Lesson Plan Dynamic Social Studies Model sp20191

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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Social Studies/ DSSM rev.2019
Student: Lexie Schuman School: Park Elementary
IWU Supervisor: Dr. Gloria Earl Co-op Teacher: Ms. Susie Klee
Teaching Date: April 3rd at 8:45 AM Grade Level: 5th grade

As we develop students into productive citizens, they must also develop a knowledge of money management. This lesson begins equipping
students with the ability to prioritize expenses to meet the needs of their family unit in a collaborative manner.

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal: Students will prioritize components of a personal budget.
B. Objective: Through a simulation, students will prioritize components of a personal budget such as savings, utilities, and groceries.
C. Standards:
a. NCSS: Production, Distribution, and Consumption
b. IAS: 5.4.9 Explain the purpose and components of a personal budget and compare factors that influence household
saving and spending decisions in early United States history and today.

II. Management Plan

a. Materials:
- Sand
- Stones
- Ping Pong Balls
- Mason Jars
- Budget worksheet
- Family Income Cards
- Life Happens Cards
- Budget assessment
- Google Slides

b. Time: 45 minutes
c. Space: Classroom
- Students will work in “family units” at desks and/or small group tables.
d. Behavior
- Students will be expected to follow the rules and procedures of Park Elementary, specifically Ms. Klee’s classroom. In
addition, DoJo points or Eagle bucks will be employed for behavior.
- Students should collaboratively work to complete their budget efficiently and quietly. This is evident through
respectful listening, good time management, and appropriate discussion.

e. Technology

- Smartboard/Project (for PowerPoint)

- PowerPoint Presentation

f. Grouping (for “Family Units”)

o Group A - Tripp, Braxton, Breanna, Zach
o Group B - Jessie, Corbin, Luke, Heaven
o Group C - Chloe, Eli, Brooklyn, Karson
o Group D - Chevelle, Will, Cailee, Alex, Savannah =
o Group A - Brock, Brooklyn, Kaitley, Kyle
o Group B - Mason, Broenn, Lilly, Liz, Brayson
o Group C - Alexis, Jacob, Blayd, Ava, Lila
o Group D - Cayleigh, Maya, Leo, Eli
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies/ DSSM rev.2019
o Group A - Osie, Lindaly, Braden, Kalee
o Group B - JeSavorh, Kiera, Peyton, Savannah
o Group C - Patricia, Brynn, Eleazin, Sophia
o Group D - Rosin, Emma, Laila, Skyler, Ava
III. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners—
a. The following chart is based on Ms. Klee’s adaptions following students’ personality traits, ESL, 504’s or IEP’s.
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
- Students BB, WE, and CW will need - Student BH will need content read - Students LA (English as a Second
content read aloud to them by aloud by a classmate or a teacher/aid. Language) and DE will need content
classmate or a teacher/aid. - Students JS and BT will need read aloud to them by classmate or a
- Students BB and CW will have redirection and reminders to stay on teacher/aid.
modified lessons (drawing rather than task during assignment and - Student De will have modified lessons
writing). instructions. (drawing rather than writing).
- Students KS, AS, and EW may need - Student SH will be pulled at 2-2:15 and
redirection and reminders to stay on 2:30-3 for a break/independent work
task during assignment and with an adult.
instructions. -Student LH will be allowed breaks to
- Students AS and CW will be allowed provide a time for student to refocus.
breaks to provide a time for students -Student RW will need redirection and
to refocus. reminders to stay on task during
assignment and instructions.

b. Early Finishers:
▪ For groups who finish early, they will be asked to brainstorm a list of things/events/places that they wish to
have/see/visit with the understanding that a budget does not always accommodate our wants.
c. Reteaching:
▪ Reteaching in whole group will occur through the process of “Give me Five’s.” In this way, I obtain the students’ attention
and revisit a topic of confusion or elaborate on a part of the lesson quickly before students return to working in their
▪ Reteaching in a small group will occur based on the individual group’s needs. The needs will be determined based on the
check for understandings and questions students ask throughout the lesson.


IV. Anticipatory Set
• “Class, I have two mason jars. I have two one-cups of sand, two once-cups of stones, and two sets of 10 ping pong balls.”
• “In this first jar, I will put the contents in the jar from smallest to biggest.” Place sand, then stones, then ping pong balls in the mason
• “Wow, not everything fit! Will all the items fit if I put them in the jar in a different order?” Gauge students’ responses.
• “This time I will put the items in from largest to smallest.” Place ping pong balls, then stones, then sand in the mason jar.
• “Whoa! Everything fit this time. Turn to your shoulder partner and talk about why the second order worked better than the first.”
Allow students sixty seconds to discuss.

V. Purpose: Today we will be learning about personal budgets. Much like these mason jars, a personal budget must prioritize expenses for
money to last.

VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

• “Look at those in your table group. These will be considered your “family unit” today. The goal for your family will be to create a
budget that accounts for the expenses that you may encounter during a pay period.”
• “First, why is creating a personal budget important?” Allow 2-3 students to share.
• ” I have an envelope with cards. On the card is the amount of money your family unit makes along with a few other details.” Walk to
each group and have a member pull out an income card. “Write your income on the top line of your budget.”
• “In the United States, we pay both state and federal taxes. This will be the first item deducted (or taken away) from your income.
Just like in the mason jar activity, when we accounted for the big items first, things fit better together.” Change to the taxes slide.
• “This slide explains how we will go about figuring out the amount of money we must deduct.” Walk the students through the slide.
Students are finding 20% of the amount on their card. (This may require extra help to solve).
• Using PowerPoint slide, begin defining the “Ping Pong Ball” expenses each family will have. “What are some examples of items we
should prioritize in our budget? Feel free to look down through your list” Allow for 3-5 students to share before providing the list.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies/ DSSM rev.2019
• “On your family card, there is a note about what your family is trying to save for. Try to use that amount in your budget.”
• Continue through Google Slide sharing definitions of “Stone” and “Sand” items and formulas to complete the family budget.
• On the “Sand” slide, encourage students to refer to their family card for items their “family” would prefer in the budget.
• “Life Happens! With these cards, your budget will be put to the test. In some case, we encounter surprise expenses that we didn’t
plan for in our budget. I will walk to each group and deposit a Life Happens Card. Follow the instructions on it.” (CFU)

Check for understanding.

• During the lesson, I will walk around listening to students collaboration to identify if they are able to not only make correct math
calculations but also provide reasoning behind choices they make within their family unit.
• “Can someone explain, why did we start with groceries, housing, and taxes?”
• “Can someone tell me an example of a “stone” item?”
• “We had the life happen cards, what are some other examples of unexpected expenses?”

VIII. Review learning outcomes/ Closure

• “Tell me your thoughts on creating a budget, were you able to do it?” Allow for each group to respond.
• “What were some of the difficulties your family unit faced? Why might that be?” Allow for each group to respond.
• “In your group, share one thing you found interesting from today’s lesson.” Allow sixty seconds.


A. Formative:
a. Given a list of expenses, students will prioritize the components regarding the budget.
B. Summative:
a. At the end of the unit, groups will be given a list of expenses and asked to balance their budget accordingly to meet
the needs of their family unit. This will not take place in this lesson.


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Did the use of ping-pong balls, stones, and sand add to the students’ understanding of prioritizing items in a budget?
8. Were students able to adjust their budget to accommodate for the “Life Happens” cards?
9. When given the formative assessment, were students able to accurately complete the questions?

Student: Lexie Schuman School: Park Elementary

IWU Supervisor: Dr. Gloria Earl Co-op Teacher: Ms. Susie Klee
Teaching Date: April 3rd @ 8:45 am Grade Level: 5th grade
Audit Trail:
- Spoke to Ms. Klee on March 18, 2019 about preferred dates for teaching.
- Spoke to Ms. Slane (SS teacher) on March 18 to identify preferred standards. (She said I was free to choose.)
- Emailed Dr. Earl on March 19 to confirm observation date on April 3rd at 8:45 AM.
- Brainstormed with Dr. Karr on March 20 about potential lesson ideas combining social studies and mathematics.
- Emailed Ms. Klee to convey lesson ideas on March 20.
- Corresponded with Ms. Klee regarding grouping on March 22.
- Spoke with Dr. Karr on March 26 to answer questions.
- Asked a classmate to review lesson plan on March 27.
- Approved by Dr. Karr on April 1st.


Heading Student uses the provided template for Social

Studies content.
Template Student includes all of the information in the
template heading.
Student includes a list of dates and methods
for communicating with cooperating teacher.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies/ DSSM rev.2019
Audit Trail

Rationale Statement of rationale for the learning

experience and environment in this lesson.

Goals The lesson plan contains objectives that

connect goals and standards with lesson
activities and assessments.
Each objective should include the
following: Conditions; Desired learning;
Observable behavior; and Accuracy (as




Management Plan A. Materials:

B. Time:
C. Space:
D. Behavior:
E. Technology: (as appropriate)
Anticipatory Set The anticipatory set is clear and direct and
focuses students’ attention on the lesson.

Purpose The statement of purpose is clearly connected

to the content of the lesson and is presented
in terms that are easily understood by

Plan For Instruction

Adaptation to Instructional opportunities are provided in

Individual Differences this lesson. The opportunities are
and Diverse Learners developmentally appropriate and/or are
adapted to diverse students.

Early Finishers
Exceptional Needs-
Lesson Presentation Candidates demonstrate understandings,
for Social Studies capabilities and practices associated with
the central concepts and tools in Civics,
Economics, Geography, and /or History
within a framework of inquiry.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies/ DSSM rev.2019
Lesson Presentation The candidate’s lesson demonstrates an
understanding of developmentally
appropriate practice.

The candidate’s lesson includes both

modeling and guided practice.

The lesson presentation includes relevant

activities that encourage student
participation and critical thinking.

Check for The lesson plan includes a plan and the means
Understanding to check for student understanding of the
lesson. A provision is included to reteach all
[CFU] or part of the lesson to all or part of the class.

Review Learning Lesson closure relates directly to the lesson

Outcomes and/ or purpose and/or objective.

Plan for
Competent 3

Formal and Informal A plan for formal and informal assessment [

Assessment mainly formative]throughout the lesson is
included. The assessment strategies are
uniquely designed for the students.

Reflection and Post- The lesson plan includes all required self-
Lesson Analysis answer questions.

A lesson plan with elements that do to meet the A competent lesson plan earns a score of An outstanding lesson plan earns a
competent level will receive a score of 33 /40 or lower 34-37/40. score of 38/40-40/40

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