ManageBac User Group Conference Munich: Programme
ManageBac User Group Conference Munich: Programme
ManageBac User Group Conference Munich: Programme
Conference Programme
February 27-28, 2015
Welcome to our first user group conference in Europe! A special thanks goes to Bavarian
International School for graciously hosting this event. As we look back on the last eight
years, we celebrate the schools and coordinators who challenged us to evolve beyond CAS
Manager in 2007 and serve the full IB continuum for curriculum planning, assessment and
Today we are thrilled to work with over 1,500 schools in 110+ countries, and our users
continue to challenge and impress us every day. From the leadership teams creating school
workflows, to the technology integration coordinators who train teachers, students, and
staff, to the acadmic directors who alert us to new curriculum changes, to the principals
who produce report cards more varied and beautiful than we imagined, to everyone who
sends us feature requests and suggestions - we remain grateful to all of you.
Thanks for your patience and faith in us. This conference is for you.
Best Regards,
Day One / Friday - February 27, 2015
10:00 AM
Welcoming Remarks
10:15 AM
11:15 AM
Frederic Nevers
12:15 PM
Company Update
Angelica Nierras
12:45 PM
Brooke Peterson
1:15 PM
2:45 PM
Carriageway Theatre
Caroline Hazel
Kaccey Mayer
9:00 AM
Angelica Nierras
Catalina Gardescu
4:15 PM
6:30 PM
Sponsored Dinner
Esmond Tweedie
Peter Reichert
ManageBac Team
Morning Tea
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
Ali Ezzeddine
Ryan Kingsley
1:00 PM
2:30 PM
Lance King
Hope Steen
Angelica Nierras
4:00 PM
Lance King
Rachel Pernet
Virginia Neilsen
Natalie Kvackova
Robin Hare
Eddie Zevallos
Middle Years
Primary Years
Welcoming Remarks
Day One
New Sports Hall Studio
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Angelica Nierras
Managing Director
In 2015, ManageBac celebrated its eigth year of operation. We owe you our sincere thanks, and we look forward to
many more years of working closely with our schools. Welcome to our first user group conference in Munich!
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Frederic Nevers
Digital Learning Integrator & Teacher of Technology
In this session, Frederic will share the story of how Managebac has been implemented at BIS, how to get admin,
parent, student and teacher buy-in (hint: not always easy!). Frederic will also share his workflow and procedures to
keep everything running smoothly. He will then discuss how training and ongoing support has been implemented
and staffed at his school. He will then share his schools policies and procedures to ensure Managebac is a useful
tool for the whole community of parents, students, teachers and administrators. Bavarian International School use
Managebac to its full potential for the MYP and DP, including the use of the attendance and reporting features.
12:15 PM - 12:45 PM
Angelica Nierras
Managing Director
In 2015, we will be introducing ManageBac on Rails 4, which is a complete re-architecture that will provide:
Modern and responsive user interface design that will support web and mobile access via your phone & tablet.
Real-time and collaborative curriculum planning with an accordion-style unit plan editor.
Support for IBCC.
French and Spanish language support.
We are also committed to:
Continuing our work with admissions offices through OpenApply,
Improving international school management with InterSIS,
Offering single sign-on integration with FinalSite, and
Delivering an e-submission platform for IB world schools.
Together we remain inspired and excited to fulfill our original promise:
To ensure that IB World schools have a state-of-the-art technology infrastructure.
12:45 PM - 1:15 PM
Brooke Peterson
International Client Success Manager
We will show how international schools are leveraging Finalsites products and services to push information
through portals, LMS, email, mobile and social media. Soon schools will be able to move seamlessly between the
Finalsite portals and ManageBac with the new single sign-on (SSO) integration.
2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Catalina Gardescu
Manager of Admissions & External Relations
This session is inviting you to a discussion about finding our way through the troubled waters of enrolling the best
students, redefining ourselves while doing it and hopefully keeping a smile on our face. We will be having a bit
of fun engaging in a discussion about policy and protocol in the admissions office, brainstorming solutions and
discussing common struggles. You will not leave this session with any re-invented wheel but, hopefully, with a
feeling of having been part of an atmosphere of professional engagement, critical thinking and partnership.
