Iran Astronomy Problem Set 2014

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The document contains problem sets designed by Iran's 8th IOAA team. It discusses using simple mechanics concepts to explain phenomena related to the Earth-Moon system and tides.

The document uses equations of motion to show that the Moon was once closer to Earth, providing stronger tides that could have aided the transfer of life from water to land.

The authors were able to explain how gravitational locking between the Earth and Moon caused the Moon to gradually move farther from Earth over time, resolving a contradiction in the Evolution theory.

In the name of God

Authors: Alireza Alavi, Soheil Ansarin, Amirreza

Asadzadeh, Yazdan Babazadeh, Kayhan Behdin,
Shervin Hakimi, Mohammadreza Hasanpoor,
Shahabeddin Mohin, Mohammad Nabizadeh,
Daryush Shahinrad, Ali Zeynali


2013 - 2014

8th IOAA team full problem set |

8th IOAA team full problem set |

8th IOAA team full problem set |

Table of Contents
Preface: ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Problem set #1 ................................................................................................................................ 6
Problem set #3 .............................................................................................................................. 13
Problem set #5 .............................................................................................................................. 24
Problem set #7 .............................................................................................................................. 36

8th IOAA team full problem set |

The team sent from Iran to the 8th IOAA managed to receive 4 gold medals won by Alireza Alavi,
Shahabeddin Mohin, Ali Zeynali and Yazdan Babazadeh and 6 silver medals won by Kayhan Behdin,
Soheil Ansarin, Mohammad Nabizadeh, Mohammadreza Hasanpoor, Amirreza Asadzadeh and Shervin
Hakimi. Which was the best result ever in the history of the Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad in
Other than that, Yazdan Babazadehs 2nd place, Shahabeddin Mohins best data analysis score
prize and Alireza Alavis most creative solution prize were also part of the teams accomplishments in
the tournament.
According to the scores, Irans team came in 2nd after the home team, Romania.
This problem set contains all the problems designed by the team, in English, which consists of 4
problem sets.
We hope that this problems set comes in handy for all those who are interested or plan to
participate in the Olympiad exams.
By the way, if you face any difficulty in solving the problems, feel free to contact us through the
email addresses provided below.
Best wishes,
Irans 8th IOAA team
August 2014

Alireza Alavi:
Soheil Ansarin:
Amirreza Asadzadeh:
Yazdan Babazadeh:
Kayhan Behdin:
Shervin Hakimi:
Mohammadreza Hasanpoor:

([email protected])

([email protected])

([email protected])
([email protected])

([email protected])

([email protected])

([email protected])

Mohammad Nabizadeh:

([email protected])

Ali Zeynali:

([email protected])

Shahabeddin Mohin:

([email protected])

8th IOAA team full problem set |

8th IOAA team problem set #1

October 2013
Translators: Mohammad Nabizadeh, Soheil Ansarin


Humans have finally succeeded in finding a suitable planet for the future life of the human
race and now they plan to go there. But they dont want to leave any traces of the unpleasant
past of the human race on earth. So they plan to completely destroy it.
For this, they have planted a very powerful bomb underground which is controlled through a
sensor on the surface. This sensor first receives the location of a specific star in the sky and
whenever it sees that star, it triggers the bomb. But there is an important problem to this and
thats the sun. When the sensor has even the slightest amount of sunlight in its field of view, it
wont work.
This figure shows how the sensor is planted in the ground:
(The top of the cylinder is at the surface of the ground and the black box is the sensor)

= 3 , = 6 , = 3


At the vernal equinox day, all humans set off on their journey to the planet. They set the sensor
on a star at the following coordinates: = 2 13 7 , = 24 52 34
Assuming that we are at the shortest distance from the sun at the vernal equinox,

At what range of latitude should we place this sensor for no explosion to occur?(20
Where should we place the sensor for the explosion to occur as soon as possible?(80
= 1.496 1011 , = 1.989 1030 , = 0.0167

8th IOAA team full problem set |

Hint: Take in mind the idea of a small circle being tangential to a great circle.
2. Assume that at this exact moment a satellite in heliocentric orbit is in a solar transit.
a. Find the distance of the satellite from earth 65 days later.
b. Find the equatorial coordinates of this satellite 140 days later.
Satellite orbit inclination = 20
Satellite orbital radius = 0.6 . .
Longitude of ascending node = 130
Inclination of the ecliptic relative to the equator = 23.5

3. Prove that the angles at the corner of a room when viewed at equal distance from the two walls
and roof, will appear to be at 120 degrees. (The same thing we draw on paper for showing a 3
dimensional coordinate system.)
4. The sun makes one complete rotation every 26 days and this is the exact reason why the
location of sun spots varies in different photos. The only points stationary in photos are the
poles of the sun through which its rotational axis passes.
In two different days, an observer takes two photos of the sun which shows the location of
the spots on it. His assistant (who enjoys sketching) sketches the sunspots in the photos. The
photos below show his two sketches of the sun. In the first photo we see three sunspots but in
the second one, the assistant forgot to draw one of the three sunspots. Now its up to you to
draw the third sunspot and the location of one of the suns poles (which is visible in the photo)
on the second photo. Also, find the interval between the two photos.

Figure 2, the first sketch

Figure 1, the second sketch

8th IOAA team full problem set |

5. A particle is in orbit around an object of mass . Assume that the object is very massive
compared to the particle. Prove that the delta-v required for a single impulsive maneuver to
rotate the orbit degrees around its focus is given by:

sin( )

6. Assume that the lift and drag forces exerted on an airplane as a function of velocity are given by
the following equations:
= 2 , = 2
Where and are respectively the lift and drag forces while and are dimensionless
constants which vary by the shape of the airfoil. Also, is the density of the body of air around
the plane, is the wing area and is the planes velocity.
a. If we assume that the engines move the plane with a total force of ,
Find the planes velocity as a function of time. (Assume the planes mass to be )
Find the planes maximum velocity.
What distance should the plane accelerate on the runway to take off? (The runway
is frictionless) How much time would traveling this distance take?
b. If the planes engines force was given by an exponential function of velocity, ( = 0 / )
Find the planes velocity as a function of time. Use the function to find the maximum
velocity of the plane.
7. Assume that we have 4 satellites in geocentric orbits with orbital radii of 4 times the earths
radius. Find their distance when every two of them are at maximum distance from each other.
(Take the observer to be at the center of earth.)
8. In a practical activity, we have measured the suns angular diameter. (In hundredth of a degree)
The results of our measurements could be found in the table. Fit the best curve possible to the
data and find the suns angular diameter and its error. (Hint: first prove that the best curve is a
Gaussian curve)































































































(This problem has an attached file.)

9. This problem has two parts.



8th IOAA team full problem set |

a. An observer is standing on the midline of an infinite road. The road has two lines each with a
width of . The observers eyes are meters from the ground. As youve probably seen in
movies, the two sides of the road meet on the horizon. Find the angle between the two
sides as viewed by the observer. In the photo below, assuming a line width of 3.2 meters,
find the height of the camera tripod.

b. An observer 1.8 meters tall is standing in an 8 meter wide road, 2 meters from the left side.
As viewed by the observer, the road side lines meet each other on the horizon. Find the
angle between the lines. Whats the distance between the observer and the line which
appears as the bisector of that angle?
10. For large objects in the sky, the surface brightness is independent of distance. Unless the
expansion of the universe effects the intensity of light from the object.
a. Prove that the surface magnitude of a galaxy is independent of its distance. (Neglect
expansion of the universe)
b. If the blue band surface brightness of a galaxy is = 27 1 , show that this is
equivalent to 1 2 .
c. If the infrared band surface brightness of the center of a galaxy is = 15 2 ,
show that this in equivalent to 18000 2
Required constants:

8th IOAA team full problem set |

The visual absolute magnitude of the sun: , = 4.83
( ) = 0.65
( ) = 0.72
Suns luminosity: , = 3.85 1026
1 206265 . .

