + 1 ≥ 2 countries). Firms
can export their products to any country, although entry into each of these export markets requires
a Þxed investment cost of fex > 0 (measured in units of labor). Regardless of export status, a Þrm
still incurs the same overhead production cost f .

7 Equilibrium in the Open Economy

The symmetry assumption ensures that all countries share the same wage, which is still normalized
to one, and also share the same aggregate variables. Each Þrm’s pricing rule in its domestic market is
w 1
given, as before, by pd (ϕ) = ρϕ = ρϕ . Firms who export will set higher prices in the foreign markets
that reßect the increased marginal cost τ of serving these markets: px (ϕ) = ρϕ = τ pd (ϕ). Thus,
the revenues earned from domestic sales and export sales to any given country are, respectively:
Roberts and Tybout (1997a) Þnd that the sunk nature of these costs and the foreign market uncertainty play a
signiÞcant role in explaining hysteresis effects associated with Þrm level export decisions in Colombia.
In these asymmetric equilibria with Þxed export costs, large countries enjoys higher aggregate productivity,
welfare, and wages relative to smaller countries. The analysis of these equilibria is left for future work.

rd (ϕ) = R(P ρϕ)σ−1 and rx (ϕ) = τ 1−σ rd (ϕ)

where R and P denote the aggregate expenditure and price index in every country. The balance of
payments condition implies that R also represents the aggregate revenue of Þrms in any country,
and hence aggregate income. The combined revenue of a Þrm, r(ϕ), thus depends on its export

r (ϕ)
d if the Þrm does not export,
r(ϕ) = (16)
r (ϕ) + nr (ϕ) = (1 + nτ 1−σ )r (ϕ) if the Þrm exports to all countries.
 d x d

If some Þrms do not export, then there no longer exists an integrated world market for all goods.
Even though the symmetry assumption ensures that all the characteristics of the goods available
in every country are similar, the actual bundle of goods available will be different across countries:
consumers in each country have access to goods (produced by the non-exporting Þrms) that are
not available to consumers in any other country.

Firm Entry, Exit, and Export Status

All the exogenous factors affecting Þrm entry, exit, and productivity levels remain unchanged by
trade. Prior to entry, Þrms face the same ex-ante distribution of productivity levels g(ϕ). Firms
whose entry is successful produce with the same productivity level ϕ in every period. They all
face the same probability δ of a bad shock that would force them to exit. Upon entry with a
low productivity draw, a Þrm may decide to immediately exit and not produce. In a stationary
rx (ϕ)
equilibrium, any incumbent Þrm with productivity ϕ earns variable proÞts σ in every period
from its export sales to any given country. Since the export cost is assumed equal across countries,
a Þrm will either export to all countries in every period or never export.24 Given that the export
decision occurs after Þrms know their productivity ϕ, and since there is no additional export
market uncertainty, Þrms are indifferent between paying the one time investment cost fex , or
paying the amortized per-period portion of this cost fx = δfex in every period (as before, there
is no additional time discounting other than the probability of the exit inducing shock δ). This
per-period representation of the export cost is henceforth adopted for notational simplicity. In the
The restriction that export costs are equal across countries can be relaxed. Some Þrms then export to some
countries but not others — depending on these cost differences. This extension would also generate an increasing
relationship between a Þrm’s productivity and the number of countries it exports to.

stationary equilibrium, the aggregate labor resources used in every period to cover the export costs
do not depend on this choice of representation.25 The per-period proÞt ßow of any exporting Þrm
then reßects the per-period Þxed cost fx , which is incurred per export country.
Since no Þrm will ever export and not also produce for its domestic market,26 each Þrm’s proÞt
can be separated into portions earned from domestic sales (πd (ϕ)) and export sales per country
(πx (ϕ)) by accounting for the entire overhead production cost in domestic proÞt:

rd (ϕ) rx (ϕ)
πd (ϕ) = −f and πx (ϕ) = − fx . (17)
σ σ

A Þrm who produces for its domestic market exports to all n countries if πx (ϕ) ≥ 0. Each Þrm’s
combined proÞt can then be written:

π(ϕ) = πd (ϕ) + max {0, nπx (ϕ)} .

As before, a Þrm’s value is the present value (discounted by the probability of the bad shock) of its
© ª
proÞt ßows, v(ϕ) = max 0, 1δ π(ϕ) , and ϕ∗ = inf {ϕ : v(ϕ) > 0} still identiÞes the cutoff produc-
tivity level for successful entry into the industry. Additionally, ϕ∗x = inf {ϕ : ϕ ≥ ϕ∗ and πx (ϕ) > 0}
now represents the cutoff productivity level for exporting Þrms. If ϕ∗x = ϕ∗ , then all Þrms in the
industry export. In this case, the cutoff Þrm (with productivity level ϕ∗ = ϕ∗x ) earns zero total
proÞt (π(ϕ∗ ) = πd (ϕ∗ ) + nπx (ϕ∗ ) = 0) and non-negative export proÞt (πx (ϕ∗ ) ≥ 0). If ϕ∗x > ϕ∗ ,
then some Þrms (with productivity levels between ϕ∗ and ϕ∗x ) produce exclusively for their domestic
market. These Þrms do not export as their export proÞts would be negative (πx (ϕ) < 0). They
earn non-negative proÞts exclusively from their domestic sales (π(ϕ) = πd (ϕ) ≥ 0). The Þrms with
productivity levels above the second cutoff ϕ∗x earn positive proÞts from both their domestic and
export sales. By their deÞnition, the cutoff levels must then satisfy πd (ϕ∗ ) = 0 and πx (ϕ∗x ) = 0.
This partitioning of Þrms by export status will occur if and only if τ σ−1 fx > f: the trade costs
relative to the overhead production cost must be above a threshold level. Note that, when there are
no Þxed (sunk) export costs (fx = 0), no level of variable cost τ > 1 can induce this partitioning.
However, a large enough Þxed export cost fx > f will induce partitioning even when there are no
In one case, only the new entrants who export expend resources to cover the full investment cost fex . In the
other case, all exporting Þrms expend resources to cover the smaller amortized portion of the cost fx = δfex . In
equilibrium, the ratio of new exporters to all exporters is δ (see appendix), so the same aggregate labor resources are
expended in either case.
A Þrm would earn strictly higher proÞts by also producing for its domestic market since the associated variable
proÞt rdσ(ϕ) is always positive and the overhead production cost f is already incurred.

