Formation of Policy Alternative

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Gay and Lesbian Group

The policy analysis that was previously conducted was on

policies that affect the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and
Transgender population.
The effects of discrimination has lead to this population not
receiving adequate health care or no health care, lower paid
wages and inaccessibility to partner benefits.
There are 31 states that ban same sex marriage, It is up to each
state to decide if they will recognize the union of same sex
When a state recognizes the union of same sex couples they
should allow for them to access their partners benefits.
I will develop a new policy that might remedy this problem.

The policy that should be formulated will help

to recognize and ensure spousal support
through access of federal, state and
employee benefits.
Allowing children of same sex partners to
have access to the parents benefits as well.
These two policies formations have had
success in other regions of the globe and can
be beneficial here in America.

Benefits in respect of same sex spouse,

domestic partners and their children should
be applied and recognized without prejudice
to gender on a Federal, State and local level.
United States citizens should be able to
sponsor their same sex spouse or common
law partner and children in all 52 contiguous
states.Spouses and their children should be
claimed as dependents.

Belgium: same sex marriages became legal in 2003. Family

rules for benefits and visas apply equally to all couples
without regard to gender (
Scandinavia: allows for same sex unions and all befits
granted to their spouses and children.(Mohler, A.).
Canada: all tiers of Canadian provincial government, except
Alberta agreed to open spousal rights and responsibility to
same sex partners. Canada voted to count common law
spouses and ban same sex partners from marriage(Gaff, E.J.

Sweden: Gay and lesbian couples in Sweden have

the option to legally marry. By changing the
definition of marriage in Sweden, the parliament
essentially eliminated the distinction between gay
and straight couples, which is especially important
when businesses, hospitals, and municipalities draft
policies for their partnered employees, clients and
constituents, now they get the same benefits and
breaks (Michon, K. 2009).

The alternative to this policy is for the United States to

collectively recognize same sex unions. There are 19 states
and Washington D.C that recognize same sex unions.
There are over a thousand federal laws in which marriage is a
factor. These laws confer rights, protection and benefits to
married couples
The DOMA decision allows for same sex married couples to
receive benefits.
However, every state does not recognize same sex union,
only some are able to access the benefits they need and
should be entitled to.

It would be feasible for spouses to have

access to benefits.
Access to healthcare benefits would help
with preventative health care services and
lead to overall better health.
Allowing access to employee benefits would
eliminate the need for government
This can help to reduce the strain on the

This policy, will meet the goal of social equality by allowing

for people to designate who they want to benefit from the
work that they contributed to society.
It will help to redistribute resources that were not accessible
to partners and their children such as Social Security
benefits, spousal survivor benefits, spousal retirement, lump
sum death benefits, Tax benefits Veteran and military
benefits and Immigration benefits (Michon, K.).

I can work to implement my policy alternative by

advocating and supporting for the rights of same
sex spouses and their families.
Voice my opinion by notifying my state
representative by phone email a letters, can help to
advocate for this policy.
Participating in petition signing and circulation to
help enact a national same sex spousal recognition
policy, that will allow all spouses and children to
rightfully obtain all allotted benefits.

This topic is an ongoing debate in Michigan that sparks new

law suits to that will recognize same sex unions and partner
There are many supports and activist that are determined to
see the approval of same sex union a reality in Michigan
Just recently two Michigan nurses took a big step that could
lead them in American history books. They took their same
sex marriage to the U.S Supreme Court in pioneering effort
to make gay marriage legal in America once and for all.
( Baldas, T. 2014).

I feel as though people should be allowed to love and

commit to whom ever they chose. I do not feel as though it is
fair for someone to be refused services or benefits because
their views are not in align with normative culture. The LGBT
population is discriminated against the most and suffer the
most. Their suffrage is no less important than any other
groups suffrage was in history. I feel as though all states
should recognize the union of same sex couples and grant
them the access to benefits not based on gender or sexual
preferences, but of the human factor. All of this population
should receive recognition not jus some of the population.

Alliances of Business Immigration lawyers (2014). Immigration benefits for Same Sex
Spouses and Domestic Partners. Retrieved November 16, 2014 from
Baldas, T. (2014). Nurses take Michigan Gay Marriage to High Court. Detroit Freepress.
Retrieved November 17, 2014. form,

Gaff, E.J. (1999). The Nation: Same Sex Spouses in Canada. Retrieved November 16, 2014
Karger, H. & Stoesz , D. ( 2013). American Social Welfare: A Pluralist Approach. Boston: Allyn &

Michon, J.D (2014). Federal Marriage Benefits Available to same sex couples. Retrieved
November 16, 2014 from
Mohler. A ( 1999). End Of Marriage in Scandinavia: Is America Next? Retrieved

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