Quick Car Setup Guide Williams Toyota FW31

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The document discusses the aerodynamics, chassis, dampers, engine/drivetrain, and tires of the Williams-Toyota FW31 race car.

The three downforce trim levels are low, medium, and high downforce.

The heave rate spring adds additional wheel rate stiffness in vertical motion to help control the chassis platform and keep consistent aerodynamic performance.



Williams-Toyota FW31
Quick Car Setup Guide

In this guide we will briefly explain a number of key setup parameters which
are distinct to the FW31 and which are new to iRacing vehicles. We hope
this introduction will enable members to familiarize themselves with these
features and hit the track quickly, rather than being overwhelmed by a
number of new and unknown variables.

Dampers and Inerters
Engine and Drivetrain

As the Williams-Toyota FW31 and other modern grand prix cars are very
much influenced by aerodynamics, we have decided to offer three
downforce trim levels to choose from: low, medium and high. The speed of
the track should determine which trim level to select. Typically, extremely
fast tracks such as Spa or Road America may be best suited to low
downforce trim, slower more technical tracks such as Zandvoort or Laguna
Seca might require high downforce trim to be fastest.
The simplest way to adjust aerodynamic balance is by using the front flap
angle and/or rear wing wicker adjustments. To increase oversteer or
decrease understeer, increase front flap angle and/or decrease rear wing
wicker (vice versa to decrease oversteer or increase understeer). The flap
adjuster dial that is visible on the steering wheel, and in the Aerodynamics
section of the garage, controls an electric motor which drives additional
front flap adjustment. You can set it in the garage or while during a pit stop
only. The flap adjuster dial has limited movement so it is necessary to have
set an appropriate base front flap angle.
The included aero calculator will allow you to visualize aerodynamic
balance shifts while experimenting with ride heights and front and rear wing
While working with the aerodynamics of the car, keep in mind that drag also
increases as downforce is increased. The downforce to drag ratio in the aero
calculator will provide detail on how much drag will change as the result of
increasing or decreasing downforce.

For the most part, the FW31 is similar to most other single-seat racecars, but
it does have a number of unique performance features.
Typical for most
racecars, the front
suspension includes
conventional front
corner springs (torsion
bars as apposed to coil
springs), and an anti-roll
bar. However, the
FW31 also includes a
third spring, which we
call a heave rate spring.
This heave spring adds
additional wheel rate
stiffness in vertical
heave or bounce motion
only. Its primary function is to help control the chassis platform in order to
keep consistent aerodynamic performance. High heave rate settings will
result in less ride height change while the car rides over bumps and while
downforce increases as vehicle speed go up versus softer heave rate settings.
The key in adjusting this component is finding the appropriate amount of
stiffness to help aide the aerodynamics while maintaining an adequate
amount of front mechanical grip. At faster tracks the best compromise
might be to use a very stiff heave rate and give up some mechanical grip in
exchange for better aerodynamics control, whereas at much slower tracks
where raw tire grip would take precedence, perhaps less heave rate would be
required. The correct way to set the front heave spring is to choose the rate
and adjust its perch offset until the spring is just slightly preloaded while the
car has no fuel. This will ensure that, as fuel weight burns off, the heave
spring will always be carrying vehicle load rather than 'floating' off of its
perch, thus forcing the corner springs to do extra work to hold up the front of
the car.

For the rear suspension no conventional corner springs are used at all. All of
the lateral, or roll motion, is controlled by an anti-roll bar. The rear also
uses a heave rate spring just as the front suspension does. While it doesnt
share vehicle load with any corner springs, unlike in the front, there need not
be any concern with how much preload it requires. Set the rate and perch
offset to the desired stiffness and height and go!
You will notice on the General tab a few new parameters which are new to
cars in iRacing.
First, the ballast, although available in a number of our advanced oval cars,
is new to our road racing cars. Ballast placement, and correspondingly
calculated nose weight percentage, allows members to shift weight forwards
and back to affect static front and rear corner weights and consequently
mechanical balance in corners. More forward weight percentage will reduce
oversteer/ increase understeer during cornering events. However, it may
reduce the amount of acceleration traction available powering out of a
corner. More rearward percentage will do just the opposite.
For this vehicle we have made available three brake pressure settings in
order for drivers to reduce or increase braking force to their preference.
These settings are scaled to downforce trim level, so the recommended
setting aligns with which downforce trim has been selected.
Finally, in addition to brake pressure the FW31 also has an innovative way
of changing front to rear braking bias percentage with pedal travel.
Typically, at higher speeds more front brake bias would be advantageous to
help decelerate the vehicle; however, as speeds decrease the optimal brake
bias may need to be more rearward. Base, peak and begin bias ramping
parameters allow the driver to set the minimum and maximum front brake
bias, and ramping determines where the minimum value will start to ramp up
towards the peak number. Play around with these settings at different race
tracks and see which settings work best for you. While sitting in neutral in
your pit box you can press the brake pedal and the digital readout will
display the forward brake bias as
determined by how much pedal
displacement is currently present.