variable trade costs. As the partitioning of Þrms by export status (within sectors) is empirically
ubiquitous, I will henceforth assume that the combination of Þxed and variable trade costs are high
enough to generate partitioning, and therefore that τ σ−1 fx > f. Although the equilibrium where
all Þrms export will not be formally derived, it exhibits several similar properties to the equilibrium
with partitioning that will be highlighted.27
Once again, the equilibrium distribution of productivity levels for incumbent Þrms, µ(ϕ), is
determined by the ex-ante distribution of productivity levels, conditional on successful entry:
µ(ϕ) = 1−G(ϕ∗ ) , ∀ϕ ≥ ϕ∗ . pin = 1 − G(ϕ∗ ) still identiÞes the ex-ante probability of successful
1−G(ϕ∗x )
entry. Furthermore, px = 1−G(ϕ∗ ) now represents the ex-ante probability that one of these success-
ful Þrms will export. px must then also represent the ex-post fraction of Þrms that export. Let M
denote the equilibrium mass of incumbent Þrms in any country. Mx = px M then represents the
mass of exporting Þrms while Mt = M + n Mx represents the total mass of varieties available to
consumers in any country (or alternatively, the total mass of Þrms competing in any country).


Using the same weighted average function deÞned in (9), let ϕ̃ = ϕ̃(ϕ∗ ) and ϕ̃x = ϕ̃(ϕ∗x ) denote
the average productivity levels of, respectively, all Þrms and exporting Þrms only. The average
productivity across all Þrms, ϕ̃, is based only on domestic market share differences between Þrms
(as reßected by differences in the Þrms’ productivity levels). If some Þrms do not export, then this
average will not reßect the additional export shares of the more productive Þrms. Furthermore,
neither ϕ̃ nor ϕ̃x reßect the proportion τ of output units that are “lost” in export transit. Let
ϕ̃t be the weighted productivity average that reßects the combined market share of all Þrms and
the output shrinkage linked to exporting. Again, using the weighted average function (9), this
combined average productivity can be written:

µ ¶ 1
1 h σ−1
¡ −1 ¢σ−1 i σ−1
ϕ̃t = M ϕ̃ + nMx τ ϕ̃x

By symmetry, ϕ̃t is also the weighted average productivity of all Þrms (domestic and foreign)
competing in a single country (where the productivity of exporters is adjusted by the trade cost
Even when there is no partitioning of Þrms by export status, the opening of the economy to trade will still induce
reallocations and distributional changes among the heterogeneous Þrms — so long as the Þxed export costs are positive
(fx = 0). In the absence of such costs (given any level of per-unit costs τ ), opening to trade will not induce any
distributional changes among Þrms, and heterogeneity will not play an important role.

τ ). As was the case in the closed economy, this productivity average plays an important role as
it once again completely summarizes the effects of the distribution of productivity levels µ(ϕ) on
the aggregate outcome. Thus, the aggregate price index P , expenditure level R, and welfare per
worker W in any country can then be written as functions only of the productivity average ϕ̃t and
the number of varieties consumed Mt :28

1 1
1 R σ−1
P = Mt1−σ p(ϕ̃t ) = Mt1−σ , R = Mt rd (ϕ̃t ), W = Mt ρϕ̃t (18)
ρ ϕ̃t L

By construction, the productivity averages ϕ̃ and ϕ̃x can also be used to express the average
proÞt and revenue levels across different groups of Þrms: rd (ϕ̃) and πd (ϕ̃) represent the average
revenue and proÞt earned by domestic Þrms from sales in their own country. Similarly, rx (ϕ̃x ) and
πx (ϕ̃x ) represent the average export revenue and proÞt (to any given country) across all domestic
Þrms who export. The overall average, across all domestic Þrms, of combined revenue (r̄) and proÞt
(π̄), earned from both domestic and export sales, is thus given by:

r̄ = rd (ϕ̃) + px nrx (ϕ̃x ) and π̄ = πd (ϕ̃) + px nπx (ϕ̃x ) (19)

Equilibrium Conditions

As in the closed economy equilibrium, the zero cutoff proÞt condition will imply a relationship
between the average proÞt per Þrm π̄, and the cutoff productivity level ϕ∗ (see the derivation for
(10)):  

πd (ϕ∗ ) = 0 
πd (ϕ̃) = fk(ϕ∗ )

π (ϕ∗ ) = 0 
π (ϕ̃ ) = f k(ϕ∗ ),
x x x x x x
·³ ´σ−1 ¸
where k(ϕ) = ϕ − 1 as was previously deÞned. The zero cutoff proÞt condition also
implies that ϕ∗x can be written as a function of ϕ∗ :29

µ ¶σ−1 µ ¶ 1
rx (ϕ∗x ) ϕ∗x fx fx σ−1
= τ 1−σ = ⇐⇒ ϕ∗x = ϕ∗ τ . (20)
rd (ϕ∗ ) ϕ∗ f f

Using (19), π̄ can therefore be expressed as a function of the cutoff level ϕ∗ :

In other words, the aggregate equilibrium in any country is identical to one with Mt representative Þrms that all
share the same productivity level ϕ̃t .
Recall that rx (ϕ) = τ 1−σ rd (ϕ) ∀ϕ ≥ ϕ∗ .

π̄ = πd (ϕ̃) + px nπx (ϕ̃x )

= fk(ϕ∗ ) + px nfx k(ϕ∗x ) (ZCP) (21)

where ϕ∗x , and hence px are implicitly deÞned as functions of ϕ∗ using (20).
P 1
As before, v̄ = ∞ t
t=0 (1 − δ) π̄ = δ π̄ represents the present value of the average proÞt ßows and

ve = pin v̄ − fe yields the net value of entry. The free entry condition thus remains unchanged:
δ fe
ve = 0 ⇐⇒ π̄ = pin (FE). Regardless of proÞt differences across Þrms (based on export status),
the expected value of future proÞts, in equilibrium, must equal the Þxed investment cost.