11. In this problem, we plan to calculate the boiling point of liquids. For more information on the
concepts in this problem, refer to chapters 5, 8, 9 and 10 of An Introduction to Modern
Astrophysics. Recommended time for solving this problem: 2 hours
The particles of a liquid move with different velocities depending on the temperature and
some of these particles find a chance to escape intermolecular forces and earths gravity (Which
has little effect and will be neglected in this problem) and leave the surface of the liquid. They
somehow escape the liquid. These particles could transfer their momentum and create pressure
on the surface by crashing into their surroundings. This pressure is known as the liquid vapor
pressure. The boiling point is the temperature at which the vapor pressure becomes equal to
the atmosphere pressure around the liquid.
a. Using the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution (shown below) find a relation for the root mean
square velocity . (30 points)
The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution: =
2 =


2 4 2

2 = 2


b. Now assume that the velocity of the studied particle is equal to this velocity. ( ) Also,
assume that the earths atmosphere is composed of 80 percent Nitrogen and 20 percent
Oxygen and that the studied liquid is water.
So now we plan to calculate the distance that the escaped particle travels in the
atmosphere before a collision. This distance is known as the mean free path length. Find
this length in terms of the number density of the atmosphere and the geometric cross
section of the atmosphere particles. (There is no need for complex calculations or
simplification. Just write the exact parameters mentioned.) (30 points)
c. Now we plan to calculate the rate of changes in the momentum of an escaping particle. For
this, we just have to divide the change in momentum by the time interval of the process. In
this problem, we assume that the liquid particles lose all their momentum by crashing into
air molecules.
The average time it takes for the next liquid particle to make a collision is the mean free
path length divided by its velocity.
Not we know that in this time interval, a momentum equal to the momentum of a liquid
particle has been transferred to the air molecule. Using Newtons second law, calculate the
force exerted by the liquid particle on the air molecule. (80 points)
d. As you know, pressure is force exerted on a surface. If we examine this carefully, we realize
that the cross section of the force exerted on the air molecules is equal to the geometric
cross section of the liquid molecules. Now, find an expression for the vapor pressure of a
liquid. (20 points)

8th IOAA team full problem set |

Where and are the geometric cross section of air molecules and water,
respectively. is the number density of the air molecules near the surface of the liquid and
is the temperature of the liquid.
e. Now by using the hydrostatic equilibrium relation and assuming constant gravitational
acceleration and air density and also zero pressure at the top layers of the atmosphere, find
a relation for the pressure near the earths surface. This relation should be written in terms
of air density, earths gravitational acceleration and the thickness of the atmosphere. (40
f. So now we add the condition required for boiling. So we have to set the atmosphere
pressure near earths surface (which was found above) equal to the vapor pressure. Simplify
the final result till you get this relation: (50 points)

Where is the mean weight of the air molecules, is the gravitational acceleration
which we assumed to be constant, is the thickness of the atmosphere and the other
parameters were described in previous parts.
From now on, we try to find the unknown parameters of the equation in the best way
g. Find the mean weight for the air molecules for the air composition mentioned at the
beginning of the problem. (30 points)
h. Now we try to use the concept of the Bohr radius to make a rough estimate of the ratio of
the cross sections. Take in mind that some of the assumptions of this part arent good
assumptions but they dont really effect the order of the final answer of the problem.
First assume an electron moving in a circular orbit around a proton. The dominant force
is the Coulomb force. Using Niels Bohrs assumption = (Where is the angular
momentum of the electron, is an integer and is a constant.) find the distance of the
electron from the center of the atom in terms of some physical constants, and the atomic
number of the atom. (90 points)
We have to note that Niels Bohrs assumption is just correct for the Hydrogen atom. But
in this problem we prefer to assume that this assumption is correct for other atoms. (not a
really good assumption) For the calculation of the atomic cross section, we just have to
calculate the distance of the farthest electron of the atom to the protons and assume a
spherical shape to the atoms. The cross section of these spheres would be the area of their
equatorial circle. Keep in mind that the number is just the first quantum number for the
farthest electron which can be looked up from the periodic table of elements. For example
for the farthest electron of an Oxygen atom, = 8 and = 2.
i. Now we can find the cross section of the atoms. We shall calculate the cross section for the
air and liquid particles.
For this, assume that each liquid molecule consists of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen
Also, the air particles consist of two Oxygen atoms and two Nitrogen atoms. (Why two?)


8th IOAA team full problem set |

So now, find the ratio of the cross sections

. (40 points)

Take earths gravitational acceleration to be 9.8 and the height of the atmosphere be
Now find the boiling point of water. (20 points)
Note: The designers idea from this problem is to review your knowledge in astrophysics and
introduce a concept of physics which may seem pretty hard to study by use of equations and
also remind the fact that we can make interesting calculations at any level of knowledge. At first
glance, the problem may seem long, difficult and boring, but you can evaluate your knowledge
in astrophysics by taking your time and solving this problem.


8th IOAA team full problem set |

8th IOAA team problem set #3

September 2013
Translation by: Mohammad Nabizadeh, Soheil Ansarin

1. Dr. Shahram Abbassi is one of the most recognized Iranian scientists in the field of
accretion disks. In one of his recent researches on the giant molecular cloud B32, he
found a sun-like star at center of this particular cloud. According to his researches, this
cloud has a mass of 106 , a radius of 30 and very high viscosity, so great that if the
cloud was to collapse, the whole system would collapse with spherical symmetry. The
thing of most importance, is calculating the specific heat at constant volume ( ) for this
cloud. According to the problem's data here and using reasonable approximations, find
a limit for , so that accretion could be possible.
2. In this problem, you, as a researcher, are going to study the interior structure of the Sun
and find the profiles of its density, pressure and interior temperature and finally find the
core radius of the Sun.
There's been some different guesses of the density profile which all had the basis that
the profile is monotonically decreasing, so it reaches to almost zero at the star's surface.
Now answer the parts (a), (b) and (c) by considering and getting data from the figure
below which is The density profile and the interior mass of the Sun as a function of
radius, so that we can successfully find the best profiles. (For enough precision please
take at least 10 samples of data from the figure.)


8th IOAA team full problem set |

a. One of the suggested profiles is the one below, which you should find the bestfitting line for it and also the unknown parameter and the regression of the fitted
line.(Hint: First you should define appropriate and so that the equation could be
converted to an equation of the form = )

() = (1 ( ) )

b. Another suggested profile is the profile below which you should find the unknown
parameter and also the regression of the best-fitting line like the last part. (Hint:
Define appropriate and so that the line would pass through the origin.)

() = (1 )

c. Now choose the best profile here according to the regressions found above and use
it in the rest of problem.
d. Now that you have the density profile, find the pressure profile ( ) by using the
hydrostatic equilibrium.
e. By just considering the ideal gas pressure and not the radiation pressure, find the
temperature profile of the Sun, knowing that the Sun is made of 74% Hydrogen, 24%
Helium and 2% metals.


8th IOAA team full problem set |

f. For finding the core radius we have to first find the temperature which fusion will
start in. You can find the fusion temperature by two methods: First there is the
classic method which it will not give us the results that we are looking for and
second is the quantum method of finding it which we will be using. In the quantum
way, we will assume that the electrostatic force is dominant and use the
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle ( ) and we will also consider that the
proton's uncertainty in momentum () is at the same order of its momentum.
Now applying the above information, find the fusion temperature ( ).

g. Now find the Sun's core radius (, ) using the profile found in part (e) and the
temperature found in the last part. Your answer should be reported in terms of .
(In your calculations you will have to solve an equation that you will have to solve it
either by Newton's method, or any other method you know of.)
h. Does your answer correspond to the real radius(core, 0.3R )?
If not which of the pervious assumptions were wrong?

Useful relations for line passing through the origin:




=0( )(

=0( )


Newton's method (only usable for converging functions):

+1 =

( )
( )

3. By the year 25000 A.C., the humans would have acquired the ability to swim at high
velocities, but the costal guards should put limits on these speeds for the safety of the
Divers who go to depths of the sea and take a long time there and will probably die on
their way back to the top. Humans are warm-blooded, meaning that their body
temperature is almost constant. Then according to ideal gas law (. ) will be constant
for the lungs, which is the gas pressure and is its volume. Because of the high

8th IOAA team full problem set |

pressure in seas, the lung volume would decrease. The divers who are making their way
to the top, at high speeds, will have their longs expand in a rapid way which will make
them explode! In this procedure, if you assume the lungs to be spheres, by their rapid
expansion, they will make an empty space between the air particles and lung walls
which will allow these particles to move very fast toward the lungs and make them
a. We know that the water's density is constant everywhere under seas. By assuming a
constant gravity at every height, find the water pressure at a point with a depth of .
b. By using the ideal gas law, find a relation between and the volume of the lung.

c. If we assume the lungs to spheres find their volume as function of the depth height
d. Assume that the divers will go up with a velocity of and the lungs to expand with a
velocity of . Now by differentiating the relation above find in terms of and .

e. The experiments have shown that if the lunges expand with a relative velocity
10 greater than, more than 60% of the gas particles of surface layer, then the
required volume difference will occur and after a few moments the longs will
explode. The particles in surface layer are those that will only move in radial
direction (moving away from the center). Assume that the gas particles inside the
lung obey the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, by considering the figure at the end
of the question find .
f. Knowing , find at a height . This is the velocity restriction which the
police are going use.
Assume the gas pressure at the surface to be 1 and humans' lung volume to
be 6.

g. What then is the minimum required time for the diver to get to the surface from the
depth of 200? Take the gravity acceleration to be 9.8 2 .


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4. One of the hot subjects in the field of galactic dynamics is the rotation curve of the
galaxies. The studies show that the rotational velocity curve of an object becomes
constant after reaching a maximum which is in a total disagreement with Newtonian
mechanics. The figure below shows this. Curve A is what we expect and curve B is
observed. One of the suggestions for this problem is MOND (Modified Newtonian
Dynamics).This theory describes the second law of Newton in a different way: =

( 0 )in which , , , 0 are force, mass, acceleration and a constant respectively

and () = (1 + )1 .


