Ubd Family Unit

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Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 1

UbD Unit Plan

Title: My Family is Unique and Special Subject/Course: Social Studies / English Language Arts
An Integrated Unit on
Family Grade: 1

Amber Kordes

Stage 1 Desired Results
Established Goals:

Wisconsin Social Studies Standards

C.4.1 Identify and explain the individual's responsibilities to family, peers, and the community, including the need for civility and
respect for diversity
English and Language Arts.
RF.1.3. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.

RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
RL.1.3. Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
RL.1.9. Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.
RI.10 With prompting and support, read informational texts appropriately complex for grade 1


W.1.3. Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what
happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.

W.1.5. With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details
to strengthen writing as needed.

W.1.8. With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources
to answer a question.

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 2

1.MD.4. Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of
data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.

Students will understand that
- Families have traditions that make them
- Families come from different cultures that
make them unique.
- Families can be made of many different
kinds of people
Essential Questions:

- How are families alike and different?
- Who is part of our community classroom?
- How can a quilt tell a story of the people who but it together?

Students will know.
- The meaning of family
- The meaning of identity
- That all families share love for each other

Students will be able to.
- Recognize and appreciate differences among people
- Use a quilt to tell a story
- Collect data and display it in a bar graph
- Represent ideas with symbols
Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 3
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Task:
Students will be asked to create a quilt square that demonstrates how their family is unique. Students will draw upon the activities
in the unit to demonstrate their understanding what it means to be a family. This activity will be done in combination with at
home activities and in class exercises.

To demonstrate ones understanding of family and storytelling through the form of a quilt. To present information on how ones
family is unique to the classroom community. To assist in the building of a diverse community that is appreciated in each student.
To investigate and select information about ones family that makes it unique to their story. To create a quilt square that
represents ones family unit, culture, and other aspects that makes ones family unique.
The classroom community.
Students will be working individually and with assistance of family members at home.
The student will use art materials to create a 12 X 12 paper square in the representation of a quilt square. This square will be
separated into parts that show aspects of the students family including but not limited to: Type of house, family pet, family
members immediate or extended, stories about the family, traditions of the family, and others
Success will be measures based on a rubric for the quilt and project presentation.
Other Evidence:

Students will be assessed in the following ways:

- Brainstorming (Meaning of Family)

- Journal Writing Students will record their thinking in their journals during learning activities.
- Writing Experiences Students will be writing on the topic of family in many ways during the unit. These writing
opportunities will assist in their demonstration of understanding.
- Graphic Organizers
- Dry Erase Boards Students will hold up thinking in discussion.
- Pair Share
Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 4

Self Assessment and Reflection
- Self-Assess the quilt square.
- Self-Assess the presentation on the quilt square.
Stage 3 Learning Plan
Learning Activities

Week One

Defining a Family:
Focus on each
family is different,
your family

Defining a Quilt:
Focus on Faith

Day 1

Social Studies:
Show the reading
of the book or read
The Family Book.
RaWzttIQo After
watching the video
introduce to
students that they
will be
investigating what
it means to be a
family. Ask
students what they
think it means to
be a family. Create
a chart about what
it means to be a
family. Have
students write a
definition of family
in their Social
Studies Journal.

Day 2

Social Studies:
Read the book A
House is a House for
Discuss with
students the types
of houses they live
in. Include who
they live within
these homes. Have
complete the My
Family sheet to
show their thinking
on the discussion.

Science Connection:
Why do we have
home and what
materials are our
homes made of?

Day 3

Language Arts:
Reread A House is a
House for Me.
Focus the reading
on how rhyme
helps the reader in
figuring our words
that they do not

Social Studies:
Introduce the use
of quilts in
storytelling. Have
investigate the use
of quilt making in
African American
traditions. Focus
on the work of
Faith Ringgold.
Have books on
quilts available to
students as well as
videos for them to
Day 4

Connection: Author
study on Faith
Ringgold. Read Tar
Beach; think aloud
on how the images
in the pictures help
to identify
unknown words.
Discuss how the
authors use quilts
to tell her stories.
How will students
use their quilts to
tell their family

Social Studies:
Review the
information that
students found out
about quilts.
Compare in groups
the information
that was
Day 5

Social Studies:
Introduce that
students will be
working on a
family quilt with
their families to tell
the story of how
unique their
families are. Show
examples of quilts
and discuss the
rubric for the

Art: Have students
look at Quilts and
explore how the
colors, patters,
symbols show
Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 5
Math Connection:
Have students
remember the
discussion on
homes and people
who live in our
homes. Have
students complete
the survey Look at
my family to collect
data. Have
students graph the
given data to learn
our how our homes
are similar and
watch. Have
students record
their findings using
a graphic organizer
in their SS Journals.
Have students
focus their work on
the details on how
families used quilts
to tell their stories.

discovered about
quilts and how
they tell stories
about our history.
Week 2

Different Kinds of
Families: Focus on
Same Sex Families
and Step-Family
Day 6

Social Studies:
Have students
complete a class
room scavenger
hunt on the types
of families in the
room. Have a pre
set up scavenger
hunt based on
information that
was gathered
earlier in the
school year. Have
students reflect on
how the families in
their room are
alike and different.
Look at the
definition of family
Day 7

Social Studies:
Show the short film
by children in
same-sex families:
0yqhzVuYA After
viewing talk with
students about
how these
childrens families
are unique. How
are their families
like the Tangos
family? Reread the
book And Tango
Makes Three. Have
students reflect in
their SS Journal on
what they think all
Day 8

Social Students:
Have students
together in pairs
start by working
on a Venn diagram
on how their
families are alike
and different.
Prompt students to
find answers like
support, love,
kindness as their
things in common.
Have students add
any details to their
family definition in
their journals.