Determination of the Equilibrium

As in the closed economy case, a stationary equilibrium is uniquely determined by the triplet
(ϕ∗ , P, R) satisfying the free entry and zero cutoff proÞt conditions. It is shown in the appendix that
the free entry condition and the new zero cutoff proÞt condition and (20)) identify a unique ϕ∗ and
π̄ (the new ZCP curve still cuts the FE curve from above). The equilibrium ϕ∗ , in turn, determines
the export productivity cutoff ϕ∗x as well as the average productivity levels ϕ̃, ϕ̃x , ϕ̃t , and the
ex-ante successful entry and export probabilities pin and px . As was the case in the closed economy
equilibrium, the free entry condition and the aggregate stability condition30 (pin Me = δM) ensure
that the aggregate payment to the investment workers Le equals the aggregate proÞt level Π. Thus,
once again, aggregate revenue R is exogenously given by the size of the labor force: R = L. As
shown in (18), the aggregate price index is determined by the aggregate number of goods available
in each country (Mt ) and the average productivity level across all Þrms selling these goods (ϕ̃t ). It
therefore remains to be shown that the number of Þrms M in either country (and hence, the number
of varieties available Mt = (1 + px ) M) is uniquely determined by the equilibrium conditions.
Following a line of argument similar to the one used in the closed economy case, the number
of Þrms is obtained from the equilibrium conditions by using the property that these conditions
Recall that this condition ensures that the mass of successful entrants matches the mass of incumbent Þrms who

identify the average revenue per Þrm (r̄) independently of M (see (19)):

r̄ = rd (ϕ̃) + px nrx (ϕ̃x )

= σ (π̄ + f ) + px nσ[πx (ϕ̃x ) + fx ]

= σ(π̄ + f + px nfx ),

which thus determines the number of Þrms:

M= = . (22)
r̄ σ(π̄ + f + px nfx )

Almost all of these equilibrium conditions also apply to the case where all Þrms export. The only
difference is that ϕ∗x = ϕ∗ (and hence px = 1) and (20) no longer holds.

8 The Impact of Trade

The result that the modeling of Þxed export costs explains the partitioning of Þrms by export status
and productivity level is not exactly earth-shattering. This can be explained quite easily within
a simple partial equilibrium model with a Þxed distribution of Þrm productivity levels. On the
other hand, such a model would be ill-suited to address several important questions concerning the
impact of trade in the presence of export market entry costs and Þrm heterogeneity: What happens
to the range of Þrm productivity levels? Do all Þrms beneÞt from trade or does the impact depend
on a Þrm’s productivity? How is aggregate productivity and welfare affected? The current model is
much better suited to address these questions,31 which are answered in the following sections. The
current section examines the effects of a transition from autarky (the closed economy previously
described) to the open economy. The following section then studies the impact of incremental trade
liberalization, once the economy is open.
Let ϕ∗a and ϕ̃a denote the cutoff and average productivity levels in autarky. I use the notation of
the previous section for all variables and functions pertaining to the new open economy equilibrium.
As was previously mentioned, the FE condition is identical in both the closed and open economy.
Inspection of the new ZCP condition in the open economy (21) relative to the one in the closed
economy (12) immediately reveals that the ZCP curve shifts up: the exposure to trade induces an
In order to plausibly address these questions, a model should allow for the endogenous selection of the heteroge-
neous Þrms into the industry and incorporate the general equilibrium feedback link between wages and productivity.

increase in the cutoff productivity level (ϕ∗ > ϕ∗a ) and in the average proÞt per Þrm.32 The least
productive Þrms with productivity levels between ϕ∗a and ϕ∗ can no longer earn positive proÞts in
the new trade equilibrium and therefore exit. Another selection process also occurs since only the
Þrms with productivity levels above ϕ∗x enter the export markets. This export market selection
effect and the domestic market selection effect (of Þrms out of the industry) both reallocate market
shares towards more efficient Þrms and contribute to an aggregate productivity gain.33
Inspection of the equations for the equilibrium number of Þrms ((14) and (22)) reveals that
M < Ma where Ma represents the number of Þrms in autarky.34 Although the number of Þrms in a
country decreases after the transition to trade, consumers in the country still typically enjoy greater
product variety (Mt = (1 + px ) M > Ma ). That is, the decrease in the number of domestic Þrms
following the transition to trade is typically dominated by the number of new foreign exporters. It
is nevertheless possible, when the export costs are high, that these foreign Þrms replace a larger
number of domestic Þrms (if the latter are sufficiently less productive). Although product variety
then impacts negatively on welfare, this effect is necessarily dominated by the positive contribution
of the aggregate productivity gain. Trade — even though it is costly — necessarily generates a welfare
gain (see appendix for proof).

The Reallocation of Market Shares and ProÞts Across Firms

I now examine how the impact of trade on individual Þrms changes with the Þrm’s productivity
level. To do this, I track the performance of a Þrm with productivity ϕ ≥ ϕ∗a during the transition
from autarky to trade. Let ra (ϕ) > 0 and πa (ϕ) ≥ 0 denote the Þrm’s revenue and proÞt in
autarky. Recall that, in both the closed and open economy equilibria, the aggregate revenue of
ra (ϕ) r(ϕ)
domestic Þrms is exogenously given by the country’s size (R = L). Hence, R and R represent
the Þrm’s market share (within the domestic industry) in autarky and in the equilibrium with trade.
rd (ϕ)
Additionally, in this equilibrium with trade, R represents the Þrm’s share of its domestic market
(since rd (ϕ) is the Þrm’s domestic revenue and R also represents aggregate consumer expenditure in
the country). The impact of trade on this Þrm’s market share can be evaluated using the following
Recall that the FE curve must be upward sloping and cuts the ZCP curve from below.
Because ϕ̃t factors in the output lost in export transit (from τ ), it is possible for ϕ̃t to be lower than ϕ̃a when τ
is high and fx is low. It is shown in the appendix that any productivity average that is based on a Þrm’s output “at
the factory gate ” must be higher in the open economy than in autarky.
Recall that the average proÞt π̄ must be higher in the open economy equilibrium.

inequalities (see appendix):

rd (ϕ) < ra (ϕ) < rd (ϕ) + nrx (ϕ), ∀ ϕ ≥ ϕ∗ .

The Þrst part of the inequality indicates that all Þrms incur a loss in their share of their domestic
market with the transition to trade. A Þrm who does not export then also incurs a total revenue
loss. The second part of the inequality indicates that a Þrm who exports more than makes up for its
loss of domestic sales with export sales and increases its total revenues. Thus, a Þrm who exports
increases its share of industry revenues while a Þrm who does not export loses market share. ϕ∗x
is then also the cutoff level that partitions the Þrms between those who gain and those who lose
market share. (The market share of the least productive Þrms in the autarky equilibrium — with
productivity between ϕ∗a and ϕ∗ — drops down to zero as these Þrms exit.)
Now consider the change in proÞt earned by a Þrm with productivity level ϕ during the transition
to trade. If the Þrm does not export in the new trade equilibrium, then it must incur a proÞt loss,
since its revenue, and hence variable proÞt, is now lower. The direction of the proÞt change for an
exporting Þrm is not immediately clear since it involves a trade-off between the increase in total
revenue (and hence variable proÞt) and the increase in Þxed cost due to the additional export cost.
For such a Þrm (ϕ ≥ ϕ∗x ), this proÞt change can be written:35

