A Differential Equation For DC Motor

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The key takeaways are that an electric motor's behavior can be modeled using differential equations that relate the motor's current, voltage, torque, speed and other variables. Kirchhoff's laws and equations for back-EMF, resistance, inductance and torque are used to derive the governing differential equations.

The main components of an electric motor are the armature/stator windings, field magnets, rotor and commutator/brushes. The motor converts electrical energy into mechanical rotational energy via electromagnetic induction.

An electric motor's behavior can be modeled mathematically using differential equations derived from Kirchhoff's laws, Ohm's law and equations relating the motor's back-EMF, resistance, inductance and torque to current and speed. This allows the motor's current, speed, torque and other variables to be related as functions of time or in the Laplace domain.

A differential equation for the equivalent circuit can be derived by

using Kirchoff's voltage law around the electrical loop. Kirchoff's

voltage law states that the sum of all voltages around a loop must
equal zero, or [1]
v a v Rv L v b=0

According to Ohm's law, the voltage across the resistor can be
represented as

v R=i a Ra

where I a is the armature current. The voltage across the inductor
is proportional to the change of current through the coil with
respect to time and can be written as
v L =La


d ia


The motor back back electromotive-force voltage,

which is also known as speed voltage, is expressed as

v b =K v i f


Where ia=I a is a constant armature current, and K m is defined

as the motor constant.
Substituting eqs. (2.1),(2.2), and (2.3) into eq. (2.4) the
instantaneous armature current can be found from the following
differential equation:
v a =Ra i a+ L a


di a
K b =0

The armature current is related to the input voltage applied to the

armature by
R a + La s

V a ( s )=


Then armature current equation is

I a ( s) =

V a ( s )K b (s)
R a + La s


Performing an energy balance on the system, the sum of the

torques of the motor must equal zero. Therefore,
T eT T T L =0



is the electromagnetic torque,

T '

is the torque due

to rotational acceleration of the rotor, T is the torque produced

from the velocity of the rotor, and TL is the torque of the
mechanical load. The electromagnetic torque is proportional to
the current through the armature winding and can be written as
T e=K m i a
where K t is the torque constant and like the velocity constant is
dependent on the flux density of the fixed magnets, the
reluctance of the iron core, and the number of turns in the
armature winding. T can be written as
T ' =



where J is the inertia of the rotor and the equivalent mechanical

load. The torque associated with the velocity is written as
T =B
where B is the damping coefficient associated with the
mechanical rotational system of the machine.
Substituting eqs. (2.10), (2.11), and (2.12) into eq. (2.9) gives the
following differential equation:
K m i aJ

BT L =0


With ( t )=d (t) /dt then ( s )=s (s) which is the transform of the
angular speed so the Laplace transform of eq.(2.13) [2]
K m I a ( s )J s ( s ) +b ( s ) T L ( s )=0


The relations for the armature-controlled DC motor are shown

schematically in Figure 2.2. Using Equations (2.7), (2.14), and
(2.15) or the block diagram, and Jetting T;,(s) = 0, we solve to
obtain the transfer function
G ( s )=

V a ( s ) ( Ra + La s ) ( Js +b ) + K b K m

The differential equations given in eqns. (6F.5) and (6F.10) for the
armature current and the angular velocity can be written as
d I a Ra
= I a b a
d K t
= I a L

When a separately excited motor is excited by a field current of if

and an armature current of ia, flows in the armature circuit, the
motor develops a back Electromotive force (emf) and a torque to
balance the load torque at a particular speed. The field current, if,
of a separately excited motor is independent of the armature
current, ia, and any change in the armature current has no effect
in the field current. The field current is normally much less than
the armature current. The equations describing the characteristics
of a separately excited motor can be determined from Fig. 2. The
instantaneous field current, if, is described as [3]
v f =R f i f + Lf

di f

The field current is related to the field voltage as

R f + Lf s

V f ( s )=

The torque developed by the motor is

T d=K t i f i a

The developed torque must be equal to the load torque:

T d=J

The motor torque

T m ( s)

+B+T L

is equal to the torque delivered to the

load. This relation may be expressed as

T m ( s ) =T L ( s ) +T d ( s )
T L (s )


is the load torque and

T d (s )

is the disturbance

torque, which is often negligible. However, the disturbance torque

often must be considered in systems subjected to external forces
such as antenna wind-gust forces. The load torque for rotating
inertia, as shown in Figure 2.18, is written as

T L ( s )=J s ( s )+bs ( s )

Rearranging Equations (2.55)-(2.57), we have

T L ( s )=T m ( s )T d ( s )
T m ( s ) =K m I a ( s )

I f ( s )=

V f ( s)
Rf + Lf s

Therefore, the transfer function of the motor-load combination,

with T d ( s )=0 , is
G ( s )=

K m /(J Lf )
( s)
V f ( s ) s ( Js+b ) ( L f s+ R f ) s ( s +b /J ) ( s+ R f L f )

The block diagram model of the field-controlled DC motor is

shown in Figure 2.19

1. Prof. Dr. smail H. ALTA , Dynamic Model of a Permanent Magnet DC Motor,
Karadeniz Technical University ,


2-C dorf
3- Power-Electronics-Circuit-Devices-and-Applications-by-Muhammad-H-Rashid

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