Art: Have students
Day 9

Social Studies:
Read the book My
Brother Charlie.
This book
introduces a family
that has a child
with Autism. Have
students draw
pictures of their
sibling and what
makes them
unique. Guide
conversations to
discuss foster, step,
half and adopted

Science Connection:
Continue the
Day 10

Guest Speaker:
Guest Speaker to
talk to students
about adoption and
foster families.
Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 6
and make changes
if needed.

Literature: Read
with the students
And Tango Makes
Three. Discuss the
details of the story.
Compare how the
two boy penguins
and the other
penguins are
similar and
different from
other families.

Science Connection:
Explore animal

families have in

Students write the
about the next
events that happen
in the story And
Tango Make Three.

continue to think
about colors and
symbols for their
quilts by turning
things about their
families into

science lessons on
animal families to
discuss baby
animals and animal

Math Connection:
Survey Students on
the number of
siblings and other
information to
continue learning
about the
collection of data.

Week 3

Diversity Of
Family: Focus on

Day 11

Social Studies:
Show Video: Kids
Talk about
Make a list with
students on what
they call their
What are the best
Day 12

Social Studies: Read
the book:
Grandfather and I
Discuss how his
grandfather was
different than
other people in this

Writing Mini
Lesson: Writers
Day 13

Social Studies: Read
the book: Abuela
Discuss how in the
book Abuela, things
move faster than in
the book
Grandfather and I.
Create a Venn
Diagram to discuss
the difference and
similarities in the
Day 14

Social Studies:
Sharing together
our stories about
our grandparents.
Talk about what
other family
members could
make up a family.
Add those families
to the charts.

Day 15

Grandparents Day:
grandparents to
come to the
classroom and help
out. Take time to
share our
grandparents book
as well as allow
them to tell stories
about each child.
Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 7
things about their
grandparents? Add
living with
grandparents/ live
in grandparents to
family chart.

Variation based on
students: Introduce
that some kids live
with their
Have students
watch the video on
Living with
Grandparent Cares
Have students
record facts on a
graphic organizer
from the
documentary to
prepare for

Introduce to
students the news
article they will be
writing about their
Students will need
to interview their
grandparents or
often write about
people they know.
How can students
add stories about
their grandparents
in their writing?

Science Connection:
In the book they
spend time moving
slow and observing
nature. Take a
walk with students
to think like
scientists and
observe the
neighborhood. Use
a recording sheet
Five Senses
books. Taking
notice of setting,
movement in the
story and
relationship in
Shared Writing:
Use the newspaper
articles to look at
well formed
sentences. Edit
some of the
sentences as a

**Create a class
book with the
articles and place
the book in reading
bins to have
students learn
more about each
others families.**

Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 8
parents about their
grandparents. They
will be working
with their families
to complete the fill
in the blank article.
Review with
students the
questions and
together discussing
the types of writing
they may be doing
in an interview to
gather information
Week 4

Tradition and
Day 16

Social Studies: Read
student the book
The Birthday Swap.
Talk about what
traditions are?
Have students talk
about what
traditions were
important Lori in
the story. What are
the important
traditions in their
own story or their

Writing: Mini
Lesson on using
specific language
and names. In the
Day 17

Social Studies: Read
the short story
Talking Pots: In
Mommas Kitchen.
The narrator talks
about how her
mother and family
come over to cook
in the kitchen. This
is another story
that talks about
food being a very
important part of
family. How is
food an important
part of the students
familys unique

Day 18

Social Studies:
Allow students
time to work on
and finish their
quilts that they
have been working
on at home.

Create with
students an anchor
chart on how to
complete a
presentation to the

Day 19

Social Studies:
Students present
their quilt squares
to their classmates.
Create one large

Have students self-
assess their work.
Day 20

Hold a celebration
for all families.
Invite families to
bring a dish to pass
that is a tradition
to their families.
Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 9
Birthday Swap Lori
refers to her Tio
and Tia. Discuss
these terms and if
there are any other
terms the students
use for family
members that may
be special to their
family or culture.

Math Connection:
Use measurements
in a recipe to make
a birthday cake.

Literature and
Writing: Using the
book Bee-bim Bop..
Demonstrate how
the author uses
movement in the
text to show
movement in the
sorry. Have
students looks at
how they can use
movement in their
text to improve
their writing.

Book List:
- The Family Book by Todd Parr
- A House is a Home for Me By Mary Ann Hooberman
- Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold
- And Tango Makes Three by Peter Parnell
- The Birthday Swap by Loretta Lopez
- In my Mommas Kitchen by Jerdine Nolen
- Bee-Bim Bob By Ho Baek Lee
- My Brother Charlie by Holly Robinson Peete

Additional Books:

Aunts and Uncles
- What Aunts Do Best By Laura Numberoff
- What Uncles Do Best By Laura Numberoff
- First Pooch ; The Obamas Pick a Pet By Carole Boston Weatherford
- The Patchwork Quilt by Valerie Flournoy
Source for decoding information: Based on the UbD template Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Page 10

- Lets Talk about Race by Julius Lester
- Bein with you this way by W. Nikola-Lisa

Website Resources:
- www.teachingtolerence.org
- www.theeducationcenter.com

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