EC05032!Notes 8 PDF

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Analog Communications

Unit 1
Lecture Notes 8
Switching Modulator

Switching modulator:
A switching modulator is shown in Fig 1a, where it is assumed that
the carrier wave c(t) applied to the diode is large in amplitude, so that it swings right
across the characteristic curve of the diode. We assume that the diode acts as an ideal
switch; that is, it presents zero impendence when it is forward-biased [corresponding to
c(t) > 0] and infinite impendence when it is reverse-biased [corresponding to c(t) < 0].

Fig .1(a) Circuit diagram for Switching Modulator

Fig 1.(b)Idealised input output relation for Switching Modulator

The transfer characteristic of the diode-load resistor combination by a piecewise-linear

characteristic, as shown in Fig 1b. Accordingly, for an input voltage v1(t) given by
v1 (t ) = Ac cos(2f c t ) + m(t )


Where m(t)<< Ac, the resulting load voltage v2(t) is

v1 (t ),
v 2 (t ) =

c(t ) > 0
c(t ) < 0

T. Kalpana,ECE,GMRIT


Analog Communications

Unit 1
Lecture Notes 8

That is, the load voltage v2(t) varies periodically between the values v1(t) and zero at a
rate equal to the carrier frequency fc. In this way, by assuming a modulating wave that is

weak compared with the carrier wave, we have effectively replaced the nonlinear
behavior of the diode by an approximately equivalent linear time-varying operation.
We may express Eq 2 mathematically as
v 2 (t ) = [Ac cos(2f c t ) + m(t )]g p (t )


Where gp(t) is a periodic pulse train of duty cycle equal to one half and period T0 = 1/fc,
as in Fig 2. Representing this gp(t) by its Fourier series, we have

n 1

g p (t ) =

2 ( 1)
cos[2f c t (2n 1)]
2 n = 1 2n 1


= + cos(2f c t ) + odd harmonic components

Therefore substituting Eq 4 in 3. We find that the load voltage v2(t)

v 2 (t ) =


m(t ) cos(2f c t ) + unwanted terms
1 +


The first term of Eq 5 is the desired AM wave with amplitude sensitivity K a = 4

Ac .

The unwanted terms are removed from the load voltage v2(t) by means of a band-pass

T. Kalpana,ECE,GMRIT

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