Carriageway Theatre
2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Esmond Tweedie
DP Coordinator
A light-hearted, yet informative commentary on the experience of rolling out ManageBac across a school that
operates the Diploma programme and a non-IB curriculum, covering the following topics:
1. Overcoming fear of ManageBac.
2. Elements that work well.
3. Difficulties incorporating non-IB curriculum and how solved.
4. Areas in which teachers feel insecure with ManageBac and how to help.
Student and staff video interviews, group workshop, and more!
2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Virginia Neilsen
MYP Coordinator
In this workshop you will learn how to set up and utilise ManageBac to effectively streamline assessment. This
includes setting up and creating both formative and summative assessment tasks for your classes, effective use of
grade books and how it is all linked to the calendar and emails. This allows parents and students to keep keep track
of a range of information to support learning. Lastly we will look at how you can set up effective report cards and
templates to suit the needs of your school.
2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Ali Ezzeddine
PYP Coordinator
All the PYP coordinators around the world need to have in place the below practices and requirements in their
schools related to the standard C2 the written curriculum:
1. The school ensures that there is a coherent, horizontally and vertically articulated programme of inquiry. There
is documented evidence that the curriculum developed addresses the five essential elements.
2. The written curriculum is available to the school community.
3. There is a system for regular review and refinement of the programme of inquiry, individual units of inquiry and
the subject-specific scope and sequences.
Programme standards and practices January 2014
We all know how difficult this task is, especially in large schools, new schools or even schools that are looking for
innovation and best practices. Change is a key word in our daily life these days Change on all levels. Teachers,
parents and students want stability, accountability and day to day communication regarding the learning process
in the classroom.
In this session we will share how SEK International School in Qatar is using ManagBac to make sure that we are
providing a structured, virtual learning environment for all our community members where the planning process,
the assessment and the daily communication are all connected!
2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Peter Reichert
MYP Design Teacher
As with many areas involving technology, our use of ManageBac at SIS has developed and grown since we first
signed up. Over the past three years, weve had our share of success as well as our share of learning opportunities.
Well walk through the journey beginning with our decision to change VLEs and getting buy-in from the teachers
and include milestones such as rolling it out to teachers, students and then parents. Well share what we have
learned from the wide variety of training materials weve made and have examples of how ManageBac has worked
with us to customize the platform to meet our needs.
Details below
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM
ManageBac Team
Hoping for 1-1 hands-on support time? Join the ManageBac Team for open Q&A workshops for ManageBac and
ManageBac Workshop Diploma: Carriageway Theatre
ManageBac Workshop Middle Years: MP2
ManageBac Workshop Primary Years: MP3
OpenApply Workshop: MP1
Day Two
Keynote: ATL and the Teaching Revolution
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Lance King
Founder The Art of Learning
When all the information in the world is available at the fingertips of every student then the key skills needed
for success both academically and in the world of business and enterprise will be the skills of the self-regulated
learner. At that point the development of self-regulated (self-managed, self-directed, independent, autonomous)
learners will become the primary focus of schooling which will require all forms of transmission teaching to be
replaced by process oriented, skills based, teaching. The ATL Skills programme at both the MYP and DP levels has
been designed with this idea in mind because this is not the future, this is now.
This presentation will focus on how the successful design and implementation of an ATL Skills programme in any
school could revolutionise teaching and learning, improve academic success rates and give all students the skills
they need to create success for themselves in the 21st Century.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Rachel Pernet
DP Coordinator
At Danube International School Vienna we use ManageBac in the IB PYP, MYP and DP programmes. It has greatly
enhanced communication and accountability: it is difficult to blame ManageBac gremlins for eating your
homework, not telling you that the Maths internal assessment deadline was on Monday or marking you absent
for Psychology last lesson on a Friday afternoon. This session will focus on the use of the following features in
the IB Diploma programme: the calendar for deadlines and events; sending messages to students and parents;
attendance; assignments; integration with Turnitin; reporting; exam entries; CAS.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Claudine Hakim
Head of Secondary & Head of Admissions
The role of admissions goes beyond enrolling students and ensuring correct data on student files. From the time
a family contacts the school through to the students beginning classes, the successful admissions officer needs to
work effectively with everyone involved in the process: parents, students, relocation and education professionals,
and school personnel including school secretary, Head of School and divisional heads, classroom teachers, special
needs and language teachers, school secretary, and the schools transition team, PTA and classroom parents. Only in
ensuring a wraparound approach to admissions, can new students and their families be effectively transitioned to
their new school and country.
