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JMU Elementary Education Program

Long Division with Decimals/Computation
What pre-assessment did you do that tells you the students readiness and/or interests?
For my SMART Goal activity I asked the children questions about their
previous dispositions and memories of mathematics in their elementary
schooling. Many of the students responded that they enjoyed division
and multiplication and also stated that if mathematics were applicable to
their everyday lives, their attitude would be more positive. The children
in my fifth grade classroom are interested in making math relevant to
their everyday lives, so introducing the economy to them seems to fit
into the students needs.
Why is this an appropriate activity for these students at this time? How does this lesson fit in
the curriculum sequence (consider vertical and horizontal planning)?
This is an appropriate activity for these students at this time because they
are currently studying a lot of number theory and estimation. Students
have been introduced to long division with decimals and low remainders.
They have developed strategies for computation and are doing well.
They have been working with decimals in computation regarding
addition and subtraction. Place value is something that the students
understand very well.
Vertical Planning: This lesson fits in perfectly with what the students
have learned in fourth grade and what they will learn in sixth grade. In
fourth grade, the students have covered the concepts of estimation of
sums, as well as are comfortable with dividing whole numbers and
finding quotients with and without remainders. In sixth grade, students
will begin to develop understanding of the relationships between
fractions, decimals, and percents as ratios.
Horizontal Planning: Students will be learning about the Government
and the economy, so this lesson involving the stock market and
computation with long division and decimals will be a good application
of mathematics into everyday life. The students have mastered number
theory and are moving into computation. Ms. Urban will be introducing
long division before I teach a lesson about long division with decimals.
How does this lesson fit with what you know about child development (developmentally
appropriate practice and learning progressions)? The students in Ms. Urbans fifth grade
classroom are all developing according to Piaget, on a concrete operational level. This means that
they can think logically about objects and events and have also achieved the milestone of
conservation of number. Students have also mastered concrete experiences and estimation, which
according to Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, is needed to build a strong understanding
of division of decimals.
VA SOL-5th Grade Computation:
5.5 The student will
a) find the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two numbers expressed as decimals

through thousandths

Process Standard:
Communication: All students must communicate their thinking coherently and clearly to
peers, teachers, etc.
Connections: All students should understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and
build on one another to produce a coherent whole. All students should recognize and
apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics.
Cross Curricular Standard:
5.1 The student will listen, draw conclusions, and share responses in subject-related
group learning activities.
a) Participate in and contribute to discussions across content areas.
b) Organize information to present in reports of group activities.
c) Summarize information gathered in group activities.
d) Communicate new ideas to others.
e) Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with diverse teams.
f) Demonstrate the ability to work independently.
Understand what are the broad
generalizations/concepts the
students should begin to develop?
(These are typically difficult to
assess in one lesson.)
The students will
U1: Understand the relationship
between division and
multiplication using a variety of
techniques such as estimation and
the connection with whole number
division. The relationship between
multiplication and division is that
multiplication involves equal or
constant parts to make a whole or
ratio, and division is when you
separate the whole to make equal
parts of the ratio.
U2: Estimation can be a valuable
tool for guessing the correct value
of an answer.


Know what are the tools,

vocabulary, symbols, etc. the
students will gain through this
lesson? (These knows must be
assessed in your lesson.)
The students will

Do what are the specific

thinking behaviors/procedures
students will be able to do
through this lesson? (These will
also be assessed in your lesson.)
The students will

K1: The definition of a quotient,

divisor, and remainder.
K2: Estimation is an important
element in the problem-solving

D1: Estimate the answer of a

division problem using a concrete
D2: Determine the quotient,
given a dividend expressed as a
decimal through thousandths and
a single-digit divisor.
D3: Explain their thinking about
the relationship of estimation and
long division.
D4: Use familiar procedures as
those developmentally
appropriate for whole number
computation and apply them to
decimal place values.

How will you assess student learning of the objectives? What type of assessment will you use
and why?
Remember every objective must be assessed for every student!

Assessment Tool
What documentation will you have for each

Data Collected
What will your students do and say,
specifically, that indicate each student has
achieved your objectives?

U1: Understand the relationship

between division and multiplication
using a variety of techniques such
as estimation and the connection
with whole number division.
U2: Estimation can be a valuable
tool for guessing the correct value
of an answer.

U1: Class discussion and

observation will be my tools used to
assessment. This is a broad
objective, however, when talking as
a class, it will be noted if the class
as a whole understands.
U2: Observation as well as
interactions with students will give
me a better idea if estimation is a
topic that the students feel
comfortable with or not.
K1: Observation as well as
classroom discussion will be my
modes of assessment for if my
students know what the definition is
for quotient, divisor, and remainder.

