Lesson Plan Template: Essential Question

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Jacob Cortez Grade Level: 7th Grade

Target Content/Lesson Topic: Multiplying Fractions to Find Probability Date: 03/30/2021

Essential Question Can the students collect data to find the probability outcome?
What is the essential question that this
lesson addresses? What is the core Can the students accurately comprehend the probability of a chance event in written form?
purpose of the lesson that includes the
strategies and skills necessary to
accomplish the deeper learning in the
standard? How does this lesson fit into
the larger unit of study?
State Learning Standards CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.SP.C.6 – Approximate the probability of a chance event by collecting data on the
Identify relevant grade level standards chance process that produces it and observing its long-run relative frequency, and predict the approximate
and Learning Outcomes from the State relative frequency given the probability.
Content Learning Standards, Common
Core Standards, and school learning
Learning Targets/Objectives The students will construct products of chance events in probability.
What should the students know or be
able to do after the instruction? Use a The students will complete a problem to its outcome by collecting data on the chance process that produces it.
common format with a measurable verb
that matches the cognitive domain The students will be able to rewrite the language of chance events in written form into fractions.
standard. This should be a small piece of
the standard stated in measurable
Grouping Grouping- Students will be grouped by three or four. This allows the students to work as a team for our turn
Describe how and why students will be and talk strategy.
divided into groups, if applicable
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random /
based on ability, interest, social
purposes, etc.) Co-Teaching Strategy- N/A
Co-Teaching Strategy

Differentiation  This lesson will differentiate for students that may feel overwhelmed by the content. Probability can

September 1, 2020
Respond to your students’ needs and be a very confusing subject for some, if not most, seventh grade students. In the worksheet I have
adjust the content, process, product, supplied, the correct answers are coyly given to the students, taking the form of one of many directions
and/or environment to reach individual they could take in the maze to reach the end.
learners based on their readiness,  This will help the students determine the right answer, much like a multiple-choice question would.
interests, and learning preferences
The students could refer to numerator and denominator of each direction to help define the correct
(Tomlinson, 2014). Discuss planned
supports here. path to take.
Formative Assessment Formative assessment will be measured by how the students explain their rewritten version of the written
How will you monitor student learning chance event. They should explain which numbers are the numerators or denominators, as well as explain
throughout the lesson? Be specific how to correctly multiply and simplify the product fraction.
about how your chosen assessments
connect with the objectives above.
Does your formative assessment
have/need evaluation criteria? If so,
attach a copy of your evaluation criteria.
Summative Assessment Summative assessment will be measured through an exit slip that the students will hand in before they leave
How will students demonstrate mastery class. Its purpose is to give feedback on what the students are understanding, or what they are struggling with
of the standard? Note: This assessment in the material or how to comprehend the language of the chance event and its probability.
does not have to occur during/after this
lesson but in upcoming lessons. Evaluation Criteria: Students should be able to accurately state which numbers are the numerators or
Evaluation Criteria denominators. They should also be able to explain which numbers to multiply together and how to simplify
What material(s) will you use to
the final fraction.
evaluate learning? Please attach a copy
of your checklist, rubric, observation
criteria, or other measure.
Procedures (Teacher[s] will…, Students will…)
Describe the presentation of the overall  At the beginning of class, student will already have prior knowledge about turning probability
lesson. problems into fraction form. In this lesson, the students will learn how to compute compound
Introduction and Connection to probability by multiplying two fractions to find the probability of two or more occurrences.
Previous Learning  In preparation for this, the teacher will state this to the students and will quickly run a brief warm-up
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) lesson about multiplying two fractions on the classroom chalkboard/smartboard.
● Activate prior knowledge.  The teacher will show how when you multiply two fractions, you must multiply the two numerators to
● Be sure students understand make the product numerator and multiply the two denominators to make the product denominator.
procedures and instructions for
After the product numerator and denominator have been determined, the teacher will explain how to
● Establish clear expectations. simplify the fraction, if able to; They must also state that the final form of the fraction MUST be in
● Model concept simplest form.