8th IOAA team full problem set |

a. Find limits for acceleration for far and near distances. (Think about !!)

b. By considering the last part, find the circular orbit velocity of objects near and far
from the center.
c. Do your conclusions explain the everyday behavior of the world? How about the
figure above? Do you think that this theory is acceptable?
5. We have in our hands a green laser with a power of 50. Two rather unusual persons
want to do some interesting things with it. One of these interesting things is "Astrology".
For this purpose we first assume that the atmosphere is present, but the absorption is
very weak. The person having the laser in his/her hand will keep the light on in the
direction perpendicular to the surface of the Earth. For this interesting thing to happen
the fixed observer must always see the star that is at its highest altitude in the first
moments; right at point of laser's light disappearance. Find the location of the fixed
observer as a function of time and measure the maximum velocity of the other person,
according to the assumptions below:
Assumption 1: The Earth is flat:
For observers on the equator and in latitude 45; for stars with the declination of 0,
45 and 60.
Assumption 2: The Earth is round:

For observers on the equator and in latitude 45; for stars with the declination of 0,
45 and 60.

6. A spaceship is getting near a red giant star for doing some researches. The mass of the
star is and the luminosity is .The spaceship falls toward the center of the star in
radial path and the sail begin to open in order to stop the ship.

a. How much must the effective area of the sail be, to completely stop the spaceship?
Explain about the equilibrium of the spaceship in this condition.

The space is going to move in the same radial path after being stopped.

8th IOAA team full problem set |

b. If the area of the sail gets any bigger the spaceship will move away from the star.
What will be the relation between and ?
c. If the area of the sail is less that critical area then the spaceship will fall. Now how
are and related?
d. The stars brightness is measured to be = (3 0.5) 104 .If the sail opens up
to 30 52 then the spaceship will stop. What is the approximated mass of the
e. The star's radius is = (1 0.4) 103 and the spaceship is at a distance of
105 from the star's center. If the area of the sail were half its current value, how
long would it take for the spaceship to reach the atmosphere of the star?
7. Propellers are tools used for transferring the mechanical energy of an engine to the air
around it. Propellers have many different usages such as household fans, airplane
propulsion and even car radiators. There are some main parameters in the design of
propellers which include: blade length, blade angle of attack, and the blades
aerodynamic shape. The angle of attack is the angle between the blade and the
direction of its movement. In this problem, we neglect the effect of the aerodynamic

Figure 3, a basic 2 blade propeller

Assume a propeller which has very narrow rectangular blades. In a way that we
could assume that differential pieces on a blade at distance from the middle of the
propeller are rectangular. The angle of attack for this propeller is 45 degrees. The blades
of this propeller cause no friction. The only force acting against the spinning propeller is
the force caused by the changing momentum of the air molecules. The length of the
blades on this propeller is 95. Assume that the air molecules leave the blade at the
same angle they struck it and that their speed doesnt change at impact.
a. Find the resistance force exerted on the blades in the direction of their movement
for when the engine is spinning the propeller at an angular frequency of 100 rounds
per second.
b. Find the average velocity of the air affected by the propeller for an angular
frequency of 80 .

8th IOAA team full problem set |

c. Find the propulsive force exerted on the propeller for part a. Compare your result
with the results of part a. What is your conclusion?
d. If we keep the angular frequency constant, how does the propulsive force change
with a variable angle of attack?
8. Three observers are on a planet at locations that are 90 degrees separated from each
other. A satellite is orbiting the planet on a circular trajectory. If all three observers see
the satellite on the horizon at the same time,
a. Find the orbital radius of the satellite in terms of the planets radius.
b. If two of the observers are on the planets equator and the satellite passes just
above one of the observers on the equator, find the satellites orbital inclination.
9. The wave theory of light shows that a perfect focus is not possible because of the
diffraction effects associated with the finite aperture of the lens. This lack of perfect
focus will not allow us to distinguish the very close objects. You can study this problem
in two different points of view. First, classic: The wave theory of light predicts that a lens
of diameter cannot focus a parallel beam of light with wavelength to within an angle
better than the diffraction limit:

Second, quantum: Consider now the photons which are focused by the lens.
Such photons are known to have passed somewhere within one diameter of the lens
center. The uncertainty in -position is associated with an uncertainty in the photon's
-component of momentum. Consequently, a photon which in the absence of this
uncertainty would have been brought to the optical axis of the focal plane, may now be

deflected through an angle 1.Consider the de Broglie wavelength = . Find a

limit for .

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle: >

10. According to a series of researches the scientists found that the cosmos is rotating with
an angular velocity of 0 .By assuming that the universe is completely made of dark
matter find:
a. The Friedmanns first equation

b. The Friedmanns second equation

c. Angular and luminosity distance as a function of

d. Now by both considering radiation and dark energy do the last parts as much as it is
possible to.

8th IOAA team full problem set |

11. A model for the hawking radiation:

After the publishing of the general relativity theory in 1916, Carl Schwarzschild
solved the general relativity equations for a spherical structure and found a radius limit
where every body of matter with a radius smaller than that limit would become a black
hole. A black hole is a body that bends space-time around it in a way that nothing could
escape its gravity. Since the fastest particles are photons which travel at the speed of
light, the escape velocity on the surface of the black hole is somewhat equal to the
speed of light.
a. Using the conservation of mechanical energy and Newtonian gravity and assuming
that the escape velocity on the surface of the black hole is equal to the speed of
light, find a relation between the mass and the radius of the black hole.
The radius you just found is the Schwarzschild radius which has been found from
general relativity.
Yet, in 1974, Stephen Hawking was able to show using the quantum theory that
for every black hole, it is probable that particles escape the gravity. This
phenomenon is called quantum tunneling. Before hawking, other scientists were
able to use the laws of thermodynamics to show that a black hole must have
entropy and a temperature.
According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle in determination of the
location and momentum of a particle, there must be an uncertainty which is found
from the equation below:
. =

In which is a constant. To make this equation more clear, let me give you an
Imagine a football! Assume we have 0.000000001 ( uncertainty in its
momentum. Using the uncertainty principle, we have 1025 uncertainty in its
location. Now assume that we set a fence with dimensions of 1026 (Its just an
example!) around the football and we shall not allow the ball to pass this fence. But
according to the uncertainty principle, the uncertainty in the location of this ball is
greater than the dimensions of the ball, so this ball can pass this fence, unseen!!!
This phenomenon is called quantum tunneling which is very important in the
beginning of nuclear fusion in the core of stars.
This also occurs in black holes and photons can use the uncertainty in their
location to escape the gravity of black holes. In this problem we plan to find a model
for the radiation of black hole which isnt spinning and has a low temperature.

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b. According to the assumption above, the temperature of the black hole is low. (As
low as the CMB) So no nuclear reactions happen inside. Using this assumption and
appropriate boundary conditions, show that the net luminosity of the black hole is
zero. (hint: ( = 0) = 0)
c. Now using the photon gas temperature gradient equation, show that the
temperature is constant throughout the black hole.

d. And now using the equation for the number density of photons (as a function of
temperature) show that the number density of photons is uniform in the black hole.
e. Now we plan to find the probability of tunneling at each point in the black hole.
According to the quantum theory, the more the tunneling occurs, the less the
probability gets, until we get an effective radius for the tunneling. (Just like the
mean free path) This effective radius is equal to the black holes radius. In other
words, we assume tunneling probabilities larger than the radius of the black hole to
be zero.
f. Assume a photon which is at distance from the center of the black hole. Find the
set of points on the surface of the black hole which are at a distance of or less
from the photon. Where is the radius of the black hole.
g. Now using geometry, find a relation for the solid angle of these points as viewed
from the photon.

h. According to that said above, the maximum tunneling length is equal to which
means that the solid angle mentioned, is the solid angle in which the photon can
tunnel and escape. There is no preferred direction for the movement of the photon.
So now find a relation for the escape probability of the photon at a distance from
the center.



Using the relations that you found in parts b, c and d, find a relation for the
probability of having a photon at a distance from the center.

Now, if you multiply the two probability functions you found, you get a new function
which gives us the tunneling probability for a random photon. Using the concept of
mathematical expectation,
= . ().

and also using the probability functions you found, find the mean value for the
tunneling radius of the photons. (Be careful when setting the bounds of the


8th IOAA team full problem set |

Now for simplicity, we assume all the photons which want to tunnel are at the
same radius you found above and their tunneling direction is radial. (You will
eventually realize the reason for this assumption.) Photons which are located in this
radius follow the Planck distribution function.
k. Using the Planck function find a relation between the blackbody temperature and
the wavelength at which the light intensity is maximum. This relation is called the
Wien Law.