My students will say, I can check

my answer using multiplication!
They might also say, If I can
multiply to check my answer, let
me see if I can go back and solve it
another way. Or, Estimation
gives me around the right answer.
My students will have on their
sheets their estimation guesses and
it will be close to the correct
My students will correctly give the
definition of a quotient, divisor,
and remainder after talking with
their tables. I will record on the
SMART Board their responses.

D1: The students will estimate the

answer to a problem presented in
the Powerpoint and record it on a
scrap sheet of paper. I will walk
around the room to see how the
students are doing, if there are vast
differences, I will collect the scrap
sheets of paper to revise my lesson
plan for the next time.
D2: The student will correctly
determine the quotient on a scrap
sheet of paper. This will require me
to observe and monitor the students.
D3: The students will discuss with
their table groups the difference
between their estimated answer and
the correct answer.
D4: The students will use
estimation and multiplication to
solve for the correct answer. I will
assess this using monitoring,
observation, as well as collecting
the sheet of data that the students
will be working on.

My students will estimate their

answer to the problem presented
and share with their group. If it is
not correct it should be discussed as
a group first, then brought to the

K1: The definition of a quotient,

divisor, and remainder.

D1: Estimate the answer of a

division problem using a concrete
D2: Determine the quotient, given a
dividend expressed as a decimal
through thousandths and a singledigit divisor.
D3: Explain their thinking about
the relationship of estimation and
long division.
D4: Use familiar procedures as
those developmentally appropriate
for whole number computation and
apply them to decimal place values.

** For discussion and observation

documentation see attached
monitoring chart. I will also keep
anecdotal notes to remind me how

My students will use correct

terminology and accurately prove
why the right answer is correct.

My students will say, The

estimated one is very close to the
actual answer. They will also say
how they could relate division back
to estimation and go backwards in
their thinking. When explaining,
students should use correct
My students will estimate first,
share with others what they got as
their answer, then come together as
a class and discuss. Then, my
students will begin working on a
long division problem and use
multiplication to solve for what

the students are doing throughout

my lesson. I will walk around the
room and also conference with
students who seem to be confused
or off-task.

number will go into the divisor the

most amount of times.

Monitoring Checklist:
Student #




Student Actively
Engaged in


Estimation and


Student is
on Task

Student is
well with







PowerPoint of detailed instructions and example problems of long division with decimals.
Pens/Markers for every student
Practice Worksheet
White Board & Marker for Estimation
Entrance Ticket
Monitoring Checklist



Task 1: The students will make a quick poster as a class about what they know about long
division and operations with decimals, therefore to activate prior knowledge.
Task 2: The students will actively listen and question when introducing long division with
decimals as an estimation task.
Task 3: The students will be given a problem on the SMART Board and they will work out as a
group their answer based on estimation without computation/the standard algorithm.
Task 4: The students will complete a worksheet with 3 problems using long division of decimals.
Task 5: Students will estimate with a marker on top of the paper before solving the three word

Problem 1: 195.6 10
Problem 2: 37.45 8
Problem 3: 64.75 3
Anticipate students strategies and mistakes as they work on the task(s) in the lessons.

Students will estimate too high or too low.

Students may not even understand where to start.
Students will put the decimal place in the wrong place value.
Students will solve as multiplication and not division.
Students will not solve in the right order.
Students will forget to carry down the zero.
After solving, students will put the decimal in the wrong place.
Students will not understand what the decimal means.

Students may not multiply to get the highest number of groups of the divisor into the
Students may most bring the decimal up for the first step.

What valid strategies might students use? What mistakes would make sense and indicate a
misconception? Be specific.

Students might try to solve without regarding the decimal place.

Students might try to multiply to solve.
Students will put the decimal into fraction form.
Students solving and putting the decimal in the wrong place will have the misconception
about place value and would need remedial work on the place value.
Students not solving in the right order show that they do not understand the standard
algorithm and need help with long division before going further with decimals.
Students who use their estimates to help with the right answer have a good conception about
how decimals and long division work and how estimating and long division are related.
Students will bring the decimal up, but then when multiplying the dividend into the divisor
multiply incorrectly (too much or too little)
Students will incorrectly solve for the quotient and its remainder.

Important to Note:
Students may need support when completing these tasks because of their various levels on the
representation and problem solving learning progression. I will have base ten blocks as well as scrap
sheets of paper for students to use if they need to direct model, or draw out representations to make sense
of the mathematics used for estimation and long division with decimals.
In order for students to help them focus on understanding their strategies for long division and connecting
estimation, students will have a scrap sheet of paper. I will also record their understanding on an exit
ticket given to them to see what they understood from connecting estimation, long division with decimals,
and multiplication.
Include a DETAILED description of each step, including how you will get the students attention,
your introduction of the activity, the directions you will give students, the questions you will ask, and
appropriate closure. Write exactly what you will SAY and DO. Think of this as a script.