Some of the discussion points will include:
Why is admissions such an emotionally demanding position?
What services should an admissions office provide?
What is the role of admissions in managing families in transition?
What is best practice in managing internal and external relationships?
Join us for a session which combines information about emotional intelligence with practical suggestions for
ensuring an efficient, but also warm and welcoming introduction and induction into your school for your new
students and their families.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Caroline Hazel
MYP Coordinator
Well, Next Chapter has been in gear for half a year now. Were over the initial excitement (every subject gets four
criteria! Everythings out of eight! Hurrah! Hurrah!) and are now fully immersed in the overhaul of five grade levels
of curriculum curriculum that has often been in place for years, that is tried, tested, and true. Plus changes to the
Personal Project, to the ATLs, to Service, to the MYP Certificatewow.
So how do you get teachers on board to make the changes? How do you make it practical and achievable as well
as challenging?
This session will look at two fundamental aspects of MYP: the Next Chapter MYP unit planning and the Personal
Project. In the first part of this session, we will take a very practical approach to guiding teachers through
redesigning their units. Caroline will also share the How to write an MYP unit plan using ManageBac guide
developed at ACS Egham, along with some very basic tips and tricks that have really worked for us.
In the second part of this session, we will look at the changes that have been made to the Personal Project
structure this year and how to guide students and supervisors through the process. Youll hear about our schools
development of the Personal Project and the structures we have created to support and sustain it. I will share
copies of our new Personal Project student handbook and also our brand new guide for students on how to write
the project report, based on the new assessment criteria.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Kaccey Mayer
Primary School Principal
An interactive and collaborative session for PYP ManageBac users to share best practices for planning, reporting,
communicating with parents and opening up access to families and students. Participants will be asked to provide
examples of their best practice to share with PYP ManageBac community. A chance to showcase the best of what
your school does and find ways of improving our current practices!
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Ryan Kingsley
IT Manager
In 2009 the teachers of the Stockholm International School had to log into three different systems within
the school on a daily basis. Today they use only one and can do it from any of their mobile devices. Teachers,
Parents and Students from K-12 now use only Managebac for their Curriculum platform, Reporting, Attendance
and Communication and this is directly linked to OpenApply and InterSIS. Having overseen the five year
implementation process, Ryan will use this session to share his experience and tips and tricks, in his search for one
system that does it all for an International K-12 IB World school.
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Lance King
Technology Integration Specialist
Over the last three years Lance has been delivering workshops around the world on ATL implementation. This one
hour session will go over some of the best ATL implementation strategies that have come out of those workshops
and will look at issues of design, the separation of Core Generic and Subject Specific ATL skills, mapping, vertical
and horizontal articulation, assessment and teaching of ATL skills. Lance will be available to answer any questions
participants have and will be aiming to work with problems that participants bring.
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Natalie Kvackova
Admissions and Communications Manager
The only way to succeed in running admissions at an international private school is to properly manage
expectations across the board. In her break out session/workshop, Natalie will open several different internal
processes including client development (the school tour), lead nurturing, admissions, retention and
re-enrollment and discuss the importance of expectation management within each. The workshop will be an
exchange of ideas followed by a self-reflection activity.
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Eddie Zevallos
Educational Technology Specialist
Learn about ManageBac report cards across the continuum, include non-IB curriculum, showcasing exemplar
report cards from existing schools & hands-on workshop.