Now among all the photons which are in this radius, assume a photon which has a
wavelength equal to the one found in the previous part. Now, by using the
uncertainty principle, the Schwarzschild radius and Wiens law, find the uncertainty
in the temperature of tunneling photons.

m. Now, intuitively show that when the temperature is low, the uncertainty in the
temperature should be approximately equal to the temperature itself. (Notice that
we are sure that the temperature is not negative!!!)
n. With some tidying and simplifying, find a relation for the temperature and compare
it to the actual relation which is found by solving quantum fields:


Now assume that the distribution for the photons which have escaped follows
the Planck function. This means that the output power follows the StephanBoltzmann law.
o. By substituting the temperature and radius of the black hole from the relations
found, find the output power in terms of the black holes mass and physical
p. Now using special relativity, find a relation between the changes in the relativistic
mass as a function of time and the luminosity.
Hint: = 2 !!!

q. So, now, by substituting the luminosity in the Stephan-Boltzmann law, find the time
required for the black hole to vaporize.
(Why, do you think, did we assume a radial path for the photons in part k???)
Relations required:
2 2
Planck function: =

= 3 =

8th IOAA team full problem set |

8th IOAA team problem set #5

October 2013
Translation by: Mohammad Nabizadeh, Soheil Ansarin

1. At 11:00 oclock in the morning of the 8th of June, someone in Tabriz located at the
coordinates of (, ) = (38, 46) sets a mirror facing toward a point in the sky with the
following coordinates: (, ) = (70, 105) Towards what point in the sky does the
sunlight reflection point? What are the equatorial coordinates of that point? (Assume a
circular orbit for earth. The longitude of the Tehran standard time meridian is 52.5
degrees east.)
2. At the 8th of October, an observer sees the beautiful scene of the conjunction of the
Moon and Venus just 1 hours 10 minutes after sunset. This sight was such that the line
connecting the two ends of the Moon Crescent passed over Venus. This observer
decides to find some parameters of Venus. He approximated the altitude of the Moon,
13 degrees and its phase 15%. He also measured the separation between the Moon and
Venus, 4 degrees. Having this data and neglecting the orbital inclination of the Moon
and Venus, find:
a. The altitude and azimuth of Venus.
b. The equatorial coordinates of Venus.
c. The elongation angle and the phase of Venus.
3. A binary system with circular orbits has been observed. Each of the components have a
mass equal to the Suns mass and the distance between the two is 10 . . and the
center of mass velocity is zero. By accident, a random star similar to the Sun traveling at
105 . 1 passes through the systems center of mass with its velocity vector in line
with the angular momentum vector of the binary system.
a. Find the maximum velocity of the star passing through the system.
b. Find the maximum eccentricity for the systems orbits while the star passes.
c. Find the minimum distance of the two component of the binary. (If you cant find
the exact amount, report it with an error.)
4. An observer at a latitude of 35.5 sees the two stars A and B are both on the same
meridian. Find the minimum speed required for the stars to stay on a single meridian?
Whats the direction of movement?
: (, ) = (45, 5 ) , : (, ) = (30, 2 )
5. It is a fact that Earth isnt a perfect sphere and is actually an ellipsoid. For this ellipsoid,
= = 6378 and = 6357 . Take the z axis in line with Earths rotational axis.

Hint: The Cartesian equation for an ellipsoid: + + = 1


8th IOAA team full problem set |

a. Find the range of declination of circumpolar stars for an observer at a latitude of

b. What if the observer in part a was 1 above the ground?
c. For the observer in the previous part, what percentage of the stars are observable in
an instance?
6. An astronomer in Tabriz (, ) = (38, 46) notices a bright star on his horizon at
sunrise. After some research, he realizes that the bright star was actually .
a. Find the Suns ecliptic longitude in terms of the of sunrise.
b. Find the for the rise of Capella. The equatorial coordinates of Capella:

= 45032.1
= 5 17 43.56

c. Now, find the date of the event.

7. A satellite is orbiting the Earth in an elliptical orbit. Of the people, who have seen the
satellite, 14 of them have reported the data about the satellite, when it was passing
their zenith.
14 others have also seen the satellite but they did not report any datum of it.
The data are as listed below:
Data from the observing group




Data from the observing group






8th IOAA team full problem set |

& in the 2nd figure, are the distance from the observer to the satellite and the
rotational velocity of the satellite when passing the zenith of the observer, respectively.

a. Calculate the inclination of the satellite's orbit.

b. Find the longitude in which orbit's node is on the zenith of an observer.
c. Calculate the error in calculating the inclination of the orbit and the longitude of the
d. Find the minimum value of the semimajor axis of the orbit.
These expressions may prove to be useful:
For fitting a line, that does not pass the origin, through a set of dots ( , ) , which the
dots obey the relation = + , we have:

y = yi

= ( )2

di = yi mxi c

1 di 2

D n2

c = y mx

m = (xi x)yi

(c)2 +

2 2

8. We know that the Earth, orbits the sun in an elliptical orbit; moreover the Earth's
equator is inclined relative to the elliptic plane and these two factors cause the Sun to
have a rather irregular motion relative to the stars so, the duration of the apparent solar
day (the time intervals between two successive lower transition of the Sun from
observer's meridian.).In this problem, we are going to study the two factors which
change the duration of the apparent solar day:
a. the inclination of Earth's orbit:
For studying this factor, consider two hypothetical suns which both are in circular
orbits. One of them, in the plane of Earth's equator and the other, in the ecliptic plane.
We will name the first sun (The sun in the Earth's equator plane), sun and the other to
be sun ; moreover we will define a parameter named Equation of Time () like below:

In which and are the right ascensions of sun and , respectively.

Considering that the equator and the ecliptic are inclined by = 23.5 and that
both are at the position of vernal equinox on March 20th, find the equation of time ()
as function of the days past from March 20th () and .
Also mention the date in which equation of time is at its maximum and minimum.

8th IOAA team full problem set |

b. The ellipticity of Earth's orbit:

Consider the two hypothetical suns which both are in the Earth's equator plane.
One, in an elliptical orbit, having an eccentricity of , and the other in a circular orbit.
Name the sun in the circular orbit and the other to be and define a parameter as
Find if:


= 0.0167(In this part 1 so can use appropriate approximations.)

= 0.8 (You cannot use any approximation here like the last part.)

Mention the dates in which the equation of time is at its maximum and minimum.
Assume that both suns are at vernal equinox on March 20th and sun to be at its
perihelion on this date. Consider the rotational period of the Earth to be 365.25 days in
whole problem.
9. In this problem we will almost study all the problems regarding binaries.
A group of Iranian scientists are studying a binary system. According to their
observational data they have found that: 1 = 10 , 2 = 1 and = 0.1 in
which 1 , 2 and are the radius of stars 1 and 2 and the distance between them,

a. What is the probability that the system will undergo an eclipse but not a total one,
as seen by the scientists?
After days of hard work and putting effort in it, they recorded a series of data
regarding the radial speeds of the stars in the binary system in different times but for
some unknown reasons they were not able to record some of the data.





8th IOAA team full problem set |






b. Draw the diagram of the data above.

These scientists want to approximate the masses of these stars but for this to be
done they need the inclination() of the binary system. Because of not knowing it they
have to come up with a way to guess it.
In this procedure they have reached to a point where they need 3 ; one of
the scientists suggests its mean value in order to approximate it, but none of them
knows the distribution function.

Help these scientists by finding the distribution function of 3 , .Also show


that: () = 1

Now for finding the mean value they know that they must find the intervals
where is defined. Considering that, there are studying an eclipsing binary system, the
intervals should begin from a particular angle of inclination like 0 .

d. Now calculate < 3 > as a function of 0 for these scientists, to help them move
to the next level of their calculations.
Now they have all the information they need for approximating the stars' masses.