Dampers and Inerters

As per your average ordinary racecar, the FW31 has dampers for each
corner. Along with them it also has third dampers, or heave dampers, in the
front and the rear as well. These additional shock absorbers, similar to the
additional third springs, only work with vertical heave or bounce motion.
All six dampers are 2-way adjustable, where adjusting compression and
rebound separately is possible.
Other innovative tuning elements featured on the FW31 include front and
rear devices called inerters. These inerters literally add inertial mass to the
un-sprung suspension without actually adding weight to the wheels, thereby
avoiding the pitfalls associated with extra weight. More inertia will reduce
the ride frequency or response time of the suspension just like a heavier
wheel would, and may be beneficial over different types of track surfaces.
In some instances a lot of inerter mass will be beneficial and at other times
no inertial mass will.

Engine and Drivetrain

Another feature of the FW31 that is unique among iRacing cars is the ability
to design differential settings. Members will have the ability to choose
differential locking settings for different segments of the corner. As with
current grand prix race cars, this area has a major influence on the
performance of the racecar. More entry preload, entry and middle
differential locking will increase
understeer or decrease oversteer on entry
and through the middle of corners. On
exit more locking will increase oversteer
or reduce understeer. For entry to middle
sections of a corner, this setting mainly
controls vehicle balance: however on exit
not only does it affect balance, it also
alters the amount of acceleration thrust
generated by both wheels. A compromise
will need to be found which will allow the

most amount of locking to power straight out of a corner without

overwhelming the rear tires and generating too much oversteer during corner
exit. The driver will also have the ability to make micro adjustments to the
differential settings in the garage or via dials in-car (ENT, MID and EXT)
while driving, which will slightly increase or decrease understeer and
oversteer performance of the diff.
Other dials which are also adjustable in the garage as well as in the car while
driving include engine braking (TRQ), engine power (MODE) and throttle
pedal shaping (PED). These dials will alter the performance of the engine to
suit a desired preference. The engine braking dial will change the amount of
off throttle braking the engine produces. Drivers may want to reduce or
increase the amount of engine braking in order to adjust balance on entry.
More engine braking will create less understeer and more oversteer
compared to less engine braking. The engine power dial affects the amount
of power the engine produces as well as the engine speed at which the shift
lights engage in order to save fuel when circumstances warrant. Finally,
throttle pedal shaping allows the driver to select the type of engine
performance as he/she rolls into the throttle pedal coming off a corner.
Setting 1 maps the throttle-to-engine torque just like a typical engine that
uses a butterfly throttle plate. Setting 4 uses a direct throttle position to
engine torque output relationship. The two settings in between blend the
butterfly model and the direct linear torque model together. This setting is
completely dependent on driver preference. At race tracks with low grip and
slow speeds, where exit performance is critical for fast lap times, you may
want to use the more conventional butterfly shape throttle curve in order to
control the power application. Conversely, drivers might want the brute
force torque from the linear torque pedal for faster tracks, where feathering
the throttle off the corner is less important.

A quick note about the optimum tire settings for the FW31 on road circuits:
Peak lateral grip should be in 17-20 psi hot range for both front and rear
tires. Optimal longitudinal drive and braking grip will likely be in the lower
end of the peak lateral range or possibly a little less. Peak grip will be
maintained in and around 200 F in average temperature, with some
temperature spread from inside to outside of the tire being reasonable. Best
camber angles to use are anywhere from -2.5 to -4 degrees in the front to 0.5 to -1.5 degrees in the rear.

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