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Hope Steen
PYP Coordinator
In this presentation, you will see how Trondheim International School transitioned into implementing ManageBac
at their school. We will show how Trondheim International School uses ManageBac to connect administrators,
teachers, parents and students. This includes the planning process, assessment and reporting, calendars,
attendance, as well as regular communication with parents.
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Laura Amza
Catalina Gardescu
An open discussion, started from the story of the happy marriage between ManageBac and AISB. Be prepared
to ask questions and write down ideas while we walk you through a case study of ManageBac implementation,
outlining struggles and success stories and offering tips for implementation and teacher training. You will
hopefully leave this session with more clarity on the kind of solution ManageBac presents and with helpful ideas to
guide your own implementation.
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Robin Hare
Subject Area Leader Technology
ManageBac provides us with mountains of information relating to tasks, assignments and grades. By processing this
data efficiently, it is possible to generate quick automated overviews of what is happening in your school.
The International School of The Hague (ISH) is a fairly big school, we have over 500 classes on ManageBac, over 100
teachers and over 800 students - so the data management is a big task.
To support the use of ManageBac and to disseminate the data I have developed tools in Excel/VBA and Google Apps
Script to collate and summarise the data for staff and leadership teams. I am happy to share some of these tools.
I will strive to demonstrate the range of tools I have. I will provide copies of the generic ones on the supporting
website (for free). During the session I will walk through the process of how I use these tools to check, process and
communicate reporting data.
Bavarian International School e.V.
Inspiring and challenging young minds as a caring and committed international community to achieve
excellence, assume responsibility and pursue life-long learning.
The Art of Learning
The Art of Learning
Lance King
Easily maintain and update your website with our content
management system that gives you full control to distribute
responsibility responsibly.
Faria Systems was founded in 2006 by three former IB students.
We have built the first cloud-based integrated school management suite for
international schools. We design integrated information systems to enhance
efficiency in education globally.
We serve over 1,500 schools in over 110 countries, and we measure our success
by the amount of time saved and paperwork eliminated.
Planning, Assessment and Reporting for the IB Continuum
ManageBac is the leading online learning platform for IB world schools
and the trusted choice of over 1,500 IB schools worldwide. ManageBac
provides coordinators, teachers, students and parents with a more
efficient alternative to paper forms, Word documents on shared drives
and Excel spreadsheets. It is designed as a turnkey system to support
effective implementation and management of the IB programmes.
The Better Way to Manage your Admissions Online
OpenApply is designed for the modern admissions office. OpenApply
helps to streamline and organize your admissions process by eliminating
paperwork, improving organization and providing real-time insight into
your applicant pool. It simplifies the admissions process for applicants &
families from enquiry to enrollment.
International School Information System
InterSIS provides a single integrated school information system
designed for international schools with demographics, behavior,
analytics and seamless integration with ManageBac, OpenApply and
third party timetables. Together with Xero and Stripe payments, you