8th IOAA team full problem set |

e. Find a lower limit the second star's mass and guess its type. (Either a white dwarf,
neutron star on a black hole)
From the data they had before, they found that the first star, is a main sequence star.
f. With approximating the second star's mass by a mass equal to its lower limit and
finding their surface temperatures determine their spectral type.
g. Carefully draw the light curve of this eclipsing binary system, considering that =<
h. Give these scientists reasonable answers, to show them why there was some data
missing from records of the second star radial speeds.
Some points that may help you:

For finding the mean value of the functions we have: < () >= ()()

Which: () = 1

10. A pulsating star, having a period of , is under the effect of lensing. Assume: The angular
separation from the black hole to the star to be , the black hole's mass to be , the
distance from star to the observer to be and the distance from the black hole to the
observer to be . What is the time interval of the recorded pictures caused by lensing?
11. Note: All the scientific phenomena, quotes, and data used in this problem are real and
based on investigated documents.
Recommended time for solving: 240 minutes
London, 19th century
When night falls, horror casts its shadow on the city and an unwritten law is
established throughout the city; families dont allow their children to go outside;
restaurants and bars close their blinds; and even the toughest of men wouldnt dare go
The city of London, for a long time, has been a place where various crimes,
robberies and murders occur. Criminal gangs would become active at night and there
was no one to stop them as people werent able to counteract. The effects of horrifying
atmosphere and a weak police force were the main reason for individuals like Sherlock
Holmes to appear from the darkness and use their brilliant mind beyond the police force
to bring criminals to custody.
At that time, London had the highest rate of crime in all Europe and in this
problem we plan to study the cause.
The main reason for such horrifying atmosphere was an almost permanent fog
throughout the city. Fog decreases visibility, especially at night and with some historical
studies, we realize that the weapons at the time had very low accuracy which made


8th IOAA team full problem set |

arrests very difficult to make for the police. But the interesting point is that among all
the cities that have the same latitude as London, such conditions only exist in this city.
For example take a look at the map below:

According to the map above, Londons latitude is almost the same as Berlin, Kiev
and Russias southern cities. By reviewing history, we realize that winter is very cold and
severe in these cities. During the last 4 years, over 200 people died of freezing in
Ukraine. Hitlers army surrendered to the destructive winter of this area while closing in
on Moscow through the south west of Russia and lost most of his troops there due to
freezing. We can say with confidence that there is no weather as fair as Englands
anywhere in Europe. Now we plan to use an approximate model to explain the weather
conditions in this country.
First part:
a. Assume two coordinate systems with same origin point. The only difference is that
one is spinning with an angular velocity vector of
in line with the axis. Now
assume a particle with an acceleration. Using the differentiation operator and some

8th IOAA team full problem set |

vector operators like the cross, find a relation between the particles acceleration in
the two coordinates. The spinning coordinate system is called the non-inertial
frame. (100 points)
Final answer:

are the accelerations in the non-inertial and inertial frames,

respectively, and is the location vector of the particle. In this part, we plan to make
some interesting calculations using the second expression from the right which is
called the Coriolis acceleration.
b. Assume that there is a particle with a mass of with random velocity vector on the
ground. Assume that there is no force other than the Coriolis force. (The particle will
stay on the ground throughout its path) Assume that your coordinate system is
spinning around the axis, which passes the North Pole, with an angular velocity
equal to that of earth. Now using vector multiplication, Newtons second law, the
differentiation operator, and simplifying the results, solve the equation of motion.
Dont find the mathematical constants of the problem and let them be. Now show
that the image of the particles path on the plane is an ellipse. (300 points)
c. Now using the right hand law and the idea you have of the movement, determine
the particles direction of motion on this path. (Clockwise or counterclockwise) (20
Second part:
In the first part, we claimed that if the particle has a velocity in the non-inertial
frame, it will start to move in a closed path. Now we plan to find out why the particle
had a velocity in the first place.
a. Assume a plane with an area of which is located at a latitude of and is parallel to
the ground. For simplicity, assume that the sun has no declination. Find the energy
that the plane receives in a day in terms of solar flux, Earth angular velocity, the area
of the plane and the latitude of the plane. (70 points)
b. Now assume a cube which has a lateral area of and height of and assume there
are particles in this cube which follow the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity
distribution. Find a relation for the total pressure exerted on the walls of this cube in
terms of the total energy of the particles, and . (70 points)
c. Now we throw the above-mentioned cube into the Atlantic! Assume that the depth
is constant throughout the ocean (Which is a good assumption. This depth is
3332.) and now assume an element just like the one mentioned above. Using the
energy you calculated in part and by considering an albedo of for the water
surface, find the pressure of a layer of water located at a latitude of . (Dont
include the pressure of the weight of water in your calculations, yet. You will find
out why!) (100 points)


8th IOAA team full problem set |

d. Now take an element with the same shape but in a random location. Put a spherical
coordinate system on the center of earth. Intuitively we notice that the element will
not move radially despite the all the forces exerted on it. (Did you notice the last
sentence of the previous part? :D) Now write Newtons second law in a polar
coordinate system (Since the problem physics is not related to the latitude due to
the symmetry, we can solve the problem in 2D.) and considering the tangential
forces exerted on the element (The difference of the pressure of the top and bottom
layers!) find the differential equation (). (No need to solve the differential
equation.) (150 points)
e. Now take a look at the map on the next page.

Now according to everything youve learned here, whats your guess about the
reason the bodies of water at the north of Russia were named the Arctic frozen ocean?
(20 points)
Third part:
According to what we showed in previous parts, it is predictable that the water
currents that form in the Atlantic have a closed path of movement and the reason for
the initial velocity is the difference in temperature between different layers. Now take a
look at the figure on the next page.


8th IOAA team full problem set |

The figure above shows the water currents in the oceans on Earth. As our
equations predicted, there is a closed water current in the Atlantic which fulfills the task
of transporting heat from equatorial regions to the northern areas. This enormous
aqueous current is called the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream is the second most important
mechanism for balancing the life ecosystems on Earth. The amount of energy carried by
this current is approximately one hundred times the total energy consumed throughout
the world. The melting of the polar icecaps and an excessive injection of water to this
current is the main threat posed to it.
Its quite interesting to know that by reviewing historical documents, we have
found that in the Medieval times, people used to put their letters in bottles and by
tossing them into the aqueous current, they sent their letters from Denmark to England!
Forth Part:
In this part we are going to study the Earth's atmosphere. For our purposes in
this part, we can assume the atmosphere to be plane-parallel. The best functions that
we can consider for the temperature and the density in each layer are the exponential
functions below:

= 0 , = 0

a. Now consider an element of matter and show that a force is exerted on the element
as a consequence of the difference in the pressure on the top and the bottom. This
force is called the Archimedes force. (70 points)You can assume the gravitational
acceleration and the density to be constant, in the order of elemental


8th IOAA team full problem set |

(Hint: Use the hydrostatic equilibrium equation and consider the pressure of the top
layer to be zero.)
b. Now we will also consider the gravitational acceleration in our study. Show that the
element's density must be less than the atmosphere density for the element to
move up and vice versa. (50 points)
c. Now we are going to find the density of the clouds as a function of its temperature. I
must say that solving the equations of earth clouds is very difficult and almost
impossible (Just take a look at the weather forecasts!) so we will only take into
consideration the experimental phenomena and proceed with our logic! The
phenomenon is lightening. (200 points)
By looking at the cumulus clouds we can understand that the clouds will remain
in equilibrium for a long time, unless they have an encounter with one another or
change their height. But we also know that intermolecular and interatomic forces are
similar to the Coulomb force. The lightening phenomenon also confirms our theory of
the clouds having electrical charge. Meaning that there are some particles in each cloud
that have the same amount of electrical charges but the number of positive charges are
not equal to the negative ones which means that each cloud has a total electrical charge
of its own. But we can logically conclude that the total amount of electrical charges of all
cloud is zero. (Why? Think about the causes and the procedure of the clouds being
charged.)We will further our model by assuming that all the clouds are the same and the
only different thing between them is whether they are positively or negatively charged.
Also assume that the number of positively charged and negatively charged clouds to be
equal. Now by applying the virial theorem and assuming the distribution of the particles
to be uniform and taking the cloud to be spherical, find the equilibrium equation for
both the positively charged cloud and the negative one.
d. Now find a relation between the cloud's temperature and its mass density. (Leave
the problems constants to be.)(50 points)
e. The cloud will isotherm with the atmosphere's temperature at every height. Now
use this assumption to find a height, so if the cloud gets there, it will not change its
height and remains fixed. (70 points)
Fifth part:
Now we know that with the existence of the Gulf Stream current, the waters
around England are much warmer than they should be. There is a limit to the speeds of
the particles of water and if they, the particles, surpass this limit they will escape the
water. This speed is called, the evaporation speed limit.
a. Intuitively and by using the Maxwell-Boltzmann figure show that with increasing the
water's temperature, the amount particles which escape will increase. (50 points)


8th IOAA team full problem set |

So we can conclude that Golf Stream current will increase moisture in England's
weather, but the main reason of the thick fog in this country, according to our
calculations in part four, is the height in which the steam particles cannot pass.(This
phenomenon is called the atmospheric inversion, the main reason of air pollution in
Tehran is a similar phenomenon but by the vehicle pollutants!)So a substantial amount
of moisture is going to be confined in a rather small volume, which causes the steam's
density to increase.
b. By using the definition of optical depth and mean free path, find a relation between
the number of incidents between the particles and the photon while covering its
path, and the optical depth. Define the optical depth of the observer to be zero. (100
c. Show that we can ultimately look through the cloud till an optical depth of 1. (50
d. Now show that the distance corresponding to an optical depth of 1 will decrease as
the density increases. (This phenomenon is called mist!)(50 points)
OK, now we have found the answer we have been looking for! We have been
able to explain the existence of the thick fog covering the city of London with our
rudimentary models. Now it would be a shame not to do some more calculations!
a. The height, found in the "e" section of the fourth part, depended on the surface
temperature of the Earth. Now show that any slight change in surface temperature
of the Earth will cause a huge change in the density of the confined clouds. (70
b. The weather condition of London changes in a highly rapid way and the time for
these changes to occur is reported to be 2.5 averaged over a year. So after
approximately 2.5 the weather will change from being sunny to rainy!
Now by using what you have found in section "a", explain this situation. (50 points)

