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Check List
1. Altar, Deity (statue/photo), Ganesha Idol
2. Two big brass lamps (with wicks, oil/ghee)
3. Matchbox, Agarbatti
4. Karpoor, Gandha Powder, Kumkum, gopichandan, haldi
5. Sri Mudra (for Sandhyaavandan), Vessel for Tirtha, Yajnopaviita
6. Puujaa Conch, Bell, One aaratii (for Karpoor), Two Aaratiis with wicks
7. Flowers, Akshata (in a container), tulsi leaves, tulsi garland
8. Decorated Copper or Silver Kalasha, Two pieces of cloth (new),
9. Coconut, 1/2 kg. Rice, gold coin, gold chain
10. Extra Kalasha, 3 trays, 3 vessels for Abhisheka
11. Betel nuts 6, Betel nut Leaves 12, Bananas 6, Banana Leaves 2, Mango Leaves 5-25
12. Dry Fruits, 5 bananas, 1 coconut - all for naivedya
13. Panchaamrita - Milk, Curd, Honey, Ghee, Sugar, Tender Coconut Water
14. Puja Books (Sri Ganesha Ashtottara/Sahasranama Books)
15. Red Flowers / Red Flower Malas
16. Modaka, Also fruits and prasad as far as possible 21 varieties.

2|P age

Ganesha or Ganapati is an extremely popular God in India. He is called
Vighneshvara or Vighnaharta, the Lord of and destroyer of obstacles.
People mostly worship Him asking for siddhi, success in undertakings, and
buddhi, intelligence. He is worshipped before any venture is started. He is
also the God of education, knowledge and wisdom, literature, and the fine
This puja is commonly performed on Ganesh Chaturthi day ie. 4th day of
bright half of moon in bhaadrapada month. Puja is done where possible at
morning (6AM or earlier) and at noon. The puja at night is visarjana puja
where lord is kept for one day ( unless the vigraha / idol is kept for more
than one day).
The previous night, one should think of the Lord Ganesha and mentally
decide to perform pujaa the next day. This is the sankalpa. On the day of the
Puja, keep the same thoughts of worshipping the Lord and take a head-bath
(if possible an oil-bath), early in the morning. Have some soothing Indian
Music (Shehnai or sa.ntuur or sitaar or naadasvaram - preferably any
instrumental) going on in the background till the puujaa begins. The music
should be pleasing (not too loud) for creating a serene mood.
(Of course people should be internally peaceful also!)
Wash Kalasha and fill it with clean water upto 3/4 of it. Cover and place it
near the altar. Decorate the front door, altar and the place near the altar.
Keep all the things for pujaa ready, near the altar.
Observe Fast (if possible). Invite ones relatives, friends (who have bhakti
in the Lord).
Duration - start to aaratii - 2 hours
Total duration - start to finish - 3 to 3.5 hours

3|P age

At the regular altar


. .


(Due to pranayam, the rajas component decreases

and the sattva component increases.)

| |

At the altar

. .
. ||
. . .

. . .

. .
(Sip one spoon of water after each of the above 3 mantras.
Take a little water from the vessel for worship with an offering
spoon onto the palm and sip it. This is called achaman.. Just as
bathing causes external purification, partaking water in this
way is responsible for internal purification. This act is
repeated thrice. Thus physical, psychological and spiritual,
internal purification is brought about.)

. .

. .
. .
. .
. .

. .
. .
. .


(Repeat Achamana 2 - given above)


(Apply water to eyes and understand that you are of
the nature of Brahman)

(Holding unbroken consecrated rice (akshata) and an offering
spoon (pali) with water in the cup of ones hand one should
chant the mantra with the resolve, I of the .....lineage (gotra),
..... am performing the .... ritual to obtain the benefit according
to the Shrutis, Smrutis and Puranas in order to acquire ....
result and then should offer the water from the hand into the
circular, shelving metal dish (tamhan). Offering the water into
the circular, shelving dish signifies the completion of an act.)

(Stand and hold a fruit in hand during sankalpa)


Shri Ganesha Puja

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. .
. .
(Prostrations to your favorite deity)

(Whoever chants or hears these 12 names of Lord

Ganesha will not have any obstacles in any of their


(Prostrations to your family deity)

(Prostrations to the deity of this house)


(Prostrations to the deity of this place)

(Prostrations to the deity of all the materials we have

(Prostrations to the Indra and shachii)

(Prostrations to Shiva and pArvati)

(Prostrations to the Lords who protect us - LakShmi and

(Prostrations to our parents)

(Prostrations to all the Gods)

(Prostrations to all Brahamanas - those who are in the religious

(Prostrations to Lord Ganesha, the main deity of this puja)

|| ||




(We completely surrender ourselves to that Goddess

who embodies auspiciousness, who is full of
auspicious-ness and who brings auspicousness to us)

(When Lord Hari, who brings auspiciousness is
situated in our hearts, then there will be no more
inauspiciousness in any of our undertakings)


(What is the best time to worship the Lord? When our
hearts are at the feet of Lord Narayana, then the
strength of the stars, the moon, the strength of
knowledge and all the Gods will combine and make it
the most auspicious time and day to worship the Lord)