∆π(ϕ) = π(ϕ) − πa (ϕ) = ([rd (ϕ) + n rx (ϕ)] − ra (ϕ)) − n fx
σ · ¸
σ−1 1 + nτ 1−σ 1
=ϕ f − ∗ σ−1 − nfx ,
(ϕ∗ )σ−1 (ϕa )
h i
1+n τ 1−σ 1
where (ϕ∗ )σ−1
− (ϕ∗a )σ−1
must be positive since rd (ϕ)+n rx (ϕ) > ra (ϕ) for some ϕ > 0. The proÞt
change for an exporting Þrm, ∆π(ϕ), will thus be an increasing function of the Þrm’s productivity
level ϕ. In addition, this change must be negative for the exporting Þrm with the cutoff productivity
level ϕ∗x :36 Therefore, there must exist another cutoff productivity level ϕ† > ϕ∗x that partitions
the Þrms between those who gain and those who lose proÞts. Within this group of efficient Þrms
who both export and increase their proÞts (ϕ > ϕ† ), the proÞt gain increases with the Þrm’s
productivity level. Figure 3 graphically represents the changes in revenue and proÞts driven by
³ ´σ−1 ³ ´σ−1
35 ϕ ϕ
Using rd (ϕ) = ϕ∗
σ f and ra (ϕ) = ϕ∗
σf .
Since πx (ϕ∗x ) = 0 and rd (ϕ∗x ) < ra (ϕ∗x ).

Summarizing these results on the Þrm level impact of trade by stating that the beneÞts of trade
are not equally spread across Þrms would be quite an understatement! It was just shown how the
exposure to trade generates the type of Darwinian evolution described in the introduction: the
most efficient Þrms thrive and grow — they export and increase both their market share and proÞts.
Some less efficient Þrms still export and increase their market share but incur a proÞt loss. Some
even less efficient Þrms remain in the industry but do not export and incur losses of both market
share and proÞt. Finally, the least efficient Þrms are driven out of the industry.

Why Does Trade Force the Least Productive Firms to Exit?

The most obvious cause explaining the exit of the least productive domestic Þrms would be the
new competition from the entry of the more productive Þrms into the domestic market. However,
this intuition is incorrect. In order to highlight this point, it is necessary to consider breaking the
model’s symmetry between opening the economy to import competition and to new export markets.
If the current model were amended to allow for the new import competition without introducing any
export opportunities, then this trade opening would not induce any distributional changes among
Þrms. With C.E.S. product differentiation, the new import competition affects domestic Þrms with
different productivity levels in similar ways, and translates only into a reduction in aggregate sales
for all domestic Þrms. In equilibrium, this induces a reduction in the number of surviving domestic
Þrms while holding the distribution of Þrm productivity levels and relative market shares constant.
On the other hand, if the model were amended to allow for the opening of new export markets
without any import competition, then distributional changes very similar to those described for
the symmetric trade case would occur (and the least productive Þrms would be forced to exit the
industry). When entry into new export markets is costly, then this exposure to trade affects Þrms
with different productivity levels in different ways: the new export markets offer increased proÞt
opportunities only to the more productive Þrms who can “afford” to pay the export market entry
costs. In equilibrium, an increase in the proÞts of more productive Þrms relative to less productive
Þrms leads to more entry and a higher cutoff productivity level. It is therefore the “pull” of the
export markets, rather than the “push” of import competition that forces the least productive Þrms
to exit.

9 The Impact of Trade Liberalization

The preceding analysis compared the equilibrium outcomes of an economy undergoing a massive
change in trade regime from autarky to trade. Very few, if any, of the world’s current economies
can be considered to operate in an autarky environment. It is therefore reasonable to ask whether
an increase in the exposure of an economy to trade will induce the same effects as were previously
described for the transition of an economy from autarky. The current model is well-suited to
address several different mechanisms that would produce an increase in trade exposure and plausibly
correspond to observed decreases in trade costs over time or some speciÞc policies to liberalize trade.
The effects of three such mechanisms are investigated: an increase in the number of available trading
partners (resulting, for example, from the incorporation of additional countries into a trade bloc)
and a decrease in either the Þxed or variable trade costs (resulting either from decreases in real
costs levels or from multi-lateral agreements to reduce tariffs or non-tariff barriers to trade). These
three scenarios involve comparative statics of the open economy equilibrium with respect to n,
τ , and fx . The main impact of the transition from autarky to trade was an increase in aggregate
productivity and welfare generated by a reallocation of market shares towards more productive Þrms
(where the least productive Þrms are forced to exit). I will show that increases in the exposure to
trade occurring through any of these mechanisms will generate very similar results: in all cases, the
exposure to trade will force the least productive Þrms to exit and will reallocate market shares from
less productive to more productive Þrms. The increased exposure to trade will also unequivocally
deliver welfare gains.37

Increase in the Number of Trading Partners

I Þrst investigate the effects of an increase in n. Throughout this comparative static exercise, I use
the notation of the open economy equilibrium to describe the old equilibrium with n countries. I
then add primes (0 ) to all variables and functions when they pertain to the new equilibrium with
n0 > n countries.
Inspection of equations (21) and (20) deÞning the new zero cutoff proÞt condition (as a function
of the domestic cutoff ϕ∗ ) reveals that the ZCP curve will shift up and therefore that both cutoff
productivity levels increase with n: ϕ∗0 > ϕ∗ and ϕ∗0 ∗
x > ϕx . The increase in the number of trading

partners thus forces the least productive Þrms to exit. As was the case with the transition from
Formal derivations of all the comparative statics are relegated to the appendix.

autarky, the increased exposure to trade forces all Þrms to relinquish a portion of their share of their
domestic market: rd 0 (ϕ) < rd (ϕ), ∀ ϕ ≥ ϕ∗ . The less productive Þrms who do not export (with
ϕ < ϕ∗0 38
x ) thus incur a revenue and proÞt loss — and the least productive among them therefore exit.