(Let us not forget that all the things we have learnt in Olympiad are ultimately used to
explain our surrounding events and phenomena, and may I also remind you that we can
make interesting calculations at any level of knowledge.)
Total points 1640


8th IOAA team full problem set |

8th IOAA team problem set #7

October 2013
Translation by: Mohammad Nabizadeh, Soheil Ansarin

10. Assume we have a galaxy consisting of stars with masses ranging from 0.5 to 5 .
This galaxy is 10 billion years old and since its age was 500 million years, star formations
started inside but for some reasons, the star formation rate decreases proportional to

where is the age of the galaxy. This galaxy has 5 1010 living stars. We also know that
for the main sequence we have the relation, 3.5 . Neglect the protostar phase. In
this galaxy, the probability of the formation of a star of mass is proportional to 2.5 .
a. Find the total number of stars. (alive or defunct)
b. Find the total luminosity of the galaxy.
11. A professional sniper with a Barrett M82A3 rifle, is going to participate in a military
operation. His duty in this operation is spotting enemy forces and shooting them. For
this operation, new bullets and a new scope have been given to him. He wants to test
the scope and the bullets in order to calculate his rifles specs with the new equipment.
For this, he puts an explosive target on a 1.45 tall, upright barrel and he moves out to
a specific distance from the target. His new scope benefits from an advanced metering
system which shows the distance from the target on a display inside the scope.
The figure on the next page shows the barrel as viewed through the snipers scope.
The red dot in the middle of the figure shows the exact location the rifle is pointing at.
The sniper hits the top of the barrel by shooting at that direction. If the gravity
acceleration of the location is = 9.78 . 2 ,
a. Find the bullet velocity (A.K.A. Muzzle velocity) when leaving the rifle. (Assume the
ground is flat)
b. If the lines on the crosshair are angle lines, what angle does the distance between
two lines represent?
c. Find the scopes field of view.


8th IOAA team full problem set |

Now, its time for the operation. The sniper gets in position and gets his rifle
ready. During the operation, he spots a hostile trooper running perpendicular to his line
of sight. (Figure on next page)
The sniper has a device which is able to measure the angular speed of the target.
He quickly sets the device on the target and finds that his angular velocity is 14.32
d. Find the troopers running speed.
e. How many seconds does it take for the projectile to hit the trooper?
f. Mark the direction that the sniper has to shoot at for a headshot. (Mark it on the
dedicated figure.)


8th IOAA team full problem set |

12. In this problem we are going get more familiar with the effects of dark energy on the
evolution of cosmos and better understand the reason we have it (dark matter) in our
a. First derive that the deceleration parameter ( =
given by the equation below, where =

) for a factor universe is

and =

= (1 + 3 )


b. One of the speculations that there is for the reason of the universe acceleration being
positive, is the existence of a quantum field named quintessence which has a

negative pressure with an equation-of-state parameter = . Now considering


that the deceleration parameter in present is 0 = 0.55 and that the curvature of

8th IOAA team full problem set |

the universe is approximately flat, find 0 and 0 . (Neglect the effects of radiation
and consider the universe to be two-component.)
c. Now using the quantities found above and assuming the present Hubble parameter
to be 0 = 67.8

, find the age of this universe (0 ).

d. Did you encounter any contradiction in parts (b) and (c)? Can you use these
contradictions to deny the existence of quintessence or at least say it contributes little
of the universe?
According to the last parts, it seems that quintessence is not a suitable answer to the
positive acceleration of the universe and we have to look for a better answer which
cosmologists have named it dark energy ()().

e. Cosmologists have reasoned that the density of dark energy is constant over the
passage of time by using various specific scientific justifications. Now by considering
this cosmological assumption and using the fluid equation show that = 1.
f. Now again by assuming 0 = 0.55 and a flat universe consisting only matter and
dark energy, find 0 and 0 .
g. Using the data found above and assuming 0 = 68

find the age of the universe.

Does the universe have a limited lifetime in this condition? Why? (Pay attention to
the difference between the two words lifetime and age!!)
h. Now compare your results with the Benchmark models results (the best model yet
presented) that are listed in the table below and check the accuracy of a flat universe
consisting only matter and dark energy.

Do you think that dark energy is an appropriate answer to the positive acceleration of
universe? Why?

8th IOAA team full problem set |

13. Consider a main sequence star with mass 0.4 and radius 1 that is made of ideal
monoatomic gas. In this low mass star, the dominant process in energy transport is
completely convection; so we can assume the temperature gradient to be adiabatic. We
can also assume the interior gas of the star to be polytrophic.

The Lane-Emden equation for star consisting of polytrophic gas ( = 1+ ) is as below:

1 2


Below is a figure of showing as function of for different .

Using the Lame-Emden equation and assuming the star to be made completely of ionized
hydrogen find the radius of the stars core.
The stars core is a region of star where the temperature is high enough for fusion to
occur. Fusion will start at adiabatic temperature gradient of 28 .

14. Meteor showers are caused by the collision of the dust particles left from comets. These
particles have speeds and they orbit the Sun. That is why the convergent points of the
showers are not always on the ecliptic.


8th IOAA team full problem set |

Part one: Assume the observed shower to have a convergent point () with the
coordinates of (0 , 0 ). The peak of this shower is in the day of the year. Establish a
coordinate with one axis perpendicular to the ecliptic and the other in the direction of
the spring equinox.
a. Assuming that the Earths orbit is circular and that the Suns coordinate is (0, 0) at the
spring equinox, measure the Earths velocity vector. Take the Earths velocity to be
0 .
b. Find the right ascension and declination of the point the Earths is moving toward as a
function of .Name that point .
c. Find the direction of the meteor particles real velocity before their collision with the
Earth. Your answer should contain only the coordinates of and .Note that if the
real velocity becomes zero the direction of and will be the same.
d. Measure the orbital inclination of the mother comet.

e. Calculate the right ascension of the ascending node of the mother comet.
Part two: In this part the familiar Olympiad approximating begins.
The number density of the remaining meteor particles from the mother comet depends
on the comets size, its substance and its velocity at that point.
By observing the comet we can measure its size, but if observing was possible we would
not be doing any of these calculations!!
But assume that this number density is constant in the entire motion and take it to be 0
(which is a completely wrong assumption.)
Now we are going to measure the relative velocity of the meteor particles.

We will use an observer who the convergent point will pass his/her meridian at some
time and we will put him/her on a tower for certainty. Assume that the observers
atmosphere to be at its best condition and that the sky is thoroughly clear.
The observer will see almost all the meteors from the shower, because its convergent
point is on the meridian at those moments. (Why?)
Take to be the collision radius of the Earth with the meteors.

f. According to our assumptions, find our relative velocity if the observer sees
meteors in seconds.

g. Knowing the relative velocity and the direction of the relative and the real velocities
in the first part find the direction and the magnitude of the particles real velocity.


8th IOAA team full problem set |

h. The velocity found in the last part is equal to the mother comets velocity in good
approximations. Now calculate the comets right ascension of the ascending node,
eccentricity, angular momentum vector and argument of perigee.

Do parts d, e and h for the draconic meteor shower.

Some of the draconic meteor shower properties are listed below:

Declination of the showers convergent
Right ascension of the showers convergent
Date of the showers peak
Approximated number density of the

Assume the Earth collisions radius is 6.6 106 .


October 4th
5 1018 #3

15. We are going travel to the Earths center. Assume the Earth to be an ellipsoid with an
eccentricity of 0.3 and a semi-major axis of 6378km.From a location in latitude 35.5
degrees we will travel to the center in the direction of a plump line. What is your distance

8th IOAA team full problem set |

to the Earths center when you reach the Earths equator plane? (Latitude is measured
from the Earths center.)
16. An equatorial satellite with an orbital period of 3 59 and a radius of 3.59 is a
complete absorbent of suns radiation. And it radiates this energy in this way: It will
absorb all the energy radiated at different times in one period from the sun and reradiate
it an isotropic way and in all directions in a specific period. Measure this satellites
magnitude for an observer in Tehran, located at latitude 35.9, as a function of time
using appropriate assumptions. Also find the maximum and the minimum of its
magnitude and the time intervals between these two phenomena. (Assume the Earths
albedo to be zero)
17. On November 3rd 2013 an eclipse has happened which we are going to do some
calculations on it.
In a point of zero latitude and longitude, the eclipse will start at 11 44 according to the
local time. At this time the Sun is at its upper transit. The data below are about the
positions of the Moon, the Sun and the orbital node of the Moon (relative to the center
of the Earth) at the beginning of the eclipse.
= 217.378 , = 3.298, = 221.225
a. Find the duration of the total eclipse (from the first contact to fourth) for this
b. Calculate percentage of the suns disk, which is darkened for an observer at center of
the Earth.
c. An observer in Tehran (Latitude: 35.75, Longtitude: 51.5) will see a partial eclipse.
Calculate the time of the eclipses beginning.
Take the angular diameter of the sun to be 32 arc minutes and the orbits inclination to
be 5.1. Neglect the eccentricity of the Moons orbit. Be careful not to neglect the effects
of eye parallax.
9. One of the commonly used parameters in fitting a line is regression and the more the
squared regression is the more linear is the function. In this problem we are going to gain
an intuitive understanding of regression! Because we can almost convert any function to
a linear one, we will use linear fitting method, so that the regression will be =

Assume that we have a series of data in the form of ordered pair ( , ) and by
considering the concept of ordered pair, we can assume that only has error.
a. Assuming that = + , prove that 2 = 1.

b. Assuming that = + and that has the error of = meaning that i =

, prove that the error of the ordered pairs is given by = 1 2 .

