3rd Newsletter

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Our Lady of Good Counsel Church

8616 N. Dixie Drive

Dayton, OH 45414

Our Lady of Good Counsel Church

8616 North Dixie Drive Dayton, OH 45414
August 2014


[email protected]

Dear friends and benefactors,


Since the last newsletter we had sent

you, a couple of events have taken place
here in Our Lady of Good Counsel
Church. In April, not only were we
privileged to have Mass on Easter
Sunday, but we also celebrated the first
anniversary of our churchs blessing the
following week. To commemorate these
feasts, we had the usual potluck, outdoor
games for the children and a poem
recitation for entertainment, a little
something which, we hope, will
become a tradition. In June, we also had
a talk by Ms. Jade Liboro about Our
Lady of Good Success and her convent
in Quito, Ecuador. Despite the occurring
brownout that hindered the flow of the
talk and the use of the slideshow, Ms.
Jade Liboro was able to speak with
much gusto about Our Ladys
prophecies and about Mother Mariana,
to whom she had appeared. Besides
Easter Mass and the one
commemorating the feast of Our Lady
of Good Counsel, we have been lucky to
have monthly Masses consistently for
the first half of the year. Please pray that by Gods grace, we can actually have a regular Sunday
Mass perhaps sooner than we expect. Only your prayers and sacrifices can make this possible.
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Dayton

What did Genazzano have which impelled Our Lady of Good Counsel to choose it? Originally a gift
of Constantine to the Church, Genazzano became the site where Pope Mark built the first known
church dedicated to Our Lady of Good Counsel. Yet ironically, its earlier history was far from the
ideal: like Rome, Genazzano was immersed in moral corruption, in worldly pleasures and
paganism. As the Empire fell not only into the hands of the barbarians but also by the gravity of their
own sinfulness, the invaders were, in turn, conquered by the Cross of Christ. However, despite the
growth of Christendom throughout the Empire, the church of the Mother of Good Counsel was
eventually abandoned. Later on, Pietro Giordan of the Colonna family, who wasentrusted with
protecting and maintaing the Church of Good Counsel,gave it to the care of the Hermits of Saint
Augustine. Such act caused a spiritual renewal. The Third Order of Saint Augustine was founded,
whose membership included a large number of Genazzanos inhabitants and one very pious woman
named Petruccia de Nocera.
Some had said that it was the virtue of Petruccia which had attracted the image of Our Lady of Good
Counsel. A holy widow, Petruccia de Nocera belonged to the Third Order of Saint Augustine and
had an outstanding devotion to the Mother of Good Counsel. Her husband was a caretaker for the
Augustinians and left her a small inheritance sufficient only for her to lead a modest life. Pleased
with her holiness and virtuous life, Our Lady appointed her to build the church for the image. She
did so at once, obedient to the commands of Our Lady. Yet, she suffered from the scorn and
mockery of the people as soon as her money ran out.
The Appearance of the Image
The story of Our Lady of Good Counsel continued:
From Albania to Italy
After detaching itself from the wall, the fresco of Our Lady of Good Counsel began to move towards
the door and then out towards the sea. De Sclavis and Georgio, followed the image for miles and,
thanks to the patronage of Our Lady, did not suffer from hunger and pain. Miraculously, they walked
over the Adriatic Sea, as it was transformed into solid diamonds under each footstep, then became
liquid once again as their feet left the surface. Under the leadership and protection of Our Lady, the
two faithful soldiers reached the coast of Italy, having covered approximately 190 miles! Joyful for
their successful journey, that same happiness turned into anxiety since the image of Our Lady
quickly vanished from their sight. De Sclavis and Georgio painstakingly looked everywhere, yet to
no avail. What the two soldiers did not know was that Our Lady, through the will of the Divine
Providence, chose a little town named Genazzano as her new home. It would be here where they
would meet her once again, on the day of her apparition.

Such laughter was silenced at once on the day the image of Our Lady appeared. There was a joyful
fair that day in Genazzano. As it was wrapping up, people heard high in the clear atmosphere of
their country, strains of celestial harmony. Soon, far above the high houses, above the church
spires and the lofty castle turrets, they beheld a beautiful white cloud, darting forth vivid rays of light
in every direction which rested on the unfinished wall of Saint Biagio. Gradually the rays of light
seized to dart, the cloud began to clear gently away, and then, to their astonishment, there remained
disclosed a most beautiful object. It was an image of Our Lady, holding the Divine Child Jesus in
her arms Those who were not present, alerted by the unusual sound of the church bells, rushed to
the spot, shocked to see the image of Our Lady suspended in the air. People prayed all night, grateful
to the Virgin Mother of Good Counsel, who thus had honoured their land. (The Mother of Good
Counsel of Genazzano by Joao S. Cla Dias)
The parish meets every Tuesday at 6:00 pm for Rosary and potluck, with the last Tuesday of the month reserved for Mass
at 6:30 pm. Confessions are held before each Mass. Please check the website at www.ourladyofgoodcounselchurch.net or
call the chapel for changes. Additional Masses are announced by phone tree and email. If you wish to be notified of the
Masses and other parish events, please contact us at 937-890-2111.

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