Again, as was the case with the transition from autarky, the Þrms who export (with ϕ ≥ ϕ∗0
x ) more

than make up for their loss of domestic sales with their sales to the new export markets and increase
their combined revenues: rd 0 (ϕ) +n0 rx 0 (ϕ) > rd (ϕ)+nrx (ϕ). Some of these Þrms nevertheless incur
a decrease in proÞts due to the new Þxed export costs, but the most productive Þrms among this
group also enjoy an increase in proÞts (which is increasing with the Þrms’ productivity level). Thus,
both market shares and proÞts are reallocated towards the more efficient Þrms. As was the case for
the transition from autarky, this reallocation of market shares generates an aggregate productivity
gain and an increase in welfare.39

Decrease in Trade Costs

A decrease in the variable trade cost τ will induce almost identical effects to those just described for
the increase in trading partners. The decrease from τ to τ 0 < τ (again I use primes to reference all
variables and functions in the new equilibrium) will shift up the ZCP curve and induce an increase
in the cutoff productivity level ϕ∗0 > ϕ∗ . The only difference will be that the new export cutoff
productivity level ϕ∗0 ∗
x will now be below ϕx . As before, the increased exposure to trade will force

the least productive Þrms to exit, but it will now also generate the entry of new Þrms into the
export market (who did not export with the higher τ ). The direction of the reallocation of market
shares and proÞts will be identical to those previously described: all Þrms will lose a portion of
their domestic sales, so that the Þrms who do not export incur both a market share and proÞt loss.
The more productive Þrms who export more than make up for their loss of domestic sales with
their increased export sales, and the most productive Þrms among this group also increase their
proÞts. As before, the exit of the least productive Þrms and the market share increase of the most
productive Þrms both contribute to an aggregate productivity gain and an increase in welfare.40
There is a transitional issue associated with the exporting status of Þrms with productivity levels between ϕ∗x
and ϕ∗0 0
x . The loss of export sales to any given country (from rx (ϕ) down to rx (ϕ)) is such that Þrms entering
with productivity levels between ϕx and ϕx will not export as the lower variable proÞt rx σ(ϕ) no longer covers the
∗ ∗0

amortized portion of the entry cost fx . On the other hand, incumbent Þrms with productivity levels in this range
have already incurred the sunk export entry cost and have no reason to exit the export markets until they are hit
with the bad shock and exit the industry. Eventually, all these incumbent Þrms exit and no Þrm with a productivity
level in that range will export once the new steady state equilibrium is attained.
As pointed out in note 33, the productivity average must be based on a Þrm’s output “at the factory gate”.
See note (39)

A decrease in the Þxed export market entry cost fx will induce similar changes in the cutoff
levels as the decrease in τ . The increased exposure to trade forces the least productive Þrms to
exit (ϕ∗ rises) and generates entry of new Þrms into the export market (ϕ∗x decreases). These
selection effects both contribute to an aggregate productivity increase if the new exporters are
more productive than the average productivity level. Although the less productive Þrms who do
not export incur both a market share and proÞt loss, the market share and proÞt reallocations
towards the more productive Þrms, in this case, will not be similar to those for the previous two
cases: the decrease in fx will not increase the combined market share or proÞt of any Þrm that
already exported prior to the change in fx — only new exporters increase their combined sales.
However, as in the previous two cases, welfare will necessarily be higher in the new steady state
equilibrium. Both types of trade costs decreases described above also help to explain another
empirical feature reported by Roberts, Sullivan and Tybout (1995) that some export booms are
driven by the entry of new Þrms into the export markets.41

10 Conclusion

This paper has described and analyzed a new transmission channel for the impact of trade on
industry structure and performance. Since this channel works through intra-industry reallocations
across Þrms, it can only be studied within an industry model that incorporates Þrm level hetero-
geneity. Recent empirical work has highlighted the importance of this channel for understanding
and explaining the effects of trade on Þrm and industry performance.
The paper shows how the existence of export market entry costs drastically affects how the im-
pact of trade is distributed across different types of Þrms. The induced reallocations between these
different Þrms generate changes in a country’s aggregate environment that can not be explained by
a model based on representative Þrms. On one hand, the paper shows that the existence of such
costs to trade does not affect the welfare-enhancing properties of trade: one of the most robust
results of this paper is that increases in a country’s exposure to trade lead to welfare gains. On
the other hand, the paper shows how the export costs signiÞcantly alter the distribution of the
gains from trade across Þrms. In fact, only a portion of the Þrms — the more efficient ones — reap
beneÞts from trade in the form of gains in market share and proÞt. Less efficient Þrms lose both.
The exposure to trade, or increases in this exposure, force the least efficient Þrms out of the indus-
Over half of the substantial export growth in Colombian and Mexican manufacturing sectors was generated by
the entry of Þrms into the export markets.

try. These trade-induced reallocations towards more efficient Þrms explain why trade may generate
aggregate productivity gains without necessarily improving the productive efficiency of individual
Þrms. Although increases in the exposure to trade always generates more import competition, the
latter is not the root cause behind the exit of the least productive Þrms. This exit is always driven
by the entry of Þrms in response to the higher relative proÞts earned by exporters.
Although this model mainly highlights the long-run beneÞts associated with the trade-induced
reallocations within an industry, the reallocation of these resources also obviously entails some
short-run costs. It is therefore important to have a model that can predict the impact of trade
policy on inter-Þrm reallocations in order to design accompanying policies that would address issues
related to the transition towards a new regime. These policies could help palliate the transitional
costs while taking care not to hinder the reallocation process. Of course, the model also clearly
indicates that policies that hinder the reallocation process or otherwise interfere with the ßexibility
of the factor markets may delay or even prevent a country from reaping the full beneÞts from trade.


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(Zero Cutoff Profit) (Free Entry)

d fe

j* j

Figure 1: Determination of the Equilibrium Cutoff ϕ∗ and Average ProÞt π̄

(Zero Cutoff Profit) (Free Entry)

Upper Bound

d fe

j* j max j

Figure 2: Representative Firms as a Limiting Equilibrium When fe → 0.

r (j )



j a* j* j x* j

p (j )


j a* j* j x* j† j

Figure 3: The reallocation of market shares and proÞts.


A Aggregation Conditions in the Closed Economy

Using the deÞnition of ϕ̃ in (7), the aggregation conditions relating the aggregate variables to the
number of Þrms M and aggregate productivity level ϕ̃ are derived:

·Z ∞ ¸1/ρ
Q= q(ϕ) Mµ(ϕ) dϕ by deÞnition of Q ≡ U
·Z ∞ µ ¶σρ ¸1/ρ
= q(ϕ̃) Mµ(ϕ) dϕ
0 ϕ̃
· Z ∞ ¸1/ρ
1/ρ 1 σ−1
= M q(ϕ̃) σ−1 ϕ µ(ϕ) dϕ
ϕ̃ 0

= M 1/ρ q(ϕ̃),

and using the deÞnition of R and Π as aggregate revenue and proÞt,

Z ∞
Z ∞ Π= π(ϕ)Mµ(ϕ) dϕ
R= r(ϕ)Mµ(ϕ) dϕ Z0 ∞ · ¸
0 r(ϕ)
Z ∞ µ ¶σ−1 = f Mµ(ϕ) dϕ
ϕ 0 σ
= r(ϕ̃) Mµ(ϕ) dϕ Z
0 ϕ̃ 1 ∞
Z ∞ = r(ϕ) M µ(ϕ) dϕ − Mf
1 σ 0
= Mr(ϕ̃) σ−1 ϕσ−1 µ(ϕ) dϕ · ¸
ϕ̃ 0 r(ϕ̃)
=M f
= Mr(ϕ̃), σ
= Mπ(ϕ̃).

