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Events of

the Civil War

by Bailey Brammer, Keegan Koch and Colby Wyatt

Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter was a harbor in South
Lincoln's strategy at Fort Sumter was to
supply the fort but to avoid attacking the
On April 12, 1861 Confederates fired on
Fort Sumter and the Civil War began.
The Confederacy ultimately claimed
victory at Ft. Sumter, but the North
benefited "om this because they did not
"start" the war.

- Keegan

The Use of Executive Power

Lincoln ca$ed for troops a%er the attack on Fort Sumter,
and the war began.
Lincoln oered little explanation for his actions without
Congressional approval, but he did state that he needed to
"speed-ro$" his agenda, which he could not do while
waiting for Congress.


Secession of the Upper South

Seven states seceded before the
fa$ of Ft. Sumter and four
states seceded a%er Ft. Sumter.


Some citizens were angered by

the treatment of the innocent
soldiers at the fort, and
therefore, some of the border
states took longer to decide
whether or not to secede.

Keeping the Border States

Delaware, Maryland, Missouri and Kentucky were a$
considered "border states" which meant that they were on the
border between helping the North or helping the South.
Lincoln made sure the South fired first so the North did not
seem like the main a'ressor. Also, Lincoln stated again and
again that the goal of the war was not to "ee the slaves.
If the border states had seceded, the Union would have lost the


Wartime Advantages/Disadvantages


Military: The south was fighting a

defensive war, and Southern soldiers
and generals were better trained

Military: Northerners were not as

ski$ed when it came to war, and had
a harder time finding generals.

Economic: The blockade cut o the

South's foreign connections.

Economic: The North prospered

during the war because of their
newfound foreign relations.

Political: The Confederate states had

to build a whole new government
when they seceded.

Political: Lincoln contro$ed the

government and steam-ro$ed his


The First Battle of Bull Run

The Confederates were considered the victors of the First Battle of a
Bu$ Run, because Confederate reinforcements arrived and Union
troops fled to Washington.
The psychological eects of the war on the South made the
Confederates too cocky, and in turn they grew sloppy in their
The psychological eects of the war on the North gave Lincoln a
plan to reorganize his troops and gave the North a cause to fight for.


Union War Strategy

Winfield Scott came up with a plan
ca$ed "the Anaconda Plan" to crush
the rebe$ion.
They kept a naval blockade on the
coast to stop southern trade.
The North's second goal was to
control the Mississippi River and the
Border states.
Third, the North hoped to train key
soldiers for later battles.


The Battle of Antietam

September 17, 1862 remains to be the bloodiest day in

American history.
Lee hoped to gain foreign support by securing a victory at
Antietam, and to sway the border states into supporting the
Two Union soldiers found Lee's battle plans, giving them a
clear advantage going into the battle.
McCle$an was sti$ overly cautious and since much more had
been expected of him, he was removed "om his post.
The turning point of the war was Antietam, because Lincoln
sent out the emancipation proclamation a%er the battle.


Failure of Cotton Diplomacy

Britain had an excess of cotton stored
up going into the Civil War, thus they
did not need much "om other sources.
Because the Confederates failed at
Antietam, Britain realized donating
their resources would be a waste.
The Emancipation Proclamation
deterred Britain "om helping the
South because of Lincoln's strength at
the time.


The Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln wanted to secure the support of the border states
before he ocia$y decided to end slavery.
The proclamation spoke about the states in rebe$ion and
foreshadowed the ultimate doom of slavery.
Because the states in rebe$ion had formed their own
government, Lincoln could only emancipate the slaves in
the border states.


But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can

not consecrate -- we can not ha$ow -- this ground.
The brave men, living and dead, who stru'led
here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power
to add or detract. The world wi$ little note, nor
long remember what we say here, but it can never
forget what they did here.
Abraham Lincoln, 1863

The Battle of Gettysburg

Lee chose to invade the North again because he had just
won a major battle, and was sti$ trying to attain foreign
The Confederates' loss at Gettysburg happened due to the
failure of a General Pickett's ambitious charge, and is a
turning point in the war because "om Gettysburg on, the
South was fighting a losing battle.


The Siege of Vicksburg

The victory at Vicksburg
was important to the Union
eort because it occurred
the day a%er the Union
victory at Gettysburg.


This was a turning point

because the Northerners
fina$y took control of the
Mississippi River.

Sherman's March
General Sherman burned cities and destroyed supplies
headed for the Confederate army.
His idea of "total war" took a to$ on the Southerners
because he waged war on their homes and burned their
cities to the ground.
Sherman's tactics today would be horrific and brutal.


Surrender at Appomattox
President Jeerson did not want to
admit the defeat of the
Lincoln insisted that the Southern
soldiers be sent home and treated
with respect.
General Grant treated General Lee
with the utmost respect, but
demanded unconditional surrender.


Important Statistics
625,000 men died "om fighting, and 2/3 of the men died "om disease,
not in battle.
1/3 of the soldiers in the Union army were immigrants and nearly
1/10 were A"ican American.
Generals were 50% more likely to die than privates.
More men died in the Civil War than in any other American conflict.
More men died in the Civil War than in World Wars I and II, Korea
and Vietnam combined.


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