(When the Lord is situated in a person's heart, he
will always have profit in his work and victory in all
that he takes up and there is no question of defeat
for such a person)

(To achieve success in our work and to find
fulfillment we should first offer our prayers
Shri Ganesha Puja

5|P age

to Lord Vinayaka and then to our teacher, then

to the Sun God and to the holy trinity of Brahma,
ViShNu and Shiva)

-------------- , ----------- , ,

, ----- -----

(keep fruits in front of the Lord)

| | ||
(touch the thumbs)

| | ||
(touch both fore fingers)

| | ||
(touch middle fingers)

| | ||
(touch ring fingers)

| | ||
(touch little fingers)


(Purifying the body)

(Purifying hands and various parts of the body )

| | ||
(touch palms and over sleeve of hands)

Shri Ganesha Puja

6|P age

( show mudras)

amidst chanting mantras. Later, chanting the mantra two pots

of either gold, silver, copper or unbroken earthen pots
should be placed on these two heaps.)

(snap fingers, circle head clockwise and clap hands)



(keep kalasha on top of rice pile)

(shut off all directions i.e. distractions so that we can

concentrate on the Lord)


(light the lamps)

(open palms and touch the ground.
first the earth (ground) on the right hand side (since the host
performing the religious ceremony is facing the east, the hand
touching the ground is in the southern direction) and then the
earth on the left hand side, in front of oneself (that is the
northern direction) should be touched. Energies from the south
are distressing. To prevent them from causing distress, one
offers obeisance to them by touching the earth. The energies
from the north are however saluted as they are pleasant.)

(fill kalasha with water)


(sprinkle in/apply ga.ndha to kalasha)

(put betel nut in kalasha)

(put jewels / washed coin in kalasha)



(put gold / daxina in kalasha)



(Touch the grains/rice/wheat)

(Two small heaps of rice should be made on the ground

(put duurva / karika )


(put five leaves in kalasha)

(place coconut on kalasha)
Shri Ganesha Puja

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. ||

(tie cloth for kalasha)


(decorate copper plate and ashhTadala with kuMkuM)







(On the second kalasha)

(continue with second kalasha)





. ||
(add to kalasha)

. .
(add to kalasha)

. .

. .

. . ||

. . ||

. .




(Those who want to attain immortality take a
dip in the confluence of the Ganges, yamuna and
sarasvati rivers at the prayag. Let the water
in this kalasha become like the water from the
holy rivers)

|| ||

Shri Ganesha Puja

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. .

(Let this kalasha increase our life span, presence

of mind, intellect,wealth, strength and status, destroy
our sins and increase our merits or puNya)





(All the holy waters, and all the Gods are now
present in this kalasha. Our prostrations to this
puurNakumbha which is hence dear to Lord Hari)

|| ||
(Show mudras as you chant )

. (to remove poison)

. (to provide nectar - amrit)

. (to make auspicious)
. (to protect)

. (to remove mAyA)

(Pour drops of water from sha~Nkha on top of the bell
apply ga.ndha, flower)

(When the bell is rung, knowingly or unknowingly,
all the good spirits are summoned and all the evil
spirits are driven away)



(Ring the gha.nTA)

(pour water from kalasha to sha~Nkha

add ga.ndha flower)


( Sprinkle water from sha~Nkha on puja items and


(This shaNkha has now become like the pAnchajanya,
which has come out of the ocean and which is the
hands of Lord MahaviShNu. Our prostrations to the

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Shri Ganesha Puja

9|P age


( put tulasi leaves or axatAs in empty vessels)




( put tulasi leaves or axataas in vessels|
Panchamrit is nectar of five ingredients a mixture of milk, curds, clarified butter (ghee), honey and

| (keep milk in the centre)

| (curd facing east )

| (Ghee to the south)

| ( Honey to west )
| ( Sugar to



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(hold flowers/axata in hand)

Shri Ganesha Puja

10 | P a g e

| | |


|| ||
|| ||







) ||

Shri Ganesha Puja

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(offer the flowers, akSatas and prayers)



(repeat 15 times)
(Close eyes and bring Lord Ganesha's
image in your mind and chant)

(you can add more related shlokas)


Shri Ganesha Puja

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( hold flowers in hand)

(offer water)

(offer flowers to Lord)


(offer water)

(show mudras to Lord)



(offer flowers/axathaas)


(offer water or axathaa/ leave/flower)

Shri Ganesha Puja

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. .
(ghee bath)



.. (milk bath)


. . (curd bath)


. . (honey bath)

Shri Ganesha Puja

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. (Perfumed Oil bath)


. . (sugar bath)




. (To clean the body)


. (Sandalwood water




. (Hot water bath)

Shri Ganesha Puja

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. (Pure water bath)

sprinkle water all around

(after sprinkling water around throw one
tulasi leaf to the north)

(Sound the bell pour water from kalasha)

Shri Ganesha Puja

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(offer two pieces of cloth for the Lord)



| (repeat 12 times)











Shri Ganesha Puja

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Shri Ganesha Puja

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Shri Ganesha Puja

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The Lord of Success
The son of Shiva and Parvati, Ganesha has
an elephantine countenance with a curved
trunk and big ears, and a huge pot-bellied
body of a human being. He is the Lord of
success and destroyer of evils and obstacles.
He is also worshipped as the god of
education, knowledge, wisdom and wealth. In
fact, Ganesha is one of the five prime Hindu
deities (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Durga
being the other four) whose idolatry is glorified

as the panchayatana puja.