B Closed Economy Equilibrium

Existence and Uniqueness of the Equilibrium Cutoff Level ϕ∗

Following is a proof that the FE condition, π̄ = 1−G(ϕ∗ ) , and ZCP condition, π̄ = f k(ϕ∗ ), in (12)
identify a unique cutoff level ϕ∗ and that the ZCP curve cuts the FE curve from above in (ϕ, π)
space. I do this by showing that [1 − G(ϕ)]k(ϕ) is monotonically decreasing from inÞnity to zero
³ ´σ−1
on (0, ∞). (This is a sufficient condition for both properties.) Recall that k(ϕ) = ϕ̃(ϕ)
ϕ −1
where Z ∞
ϕ̃(ϕ)σ−1 = ξ σ−1 g(ξ) dξ (B.1)
1 − G(ϕ) ϕ

as deÞned in (9). Differentiating with respect to ϕ yields

∂ ϕ̃(ϕ)σ−1 g(ϕ) £ ¤
= ϕ̃(ϕ)σ−1 − ϕσ−1
∂ϕ 1 − G(ϕ)

and hence
"µ ¶σ−1 # µ ¶σ−1
g(ϕ) ϕ̃(ϕ) ϕ̃(ϕ) σ−1
k0 (ϕ) = −1 −
1 − G(ϕ) ϕ ϕ ϕ
k(ϕ)g(ϕ) (σ − 1)[k(ϕ) + 1]
= − .
1 − G(ϕ) ϕ

j(ϕ) = [1 − G(ϕ)] k(ϕ). (B.2)

Then its derivative and elasticity are given by:

j 0 (ϕ) = − (σ − 1)[1 − G(ϕ)][k(ϕ) + 1] < 0, (B.3)
µ ¶
j 0 (ϕ) ϕ 1
= −(σ − 1) 1 + < −(σ − 1). (B.4)
j(ϕ) k(ϕ)

Since j(ϕ) is non-negative and its elasticity with respect to ϕ is negative and bounded away from
zero, j(ϕ) must be decreasing to zero as ϕ goes to inÞnity. Furthermore, limϕ→0 j(ϕ) = ∞ since
limϕ→0 k(ϕ) = ∞. Therefore, j(ϕ) = [1 − G(ϕ)] k(ϕ) decreases from inÞnity to zero on (0, ∞).

Comparative Statics

Several of the comparative statics will use the property that welfare per worker can be written as
a function of only the cutoff level ϕ∗ :42

µ ¶ 1
1 1 1 σ−1
W =M σ−1 ρϕ̃ = L σ−1 ρ ϕ∗ . (B.5)

Note that the property that welfare decreases with a rise in the entry cost fe is then immediately
obtained as it was shown that ϕ∗ decreases in that situation. The direction of the welfare change
induced by a rise in the overhead production cost is not immediately obvious as f enters into the
welfare equation in (B.5). (Recall that a rise in f induces an increase in ϕ∗ .) The direction of the
³ ´σ−1
42 ϕ̃ r(ϕ̃) R/M L 1
using the relationship ϕ∗
= r(ϕ∗ ) = σf = M σf .

³ ´ 1
1 σ−1
welfare change therefore depends on the direction of the change in f ϕ∗ , or alternatively, on
(ϕ∗ )σ−1
the direction of the change in f .

(ϕ∗ )σ−1
Proof that f Decreases when f Increases

The FE and ZCP equilibrium conditions for ϕ∗ imply π̄ = f k(ϕ∗ ) = 1−G(ϕ∗ ) , and thus

f j(ϕ∗ ) = δ fe , (B.6)

using the deÞnition for j(ϕ) in (B.2). Differentiating (B.6) with respect to f yields:

∂ϕ∗ ∂ϕ∗ f j(ϕ∗ ) 1

j(ϕ∗ ) + fj 0 (ϕ∗ ) = 0 ⇐⇒ = − 0
∂f ∂f ϕ ∗ ϕ j (ϕ )
∗ ∗ σ−1

(ϕ∗ )σ−1
using (B.4). The differential change in f is then given by

³ ´
(ϕ∗ )σ−1 · ¸
∂ f (ϕ∗ )σ−1 ∂ϕ∗ f
= (σ − 1) −1
∂f f ∂f ϕ∗
< 0. (B.7)

(ϕ∗ )σ−1
Hence, f decreases when f increases. An increase in f therefore generates a welfare loss.

C Open Economy Equilibrium

Aggregate Labor Resources Used to Cover the Export Costs

It was asserted in note 25 that the ratio of new exporters to all exporters was δ, and hence that
the aggregate labor resources used to cover the export cost did not depend on its representation
as either a one time sunk entry cost or a per-period Þxed cost. As before, let Me denote the
px pin Me px pin Me
mass of all new entrants. The ratio of new exporters to all exporters is then px M = px M .

This ratio must be equal to δ as the aggregate stability condition for the equilibrium ensures that
pin Me = δM.

Existence and Uniqueness of the Equilibrium Cutoff Level ϕ∗

Following is a proof that the FE condition, π̄ = 1−G(ϕ∗ ) , and the new ZCP condition, π̄ = fk(ϕ∗ ) +
px nfx k(ϕ∗x ), in (21) identify a unique cutoff level ϕ∗ and that the new ZCP curve cuts the FE curve

from above in (ϕ, π) space. These conditions imply 1−G(ϕ∗ ) = fk(ϕ∗ ) + px n fx k(ϕ∗x ), or

fj(ϕ∗ ) + nfx j(ϕ∗x ) = δ fe (C.1)

³ ´ 1
fx σ−1
where ϕ∗x =τ f ϕ∗ is implicitly deÞned as a function of ϕ∗ (see (20)). Since j(ϕ) is decreasing
from inÞnity to zero on (0, ∞), the left hand side in (C.1) must also monotonically decrease from
inÞnity to zero on (0, ∞). Therefore, (C.1) identiÞes a unique cutoff level ϕ∗ and the new ZCP
curve must cut the FE curve from above.

D The Impact of Trade


Using (B.5), welfare per worker in autarky can be written:

µ ¶ 1
1 1 1 σ−1
Wa = Ma σ−1
ρϕ̃a = L σ−1 ρ ϕ∗a .

