Reading Enrichment Unit Wodney Wat Lesson
Reading Enrichment Unit Wodney Wat Lesson
Reading Enrichment Unit Wodney Wat Lesson
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
Grade Level
Time Frame
1st Grade
1 hour
Overarching Understanding
Students will understand that.
Bullying hurts others
Everyone is unique
Related Misconceptions
Ignoring teasing will not make it stop.
Everyone should be able to speak fluently.
Essential Questions
How do you think Rodney felt when
other students couldnt understand
What could the students have done
to make him feel more at ease?
How does teasing make the other
person feel?
What can you do when someone
teases you?
What can you do when someone
teases others?
Students will distinguish the difference between positive and negative behaviors through role play.
Students will complete a graphic organizer (bubble map) to identify positive solutions to the problem.
Students will write about bullying and personal experiences.
The role of the students is to identify possible solutions that could have occurred in the story.
First Grade Students
Media Specialist will visit the classroom
Role play, Graphic Organizer, Writing Piece, Illustration
ELACC1RL2: Retell stories, including key details and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
Other Evidence
As a ticket out the door, the students will write an adjective on a post it note to tell how they feel about the main character in the story.
The media specialist read the book Hooway for Wodney Wat to the first grade class. They are
familiar with the main idea of the book.
Through the use of role play, the students will be able to experience how it feels personally to
be bullied and have others laugh at them. After the role play activity, the class will revisit the
topic of bullying discussed with the school guidance counselor; i.e., effects of bullying and what
they should do if they are being bullied or observe someone else being bullied.
The students will be shown the youtube video clip Meanest Girl in Second Grade.
The class will discuss the overview and the purpose of the book. Students will complete the
graphic organizer to help reflect and recall details from the story.
Students will reflect on whether they have been teased or teased someone else about how they
talk or look through guided discussion. Each student will use the following sentence frame to
construct a written reflection: Bullying is wrong because _______.
Students will write something positive about themselves and construct an illustration of
themselves and state I think I am perfect the way I am because ______. This activity will allow
the students to think of themselves in a positive manner.
Sequence to learning activity:
-Hook (video clip) and introduction
-Reading and discussion
-Recall Information (Graphic organizer)
-General Reflection and Summarization (Role play and Counseling Session)
-Self Reflection
From: Wiggins, Grant and J. Mc Tighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (ppk)