Before: I will have the entrance ticket on their desks when students come in for the beginning of the
school day. They will work on this while the bell rings.
Engagement: My students will have just come back from specials, so at this time they will be
sitting down at their desks waiting for the next direction. I will have a slide on the SMART Board
that states, Welcome Back! Please have on your desk your entrance ticket, a highlighter, a pencil,
and a scrap sheet of notebook paper. Continue working on your entrance ticket if you have not
completed it. After that you may work on multiplication and division flash cards to work on your
facts! Get excited for a fantastic lesson! Once most of the students are finished with their entrance
ticket, I will address the class, Class, Class? and they will respond, Yes, Yes? And their
attention will be on me. I am activating prior knowledge using the entrance ticket because it will
connect to students experiences with estimation. After the entrance ticket is completed, I will pull
up the Powerpoint I have prepared for the students that has another introduction slide. This slide

will include an overview of what we are going to be going over during my lesson, therefore,
establishing clear expectations and providing opportunities for students to ask questions if they
need to clarify any understanding questions. Discussion about the entrance ticket will include a
brief review of division with decimals and strategies that might be used to problem solve.
**See Entrance Ticket Below
My PowerPoint will include three specific problems for computation. I will present the students
with a problem that they will first estimate what they think the answer is as a table on a whiteboard.
Then, once they have estimated on their own I will have them talk to their groups about if they
agreed or disagree. I will monitor my students my walking around and listening to their
mathematical conversation about how they rounded/estimated. The next step will be to work
through the problem using long division on the SMART Board as a class. This will provide
appropriate support to those students who may not understand long division with decimals. If I
have students who have come to the answer quickly and accurately I will ask questions such as
What if the decimal place was not there? and How could we make a problem similar to this
regarding place value? How did estimation help you know if your answer was correct? This will
help me notice childrens mathematical thinking and let go and watch my students work. After the
first problem is completed, we will repeat this process two more times. I will have the students
estimate, then group talk, then discuss as a class and complete the problem together. I will
continuously monitor my students as they are estimating, because this is an important process, but I
will also have a few other problems for my students to complete where I will walk around and
monitor as well as collect their work as evidence of different student strategies. After the students
have problem solved through the three problems on the Powerpoint, I will pass out a worksheet for
the students to have independent time to work through. *See attached. I will collect this worksheet
for an informal assessment of how the students individually are working through long division with
decimals and therefore see which students are on target, need support, and are thinking critically.
After we have completed the PowerPoint problems that have been modeled for them, I will hand
out a worksheet with three more problems including long division and decimals. Before they begin,
we will engage together, discussing different strategies students used as well as formalize the main
ideas of the lesson and highlight connections between estimation and multiplication as it relates to
long division. I will listen actively without evaluation when students are explaining their
mathematical reasoning. Creating a community of learners will happen using the 3 practices for
orchestrating productive mathematics discussions. I will select students whose estimation and
actual answer match up correctly. I will also select students who may have made a mistake in their
multiplication to get to the answer to come and explain their thinking. I will have the students who
may have made a multiplication error to go first and explain all of their steps so that they can talk
through their thinking and hopefully catch their errors. From there, I will have students who
estimated correctly and got the correct answer explain their thinking and I will make sure that their
classmates understand how the estimation was related to their final answer by asking questions
such as Could you explain that a little further for me? Would this method always work? Does
everyone understand how ____ got the answer? After sequencing the students to share their work
with the class, I will have time for last minute questions. If students solve the problem a bunch of
different ways I could possibly create a chart to post in the classroom for students to reference if
they complete problems like this again. In order to keep all students engaged during this recording
of different strategies I will have the students brainstorm in their groups and then have students
come back together and I will ask each table group for strategies that they used. My students are
used to this strategy, therefore they will be attentive and listen to each when sharing different
strategies. After discussing, I will have the students work independently on their worksheet until it
is time for snack.

Describe how you plan to meet the needs of all students in your classroom with varied interests and
readiness levels by completing ONE of the six boxes below for each day. You may choose the same
box for each day. Use the learning progressions to support your decisions. Include a specific
differentiation plan for each day.
This connects to your During Phase Actions: providing support and extensions.





Many of my students are

familiar with long division and
decimals, so the content
portion is not what is going to
be different. I will differentiate
the needs of my students
during the process of
completing my lesson. I will
have my students work
independently, then as a
group, then as a class. Because
some of my students begin to
get off task when it is time for
math, I will grab their
attention in the beginning by
drawing them into with a
cross-curricular standard that
they will understand and be
able to connect for themselves
to a recent field trip. Because I
am having the students
estimate first by themselves,
then discuss as a group, this
will allow the needs of all my
students to be met during the
process of my lesson.