Similarly, welfare in the open economy can be written as a function of only the cutoff productivity
level (see (18)):43
µ ¶ 1
1 1 1 σ−1
W = Mt σ−1
ρϕ̃t = L σ−1 ρ ϕ∗ . (D.1)

Since ϕ∗ > ϕ∗a , welfare in the open economy must be higher than in autarky: W > Wa .

¡ ¢
Proof that rd (ϕ) < rd (ϕ) < rd (ϕ) + n rx (ϕ) = 1 + n τ 1−σ rd (ϕ)
³ ´σ−1 ³ ´σ−1
Recall that ra (ϕ) = ϕϕ∗ σf (∀ ϕ ≥ ϕ∗a ) in autarky and that rd (ϕ) = ϕϕ∗ σf (∀ ϕ ≥ ϕ∗ )

in the open economy equilibrium. This immediately yields rd (ϕ) < ra (ϕ) since ϕ∗ > ϕ∗a . The sec-
ond inequality is a direct consequence of another comparative static involving τ . It is shown in
a following section that (1 + nτ 1−σ )rd (ϕ) decreases as τ increases. Since the autarky equilib-
rium is obtained as the limiting equilibrium as τ increases to inÞnity, ra (ϕ) = limτ →+∞ rd (ϕ) =
£¡ ¢ ¤ ¡ ¢
limτ →+∞ 1 + n τ 1−σ rd (ϕ) . Therefore, ra (ϕ) < 1 + nτ 1−σ rd (ϕ) for any Þnite τ .
³ ´σ−1
43 ϕ̃t rd (ϕ̃t ) R/Mt L 1
using ϕ∗
= rd (ϕ∗ ) = σf = Mt σ f .

Aggregate Productivity

It was pointed out in the paper that aggregate productivity ϕ̃t in the open economy may not be
higher than ϕ̃a due to the effect of the output loss incurred in export transit. It was then claimed
that a productivity average based on a measure of output “at the factory gate” would always be
higher in the open economy. DeÞne
µ Z ∞ ¶
−1 1
Φ=h r(ϕ)h(ϕ)g(ϕ) dϕ (D.2)
R 0

as such an average where h(.) is any increasing function. The only condition imposed on this average
¡ R∞ ¢
involves the use of the Þrms’ combined revenues as weights.44 Let Φa = h−1 R1 0 ra (ϕ)h(ϕ)g(ϕ) dϕ
represent this productivity average in autarky. Then Φ must be greater than Φa — for any increas-
ing function h(.) — as the distribution r(ϕ)g(ϕ)
R Þrst order stochastically dominates the distribution
ra (ϕ)g(ϕ) R ϕ R ϕ
R : o r(ξ)g (ξ) dξ ≤ o ra (ξ)g (ξ) dξ ∀ϕ (and the inequality is strict ∀ϕ > ϕ∗a ).45

E The Impact of Trade Liberalization

Changes in the cutoff levels

These comparative statics are all derived from the equilibrium condition for the cutoff levels (C.1)
and the implicit deÞnition of ϕ∗x as a function of ϕ∗ in (20).

Increase in n
∂ϕ∗x ϕ∗x ∂ϕ∗
Differentiating (C.1) with respect to n and using ∂n = ϕ∗ ∂n from (20) yields:

∂ϕ∗ −fx ϕ∗ j(ϕ∗x )

= , (E.1)
∂n fϕ j (ϕ∗ ) + nfx ϕ∗x j 0 (ϕ∗x )
∗ 0

∂ϕ∗ ∂ϕ∗x
Hence ∂n > 0 and ∂n > 0 since j 0 (ϕ) < 0 ∀ϕ (see (B.4)).

Decrease in τ
∂ϕ∗x ϕ∗x ϕ∗x ∂ϕ∗
Differentiating (C.1) with respect to τ and using ∂τ = τ + ϕ∗ ∂τ from (20) yields:

∂ϕ∗ ϕ∗ nfx j 0 (ϕ∗x )ϕ∗x

=− . (E.2)
∂τ τ fϕ j (ϕ∗ ) + nfx ϕ∗x j 0 (ϕ∗x )
∗ 0
This is the standard way of computing industry productivity averages in empirical work.
This result is a direct consequence of the marker share re-allocation result.

∂ϕ∗ ∂ϕ∗x 0 ∗ ∗
Hence ∂τ < 0 (since j 0 (ϕ) < 0 ∀ϕ) and ∂τ = − nffxj j(ϕ ) ∂ϕ
0 (ϕ∗ ) ∂τ > 0.

Decrease in fx
∂ϕ∗x ∂ϕ∗ ϕ∗x 1 ϕx∗
0 ∗ ∗
Differentiating (C.1) with respect to fx and using ∂fx = ∂fx ϕ∗ + σ−1 fx from (20) and j (ϕx ) ϕx =

−(σ − 1) (j(ϕ∗x ) + [1 − G(ϕ∗x )]) from (B.2) and (B.4) yields:

∂ϕ∗ n [1 − G(ϕ∗x )]
= .
∂fx f j (ϕ ) + n fx j 0 (ϕ∗x ) (ϕ∗x /ϕ∗ )
0 ∗

h i
∂ϕ∗ ∂ϕ∗x ∗
Hence, ∂fx < 0 (since j 0 (ϕ) < 0 ∀ϕ) and ∂fx = −1
n fx j 0 (ϕ∗x ) n j(ϕ∗x ) + f j 0 (ϕ∗ ) ∂ϕ
∂fx > 0.

³ ´ 1
1 σ−1
Recall from (D.1) that welfare per worker is given by W = L σ−1 ρ σf ϕ∗ . Welfare must
therefore rise with increases in n and decreases in fx or τ since all of these changes induce an
increase in the cutoff productivity level ϕ∗ .