Significance of the Ganesha Form

Ganesha's head symbolizes the Atman or the

soul, which is the ultimate supreme reality of
human existence, and his human body
signifies Maya or the earthly existence of
human beings. The elephant head denotes
wisdom and its trunk represents OM, the
sound symbol of cosmic reality. In his upper
right hand Ganesha holds a goad, which
helps him propel mankind forward on the
eternal path and remove obstacles from the
way. The noose in Ganesha's left hand is a
gentle implement to capture all difficulties.
The broken tusk that Ganesha holds like a
pen in his lower right hand is a symbol of
sacrifice, which he broke for writing the

Shri Ganesha Puja

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Mahabharata. The rosary in his other hand

Purana: Shiva asked Parvati to observe

suggests that the pursuit of knowledge should

the punyaka vrata for a year to appease

be continuous. The laddoo (sweet) he holds in

Vishnu in order to have a son. When a son

his trunk indicates that one must discover the

was born to her, all the Gods and

sweetness of the Atman. His fan-like ears

Godesses assembled to rejoice on its birth.

convey that he is all ears to our petition. The

Lord Shani, the son of Surya (Sun-God), was

snake that runs round his waist represents

also present but he refused to look at the

energy in all forms. And he is humble enough

infant. Perturbed at this behaviour, Parvati

to ride the lowest of creatures, a mouse.

asked him the reason, and Shani replied that

How Ganesha Got His Head

his looking at baby would harm the newborn.

The story of the birth of Ganesha, as depicted

However, on Parvati's insistence when Shani

in the Shiva Purana, goes like this: Once

eyed the baby, the child's head was severed

goddess Parvati, while bathing, created a boy

instantly. All the gods started to bemoan,

out of the dirt of her body and assigned him

whereupon Vishnu hurried to the bank of river

the task of guarding the entrance to her

Pushpabhadra and brought back the head of

bathroom. When Shiva, her husband returned,

a young elephant, and joined it to the baby's

he was surprised to find a stranger denying

body, thus reviving it.

him access, and struck off the boy's head in

Ganesha, the Destroyer of Pride

rage. Parvati broke down in utter grief and to

Ganesha is also the destroyer of vanity,

soothe her, Shiva sent out his squad (gana)

selfishness and pride. He is the personification

to fetch the head of any sleeping being who

of material universe in all its various

was facing the north. The company found a

magnificent manifestations. "All Hindus worship

sleeping elephant and brought back its

Ganesha regardless of their sectarian belief,"

severed head, which was then attached to the

"He is both the beginning of the religion and

body of the boy. Shiva restored its life and

the meeting ground for all Hindus1."

made him the leader (pati) of his troops.

Hence his name 'Ganapati'. Shiva also
bestowed a boon that people would worship
him and invoke his name before undertaking
any venture.
However, there's another less popular story of
his origin, found in the Brahma Vaivarta



Shri Ganesha Puja

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(chant dhyAna shloka )

Shri Ganesha Puja

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Shri Ganesha Puja

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| ||

(dip finger in water and write a square and 'shrii'
mark inside the square. Place naivedya on 'shrii'|
remove lid and sprinkle water around the vessel;
place in each food item one washed tulsi leaf or
flower or akshata)

| (show mudras) ;

(Touch naivedya and chant 9 times)''

(sprinkle water around the naivedya)
! |
(request Lord to come for dinner)

(drop water from shankha)


Shri Ganesha Puja

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(cover face with cloth and chant gayatri mantra five

times or repeat 12 times







(let flow water from shankha)



(put tulsi / axathaa on a big fruit)



(put tulsi/akshata on fruits)




Shri Ganesha Puja

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// 2 //




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// 3 //

, , , .

, ..


, , ,


, .
, ,

, ..

, ,

, .


, ,



// //

: /

// 1 //

// //

| ||


(Try doing 21 namaskaaram chanting
21 names of mahaganapathi from ashhTottara;
Caution: See that you are medically fit for this
exertion; do not over exert under any

Shri Ganesha Puja

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Shri Ganesha Puja

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(make three rounds of shankha with

water like arati and pour down; chant 9 times

and show mudras)




(offering arghya by those who fasted and those who
came late or those like ladies of the house who
could not participate in the puujas because of other
works, can now get full merit by offering arghya
which is equivalent to whole puuja.



Shri Ganesha Puja

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Shri Ganesha Puja

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, , |





(shake the kalasha)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Puja Text Sri S.A.Bhandarkar
Transliterated by Sowmya Ramkumar
Send corrections to
Last updated on Sep 8, 2013

Shri Ganesha Puja

30 | P a g e

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