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c. Calculate for { = 1, = 1, = 0}. Explain the concept of standard deviation

according to the calculations you have done here.
d. Assuming that = + and that has the error of

= = which is the

relative error so i = , prove that the error of the ordered pairs ( , ) is


given by =

2 2 2 32 2 +94 + 4 8 2 4 +2 2 +102 2
2( 2 2 + 2 )

e. Calculate for { = 1, = 1, = 0}.

f. Assuming that = + and that has the error of which obeys a Gaussian
distribution having an average of zero and a standard deviation of so i = ,
find as function of .
g. Assuming that = + and that has the error of which obeys Poisson
distribution, find .
h. Assuming that = + and that has the error of which obeys a uniform
distribution having a minimum of and a maximum of so i = , now find
as a function of .
10. [A word with the reader,

In previous series, we were able to model and simulate interesting phenomena with
minimum knowledge. From now on, we plan to go further and follow more ambitious goals.
This goal is to model phenomena from which we have no initial info! For modeling this type
of problems, we use a method which was first used by Galileo. The only tool required for
using this method is logics! Yes, thats right. The method is based on thinking and
proceeding on the basis of logics. Which means that there will be some problems at first.
For example, at some point of a theory, we might encounter inconsistency or lack of
evidence. Thats when an individual would start step by step simulation of the event or
inconsistency and find the reason for the problem or make adequate evidence for the
The usage of this method is when we dont have access to any sort of experimentation
or we dont have the tools for an experiment and for this reason, we have to experiment in
our own mind! (In Einsteins general relativity article, the term Thought Experiment has
been used. For example the elevator experiment of the principle of equivalence is one of
the most famous thought experiments in physics.)
Examples of the usage of this method are numerous in history from which the most
famous are Galileos theories of motion, Newtons laws, Einsteins general relativity and
theoretical cosmology.
On the other hand, there is another applied method in physics which is the complete
opposite. This method is completely based on experimentation and the application is when
we dont have much access to correct theory of a phenomenon! And by experiment and


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suggesting a model which is in most agreement with the experiment results, they get the
desired results.
The most famous usages of this method in physics are the Ptolemy theory, the ether
theory, quantum mechanics, dark matter density distribution, observational cosmology and
etc. (Some physicists believe, the reason for the lack of unity between general relativity and
quantum mechanics, is the difference in their essence.) Our goal in this series and later ones
is to model using the first method.
Here is an interesting quote from Albert Einstein,
Before the observation of the 1919 solar eclipse by Eddington who confirmed general
relativity by observing the bent light path, (This experiment along with Galileos experiment
of two objects falling from the top of Pisa tower, are known by some to be the most
significant experiments of all time.) Einstein was asked what he would do if the results of
the experiment failed to match general relativity. Einstein replied, Then I would feel sorry
for the good Lord. The theory is correct.
In reply, he was asked, You havent made such an experiment before. How are you so
Einstein then replied, For 3 years all I did was sit at a desk and think. About a
phenomenon that could not be experimented simply. If your thoughts are logical and in
good order, nature should obey your results!]
And we shall follow the goal in this section,
For a start, we begin with a non-astronomical topic. (Recommended time for solving the
problem: 4 hours)
(Note that all the quotes, claims and scientific info are based on truth and investigated
Evolution, is a biological process which was first found by the great biologist, Charles
Darwin. He managed to explain the formation of advanced creatures like us using the
Evolution theory. According to a worldwide survey in 2009, Evolution was the biggest
human discovery of all time. At first, this theory was just used in biology but as time went
by, it was required that philosophical and intellectual revolutions form throughout the
world. Evolution is a new way for explaining our life on planet earth which is in contrast
with some religions. The Vatican Basilica has always declared that many great biologists are
heretics. Every year, many anti-evolution protests are held at Darwins birthday throughout
the world but despite all the protests, evolution is the most logical way to explain life.
In short, evolution is based on three rules: Genetic Mutation, Reproduction and Survival.
The procedure is that if living creatures in an environment are going through some
biological process (Like the life of humans! Or photosynthesis!) and then they mutate, (The

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formation of new, random properties in the next generation) and after reproduction, these
new properties make life easier, then the mutant species will survive in this environment
and with reproduction, less number of them will die and slowly, the previous species would
diminish and completely disappear. This is called the evolving of a species. The best
example of evolution (Which historical documents show that they were Darwins
inspiration) are Giraffes. According to Evolution, giraffes are evolved versions of another
creature which used to live around India and China. At first, they were short and because of
foothill vegetation, they had no problems in feeding. (The skeleton of one of these animals
has been found in the glaciers of Tibet.) But then, for unknown reasons, they migrated to
the Middle East and then to Africa. Because of the special vegetation of Africa, (tall trees)
these animals faced problems in finding food. (Because they were short) but then because
of a mutation, tall giraffes appeared. These tall giraffes got food much more easily and by
reproduction, the population of the tall giraffes increased rapidly and the previous
generation disappeared. (This process took 30 million years!)
We humans are no different. We are anticipated to have mutated from a specific type of
monkeys. (It may seem interesting that this type of monkey has more memory than
humans!!) You may think that the evolution process from unicellular organisms to creatures
as advanced as us humans, is a very unlikely process but the calculated time for this process
is about 5 billion years and geological studies of the old rocks of Earth show that the age of
Earth and the Solar System is about 5.5 billion years!!
Some biological studies show that the origin of life on Earth must have come from
somewhere outside the planet. (Several theories confirm this statement. We will avoid
discussing them since they are longsome.)
On one hand, we know that the best mechanisms for transporting anything in the
interstellar or interplanetary medium are meteors, comets, asteroids or dwarf planets. On
the other hand, by studying theories on the atmosphere of Earth and zoology we realize
that Earths weather and atmospheric conditions (Mean temperature, mean height and
pressure on the planets surface) have remained the same since the formation of the
atmosphere. (About 5 billion years ago) This means that the distance to the sun hasnt
changed much since the formation of Earth. This prohibits the collision of any type of
massive space object with Earth. Because the collision of a massive object would
significantly change the distance from the sun. So we assume that our space object is a
point with very low mass. And at last we know that surface of Earth is 70% water. So we can
predict that the mass must have fallen into the water and studies on the fossils left from
that time confirms this assumption. (Have you ever noticed that most bacterial illnesses are
related to contaminated water??) So life begun from water!!!
Our ancestors form!!


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The unicellular organisms were more primitive than the most primitive modern bacteria,
but they became more advanced over time till the first photosynthetic organisms took
shape. This event was one of the most significant factors in the continual of life on Earth.
The formation of these creatures caused an increase in oxygen that gradually changed the
methane-saturated atmosphere of Earth to the atmosphere we have today!
Basically, our main reason for designing this problem was finding an answer to one of
the interesting steps of evolution for which we didnt have a specific answer for a very long
time. As you know, most of the life on Earth is on land! And on one side we know that life
first formed in the water. So logically, at some time in the past, life must have come to the
land from the seas.
On the other hand, since creatures in the sea know by instinct that they shouldnt be
out of the water, they dont come out! So a mechanism should throw them onto land. Then
if a genetic mutation makes life on land easier for the next generation compared to the
previous one, the new species would survive on land and by reproduction life appears on
land! And then by the evolution of the creatures living on land, we came to existence!
For a long time, biologists were searching for a suitable mechanism for the
transportation of life from sea to land. But they didnt know that the best possible
mechanism is actually an astronomical phenomenon. A very interesting phenomenon!
The moon joins the party!
Yes! Thats right! Our desired mechanism is tides! (I really enjoyed realizing this fact!)
Now we know what to do and what to model!
a. Assume two coordinate frames that have parallel axes and none are spinning. Assume a
particle. Using the properties of vectors and the derivative operator, find a relation
between the acceleration in the two frames and the acceleration of one frame relative
to the other. (20 points)
b. Now assume the Earth-Moon system. (Here, we want to show a small part of what we
called thought experiment!) Until the end of this section, take the Moons orbital plane
parallel to the equator and assume a circular orbit for the moon and also neglect the
effects of the Sun.
Using what you found in a, show the forces exerted on any part of the Earths surface,
as viewed by an observer on Earth, by drawing a figure. (Thought experimentation is
such that you picture the system in your mind and assume that for a moment, the Earth
accelerates toward the Moon. According to what you have learned of acceleration in
city buses (!) what, do you think, will happen to Earths surface water??!) (50 points)