Re-allocations of Market Shares

³ ´σ−1
Recall that rd (ϕ) = ϕϕ∗ σf (∀ϕ ≥ ϕ∗ ) in the new open economy equilibrium. rd (ϕ) therefore
decreases with increases in n and decreases in fx or τ since all of these changes induce an increase
in the cutoff productivity level ϕ∗ . Thus rd0 (ϕ) < rd (ϕ) ∀ϕ ≥ ϕ∗ whenever n0 > n, τ 0 < τ, or
fx0 < fx (since ϕ∗0 > ϕ∗ ).
¡ ¢
The direction of the change in combined domestic and export sales, rd (ϕ)+n rx (ϕ) = 1 + n τ 1−σ rd (ϕ),
1+n τ 1−σ
will depend on the direction of the change in (ϕ∗ )σ−1
. It is therefore clear that a Þrm’s combined
sales will decrease in the same proportion as its domestic sales when fx decreases since 1 + n τ 1−σ
will remain constant. On the other hand, it is now shown that these combined sales will increase
1+n τ 1−σ
when n increases or τ decreases as (ϕ∗ )σ−1
will then increase:

Increase in n

From (E.1),

· ¸
∂ϕ∗ 1 f ϕ∗ j 0 (ϕ∗ ) ϕ∗x j 0 (ϕ∗x ) −1
=− +n
∂n ϕ∗ fx j(ϕ∗x ) j(ϕ∗x )
" #−1
∗ σ−1 j(ϕ∗ ) ϕ∗ j 0 (ϕ∗ ) ϕ∗x j 0 (ϕ∗x )
σ−1 (ϕ )
=− τ +n (using (20))
(ϕ∗x )σ−1 j(ϕ∗x ) j(ϕ∗ ) j(ϕ∗x )
£ ¡ ¢¤−1
< (σ − 1) τ σ−1 + n

j (ϕ) (ϕ∗ )σ−1 j(ϕ∗ )
since − ϕj(ϕ) > σ − 1 ∀ϕ (see (B.4)) and (ϕ∗x )σ−1 j(ϕ∗x )
> 1.46 Hence,

h i
1+n τ 1−σ · ¸
∂ (ϕ∗ )σ−1 1 + n τ 1−σ 1 ∂ϕ∗ 1
= − (σ − 1)
∂n (ϕ∗ )σ−1 τ σ−1 + n ∂n ϕ∗


Decrease in τ

From (E.2),

· ¸−1
∂ϕ∗ τ f ϕ∗ j 0 (ϕ∗ )
− = +1
∂τ ϕ∗ n fx ϕ∗x j 0 (ϕ∗x )
· ¸−1
f [1 − G(ϕ∗ )][k(ϕ∗ ) + 1]
= +1 (using (B.3))
n fx [1 − G(ϕ∗x )][k(ϕ∗x ) + 1]
" µ ∗ ¶σ−1 R ∞ σ−1 #−1
f ϕx ϕ∗ ξ g(ξ) dξ
= R∞
σ−1 g(ξ) dξ
+1 (using (B.1))
n fx ϕ∗ ϕ∗x ξ
" R ∞ σ−1 #−1
τ σ−1 ϕ∗ ξ g(ξ) dξ
= R +1 (using (20))
n ϕ∞∗ ξ σ−1 g(ξ) dξ
· σ−1 ¸−1
< +1
j (ϕ)
Note that ϕσ−1 j(ϕ) must be a decreasing function of ϕ since its elasticity with respect to ϕ is (σ −1)+ ϕj(ϕ) < 0.

R ∞ σ−1
∗ ξ g(ξ) dξ
since R ϕ∞
∗ ξ σ−1 g(ξ) dξ > 1 as ϕ∗ < ϕ∗x . Hence,

h i
1+n τ 1−σ · ¸
∂ (ϕ∗ )σ−1 1 + n τ 1−σ (1 − σ) n τ 1−σ ∂ϕ∗ τ
= − (σ − 1)
∂τ (ϕ∗ )σ−1 τ 1 + n τ 1−σ ∂τ ϕ∗
" µ σ−1 ¶−1 #
1 + n τ 1−σ ∂ϕ∗ τ τ
= (σ − 1) − − +1
(ϕ∗ )σ−1 τ ∂τ ϕ∗ n

< 0.

Re-allocations of ProÞts

Increase in n

All surviving Þrms who do not export (with ϕ < ϕ∗0

x ) must incur a proÞt loss since their proÞts

from domestic sales decrease (rd0 (ϕ) < rd (ϕ)) and those who would have exported previously (with
the lower n) further lose any proÞts from exporting. Similarly, the Þrm with productivity level
ϕ = ϕ∗0
x also incurs a proÞt loss (although the Þrm exports, it gains zero additional proÞts from

doing so and still incurs the loss in domestic proÞts). The proÞt change for all exporting Þrms
(with ϕ ≥ ϕ∗0
x ) can be written:

∆π(ϕ) = π 0 (ϕ) − π(ϕ)

1£ 0 ¤
= r (ϕ) − r(ϕ) − (n0 − n) fx
σ · ¸
σ−1 1 + n0 τ 1−σ 1 + n τ 1−σ
=ϕ f − − (n0 − n) fx .
(ϕ∗0 )σ−1 (ϕ∗ )σ−1

This proÞt change increases without bound with ϕ and will be positive for all ϕ above a cutoff level
ϕ† > ϕ∗0 47

Decrease in τ

As was the case with the increase in n, the least productive Þrms who do not export (with ϕ < ϕ∗0

incur both a revenue and proÞt loss. There now exists a new category of Þrms with intermediate
productivity levels (ϕ∗0 ∗
x ≤ ϕ < ϕx ) who enter the export markets as a consequence of the decrease

in τ. The new export sales generate an increase in revenue for all these Þrms, but only a portion
of these Þrms (with productivity ϕ > ϕ† where ϕ∗0 † ∗
x < ϕ < ϕx ) also increase their proÞts. Firms
47 1+n0 τ 1−σ 1+n τ 1−σ 1+n τ 1−σ
(ϕ∗0 )σ−1
− (ϕ∗ )σ−1
must be positive as (ϕ∗ )σ−1
increases with n.

with productivity levels ϕ ≥ ϕ∗x who export both before and after the change in τ enjoy a proÞt
increase that is proportional to their combined revenue increase (their Þxed costs do not change)
and is increasing in their productivity level ϕ:

1£ 0 ¤
∆π(ϕ) = r (ϕ) − r(ϕ)
σ " #
σ−1 1 + n (τ 0 )1−σ 1 + n τ 1−σ
=ϕ f − ,
(ϕ∗0 )σ−1 (ϕ∗ )σ−1

where the term in the bracket must be positive.

Changes in Aggregate Productivity

Any productivity average based on (D.2) must increase when n increases or τ decreases as the
r0 (ϕ)g(ϕ) r(ϕ)g(ϕ)
new distribution of Þrm revenues R Þrst order stochastically dominates the old one R :
Rϕ 0 Rϕ
o r (ξ)g (ξ) dξ ≤ o r(ξ)g (ξ) dξ ∀ϕ.48 Note that this property does not hold when fx decreases
as the revenues of the most productive Þrms are not higher with the lower fx . Nevertheless, the
productivity average Φ will rise when fx decreases so long as the new exporters are more productive
than the average (ϕ∗x > Φ).

Again, this is a direct consequence of the market share re-allocations results.


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