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The Road to the Revolution:

how the Colonists went from being British to being bloodthirsty

by Bailey Brammer and Keegan Koch

When the colonists arrived in the New World in the 1600's, they created selfrun governments because Britain decided to let them rule themselves. This was
known as "salutary neglect," and the colonists lived happily under these ideas
for many years.

Life was good in the colonies. The British colonists had families and farmed
crops such as tobacco and sugar. However, life was about to change and war
was about to erupt in the New World. With the arrival of the French, conflicts
began. The French were only interested in trading fur and the British decided
the French did not belong in their territory, particularly the Ohio River Valley.

When the British declared war on the French, the colonists decided to help
the British soldiers. The French teamed up with the Indians and they all
fought for seven years because they both wanted control of the Ohio River
Valley. During the war, the British began to ask the colonist to give them more
money to fight the war and this made the colonists very mad.

When the war was over and the French got

kicked out of America, the British did not
stop making the colonists pay.

The British decided to stop the colonists from

traveling to new places in the New World and this
made the colonists furious. They decided to rebel
against the British, because they were upset over
having to pay for a war they did not even want to be
a part of.

Eventually, Britain and the colonists got so angry at one another that rebellions
started happening, such as the Boston Tea Party. Soon after, the Revolutionary
War began, because the colonists were determined to fight for their freedom.

About the

Keegan and Bailey are juniors at Sandra Day

O'Connor High School. They are part of the
Academy of American Studies and they love
history. Keegan is on the swim team and
Bailey is on the track team. Someday, Keegan
hopes to be in the Air Force and Bailey hopes
to be a writer. Their favorite teacher is Mrs.

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