Differentiation Plan:
Because all of my students are very on-level with mathematics and computation, I will specifically
differentiate for the gifted students in my classroom. There are five students in the class that are classified
as gifted, so in order to make this lesson challenging for them I will have to change the process of how I
teach this lesson. In order to challenge these specific students, I will give them a different worksheet after
completing the group work from the PowerPoint. This worksheet will have problems that still involve the
concept of long division, however, these problems will include dividend in the thousands place. My gifted

students are excelling on the high end of all learning progressions and my teaching and enriching them
will meet them on their level.


The students could not work well together in their groups.

The students could call out during the lessons instead of focusing in on the presentation.
The students could be having an off day and not understand the concepts I am trying to teach
The students could be resistant to my directions and not want to estimate or use correct

If any of these happen to come up I will remain calm. If students do not work well together in their
groups, I will ask one student from another group to switch with the member who is not working well
together. If students call out, I will use the scoreboard Ms. Urban has in her classroom to give myself
a point and this will work because the students really respect the scoreboard. If the students do not
understand the concepts I am trying to teach them, I will attend to that individual student and work
with them one and one while the class is working in their groups to check for their conceptual
understanding. If the students are resistant to my directions and choose to not estimate or use the
correct methods, I will address the class using the catch and release method so that the class
understands my expectations and those students who are off task can model after the students paying
close attention.

Name: ___________________________________________________
1. Find the PRODUCT: 23.4 X 4.5

2. Divide 15.5 by 4. Show all work!

3. ESTIMATE the quotient: 39.8 divided by 2.

4. Round each of these numbers to the nearest TENTH.

5. Ms. Green went shopping this Saturday in Washington, D.C. She had a budget of $25.75. She spent
$4.78 at Nike, $5.60 at CVS, and $23.89 at Under Armor. How much money did she spend? Did she stay
under her budget?

What are they TELLING me? What are they ASKING me? What OPERATIONS will I use?


Mental Math:




Name: __________________________
Exit Ticket
Solve the problem using Long Division:
34.7 divided by 5.

(Use Estimation First!) Estimate: __________________

Show your work!

Answer: _________________

How does your actual answer relate to estimation?

How does multiplication relate to division?

Do you have any more questions about long division with decimals?


Lesson Implementation Reflection & Assessment Analysis (Part 5 of the Lesson Planning Project)
As soon as possible after teaching your lesson, think about the experience. Use the
questions/prompts below to guide your thinking. Be thorough in your reflection and use specific
examples to support your insights.
1. What actually happened in your lesson? Cite examples of dialogue or student work. How did your
actual teaching of the lessons differ from your plans? Describe the changes and explain why you
made them.
2. Analyze your assessment data.
a. Sort your assessment data based on where students lie in the continuum to mastery of the
learning objectives. Which students have mastered the learning objectives? Which
students are approaching mastery? Which students have similar misconceptions? Look
for patterns among student responses that demonstrate particular areas of need. Use the
content and/or process learning progressions that fit your learning objectives to help you.
b. Describe overall what the analysis of assessment data reveals to you about students
understanding, knowledge, and skills relative to the learning objectives.
c. Describe instructional groups that emerge from your analysis. For each group, include the
following information:
Pattern Groups Avoid general names such as, advanced, on-target, few
holes, struggling; strive for content-specific names such as Ready to Make
Generalizeable Arguments, Direct Modeling, or ____ Calculation Error
Distinguishing characteristics of each group (be more specific that you were in
section 2b)
Sample responses from each group
Number of students in each group
3. Analyze your teaching strategies.
a. Based on your assessment data, how effective were your teaching strategies for helping
students meet the learning objectives? Justify your analysis using the assessment data.
b. Describe at least one way you could incorporate developmentally appropriate practice in
a better or more thorough way if you were to teach this lesson again.
c. Use these reflections and your teaching experience to revise your lesson plan. Highlight
the revisions and include the revised lesson plan in your Part 5.
4. Based on your analysis of assessment data and teaching strategies, write a lesson plan for the
next day using the ELED 433 lesson plan format. You may have the same, similar, or different
learning objectives. Be sure that your During Phase includes a small-group activity for each
group described in section 2c. This will also be your differentiation plan based on readiness.
These small group activities should be structured to help diverse groups of students
achieve the same UKDs with appropriate degrees of support and challenge,
correct the misconceptions revealed by the assessment, and
feel involved in equally respectful tasks.
5. As a result of planning, teaching, and analyzing this lesson, what have you learned or had
reinforced about young children as learners of mathematics?

6. As a result of planning, teaching, and analyzing this lesson, what have you learned or had
reinforced about teaching?
7. As a result of planning, teaching, and analyzing this lesson, what have you learned or had
reinforced about yourself?
8. How did your experience planning, teaching, and reflecting on this lesson impact your progress
toward your S.M.A.R.T. goal?
9. How did your experience planning, teaching, and reflecting on this lesson compare to your
mathematics timeline reflection?

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