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Now we plan to find the exact shape of the water bodies on Earth in the presence of the
a. A point that will help us in solving this section, is that the potential energy should be
constant throughout the surface of a liquid. (Why?? Hint: look closely at the surface of
the water in a glass!) The potential energy from the forces exerted on a mass element
on the surface of the bodies of water on Earth can be easily found and written. Then by
playing around with the equations, find the polar function of the distance from the
surface of the water to the center of Earth in terms of latitude. (100 points)
b. Now assume that the altitude of Earths water is very low and neglect the second
degree of the ratio of Earths radius to the distance from Earth to the Moon. Now
simplify the potential energy relation. (50 points)
c. Assume a 2 dimension shape for now! As you probably have realized, the shape isnt
really famous. But if you like, you can draw the shape in a drawing software and enjoy!
Here, we plan to use a prevalent method in physics. Notice that if the Moon wasnt
there, the shape of the water on Earth would be spherical. Now we can take the effect
of the Moon to be a sort of disorder and assume that a slight disorder is caused in our
sphere. (In two dimensions, our circle!) The best approximation for a disturbed circle is
an ellipse with a small eccentricity. Now start with the Cartesian equation of an ellipse
and replace the Cartesian components in terms of polar ones and approximate the
equation to the second degree of the eccentricity. Then find a relation for the polar
distance from the center in terms of the latitude. Keep in mind that your relation should
be as simple as possible! (100 points)
d. Now find the eccentricity in terms of the other parameters. (70 points)
3. Now, in this section, we plan to find the maximum amount of altitude variations on
Earths surface in the presence of the Moon.
Assume that the Moons orbital plane is parallel to the equator. Now take a point on the
ground that the Moon is at Zenith. Intuitively, it is clear that the tidal force is maximum
at that location and bodies of water are pulled radially. But in the locations that are on
the circle which this point is its pole, the tidal force is minimum and water is pushed
towards the center of Earth. So we just have to calculate the variations of water levels at
the two locations.
a. Assume an element of water which has the Moon at Zenith and is at distance from
the center of Earth. Take to be the distance from the center of Earth to the
center of the Moon. Now find a relation for the tidal forces exerted on this element.
You may assume that the ratio of the distances of the element to the center of Earth
and the element to the center of the Moon, is very small and neglect the second
degree of the term. (70 points)
b. Now repeat the same calculations for a water element on the circle which has that
point as the pole. You may assume that the distance of the element to the moon is

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equal to the distance of the center of Earth to the Moon. Keep in mind that for small
angles we have sin . (80 points)
c. Now we plan to get closer to that wanted by the problem by using another thought
experiment and make you more familiar with this tool in physics. This experiment is
one of the most famous and oldest experiments in history which was first proposed
by Newton and is known as Newtons well.
Imagine the two elements of water we proposed in the two previous sections and
assume that we dig out a well towards the center of Earth from the two locations.
These two wells intersect. Intuitively, it is obvious that the pressure of water from
the two wells is equal at the center of Earth (Why?!) and on one hand, we know that
we can assume that the pressure on the surface of these two wells is zero. On the
other hand, since liquids are non-compressible, the density of water in the two wells
is equal. Now using the hydrostatic equilibrium and integrating, find a relation
between the pressures at the center of earth in the two wells. And using the tips
above, set the two relations equal. Hint: You must get this equation:

Where =

() () = 2 +

. Now by using this mathematical theorem:

() + () = ()

simplify the integral on the left hand side and for solving the integrals on the right
hand, you can approximately take 1 equal to 2 and equal to the radius of Earth.
(These approximations are pretty good ones in physics!) (150 points)

d. Now find a relation for the altitude variations. Hint: =


(70 points)

Using real values, the result would be 53.5.

Ok now. We were able to find a suitable mechanism for the transfer of life to the
But Here, we face the same problem that great biologists faced. 53.5 is very
very small for such a move and has virtually no effect on this transfer!
It seems as if our model has failed! But no!! Another astronomical phenomenon can
save us
Gravitational Locking

If you look at the sky sometimes, you would know that just one side of the moon
faces the earth. (Regardless of the liberation phenomenon.) In other words, the
Moons rotational and orbital periods are the same. This isnt just some random
event, but a very interesting mechanism which is called gravitational locking or tidal

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locking and in this section, we plan to model this event with much precision. First we
must gain some info about this phenomenon.
Imagine a binary system that consists of two stars, one much more massive than the
other. Both of the components rotate and the lighter star orbits the massive star. Pay
attention that for now, none of the specified frequencies are equal. Now we generalize
the system to two newly formed planets. Just like Earth and the Moon at the time of
their formation. Then, since the planets were at high temperatures, they were made of
hot molten metal but because of the presence of pressure, (We know from high school
chemistry that the melting temperature increases with increases in pressure.) Solid
metal was mostly in the inner parts of Earth and the Moon and near their surfaces,
there was molten metal. We assume that the Moon had a circular orbit around Earth.
Now we add the tidal forces to our model. The tidal forces exerted on the two planets,
cause the magma on the surfaces to start rotating with an angular velocity equal to the
angular velocity of the Moons orbit around Earth. On one hand, since the Moon itself
is rotating with an angular velocity different to that of the magma, a relative velocity is
created between the molten surface and the solid core. This relative speed causes
friction which between the two surfaces and wastes energy. (The calculation of the
friction between liquid and solid matter is related to fluid mechanics. In the first version,
we were planning to model that as well, not considering the difficulty. But we eventually
decided against it, considering the size of the problem!) The friction between the two
surfaces gradually wastes their kinetic energy and finally, the rotational frequency of the
Moon becomes equal to the rotational frequency of the molten matter on its surface,
which is equal to the orbital frequency. Because when the two have equal frequencies,
there will be no more friction. (This has happened to the Moon but not to Earth.)
For one more time, imagine the Earth-Moon system. We can show that if no net
external torque is exerted on our system, the total angular momentum of its particles
would remain constant. To continue, we assume that the work done by the total net
external torque on the system is zero. (Think about why this is a logical assumption!!) So
the total angular momentum of our systems components is constant. Now imagine a
frame with the origin at the center of Earth and two of the axes on the equatorial plane
(Which is the Moons orbital plane) and the third axis pointing toward the North
Celestial Pole.
1. In this section, we plan to break down the angular momentum.
a. The total angular momentum: The rotational angular momentum of Earth + The
rotational angular momentum of the water on Earth + The Moons orbital angular
momentum + The rotational angular momentum of the Moon + The rotational
angular momentum of the Moons surface molten layer.


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Using what was noted in the description of the problem, we know that the
rotational frequency of the water on Earth, the Moons liquid layer, and the Moons
orbit around Earth are equal.
Now by using the imaginary view you have of the systems movement, find the
direction of each of the angular momentums. (50 points)
Using what you found in the section above, show that we can show each of the
angular momentums in the relation = . (70 points)
Now differentiate the total angular momentum relation and put it equal to zero and
get an equation in terms of the differential of each of the angular momentums. (50
This is where we use effective approximations in our model! You can neglect the
ratio of the inertia of the Moons liquid layer to Earths surface water. You may also
neglect the ratio of the differential of the angular momentum of Earths water to the
differential of the Moons orbital angular momentum. Actually, using the
approximations above, we were able to reduce our equation from 5 components to
3. (70 points)
Since we didnt exactly model the effect of friction, we cant calculate any numbers
from our equations. So we attempt to get our required info qualitatively. Biology
needed higher tides for the transfer of life from water to land. According to the
equations we found for the variations in altitude, it is obvious that the less the
distance from Earth to the Moon, the stronger the tides get. If we could just show
that gravitational locking causes the Moon to move away from Earth, then we could
conclude that the Moon was closer to Earth in the past and this would solve the
biologists problem. On one hand, according to the info that was given about
gravitational locking, we know that the kinetic energy of Earth and the Moon is
being wasted, so their angular velocity is decreasing. Now using the equation you
found in part d, show that the variation in the orbital radius of the Moon is positive!
(100 points)

So now we were able to find almost everything we needed! We were able to explain
one of the most significant contradictions in the Evolution theory using our simple
model. We may have left our perimeters of knowledge a few times and used high levels
of knowledge at some sections but still this level of knowledge is very little compared to
the greatness of what we found at last!
As you saw, very simple points which can be found in any mechanics book can explain
our life on earth and this might be just a very small bit of the beauty of science!
Let us not forget that whatever we learn in life, should and will be used for explaining
what happens around us and Olympiad contents are no exception.
Total: 1100 points

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