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The Introduction, During, and Wrap-up
groupings/ instruction/ lesson
progression might look different!
During (Lesson Progression)  The teacher will split the students into groups of three or four.
In this portion of the lesson, you will be  The teacher will then hand out a Probability Maze Worksheet filled with word problems that have to
letting go and letting students engage in do with compound probability. These problems are meant to challenge the students understanding of
productive struggle; engaging in gradual how the probability of the scenarios in the problems are played out.
release, inquiry, or other learning  Once the designated start problem is solved to its outcome, the student must take the appropriate path
methods. Please write what you are
with the correct answer to the next problem. This process will continue until they arrive at the
looking for in terms of:
● Students’ thinking and how they designated end of the maze. These instructions will be given to the students, and that the entire class
will start the lesson will work together on the first three or four problems. After that point, the students are expected to
● Provide appropriate support finish the maze on their own.
(not explaining how to do it)  The teacher will ask for a volunteer student to read off the starting word problem. The teacher will
● Provide worthwhile extensions. restate the important numbers of the problem and ask the student groups to take a minute or two to
● Provide opportunities for “Turn and Talk” about how the numbers work in the probability event taking place.
students to engage in using the  The students will then turn to their groups and talk about the relationship between the numbers and
academic language. the procedure of the problem. The students should be referring to the lesson from the warm-up at the
This is where you will be suggesting or
beginning of class: creating fractions from probability and multiplying fractions.
modeling specific strategies and
helping students choose which strategy  The teacher will bring the class back together, as the students should have been able to at least have
makes sense to them. However, you the concept of how to get the outcome they need. The teacher will then call for a group to share what
must make sure ideas come from they discussed. A student group will share what they discussed, and the teacher will write out the
students. approach they used on a chalkboard/smartboard for the class to see.
 The teacher will then ask the whole class if the other groups had the same approach. This prevents the
teacher from alerting the first group that their approach was wrong. It also allows for students to hear
from other groups if they had other approaches.
 Eventually, the appropriate outcome will be found, and the class will move on to the next designated
problem based on which direction the correct outcome points to.
 The teacher will ask another volunteer t to read the problem and the process repeats itself like before;
the teacher will write down the important numbers and the students will turn and talk about it.
 At the start of the third problem, the teacher will not write down the important numbers, but will
allow the students to think for themselves on what they are. The process will continue as usual beside
that change for at least one more problem, if needed.
 At this point, the students will start to notice the patterns of the number relationships of how the
fractions are formed from the probability. And by the end of the first three, or four, problems solved
together, the students are asked to work with their groups on the rest of the worksheet.
Wrap-Up and Extension  With the students still working on the rest of the worksheets, the teacher will pass out an exit slip for

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This is where you have students talk the students to fill out before they leave. On the exit slip will be two different spaces to write in. One
about their thinking and share strategies space is for solving another word problem involving compound probability, while the other is meant
with the whole class. It’s important to for writing a small sentence or question about anything they are struggling with.
name strategies and use academic  The students have the option to fill either one, or both spaces, if they choose to do so.
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to
broader ideas.  The purpose for this exit slip is to give the teacher feedback on what the students are understanding,
● Promote a community of or what they are struggling with in the material or how to comprehend the language of the chance
learners event and its probability.
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating or
telling them how you would do
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be able
to solve using the thinking you have
Instructional Materials, Worksheet- Compound Probability Maze (Attached Below)
Equipment and Technology Chalkboard/Smartboard
Attach a copy of ALL materials the Exit Slip for the End of Class
teacher and students will use during the
lesson; e.g., handouts, questions to
answer, overheads, PowerPoint slides,
worksheets. List equipment or
technology that needs to be available.

September 1, 2020
From: Brainly.com User: sarasejenielsen

September 1, 2020

September 1, 2020

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