Care Sheet Dubia Cockroach

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Care of the Dubia Cockroach as a Pet

(Blaptica dubia)

Dubia cockroaches are great as a pet or live food (see other side).
This cockroach broods its eggs in a pouch and so appears to give
birth to live nymphs. It takes 4 or 5 months for a nymph to reach
adulthood. Adult males live a further 9 months and females for
about 15 months.


House a colony of up to 60 individuals in a glass or plastic tank, or a
clear plastic storage tub which is about 40cm long, 30cm wide and
30cm high. This tank will need to grow with your colony. These guys
love logs to climb on, leaf litter from non-poisonous deciduous trees
(I use sycamore) on a cocoa fibre base mixed with humus and/or

Basic Care

The Dubia Cockroach needs a temperature of 25C-30C. You can
use a heatpad underneath or along the side of the tank. My personal
favourite for larger colonies is a 40W lightbulb attached to the top
of the tank. They need to be sprayed with tap water every day to
keep the cocoa fibre damp (but not wet).


These guys will eat a range of different fruit, vegetables and roach
chow. Feed on vegetables that have been thoroughly washed under
the tap to remove pesticides. You can also feed on different roach
chows, like my own. These guys especially love oranges and butternut
squash oranges promote breeding.

Ben Broad 2014

Care of the Dubia Cockroach as Live Food

(Blaptica dubia)
Dubia cockroaches are great as live food or a pet (see other side).
This cockroach broods its eggs in a pouch and so appears to give
birth to live nymphs. It takes 4 or 5 months for a nymph to reach
adulthood. Adult males live a further 9 months and females for
about 15 months.


House a colony in a plastic storage tub containing vertical egg trays.
The storage tub will be 35cm wide, 50cm long and 35cm high at a
minimum. The cockroaches will live in egg trays and their frass (poo)
will fall down to aid cleaning (every couple of months).

Basic Care

The Dubia Cockroach needs a temperature of 25C-30C. You can
use a heatpad in the tank underneath the egg trays.


These guys will eat a range of different fruit, vegetables and roach
chow. Feed on a high protein / high nutrient gut load roach chow like
my own, along with vegetables that have been thoroughly washed
under the tap to remove pesticides. These guys especially love
oranges and butternut squash oranges promote breeding.

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