can manage billing and invoicing online with a state-of-the-art cloud
accounting system.
Conference Participants
School Name
33 Liceum Im M Kopernika
Stephan Fleet
Head of School
Kathryn Templeman
MYP Coordinator
Kristen Carulli
PYP Coordinator
Christian Brondum
Caroline Hazel*
MYP Coordinator
Chris Green
Neelu Sharma
Aiglon College
Esmond Tweedie*
DP Coordinator
Aiglon College
Matthew Scott
Alicia Giblett
Michael Schneider
Head of Secondary
Catalina Gardescu*
Laura Amza*
Johnson Jacob
Director of IT
Courtney Hughes
Language Coordinator
Kostas Bogdanas
IT Coordinator
Sabine Neumann
Admission Officer
Mara Bernasconi
Charmaine Monds
IB Coordinator
Anatolia College
Lamprini Koufaki
MYP Coordinator
Anatolia College
Dimitris Tzouris
Instructional Technologist
Anatolia College
Magdalini Papatheochari
Robert Browne
Director of Studies
Frederic Nevers*
Lisa Howells
Peter Kotrc
Michaela Jung
Richard Bartlett
Lisa Roy
PYP Coordinator
Golnoush Ronasi
ManageBac IT Advisor
Andrew Walsh
Paul Kelly
PYP Coordinator
School Name
Philip McCormick
Matt Brady
ICT Coordinator
Ronan Carroll
Campion School
Litsa Andrianaki
CAS Coordinator
Anita Ives
CAS coordinator
Rachel Pernet*
DP Coordinator
Maura Lichtscheidl
Sarah Ford
Thorsten Krger
IT Director
Sebastian Ochea
Daniel Toyne
PYP Coordinator
Mary-Lyn Campbell
Head of School
John Mikton
Director of eLearning
Andres Navarro
Jeroen Kuipers
DP and EE Coordinator/Head of
Corey Bike
Jean Llanes-Thays
Dorina Kthe
Kostis Papadopoulos
ICT Coordinator
Suzanne de Maat
Riccardo Italiano
IB Coordinator
IT Coordinator
Andrew Blumbergs
IT Support Specialist
Naomi Resmer
IB Diploma Coordinator
Paul Becker-Hounslow
Head of School
Mathijs Booden
Cheryl Embleton
School Administrator
Ben Chell
IB DP Coordinator/SBC IB Online DP
History Teacher/EE Coordinator/PP
Scott Jackson
ELC-12 Principal
Kathleen Noreisch
MYP Coordinator
Emine Dogan
PYP Coordinator
Lena Schuwer
Assistant IB Coordinator
Stephen Kotanen
Assistant Head
MIchelle Brown
CAS Coordinator
School Name
Marek Telecki
IT Department
Kaccey Mayer*
Bernardo Mayer
IT Coordinator
Pamela Ostler
Julie Massong
IB Diploma Secretary
Michael Moore
CAS Coordinator
Julie Massong
IB Diploma Secretary
Michael De Borde
Curriculum IT Support/Teacher
Erika Finne-Kanerva
Administrative Assistant
Katja Lehtonen
Brit Beckers*
Claudine Hakim*
Julian Dams
John Radford
Johann Soyez
Paul Churchill
Ann Le Diraison
Academic Director
Emily Ashley
PYP Coordinator
Daniel Barker
Sara Falco
French Teacher
Natalie Kvackova*
Communications/Admissions Manager
Ellen Trelles
PYP Coordinator
Marilyn James
Principal of PYP
Preet Dhanoa
ICT Coordinator
Corinna Ljungberg
MYP Coordinator
Jonathan Lewis
MYP Coordinator
Steve Bavaro
DP Coordinator
Kari Eloranta
Teacher of Physics
Elina Kallio
Ekaterina Bazhenova
Svetlana Eskaeva
DP Coordinator
David Ardley
Jane Gordon
MYP Coordinator
Angela Brassington
MYP Coordinator
John McMurtry
IBDP Coordinator
Nymphenburger Schulen
Paolo Puosi
CAS Teacher
School Name
Oakham School
Simone Lorenz-Weir
Director of IB
Oakham School
Sarah Boyle
IB DP administrator
Stef Fleet
Teacher/IT Support
Natalie Giacone
Monika Banks
CAS Coordinator
Alexa Nijp[els
Jane Forrest
Head of School
Natalie Lander
CAS Coordinator
Ali Ezzeddine*
PYP Coordinator
Peter Reichert*
IT Coordinator
Andrea Bennett
Mark Allen
Raymond Montalban
Tebra Page
ES Curriculum Coordinator
Stiftung Louisenlund
Damien Vassallo
Stiftung Louisenlund
Stiftung Louisenlund
Petra Hau
Ryan Kingsley*
IT Manager
Alyson McWilliams
PYP Coordinator
Robin Hare*
Simon Brooks
Deputy Head
Hope Steen*
PYP Coordinator
Virginia Neilsen*
MYP Coordinator
Vxj Katedralskola
Patrik Bengtsson
Teacher/ICT administrator
Elisabeth Stanners
Grant Dawber
Kate Dalton
PYP Coordinator
Derrick Devenport
Director of Studies
Eddie Zevallos*
Lance King*
* Speaker
Integrated Information Systems
for International Education
[email protected]
Office Address
Faria Systems Inc.
Taipei Office