Social Studies Lesson Plan

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COE Lesson Plan

Lesson Teacher: Alisa Rau

Date: /1/

Lesson Grade Level: 5

Timeframe: 10:00 to 10:45

Content Area:

Grouping Strategy:

Preparing for Lesson Development

1. What does your pre-assessment observation indicate about your
students needs and current performance and educational needs?
Students know that the United States uses a Democracy as their government
structure, but they are not fully aware of how a democracy works.

2. How will you design the lesson to meet the needs of all learners in
your classroom? This lesson will require students to work in groups of 4-5.
Each member of the group will have a job that is suited to their needs and
abilities. Higher level students will take on the roles of presenter or note
taker, and lower level students will take the roles of timer or noise control.
This will ensure that each student has an important job and each person is
Lesson Plan Development
Lesson Title: How a Democracy Works
Common Core and/or State Standard: Content Standard 2Students analyze how
people create and change structures of power, authority, and governance to understand the
operation of government and to demon- strate civic responsibility.

Lesson Objective: The learner will

demonstrate an understanding of the
democratic process by debating and
voting on laws.
Lesson Objective:

Assessment of Learning: Students will

engage in an active debate withing groups, then
vote on the issues as a whole class.

Assessment of Learning:

Based on the lesson objectives, select an appropriate teaching model

Indian Education For All (IEFA) No Yes. If yes, please describe

Lesson Procedures/Activities
Students will begin with a quick review of what a
Social Studies book
Democracy is, then we discuss the process of voting. that includes
section on

Random name draw

will be used for
asking questions
during review.

We will discuss the class rules, and the general

Class rules.

feeling toward them. I will then choose five of the

rules, write each one down, and distribute them to
five different spots throughout the room.
I will break students up into pre-determined groups paper and pencil at constant
of 4-5. Each group will move to one of the rules.
each station and
supervision of
They will then chose their role in the group. There
groups. Walk
will be 4-5 roles in the group: presenter-presents the
around and check in
decisions of the group, timer-makes sure each group
on each group.
member gets an even amount of speaking time at
each station, note taker- records the discussions of
the group, noise controller- makes sure the group
doesnt get too loud, and leader(optional)- reviews
the discussion and makes the final decision for the
Each group will get 7 minutes at each station to

walk the room.

discuss what they like about each rule, what they
don't like, and how they would change it. They will
then decide if they want to keep the rule, get rid of
it, or change it to make it fit better.
Once each group has visited each station and made

a decision, we will come back together as a group to

discuss the decisions.
The presenter from each group will present the

decision for each rule, I will write each decision or

revision on the board.
We will do a quick debate to build up a strong

decision in each student for each rule, then we will

vote for each rule, whether it be to keep it the same,
change it, or get rid of it.
The studets will use "clickers" to cast their vote for

the choices given.

Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness/Student Learning: The students were able to
learn the process in which laws are made and revised, as well as the process of voting on
laws. The use of small groups and jobs kept all students actively engaged, which helped with
student understanding.

Reflection and Recommendations for Next Time: Next time I would provide a bit
more time for discussion in the stations.
Attachments, if required.

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